Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. F

    The Reliquary

    THE RELIQUARY OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand upon the Reliquary mentioned in a previous submission. Image Credit: Six Petal Rosette (x) Clipart Library (x) colors and edits by me. Canon: N/A Links: Wicca, CAOS, Paizo - Witch GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name...
  2. Minerva Vessia

    Approved Tech  Mandragora Spellweaver Armor

    Mandragora Spellweaver Armor Intent: To give the female Mandragora armor they can wear into battle. Image Source: Canon Link: Force Imbued Item Primary Source: NA Manufacturer: CIS, The Blushing Boots , Minerva Vessia Affiliation: CIS, Female members of the...
  3. Kasca Fen

    Lost, Unbound, a Purpose Found - Mandragora

    Soundtrack Why did it always seem cold when traveling in space? Such a silly question in such an intellectual mind, but it persisted nonetheless, pestering her as she woke up and put on a bulky black cropped sweater over her navy jumpsuit. Kasca Fen had been traveling for the better part of...
  4. Petra Cavataio

    Old Ways Meeting New Ways

    Oh, how nice Leritor was for Petra and her witches. The ones with her right now we're working with magic to build their stronghold. For Petra, she was relaxing. It was a busy morning with making the main chamber. The massive multi-level kilometers vast space. It was little draining as her magic...
  5. Petra Cavataio

    Family: Ties to the Vessia

    After dealing with a witch that she viewed missed informed, Petra went back to her home in Morte Mountains. There was no need to focus on what transpired. Everything was out of her system, and old Petra was in full swing now. The voice was there. It was just her without the other. One voice, one...
  6. La'Ca Cavataio

    Lauda'Caelum (La'Ca) Cavataio

    "We all have voices telling us what to do, and I always do what mine say cause Mistress is always right." Lauda'Caelum Cavataio Aliases: La'Ca, and La La Former Aliases: Dharma DeCuir Alffiliates: - Cultum Viventium Dea - Witches of Dathomir, The Morte Clan - Mandragora - The Confederacy of...
  7. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Legends foretold of Dust or Gold | Mandragora, CIS

    It is time, It is time,, It is time. They had all conveyed the single unified message, one after the other as they had summoned the one they had chosen to a single spot for to come, only a single short sentence conveying the message. Time had come. Katrine Van-Derveld Hawk had been born on a...
  8. 4ND-R0

    The "Grand Coven" (name still WIP), Dathomiri faction - Interest Check

    Greetings, all. So this idea has been in the back of my mind ever sense a certain empire of certain bucketheads began to commit genocide on Dathomir. The gist of this idea is a bunch of holdouts that survive for any number of reasons, mostly being off-world when it occurred. Through these...
  9. Gilamar Skirata

    Needle in a Hay Stack

    Gil's ship dropped out of hyperspace over Dathomir. The small crew of the Tu5k-class corvette was exhausted after their escape from Mandalorian space. Despite not having captured MandalMotors' orbital shipyards yet and without any huge holdings in orbit, Ra's hold on the planet was absolute...
  10. V

    Luna A pale moon rose over a forest far away from any population on Dantooine. Whispers stirred beneath the trees and flowing water as a spear of opaque smoke ran through lavender clouds. The smoke gathered on a bridge crowning the base of a large...
  11. RC 212

    Alternative Lessons: Into the Jungles(Visiting the Witches of Dathomir)

    Dathomir: Dathomir. It was a place of legends to Karren, never before seen. After a lengthy read in the Jedi Library network she'd come across a wealth of information concerning the planet and its Nightsister denizens. The two sects, the Allyan Witches and the Nightsisters had been locked in...
  12. Darth Vulcanus

    Behold the Black Sabath [Nightsisters of Dathomir, Open]

    The black waters were writhing this night. Across all of Dathomir's withered surface, the rivers beat against the rocks and flowed upon the land; washing away careless children and drowning the grown in their sleep. This was the pulse of the mother world returning, it's energy rising through...
  13. Darth Abyss

    The Tainted Chorus Ad

    Overview: "The darkness has many faces, more than most in the galaxy are aware of." The Tainted Chorus is place that welcomes all those souls that either found the darkness or are lost in it. Witches, Dark Jedi or Sith, in the darkness they are all equal, all brothers and sisters. Born as an...
  14. Darth Abyss

    Approved Location  The Abyss Academy

    Outside: Entrance Hall: Acolyte Rooms Library Lab Armory Name: The Abyss Academy Image Source: Classification: Dark side Academy Location: Malachor V, Near the remains of the Trayus Academy Affiliation: Darth Abyss Description: The Abyss Academy is a place for Darksiders of all...
  15. Judge Cornelius Cromwell

    RP with a Zealot that burns people at the stake!?

    Who wants to rp with an overly religious Zealot Judge who burns Jedi, Sith, and Witches or anyone he suspects of being one at the stake!?!?
  16. Ket Van-Derveld

    Have Lightsaber, Will Travel. ( ALL Factions )

    (( a bit o' music for our scene? )) Tatooine The desert rock which this entire Galaxy seemed to revolve around. Hate it, love it, avoid it, frequent it, everyone knew the truth of the matter. Tatooine was the place where Empires had fallen, great Jedi had gotten their start, where great...
  17. Satara Hawk

    Government of Dathomir

    Dathomir is an oligarchy, meaning few rule. Primary, ancient leadership structure is that of Clan leaders that govern any of the existing clans of Dathomir. With their ancient existence, a Council of Clan leaders has been formed to serve as government on the planet of Dathomir. Each clan leader...
  18. Satara Hawk

    Force Order of Dathomir

    Witches of Dathomir are the official Force Order within the Mandalorian space. All Force Sensitive Mandalorians wishing to learn this path are welcome to do so on Dathomir. In order to understand what the Witches of Dathomir are, one simply has to imagine the galaxy in a far smaller scale, in...
  19. Satara Hawk

    Laws of Dathomir

    Before you is a complete list of all relevant things any Witch or Jai should familiarize themselves with. This list is created for easier find and use of the information provided in this forum. Book of Dathomir The sacred book of all Witches and Jai, kept in a place known primarily to clan...
  20. Curupira Hawk

    There's Magic Everywhere (Gheleon)

    The redhead exited her ship, giving a look around the small space around her. Gnarls was resting not too far from the ship, and somewhere in the trees she caught sight of a lock of purple hair from a napping teenager. How the girl managed to rest on a branch like she was some sort of monkey...
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