Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Hanna Vondiranach"]
Matsu looked at the bench and smiled while she sat down. The mall was still so big and her head came up looking at Hanna. Another kiss was always welcomed and now.. Oh now while she looked around the jedi master just relaxed a little. "Well this is most welcome and your life is very strange. Not a bad thing but just not something I would have expected. Were we closer I would almost recommend being a live in bodyguard. Wouldn't want you to be hurt and make me lonely. Or I would bring you two back to my room at the temple. So much that can happen there."
Matsu looked at the bench and smiled while she sat down. The mall was still so big and her head came up looking at Hanna. Another kiss was always welcomed and now.. Oh now while she looked around the jedi master just relaxed a little. "Well this is most welcome and your life is very strange. Not a bad thing but just not something I would have expected. Were we closer I would almost recommend being a live in bodyguard. Wouldn't want you to be hurt and make me lonely. Or I would bring you two back to my room at the temple. So much that can happen there."