Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Making a home outside of the influence of any sith or Jedi, Jairdain had settled on Iridonia. While she knew a couple of zabraks that called this home, they were rarely here. Both were sith. Nor did they know she was here either. One may, but she doubted he would ever go out of his way to visit her.

She had picked a location near enough to a city that getting items to live here wasn't difficult. It also allowed her the freedom to do what she wanted. Attempting to make a garden on the mostly desert world was difficult, but she was trying to bring life to plot of land. Her home was naturally constructed and the land she lived on wild.

Walking out of her hut that she had built, Jairdain surveyed the work she had done through the Force. It had changed, but that wasn't what caught her attention this morning. As she felt out in the Force, she sensed somebody coming. It was nobody she knew and while she wasn't far from town, she had never had a visitor.

Placing a hand on her lightsaber hilt, she waited for the person to come close enough that she could speak to them.

"That's close enough. Who are you and what do you want? Also get that shadow away from my hut door."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx Kalith.......... was lost. The force was muddled in his mind. As he piloted ​The Steady Hand ​ to a nearby planet, he felt a spark in his force vision. "BB lay in a course for Iridonia, something has caught my eye." As the BB-3 unit quirped and worbbled through he necessary hyperspace calculations, Flinx went to the center of his ship to the special meditation chamber that he had built into the center of the saucer section of the YT-2400 light freighter. He could feel the other five life forms in the ship. They were passive and he let them remain the need to call them if they couldn't do anything at that moment. As the ship made its way to Iridonia he reached out with the force to touch were that spark had lit up.

After a day or so Flinx was walking on the surface of Iridonia. The force was guiding him out of the little town and to a small farm just outside. as he approached with Thanatose and Shadow, the vornskr and maalraas respectively, he heard someone call out.

"Well hello to you too madam, I'm Flinx Kalith, scholar and beast master, the force guided me here and I come in peace. these are my companions Thanatose, the vornskyr, and Shadow, the Maalraas." Flinx tried to keep his emotions calm and soothing.
The shadow remained at the door of her hut and Jairdain turned to face it.

"Move away from my door, Shadow. I don't know what you intend, but until I do, you are not welcome near my home."

If Shadow didn't move, she moved it herself.

Not moving her head to look at Flinx, she did nod her head though at his introduction.

"I am Jairdain Ismet. You say you come in peace, but allow your maalraas to attempt and enter my home."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
With a whistle Flinx recalls Shadow, "my appologies madam, with so many dangers that we have been through in our lives, shadow here wants to make sure her cubs, us, are safe. Many times she has kept my head on my shoulders by taking out threats before they can get to me."

Flinx studdied the lady and her farm. "If you have a plow I'm sure I can get jake to help till these feilds for you. As far as Jakobeast are concered he has a strong will."
Once Shadow was away from her door, Jairdain turned to face Flinx again. Accepting his apology, but not really saying anything about his comment on facing dangers. They knew nothing of each other and he wouldn't know what she had been through herself.

"No place is safe, Mister Kalith."

He suddenly offered to have his jakobeast plow her field she had planted near her house. Having attempted to grow the small plot on her own, she had no plow the animal could use and shook her head as she answered.

"I have no plow and have done this by hand. For a single person like myself, I have no need to tend a large plot. Where is this jakobeast? I only know of three presences here. You, Shadow and Thanatose."

Not quite saying she was blind, the words would indicate it. It would be up to him to add them together. As she spoke her next question, her voice might take on a slightly derogatory sound as if a man needing protect was a bad thing.

"What dangers have you faced that you require protection?"

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx gave himself a mental dope slap. "The other three of my little group are on my ship." He smiled trying to present himself as a nexus of peace and tranquility. "Oh dodging the sith empire, and ducking the silvers." He smiled and sit. "You say your hiding yet I felt you from half a system away. Why is someone so strong in the force hiding out on a dustball like this?"
He appeared to have forgotten he only brought two of his companions when he landed planetside and told her where the others were.

"As you can see, there is plenty of room here. Very little rain and hot. Why I have a hard time with these plants."

Maybe with the Force, she could learn to raise the plants. Jairdain knew there was a skill for it, but hadn't yet attempted to try and learn it. His aura changed slightly and she stiffened up. He was trying to project a sense of peace and tranquility. She shook her head and not going to fall for it. Claiming to be avoiding both the sith and jedi, she wondered what he had to cause him the need to run.

"When did I say I was hiding?"

Never once had she said that in their brief conversation.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"Why else would such a powerful force user be hiding out on a dustball of a planet like this. If I were you I would at least set up a school or something." Flinx felt she was being a little stand offish which made him think she wasn't what she appeared as on the outside. "Listen im a miraluka so call it the blind judging the blind but at the very least I can bring you some supplys. you look like you are just barely making it out here." He didnt know she was blind but her whole attitude about the situation and her movements gave him a general idea. He once again tried to project peace and a sense of friendship.
"A school for what?"

He then stated he was blind and she raised an eyebrow at that. Commenting on the blind judging the blind, her brows came together and she wanted to know how he figured out she was blind as well. Maybe one of his animals had told him.

"So what if maybe I am hiding. Iridonia is a place to escape to, to get in touch with reality and not what others want to push on me. Here the fight for life is primal. The strong live and the weak die."

Barely making it was one way of putting it. The plants survived by their own desire to live.

"You know of raising plants?"

It was a small opening to show that she wasn't fully untrusting him Flinx, but they had just met. That trust needed to be earned and people could mask their true intentions easily. Though Jairdain had the feeling he was being open with his and meant her no harm.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"Oh I dont know of what school. I personally want to build a library in my own corner of the galaxy."

He could figure out she was blind because he acted in much the same way when he lost his force sight a little while back. At her comments about getting in touch with reality and the relationship between strength and weakness he thought of the night sisters and how they related to life.

"You better be carefull you keep talking that way around here. you might start getting people thinking you are a night sister. trust me on this point cause I spent 5 years under their tutelage. Thats where I learned that at least in the primal world there are many forms of strength. And as to my knowedge of plants, I know a few tidbits of info. Enough to help heal a wound, or make a poison."
There wasn't much Jairdain could think of say about his desire to build a library of his own. She had no real desire to do that since she couldn't read it wouldn't do her any good.

"I'm happy with the roof over my head and food on my plate. Speaking of, c'mon it's about lunch time. Care to join?"

Early that morning she had gathered up a few herbs from her garden that were developed and put together a lunch for herself. That mixed in with one of the local fowl that she had killed would do well for the both of them.

"I apologize for not having something for your friends."

Pointing at his two comp​anions, she looked like she meant her words for a moment.

"Ah the night sisters have good relations with the zabraks here and quite often travel around. So while my words and thoughts are my own, maybe they are shared by them as well. I can heal with the Force and take out poison. Just don't know the plant surge skill to keep these plants alive."

Motioning to the garden once again, Jairdain would then turn to head into her home, leaving the door open for Flinx to follow if he wished.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx softly smiles and nods. "I would be happy to and dont worry about my friends they are not hungry and if they were they know the way back to the ship." Flinx would follow inside and sit at her table. "Perhaps we should open by getting to know each other. What led you to settle here?"
Flinx followed her in and she closed the door behind him. Bad enough that one of his shadows attempted to enter, she didn't need any other strangers or animals coming in uninvited.

He sat down at the table and Jairdain brought two bowls full of stew for both of them. It seemed to be the thing she made the most while on Iridonia. The vegetables she grew in her garden and the meat she picked up in town.

Asking about getting to know each other, Flinx asked what led her to settle here. Taking a slow spoonful of her stew, Jairdain considered just how much to tell him right away.

"To have a place I can come to when I need to just get away."

It was part of the truth.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx percieved the dodge, and so ever the one to look at problems in different lights. She felt comfortable enough to invite him into her house, but not enough to show her hand so to speak. As the old saying goes, trust breeds trust so as he did the night sisters, he decided to divulge some of his past to her as a peace offering. All this passed over his mind. He felt out, posing the idea to his companions to get their feelings on the matter. While they were not to sentience their insight were nothing short of awe inspiring. Several times they could sense feelings and tentions that he himself couldn't. Thanatose sent him a mental nod of approval. While thanatos himself was a hunter,he could sense she was the one in control here so a peaceful resolution was the best course of action.

After a little silence,"So me and my colleagues are of the opinion that we should open ourselves up for your questions."
Jairdain was revealing a little too much and they ate in silence for a few minutes. What he was thinking, she could guess, but kept her opinion to herself. He had admitted he himself was blind and he figured it from her words. So neither one could see what the other looked like.

"When we are done eating, do you wish to know what I look like?"

She could of course send him a mental image that others had given her. However, it would be marred by how they perceived her and may not be exactly what she looked like. The way one saw another was usually based on how they felt about the person. ​Her images were provided by people that cared for her and thus they showed her what she looked like to them.

Being blind, Jairdain would rather feel with her hands what a person looked like.

"It is a form of trust I have never granted anybody."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"You can see me first then I will see you." Flinx stood and waited for the hands on his face. He smiled and tried to stay still. This is something he did to friends but never had done to him. Infact the last person that had touched him like this was Ra. He burried that memory and sadness before it could bloom any further.
Flinx displayed his trust in her by saying she could see him first and stood up.

"Finish eating."

Pointing​ in the direction of his chair, Jairdain went back to eating her own stew.

"Learn how to be patient and there's no hurry. Is there?"

Picking up on a sudden darkening of his aura, she wondered what that was about, but didn't ask. It faded away quickly.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx finished eating, cursing himself with sith curse word in his mind. he had slipped up. Thanatos and Shadow both curled up around him as comfort as he checked in with the other 3 on the ship.

He sent a message to bb-3 to bring the "Steady Hand" to his location... discretely. "Pardon me madam, I just prefer to have all the peices of me close together."
Flinx finished eating, cursing himself with sith curse word in his mind. he had slipped up. Thanatos and Shadow both curled up around him as comfort as he checked in with the other 3 on the ship.

He sent a message to bb-3 to bring the "Steady Hand" to his location... discretely. "Pardon me madam, I just prefer to have all the peices of me close together."
He sat back down and appeared to sulk as he finished eating. Her pointing out there was no hurry may have bothered him. If Flinx didn't like her attitude, he was her guest and could leave at any time he wanted. Right now Jairdain didn't care either way. However, when his companions entered her house without her permission after she had told him to keep them out, that upset her.

Finishing her stew, her face got cloudy with irritation and even more so at his words. He was weak and too reliant on his companions for help. She was a blind woman and got by just fine on her own. Why he needed such help, she didn't have a clue on, but his reliance made him weak in her eyes.

"If you wish to have your companions close like they are now, ask permission to have them enter first. I never gave that and actually requested they stay out before you came in to eat. A sleeping space can be arranged in the barn I have for all of you. More room there than in the house."

Her tone was flat and slightly cold. She felt right now Flinx was going to use her and the knight was no longer a doormat to be walked over.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]

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