Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Satara Hawk

    Member List

    Initiate Ailyn Cyar'ika - Morte Clan Aston Jacobs - Singing Mountain Clan Cennika Hawk - Singing Mountain Clan EnIece Cavataio - Nightsisters Pai Ling - Clanless Rain - Yawning Hell Clan Samara Raine - Misty Falls Clan Scarlett Ghost - Nightsisters Spellweaver Alexis Ravensclaw - Clanless...
  2. Satara Hawk

    Lets talk!

    Hi, everyone! I know some of you have noticed my return with my writer account these last few days. To be honest, I'm trying to take it easy and not overload myself right off the bat, especially with my final paper work in progress I'm trying to do asap. But WoD is my little baby and can't help...
  3. Curupira Hawk

    The Crow no longer Sings to Me (Isley Verd)

    It takes a village to raise a child, Curupira once heard. And she laughed so hard, her tummy hurt afterwards. A village tried to raise her once. And then people died and she was taken away. A slave first, a Draclau second, a Jedi third, a Sith and Van-Derveld forth. She'd played the parts to...
  4. A

    Half A Heart

    [member="Isley Verd"] Blood. Some said that it was the greatest bond in the galaxy, that above all and everything else, blood beget loyalty. Aellin would have argued with that, in fact, he would have spat in the man that claimed it was so. To him blood meant less than water, less than piss...
  5. Voices of The Deep

    Lady Sovereigns Disciples

    Alright so, with Queen Sovereign progressing ever so steadily into the future with her new faction and all. I figured it was about time she got herself a small group of devoted apprentices. I plan on only taking four at a time, 2 males and 2 females. One of the male slots is already taken by...
  6. Voices of The Deep

    Witches of Dathomir - Book of Shadows

    "Winter Sovereign Bows To No One" A chase after non existing dreams and hopes, the dream of fortune and fame to all be in your hand and control. It was a dangerous search and hunt, a dangerous world you would enter and chase your entire life to never find. Die unhappy, unpleased and...
  7. Muad Dib

    A Hunting We Will Go

    Dathomir He crouched in the meadow, long strands of tan grass masking his silhouette. His tan tunic and brown pants helped him blend into the surroundings save for the glowing blue orbs peering out. Several meters to his right Tracyn, the man's companion tuk'ata, watched with blue eyes as well...
  8. Bee

    Calling All Witches

    It was midnight on Dagobah, peaceful, with nothing but the very sound of life itself to disturb the silence. The entire swamp was alive tonight. Croaks, snarls, howls, and the gentle breeze to rustle the branches overhead. A thick fog obscured the forest, broken only by the persistence of the...
  9. Petra Cavataio

    Maybe This Will Be Easy (Kytarra Hawk)

    [member="Kytarra Hawk"] Petra had the busy bees doing different things. It was mostly to keep the Nightsisters and the under clans busy. For her, there was a cross roads she came up to. What she had planned had to get all the witches or else it would flop. If it did not flop and worked without...
  10. Petra Cavataio

    Member List

    Initiate Ailyn Cyar'ika - Morte Clan Cennika Hawk - Singing Mountain Clan Pai Ling - Clanless Rain - Yawning Hell Clan Spellweaver Alexis Ravensclaw - Clanless Kytarra Hawk - Singing Mountain Clan (Allyan Clans' Leader) Lavania - Nightsisters Elder Isley Verd - Morte Clan Petra Cavataio -...
  11. Satara Hawk

    Member List

    Initiate Anastasia Rade (Singing Mountain Clan) Kadesh Tiamat (Dreamer River Clan) Kathos (Nightbrothers) Minerva Vessia (Morte Clan) Pain Ling (Clanless) Samuel Malkloc (Singing Mountain Clan) Talia Mark (Nightsisters Overclan) Spellweaver Elayne Hawk (Singing Mountain Clan) Inara Ka (Bright...
  12. Satara Hawk

    Monthly Check In

    It's that time of the month again, my dear Witches. Please be sure to check yourselves in with the Mandalorians (alternatively, additional major factions are available in the forum if you're a member of others).
  13. Satara Hawk

    Season of the Witch {IC leadership thread}

    ~ Season of the Witch ~ Guys, the thread is up. This is the thread where the clans will gather, the council will share their idea, nominations will be made and votes will be cast for our leaders. We're not going to cover every inch of the plot with posts, I need [member="Kytarra Hawk"] and...
  14. Satara Hawk

    Season of the Witch {Witches of Dathomir} [Completed]

    One meeting had been a bust. The clans, so seemingly willing to understand the need to truly unify, simply had too much baggage behind them to really give into what they should have known by now to be right. One leader to represent them, whether light or dark, was not possible for the Witches...
  15. Satara Hawk

    Skype group

    Those that don't already know, WoD has its own skype group. If you'd like to be added to it, please post your skype information in this thread or PM me said information.
  16. Satara Hawk

    IC Leadership: Voting

    Candidates have come forward, the thread was up for sixteen days. Now I'll need you to vote. Please post two names in your post, one of light and another of dark alignment. Candidates: Light orientation: [member="Kytarra Hawk"] or [member="Elayne Hawk"] Dark orientation: [member="Lauda...
  17. Satara Hawk

    Signature tags!

    In light of WoD being a minor faction and losing its faction tag beneath the avatar, I've made a few rank tags we can use in the signature. You don't have to use them of course but if you want to, here's what I have so far. If you want your own clan specific or something else, let me know...
  18. Satara Hawk

    New IC leadership structure

    In light of previous experience with this subject, I've decided it's best of we hash everything out OOC following which we'll have an IC thread about it, depending on how we decide to go about it. Why? Because threads sometimes die, people leave, etc. and we can never quite finish what we...
  19. Satara Hawk

    News on Faction Leadership

    Firstly, I know I'm terrible. After the initial spike of only Satara's muse once I was able to write again, she somehow just vanished on me. I'm still trying to find her. Hopefully, something can be done. Those waiting for a reply from me, hopefully I'll be able to get to it soon. Second bit of...
  20. Petra Cavataio

    Rebirth of Dathomir: Part One (WoD)

    There had been issues from the time Petra went to handle her own recovery. The Mandalorians came and the Clan Mothers made a deal with them. Then it seemed like Dathomir fell apart. That was not fine with Petra. She decided to not interfere with witches that were working to lead the clans. Out...
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