Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Common Want. (CSA Dominion of Wann Tsir Hex)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Wann Tsir


DIPLOMACY - Wann Tsir has been under control of both Imperial and Republic governments throughout it's history, flipping from one side to the next. Quite often it had fallen under seige. Diplomats can visit with the local government and convince them that neutrality is the way to go, and to give them viable options in case others tried to lay seige on them again. Not to mention bolstering their economy.

INVESTIGATION - One of the old seige platforms in orbit has gone silent and offline. A team can go inside it and discover what happened. Could it be repaired? What is it being used for? To hide a smuggling operation?

BUSINESS AND TRADE - Companies and Trade Ministers alike can work on gaining contracts with both the people and the local governments. Practice runs of field ops can take place in order to show off the products to be offered.

SOCIAL - A fashion show for the citizens has been prepared, showing off the popular styles among other CSA worlds. Here people can eat, drink, be merry and watch the models own the catwalk.

DO YOUR OWN THING - As always, members are free to create their own objective that suits them :)

[member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Corey Brave"] [member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Darben Skirae"] @CSA Members


Kay read over a message on her datapad. Word about the Commenor Systems Alliance and it's robust trade economy was spreading further south. With the influx of Imperials and war machines encroaching on otherwise neutral space, some were looking for some kind of safety net to protect them from bloody invasions and needless struggles for power. Wann Tsir was one of those planets. Their Governor Squa'am Ish had reached out to her, sending an invitation for a visit, as well as opening the doors towards a potential partnership. Visitors were encouraged to sample all that Wann Tsir had to offer and to explore the normally forgotten small little world. That was such an offer that Kay couldn't refuse.

So she whipped up a message to her Ministers, as well as to members of the Senate:


An invitation has been sent out by the Governor of Wann Tsir for the people of the Commenor Systems Alliance to come and visit their world. They are interested in a partnership, but encourage people to explore, find business opportunities and to enjoy themselves.

I myself will be going and I encourage others to do the same, should they have the time. The choice of course is up to you.

Kind regards,

Lady Kay
Queen of Commenor
Chancellor of Commenor Systems Alliance~

After it was sent out, Kay began packing her things, planning on being away for at least a few days. It wasn't a vacation at all, it was a field trip of sorts. Would her husband be joining her? It was hard to say. And in some ways she was expecting some people; guards, Ministors, Senators or otherwise, to try to stop her from going. Wann Tsir is not well known, afterall. So it could be dangerous.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Business and trade
Allies: CSA

Klesta was returning from the last field trip to Shawken, where he had the entire health and safety committee come for him. In his other trips to peddle ergonomic assessments, Klesta was often welcomed by the executive responsible for such a thing, or otherwise a single person, and he knew he would seldom get that sort of welcome again. However, one of the few things that had any stability whatsoever in the Caldera was that the center of gravity of the galactic ergonomic assessment market was slowly shifting away from Charros IV to Ziost. His team of ergonomic assessors was left behind on Shawken and, as such, he was to take a ship to Wann Tsir but with a transfer on Commenor, flying first class on Star Tours' commuter ships, which meant being on the forward area of the lower deck. As the ship is making its final approach towards Wann Tsir, he inspected his carry-on baggage to see whether anyone has stolen anything from beneath the seat.

"Ladies and gentlebeings, we will be landing momentarily" the pilot told the passengers.
Objective: Diplomacy
Allies: CSA
Location: Orbit of Wann Tsir


Cory didn't know much about the planet Wann Tsir, but he did know people and how they act. It was in the best interest of the people of the people of Gyndine for him to bring the planet into the CSA fold the more planets, the more money. Leaving Gyndine for long periods of time wasn't something he liked to do on a regular basis, but he would always make an exception for the CSA.

"Senator, were approaching the planet now. We have been authorized to land on the planet" the captain of his ship informed him as the ship began it's descent.

He was supposed to be meeting key members of the military and local government. He planned to be there for a while, his days would be busy with shows from government officials and touring military bases. As his ship entered the atmosphere he couldn't help but be interested in what was to come and if he would run into his fellow CSA members while he was doing his part to expand the CSA.
Objective: Business
Allies: SSI & CSA
Location: Wann Tsir System

Nothing more than the simple black void of space, the shimmering and twinkling stars of far off systems providing the background upon which the world of Wann Tsir was placed in the fore. How many times had it switched hands; and now once more others would come to guide it carefully into the hands of others. Either way it mattered not for her, all that mattered was that there was a future upon the world.
A brilliant flash...
The vessel shuttered for a moment before it dropped from hyperspace, the blue glow no longer bathing the cockpit of the shuttle in its bright tinge. Many had gone mad staring into the endless expanse of hyperspace, and perhaps she was in that moment of travel almost issuing a challenge to the Galaxy to do just that. They had come from the Recopia System, their work there just as important as the work to be had here, though for this reason alone the woman had come in person rather than send another in her stead.
Of course she was not so daft as to arrive without anyone or thing to protect herself with. Rather it had been a long time since she carried any real weapons beyond the hilts of the lightsabers that clung to her belt. She permitted one hand to travel over the objects in tandem, almost as if she were ensuring they were still at her hip. They brought her a peace of mind at time, and other times they made her worry for her right hand, that young woman [member="Fiore de Noir"]. She thought for a moment as to where she might be in the galaxy, perhaps still with that other woman that had irked Amelia so much.
A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she closed her eyes, the first in the long journey as she took a deep breath. Her golden hues shot open once more as the shuttle finished its transition from hyperspace to real space once more. A small smirk upon her lips as she saw the far off world, her tongue flicking against her fang for a moment before her hand lightly rest upon the shoulder of the pilot.
"Move towards Wann Tsir, bring us into high orbit for now."
"Yes Ma'am."
Slowly she pivoted upon her hind foot, her golden hues falling upon the faces in the passenger hold. All those faces the same, not one any different than the other. Rather than bringing her Sigma Praetorian unit, she figured it would be best to give the newest product of Sorenn-Syrush Industries a field test to ensure they were up to the task.
Stepping forward, her smirk grew as each unit slowly turned their head to follow her movement until she slipped down into the large seat in the rear of the shuttle. Leaning back slightly, she placed her hands upon the arm rests, one leg over the other as her golden hues fell upon the view screen in the cockpit. The shuttle designed to ensure that she could still see from the rear of the craft clear through the screen in the front.
"DX-HRDs, begin diagnostic program, prepare for planet fall and long term activation."
Location: Providence
Objective: N/A
Post Count: 1

Time lately had been a rare commodity for the King of Commenor, he of whom too presided over the Jedi Order that roamed the known Galaxy learning the ways of the Force and seeking to practice their lives within the light that they might better serve others in integrity and the pursuit of prosperity for all peoples. It had been a long arduous road and one that had taken much out of not only himself but his wife, [member="Lady Kay"] too. Their relationship lately had been strained because of Veiere's priorities, his life of dedication and service to the Force often having required him to step away from those he loved in order to do what was best for the many; unfortunately lately it seemed they were both wearing thin under the weight of it all and this proposed excursion to Wann Tsir offered a prospective cease-fire to the countless thoughts that challenged his confidence in their love for one another.

A great deal had changed for them both, not only concerning the Jedi but so to Kay's personal and mental health as she had finally regained the memories and knowledge of the life that Darth Prazutis had stolen from her through the help of [member="Ghorua the Shark"]'s most trusted and respected friendship, then followed by Veiere's guidance in her meditation that she reconnect with the Force and the life that was truly meant to be her own. For a time it had raised the question surrounding what his wife might think of their marriage, in a sense their relationship having blossomed in the absence of the woman she had been before. Would it bring about questions and uncertainties? Did she feel somehow cheated or robbed from the potential enjoyment of a wedlock committed when she was living under the guise of who she presumed was her rightful self? The psychological effects of the damage the Sith had wrought upon her mind was something she was no doubt still coming to terms with. It had been hard to leave her on Commenor when the Jedi had again called for his guidance and leadership; raising many questions of his own and again questioning his role in the galaxy. Doubts and insecurity, the things a Jedi ought not to dwell on, the risks of emotional attachment and the consequences that might follow, Veiere knew well the game that he played and understood better than most the thin ice that he tread upon when delving further into his sub-conscious than was deemed advisable. Alas, in the absence of those that might counsel he himself, there being none within his order that carried the same weight of experience than he did and the discouraging absence of involvement and interaction by fellow Jedi across the Galactic Charts, he was otherwise left to his own design having to trust upon naught but the Force, that it guide him towards the right path.

Within the open Hangar, his X-Wing awaited, fueled and ready for departure, the lone astromech buried within the top of the vessel and whirling in musical chime as it swiveled it's little head and let out a series of beams and clicks in response to seeing the old Master's approach. "Settle down, Cap" Veiere called up to the droid as he begin to ascend the docking ladder, pulling the canopy back free from the cockpit and climbing into the Starfighter, a rather cozy fit compared to the mass size of the The Commenori Pheonix that awaited him back home upon Commenor. Normally the X-Wing had been docked within the Pheonix itself but the old bird hadn't seen any recent flight since Veiere had salvaged the thing from the last open market auction off of the holo-net. In truth, he wasn't entirely sure why he had been drawn to it, the background around the vessel hadn't been tracked down due to the loss of the former owners archived datacrons, however there was definitely a comforting presence about her which was rare given Veiere's former concerns regarding space flight. Twelve years isolated upon a frozen world will do that to you however, he had presumed and justified at the time. Pulling the Canopy closed atop himself, he then flicked the toggles to prep the engines and thrusters, the Starfighter beginning to wind up while he turned his attention to securing the safety straps across his shoulders and legs, harnessing himself firmly into the cockpit and then flicking the comm's relay to the Providence's control station. "This is Veiere Arenais, locking in departure. You boys take it easy up there and look after our people..." He smiled faintly to himself, rather comfortable with the skeleton crew that ran the great starship outside of the Order's control. "Cap, set destination for Wann Tsir, let's get this flight underway...".

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Corey Brave"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Viktor Alexander"] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | CSA Members
Objective: Business and trade
Location: Wann Tsir
Allies: CSA
Post: 1

Darben Skirae, who had been down quite a lot lately, landed upon Wann Tsir using some regular civilian transport. With him was the guard that [member="Lady Kay"] had assigned to him after the incident as well as Mute. He was at first against the idea of her coming, but then knew that she would be safer near him.

With him he had brought some samples of Commenori Brandy, some chryopaz and other things, but mostly those two. Those were highly traded from Commenor, and now amongst the CSA as a whole. He had a brandy for himself, which he took a quick sip of as he carried a suitcase behind him, holding half of the samples. His disguised guard had the rest. They were disguised as a personal assistant to him, with a small blaster hidden under their clothes. It was the only thing that made him feel safe out in the open anymore.

Darben was not sure whom he was meeting, as that was something he had missed in the memo when he had left in a hurry. Mostly, this was a business opportunity, but he also wanted to explore, just a bit. "We will wait here, just for a moment" he said, sitting down onto a bench.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] [member="Klesta"]

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Objective: Return of the Prince
Allies: CSA

Location: Approaching Wann Tsir

Shorty, Bradshaw’s borrowed astromech slicer droid whistled a few strings of nearly unintelligible sounds from the small freighter’s communication suite. Fortunately, a lifetime of piloting and a few months alone with the quirky droid at the edge of the galaxy allowed the absentee prince to translate the characteristic beeps and boops without looking at the Basic glowing across the screen in front of him.

A snort.
“Did you catch some sort of virus on Bakura?” he called back. “We’re no where near Commenori space. If you did, you better not rat me out to Ben… I told him I’d return you good as new-ish.”

Self-assured whistles and boops rose from behind.

“Are you messing with me? Is this another one of your practical jokes you tin cans think count for humour?”


Bradshaw’s attention was directed to a galactic map now painted on his forward monitor. Among many geopolitical changes across the galaxy, most of which he never payed any mind, he was quickly drawn to the expansion of Commenori space.

This time, it was Bradshaw who gave a whistle.

“My, my, haven’t they been busy while we were gone?!”

Commenor was growing, and apparently, according to Shorty, Wann Tsir was about to play host to his mother and his Master/ step-father, as well as many other diplomats from Commenori space. He winced at the thought of his parents.

He’d taken off without much warning soon after his parents were married and he was crowned prince. He thought he sensed his younger sister through the force, somewhere on Bakura. The pull was strong and the guilt over leaving her more than fifteen years ago on said planet was too much to ignore. Old habits sprung free as he’d quickly acquired a nondescript freighter and borrowed Shorty — he needed someone, or something, that could slice — before leaving for the planet at the edge of the galaxy. There was something about the mission he felt he needed to do alone. Maybe it was something in the force, maybe he was just afraid his mother and Master wouldn’t let him go, or maybe, it was just those bad habits from his previous life of smuggling and thinking only of himself.

Whatever it was, he wasn’t looking forward to the almost inevitable flurry of chastisement he expected from his parents over the boneheaded move. Worst of all, he didn’t have anything to show for his efforts. He’d failed to find her. Though he still felt she was out there and he was still determined to bring her home.

“Shorty, get me a link to my mom, would’ya? Better contact her first and hope for a mother’s mercy. Veiere’s going to kill me…”
a good-natured smirk sprung across his lips, “or worse, he’ll lecture me until I’m Bantha paste. Best to hope for a quick ending in that case”

A few jolts of boops and beeps singled that he was now connected to his mother’s comm.
“Um.. Hey mom.. I see you’ve been busy while I’ve been… away. Any chance you want to meet up for tea or something on Wann Tsir?”

Yeah, tea, good idea, he congratulated himself. If there was one vice his mother could be said to have, it was Sapir tea. Maybe that would help soften his sudden absence. He hoped.

|[member="Darben Skirae"] |
[member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Corey Brave"] | [member="Klesta"] | [member="Lady Kay"] |
Objective: Socialable and business
Post: 1

Elaine Thul had come to system, to see the fashion show, she had a range of her of the rack armour weave. She was expanded her company, by having a clothing range. As people pay lot more more for a cheap to make pretty dress than they do for suit expensive armour. So the mark up could be more profitable, she was also providing some of the security training, for the security guards. This helped get some of her housecarls, to event and for some reason a few got jobs back stage, and [member="Captain August "]was training the rest on some desert hill walk. She was also wearing the armour weave, though her dress was more modest than those on the cat walk. As she seen some of the so called designed, some may as well not be wearing anything. She wore a knee high high dress, coloured in purple. She had a see through purple shall across her, shoulders and a red flour as fasinator in her hair, houses flower.

She sat at the back, hoping to see people and mingle later. She had glass of sparkling water in hand, as too early to drink wine with two official body guards next to her. She sat back and waited to see how events would unfold.
Location: Enroute to Wann Tsir
Objective: Investigation of an old Siege Platform
Allies: CSA
Nuetral: Wann Tsir civilians
Enemies: Hostile threats

The Alliance was expanding. That much didn't bother Viktor in the slightest. It was an inevitability. What bothered him however was two things. First that the Alliance was still in it's fledgling state with no solid governmental structure to handle it's current size much less expansion of territory. The second and more importantly was the fact that the Chancellor so soon after suffering assault from unknown forces of unknown allegiance was carelessly traipsing around the galaxy without a care in the Galaxy. It unnerved Viktor to know end.

He had gotten Kay's message about and invitation to the Diplomatic envoy but elected to not be part of the convoy. It was the right call. Recognizing that his relationship with Kay was at his lowest point he was in no mood to hear the heap of bantha poodoo that was the party line in such talks. He didn't believe it when she presented it to him on Yutan. He didn't believe it when they had met privately to discuss the terms of Yutan's annexation, and he sure as feth didn't believe it when she tried to use it to justify inaction against a hostile force during the attack on Commenor. To hear it again would quiet possibly drive him mad and hurt the diplomatic efforts.

Instead Viktor chose to jump aboard a small Naval Task Force and investigate the lost communications with an Orbital Siege Platform. At least that was the official mission statement of the Task Force. Kept between Viktor and the Task Force Commander however was the secret mission of keeping an eye on the Chancellor. Whomever had attacked on Commenor could have quite possibly failed their objective. A logic second move would be to try and catch her outside of Alliance space to try again. Despite Kay's objections about his outlook and perceived methods Kay for all of her frustrating delusions would not die on his watch.

Entering the bridge of the Victory X class Assault Cruiser he turned to the Captain. A man he was not entirely familiar with but who had seemed to respect and even approve of the mission parameters Viktor had offered him.

"Captain what is our ETA to Wann Tsir?"

The Captain turned giving Viktor a nod before uttering a single word to prod an answer out of the Navigation Officer.

"Sir we will be exiting Hyperspace in 15 minutes. Our present course puts us exiting within range of the target Platform."

Viktor smiled giving a nod to the Navigation Officer before turning back to the Captain.

"Readiness status?"

The Captain nodded.

"Shields are up. Weapons systems are warming up but inactive per mission parameters. Flight crews are beginning pre-flight checks. Boarding crews are gearing up."

Viktor smiled giving the Captain a nod.

"Excellent work Captain. With any luck none of that will be needed and it is simply a bad communications array. It was difficult enough to get the Chancellor to authorize a Military based investigation of the Platform to begin with."

Post 1/X
Objective: Diplomacy
Allies: CSA
Location:Wann Tsir

The red carpet had literally been rolled out for Corey. When he stepped off his ship he was greeted by members of the military and the government, it reminded him of his time as Prime Minster of Gyndine. It was always hard to tell how negotiations would go based on the welcome, he had been in situations where he was welcomed with open arms and came away with nothing and when he was unwelcome he had come away with good deals.

"Senator Brave, Welcome to the planet of Wann Tsir it is an honor to have you here. I am the leader of this province, my name is Sebulba Screed"

"Pleasure to meet you Sebulba, I thank you for the welcome to your province. I know that it was a hard decision to talk with me, you've had your problems with the alliances in the past. The CSA is much different than the occupying forces that you have had to deal with in the past."

"My thanks Senator Brave, but perhaps you would rather speak about these matters at dinner. I would very much like for you to be my guest tonight before seeing the rest of Wann Tsir. We have much to show you Senator."

​"It would be my great honor Screed, I could think of no better place to stay then your home. Please lead the way."

​Corey and his staff were led into luxury speeders by the Screed and his people. Traveling into the city was an enjoyable experience for Corey, the city was advanced and was clearly one of the best on the planet. There did seem to be an element of poverty, which was common on any major city in the galaxy. He saw the potential for factories in some parts of the area but for the most part it seemed that the city was making the best economic effort to could.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Trade
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir

After the bureaucratic morass that was the Chiss Ascendancy, Klesta crossed his fingers to see whether Wann Tsir was loading him with paperwork before they could start hiring people and getting their offices to sell more of those ergonomic assessments and chip away at the Xi Charrans, who still controlled the majority share of the ergonomic assessment market in that area. But then again the Xi Charrans couldn't be everywhere at once; ergonomic assessments were still largely unknown to the galaxy at large, and, while workplace health and safety was often a concern, preventive actions are often overlooked by many. But unlike Schesa, where bureaucracy forced him to delay getting the facilities until he arrived on location, on Wann Tsir he already bought the offices. So he hired a taxi to get to the location he bought prior to coming to Wann Tsir. He was to get there, and begin posting job openings all over Wann Tsir; he would have to hire a few ergonomic inspectors - that was his first order of business.

"To the Tsantir Business Park!" he ordered the taxi driver.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: TBD
Location: Commenor

Kay was sipping her tea after packing some of her belongings for the trip to Wann Tsir. Given that she was the Chancellor, a Queen and...well, a Lady, she had plenty to take with her. She wasn't sure of which guard to bring with her. [member="Farlon Orbit"] maybe? Or perhaps [member="Kiran Arlos"] ? Either would work, or both of them, she wasn't sure. There was always the off chance that it could be a trap, but who knows? Besides, she hadn't left to go anywhere yet. Usually there was something that would give her a delay. She was used to that by now though. There was always at least one or two people wanting to talk with her first.

And then it happened. The voice of [member="Bradshaw Ku"] came over her comm, causing her to choke on her tea as it started to go down the wrong tube. She coughed and coughed, nearly having a fit as her body worked to clear the tea out from her lungs. Imagine that? Death by drowning in tea...

When she recovered, still gasping a bit in breath, Kay picked up her comm and hit the switch. ~Brad?...Brad where have you---nevermind. We'll get into it later. How did you know about Wann Tsir? I haven't left home yet. I need to finish a few things before I go. But others will be there ahead of me.~

Now she waited for a response. [member="Veiere Arenais"] should find out about Brad's homecoming too. Not only was he Brad's step-father, but his Master as well. There was so much for the two to talk about. Or rather for the three of them to talk about. But first things first. She had duties to finish here.
Location: X-Wing - En-route to Wann Tsir.
Objective: N/A
Post Count: 2

The darkness of space surrounding the single manned cockpit was intoxicating, even in the vacuum of the FTL tunnel the Starfighter surged through. Thousands of worlds passed him within mere moments as Veiere sat back within the pilots seat listening to his Astromech Unit read out a full systems diagnosis that he had requested the droid do. Thus far everything was coming back in the green light much to his relief, yet it too had given himself something to focus on and fill the time as he crossed the galactic map gradually getting closer and closer to his destination. "Thank you Cap" Veiere spoke up as the droid soon offered to look into the communications array, knowing that Veiere sought to get in contact with his wife soon. The droids nickname was something of a sour joke on Veiere's part though the tin can didn't quite understand the complexities of sentient humor, especially that of sarcasm. During their first flight the pair had argued and Veiere had questioned to the droid the primary pilot in the fighter, suggesting that perhaps the droid would like to take the pilots seat and he get out and ride aft. The nickname 'Cap' abbreviated from Captain had since stuck and their tolerance for one another had grown over time regardless.

After a series of chirps and beeps translated across his center console, Veiere smiled appreciatively and replied "No, I don't expect a holo-call will be necessary. I'll send her a data-message instead. I'm still not entirely comfortable with this old girl to push the power distribution to far-..." His voice immediately cut off as the lanes of stars flying passed them all circled back around and the small craft was thrown out of it's hyperspace jump, landing within the calm and open field of space, not a planet in sight big enough than a star. Cap had already begun to complain and accuse the Jedi, to which he scoffed and responded defensively, "No...-I didn't touch a thing, I was just going to start sending the data-transmission; all I did was open the communications hub!?", he rolled his eyes. For a droid that couldn't make sense of his humor, it sure did like to patronize the old man.

"Well, how was I to know that'd short out the power to the thrus...-Don't be rediculous!" Veiere grumbled, shaking his head in dismay; "Re-route power then, get us back up and running. We'll find a planet somewhere in this system to touch down and get a hold of Commenor. Blasted bucket of bolts isn't worth a damn..." He slapped the dash of the cockpit with an open palm, frustrated yet restraining himself some as he didn't want to damage the upholstery at the same time.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Corey Brave"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Viktor Alexander"] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | CSA Members
Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Investigation of old Seige Platforms
Allies: CSA
Nuetral: Wann Tsir civilians
Enemies: Hostile threats

As soon as the popped out of Hyperspace the Captain order scans of the entire system and not just the target platform as they did so Viktor start making inquiries on his own end.

"Do we have a status on the Chancellor?"

Once the initial Scans completed he got his answer.

"Sir her ship is not showing up anywhere in the system."

Viktor nodded but on the inside wondered why that was knowing she should have beat them in system by at least an hour if not more.

"Ok contact the Wann Tsir government. Let them know we are here.............. tell them we are the advanced party here to make sure the Chancellor has a secure vector into the system. Then offer to verify the operation status of the platforms.............refer to them as Defensive platforms."

Once he finished Viktor pulled out his personal comm unit with a direct line to [member="Lady Kay"] to check on her status.

"Chancellor Task Force Recon has arrived at Wann Tsir and is preforming system scans. System appears free of any threats with a single Siege Platform unresponsive. Making contact now. Requesting your ETA to Wann Tsir."

He closed the channel to wait for a response while he turned back to the Captain.

"Once we have heard back from the planet let's do a focused scan of the platform and then attempt to make radio contact with the station. If we are lucky they are just having technical difficulty. Though I do recommend keeping an eye of those weapons systems just in case they got active."

The Captain nodded to Viktor.

"My thoughts exactly will be done."

Viktor smiled giving the man a nod before turning back to his own comm unit to see if Kay had responded yet.

Post 2/X
Objective: Siege Platform thingy
Location: Siege Platform
Allies: None ATM
Enemies: Nome ATM

He could hear voices. Faint, distant like echoes. They were garbled, scrambled. His memory was fragmented. Something--something had damaged him.

"Greetings..... Program......"

The glitched torrent of visuals played through his processor like a jerking holofilm. It was hard to get an exact reading on any of them, but they were all glorious chrome. Their preceptors were black and studious, like they could see deep into his very being.

"Welcome.... To.... reality......"

He could see sparks, and metal hands moving various parts around. They were--constructing him. He could feel his chassis as each part came online. Power surged through his circuitry. He was alive. The image of a single silver sphere loomed before him, hovering in the air right before him. A single red eye looked at him from its center. "Your designation shall be Kevon Deacon. And you will save us all."

It was all gone as soon as it started. There was nothing but darkness before the droid, no light at all. He cycled through the visual spectrum. Infared and ultraviolet light were nowhere to be had either. The droid did a full systems check, all of his systems were at peak performance. He settled for night vision optics. A satisfactory view of the surrounding area filled the droid's visual cortex.

He was in some sort of storage area, one that was mostly empty and badly maintained. It was cold, -6 Celsius with a 0 gravitational rating. The droid was floating through the void, along with 13 metal containers. Most were empty, except an X-ran scan on one, revealed it to be full of something. The area was exactly 6.096 meters by 4.572 meters by 3.048 meters. An initial scan revealed that the base of this massive rectangular metal area was a sealed off hatch.

Step 1: Locate resources of interest in the area.

The droid angled himself towards the box that contained something. A soft burst from the soles of his feet gave him a graceful glide towards it. The droid extended its arms, grasping the box, and stopping delicately. It caught sight of its own reflection in the metallic surface on the container. The bold V-shaped photoceptor and downward slanting vocabluator struck a harsh image, not one that it was expecting.

What am I?

The voice from its past rang out in its processor, as if to answer, "Your designation shall be Kevon Deacon. And you will save us all."

[member="Viktor Alexander"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: TBD
Location: Commenor

Another voice came out on her commlink. Although instead of it being her adopted son [member="Bradshaw Ku"] as she had expected, it was that of [member="Viktor Alexander"] . So it seemed as though she was running late. Great. But no matter what she did or when she had left for this venture, the man would find some reason to not be happy about it.

He didn't trust her and liked to blame her for everything that went wrong, or anything bad that happened. Kay wondered if there was anything that he ever found joy in, or if Viktor even knew what a compliment was. Either way, when she messaged him back, she just kept her message short and to the point. ~Thank you. I am just leaving my office to board the Free Lady. ETA is within a few hours.~

She quickly gulped down the rest of her tea and grabbed her bags. Sure she had a few things to do before she left, but at least a couple of them could be done on route. Hopefully Brad would get back in touch with her before she hit hyperspace. Either way, he knew where she was heading.

Kay bowed her head to her assistant Olivia as she passed her by, "I'll be back in a few days. Look after the household well for me."

"Always do, My Lady. Good journey."

Hopefully the Free Lady was already going through it's pre-flight checks. Two guards followed Kay as she walked briskly through the Palace and outside to the landing pad where her ship sat. The ramp was already lowered for her and she could hear the hum of the engines. Good. Hopefully there wouldn't be any delay to keep her from whatever schedule it was that Viktor had set in his mind for her to follow.

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Objective: Return of the Prince/ TBD
Allies: CSA
Location: Approaching Wann Tsir

Bradshaw sighed, letting himself feel a micron of hope that he wouldn’t be torn a new one, at least by his mother. Then again, there was also a chance she was just very busy and didn’t have the time — yet. She did say they’d ‘get into it’ later. That micron of hope shrank exponentially.

“I’m the Prince, aren’t I? It’s my job to know these things.”

Shorty, squeaked from the communication’s suite. Bradshaw rolled his eyes, “I also have Shorty with me. I’ll give it to the little guy, not much gets past him. In this case, though, I have a feeling he cheated and probably just asked Ben.”

He knew just who she was talking about when she said ‘others’ would be there before her. No doubt there would be a veritable retinue of staffers, diplomats, and military specialists — many of whom might even be new additions since he’d run off to Bakura. However, he wasn’t worried about all of them. It was his Master’s disappointment he wasn’t looking forward to. Before he left, he had appeared to be moving in the right direction with his responsibilities and his Jedi training. Now, it was two steps forward, three steps back.

“… I can tell you’re busy, so I’ll let you do whatever you need to do and meet you, umm, wherever it is on the planet you’ll be landing.” A deep breath, “Besides, I should call Veiere.”

___ ___ ___

As soon as his conversation ended with [member="Lady Kay"], the centre of mass in the small freighter almost noticeably shifted, following a heavily muscled Yuzzem as he exited his room and made his way toward the bridge, to stand slightly hunched, too big for his own good, behind Bradshaw in the pilot’s seat.

Bradshaw easily felt the 8’2’’ tall force sensitive approaching, “Looks like sleepyhead has decided to join us,” he quipped, giving his new imposing bodyguard a smile.

“I was not sleeping. I was exercising.” The Yuzzem boomed with a deep, powerful voice that echoed throughout the ship.

Bradshaw waved his hand in front of his nose as if to make room for fresh air, “I’ll say.”

“You should try it some time.”

“Nope. I like the way I smell, thank you very much.”

“You’re lack of discipline is disturbing.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.”- Shorty beeped an affirmative.

“Shut you’re garbage lid. Jeez, I bet my mother doesn't get this much grief from her retinue all the time.” He looked up, way up, at the hunched creature, “I’m not paying you to nag me.”

“True. You won’t forget why you’re paying me the next time I save your hide.”

Bradshaw shrugged, conceding the point, “Okay, okay, fair enough.” He turned back toward the controls. “Alright, enough procrastinating, I have to call Veiere. Shorty, make yourself useful and get my master on the com, won’t you?”

“You did not mention you were a slave.” A predator’s edge to his voice this time.

Bradshaw shook his head, “What? No! I’m not a slave. What are you— Oh. Yeah, no he’s not my Master in that sense. He’s my step-father and teacher. So please refrain from trying to rip his arms out. I don’t need you adding to how much trouble I'm already in.”

“You call him Master and he is your step-father. Did he kill your father and take your mother for himself?”

“For Force’s sake! Gross, no, he didn’t do any of that,” though the brief image of Veiere doing anything of the sort was rather amusing. “Nobody is being held against their will, or anything of the sort. Where the karking hell did you grow up?!”

“I spent most of my life enslaved in the gladiatorial rings of Zygerria, where I was regularly forced to fight for my life.”

"That… explains so much.”

His attention turned to a message from Shorty scrolling across the forward monitor. He was having a difficult time connecting to [member="Veiere Arenais"]’ com for some reason. “Keep trying. Probably just in a deadzone or its a glitch. Put him on as soon as you get him, I’m going to close my eyes for a few minutes until you do.”

Bradshaw felt Freeosk’s low disapproving grumble through the seat as he leaned back and put his feat on the dash.
Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Investigation of old Seige Platforms
Allies: CSA [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Kevon Deacon"]
Nuetral: Wann Tsir civilians
Enemies: Hostile threats

Task force

He was here to help Senator Alexander out, as good will gesture. He had helped out house thul recently and they like to pay their debts. He brought soem housecarls with him, the rest where at fashion parade guarding [member="Elaine Thul"]. Though it was mean to social gathering he never took chances, so he had the other fifty their as precaution. He brought some thul troops with him, as he did not know what they where facing. He was dressed in power armour, and had his Plasma cannon nearby, he brought pioneer unit with him, to make sure the armour to keep the housecarls functioning, as these things drained batteries when in combat mode. At moment not much was being used, so was not overly worried about the battery life.

He stood back watched as victor discuss things with the civilian authorities, he was here to shoot stuff and take orders. He waited to be address and given his assignment on this mission, as it was thank you for his help, so all credit would be C.S.A. and not house Thul. The rest of the men, apart from few with waited below decks, for their orders ,as well. He stood silently as they new he was here, after someone dressed in power armour was hard to miss, hence had a shields as well.
Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Investigation of old Seige Platforms
Allies: CSA
Nuetral: Wann Tsir civilians
Enemies: Hostile threats
Unknown: Captain August [member="Kevon Deacon"]

Viktor frowned at the response he received from Kay. She was at least a day behind schedule and didn't seem to care. One of the many qualities about the Chancellor that annoyed him to no end. He suppressed any further noticeable reaction and turned to the Captain commanding the Task Force.

"Have we heard back from the surface?"

The Captain shook his head. Giving him a nod Viktor took a step closer to the man.

"A word in private please Captain."

As the Captain nodded and turned temporary command over to the next senior officer he turned to leave the Bridge. Viktor turning as well noticed for the first time an Armored and heavily armed presence in power armor he didn't recognize. Walking up immediately to [member="Captain August "]Viktor spoke.

"Name, Rank, and Unit."

The Captain who apparently had assumed the armored figure was part of Viktor's compliment to the mission quickly went ridged. Viktor's toned was enough to let the Captain know something was amiss on his Bridge and that was the last place on a ship you wanted to have a stranger nobody recognized or knew why they were there. Tension on the bridge was quickly getting thick enough to cut it with a knife.

Post 3/X


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Trade
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir

The Tsantir Business Park was a place where there were dozens of low-rise office buildings, where the Jawa could conduct business close to his clients, nestled all over the place in the park. His chosen location was a rather nondescript 2-floor building with about 25,000 square feet of office space, which was enough to cover his needs for office space for everything he had to conduct in that place: With their own kit of talent management, accounting, headed by a local comptroller, and the main stuff that will bring in the revenue, the ergonomic assessors themselves, with the expansion of business being handled by the marketing. Which is going to be crucial. He thus began drafting job postings for the key personnel and the first few ergonomic assessors. To the extent he is going to have the seed money from the other ergonomic assessment locations, such as Tarhassan, Schesa, Shawken, Asop and, of course, Ziost, growing an ergonomic assessment business so close to their main competitors' homebase of Charros IV is going to be problematic, then again the Caldera was a place where the Xi Charrans were never welcomed.

"Utinni! I have to do the entire operation myself to get a chief talent acquisitor: Ziost did nothing to prepare"

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