Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Day Gone Wrong

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
As the ol’ captain ran for the gangway, dodging blaster fire like he was twenty years younger, Ben did his best to lay down cover-fire. He took out a couple of pirates in the far distance, then noticed a commando droid skillfully dispatching two of the closest pirates to the Lady Liberty. He delightedly watched the droid crush one pirate’s head with its rifle before jumping onboard, “I advise we leave now” it said before blasting another pirate.

Ben wasn’t too worried about the captain. He couldn’t dodge all the fire and took a shot to the backside, but it wasn’t life-threatening, and as bad as the doctor’s bedside manner was, she was damn good at her job. The captain had had worse, and the doc had fixed worse.

Of course they picked up yet another passenger, why not, he thought, at this point the Lady Liberty might as well be the planet’s ferry service. They’d pay, at least. This passenger was different, though. He walked over to the droid, ogling as he circled around it. He liked this one.

Examining the actuators, feedback sensors, servos, welding, joints, encasing, and everything else he could without touching it, he postulated with awe in his voice, “You must be ancient, pateesa. Like, what, a few hundred years old? No. Even older?” His head twitched to one side then the other as he marveled at the relic, ears standing excitedly on end.

“Who built you? What neurocircuit architecture do you use? What’s your operating system? Wha…” He swallowed back more questions, for the moment.

[member="CD - 091-BB"] | [member="Rashae"] | [member="Vinten Veers"] | [member="D'vok Windroamer"] | [member="Logen Brunner"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] |[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (semi-retired)
D'vok Windroamer said:
"Kriff!" D'vok wasn't expecting the Electric shock. His leg became numb, he dropped to the floor, his gun falling to the ground, and discharging once. The shock was disorienting, but not enough to completely incapacitate him. He swatted at the R2 droid, attempting to knock it over. "Damn pirates! You'll never take me alive!" D'vok exclaimed furiously. D'vok tried to get up. In an instant he realized that the nerve impulse had rendered his legs useless, and flopped to the ground as he attempted to shift the weight to his legs. "How much is he paying you? I'll triple it if you get me off this god-forsaken planet." D'vok pointed to a door leading out of the hangar bay. "I can't go back there! I can't! They'll kill me!" D'vok took a look of despair, as his eyes darted quickly from his gun, to the woman.
Location: Cockpit

When Alex heard her loyal astromech droid zap the poor sap trying to one up her, she immediately pushed out of the pilot's chair and spun around, pulling her blaster pistol and aiming it directly at [member="D'vok Windroamer"] as he squirmed around on the cockpit's metal decking in agony unable to get his legs to work. The long-legged brunette let the man sadly attempt to grab for his own blaster pistol that he'd dropped if only to kick it away well out of reach in the last second with her booted foot.

"I'm not a pirate you Son of a Bantha, but I might shove you out the airlock if you don't shut the frak up," she said giving the dude her famous "Russo Glare" before grabbing a pair of binders from a locker.

Logen Brunner said:
"Take off Alex!" The wounded captain would order over the intercom to his over qualified pilot.

"I don't have time to figure out your business because the real pirates are wanting our skin," the Taanabian growled, slapping the binders around the man's wrists, then clipping them onto a metal pole so he was detained. "Captain Brunner will have to determine your fate… I got to get us out of here now," the brandy-eyed pilot exclaimed, then quickly jumped back into the pilot's chair and began to feather the controls of the freighter as she keyed the ship's intercom.

"Strap in, folks! Gunners to yours stations. This is going to be fun."

[member="Logen Brunner"] [member="B'enor (Ben) Benjeel"] [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] [member="Rashae"] [member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="CD - 091-BB"]
Location: Med bay

"Aye doc!" The captain limped into the med bay, his eyes looking at all the tools and equipment of the trade " Ya know, i have fantasized you sayin such sweet words to me!"He unbuckled his belt and holster, gently placing it on the shelf, before working on his pants. Some would argue that blaster wounds cauterized due to the nature of its source. The amount of experience the corellian had with such wounds, he could argue that such myth was wrong. Yes, the burn was real and the honest of it all was a blaster wound was a bloody mess. "I just always reckon it would be under different circumstances!" He gritted his teeth as he dropped his pants and under wear. The pain of the increased exposure to air was excruciating but he was doing a courageous job at toughing through it.

He looked up to the doctor, her gaze of ice was all business. " Ya know, warmer...... romantic of sorts!" He kept up the devilish wolf grin, trying his best to mask the pain he was struggling with, humor and bravado as the camouflage.

He felt the ship's thruster engage, lifting the metal bulk off the landing pad while the ion engines spooled in anticipation. Alex had this under control, there wasn't a better pilot in the galaxy that could menouver them out of this shit storm than her. Logen took a few deep breaths to calm himself for what was to come next " All kidding aside doc! Be gentle with me. I am fragile!"
As he was letting everything sink in, Vinten rubbed his face. He could feel small cuts from when he dived into the sand earlier, plus being knocked into the sand by the bulky pirate. He could hear quite a bit of commotion coming from the cockpit, and then he heard a female voice over the comms. Another person I haven't met? Vinten couldn't even remember his droids numbers, not to mention the names of all the other people he had just met. He hadn't heard a single one, but he figured he would have proper introductions eventually. Then he heard the Jedi beside him. ([member="Stardust Raxis"]) "All? I suppose, but you are kind'ave stuck on this ship until we land next." Vinten then looked up toward the cockpit. "Speaking of which I should probably see where we are headed, or inform the pilot of where I want to be headed." Vinten got up, staggered a little, realizing how tired he was, and walked off toward the cockpit.

@Rashae @CD - 091-BB @D'vok Windroamer [member="Logen Brunner"] @B'enor (Ben) Benjeel [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] [member="Alexandra Russo"]
@B'enor (Ben) Benjeel

091 looked down on the odd being, sizing it up and debating how much to say. To be honest, most of the information he requested was no longer accessible by the droid, so it responded as such.
"I am afraid that information is no longer able to be accessed by me." It said with no interest.
"Wait, You're NOT the pirates?! Oh, thank the maker! I am so, SO sorry! I was just, well, I-I... Long story. Perhaps I'll explain it to this Captain...Brunner? Yes, I'll have to explain the situation."
D'vok had done this a thousand times before, the old "Hands under the table technique." As D'vok tried to distract the pilot from looking over by pestering her whilst she tried to fly, He quickly shifted his position to an odd kneel. To the normal person's eye, He was simply shifting his legs for comfort. D'vok knew otherwise. In an instant, his left hand shot into a small compartment in the bottom of his boot. in the blink of an eye, he was back to normal, however, his hands were now clenched. He decided to raise his tone a bit to disguise the oncoming noise.
"Again, I most sincerely apologize for my actions. I was so totally wrong. I suppose escaping a pirate torture room can kark you up a bit though, right?" His hands were now in a sense, inverted, his fingers were facing inward towards the cuffs and occasionally shifting around. She might've not necessarily been able to see it, but he was making short work of the lock on the cuffs. the noise grew ever so slightly louder, and so did D'vok's voice.
"... But yeah. Nice ship you got here! My ship got well, stolen? Repo'ed? Commendeered? The pirates took 'er. She's a beauty though. Fully restored YT-2400 light freighter. Prometheus' Bounty. Maybe if we survive this I can get 'er back. Where we headed?"
The lock was almost off, he could feel it getting closer. Soon it would come off with a soft snap. He would need to cover up the noise. He had a plan.
"S'cuse me for a minute."
D'vok coughed rather loudly, and due to the aforementioned torture, blood was a present factor. "Belivable," D'vok thought.
The lock was broken. Hopefully she passed off the noise as an anomaly, or perhaps the cough had covered it up. The braces were still on, as to not arise suspicion, but he could leave at a moment's notice.
She rolled her eyes as she inputted a few pieces of information to bring up on the display both past medical records, if any and the current vitals of the Captain. Blood pressure and pulse was slightly raised but that was about it and reasonable considering.

“Oh, Really Captain. I thought you didn't care for ice cubes for a sheath.” The woman wasnt stupid nor was she a naive wall flower. Rashae was a woman of standards.

The Doctor put a sheet over his legs and over the unaffected but cheek with only the one but cheek exposed. Those nimble little fingers coarsed over the upper part of his buttocks searching for a particular ganglion of nerves. The Captain would feel a cold swab of antiseptic over that spot before a cocktail of anesthetics was applied to the nerve connection. This was done in two other locations. Soon enough the buttocks was fairly numb.

“Romance is dead. “ She said bluntly before she went to pass her hands over an antisepsis field and glove them. She used to like romance like any other woman. But circumstances changed all of that. It took her a moment to get back on track as she went to the next step.

“Try to relax Captain. You will feel some tugging but that's about it. Here is the com if you want to get updates. And Captain? “ It was said in a way to make him turn back towards her as she had a rather sultry albeit icy expression to his way. “Your ass is in safe hands.” She lifted up the laser scalpel and pressed a button to kind of 'rev' up the laser with a wicked little smile. The raven haired woman handed him the com device before picking up the laser scalpel. She took a deep breath and exhaled before starting to debride the wound and clean it up of unhealthy flesh. Her movements was precise and on point taking only burned pieces and pieces that were likely to die off anyway.

The thing about laser wounds is it did more tissue damage than it appeared. She made a face as she had to cut a little up the buttocks to get to the additional damaged flesh. It would be disastrous to leave any untended flesh even if you had bacta. It was not good practice. Some did leave it, but it made for a messy wound and scaring. “I think I almost prefer slugs and bolts but then you wouldn't have an ass left as small as it is. “ In truth the Captain was very fit but meant no fat tissues on the ass. It was what one would refer to as a swimmers ass. It wasn't bad, just had no substance to it.

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
Ben’s ears drooped noticeably, “Oh, that’s a shame patessa because a humble fur ball like myself doesn’t come across a working slice of deep history such as yourself very often. You must be very old, at least five hundred years if your memory banks are that corrupted.”

Then, his ears shot back up as an idea flashed its way from the deep recesses of his brain into conscious thought. “Well, you know” he said with a salesman’s smile, “I’m not just a pretty mass of grey, I also happen to be a very good droid mechanic and accomplished slicer, not to brag” he said as he interlaced is fingers, cracking his knuckles in font of him.

“Granted, not as good as I am with ships. But still very good,” he continued, circling the droid and beginning to pull what looked like tool segments from his utility vest, “I mean sure, there was that one incident with the garbage droid when I was younger,” he began connecting the pieces, “And that time I crossed so many wires that Shorty was rolling backwards and speaking Jawaese for a month, couldn’t understand a word he was saying. It was a great month.”

There was a click as he popped the last piece into place to reveal a combination high precision torch and sensor array. He tested it a few times to make sure it was working, a micro-flame shot from the opening, as expected. “What I’m saying, pateesa, is that I can repair your memory bank.”

Suddenly, Alex announced over the intercom, “Strap in, folks! Gunners to your stations. This is going to be fun.”

"Frak", he muttered, bad timing.

“What do you say pateesa, let ol’ magic hangs work miracles?”

[SIZE=10.5pt][member="CD - 091-BB"] | [member="Rashae"] | [member="Vinten Veers"] | [member="D'vok Windroamer"] | [member="Logen Brunner"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] |[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"][/SIZE]
091 thought deeply, contemplating the outcome. It knew it was old, that was for sure, not just based off its sluggish reflexes, which it presumed could be from bad design.
Then again, the feats it had attained were beyond that of any cheap security droid. If it recollects its long lost memory, perhaps it could unlock anything it would need to protect its new master.
In many instances, it did things its programming was contrary to, like being able to recognize how and where each mechanism on the control panel of a starship, preferably antiques, were located.
But, this was not a decision for it to make.
"This is not my choice, but a choice for my master, [member="Vinten Veers"]."

@B'enor (Ben) Benjeel
“Oh, Really Captain. I thought you didn't care for ice cubes for a sheath.” Oh this woman's wit was sharper then that scalpel she masterfully wields. "Romance is Dead!" Witty, and damaged. Logen was sizing up the challenge, he may have been old but he was not out of the game yet. Sides, he had always known that his charm was far more powerful then his looks or even the infamous corellian luck. Though, if he was a man that liked knowing the odds, they were obviously not in his favor by a large margin.

"Doc, you really need to lighten up!" He countered her wit as she worked on his ass "The universe is vicious, dark and relentless with out mercy. But there is always love and coupled with love is romance!" The outlaw was a romantic, who would of thought? "The small things in life will keep you afloat in the harsh currents. Like the love I have for this ship, with out it, she would not fly. Its the romance we share that keeps us going. Some days its love, some days its hate, but always romance. Thats the adventure!"

Alright, maybe a romantic wannabe with a frozen ass....

The ship shook as it was hit, seems the pirates were not going to let the smugglers and their cargo leave that easily. Logen sighed "Love and romance!" picking up the comm device the doc had given him.

"Alex?" His husky voice was harshly inquisitive " Please tell me that them Pirates aint putting holes into my beloved ship! Because that would certainly ruin this intimate moment 'am having with the doc!" The fighter pilot was highly capable of handling herself, the crew and the ship. That alone Logen trusted.

He released the comm button and turned back to Rashae "How much longer before you release me? Seems, we may not be out of this yet!"

[member="CD - 091-BB"] @B'enor (Ben) Benjeel [member="Rashae"] @D'vok Windroamer [member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (semi-retired)
Russo barely acknowledged what [member="D'vok Windroamer"] was mumbling about because she had bigger things to think about like what had just flashed onto the sensor screen. An occasional "uh huh" and "mhm" was all he was getting.

Logen Brunner said:
"Alex?" His husky voice was harshly inquisitive " Please tell me that them Pirates aint putting holes into my beloved ship! Because that would certainly ruin this intimate moment 'am having with the doc!"The fighter pilot was highly capable of handling herself, the crew and the ship. That alone Logen trusted.

"That kind of intimacy is seriously overrated, Captain. Now pull your big boy pants back on and get up here! Since when do pirates have Star Destroyers for toys?" Alex grumbled under her breath in the personal reply to [member="Logen Brunner"] as she went evasive under another round of cannon fire coming their way from the capital ship coming up behind them.

"Where the hell are my gunners, folks?! I could use a little help here. We got fighters inbound and sixty seconds before I can make the jump," the brunette pilot keyed into the ship's intercom just as the freighter took another hit.

The L4000 was no starfighter that was for sure in speed and maneuvering, but it could take a beating. If they could just make their exit vector without getting blown up or caught in a tractor beam, things would be golden.

[member="B'enor (Ben) Benjeel"] [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] [member="Rashae"] [member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="CD - 091-BB"]
"How much longer before you release me? Seems, we may not be out of this yet!"

The laser scalpel was stopped as her head turned to give him a rebuke. It would have been something along the lines of not interfering in the art of medicine and that there was a right way and a wrong way to do things. Perfection took time. The voice of their capable pilot broke that line of thought.

"That kind of intimacy is seriously overrated, Captain. Now pull your big boy pants back on and get up here! Since when do pirates have Star Destroyers for toys? “

Rashae gripped the medical bed as the ship shook at a shot from the Pirates hit the shields. There could be heard a long mournful exhale from the Doctor. She looked down at the wound that would have been perfectly cleaned and closed but nooo. People have to shoot the ship and ruin her work. The tightness around those glacial eyes spoke of it. Not that anyone in this ship understood that at all.

“I hate quickies.” She said with some venom. There was another sigh as she took a special mix that was ten percent kolcta in the high grade bacta that she shot into the wound. It would speed up cellular regeneration. She then grabbed a special applicator that looked a bit like a hypo gun but held an adhesive stitching compound as she went along the buttucks wound and closed it with this substance. The doctor then quickly slapped a bacta patch over the overall location. The smack echoed in that section of the ship.

Rashae backed up and started ungloving her hands. “You have an hour with your butt being numb. Try not to bust a stitch. Get back to me when we are clear so I can finish it. “ There was little indication that she trusted he wouldn't bust a stitch. In fact she pretty much figured she would be revisiting this wound again. She waved her hand for him to be off dismissively. The icy expression was less than happy. She had a lot of vanity and pride in her appearance and her work. “Get out of here. I will be quite vexed if I end up floating out there before I actually can get to a spa anytime soon.”

[member="Alexandra Russo"] @B'enor (Ben) Benjeel [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] @Vinten Veers @Stardust Raxis [member="CD - 091-BB"] [member="Logen Brunner"] @D'vok Windroamer

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
Ben was more than happy to hear from this Vinten Veers, assuming he was aboard ship – which seemed likely considering the ship, to him, had recently turned into the town school bus for misbehaving teens.

However, blaster impacts and Alex interrupted his waiting period, “Where the hell are my gunners, folks?! I could use a little help here, We got fighters inbound and sixty seconds before I can make the jump,” Alex announced over the com.

Ben would’ve loved to stick around to hopefully hear the words he wanted from this Vinten Veers, but even in this circumstance, sweets patogga came first. He ran as quickly as his rather small legs would carry him to his usual post, the tail turret. Flopping into the seat, he seized the turret gun and searched for incoming fighters. One whizzed across his viewport too fast to track, but a second was traveling head-on to his line of fire. Being an expert blaster shot, and a good shot when it came to turrets, he quickly took careful aim and fired – blasting the fighter into colorful rubble.

He swiveled, searching for more. A fighter raced by at an impossible angle and speed, he loosed a flurry of bolts without success. Then, another flew into view, he gripped the trigger and lined up the sights.

[member="Logen Brunner"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] | [member="Rashae"] | [member="CD - 091-BB"] | [member="D'vok Windroamer"] | [member="Vinten Veers"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] |
Vinten limped his way toward the cockpit, hearing the female voice blare over the comms. He figured she was the pilot and kept moving. But then, the ship shuddered from incoming fire and he staggered, falling to the ground and busting his nose again. He got on his hands and knees and held his bleeding nose. "Gah! Seriously? Again!?" In such a short period Vinten had managed to get a nosebleed, both times on board of a ship!

He picked himself back up again and started stumbling toward the cockpit. The ship was hit again, sending him back onto the floor. However, he was much quicker to pick himself up again. He kept stumbling until he finally reached the cockpit, and found an interesting sight. @D'vok Windroamer on the ground before him, cuffed. But he seemed to be fidgeting with the lock. Vinten didn't really care though. He looked to the seat in front of him and saw [member="Alexandra Russo"] piloting the ship. "Ah, my dear! You must be the pilot of this fine vessel!" Flattery was Vinten's greatest tool. Well, deception was, but flattery was a close second.

@B'enor (Ben) Benjeel @Rashae @Logen Brunner [member="CD - 091-BB"]

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