Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Common Want. (CSA Dominion of Wann Tsir Hex)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: Diplomacy
Location: Arrival on Wann Tsir

Kay left the cockpit and headed down the corridor. She gave [member="Kiran Arlos"] a small smile and bow of her head. At least he was there for her, even if it was just to be for a short while. "Nearly there. I don't expect any trouble, but one never knows." The troubles for her were more political than anything these days.

Her mind was in many different places at once, yet she had to remain focused. Her datapad beeped, thankfully, giving her something else to think about. It was a message from [member="Corey Brave"] . He had arrived already and was waiting for her. The Senator of Gyndine sure was punctual when he wanted to be. He was ambitious. She figured that he was on her side, but now she wasn't so sure. She wasn't so sure about any of them. Kay sent out a reply, expressing her arrival time as being just minutes away. The Free Lady was already well on it's way to the surface. She sent the co-ordinates to [member="Bradshaw Ku"] and [member="Veiere Arenais"] as well. Hopefully they would arrive too. But if not, there was still plenty on her plate to keep her occupied.

And as expected, those few minutes went by quickly. The Free Lady touched down with ease, the weather conditions being perfect for it. Kay was dressed to impress, her gown red this time, meant to stand out and to show her status. People tended to react better in negotiations with a head of state, rather than just a middle man. Hopefully all goes well.

She exited the Free Lady once the ramp was lowered, a smile on her face, yet not quite aware of whether or not Senator Brave and others would be meeting with her.
Objective: Diplomacy
Location: Wann Tsir

Corey had just started watching the Gyndine new network when he heard someone knock on his door expecting it to someone from the Wann Tsir government, he was surprised to see that it was one of his staff. He was confused at first but quickly recovered, he had dinner with some of the members of the government the previous night and he learned that Wann Tsir had very strong liquor, which he wasn't going to complain about.

"Senator, we just received word that [member="Lady Kay"] will be arriving soon, I was coming to ask if you wanted to meet her at her ship?"

Corey smiled it would be good to see a familiar face around, especially Kay, she had a way of defusing tense situations. He hoped that he would get a chance to meet the rest of her family, he had not yet had the pleasure of meeting her son.

"Of course I will be ready in a few minutes go start the lad speeders up for us, I'm sure she going to want to see the city or something like that"

He deiced that since he was meeting with the Queen of Commenor , he would dress the part. He put on a nice white suite, it would contrast well with whatever it was that Kay would be wearing. It didn't take him long to get dressed and he was out of the mansion in a few minutes. It wasn't hard to find The Free Lady, it was one of the larger more expensive looking ships and even though Wann Tsir had some good ships nothing could really compare to it. As he got closer to the ship he could make out what was Kay and some of her people steeping off the ramp.

He waved to her "[member="Lady Kay"], Nice to see you made it. I trust you had a nice trip here."


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Trade
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir

The interview process wasn't the most grueling but since it was a senior position, many of the questions pertained to leadership and situations one will likely encounter in a senior leadership role, within the confines of boardrooms, job interviews (both entry and exit) and whatnot. Yes, Klesta knew that he could expect a lot of different answers and that there was no right or wrong answer. Just that he needed to take notes on each candidate on top of their professional experience or skillset: sometimes, in talent management, talent in one job skill, however vital, could easily be secondary to one's personality. A poor judge of character is often poorly suited to become a talent manager, for instance, even though the prospective talent manager may well be able to pick employees' skillsets apart with very tight tolerances. Once he has finished asking all of the customary questions for that position, it was now the Jawa's turn to ask whether the interviewee has any questions about the position, work conditions or perks for the candidate or family, should it be promoted.

"Have any questions?"

"What's the next step? Also, how long I can expect an answer by?"

"If your candidacy is retained, our team will keep in touch with you for immigration and taxation paperwork"

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Objective: Return of the Prince/ Diplomacy
Allies: CSA
Location: Arrival on Wann Tsir
​Post: 4

"I do wonder about you...-But I cannot blame you for wanting to find your sister..."

Bradshaw let out an audible puff before quickly sucking in more air, so nervous was he about his Master’s reaction to his wandering search for his sister that he’d unconsciously been holding his breath. Veiere’s words were sweet as could be. Music to his ears, if there ever was such a thing. He almost could’t believe his luck. His mother hadn’t, yet, chastised him for running off. Though, admittedly, that could just be a factor of time. And now Veiere had said that he couldn’t blame him?

Maybe I should wander off more often, he mused to himself. Then thought better of it.

A broad smile of relief grew from ear to ear. “Well… seems like we’re on the same page.” He scratched his head, “I honestly didn’t see that coming,” a shrug and a chuckle, "I knew I chose you as my master for a reason.”

A deep, inquisitive voice vibrated from deeper in the ship, “You chose him to be your master? I do not understand you humans.”

“I told you, he’s not that kind of master!” Bradshaw shouted back over his shoulder.

He turned back to the hologram of Veiere, “I always said that X-Wing relic of yours was trash. Now look, you might be late to the big party. I don’t know why you bought it. You’d probably have better luck trying to fly around in a rock — might even get you here faster. Anyway, let me know when you finally arrive. I’ll join Mom and relay the coordinates as you suggested-“

A few whistles and beeps from Shorty fortuitously let him know that [member="Lady Kay"] had arrived to the planet and sent coordinates.

“Speaking of which… Mom’s finally made it to the system. Never thought I’d be the first one to a diplomatic gathering. Hopefully you can get that hunk-a-junk working soon.”

  • - - - - - - - - - - -

Once his conversation with Veiere ended, he guided the small freighter toward the coordinates sent by his mother.

“Shorty, send the authorities my authorisation codes.” They were the codes which informed any galactic government that he was the Prince of Commenor. It wasn't so much that he wanted a princely welcome. Rather, the codes were handy when he wanted landing permission quickly. They didn't disappoint.

The freighter smoothly glided toward the same landing pad used by his mother and [member="Corey Brave"] and landed without a flourish. No showing off this time. That was because the freighter landed itself and the reason soon became apparent when he exited down the ramp, dressed in simple blueish-grey and cream colored Jedi robes, not the casual, worn garb of a low-grade smuggler that he’d sported only a few minutes before. He couldn’t show up looking like galactic scum, after all. Fortunately, he’d at least remembered to pack them before rushing off.

He approached his mother, who was easier to spot than a Wookiee at an Ewok family reunion, in her red gown, with Shorty beeping next to him and his extremely large bodyguard trailing just behind.

Remembering his training, he bowed to his mother and then to Corey and [member="Kiran Arlos"] once he’d arrived at the small gathering.

“New friends to go with the new territory, mother?” He asked concerning the two gentlemen. “Looks like I wasn’t the only one to pick up a new pal.” He tilted his head back toward the unmissable giant behind him and smirked.

“I call’em scruffy.”

“You would not dare.”

He leaned in closer to the group, “I do in my head.”

“You do not want to know what I call you in mine.”

| [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Captain August "]| [member="Klesta"] | [member="Kevon Deacon"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] |
Objective: Diplomacy
Location: Wann Tsir

Corey looked into the sky as the old fighter landed, he had expected the fighter to belong to some regular person who had just so happened to land at the landing pad. He was surprised to see the pilot was a Jedi and he had a walking carpet with him. He still wasn't sure who this man was, but he got the idea when he addressed [member="Lady Kay"] as mother. It was strange he had never read that her son was a Jedi in the files that he had read on her and her family. It wasn't a bad surprise though, having a Jedi around always made things interesting, but he could do without "Scruffy" who knows what that thing could end up doing in a delicate diplomatic situation like this. It was good to see Kay again, he and her had been on opposite sides during the senate, and it was nice being able to work with her without the interference of the other senators.

"It's very nice to nice to finally meet you [member="Bradshaw Ku"], I must admit i've never met a Prince before so this is a great honor for me. I must say you have a very interesting ship, not many people would think that it belongs to a Prince or a Jedi. And it's nice to meet your friend as well I have never met his kind before."

He signaled for his personal secretary

"Can you bring us some drinks, I'm sure that our friends are looking for some refreshments after their trips, I think your all gonna like it here on Wann Tsir they have the best drinks anywhere in the galaxy, with the exception of the Executive mansions bar on Gyndine of course."

Corey was going to make sure that he had a deal with the government so that he could get his own supply, but he had to remember to stay focused on the current mission and that was getting the planet to join the Alliance. It shouldn't be that hard now that [member="Bradshaw Ku"],[member="Lady Kay"], and [member="Kiran Arlos"]. They had star power that's for sure, and that did tend to count during negotiations, after all no one likes dealing with middle men when they can talk to the people in charge.
Location: Siege Station 4
Objective: Siege Station
Post: 4/x

The rappel line continued to extend from the droid's forearm. From the basic schematics Kevon had acquired, he could see the entry hanger was located in the ventral end of the station. It was an odd design but, certainly Imperial. When he reached the end of the trip to the bottom, Kevon released the rappel line, leaving it dangling. It never hurt to have an emergency exit strategy. The droid's metal hands gripped the door and pried it apart, the metal bent slightly under the force he exhorted and scrapped against the walls, sending small sparks flying.

Viktor Alexander said:
"Mr. Deacon opening the front door would be much appreciated."
"That shouldn't be a problem then," the droid said stepping into the wide, open docking bay. The place was quiet, save for the soft hum of the artificial gravity and life support systems. There were a few shuttles still docked and unmoved from their position. The droid made his way to an access terminal and tapped out the order to open the vast bay doors. As the first two fighters landed, Kevon realized his biggest mistake. Organics needed oxygen. He quickly tapped in the order to re-fill the chamber with the atmosphere. When the second set of ships landed, warriors came in.

The droid was impressed with these soldiers. Their discipline. Their dedication. Their precision. They must have been trained by some really amazing guy. Some super impressive General who really was amazing.

As they fanned out to secure the area, the droid approached whoever it looked like was in charge, "Excuse me, but there appears to be a number of organic bodies lying around, they all appear to be several days old, all of them on the 5th level. I believe these organics are in need of repair."

[member="Viktor Alexander"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: Diplomacy
Location: Wann Tsir

She spotted [member="Corey Brave"] the moment that he waved to her, giving him a small wave back. Yet Kay's smile became more genuine as [member="Bradshaw Ku"] came to greet her. She bowed her head to him and then couldn't help herself as she went straight to him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. It had been months since she had seen him or heard word of him. Brad had disappeared after the wedding.

"A lot has happened since you disappeared. But we'll get into that later." She pulled out of the hug and gestures towards Corey and [member="Kiran Arlos"] . "This is Senator Brave of Gyndine and this is Kiran, my bodyguard. He's sort of on loan, in a way, from the Iron Empire." Kay looked up to 'Scruffy' and bowed her head to him. "Pleasure to meet you."

Her attention then turned to Corey as he spoke, raising a brow slightly at his description of some of the drink that was available here. She wondered how much of it he had partaken in during his time here. Kay was glad that she was more of a tea drinker herself. Thankfully, she wasn't aware of any alcoholic teas that would get her to lose her focus. "Just some tea will do me good, thank you Senator Brave. Shall we go inside?"


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Trade
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir

"Speaking of which, if my candidacy is retained, to what extent are the relocation expenses reimbursed?"

"5,000 credits. Also by the end of next week you shall receive a response"

The day was to be long indeed, he thought, while the Jawa had to interview another internal candidate. Sure, he should have started by posting internally and later do a posting directed at external candidates, just that it was urgent and he had to review both at the same time; only the interview order was predicated on internal vs. external. Also, hiring internally sometimes engenders a trickle-down chain of events leading to the external hire being at the lowermost level. But he was satisfied from that interviewee; often the questions of hire-no hire can keep a hiring manager up at night, and certainly for a new location.
Location: X-Wing - Sepan Spacestation.
Objective: Reach Wann Tsir
Family: [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Bradshaw Ku"].
Post Count: 5

Having ended the transmission with Bradshaw, Veiere was pleasantly relieved to hear that the boy hadn't gone off and gotten himself killed. It was a reasonable concern with the lad, in all fairness. His mother was one to attract all kinds of trouble but Bradshaw was one to go looking for it. His cocky attitude and flare for the overly dramatic approach to swooning in on women left Veiere with his share of doubts. Fortunately, Bradshaw had yet to meet his match and it seemed they were well overdue for a catch up.

Turning his attention to those messages he had yet to answer, it seemed Kay was next. He knew her line of work too well by now, calling her across a live feed transmission would be denied due to her work load, thus he resigned himself to recording a message that she might receive when she had the moment to listen to it over.

"Kay it's me,

I've hit something of a complication en-route to Wann Tsir; decided I'd take the X-wing and she's gone and crapped out on me. I'm currently holed up in one of Sepan's maintenance stations getting her looked over. They reckon it shouldn't take much longer now. I'm not sure what you had in mind for this trip though, honestly you know how I feel about politics....

I heard from Bradshaw by the way, kid sounds ever his typical self. Glad he hasn't gotten his ass shot up yet.

I'll see you soon".

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Objective: Return of the Prince/ Diplomacy
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir
Post: 5

His mother’s hug was sudden, but not entirely unexpected after a months long absence without a great deal of contact between himself and either Veiere or her. Neither was the gesture unwanted. He wrapped his arms around her, embracing the familial compassion that he was still getting used to, after learning to live without it for fifteen years. They broke from their little private moment. She introduced [member="Kiran Arlos"], her bodyguard on loan from the Iron Empire, and greeted Bradshaw’s own new bodyguard.

He smoothed his robes. “A lot has changed, no kidding. Apparently I can’t go away for a few months without coming back to you being in charge of an increasingly larger empire…”

Freeosk acknowledged [member="Lady Kay"]’s greeting then turned his attention to Kiran. He stared down at the much smaller being. “Isn't your bodyguard too small to be of much protection?”

Bradshaw sighed, “It's not the size that counts, its how you use it… I’m sure he’s a perfectly capable bodyguard. You can’t just blurt out things like that.”

“It was just an observation.”

“Well, observe quietly, would-ya?“

Bradshaw then turned his attention to [member="Corey Brave"]. The senator was polished, smooth, and he was rather more impressed by Bradshaw’s royal title than most. That was probably because he didn’t know much about him. Bradshaw wasn’t a very esteemed Prince or Jedi, despite either title. It was nice to meet someone who at least took notice and gave him a little respect— mostly because he’d likely loose it soon — so it was good to have it for a little while before that happened.

“Oh, him?” He said referring to Freeosk, “Yeah, I’d never met his species before running into him, either. If his tactlessness is anything to go on, I don’t think they get out much. Speaking of which, I’ll more than happily accept your drink offer, especially if they’re really half as good as your boasting. As for the ship, I picked it out for the exact reason that nobody would expect it to belong to a Prince or Jedi. I’ve been gone on something of an undercover mission.”

He turned to address everyone, “So, is there someplace we have to be? And on the way, someone has to fill me in on all these changes— oh, and what exactly we’re doing here.”

| [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Captain August "]| [member="Klesta"] | [member="Kevon Deacon"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] |

(OOC: Sorry about the wait)
Corey was was starting to like [member="Bradshaw Ku"], he seemed more like a regular person than anything else. It was rare that he met someone the same age as him, people in government tended to be on the older side. When Bradshaw took him up on his offer for drink he knew that they would be friends and have some fun on this diplomatic trip, and that was great because these trips could get so boring. Corey liked excitement every once and a while and he was sure that he would get some on Wann Tsir.

He turned to his staff that had followed him. "Get us two drinks"

He agreed with [member="Lady Kay"], he didn't like to be out in open for long periods of time. He had been around long enough to know that snipers or assassins could be anywhere and with the resent trouble they had been having on Gyndine he wasn't taking any chances.

"I think it would be a good idea to go inside, We have much to discuss about the planet and it's extraordinary potential."

The sonner he got them both up to spend about the situation the faster they could begin negotiations with the government. He wasn't sure how people on Wann Tsir would react to being a member of the Alliance, but he was sure with enough perks or arm twisting they would be able to get an agreement rather fast.

As he was making his way inside he couldn't but think that Kay had a very interesting choice in body guards, but it really wasn't much of his business so he kept it to himself for now.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: Diplomacy
Location: Wann Tsir

Well, at least [member="Bradshaw Ku"] didn't call her an Empress. These days that title had been thrown at her as an insult. She was a Chancellor for the Alliance and a Queen of only Commenor. That was it. Sure their territory had expanded, but it wasn't through violence or oppression. It was more through co-operation.

She looked up to Freeosk and laughed a little to herself. His honesty was refreshing, and had an innocent quality to it. Perhaps he hadn't seen much of the Galaxy, but that wasn't entirely a bad thing. How did the two of them form a partnership anyways? That was something that she'd have to learn later.

Kay nodded to [member="Corey Brave"] as he agreed to have them go inside. On their way she spoke quietly with her son. "Be mindful of how much you drink. We don't want to make fools of ourselves. But the government of Wann Tsir is looking into flying our banner and seek our economic and military protection. Senator Brave seems to know more, however. How long have you been here, Senator?" Kay was a little later to the party than she'd of liked. Normally she was the punctual sort.

Her datapad beeped and she saw that she had a message from [member="Veiere Arenais"] . No time to listen at the moment. But when she had time for herself she would.

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor

Objective: Return of the Prince/ Diplomacy

Allies: CSA

Location: Wann Tsir

Post: 6

Following his mother and Senator Brave inside, Bradshaw accepted a glass of an amber colored drink from the Senator’s personal secretary with a nod. The fragrance wafting up from the glass suggested it might be a variety of Wann Tsir whisky with a perfume nose and a lingering ambrosial almond body. The strength of the fine liquor also suggested itself with an eye-opening alcoholic kick to the olfactory organ. Already he’d learned something important about the natives. The Wann Tsir citizens, it seemed, liked their fun-juice intoxicating. And he liked that about them.

For most of his life he had been too poor to be discerning about his booze. If it did the job and you could choke it down, that was all that mattered. After his original return to Commenor and subsequently coming into the ability to be more particular about what he drank, he grew increasingly fond of the artistry involved in crafting alcoholic beverages.

He nodded along to his mother’s warning and short explanation of why they were all here and gave the liquid a quick swirl around the glass.
“No need to worry, Mother,” he tried to say as seriously as possible, “You know me, I’m nothing if not a paragon of moderation…” He gave [member="Corey Brave"] a smirk, letting him in on the joke, then took a sip. It was indeed a sharp liquor, but also well blended with a complex profile and an unbelievably smooth finish.

“Actually, if they’re going to make drinks this strong and this yummy—things might just get a little crazy up in here,”
He teased [member="Lady Kay"], before turning back to Senator Brave. “But, to be a little serious. What do you know about the culture here? Anything we can use?”

He was far from a diplomat, but even an amateur knows that the more you knew about who you were negotiating with, the bigger your advantage. He couldn’t wield such knowledge the way Senator Brave and his mother could, but, that’s why they were here. Maybe he could be useful by channeling [member="Veiere Arenais"] by just pretending to be a dignified Jedi and Prince, for once, that might impress them during discussions.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Trade
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir

One week after the round of interviews was finished, Klesta was now ready to announce who will the chief talent manager be for the Wann Tsir office. The businessman Jawa could only scream utinni after realizing how many sleepless nights he spent reviewing the interview responses and the work history of the candidates. To whom to place his trust in to hire the right people to get the ergonomic assessment office going. However, he was able to get the right services in touch for the cases where internal stuff was to happen for relocation, especially since the job finally went to a more junior talent manager from the Cyrillia office that didn't ask for too high a salary, compared to the Chiss that worked on Schesa; the funds from Ziost began to run dry or so he was told. The Jawa could finally be relieved that he could arrive at a hiring decision and get the proper paperwork done for that particular new hire. Because some of the paperwork was to be done once that employee begins working.
Corey had to admit that [member="Bradshaw Ku"] had a point, even if he was joking. Things on the Wann Tsir had been a little to easy. The truth was Wann Tsir was a basic planet that had problems that any developed planet had, things like poverty, crime, and unemployment. What had concerned him the most was the poverty in the big cities, large groups of poor people could band together to overthrow the government and that would be bad for business. At the end of the day this whole diplomatic mission was about making money and expanding the Alliance, but more importantly cash.

"it depends on what you mean by culture, it's like any other planet in terms of the way people act. I only have a minor concerns about the poverty that i saw in the city when I was exploring a few day ago. It's usual for cities to have poverty, but the government seems content to just have poor people sit out in the open in a way that could inspire unrest or even worse a revolution. I think we can all agree that having a friendly government is in the best interest of the Alliance. Other than that Wann Tsir has a very friendly people, so if you find yourself's among the general public I would say that you should take whatever gifts that they give you."

Corey had a feeling that they could do business with the Wann Tsir government, and the sooner that he could get [member="Lady Kay"] a room with the leaders, the better. He needed her on board with him. The senate would be fine with anything as long as it was a benefit to their planet, The chancellor on the other hand was a completely different story. She liked to do things in a peaceful by the book fashion and that was fine I she was running an organization that was non profit, but government was about money just as much as it was about people.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: Diplomacy
Location: Wann Tsir

Kay smirked as [member="Bradshaw Ku"] made his joke about moderation. She knew his type really well, and for someone of his age, there was no such thing as moderation. But with [member="Veiere Arenais"] ' influence, that could have changed. She'd know soon enough with how much drink he decides to take.

Her attention soon turned to [member="Corey Brave"] as he let them know a little about what the discussions with the Government of Wann Tsir would be like. The biggest problem that he had pointed out was poverty. That was normal for a planet, no matter how rich they were, but for Commenor, poverty had been eliminated. Through hard work and dedication, she had turned things around for her people. Perhaps she could do the same with Wann Tsir.

"A friendly government is most ideal yes, Senator Brave. But as you said, with the way that they handle the poor, there's great risk for an uprising or revolution. It's in their best interest for that not to happen. I believe that we could help them with that. It would benefit them all, just as it benefited Commenor."

The sooner that things were set in motion, the better. Kay needed a success story for both herself and her government. It was clear to her that they were losing faith in her, and she couldn't have that. But it had been made clear to her that she couldn't trust them much either.

"Please excuse me. I have a message from my husband that I need to hear. I'll only be a moment." She bowed her head to them and went off to a quiet corner where she held up her datapad and opened the message. Fortunately it wasn't an emergency. However Veiere's prized X-Wing breaking down was a cause for concern with the antique of a ship. What if it were to blow up on him while he was in hyperspace? Hopefully whatever astromech unit he had to help him pilot would be sure to be running full diagnostics all the time to prevent such a tragedy. Quietly, she recorded a message to her husband: ~Veiere, Brad is with me, as well as his bodyguard. I wanted you here with me for support. With what I've been going through in the Senate, I could use having someone with me that isn't here for selfish reasons. Plus it's a good excuse to have you visit with me. Keep me updated on your progress. See you soon, dear.~ Brad would of course play a supporting role too, but that all depended o how much he had to drink.

With her recording sent off, she returned to Brad, Freeosk and Corey. "Sorry about that. All is well though. So shall we solidify adding Wann Tsir to our Alliance straight away?"
Objective: Fashion Show
Allies: Fabric
Enemies: Time / [member="Elaine Thul"]

Several hours later.

What a disaster. Who would have thought that after 6 hours of concepts, creations and wasting endless amounts of fabric and coming out with a luminescent pink dress, "artistic holes" in too many places, including some rather revealing spots. There was absolutely no way that Natalie would be wearing that catastrophe. With news that the Royal who was supposed to attend was refusing to do so due to "hostile influence", it was a more than fitting opportunity to attempt to recover the entire thing with a quick call to [member="Lady Kay"], who would be a suitable replacement. She had a crown, and as far as Natalie knew she was on planet in some capacity.

The timer rang in her head as she realized only 2 hours remained until she had to show up to claim her registered place, and at least having something was better than turning up in cheap fabric from the high streets on Cato Neimodia. As much as the local culture was impressive, it was pricey and not at all flattering on any other system that didn't have similarly faced frog people on the streets.

Well, time to bring out the secret weapon. The igloo dress.

This truly was a fashion emergency if such a costume was to be used. Having only seen an igloo once in her entire life on a family trip to Hoth, a quick holosearch brought her cartoon animated igloos which would serve just as well.

Stitching, sewing and cutting was all that could be heard in the derelict basement.

"That's as much as I can do to make this thing perfect." Wiping her forehead of small sweat droplets and placing it into a black clothes bag to preserve it's perfection. Although, she didn't know how much it would appeal to the residents of a temperate climate.
Location: X-Wing - Wann Tsir
Objective: Rendezvous with Family.
Family: [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Bradshaw Ku"].
Post Count: 6.

He was none the lease bit happy about the voyage thus far, Wann Tsir finally in sight looming over the much smaller craft as the Jedi piloted the aged X-Wing fighter down into the orbit of the great glowing orb, orbital control already on his case and contacting him for a typical identification and items manifest. "Cap, give them what they need, we've no time for any more hold ups..." Veiere spoke privately with the astromech in the top of the fighter through the central terminal at his front while muting the transmission between he and the people down on the planet itself. "Relay our arrival to the wife, too..." He added with even less enthusiasm, "She's gonna have my hide".

The lone military styled fighter caught the attention of the Local traffic enforcement agencies responsible for those coming and going from Wann Tsir, yet with a bit of passive argument from his part, they reluctantly allowed him entrance to one of the more private of ports down within the capital where he was expected to meet with fellow Commenori awaiting to advise and bring their King up to date. Courtesy of [member="Lady Kay"] no doubt for she would be expecting him soon indeed.

Most to his surprise, a welcome one at that, Captain Terrac awaited him on the deck of the docking bay that Veiere finally set to ground. Climbing out of the fighter and recognizing the mans stance immediately, Veiere chuckled to himself with a quiet shake of his head. "I'm to assume this isn't a coincidence in the least bit, is it my friend..." Veiere remarked with something of a smirk while Terrac flashed him something of a skeptical grin glancing back at the fighter the Jedi Master had come in on.

"Not your typical choice is it Veiere...-Kay asked that I bring The Pheonix for a more reliable flight back..." the gruff looking pilot snickered somewhat under his breath knowing well that Veiere admired his independence as equally as Terrac himself did and likely would find the news to be more trouble than it was worth, yet at the same time wasn't the type to argue with his wife of whom was only looking out for him where the Jedi had a habit of taking a few too many risks than needs be. "C'mon then, let's get this show boating done and dealt with, I could use a drink...".

"Agreed..." Was all that Veiere would respond, the two making their way for the heart of the capital and this political fiasco that either man figured would be a set apart from their preferred times of leisure.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Corey Brave"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | CSA Members

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Objective: Return of the Prince/ Diplomacy
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir
Post: 7

It appeared [member="Corey Brave"] had indeed managed to find a weakness. If used right, it could prove a very effective lever. It was also a common enough trouble too. The tensions between government and revolutionaries, the wealthy and the poor, were older than the discovery of the force, and reached across the galaxy just as far. There always seemed to be endless cash for fleets and armies and not nearly enough to feed and house every galactic citizen.

He took another sip before making a comment, unfortunately leaving the galaxy’s largest bathroom mat behind him enough time to chime in.

“If the government is so happy to leave their citizens in poverty, then the poor should fight and take what is rightfully theirs.” Freeosk said with increasing excitement, and then growled out, “Let us join them in glorious combat.”

Bradshaw half turned around to tell his bodyguard, for the thousandth time, to shut up. But stopped just before. He did have a point. Not so much joining the poor in revolution, but rather, the government’s willingness to leave their people in poverty.

Another sip. “We’re not joining anyone in ‘glorious combat’. Everything’s always fighting with you. It’s like you’ve got one setting.”

“Everything is always drinking, women, and gambling with you.”

“Hey,” he held up a finger as if making a point, “that’s three times more settings than you have. Besides, I was undercover.”

“Looks more like you were over-cover then and are undercover now.”

“Over-cover? You can’t be serious...”

Turning back to Corey and [member="Lady Kay"], “It might just be my good-time buzz talking, but, he’s kind of got a point about the government. A friendly government is obviously great, and we can use the poverty thing to our advantage. But, as the resident Jedi, I think I’m supposed to ask what it says about a leadership that appears content to do little or nothing about its poor? Is it a question about a lack of funds, or do they simply not care?”

[member="Veiere Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: Diplomacy
Location: Wann Tsir

Terrac had let her know of [member="Veiere Arenais"] ' arrival as soon as he touched down. Good. It wasn't so much that she desperately needed her husband, it was just that she wanted to know that he was safe. A proper check of his X-Wing would need to be made so that such a breakdown wouldn't happen again. Maybe it's due for some extensive upgrades or modifications.

Kay smirked as she listened to Freeosk and [member="Bradshaw Ku"] banter back and forth. What a pair they make. It was good. Freeosk could keep Brad in check. However his talk of womanizing caused her to give him the sort of disapproving look that only a mother could give. "Womanizing under cover? Really? Now how is that going to help you find your sister?"

To answer his question however, she sadly shook her head. "It's more than likely that they just don't care. Wann Tsir's economy seems stable, but until their books are audited, we just won't know for sure."

Another message from her commlink. It was from Senator [member="Natalie LaForte"] . It seemed as though Kay was expected to attend a fashion show due to an unexpected drop out. Hmm. Well she couldn't just up and leave to the building where it was presented and stall the diplomatic meeting. So instead she offered to attend via a holo-projection.

Kay excused herself from Brad, [member="Corey Brave"] and Freeosk with her apologies and went off to a different room with a holo-projector. Nearly everyone had one these days, especially at posh hotels. A monarch's job was never done, it seemed. There was no rest for the...rulers. She was hardly wicked. Once isolated and with the projector set up, Kay 'attended' the fashion show, studying the garments that the models wore, as was broadcasted on the holo-news. Besides garments designed by Senator Laforte, there were ones by [member="Elaine Thul"] as well. She had done business with the woman a few times before. Other designers from around the Galaxy showcased their designs, each of them with unique styles. However Kay was very fond of snow. So when it came to her relaying her choice, she put on her best smile and spoke up for the audience to hear. ~The talent here in unmatched, I must say. Even the Commenori would be quite jealous of the techniques used to manipulate the fabrics. But one design really spoke to me, both in it's craftmanship and imaginative structure. The igloo dress really stood out. Miss LaForte, you have my vote.~

Were there other judges? She didn't know. Kay just applauded and smiled before cutting off the connection. If the others heard, they'd probably be confused asto what had happened. Regardless she returned to them, finding them chatting and drinking away. "Sorry about that. Shall we go and speak with the government officials now?"

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