Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Side of Terror with that Speech Please? (Open)

Dentrox knew it was too much a sith against him he knew he needed help so he tried to resist the force choke with all his might and he actually did it he then took out a comm and said "No time to explain send republic troops into the sewers fast theres a sith and a-" he was cut off as he realized he couldnt just chat so since he had resisted it he force pushed however he was in pain and fell to the ground as he saw his knees with blast marks on them he force pushed non-stop and then launched his lighsaber against the ceiling cause a cut and used the force to make the cut even bigger and soon it became big enough so big that it started collapsing he was able to do it all because he was very strong in the force

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
And with that, the party started. The Assault team would get an automated message ordering the to proceed as well as the fire bombers and in the end there was to be utter chaos. Similarly the next part would come as an utter and complete surprise as suddenly a few people in the crowd just collapsed screaming and holding their head. Far off in a couple residential buildings the same thing happened before suddenly those that were screaming suddenly burst, and with that burst a bomb contained in the slaves ignited and blasted shrapnel and a heat wave that instantly killed those around them and wounded those up to a good ten meters around them. Alexandra's eyes shot around and around, unknowingly putting herself in a safe place due to Hel's influence and staring as blood, gore, and death filled the crowd now.

In a moment, cloaked mercenaries, separate from the ones with the others in the gunships pulled out blasters and cut through the crowd as well with them and the Gunship pilots and snipers would get the command to move into action, taking out the VIP and causing complete destruction and death without a care. After all, she had hired psychopaths so that a conscious did not stop this. The Fire bomb teams would get the order to set them off and then join the fray or leave, their choice up to them as the chance to kill and destroy the Republic's trust held by its people.

(ITSSSS SHOW TIME. [member="Robb Killian"] [member="Iris Tyrad"] [member="Snipes"] [member="Kallion"] [member="Samson Ordo"] [member="Listeri Dalane"] [member="Bruce Foster"] [member="Mister Smith"] [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Korin Undoli"]
The fireworks had started, the commotion and terror was being broadcast all over the holonet, to all of Z3AL's supporters, and to those who spied on him. At first he wouldn't have helped, but he wanted this to go on longer, and so he did some typing.
>Scrambling Alderaan Defense Communications
Now there was no calling for help, the people and their 'VIP' would be slaughtered, Alderaan would be burned and pillaged with the Republic forced to watch. And no one could do a single thing about it.
>Hacking Private Communication Systems
Z3AL wanted to hear the terrorists, so he could be the first to know what was about to happen. This was going to be fun, so fun that he might even do more magic if needed, and maybe even reveal his presence to the terrorists. Not yet though, no... For now he would watch Alderaan burn, like many others were watching...

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
[member="Robb Killian"]

"Alright I'm ready to start this." exclaimed Iris, clambering back into the gunship, "Hey, heads up" he warned as he threw the detonator towards the pilot of the gunship, who was called Robb, if Iris had remembered rightly. Iris took at seat in the cockpit next to the pilot, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.

As he waited Iris fiddled with his much loved LS-150 HACRPG, repeatably checking the magazines and re-adjusting the sling.
[member="Iris Tyrad"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]

"Alright I'm ready to start this," Iris exclaimed as he clambered aboard the gunship. "Hey, heads up."

Robb turned in time to register a metallic object hurtling towards his face. Is that?...The detonator! Robb reached out to intercept the detonator and fumbled it between his outstretched hands, his breath caught and his heart pounded. This is the end. Robb blinked as the potential source of his destruction, and that of his team, settled safely in his palm, Well that was lucky. He glared at Iris as he climbed through the threshold of the cockpit and eased himself into the co-pilots chair, all without any apparent regard for the fact that he had nearly incinerated them all.

Robb shook his head and allowed himself to relax, placing the detonator gently on the dashboard. He took in a a deep breath through his nose, counted to three, and slowly let it out, just as his father had taught him. Robb couldn't help but smirk as he contemplated his companion's appearance. His brain must be struggling under the weight of all that hair. Now all we have to do is wait for --. Robb's comm chirped from where it sat on the dashboard, but he hardly needed to read the message to know what it said: "It's time." Well...damn.

Robb leaned in and keyed his comm, "'F- fire team beta' this is Alpha. We are a-go. I repeat we are a-go. Get back here Ronaro, ASAP. Over." Robb gave the console on the dash a final once over, the engines were primed, and everything was ready for take off.

Robb reached up and flicked the gunship's local comm switch. "All right boys...and girls, head to your guns and prepare for take off. The p-party is about to begin."


Expert Sniper
She was ready to take the shot when she received the message to proceed. Her finger was pulling the trigger when suddenly people started dropping on the streets and the cloaked mercenaries appeared. Her weapon went off when they started shooting and her blaster bolt found its way into the VIP's heart. A rare smile of satisfaction crossed her face. People ran through the streets as they tried to flee the massacre but it was only in vain as the sheer amount of blaster bolts filled the area. Everyone, civilians or security, was being gunned down for they were all guilty of the same crime: aiding the Republic.

Snipes too participated in the massacre though instead of firing into the crowd, she turned her weapon to those in the same field as her. One shot, a man's head in a sixteenth story room exploded. Another shot and a being fell from the roof top into the city below. She continued to do this until she got the call to stop and extract.
Robb Killian said:
[member="Iris Tyrad"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]

"Alright I'm ready to start this," Iris exclaimed as he clambered aboard the gunship. "Hey, heads up."

Robb turned in time to register a metallic object hurtling towards his face. Is that?...The detonator! Robb reached out to intercept the detonator and fumbled it between his outstretched hands, his breath caught and his heart pounded. This is the end. Robb blinked as the potential source of his destruction, and that of his team, settled safely in his palm, Well that was lucky. He glared at Iris as he climbed through the threshold of the cockpit and eased himself into the co-pilots chair, all without any apparent regard for the fact that he had nearly incinerated them all.

Robb shook his head and allowed himself to relax, placing the detonator gently on the dashboard. He took in a a deep breath through his nose, counted to three, and slowly let it out, just as his father had taught him. Robb couldn't help but smirk as he contemplated his companion's appearance. His brain must be struggling under the weight of all that hair. Now all we have to do is wait for --. Robb's comm chirped from where it sat on the dashboard, but he hardly needed to read the message to know what it said: "It's time." Well...damn.

Robb leaned in and keyed his comm, "'F- fire team beta' this is Alpha. We are a-go. I repeat we are a-go. Get back here Ronaro, ASAP. Over." Robb gave the console on the dash a final once over, the engines were primed, and everything was ready for take off.

Robb reached up and flicked the gunship's local comm switch. "All right boys...and girls, head to your guns and prepare for take off. The p-party is about to begin."
Sokrai speedily ran over and hopped onto the gunship, swinging herself on right as it lifted off from the ground. She looked around at the crew of terrorists, and looked back at the forest. Sokrai turned to [member="Robb Killian"] , as she asked a question. " The bombs all primed, no problems? " She asked inquisitively.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"Apart from Robb over here nearly dropping the detonator and incinerating you." Iris replied to [member="Sokrai Ronaro"] question, though it was clearly not directed at him. Iris smirked as as he recalled the situation with the detonator the moment before. Removing a cigarette packet from a pocket on his leg, Iris slowly place one of the 'cancer sticks' into his mouth. However before lighting he gestured his hand where the packet was, offering one to the lady, Sokrai.

[member="Robb Killian"]
Robb was relieved to say the least as [member="Sokrai Ronaro"][SIZE=small] came running out of the woods, he was all too eager to get away from these woods and back to civilization, and the potential street war that was brewing there.[/SIZE]

Robb did not so much as glance over his shoulder as Ronaro leaned into the cockpit, "The bombs all primed, no problems?" She asked inquisitively. Robb was about to reply when [member="Iris Tyrad"] cut him off.

"Apart from Robb over here nearly dropping the detonator and incinerating you," Tyrad replied with a smirk. Robb stole a glance, away from the sky before them and the passing forest below, to stare at his co-pilot, just in time to watch him offer a cigarette to Ronaro.

Robb cocked an eyebrow at the man's conveniently selective memory, "I am n-not the one who t-tosses detonators around like cigarette-butts, speaking of which, that stuff will kill you, man." Robb redirected his attention to the sky before him, "and besides" Robb said as he swiped the detonator from where it lay on the dashboard. He offered the detonator to Tyrad, "it's a little early to be celebrating, but feel free to do the honors," he added with a smirk of his own.
[member="Iris Tyrad"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"it's a little early to be celebrating, but feel free to do the honors,"

Reaching out Iris grabbed the detonator from the pilots hand, as he did this he slipped the packet of cigarettes back into his pocket. "I'm not celebrating, I'm just addicted!" He laughed as he lit the end of the cigarette, the end tobacco in the end of the cigarette started to glow as Iris slowly place it into the corner of his mouth.

"Anyway" Iris started, looking towards the detonator, paying close attention to the lever that would start the fiery chaos. "Here. We. Go" he finally spoke after a long pause. Flicking the switch Iris turned towards the window, waiting for the inevitable disaster to take place.

[member="Robb Killian"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]
It's always a pleasant surprise when your job is done for you. The Jedi, while quick to make himself a nuisance, had fled when he was so clearly outmatched by [member="Darth Ferus"] . During his escape attempt, he quickly attempted to signal for backup, but there was no comm signal down here, so that wouldn't be an issue. He then proceeded to rip into the ceiling, cutting it with his saber, before ripping it down with the force. The Jedi made his getaway, safe as he was behind to falling rubble and metal. While he managed to escape with his life, the fool didn't realize that he had completed a portion of a terrorist operation, Korin was going to have to set some charges to permanently close the tunnel, anyway.

Turning from Alderaan's newest wall, Korin jogged the rest of the way to his target, it wasn't far, he was sure [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] and the Darth could keep up easily enough. Holstering his pistols, he slung the bag full of explosives off his shoulder, setting them down on the floor. Sitting down in front of the bag, he opened it up, viewing its contents.

There was the big bomb, which had to be set about two feet from where he was sitting, as well as twelve thermite charges, for demolishing the hallways surrounding them. Well... only need nine now, thanks Jedi. He made quick work setting the charges, one on each hallway ceiling, as well as two on the walls. After verifying that all of the charges were set to the same frequency, Korin jogged back to the bomb, carefully removing it from the bag.

Setting the bag, along with the three remaining thermite charges to the side, he sat down cross-legged before the modified explosive. Interlocking his fingers, he produced a resounding crack, loosening up his hands for the delicate work of arming this beast. It wasn't as simple as just slapping it on the wall, like the others.
After a pause Tyrad finally spoke, "Here. We. Go," and with that he flicked the switch and armed the charges.

Rob pulled the gunship a little higher, just for good measure, as his co-pilot keyed the detonator. There a brief pause as every member of 'fire team' fell into an expectant silence, and then, somewhere below them, the charges ignited.

Several flashes of bright light erupted below them, sending towers of fire and flaming accelerant soaring up, only to fall back down, raining fire and death upon the vast forest and its soon-to-be-evicted inhabitants.

Robb watched in silent awe as the fire below him surged forth through the growth, like water from a broken dam, and devoured all in its path. "Well i'll be damned..." The flames were certainly impressive, but Robb had more pressing concerns as the air around the gunship began to fill with a thick black smoke. "Hang on," Robb said as he pulled up again on the controls, bringing the gunship above the clouds and away from the smoke.

Robb leveled off once the gunship had reached a safe altitude. He turned to his co-pilot, "I'd say we about earned our paycheck," he said with a grin.

[member="Iris Tyrad"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]
The Darth only watched as the Jedi ran off, scoffing. "And here I thought I would have some entertainment.." He moved after [member="Korin Undoli"] , keeping his blade Deus out in his hand. Never know if another Jedi decides to show up. For now he was useless, simply watching and waiting for his accomplice to be done.
"Alright then." Kallion stated as Snipes fired at the 'VIP' "Time to get started." He lifted up his Pulse Rifle's sights to his eyes before firing into the crowd, shooting plasma into the crowd along with all the other blasters. He didn't listen to the screams though, he listened to his weapon fire, it's rhythm, if he did listen to any of the screams then he might stop, but he wanted this, he wanted to kill, it had been a long time since he killed
His weapon stopped firing, he'd already went through 175 shots "How long was I-" He stopped himself before reloading his weapon with a Shhk and a Fump. his weapon was now ready to fire again ​"Wait, no…" Kallion lowered his weapon and his head, only to raise both back up to continue firing "Whenever you guys are ready to get out of here I will too"


Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"Haha, yeah!" Laughed Iris in reply to [member="Robb Killian"] comment. He continued to stare towards the ground, that was now engulfed in flames. "One...two....three" Iris counted each of the bombs as they went off, "wait a second, number 4 didn't go o-" Iris was cut short as the fourth bomb exploded into another tower of fire. Somebody could've easily mistaken the forest for the underworld. Hell on Earth describe it perfectly.

Still staring at the devastation "so are we going after the VIP with the assault squad, or we gunna flee?" Iris asked the rest of the team, in an excited, adrenaline filled voice. "Cause to be perfectly honest, I can't stay hunched up in a ship after that!"

[member="Sokrai Ronaro"]
"So are we going after the VIP with the assault squad, or we gonna flee?" Iris asked excitedly, his voice dripping with adrenaline. "Cause to be perfectly honest, I can't stay hunched up in a ship after that!"

Robb had no taste for mindless slaughter, let alone cold blooded murder, that was the whole reason why he signed up to be on the 'fire team' in the first place. But his friend, [member="Korin Undoli"] was back there, he would be in the thick of it, and their contract was sketchy as far as the details of their escape were concerned. Robb punched the coordinates of the city into the navicomputer. We've earned our pay, might as well go the extra mile and earn ourselves a bonus.

"We're going back to rendezvous with 'assault team'," he replied evenly. "And besides, s-someone's got to provide support and evac the 'bombing team'."

Robb keyed the ship's comm once again, establishing a link to 'assault' and 'bombing' team's frequencies. "'Assault team,' this is 'fire team.' The package had been delivered and we are en route to your location. I repeat, we are en route to your location to provide assistance in any way that we can. 'Fire team' out. over."
[member="Iris Tyrad"] [member="Kallion"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"Well it just so happens I have the perfect weapon for support" Iris grinned as he patted his LS-150 HACPRG. With all the destruction distracting him earlier he hadn't even noticed his cigarette was now only a glowing bud, he spat it on the floor, following was his boot, crushing it.

Reaching into his pocket, once again, for another cigarette, calmly asked "you want one?" directing the question towards Robb "just think about it, there's no reason not too, we all might die down there! He shook the packet in his hands "and you would've gone through your life without smoking one cigarette. And besides, one cigarette, no harm done, you might even like it" Iris only assumed Robb had never smoked a cigarette before, due to his negativity towards them earlier.

[member="Robb Killian"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Korin Undoli"]
(OOC: My sincerest apologies. I became sidetracked, though I do believe I've caught up on all the posts relevant to this character so far.)

Agnusdei had, for the most part, ignored the small tussle between the interloper Jedi and focused more on their surroundings. As they'd walked, he'd taken the occasional sample from whatever he felt was useful or could contain a new host strain for a variety of new viral or bacterial strains. Thankfully, neither he or his samples had been harmed or damaged in the brief fighting and he stood, patiently waiting, for the explosives to be deployed and set up. Casting a brief glance at the gentleman setting the charges, Agnusdei leaned slightly on his metal cane.

"Mister... Undoli, was it?" he asked, his Upper Coruscanti accent clipped, professional, and crisp. "I believe you have incorrectly connected the timer and the trigger wires you just set. In that current configuration, the bomb will detonate upon arming."
Robb and his team left the blazing forest behind them as they flew in the direction of the city. The lack of details in their escape troubled Robb, but his contemplations were short lived as his co-pilot brought him back to the present.

"You want one?" Tyrad asked. The man had apparently finished his first cigarette and had moved on to the next one. "Just think about it, there's no reason not too, we all might die down there!" Tyrad shook the packet for emphasis, "and you would've gone through your life without smoking one cigarette. And besides, one cigarette, no harm done, you might even like it"

Robb smiled amicably but shook his head, declining the polite offer. "That's precisely why I shouldn't s-smoke one. If I die down there, no harm done, i'll be dead, and who'll know? But if I survive this thing, I'll have smoked one, and if I develop that habit, on top of my others, it would substantially shorten my projected lifespan."

Robb sighed as the gunship re-entered the city. "You're welcome to 'em though, enjoy them, 'to each their own,' I say." Robb's smile returned, "besides, I'm a bounty hunter...most of the time, smoking would only make the chase harder than it has to be." Robb maneuvered the gunship between a stretch of tall building, he peered left out of the view-port and watched their reflection in the passing glass. "I have enough vices as it is."
[member="Iris Tyrad"]


Expert Sniper
A message came over the comm. "'Assault team,' this is 'fire team.' The package had been delivered and we are en route to your location. I repeat, we are en route to your location to provide assistance in any way that we can. 'Fire team' out. over."

"Acknowledged," was all the sniper said as she reloaded her clip. 50 shots, 50 kills. So far all of those have been security and militia forces and it didn't seem that they would be running out. Bodies piled in the streets from the ruthless slaughter. Earlier there were many more civilians than security but now that was no longer true. Security kept coming to try and quell the chaos while the civilians were either dead or ran to relative safety. They grew smarter as they were now trying to hide in cover but they had the high ground and Snipes eliminated the snipers hiding in the high rooms and roof tops. It was easy pickings now.

[member="Robb Killian"] [member="Kallion"]

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