Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Common Want. (CSA Dominion of Wann Tsir Hex)

Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Investigation of old Seige Platforms
Allies: CSA [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Kevon Deacon"]
Nuetral: Wann Tsir civilians
Enemies: Hostile threats

Task force

As he waited the senator turned round to him, and asked him his name rank and unit. This meant one thing, some idiot did not tell him, that him and some thul troops where here as thank you from [member="Elaine Thul"]. He decide to play along, it been a long time since someone asked.

Captain August, of the Housecarls. SIR!

He then stood at ease, and then added
Duchess Thul sent me, and just over six hundred ground troops to lend you a hand.
It her way of saying thank you, she spent a week looking for a present for you.
Then we heard about this, so we came aboard with permission.
I ask why you have been told about us being on board, but that is something I think you should ask the petty officer.
​In short, we here to help in any capacity we can.

He then waited for the senator reaction, obviously Elaine did not run this by him.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: Get to Wann Tsir
Location: The Free Lady

Kay had expected to hear the voice of [member="Viktor Alexander"] coming from her comm, expecting him to complain and berate her, but thankfully who she got was [member="Bradshaw Ku"] . She smirked at his response of knowing what he knew because he was a Prince, and then even more so because of Shorty and Ben. Figures that the engineer and his drroid had some part to play in all of this. ~I'll message you as soon as I arrive in orbit and will let you know where I'm going to go on the surface. It's good to have you back Brad. I've missed you.~

She walked up to the ramp and called out to her pilot. "Ready to go when you're cleared for take off. I'll be in my quarters." Kay pulled her luggage inside. Though instead of unpacking any of it, she just secured it to the side, plucked out her datapad and sat down in her chair, turning the contraption on. She had a lot of work to do, for both the Senate and for Commenor itself.

The Charter was still a work in progress and with next to no imput on it, other than by Senator Alexander, it made her wonder if it would pass at all and be ratified. The investigation on the recent attack on the Senate Hall was also being looked into. Names had been put to the faces of the attackers, but it wasn't quite known just who they were working for. Kay recognized only one of them, but only from a brief encounter at a campfire. The others she didn't know. Still, it was progress. Perhaps some bounties on them would help bring them to her for justice. It was worth a try.

Kay felt the movements of the Free Lady's ramp going up. They were taking off shortly. Good. Hopefully this trip goes smoothly.
Objective: Siege Platform thingy
Location: Siege Platform
Allies: None ATM
Enemies: Nome ATM
Unknown: [member="Viktor Alexander"] I @Captain August
Post: 2

Kevon's metal fingers decompressed the twin release switches on the metal box. The lid jettisoned away from the top with a hiss like pop as the contents equalized with the rest of the massive chamber. The durasteel box was rather small for a crate, only .9144 meters by .6096 meters by .304 meters. Its exterior surface was covered with small nicks and dings, showing wear from the sub-gravity time.

In the center was a verpine shatter carbine crafted completely from lightweight polymers. A clip holding 24 rounds was already slid into the chamber, with an additional three spare clips latched onto its butt. Adjacent to its barrel were a pair of sleek looking chrome blaster pistols. Propping them against the wall and against the rifle's barrel was an ammo can with extra power packs and gas canisters. Coiled beside it under the length of the shatter carbine's foregrip was a leather bandoleer latched with thermal detonators.

But the were was more.

The rest of the box was filled with neatly stacked credit chips. Kevon plucked one from the top layer, turning it end over end with a critical appraisal. They were unmarked. New. Untraced and untracable. He set the credit back in its place, just like it had been. His optics zoomed in on the blaster pistols. They had magnetic clamps. The shatter carbine did as well. There was only one real logical explanation. Someone had left this for him.

The credits. They were there too for a reason. The droid ran through the logical processes. He could have left them here for himself. It could be payment for a job. It could be a warning. It could be for defense. It could be his only possessions in the entire galaxy.

The droid clamped the pistols onto his sides, pulled the bandoleer over his shoulder and stored the credits in a compartment along his chest. With the carbine in hand, he knew that there was really only one option from here; find out where he was. The droid's rocket boots gave a second spurt, his flight path took him in a graceful arc to a nearby computer terminal linked to sealed blast doors. A single computer port plugged from his hand into the terminal. A trio of red lights glowed dimly along the dusty terminal's surface as it powered to life.

The droid made his first inquiry Location?

The response came after several cycles. Siege station 4, Wann Tsir System.
Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Investigation of old Siege Platforms
Allies: CSA
Nuetral: Wann Tsir civilians
Enemies: Hostile threats
Unknown: [member="Captain August "][member="Kevon Deacon"]

Viktor took a moment before he responded after hearing who the man was and who had sent him. His first thought was to react in a pure aggressive manner. Military protocol would have very much supported such a response. However he also knew that Miss Thul didn't have the authority to interfere with a military operation. That power she would have to have gotten from some one else. Only one person in the current climate of the Alliance could have authorized such a move. Viktor quickly processed everything before actually responding.

"Ok Mr. August. I am going to assume Miss Thul is not on board. If she is I need to speak with her immediately in person. If not when we return to Commenor you will relay my request to speak with her."

Viktor paused.

"In the mean time your clearance for bridge access is revoked. You and your men will be restricted to quarters for the duration of this mission unless specifically requested otherwise by myself or the Captain. Dismissed."

Viktor then turned to the ship's Captain before heading off the bridge to the Captain's quarters. The first thing Viktor did after was a neccessity.

"Captain I must apologize for the presence of Miss Thul's private army on board. I will rectify the situation and I promise it will not happen again as long as I can do anything about it."

Viktor sighed before continuing.

"Now on to the mission. The Chancellor is still on Commenor. While she did provided an ETA I am not convinced of it's accuracy. We may be holding the fort down for awhile. We are going to have to stick to the public mission until she get's here."

The Captain nodded clearly not pleased with the status of the mission and more importantly the blatant failures in security. That however would have to wait until the after action and debrief. One that both Miss Thul and the Chancellor would be present at whether they wanted to be or not.


Once Viktor and the Captain returned to the bridge things kicked into gear. The Captain ordered a channel opened to the Siege Platform. Once opened Viktor spoke.

"Siege Station 4 this is Task Force Recon of the Commenor Systems Alliance come in Siege Station 4."

The message would be repeated every three minutes hoping to get a response from the station to get a verification of the station's status. During the message the Task Force would continue scanning not only the station itself but the surrounding system. All known frequencies would also be monitored for traffic not just from the station itself but the surface of the planet and any signals coming into the system from outside.



The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Trade
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir

Within hours, he would receive a few résumés from local job-seekers, so as to get the talent management part out of the way early in the process of getting the Wann Tsir location started. He knew it was a delicate process that could make or break the location in its early stages; he can't afford subpar personnel at this stage of the game. He posted a number of things, but he also wanted a chief talent manager that actually understood the realities of workplace health and safety even if in a different capacity. The Jawa didn't realize that scheduling interviews at one day's notice is going to be troublesome, and he had different requests to re-schedule, knowing that he might have to interview a dozen candidates for that position. Precisely the sort of thing that can keep a startup manager, even at an intrapreneurial level as is the case of this business of ergonomic assessments, up at night. Maybe he had to re-read all the materials carefully several times before making final decisions as to who to send out rejection letters and interview invitations.

"I might have to spend the whole day tomorrow to interview candidates"
Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Investigation of old Seige Platforms
Allies: CSA [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Kevon Deacon"]
Nuetral: Wann Tsir civilians
Enemies: Hostile threats

Task force

She listened to him, he obviously never got them memo. He was not overly bothered, he once was stuck under piple dead rotting mandalorians for three days. This he can deal with, he did wonder why no one told him that they where coming though. He knew Elaine was going to get chewed by him, shame but she was big girl and could deal with it. He replied to the senator,
No worries, I head down to below deck. Elaine is not here, she at fashion show of some sort. He paused as he picked up his plasma cannon, as he did Just remember if you need us, we will be their. With that said, he head off to turbolift. Then head below decks, he played cards with some other housecarls.
Location: X-Wing - Re-routing to Sepan
Objective: N/A
Post Count: 3

Travelling at the velocity they were, getting to Wann Tsir would take days; time that Veiere didn't fancy sitting couped up in a single seater waiting for some sort of chance passer-by to come to their support. Instead the world of Sepan was far closer, the final stop between Commenor and the intended destination, it had taken only a matter of hours for the Jedi Master to reach one of their orbital ports and dock within a hanger to seek repairs and maintenance efforts for his fighter. "Cap, make sure they don't screw around with anything, she's twitchy and I don't want any more complications" he spoke somewhat sternly, almost protectively over the bird that he'd flown in on. The crabs in these parts formally known as Engineering Crew weren't exactly hospitable nor looking like the oath of reliability within the sector, yet the price for fuel and repair was fair and Veiere now had the chance to freshen up after being in flight for so many hours already.

Sitting quietly with a meal sat upon the table before him, Veiere took the time to rest up in one of the public dining area's for citizens that would travel to and from the orbital station. Food was there to order though it hardly met the daily nutritional needs any healthy man might crave; still it was better than none and at all and the stop had given him the time and opportunity to look over his datapad and notice the incoming messages he'd thus far neglected to notice. One of them from his beloved wife [member="Lady Kay"] and...Three from [member="Bradshaw Ku"]?

His gaze lifted in absent question, he'd not heard from the boy in quite some time since the younger man had sought to travel off on his own to go looking in search of Rae-Anna. So much had come to pass in the time since he had left, Veiere wondered about the lad often yet their communication had been minimal considering even he and Kay had rarely had the time to spend with one another of late. Pulling his comm-link from his belt and using the orbital stations communications array and external antennae to boost the call, he lay his datapad flat upon the table to serve as a holo-graphic display for which would show Bradshaw in miniature form should the youth answer him.

"Bradshaw, this is Veiere...-I've just touched down outside of Sepan. Respond?...".

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Objective: Return of the Prince/ TBD
Allies: CSA
Location: Approaching Wann Tsir
​Post: 3

While Bradshaw slept in the pilot’s seat, rather more comfortably than one might expect, Shorty faithfully continued with his designated task of reaching Veiere. Freeosk, too big for the small freighter, comically attempted one too small seat and position after another for a few minutes before giving up in a huff and returned standing behind Bradshaw. With the pilot asleep, and said pilot neglecting to set the freighter’s auto-navigation system, the freighter drifted under low power into the planetary system, where it slowly closed in on the CSA Naval Task Force. Its trajectory eventually bringing it between [member="Viktor Alexander"]’s Assault Cruiser and Siege Station 4.

After some time, Shorty squealed after finally receiving Veiere’s incoming communication. Doing just as he was instructed, the astromech patched the Master Jedi through immediately. Unfortunately, Bradshaw hadn’t just neglected to set the autopilot, he also neglected to actually tell the little droid to wake him up once he’d gotten hold of Veiere.

Clear blue light flashed from the console, creating a small holographic version of his step-father. Veiere’s own miniature image of Bradshaw would’ve painted a picture of him asleep with his feet on the dash and a very large, furry creature standing behind him, its head cut out of the image. Bradshaw much more resembled a low-grade smuggler than a Prince or even the Jedi Padawan he was supposed to be.

“Bradshaw, this is Veiere...-I've just touched down outside of Sepan. Respond?…”.

Freeosk, being Bradshaw’s bodyguard, not his personal assistant, and lacking any sort of social graces, did not attempt to awaken his charge. Instead, he bent over the pilots seat to look more closely at the small image projected there, and in doing so, brought his face slowly into Veiere's view.

“Are you Bradshaw’s controller?…” he asked, using the only analogous language that made sense to him, comparing a Jedi Master to a gladiator’s master controller, “… the one he says has conquered his mother and family?”

The Yuzzem’s booming voice, so close to his head was loud enough to wake a hungover Hutt, and it startled Bradshaw out of his ill advised slumber. His eyes shot open to find the massive creature bent over him. He squirmed out form underneath Freeosk, “What the!-” he started to say, before he noticed what his bodyguard was looking at. A glowing figurine version of Veiere.

This is already going so well, he thought sarcastically to himself. He waved the Yuzzem away, or at least, away from his seat before sitting in front of the holo-image. “Hello Master… I just thought I’d let you know I was in the Wann Tsir system for the big shindig.” He thought for a moment and thought better about his language, “What I mean to say is… I know I have a lot of explaining to do and… I’m willing to own up to everything—but just so you know, I’m probably going to do it again if the force gives me another hint of Rea-Anna." Then, for good measure, he added, "And, please don’t kill me.”

“I will not allow him to kill you. I would meet him in battle and fulfil my job on your behalf.”

From back in the communication's suite, Shorty beeped out an astromech's version of a laugh.

Bradshaw waved Freeosk away again, “No, I don’t mean he’s actually going to kill me. Now shut-up and go read up on how the civilised galaxy works.”

"Sorry about that, he's not too bright."

"Speak for your self."

| [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Captain August "]| [member="Klesta"] | [member="Kevon Deacon"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Corey Brave"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] |


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Trade
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir

Hiring internally was a tricky business, especially since he knew that the hazards of rapid expansion were that internal promotions were to be awarded to competent, if a little inexperienced, people, but he had to interview the internal candidates first. If all else fails, he could always fall back on the more experienced external candidates. That much was clear to him, and he had to interview internal candidates at a distance. He was left with no choice, even though he preferred to interview people face-to-face. Klesta was a little nervous to begin this distance interview, especially since he knew that time on Wann Tsir was different from time on Ziost, Tarhassan, Schesa, or even Lok. What could be broad daylight on Tarhassan may not be on Ziost, no more than it can be on Wann Tsir. The first interviewee of the day was the highest in the seniority list at his paygrade for talent management on Schesa. The Chiss male began opening his com-line, speaking with Klesta at the other end.

"Greetings. At the beginning, I will ask a few questions: first, where do you think staffing fits in the vision for the company?"

"They are key to the business' success, and offering good work conditions is key" the Chiss interviewee answered.
Post 5

Elaine was sat watching the fashion show, she also saw an amazing suit, one that would really suit [member="Viktor Alexander"]. She decide she put an order in it for, she would gift it him. She also wonder how him and [member="Captain August "]was getting along, after all a small task force she sent with him, should really come in handy. Though she did go behind his back a little, and ask [member="Lady Kay"] permission first. She also had a few orders herself, the fashionable armour was a bit of a hit. She had a bundle of orders, for her small clothing range in some specialist shops. This made her happy the Elysian brand logo did, was doing well. Also none armoured version where being sold, on the high street. This would keep her people very busy, and the money coming in will help tax revenue pay for new systems in the capital.

She was getting a bit of girly smile on her, as she thought about vicktor. He cut quite dashing figure in that flight suit, and he had helped her out a lot. She would not be here selling her wares, and helping out the people of Elysian. She wonder if she get to meet him, again before she goes back. As she had to do soon, as she had to help rebuild her city, a lot of this money was going into that. Though this was her main recruiting ground, for own military forces her main focus. Yes they did mercenary work now and again, but they where all soldiers loyal to her house. They just got paid more if they took on foreign adventures, as it came with danger pay. as she wonder if she got the right colour suit for him, she was interrupted by someone. Ohh the range you showed was simply marvelous darling, simply maverlous. She looked at her, she was obviously after something, but she replied ​Oh thank you dear, you're too kind, to kind by far. She waited for the follow question, which came I could do with small favour darling, could you get me some of the material, I like to run a few numbers with it. She just smiled and said Oh just get your people to talk to mine, and I am sure they will work out a deal. She access to kilik silk, it seemed like a hit. She then sat down, with a few her housecarls and had drink of white wine.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: Diplomacy
Location: Orbit of Wann Tsir

It all went without a hitch. The ramp of The Free Lady rose without stopping, which meant that everyone that was coming aboard were already there. No latecomers, no nothing. Good. Kay felt the ship lift from the landing pad and begin it's ascent through Commenor's atmosphere. Another few moments and it went into hyperspace.

A few hours was what she had to spare. After making some edits on her Charter notes, Kay spent some time on what history of Wann Tsir that she could find. There wasn't much to go on and that left her a bit annoyed. But it was understandable too. That part of the Galaxy wasn't well sought after. They didn't have anything that set them apart from most other worlds. In a way that provided them a safety net from invasion or attacks. Governor Sqa'am Ish seemed the agreeable sort as well. This was his idea afterall.

Kay wondered what kinds of wares she'd be sampling, and whether or not they were appetizing. Hopefully there was tea. If not, she always brought her own stash, a cup of which she had nearly finished drinking by the time The Free Lady dropped out of hyperspace. She set the cup down and exited her quarters, moving to the cockpit to speak with her pilot. "We're here?"

"Yes M'Lady."

"Great. Let their port authority know. Governor Sqa'am Ish has probably left us co-ordinates. Also, let Senator [member="Viktor Alexander"] know that we've arrived."

"Understood, M'Lady."

"Thank you." Kay wasn't so sure that Viktor would be happy with her timing. Regardless, she was there. Her datapad was still in her quarters, so she headed over there to retrieve it. No messages from [member="Bradshaw Ku"] , nor from her husband [member="Veiere Arenais"] . But it had only been a few hours or so. She shouldn't really be a worry wart. Yet it seemed as though that was all that she did lately. The Galaxy seemed to move on while she remained in place. Hopefully it would all work out in the end. Hopefully she's been making the right choices.
Objective: Bring mass-capitalism and the toxic corruption of modern technology to the streets of Wsan Tsir Fashion Show/Design a dress
Allies: Fabric/Independent

Regardless of what the CSA were here for, today Natalie was unaffiliated with them and had picked up an identification stating herself to be "Chantay Creepe", for lack of a better name and that was the fanciest thing she could think of on the spot. Given the fact that she usually didn't have to go to these means to hide her true identity, she had to go slightly underground to get these papers.

Natalie was truly here to spread her corporate influence, as a simple independent manufacturer making her own dress to compete in the upcoming fashion show aptly titled "Little Miss Tsir" and would be crowned the winner regardless of her artistic influence, partially because she had the look, partially because life was her runaway and mainly because she had slipped a few underhanded bribes to the local government who were running this. White collar workers were easily manipulated, especially when falling under the influence of an intergalactic power.

Everything was coming up Natalie.

Those years of slaving over a sketchpad would prove useful as she began creating her masterpiece in a hidden studio that had been rented out days before the show.
Objective: Siege Platform thingy
Location: Siege Platform
Allies: None ATM
Enemies: Nome ATM
Unknown: [member="Viktor Alexander"] I @Captain August
Post: 2

Kevon scoured his data banks for available data on Wain Tsir. There wasn't much. The planet was largely unimportant; there were no exceptionally important drugs, metals, banks, crystals, or anything of massive note. The planet had almost no bearing on the galaxy at all. Except a war. The droid's heuristic processor was unable to produce a logical answer for any being to drop this many credits on anything in this systems, unless it had to do with this war. It was the only logical reasoning he could produce.

The droid began the decompression process, jets of cool air hissed, filling the chamber with atmosphere once more. When the vacuum was remedied, the door slid open, and Kevon's metallic feet clanked across the durasteel floor. Artificial gravity was active in this area, but not in the chamber where he came from. The passage gave a slow, winding turn to the left, with a massive open window to the droid's right that revealed the planet bellow. As the droid crossed the first door, he screeched to a halt.

His V-shaped photoceptor turned to the side. A trio of deceased organics lay splayed across the ground. But it wasn't their corpses that attracted Kevon's attention. It was the blinking light on the console at the station they had been manning before their deaths. The droid stepped over their bodies and pressed the blinking button.

Viktor Alexander said:
"Siege Station 4 this is Task Force Recon of the Commenor Systems Alliance come in Siege Station 4."

The voice repeated itself twice more before the droid realized he should speak up.

"Task Force Recon, this is Kevon Deacon," the droid said in a very melodic but still synthesized voice. He paused, "I'm aboard Siege Station 4." He glanced back at the three bodies behind him, "Who are the dead people?"
Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Investigation of old Seige Platforms
Allies: CSA
Nuetral: Wann Tsir civilians
Enemies: Hostile threats
Unknown: [member="Captain August "][member="Kevon Deacon"]

Viktor nodded as the report of the Chancellor finally arriving in system reached the Task Force.

"Have the Chancellor's ship tagged as a priority and follow it's progress. Actively monitor all Commenori emergency frequencies just encase something goes wrong."

Turning back to the view port and view of the station Viktor waited for a response. One that would arrived shortly after hearing from the Chancellor in the form of a synthesized voice calling itself Kevon Deacon. Viktor quickly processed the information before reacting.

"Launch Alpha squadron and have them initiate close recon of the station. Get me as much intel on that station as possible. Approach vectors, defensive armaments, and initial threat assessment."

He paused for a brief moment before continuing.

"Have three drop ships prepared for take off. One with a Boarding party, one with a medical crew, and the third with an engineering party to assess and repair the station as needed. Tell the drop ships to await launch orders."

Viktor then turned to the Communications Officer telling him to open the channel to the station back up.

"Kevon Deacon this is Senator Viktor Alexander of the Commenor Systems Alliance what is your status? Do you need medical assistance?"

Post 5/X
Objective: Siege Platform thingy
Location: Siege Platform
Allies: None ATM
Enemies: Nome ATM
Unknown: [member="Viktor Alexander"] I @Captain August
Post: 3

The droid heard a voice reply. It was organic, probably human. Possibly male. The droid still was unsure on gender classifications and distinctions. The voice identified itself as a senator. That was--some sort of political position. Power. The droid's head tilted to the side slightly. Curiouser and curiouser.

The droid tethered its internal comm to the unit so it could continue to speak with this Viktor Alexander of the Alliance as it continued its search though the passage. "Negative, sir. All functions are fully operational." He looked down at his chassis for a moment, "In case there is any more need for clarification, I am a non-organic," the droid came across a second set of lifeless bodies splayed across the durasteel floor, partially coagulated blood coated the metallic surface around them. Two still clutched blasters in their rigamortis afflicted hands. "I do believe there are a number of organics on the premises that are in need of repair."

Kevon came to the end of the passage, a massive elevator at its ending. The doors were torn from the hinges. Judging by the way they were ripped apart, from the inside. The droid grabbed the side of the opening with his claw-like appendage and peered down into the void. A quick gauge with echolocation revealed the drop was 24.783 meters.

"Would you like me to open the hangar bay for your entry?" Kevon asked, beginning to lower himself down into the yawing chasm.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Trade
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir

"What's the perfect ergonomic assessor to you?"

"Someone who understands musculoskeletal injuries, how they form, but also a good communicator, both oral and written. Because, you see, the assessment itself is not the end of the story at work. What's inevitable in ergonomic assessments that you have to be willing to travel a lot for work, and sometimes even interstellar distances"

The old saying you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink applied all too readily to the business of ergonomic assessments, and all things related to workplace health and safety, and he knew it. And the Xi Charrans knew it, too; they considered their workplaces as sacred and work accidents were considered a sacrilege to them and on their homeworld, ergonomic assessments can be readily done. In fact, several of the external candidates were Xi Charrans. But from what he knew about how the Xi Charrans dealt with ergonomic assessments, he knew that, while easy sells on their own turf, even on neighboring planets in the sector, they found that the two main bottlenecks of the business are usually getting the assessment made in the first place and getting the client to implement the recommendations in the final report. Another question for a prospective talent manager, whom he knew was an unpleasant part of the job: the performance metrics. While he knew that up-or-out was just out of the question, because ergonomic assessors are scarce, unlike accountants or lawyers at major accounting or law firms, respectively, there had to be some way to sort the wheat from the chaff.

"What metrics would you use to evaluate the performance of an assessor?"

"Client reviews are important. I understand that, sometimes, focusing on purely quantitative metrics is not always the way to go in this industry"

Kiran Arlos

Objective:protect The Queen
Location: Orbit of Wann Tsir
Allies: [member="Lady Kay"]

Travelling wasn't anything new to the young man, as he had done this quite often. And with being a guard to the Queen of Commenor, it was something that he would have to do often considering diplomatic relations and such. It was quite nice to be where he was at and have purpose again after his lost years of solitude and such. The young man was however, donned his Imperial Legion armor with his lightsaber at his side and blaster rifle in his hands as he stood staring outside towards space until they entered the atmosphere of Tsir.

Kiran nodded to the queen as she passed by and head towards the cockpit. The young man was proud that she was able to confide and trust in him as she had done, that trust wouldn't be misplaced by anything. His first trip to Commenor was quite surprising and enjoyable, he wasn't sure what to expect when he arrived at the capital.

Kiran was pleased with what he found and those he had met during his time there.
Objective: Diplomacy
Allies: CSA
Location:Wann Tsir
Corey was starting to like Wann Tsir, the people had given him a warm welcome and now he was staying at Screed's mansion. The mansion looked like it had been well built, but the interior was vastly inferior to his home on Gyndine. As he got ready for dinner with Screed he couldn't help but think of all the things that they would have to talk about. Joining the Alliance would be mutually beneficial for both parties involved and he would make sure that Screed and his people knew that. He would make sure to point out that he to had a grudge against the evil Sith, he was aware what it was like to experience their occupation.
He left his room and made his way to where his staff were being housed, he needed to inform the rest of the Alliance that he had made contact with some of the Wann Tsir government.
"Adam, I need you to get a message to [member="Lady Kay"]. Inform her that I have landed on the planet and in the process of opening a dialogue with government officials. They seem to be a perfect match for the alliance but I will know more upon further conversations. If possible, I would like to meet up with her and her people once they land on the planet."
He wanted Wann Tsir to enter the Alliance but he also wanted to secure lucrative trade deals with a his new ally. It was just good business to have a close relationship with Wann Tsir, the planet would buy Gyndine ships and he could build factories on the planet. Just because Gyndine was a member of the Alliance didn't mean that he couldn't look out for his planets best interest and get more money coming it's way. He had a dream of an even more powerful Gyndine, one that was the pride and joy of the alliance and main base of operations for its naval fleet.
Location: X-Wing - Sepan Spacestation.
Objective: Reach Wann Tsir
Family: [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Bradshaw Ku"].
Post Count: 4

“Are you Bradshaw’s controller?… the one he says has conquered his mother and family?”
Veiere stared back at the holo-image of his apprentices so called assistant and bodyguard with a look of stark disbelief. "Excuse me?" He said abruptly though more upon sheer surprise than harboring a tone in any way defensive or demeaning.

“What the!-” Veiere listened as there was an audible sound of scuffling before [member="Bradshaw Ku"]'s voice came over the transmission, his visage coming before the holo-sensors and being displayed off the surface of the table in much miniature form. “Hello Master… I just thought I’d let you know I was in the Wann Tsir system for the big shindig.”

Veiere leaned slowly back into his chair, wondering how he always seemed to come upon Padawan whom loved to give him the run around. In the boy's absence, [member="Romi Jade"] had returned and reminded him often about her very similar traits. Two peoples that perhaps Veiere had to consider wouldn't be the best were they to meet, Force knows he did not need a pairing of that sort of accord on his hands, let alone what Kay would think if through Veiere, Bradshaw finally found his match.

Sighing under his breath, he offered a disapproving shake of his head, "I do wonder about you...-But I cannot blame you for wanting to find your Sister. Your mother's been worried for you both...-There will be plenty of time to report back to me but please make her your first priority. She could use the company, I'm afraid I've not been much of it of late..." There was much that Bradshaw hadn't been told, much that had come to pass in Veiere's path that the lad would need to be included upon, yet first Veiere had the trouble of actually making the flight there in one piece.

"Sepan's orbital station has my fighter being looked over...Once I'm done here I'll come to you both. Relay your co-ordinates when you find your Mother. This shouldn't take more than a couple hours...-I hope".
Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Investigation of old Seige Platforms
Allies: CSA
Nuetral: Wann Tsir civilians
Enemies: Hostile threats
Unknown: [member="Captain August "][member="Kevon Deacon"]

Viktor listened to the response from Kevon. He turned briefly to the Captain before having a response sent back.

"Mr. Deacon opening the front door would be much appreciated."

He then turned to the Captain again.

"To be safe let's launch the landing craft but have two fighters land on the station first and ensure the path is clear and safe. Then stagger the landing craft. Have the boarding party land first and secure the hanger, then the Engineering crew and lastly the medical crew. I am hesitant to trust the word or a man I am not familiar with man or droid without verifying it first."

Viktor turned back to the view screen and listened to the comm traffic. If the doors did in fact open then two fighters would enter the hanger at docking speed performing what scans they could with both sensor and their own eyes. If untouched then the first landing craft would enter. Out of it would come a platoon of Commenori Regulars to sweep the hanger for threats and then secure it. The engineering and medical teams would hold back with the rest of Alpha Squadron until an all clear had been given.


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