Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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“You know, that little droid is going to cause me a lot of trouble.” [Protectorate Dominion of Kris

Objective 2
When Drazav started firing, he didn't stop, only pause so not to let his weapon overheat, which tore through a few of the nearby stunned people, there were other shots being fired as well, now moving due to the tanks attempting to get a bead on them "Destroy the tanks," he while grabbing one of the nearby pirates and throwing him further away "The troops are dead now" he then turned to a tank, it wasn't aiming at him but he knew what he was going to do, and it was awfully cliché, he slowly ran towards it before using his thrusters to get him on top of it with a loud Clang. He opened the top hatch only to be shot in his left shoulder, Drazav made a very deep horn like noise to express his anger, before leaning back over and firing into that tank, killing the pirate that shot him a moment ago, he then leaned down the hole before locating the driver, killing him in a moment, along with the controls of the tank. He leaned out to find another tank aiming at the one he was on "Kark." he jumped just as the tank fired.

Objective two
Factory district
Autobots, Roll out!!

[member="Zero"] [member="Drazav"] @HK-36 [member="Miles Varden"] @T28-5 "Deimos" [member="Noah Corek"]

Aeron wasted no time, her hand extending out to catch her disc-blade as it sang through the air, coming back to her with an expert pull of the Force.

Her eyes went narrowing in determination as she took the secondary entrance, her hand securing the disc-blade at her waist while extending her palm out to reach for fallen debris. Weapons of opportunity.

There were indeed men in the next building, which with a grunt and a sudden flick of her arms forward shot tendrils of telekinetic power to send the debris she'd picked up with her mind. Chunks of building and rocks went flying forward at quickened speeds, a volley of battering to prevent any return fire.
Objective Two,
Providing Artillery Support, Flanking Maneuver Through The City
@HK-36 [member="Drazav"]

Something to her left drew "Mira's" attention, and within seconds a volley of fire from a pirate shot towards the woman in full armor. In an instant she ducked and rolled, forward, calling out through her headset comm "CONTACT LEFT!"

At the end of her barrel roll she came popping back up, drawing a hand blaster from her thigh holster to send a few pot shots as she scrambled for cover along a wall of the nearest building.

Kicking open the door was not the hard part. Neither was the lifting of the pistol and firing on the people inside. I rushed in. Well if you could call it that. More like I was walking fast while firing my blaster pistol's ammo till it was out, and thats when I could use my blade. I lashed out at one. Silting his throat with the tip of my blade. before he fell, I drew a Vibrodagger from his belt and threw it to the wall behind the men. Hitting cords that held up a chandelier it fell down as the men were drawing their guns on me. Smashing them to the ground. Each came with a sickening crunch and the breaking of plasteel guns.

It was during that time that I could hear the whistle of my own blade cut just past a man's armor through his chest and gave him a mortal wound that killed him. As well as the singing note of the disc blade that [member="Aeron Kreelan"] used. Looks like I would have to maybe get one from her later. it may bee good to have one of those weapons in my arsenal. Pulling out a spare dagger from my own gear, I threw it to slam home in through a man's hand and into his neck. Using blades all my life it was fairly easy to throw them with accuracy. But with the right amount of strength to pierce a man's hand and into a mans adam's apple. That took some real skill.

Hearing a click behind me I fell to my knees. And at the very last second a blaster bolt flew over the dome of my helmet and slapped into the floor. With speed that was practiced over and over for years on end. I gripped a dagger from my belt turned and threw it to be ingested by the man's navel all in one smooth move. he clutched his stomach dropping his weapon as I walked over. he almost made a shot on me. and to make my point that I was not happy about it. I swung my blade with two hands to cleave his head away from his neck. Should anybody else see me do this. it may have looked to take alot of strength and speed to produce such a feat with a blade. Really it was just a flick of interchanging wrists increasing the momentum of my blade. katanas were great for that. Causing cuts and slashes many times greater than a normal one handed sword.

As I was done I turned to look at the woman. Nodding to her that we were done here. I had already lost my cool and if we didn't kill all of them in the room now. They would all be killed by me if we didn't leave soon.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Zero Drazav [member="HK-36"] Miles Varden @T28-5 "Deimos" Noah Corek
Objective Two,Middle Flank Moving Through the City
Noah had to admit,from twenty stories up you could almost forget that there was a battle raging for the city,key word in that sentence being 'almost'. Now Noah sat on top of a apartment building,looking through the scope of his Custom OPSR-1 Scope with its 4x zoom scope with the 3x magnifier,magnifying the scope to 12x zoom. The thing he was looking at was the plaza in front of the cities government building,which now instead of being full of families,vendors and the occasional performer,it was now full of E-Web emplacements,entrenched R-10 Reliant-class Medium Tanks,entrenched Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks and three entrenched infantry companies,which judging by their armor,one company was former Imperial Commandos and the other two were former normal Imperial Infantry. "This is Corek to all forces,I currently have a line of sight on the main objective,and let me tell you,its a fething hornets nest down there people. Twelve E-Web emplacements,Eight entrenched medium tanks,Three entrenched Heavy Tanks,a company of Ex-Imp Commandos and two companies of Ex-Imp infantry. I'm calling in for two Paladin-class Heavy Assaut Tanks for each of detachment of forces we have,hopefully that will even the odds."
A continuous stream of fire shot from the forward window in the grand hall of the capital building. A stormtrooper would be seen thrown clear from the window and smashed into a barrier near the bottom of the building. More fire could be heard throughout the hall of the capital. A massive explosion finalized the ruckuss. Through the explosion flew a heavily armored being, who came thundering to the ground. He leveled a heavy repeater on the guards on the perimeter of the capital and opened fire.

Cries could be heard echoing throughout the city as the men fell to a hail of bolter fire.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Objective Two,
Providing Artillery Support, Flanking Maneuver Through The City

[member="Drazav"], [member="Cira"]
"Drazav! How is your team handling those heavy tanks? It looks like I may have to stop my walker advancement to provide more artillery support, so I need you to keep those tanks off of our artillery column."
The droid would hear the shots and explosions going off of in the alleys nearby as the heavy pirate tanks were trying to shoot down Drazav, hitting each other in turn as Cira kept their infantry busy.
"Do not make me come by there to save your asses."
The droid added as he looked back to the governmental building,

With a gesture he commanded his walkers to halt and with another to turn their Mass Driver barrels towards the building in the distance,
He would sent out a transmission to [member="Noah Corek"],
"Colonel Corek, if you will be able to mark those emplacements with a beacon or smoke marking, I will be able to provide some artillery support, over."

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Cira"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Drazav"]
Objective 2,Apartment Building Rooftop
Noah heard HK over the radio and then reached into his satchel and pulled out a laser designator and gave it to his spotter. "HK,my spotter is going to lase the targets for you. We'll start with the tanks,heavy then medium,then the E-Webs and finally the infantry. While he's doing that I'll use a AMR-1 and provide sniper cover for Mirax and Drazav." Noah told HK as he stood and relocated from his original location and relocated to a spot where he could get a better line of sight of the infantry attacking Mirax and Drazav. When he finally found a spot,he put the rifle down on the edge,on its bipod and sighted up a few targets. The first was probably the most important,a pirate,by the looks of him giving out orders to the others,was probably their equivalent of a officer. Once he adjusted everything and made sure he had take all factors into account,Noah pulled the trigger,the tungsten cored round soared through the air,the 12.7mm rifle round,combined with the armor-piercing round,literally tore the man in half when it hit him dead center. Noah then took out a few more key targets,a E-Web emplacement and its crew,a pirate with a rocket launcher and one with a rotary blaster cannon.
The Admiralty
Objective: Hunting.

The Omega Protectorate, a state that was formed from former mercenaries, smugglers and other.. unsavory entities of the Galaxy. Just my kind of people, I guess. Didn’t make me happy though, to find out that they were trying to take over Kriselist right when I was here doing a job.

Mercenary, it was my job, my life I guess. Would probably fit right in with Omega, but not this day. I have a job to fulfill, and the contract is sacred. Don’t make it a habit, accepting jobs right or left. But when this much cash is involved.. well even animals need dinner once in a while.

Target was a low-ranking Corporate Alliance dignitary. Wasn’t given a reason for his demise, but I rarely get one. Guess is he was trying to blackmail the wrong guy, they usually do.

Mattered little to me. Ashes to ashes, and all that nonsense.

So here I was, crouching on the roof across the skyscraper my target currently resided in.

Sniper rifle was already locked and loaded, just needed the man to appear. Got a clear view of his office, now.. now the wait began.
Objective 2: Exploring

The thunder of battle was a welcome sound for Calico. It meant that he wasn't going to have to think for a few hours. His arrival on the world had been later than most; attributed to his initial hesitation to participate. When it came down to it, he had decided he owed the Protectorate....something. They had helped the Concord, and it felt odd not to participate, even if his team was utterly gone.

For the first time in his violent life, Calico marched into battle without a family member at his side. A brother, a sister, his sons, he'd always gone in with a team. Not this time though. He couldn't drag Sigma Squad into it, as the Clones were too busy grieiving over lost souls from the battle with the Sith. Calico was too, of course, but sitting around and moping about it was bringing about the bad thoughts. Galaar wasn't around to help him cope with them anymore, and prescription drugs just didn't do the trick anymore.

It was this that had brought the Chieftain of Tal'verda to the battlefield in full armor; crimson kama swaying as dust flew up around him kicked up be explosives going off. Warfare was all animal instinct and calculation. The sentiments didn't come around until after the violence had ended. He slapped a fresh clip into his DC-17, and broke into a dead sprint toward the Imperial defenses. He was no one man army, of course, but he was well armed and smart enough to be a bit of a pinprick in their side to assist Corek.

"Hard contact. Two bogeys, committing." He mumbled to himself. No one could hear him, and the words were simple comfort. He was a blur of gray, red, and orange as he darted out from behind a piece of rubble. His vibrosword extended from his gauntlet, and drove through the armor of the nearest soldier with the force of a jackhammer. There was a loud, sickening crack as the blade erupted through his back, and his comrade stood in silent shock. The moment of hesitation saved Calico some grief. He leveled his 'Deece' with the man's midriff, and expelled a burst of azure laserfire into his chest. He went down with a dull thud.

Calico retracted the blade from the dead man's corpse with an unnerving squelch and opened up his comms. "Corek this is Tal'verda. Where do you need me?"

[member="Noah Corek"]
Arriving in-system
On-board the Indomitable

[member="Cira"], [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Calico Tal'Verda"], [member="Caden Cadell"], [member="HK-36"], [member="T28-5 "Deimos""], [member="Zero"], [member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="Drazav"], [member="Miles Varden"]

After several hours of intense fighting in space, things were still a poor fight. The rapid-response fleet from the Protectorate hadn't anticipated such hardened resistance from the pirates. Despite their motley nature, their ships were anything but. They were beginning to regroup and mount an offensive when a ship dropped out of hyperspace. Its profile was unlike any other ship the Protectorate had previously fielded. If there was any question as to what side it was on, it was put to rest when an explosion, barely visible from the planet's surface, came from the front end. For a split-second, one could have wondered if the ship had been struck by something.

In the next heart beat, the tower of a Xo'Xaan exploded in a fiery display that was just as rapidly snuffed by the ravenous void of space. Chunks of durasteel flew every which as the tower seemed to list to one side. An entire half of the ship's tower base had been blown clean off, and had it been deeper in the planet's gravity well, it might very well have come clean off. A moment later, the new Protectorate ship fired again. And this time it -did- blow the tower clean off the ship, leaving it to slowly spin about, uncontrolled without a bridge to direct it.

A moment later and every Protectorate com went off. "All Protectorate forces, this is the Lord Protector. The cavalry has arrived." Two more ships of similar make dropped out from hyperspace, along with a Belsar-class Command Carrier, five Alcori-class Light Star Defenders, and eight Warden-class cruiers. They quickly grouped together and began firing on any ship that did not have any Protectorate IDs on them. "Dropships are planet-bound now. Channels 8, 13, 21, 28, and 47 are open for requests. Let's kick these sons of bitches off this planet and set things right, Omega Style."


Countdown to Victory
In Orbit over Kriselist
Enemy Cruiser


Eighteen pairs of boots thudded heavily through the corridors. Their matte-black painted armor was noisy, but stealth was not their objective. As they ran, McConnell and the other point man took out any target that looked hostile. His OPR-1 belched three green bolts, each one hitting a target center of mass. It wouldn't have been too hard to figure out where they had gone. All one had to do was follow the body trail.

As they came to a T-junction, Leon looked at his arm and pulled up a miniature holographic map of the deck they were on. Unfortunately, the damn thing said that this junction should have continued on as a straight corridor for another thirty meters. "Kriffin' Subach tech...," he muttered to himself and let his arm fall back down. "Alright, split up. Daniels, take the left. The rest of you with me." He naturally assumed that the hitchhiker would come with him, but he was about to ask or look back to see if she was. As they marched on and turned a corner, two things happened. One, the hanger bay lit up like high noon on Tatooine as a pirate ship blew right the kriff up seconds before capital ship fire lanced a number of other pirate ships. The second thing was that he noticed a rather large walker that was active and looking right at them.

Swearing loudly in Huttese, Leon and most of the others dove for cover. Unfortunately one man wasn't fast enough and was struck repeatedly by repeating blaster fire, throwing him bodily against a far wall, where he slumped over smoldering. "Kriffin' Nine Hells. No one said anything about no bloody walkers." He flinched as the crate he was hiding behind vibrated from blaster fire but held. "The kark are we gonna do now?" Another soldier asked while McConnell looked around for ideas.
Things were starting to get a bit more easier to handle.

From within Aeron's earbud she heard the Lord Protector's voice. Too bad she had her own concerns to handle. Another sonic grenade came from her belt, pin pulled then tossed to the side.

In seconds it went rolling into the hallway of the main building, having given Zero the back up he needed to push forward.


Vishka Mikrul

High Orbit

To hear the Lord Protector's voice decree that the Calvary had arrived certainly gave a boost to morale.

"Patch me through to the Lord Protector." Maira said, giving a nod to the comms officer.

"Aye aye ma'am!" within seconds Maira would patch an encrypted comm over to [member="Ayden Cater"].

"Lord Protector, it is an honor to see you within our skies." she said in greeting. "What would you have me do?"
Miles had become stranded as hthe rest of his company went ahead with [member="Zero"] and on to meet up with [member="HK-36"]'s forces.

He was running from building to building. Ducking into offices, markets, and homes to avoid the armor as it fought with HK's units. He ran from one building into the open, only to be welcomed by a tank shell leveling the house he just left. Dive-rolling away, he came up on the enemy tank, scaled the side and pried open the top hatch. Pulling his sidearm he jumped inside and a few shots later the tank barrel swiveled towards its fellow units. BOOM
The Admiralty
Sweat trickled down my brow, as the waiting went on. The air was thick and hot in the anticipation of the coming kill, the sun burned on my skin and evaporated any transpiration before it could get very far. Finally there was movement.

<< Echo-two, target is leaving the lobby. ETA three minutes. >>

I sighed. Gotta remember the kid is just that, a kid. Thinks this is some kind of karked-up game.

<< Syd, drop the army-routine bullcrap. We are killers, not soldiers. >>

<< Cop-- Y-yes, sir. >>

He’s got heart, one of the few reason I keep him with me. Just as I was about to say something else, the deader entered his office. Maybe two and a half minute, Syd did a good job.

I timed my shot accordingly, moment the body sat down I squeezed the trigger four times. Some men love to play games, shoot once and then brag on their “Bullet to kill”-ratio. I ain’t one of them, a corpse is a corpse. Doesn’t matter how much bullets are in him.

First bullet entered his forehead, followed by a second. Velocity of the shots made him crash backwards. Third shot hit him in the chest, fourth one.. in the foot? Now that’s going to be a story worth telling.

I didn’t stop to listen to any possible alarms, or admire my work further. Put the rifle in a case, and descended the stairs to street-level.

Next objective, find the meeting place to pick up Syd and get the hell out of here.
[member="Caden Cadell"]

Mirax’ secured another perimeter. They were getting close to finally securing the planet. Of course, that’s when she came across a rather particularly interesting scene.

Dead body, and some guy trying to slink away.

Tsk tsk.

So, she took a flash bang grenade from her belt, pulled the pin and sent it rolling down Caden’s way with the intention to stun him.

And maybe tackle him down.
Pravis Sharman swung himself off those very dropships that were part of the "cavalry." The rest of the men on board hopped off, as they quickly began moving into formation. The Kaleesh quickly followed suit, moving into his respective squad. They quickly began moving, although he didn't know where they were heading in the first place. He quickly opened his communications to Channel 13, and began speaking. " Alright, this is Private Pravis Sharman, requesting transfer to wherever I'm needed."

[member=Cira] [member=Ayden Carter] [member=Noah Corek] [member=Calico Tal'Verda] [member=HK-36]
The Admiralty

These are the times which remind me of my hatred of God. Everything had been going fine, I sniped the guy with a verpine sniper rifle. Meaning it was practically soundless, alarms weren’t raised. I just took a lift downstairs, and was about to slink away into the crowd.

Then.. all my own alarms went ringing. It was intuition that saved me from that flash nade. If it was an official, he wouldn’t have tried to kill me. They would try to stun.

If it was a banger, who was trying to p-- who am I kidding here. Bangers would have picked an easier target.

So I snapped my eyes shut, and put my hands over my ears. The nade went off, and the world went crazy. The mass of people started to run crazed, they didn’t know what was happening.

Neither did I, how did this guy find me? What was my mistake?

No time to consider it now though, as soon as the nade went off.. I took a run for it. My ears were still ringing, but I could see just fine. First objective, disappear in the crowd. Second objective, find Syd and get the hell out of here.
[member="Caden Cadell"]

This was going to be a fight after all.

Mirax took off. Boots went pounding on the ground, rushing as she gave chase -- parkour style! Legs went pumping, and then like mighty pistons they coiled only to expand as she went airborne.

Hands went reaching up, grabbed a small horizontal pole she used to vault herself higher. He was trying to disappear in the crowd, but if she could get the higher advantage...

Legs swung, and her hands leg go, as she went landing on top of a door canopy, running above him to catch up.

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