The answer, of course, was Kiskla could depart at her leisure. She wasn't his contracted servant for the evening, and he wouldn't likely even take offense. He knew Kiskla better than she likely thought...though it was out of simple observation rather than anything else. Their personal conversations had been slightly limited, but it didn't take much to decipher her strong personality. The...sarcasm...of his offer to buy her a drink a testament to that fact.
As they began walking towards the food, the Jedi Master could not help but smile at her comment. Feigning a wince, Marcello's smile broadened shortly thereafter. "I don't usually give extra effort for just anyone." Kiskla of course wasn't just anyone, but it was a conversation for another venue, to be sure.
As they reached the food, Marcello's gaze swept the room before him. Unlike his companion, his actions were only partially done out of habit. If he kept his eyes busy, they wouldn't default to their apparent object of interest for the evening. It really was a bit irritating. The silence shared between the two Jedi was eventually broken when Kiskla commented about the impending serenading of the crowd.
Accepting the offered plate, Marcello glanced in the direction of the gushing couple as a soft smile touched his lips. His entire life, Marcello had never been super big on emotions. Confusion was the one he was contending within this evening, however. In that state, the spacer was able to permit himself a certain level of understanding for the new couple's actions. Understanding did not always equal tolerance, and Marcello wasn't sure how much more he'd be able to take of all the emotions swirling inside him before he exploded.
Abruptly, Marcello put the plate down and turned back to Kiskla. "You want to get out of here? I'm sure we can find somewhere a little less..." Marcello was trying to search for the most respectful word possible, but his head was going to explode if he didn't distance himself from all of and tenderness. He was happy for Rianna and Ordo, but the event was bringing out emotions he'd rather not deal with. Ever. In the end, the Jedi Master opted for blunt reality. "Exhausting." Right now, the Jedi Ace just wanted to relax and eat something greasy, delicious, and filling.
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]