Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Common Want. (CSA Dominion of Wann Tsir Hex)

Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Assist with diplomacy

Kirie stepped off the Chancellor’s ship, the Free Lady, slowly making her way down the boarding ramp. Today was her first time traveling to another system since she’d been hired as a secretary in the senate building on Commenor. To mark the occasion, and because this was an official diplomatic mission, she had abandoned her usual cardigan and comfortable pants for a simple blue dress. Nothing fancy, but it would be enough that she did not draw any unwanted attention to herself by violating the dress code. She looked around the landing pad as she walked down the ramp. In a lot of ways, Wann Tsir was a lot like her home world of Balmorra. It was developed, and industrial. Unemployment was rife here, much like her home. If it was anything like Balmorra, then the people were weary of the way things were, but lacked the charismatic leader required to challenge the status quo, and create change. That was why they were here, she supposed.

It had torn her apart when she’d had to leave her home, but life in her system was becoming hard, there was not enough work, or food to go around. To spare her parents from the burden of caring for her, she left on her 20th birthday, not daring to say goodbye lest she lacked the strength to go. That had been her first act of independence in her life, and in many ways it was like starting anew, a clean slate of sorts. For a deaf girl adrift in the galaxy, there had of course been challenges, it was difficult to find work, or somewhere to stay. Most of the crews in the spaceports didn’t have a single person who spoke GBSL, so she’d struggled even to afford food. She’d stowed away to get between spaceports. Eventually, she ended up on Commenor, and, thanks to a number of administrative staff that were fluent in sign she’d got a job as an administrator in the senate building, running memos between the various senators, and advisors. Sometimes even the King or Queen. It was a thankless job, but at least it was good work.

Kirie hurried after the precession that had entered the hotel, over her shoulder was a brown bag with various papers, mostly documents and identification for Wann Tsir Customs. More importantly, inside the bag was her pager. The little vibrating device kept her connected with her employers on Commenor, who, it seemed, were constantly requesting a new document on this senator or that diplomat. Even when she was in an entirely different system they wouldn't leave her alone. Catching up with the group, she politely nodded and signed, Sorry I’m late, I was finishing some paperwork. Hopefully, someone in this group actually spoke sign. She could speak, but it always came out strangled, varying in pitch and volume. It frustrated her that she’d been deaf for 14 years, and yet she still couldn’t control her speech. She really ought to invest in a translator, but she couldn’t imagine ever finding enough money to get one.

| [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Corey Brave"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: Diplomacy
Location: Wann Tsir

Kay looked over to the door as she heard [member="Kirie Ito"] arrive. Always one that valued the underdog, she just didn't have the heart to turn the young woman down. It wasn't as though her disability was her fault, afterall. Some others on her staff had learned Galactic Basic Sign Language through their younger years as a means of using it like a secret code among their friends, a way to pass messages in their classes without the use of electronic devices. She was one of those students. Who knew that it'd be a useful skill later on? Her fluentsy in it wasn't that great, but she could manage well enough. Her own responses were a bit broken at times, but she hoped that her signs were understood well enough.

~You are just in time~

She gave her a reassuring smile, knowing full well of how nerveracking it can be while being directly under the employ of a government. Kay had gone through her own experiences with that when she was just breaking into politics. Hopefully Kirie's confidence will grow in time.

[member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Corey Brave"] [member="Veiere Arenais"]
Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Rendezvous with Family.
Family: [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Bradshaw Ku"].
Post Count: 7.

After a great deal of frustration and time wasted for the sake of a simple joy ride, Veiere had finally managed to track down his wife, [member="Lady Kay"].

"Terrac, If you could be so kind as to go and prepare the X-Wing so that it can be returned to the KingsGuard, that would be extremely appreciated. Rest assured my return will be far more comfortable with you at the helm..." Veiere smiled and bowed his head to Terrac before falling in line alongside his wife as she sought to return to [member="Bradshaw Ku"] and his friend. "Sorry love...-Made a mess of this one I'm afraid" he chuckled somewhat dryly in his own expense; "What exactly have I missed and where do we stand with Wann Tsir?" He gave her something of an awkward smile, having to be caught up on current events wasn't the best way to say hello and yet he wanted to be of some use now that he had finally reached her once more.

Turning to glance passed his wife for a moment, he noticed [member="Kirie Ito"] out of the corner of his eye and sought to get a look of her; she seemed to be rather quiet and he had unfortunately missed her signing with his wife, yet before long his attention would be taken by that of his step-son and Apprentice, if that's what he still preferred to go by these days. "Bradshaw...-Glad to see you in the flesh and not having gotten yourself killed yet..." He smiled reluctantly. He did wonder about the boys antics and whether or not they'd come back to him in the absence of a solid place of learning and structured discipline in his life, ever the rogue and ladies man, to say that they differed in some aspects was by no means a subtle contrast between them both.

"You sticking around for long?"

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Corey Brave"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | CSA Members


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location:Wann Tsir

Seeing [member="Veiere Arenais"] walk in made Kay smile. Firstly she was glad that his X-Wing allowed him to make it in one piece, but also that he was there right next to her. Having him in her presence always brightened her mood. Unless of course if they were having a quarrel. She wrapped an arm around his waist for a sideways hug, having not really been one for big public displays of affection. "Welcome, my dear. Glad that you could make it. We were just about to be on our way to meet with the heads of the Government. So far they've been quite hospitable to Senator [member="Corey Brave"] with no expense spared. However to their own people, they've allowed poverty to flourish without a care. It reminds me of how Commenor was before I came into power. We'll have to show them that lifting others from poverty will help to increase their economy, not hinder it."

Of course there were other avenues to discuss, such as trade and military. But all in good time. They didn't need to show all of their cards straight away. Most especially if it didn't take much convincing for them. Full details of the terms of their joining the Alliance didn't need to be hashed out today. Only the consent to be included was all that was required.

Her attention was drawn to [member="Bradshaw Ku"] as Veiere asked about how long he'd be around. It was on her mind as well. Even if he couldn't stay, she had a pair of rings similar to her wedding rings, that she could use to always be in contact with him when she needed to. And he could always be in touch with her.

[member="Corey Brave"] [member="Kirie Ito"]

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Objective: Return of the Prince/ Diplomacy
Allies: CSA
Location: Wann Tsir
Post: 8

While his mother slipped away to deal with some other responsibilities, Bradshaw chewed the fat with [member="Corey Brave"] and sipped on his whisky, the level of which was quite low now. He liked the senator. Brave seemed like he could speak and have fun like a common-man. He felt at ease around him.

Bradshaw raised an eyebrow as he over heard his mother say something about an igloo dress. He was used to her being very busy, and also used to the almost infinite range of responsibilities she attended to — but an igloo dress?

When [member="Lady Kay"] came back, she was followed by others. Somehow she had a knack for never being alone. Even if she left that way. One face was very familiar indeed — [member="Veiere Arenais"], his master and step-father, had finally managed to make it, despite his attempted joy ride with an ancient X-Wing. His Master… he wonder for a moment if that was still the case. He had done an impossibly terrible job of being an apprentice. There were many nights when he wondered if he could really be a Jedi. It was something he wanted, but it always seemed out of reach, there was always something to get int the way.

The other face, a young woman who he’d never met before, walked with the group but also seemed very busy with business elsewhere. He’d missed her signing, though, it didn’t matter much because he knew nothing of sign language.

“Bradshaw…-Glad to see you in the flesh and not having gotten yourself killed yet… You sticking around for long.?”

As was becoming common, Freeosk spoke before Bradshaw could. Apparently, he was much quicker on the draw.

“You’re welcome.” He boomed in answer to Veiere’s mention of Bradshaw having not gotten himself killed.

Bradshaw spun around and gave the hulking giant a warning look with venom in his eyes. He didn’t want to let on just how close to getting himself killed he had come on his little adventure. Or that, if it hadn't been for Freeosk, he wouldn't be having this conversation.

He quickly turned back to Veiere, “Glad to see you in the flesh. Nice to know you’re choice of ride didn’t decide to leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere. I can’t say how long I’ll be around. I guess I would prefer a long time, but, it depends on when the Force next beckons. As far as I can tell,” he shrugged, “it could happen any time.”

[member="Kirie Ito"]
Location: Wann Tsir
Objective: Organise
Post: 2

As The Queen of Commenor turned to face her husband, Kirie hurried away, her dress billowing slightly behind her as she moved away, further into the lavish hotel. Past the lobby, where the party of Commenori officials were gathered, stretched the main hall. It was 6 feet wide, and at least 10 high, its floors were carpeted in a luxurious, thick pile carpet, patterned with Gothic depictions of winged beasts and serpents, perhaps part of the mythos of this world. The walls of the hall were tiled in dark stone, polished so that she could see her reflection as she passed by. Clearly this building was meant only for the upper echelon of Wann Tsir society.

Turning left at a junction in the corridor, the young woman approached the dining hall, stopping to gaze at the various paintings that were scattered along the way; they were beautiful, no doubt priceless. Most of the pieces were landscapes, each one depicting scenes from the multitude of unique and dazzling planets that dotted the galaxy. On one, it showed the dunes of Tatooine, another depicted the wild jungles of Felucia. Her favourite, though, was the painting of Kashyyk. It was the smallest of the paintings in the hall, yet it had so perfectly captured the glint of the sun, the sway and the green of the trees, the dazzling quality of the bright sand on the beach. Looking at it, it felt like she was really there, looking out from an isolated settlement, soaking up the sun. She shook her head. It was no time to be distracted by art she would never afford. She crossed the threshold into the dining room, pushing open the heavy wood doors and stepping inside.

Her breath caught when she saw the dining hall's interior. All across the room, stone columns rose towards the lofty ceiling, competing for space with the numerous glittering chandeliers that hung delicately from the gilded ceiling. On the room's Eastern side were rows of huge windows, offering view of the parks, and the wider city below. The dark brown wood of the floor was contrasted by the stark white tablecloths, each table adorned with candlesticks of some precious metal. The largest table sat in the centre of the room. It was a massive, solid piece of furniture, and each of its thick legs was inlaid with silver and gold in floral patterns. Around the table sat a number of Wann Tsir officials, journalists, and business-people. At the edges of the room, a couple of security staff dressed smartly in black suits stood watch over the whole affair.

Satisfied the proper arrangements had been made, Kirie spun on her heel and marched out of the room, padding down the main hallway back to the lobby where the all the Royals now stood, talking amongst themselves. Shyly, she approached the Queen, who was facing away from her. Tapping her gently on the shoulder, Kirie signed meekly to her. The Wann Tsir representatives await us in the dining hall, my Lady. Kirie nodded, reassuring herself, and stepped aside, clasping her hands together and awaiting the Lady’s response.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Corey Brave"]

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