Post: 6
Objective: 3, Bad blood
Allies: [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Rashae"] @Anyone else going to kick Echani butt
As Virgil grit her teeth, the pain through her welping like hell itself. She gripped her pistol as tight as she could, her knuckles under her armor growing white. The battle was still going on around them, she watched as the Godkillers looped around to join up with their Mand'alor. She swallowed, feeling a sense of satisfaction. Good, their lord would live another day, or in the least, they would avenge these horrific beings like nothing else in the galaxy. A few moments later, or what felt like lifetimes in her state, the Corvette came through the clouds, its tale-tell sign of relief blazoned on the side. She let out a sharp gasp of relief, grabbing her cape on her back and looping it around to cover her face, all except her eyes.
"Munin, the crash," she struggled between breaths before pointing. Even in her agony, she refused to give in to the weakness of showing her torment. The woman pointed to the left her hand barely shaking, "That direction. Godkillers in route. Re-enforcing him."
Her teeth grit in torment as she felt the doctor bracing her. She was no stranger to pain. The requirements of becoming a Godkiller meant being completely destroyed and rebuilt on the cellular level devoid of all force life. Even still, this pain knocked the wind out of her. With every ounce of strength in her body, the warrior grabbed Rashae's collar, her eyes burning with intensity, the only part of her face visible. "Ardgal. Get. Ardgal. Treat him. First."
The world faded in and out of Ardgal's view. His breathing was ragged, slow, and labored. The warrior could feel his body struggling, trying to mend itself, trying to get back together. He could feel his side throbbing as his flesh began to close around the branch that had impaled him. His fingers twitched as his altered Fierreo genes kicked in, mending themselves as fast as they could. But it still wasn't fast enough. The chip in his head sent electric shock through his brain, sending one message through each synapses:
Reboot. Bring systems back on line. 5...10.... 76.... Failure. Retry.
Reboot. Bring systems back on line. 5...10.... 76.... Failure. Retry.
Reboot. Bring systems back on line. 5...10.... 76.... Successful. Return to Combat.
The warrior could feel the world spinning around him as he looked through his cracked helmet. It took all of the effort in his body to turn his head. He could see Virgil battered with some woman standing over him. The warrior summoned his will power, rolling to his side. The branch lodged in his body sending pain through him. The layer of wildlife that had covered him from slid off his armor, revealing its battered, shining, exterior.
"Gods. Feth." He grunted in pain, blacking out again. His gloved hand reached out blindly, grabbing a fist full of dirt and pulling himself closer, the pain running through his battered body. The circuitry in his head refused to let the warrior release from the pain into sweet unconsciousness again. His hand reached out again, faltering, pulling himself closer.
"All units, this is Commander Raxis," he managed through gritted teeth, feeling the internal blood loss, pain, and head trauma clog his thinking, "--this is commander--coman--coma--co-c--"