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Months and maybe years had pass since Petra cared what some clans were doing. One time she care and out a Sith among the Nightsisters. She used it to move her up. Got enough of reputation going, there was talk of wanting her as their leader. Things changed to quickly for the woman who was still...
Corporation Name: Streghe Arx
Headquarters: Dathomir
Locations: Dathomir
Operations: Farmers Market and Rancor Breeding
Rationale: Created the business to assist in financing the technological advancement of Dathomirian citizens.
Owner: [member=Celestine deWinter]
Tier: One
Taking a...
Deep within the Outer Rim Territories lies a planet that had remained hidden for so long. Dathomir is a planet with a long and rich history, dating back to at least 100,000 BBY. Now, in an era following the Gulag Virus, as the rest of the galaxy spreads its dominions, the Witches of Dathomir...
Hello everyone. I am the newest addition to the Witches of Dathomir. Been wanting to write one for a long time now just haven't had a spark of deep interest until now.
It had been a long while, far too long in fact, since he'd done one of his more enjoyable hobbies; using Sith Alchemy on living creatures. Of course, this hobby required specimens in good condition. It was with that in mind that a shuttle modified to transport a single rancor, perhaps...
Okay guys, you've all seen the new subforum by now probably. WoD needs to be there as well.
Now, what I have in mind is this:
a) general description of the faction
:cool: Allyan Witches and their clans
:cool: Nightsisters and their clans
c) faction video ad
If you wish to help with any...
Paecean was the language of the Paecian Empire as well as that of the Witches of Dathomir. Although one language, the various clans are known to have distinct differences. The following list puts together a large number of the words that are still today known on Dathomir. Due to the extensive...
Yes, I'm focusing my charrie and time on the witches. We'll see if I get the rank transfer or not.
*stretches* So... I'm Petra, I'm the licking ebil (yes ebil) person that twisted some people into being witch lovers ;) :)
Maiara and Viho
NAME: Viho Hawk
FACTION: Witches of Dathomir
SPECIES: Dathomirian Human
AGE: 140
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 174 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Sandy Brown/Blonde
SKIN: White
It was one those lovely days, that gave an appearance out an illusion that nothing could possibly go wrong. Satara of course knew better, as she lead the young Initiates into unmarked territory, accompanied by her rancor Nadie, their herd mother. More so than not the young Witches trained on...
Okay! Since the weekend is ending, it would be time to plot and start a faction thread. Now, I'll come up with some ideas by tomorrow but until there, check out Dathomir's page. There are many Points of Interest and locations we could easily use. Perhaps a run in. Our two Nightsisters could move...
Singing Mountain Clan
-- Clan Mother: Satara Hawk
Situated around and within the Singing Mountain, the clan has a long history on the planet. Known history tells of of the respected clan mother Augwynne Djo and former member Gethzerion, the first Nightsister. They are said to be bitter rivals...
Hello, everyone!
Question first! It is to my understanding that neutral factions are allowed, allowing both lightside and darksiders as such? Yes, no? Why do we ask? Because in its canon EU essence, Witches of Dathomir have always been a galaxy in small, primarily happening on one planet, where...