Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Hanna Vondiranach"]
Matsu looked at the closet and looked around. The jedi master loosened the kimono and let it fall showing the sarashi underneath and took out a black shirt, pants, she there were some boots with a jacket while she laid it out on the bed. Then slowly Matsu began to get dressed, when she finished, Matsu looked in the mirror and turned around raising and eyebrow while her hair formed along the sides of her head. Not wearing it up actually made the outfit look better and her belt could still go on while she smiled. "I am ready to go."
Matsu looked at the closet and looked around. The jedi master loosened the kimono and let it fall showing the sarashi underneath and took out a black shirt, pants, she there were some boots with a jacket while she laid it out on the bed. Then slowly Matsu began to get dressed, when she finished, Matsu looked in the mirror and turned around raising and eyebrow while her hair formed along the sides of her head. Not wearing it up actually made the outfit look better and her belt could still go on while she smiled. "I am ready to go."