The Mentor
A smirk crossed his face. He watched her teasing, getting all close and rambling with an amused look. "Nah" he said. "I've never considered it. I think she's a little too wild for my tastes" he joked with a chuckle. "I don't oggle and go for every woman I meet, yknow? I look out for the right person. That's really all I want, really... Just THE person. I'm a long term relationships kind of guy. Flings and such aren't my thing, so I try and be careful" he explained with a smirk.
Her off color remarks about knowing where Rianna lived and such and such amused him, though puzzled him at her rather insane approach to her words. Regardless, he took another sip of his drink.
"No" he said to her question. "I don't know him. Met him once, that's about it"
He noticed she had inched incredibly close at this point. He raised an eyebrow.
@[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
Her off color remarks about knowing where Rianna lived and such and such amused him, though puzzled him at her rather insane approach to her words. Regardless, he took another sip of his drink.
"No" he said to her question. "I don't know him. Met him once, that's about it"
He noticed she had inched incredibly close at this point. He raised an eyebrow.
@[member="Rekha Kaarde"]