Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Day Gone Wrong

Everything was going so fast, Vinten's mind could barely keep up. He watched [member="CD - 091-BB"] drop one of the droids. Then, next thing he knew, a Twi'ek came out of no where, lightsabers raised, telling Vinten that killing droids wasn't very hard. It took him a second to take everything in, and then he came up with a response. "Well dear, not all of us are Jedi!" Vinten reached around the crate and fired a few more blasts, of course not hitting his target. However, it did manage to hit the stash of fuel barrels, creating a huge explosion. Crates went flying everywhere, one of them crashing right into a pirate, crushing him.

Vinten popped his head out from behind the crates, and chuckled. "I was totally trying to do that!" He then turned back and looked to [member="Stardust Raxis"], "Could you possibly clear me a path? Those droids are in the way and I need to find a ship." As Vinten was telling her this, he noticed more pirates and dealers far down the shipyard, still unloading supplies as if nothing was happening. "How can they keep going when this is going on!?" Vinten yelled, just needing to say something about other people's ignorance.

[member="Logen Brunner"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
091 raised its rifle again, dropping one of the reinforcements, then fell back, being focused in on. It checked the ammo reserves it had left and found something less than good. It turned its attention to [member="Vinten Veers"].

"I am down to my last rounds, I calculate we have under five minutes until more reinforcements arrive, and I would urge you that we should retreat back into the building."

[member="Logen Brunner"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
[member="Stardust Raxis"]
Well guess I'll just fill in for all of you* she said as she laughed she pulled her westars out, she took aim and fired at two hitting them center mass, she gave a breath out as she looked to [member="Vinten Veers"] and nodded*

"Course have the woman do it all"

She said with humour as she looked to a crate, she focused on it feeling the force flow through the cracks, she then expanded the force and the crate became a lot of pieces, she picked them all up as she through them at a high speed, like razors the metal cut through the droids

"Stay behind me my armor can take a few hits if the bolts get through "

She said as she started out slowly her Sabers blocking incoming bolts

[member="CD - 091-BB"]
"Roger, roger." 091 stood up, taking down another one of the pirates with its sniper. The gun gave a dull click, so it threw it away, drawing one of the looted pirate blasters. It abandoned its cover, heading for another. This drew some of the fire from its master to its, to which, if the droid could feel, it would fell relieved.

But it is a droid, so...

091 fired another round, the pistol giving a slight kick. The pirate it was firing at jumped back to cover, leaving only the remaining LRs in the middle of the field.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Vinten Veers"]
The whole operation had gone to feth faster then you could say color. Des had spent months attempting to join the Weequay gang. It took him even more time to convince the leader he was worth the time of day. Now that he finally had risen to prominent rank among the pirates everything seemed to be falling apart. Des wandered through the pirate lords personnel quarters searching for evidence, anything that could link him to the assassination of the governor on Coruscant. Desmond was riffling through the mans cabinet drawers when he found something. A book detailing the lord's private affairs. It has to have something in it! Des thought frantically. Then he heard the door open. Des clicked a button on his armor and the man seemed to disappear.

Two angry Weequays entered the room. "I WANT THAT MAN KILLED! Hey wai- MY ROOM! SOMEONES BEEN IN HERE!"

The Weequays began searching frantically. Desmond stood in a corner hidden in plain sight. Due to his armor he appeared only as a slight heat shimmer. One of the bumbling Weequays was approaching his hiding spot. The Weequay extended his hand towards the heat mirage. The Chiss agent withdrew his scout pistol. "GRAH! GET OUT! FIND WHO EVER DID THIS!" The other Weequay snapped to attention and exited the room hastily. The pirate lord began searching through a few of the already opened drawers and shouted in anger again. "WHERE IS IT!" Desmond smirked knowing exactly what the alien was looking for. The Weequay stormed out of the room and began shouting more orders.

Desmond moved to the window and opened it. A soft breeze rolled into the room as Desmond hooked his fob to the window sill and began repelling downwards. His Brown leather jacket began flapping in the wind and he had to shield his eyes from the dust. He made it to the ground with ease and unhooked himself from the rope. Their wasn't a pirate in sight. Des deactivated his stealth field and began making his way towards the hangar. He made it to the hangar without anyone stopping him. Multiple shots rang out and Des figured why no one stopped him earlier. They were all here, in the hangar.

Des loosed a few shots from his scout pistol then took cover behind some crates. The droids began firing at him and slowly his cover began to chip away.

Vinten Veers said:
"I was totally trying to do that!" He then turned back and looked to Stardust Raxis, "Could you possibly clear me a path? Those droids are in the way and I need to find a ship." As Vinten was telling her this, he noticed more pirates and dealers far down the shipyard, still unloading supplies as if nothing was happening. "How can they keep going when this is going on!?"

Desmond looked to the man to his left. "Nice shot pateesa!" Desmond primed a thermal detonator and lobbed it over the crates. It exploded with a large BANG. Des took a peek and most the droids had gone down "We better move if we wanna get out of here! Why don't we go check out that ship!" Desmond said pointing to the obvious smuggler.

[member="Vinten Veers"]

Ponyboy Reynolds

Ponyboy sighed as he kicked his speeder, it had broken down.

"Great...just great.." he would say as he pulled a journal from his back pocket, crouching down he would open his journal and turn a few pages until he found the correct page. He would groan as he read it.

1x Crate of Thermal Detonators

Weequay Gang

Sriluur, some Warehouse Settlement

There was a note at the bottom of the order.
*Upon completion, pay courier the agreed upon amount of credits along with passage off planet (final pay may be reduced by the cost of transportation.)*

RECIPIENT'S SIGNITURE: X_____________________________

COURIER'S SIGNITURE: X_____________________________

Ponyboy sighed as he kicked his speeder again. He hated the situation he was in.

"Great Pony, you gone and Jesse up on writing your order...why the hell would you write no specific directions..." He would scold himself. The teen looked up as he heard explosions and gunfire. A mile or two out was a warehouse along with a ship. Pony's face brightened as he began to jog with the Crate of detonators being dragged behind him by a rope. He jogged towards the ship.

Soon he would come upnear the ship, he watched as a Weequay unloaded a ship. He would run up to the Weequay who was unloading a crate from a ship.

"Hey buddy, I have a order I need to fill." He said as he was about to reach for his notebook, the Weequay ignored him Ponyboy would groan as he was ignored. Turning his head he would notice a Chiss and a man. He sighed with relief. He would pull out his journal.

"Hey, you two speak basic...I hope...I have an order to fill, but apparently these Weequay like to ignore couriers. I'm with The Courier's League...have a package of Thermal Detonators in this crate." He would say as he turned the book around so the men could read the order.

"If this is yours, you need to sign to agree to the terms." He added as he looked around, stray blaster bolts flew among them. He gripped his blaster pistol, he was a bit on edge.

Although he traveled the galaxy, he wasn't great in combat situations, he carried the blaster because he was required by the Courier's League. But he never used it.

[member="Logen Brunner"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="CD - 091-BB"]
"You sure you folk got handle on this?" Captain Brunner question, his right hand hovering over the grip of his heavy blaster pistol that was holstered to his right thigh. The last crate was being unloaded and the blaster fire and explosions were now getting much closer to their current location. That made the Captain nervous, being part of a dust up that he was not being paid for was not exactly what he had in mind for this day, let alone the potential for structural damage to his ship could really damper his mood.

"Hmmm!" The dock master contimplated as bolts crashed into the crates close by. He didn't want to admit that his men did not have things handled, especially in front of the contracted help. But he could also not point blank lie to the man, he had ears and knew full well that he could hear exactly how desperate the situation was. "Nothing you have to worry about Captain!"

That was right about the time a edgy lad intruded on the conversation. Logen gave the boy a quizzical look, the surprise and shock not hidden on his wolf like features. The balls it takes for man to continue service in the midst of chaos says something about ones character. It wasn't like he was unawares of the fighting, for his hand gripped the blaster. It was he had a job to do and obviously had work ethics to get her done. The captain respected such and a crazy idea whirled about in his head.

"Are you frakking kidding me?" The Weequay snarled at the intrusion. Seemed the Dock Master was losing his patience.

"Boy!....." Logen cut the weequay off before he could spout more verbal abuse. "I'll sign for em, how about you load em up onto my ship 'dere. Also, consider stayin on for ya have a job if ya want it"

[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="CD - 091-BB"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Vinten Veers"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
The pirate base in the desert had become very popular very quickly. The shipyard was a full on firefight as more and more pirates came pouring out of the warehouse, all of them trying to kill Vinten. Vinten prepared to follow [member="CD - 091-BB"] and [member="Stardust Raxis"] to the nearest ship, there was a Chiss next to him chucking grenades and firing over the crates. He was telling him to check on the ship that was now not very far from them. There was a man talking to a Weequay, and neither seemed to be interested in the fight. "Yes, maybe we should try for that ship!" Vinten followed his droid and the Jedi woman as they made their way toward the smugglers ship, but he kept looking back to see if [member="Desmond C'artyom"] was following him. Honestly, Vinten was scared of Chiss' and always had been. Their eyes just freaked him out and he really didn't know if he should look them in the eye or not. But it didn't really matter right now, he needed to get to the nearby ship. It seemed to be the only one left, as all the others had taken off when the battle began.

But as he looked back to see if the Chiss was behind him, he saw the tank. A WLO-5 tank was coming around the warehouse, and headed straight for them. Vinten looked up to the Jedi and quipped. "Isn't a tank just a bit...excessive!!!!"

[member="Logen Brunner"]
[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
A tank. Des was surprised Fathra got that old tub working. The grizzled mechanic had been working on the thing for quiet some time now. It had to be at least a century old. Regardless it was big, bad and headed right for them. Desmond clicked a button on his armored cloak and he disapered again leaving [member="Vinten Veers"] to fend for himself. "See y'a around pal!" He called out to the man from an unseen visage. Desmond ran towards the tank.

IT WAS HUGE!!! He wasn't even quiet sure how to board it. He hoped up and grabbed the barrel. It swung wildly to the left. He barely managed to hold on. He swung his legs upwards and managed to wrap them around the barrel. The tank fired a round and Desmond became even more jarred. His ears began ringing and something in the distance exploded. He shimmed along the tank barrel until finally he was atop the tank. Unfortunately as he was shimmying along the massive barrel his cloaking device ran out of juice. He now stood completely exposed.

The gunners view port opened up and Fathra peered out at Des. "Des is that you!?!?" The old mechanic cried out. "Yeah! You still owe me fifty credits from that last hand of pazaak!" Des yelled over the roar of the machine. "OH SOD OFF! YOU CHEATED!" Fathra was not happy about the mention of credits. He stuck a machine gun through the view port and Desmond danced for his life as laser fire hosed the spot where he stood. He leaped for the entry hatch. He began to slide off, but managed to cling to one of the ladder rungs. Fathra's ugly mug exited the entry hatch and pointed a DL-18 right at Des.

Fathra let loose a volley and it pinged off Des's phrik armor. "Let's see how well your head holds up!" The Weequay shouted. "I'd say the same bu-!" Des began. A large pole hit the Weequay in the back of the head and the tank crashed into a stack of boxes. Fathra was yanked out of the tank and fell to the ground with a THUD. Des hoisted himself upwards and dropped a thermal detonator into the entry hatch. He dove off the tank and landed in a roll. He continued walking, his cloak flapping in the wind. He didn't even look back as the tank exploded.

[member="Logen Brunner"]
091 evaded a shot from an enemy sniper, taking another barricade as its cover. It peeked out and spotted something it most certainly did not account for, a tank. The massive, armored vehicle went into the battleground, providing another problem for the group, a problem they could oh so do without.

It dropped back into cover, looking for another vantage point to get the drop on the pirates. Without a sniper rifle, it would have to rely on its close ranged skills, which means it would have to close the distance between itself and the hostiles... It began scaling one of the walls to the damaged compound.

[member="Vinten Veers"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Logen Brunner"]
[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]
[member="Stardust Raxis"]

(Our numbers seemed to have increased, Veers.)

Ponyboy Reynolds

Ponyboy almost flinched at the Weequay's harsh tone, he was just trying to do his job. Then the man said that he'd sign the papers, but he'd have to bring the crate of thermal detonators onto the ship, and he was offered a job. Suddenly there were shouts about a tank, Pony jumped. Soon a Chiss would have it blown up after pulling out a Weequay. Pony wiped the sweat off his face before nodding to the man who said he'd sign the order form.

"Of course you can sign... later." The teen said.

He would begin to pull the crate up the ship's ramp. Soon he'd find where the gang had been putting the other crates and dragged it in there. The teen then sat on the crate and opened his journal, he would write a few notes down before jumping off the crate and exploring the ship.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Vinten Veers"]
[member="CD - 091-BB"]
[member="Logen Brunner"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (semi-retired)

As Alex entered the cockpit on the center deck of the L4000 freighter, she heard what was a loud bang followed by what could only be blaster fire. That gave her a bit more incentive to get settled into the pilot's chair and start flipping switching and pushing buttons on the flight console. The ol' girl's engines lit and the other systems started to slowly come online as well flickering from a blinking yellow to a solid green on the status board.

When the fighting ruckus moved out onto landing pad, Alex activated the "Ground Buzzer". The surface-defense blaster cannon dropped down from its hidden spot on the underbelly of the Lady Liberty and began to target the pirates. The Ground Buzzer's target computer was programmed to not fire on the Liberty's crew or allies, though right now it was a big question who their allies actually were and weren't. Alleycat wouldn't say it, but she had a bad feeling about this job.

"Come on, come on. Get a move on it…. Burning fuel here that's not coming off my percentage," the brandy-eyed brunette smirked to [member="Logen Brunner"] over the comm. Colorful was not the word she'd use to describe this scenario the Corellian had gotten them into, but the former fighter jockey's choice of word was indeed colorful.

[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] [member="CD - 091-BB"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]
She wore a smile in her face, she blocked and sliced at droids that go close, she was almost laughing

Then the fun got even better, she looked to [member="Vinten Veers"] as she gave a big grin* nah not for attacking a Jedi * she said as looked to him get to cover I'll make it back alright? * she said as she started running towards it, it fired at her but she was simply to fast or blocked the fire

She got close and behind a crate, ok well the gravity of the situation was hitting her...she was running at a tank and attacking it by herself

She cleared her mind, once she did she jumped out and landed on the barrel, the commander popped out and got a face full of plasma before falling in, she got to the hatch and inhaled before blowing fire into and kicked off it as the ammunition exploded and smiled*

That's how you do it hahahah

[member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] [member="CD - 091-BB"]
A sharpshooter on top of the compound leveled his blaster at the Jedi. He took a deep breath, steadying his aim. Her back fell into his sights, the rifle only shaking a bit. Slowly, he looped his finger around the trigger and waited for the perfect shot. A second past and he pulled the trigger. Yet, as the gun fired, 091 attacked. It Tackled the man to the ground, throwing his aim off. The sound of the rifle was not near loud enough to be noticed by anyone involved in the fight below.

091 pushed the rifle down onto the man, who, even with all his might, was incapable of fighting back with any efficiency. Instead, he went for the alternative of looking for another solution. With a lot of effort, he quickly changed his grip, his left arm falling lax. This sudden change was not something 091 had accounted for, and fell to one side. The pirate shot to his feet, only to have them swept out from under him by 091. The rifle spun away, leaving the duo to turn to hand-on-hand combat. 091 tried to stomp on the man's chest, but he was quick enough to roll to the side. 091 tried again the other leg, but once again failed. Due to their positions, the pirate could loop his foot around behind the knee of the droid, bringing it down. The pirate then shot out his other foot, kicking right under the Commando Droid's head. This hit knocked it on its back, allowing the pirate a chance to move. He shot to his feet, running for the rifle sitting a few meters away. He scooped it up, spinning and taking a knee. He fired a round at the new standing 091, but, alas, the droid was prepared. It nimbly dodged the shot, and the two following. It closed the distance, knocking the rifle aside, and grabbing the sniper's neck. 091 lifted him from the ground, throwing his from the building. It then quickly fired the appropriated rifle, killing another pirate.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Vinten Veers"]
[member="Logen Brunner"]
The old stardog heard the familiar mechanical clanks of his groundbuzzer dropping from the underbelly of his ship. Then, without hesitation, the computer controlled weapon joined in the chaotic symphony of violence with its own unique tune. Logen sighed inwardly as the startled charcoal eyes of the weequay dead locked into his own blue hues. The expression on the pirate's face was of confusion and fear, probably very much mimicked the Captain's very own expression.

"Well.....!" Was the only word the scoundrel was able to mutter before both were gripping for their weapons. Logen, kept his gaze locked into the Dock Master's. The world slowed down in those very moments as adrenaline released into his veins and pure muscle reflexes took over. The explosions and blaster fire deafened as his focus tunneled on the target before him. His right hand took to the pistol grip like long lost lovers starving for intimacy. His draw was un hindered, the barrel's iron sights had been filed and smoothed down to prevent snagging.

It was all over with in a blink of an eye. The Dock Master had fallen, his body instinctively in the last thralls of life. The bolt had struck him dead center, taking out heart and lungs. He was dead before he hit the ground. But that didn't stop the Corellian from making sure, he fired two more shots, double tap to the head.

Logen swiftly reached into the deceased's pocket, pulling out the owed credits. And that was all the time he had for as he was met with a barrage of blaster fire coming from his right. With panther like reflexes he would dart in behind the freshly offloaded crates This was all sorts of fekked up!

"WHAT IN NINE HELLS WAS THAT ALEX?" His anger lashed out into the wrist com, his naked eyes glued to the view port above as if he could shoot beams of lasers from his ocean blues at his beautiful pilot. He was angry, and justified he was. Not once did he say to engage, they "were" neutral in this incident.

[member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] [member="CD - 091-BB"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Vinten Veers"]
As Vinten was running, he could see the L4000 freighter begin opening fire on the pirates. Vinten smirked, knowing exactly what ship he was going to. However, Vinten was quick to realize that all of his allies were no longer around him. [member="CD - 091-BB"] had disappeared, and [member="Stardust Raxis"] and [member="Desmond C'artyom"] had both gone to deal with the tank. Without help, Vinten was suddenly very vulnerable. He decided to duck behind some crates, only about thirty meters away from where [member="Logen Brunner"] was taking cover.

Vinten fired a few shots around the crates, hitting absolutely nothing. As he kept shooting around the crates, he didn't notice the pirate running up behind him. "Grahhhh!" was all he heard as he was tackled and rolled out into the dust. His pistol slid out of his grip, and within seconds the pirate was on top of him. The pirate grabbed his own pistol, preparing to put it through Vinten's head. However, Vinten thought quickly, spitting into the pirates eye. "Bah!" the pirate reared back, wiping his eye. That gave Vinten a chance to roll out from under him and grab his pistol. From point blank Vinten was able to put a bolt right in the pirates chest, causing him to fall backwards, dead.

Vinten quickly jumped behind cover again, catching his breath. He paused for a moment and then looked to the ship shooting at the pirates. "I guess you are on my side." Out of both fear, and anxiousness, Vinten sprinted as fast as he could to the ship, but the incoming fire forced him to take cover behind more crates, only about 10 meters from the Corellian.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
There was a heavy sigh as she heard the blaster fire. 'Typical' She thought. It took her a scant second to make her way to the small, tiny medical bay of this ship. It was what she had to work with much to her dismay. It at least was supplied properly, but it could use improvement. According to the Captain's reputation on the ship and the notes acquired in the medical logs, which was horridly sparse. The analysis was that the likelihood of wounded of either the captain or the company he brings with would require attention of one type or the other.

She wasn't a smuggler. She was a doctor. The amount of pride she had to swallow to take the job left her rather petulant. Others have called her straight up a queen. Lovely, this sealed the cold-hearted medical professional to retreat into her icy domain. She didn't bother them and they so far didn't bother her. The medical bed was rather dated but functioned. The doctor turned it on to get medical bed warmed up. Various other equipment had to be initiated so that it could run a functions test. The medical scanner, various analyzers and sensors. Blood, fluids and a number of other diagnostic tools were best if given time to warm up. Especially in these older models.

She opened the com to both Alexandra and Logan. “Mr. Brunner, Ms Russo, are we expecting one for medical or two?” The voice was cool neutral and irritatingly reasonable tone of the Doctor. The uplift in tone had a slight satirical element to it.

Logen Brunner she met in the cantina at the space station. A cantina of all places for an interview. The man just wanted to know if she could be a medic. It was insulting to the doctor, but on the affirmative, she had the job. She wasnt sure she liked Mr Brunner at all. Crass, impulsive and positively impossible. Alexandra Russo was just as impulsive but something about that determined fiery woman. Rashae admired her in a way, but kept that to herself.

She maintained that cold demeanor for various reasons. It was lonely in this cold palace she self created, but it was better than being taken advantage of and then reputation ruined. One day she would get her reputation back. Till then she is stuck on this miserable ship doing dull boring typical medical work.
"Always with the negative waves, Doc!!!" Logen rolled his eyes in the back of his head as his bonafide doctor chimed in over the comms. These woman are going to be the death of me, he growled inwardly while taking up a crouched shooting position. "Wouldn't hurt to be a bit more..... motivational, aye?" The quick snide remark was aimed at the cold hearted woman he had hired to save lives. Should of been more attentive on the personality and bed side manner.

More lasers bolts crashed around him and he could hear incoming movement. He took a quick peek to see a body making a dash for cover in a desperate attempt to keep living. Well, always good to know that he wasn't the only one getting shot at. He could hear the voice of the human male yelling over the chaos at him. Ha, the poor twat trying to make common ground, more then not looking for a ride. "If you mean by we are getting shot at by the same people, then sure!!" Logen replied back, before popping out of his cover and firing a few shots off with his heavy blaster pistol. "But you make a move for my ship without proper terms of payment, and you will quickly find out that I am on my own side!" The threat was genuine. He had no real quarrel with the pirates, that was just a miscommunication. This stranger on the other hand is probably the main reason for all this halla balloo.

A barrage of laser fire forced the captain back behind the safety of his cover. "Four Hundred credits non negotiable........ a day!" See how desperate the man was to getting off this planet and out of his current predicament.

[member="Rashae"] [member="Vinten Veers"] [member="CD - 091-BB"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Vinten heard [member="Logen Brunner"] yelling back at him over the heavy laser fire. Vinten a threat, and then an offer. As he fired a few more shots over the crates, he grinned, knowing he had a way off of the planet. He heard the number, but the number didn't matter whatsoever. "Done done! Deal done! Let's go!!" Vinten kept low and moved behind the crates, getting as close to the ship as possible. Then, as soon as he had an opening, he sprinted, as quick as he could, up and into the ship. The pirates obviously noticed his escape, as they started firing at him as he ran up the ramp. However, the devious man managed to avoid the blasts and get on board.

As soon as he got in, he found the first place that he could sit down. The first thing he found was a crate, but Vinten didn't care. He flopped right on top of it and started catching his breath. Today was full of much more action than he had ever faced, and he was tired.

@Rashae @CD - 091-BB [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

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