Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flinx relizing he had transgressed her, he dismissed his companions. "my appologies and im bringing my ship closer. They can sleep there." He stood as he heard the engines spin down. "Let me get them settled and ill be back." He started to walk out of the compound. He told the two to go on and get food for the rest. He then cam back. "my extreame appologies agian. They respond to my emotions, and it seemed I didnt close the door thoroughly enough the first time. They feel a part of me and I of them."
"Did I do anything wrong in my welcome?"

As she thought about it, there had been nothing wrong. Other than not wanting his animals in her small home, Jairdain had been as welcoming as she could be to a stranger. Offering him a place to sleep and lunch.

Her voice wasn't unfriendly and held a touch of genuine curiosity. She wondered what Flinx expected for a welcome on a barren world from a woman he had just met. A woman that had been sith and wasn't yet fully trusting of people, especially strangers she didn't know. At this point, he could be putting on an act and just waiting to strike her. Time would work in his favor in establishing trust.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx sighed,"I'm sorry its just Ive always had a hard time expressing myself..." He would sit down on the floor in a somewhat child like manor and hold his face in his hands. "I would blame it on my upbringing, or my troubled past but as of late ive been shown that there are many more people who have had it worse than me. its just getting people to understand is the problem."
"What does expressing yourself have to do with how I welcomed you?"

It appeared ​he was rather childlike in mentality and emotionally. That wasn't something Jairdain could help him with. He would need to find a way to grow up on his own. Growing up, the knight had as easy of a life as a blind child could have. It wasn't until she had been banished and discovered by the sith that things had been rough on her. It was because of that time in her life that she wasn't trusting him now.

"Each person must decide their path on their own. While one can ask for guidance, only you can decide what is right for you."

She ​had been in a situation where her mind had been shattered recently. Confusion had filled her, not knowing what path was the one meant for her. Jairdain had spoken to several people until she ended up on her original path. More of a grey than either Jedi or Sith and that of her people. She would help Flinx, but couldn't make the decision for him.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx sighed and works to center himself again. "ok I need help. my path lately has been me getting bounced from dark master, to light master, to the night sisters, to no master. I have been a terrible guest." Flinx sent his companions a message on the ship and told bb-3 to lock up and put out food. "Now lets start again, I am Flinx Kalith."
Flinx sighed and works to center himself again. "ok I need help. my path lately has been me getting bounced from dark master, to light master, to the night sisters, to no master. I have been a terrible guest." Flinx sent his companions a message on the ship and told bb-3 to lock up and put out food. "Now lets start again, I am Flinx Kalith."
Jairdain listened closely to what Flinx said and nodded. Standing up from the table, she gathered up the dishes from dinner and cleaned up after them. Making sure everything was in its place before speaking what answer came to her. Even though he wouldn't see her face, through the Force, he would clearly feel the sympathy coming from her.

She sat down on the floor in front of him and reached out to take his hands if he allowed it. Leaning forward so their hands were between their faces, her full attention was on him.

"I have been exactly where you are right now not long ago. I'm sorry for not trusting in your right away. So much horrible stuff has happened to me in my life. Now, I am going to tell you what was told to me when I was lost, confused and broken. Only you can decide what path you are meant to be on. Whether it is something light, dark or in between. If you allow somebody else to dictate what is right or wrong or make the decision for you, you will never be completely happy."

Her tone and words were in total serious one.

"I can question, help and guide you, but the choice will have to be yours. Am I clear?"

They weren't mad words or harsh, but they were firm in her conviction.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Her words stirred a memory in his consciousness, a dark dark memory of a woman who told him the same thing. actually she was one of several women that have told him the exact same thing. In his mind the faces of each of these women appear in shadows as they look to him towering ober him. The weight of their gaze on him was immeasurable. "Go make your own path." His mother's shadow says. "I'm sorry im not the teacher you seek." The shadow of Ramarah says. "You are going to have a hard path ahead of you. the way will never be clear." The Night Mother intones. All these voices in his head visibly make Flinx start to deflate in the face of this woman.

In a small voice, just barely audible, Flinx replys, "Yes Ma'am."
It was obvious Flinx didn't like to hear what she had to say, through the Force it appeared he shrunk away from her. Jairdain shook her head at him, even though he wouldn't see it.

"What is it you want?"

He claimed her message was clear, but she wasn't so sure.

The visions and memories he had going through his mind, Jairdain could not tell.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"Honestly Im not sure ma'am. I have been so flighty in the force I dont know where i will be or where Im going ant any one time. iIused to have dreams of founding and building a great library that supported both sides of the force. A safe plase for people like me to come where there is no light and dark, good or evil."

Flinx would sigh. That was his original goal. That was why he had made a holocron documenting his abilities with his companions and his time with the night sisters. But what could he, a lone Grey Jedi do against the war that had gone on for centuries.

"Madam Jaira what can I do in the face of all the war that has raged for time next to immemorial. I would love for my dream of a great place of learning for all, force and non force, light and dark, human and non human. I dream of this night after night yet I am but one being and I fear that it will never be a reality."
Taking a breath, Jairdain focused on the words and intentions Flinx had behind them. He was not trying to deceive or lie to her. As much as she had her own belief, so did he. He was still a lost soul though, like she had been.

"What you dream of is impossible, Flinx."

There was no anger in her​ tone, but a simple statement of truth. Even within the ranks of the Jedi there were people that felt the code should be followed one way and others with a different view on it. If in one order that peace could not be found, how did he expect to enforce it on the galaxy as a whole.

"You may find people that stand behind what you believe, but there will always be people against it. Tell me, what code do you follow?"

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx closed his non existant eyes and took a deep breath recalling some words he had seen from an old grey jedi tome. They were what he had come to belive after some consideration. They distilled all his hopes and dreams into a few verses. He then focused his attention back on the lady in front of him and with all the conviction he could muster stated.

"There is no Dark Side, nor a Light Side
There is Only the Force
I will do what I must to keep the balence
The balence is what keeps me together
There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish
there is passion, yet emotion,
serinity, yet peace
chaos, yet order
I am the weilder of the flame, the protector of balence
I am the holder of the torch, lighting the way
I am the keeper of the flame, soldier of balence
I am the guardien of balence
I am a Grey Jedi"

He would breath softly, finding his center in thise words. "I know what I dream is impossible on a galaxy scale but all these "sides" started somewhere. Jedah for the Jedi and Korriban for the sith. I want to start somthing somewhere where it can grow and offer an alternative to these feuding factions."
Jairdain listened to what Flinx said of the code he followed and nodded when he was done.

"So that is what you want to enforce on all peoples to follow and not give them any choice in the matter? How does that make you any better than any of others out there? Why not just let people follow what they want to. As long as they don't interfere with you, why should it matter? This is the code of my people or close to it. Since I joined the rest of the galaxy proper, I changed what I people used to the Force.

Flowing through all, there is balance.
There is no peace without a passion to create.
There is no passion without peace to guide.
Knowledge stagnates without the strength to act.
Power blinds without the serenity to see.
There is freedom in life.
There is purpose in death.
The Force is all things and I am the Force​.

See it is quite similar. However, it only my code and I wouldn't dream of making another person follow it. My people are dead now and I am the last of them. The last to carry on that code."

He wanted to have a safe haven for people that thought like he did. Little did he know that he would find himself targeted until they were no longer around. Such openness in the galaxy was unheard of.

"It is perhaps better if you seek the Silver Jedi. They welcome people that are neutral and can provide a safe place to stay. Already they ally with people that employ dark siders and sith."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"I dont want to force people to do anything. I wish to stand and take in all that wish to follow and those that do not are their own people. Im sorry to hear about your people. To my knowledge I'm one of the last of the Miraluka."

He sighed the silver Jedi are a nice thought, but it was to organized for him.

"I dont think they will accept me and my past. Being the son of a sith makes good people want to control and monitor you and at the first sign of anything out of line with them, they try to lock you up or shut you out."
"No, you are far from the last of your people. I've met several others within the Silver's. My world was destroyed with my people on it. Only a handful escaped. As for not wanting to force what you feel on others, wouldn't you expect the people that choose to join to follow you?"

Jairdain now spoke casually and relaxed, no longer as tense or untrusting of Flinx. Not entirely open yet though.

"They accepted me after I was sith. So you might be the son of one, but you never were...according to you. As long as you don't go out of your way to harm people just because you can or be evil, they should accept you. What you did in the past will be forgotten and you make your own future. So take that as you will and trust me or not. Doesn't matter to me."

Since they were both blind, she went out of her way to even show the mental shrug she gave through the Force. She could help him find his path, but not really tell him where he would be happy. That would be up to him.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"The silver jedi hmm? All the Jedi i met were like my mother, willing to lie down and let anyone and everyone trample over them in their quest for passivism. but these silver jedi seem to have at least learned form their past mistakes. Maybe I should get in contact with them. Now as to my happiness, well thats not really something you could tell me, although I do belive that im long overdue for some romantic involvement. Perhaps i should learn to scocialize more. But you, being you, Im not sure you could help me in that respect." Flinx then reallized what he said might offend the lady. "I meant no disrespect ma'am. its just scocialazation was never my strong suit, hence why i travel with my companions."
"I was a Silver Jedi once. They are good people."

If the only Jedi he knew was his mother, then meeting others would be good for him.

"Every one is different. While I don't follow their code, they welcomed me back after I myself was sith. I think I told you that though. Besides, sometimes once a person comes back from the dark, they make the best Jedi around. Crusaders if you will. Fighting for the light."

Flinx said it would be good to get out and socialize and maybe find a romantic interest. At first, Jairdain thought he implied he might be interested in her, but then changed it. In saying he wasn't well socialized. It was obvious to her that was case. Half the time he acted like a petulant child and other times like now he acted more adult.

Waving off his apology, even if he couldn't see it, he would through the Force because of her dismissive emotion on the matter.

"You'll find it in time. Animals like you have tamed are nothing like people. Even though they can act that way at times."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"While I would argue that they arent animals and they are a part of my family, I do agree that I should go see the silvers. Could you give me a direction and posibly a contact there?" Flinx was sitting there in her home wishing he had a way to repay her for her hospitality. "There are times I wish I could just open my mind so that people could see what I cant outwardly say."
The way he phrased how he felt about his companions, Jairdain nodded. She assumed he had a difficult life and had no real concept of what a family was. In taking care of the animals, they also took care of him in their own ways. So he had made them into his family.

"They recently made a move from Voss and now reside on Kashyyk. I never moved with them though and have stayed here. I also have a home on Voss. Anyway, so start there."

Flinx then expressed to have the ability to open his mind so people could read what he meant since he wasn't able to communicate it properly.

"That is something you're going to have to learn how to do. Now as a mentalist, I could dig around in your mind, but not everybody is able to. So what I could learn wouldn't do any good in the grand scheme of things since it would only be between the two of us. I can't speak for you among others."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"Well then lets start with..... my sight how would I explain that to people who arnt familliar with Miralukans being physically blind. everyone looks at me with pity. It turns my stomach yet I cant fight them to prove Im caple of holding my own." Flinx pulled out an ancient cube like thing and fiddled with it. it had 9 colored squares and by turning three at a time he could make the colors match. "I am just as able to handle myself as any bounty hunter, yet everyone treats me like an cripple child." Flinx thinks on his time that he had made himself force blind and a emotional darkness settles over him. "Its all my fault that I couldnt save my mom before she got to far and its my fault I couldnt bring out the good in my dad."

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