Arla Ordo
Mandalorian Redhead
Arla was late. The young mandalorian had spent hours trying to figure out what to wear, and what was the right thing to do. This was the Jedi Healer they had met on Coruscant, she had seemed pleasant enough at the time. Arla stood outside the reception area, she knew they were all inside doing the traditional and non traditional thing to accommodate Ordo and Rianna customs. Arla was also Ordo's daughter by adoption she had never dreamed that the woman she had met would now become her, well mother.
Not that Arla was intimidated by the events, she only wondered if she should act differently now. Arla sighed heavily, she knew buir would be disappointed if she did now show up. Cautiously she went through the door looking about, knowing that her armor stood out at times. Not that she wasn't happy she was. Arla looked about the room, there was Mia, and Strider, And Verz. Seeing Verz made it easier, she also saw buir walking back towards E'vi. Her sister An'ika, and her borther Ar'ika were missing so far.
Arla stepped completely inside, she removed her buy'ce, clipping it to her hip. Ok,...time to mingle and smile. There were so many Jedi in the
Not that Arla was intimidated by the events, she only wondered if she should act differently now. Arla sighed heavily, she knew buir would be disappointed if she did now show up. Cautiously she went through the door looking about, knowing that her armor stood out at times. Not that she wasn't happy she was. Arla looked about the room, there was Mia, and Strider, And Verz. Seeing Verz made it easier, she also saw buir walking back towards E'vi. Her sister An'ika, and her borther Ar'ika were missing so far.
Arla stepped completely inside, she removed her buy'ce, clipping it to her hip. Ok,...time to mingle and smile. There were so many Jedi in the