Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Side of Terror with that Speech Please? (Open)

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Snipes"] [member="Robb Killian"] [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] [member="Iris Tyrad"] [member="Kallion"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Korin Undoli"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"] [member="Z3AL"]


Alderaan was quickly being thrown into turmoil and little did many people know but Ordo had married the Duchess of house Organa, which made him a Duke of Alderaan. The commotion had brought him out of the local government building. His bulky frame covered in his black beskar'gam. His big hand held his gladiator assault rifle, while his beskad and Ripper hung at his waist. His lightsaber which he rarely left behind these days was in it's place at the small of his back. He was a family man, and a man who was determined to do his duty. The Mandalorians may have been his people primarily, but the People of Alderaan were no longer any different.

"Not on my watch." he said as a crowd was assaulted.

The Mandalorian force enhancement master and Field Marshall stepped toward a group of terrorist. The 'T' of his visor was his only face as he began making head shots at terrorist.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra stood there and just watched as people dropped and died, her eyes continually shifting until finally she kicked into action as she ignited her blades and drew all the pain and fear around her into one single tempest of emotions, feeding it into a crystal orb she had at her side while also using it to charge her enemies. Her blades son found their way into the neck of mercenary and she turned her head towards the next, using the one she just killed as a shield and charging him with a quick cut of her blade. They would pay for causing this, though inside her Hel merely laughed at the fact of the though watching and waiting to take over the woman's body.

As Ordo found himself involved, the two gunships holding more mercenaries arrived and let off their cargo before setting off to hover and unload their own payload on the crowd trying to retreat, laser cannons and mass drivers tearing through security and innocents.

[member="Ordo"] [member="Snipes"] [member="Robb Killian"] [member="Kallion"] [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Korin Undoli"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"] [member="Z3AL"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
The noise of blasters and various other weapons deafened Iris, as they unleashed onto the crowds of people, it was chaos, anyone, and evryone got shot. "Where are we landing?!" Iris shouted to the pilot, praying he could hear him. It was obvious that the main battle area was too hot to land in, for it was engulfed in warfare. There were cross fires between the mercenaries and the enforcers. Light saber battles between Jedi and Sith. It was utter carnage.

[member="Robb Killian"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Jek huddled behind a large trash droid that lay in the alley while his camera droid filmed his report.

"This is the one the only Jek Floggerty back and better than ever! I am live here on Balderaan and filming a live terrorist attack! gunships and guys with funny outfit and guns are everywhere." Jek looked over the droid and turned back to the camera and plugged his ears, "There is even a chick with giant glow rods or laser swords or something, out there. So far we have no reason to believe this is a result of a need to get some lovin on either side. HOLY CRAP, A MANDALORIAN JUST CAME OUT OF THE FREAKING BUILDING BESIDE US! THE MANDO IS SHOOTING PEOPLE! THE LADY CHOPPED A FREAKING HEAD OFF! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?"

Jek ducked behind the droid and began digging in his trousers while making funny faces before finally pulling out a holdout blaster. He popped over the droid and fired at the gunships as the shot into the crowd. Jek ducked back behind the droid and wiped his face.

"I think I just saved Balderaan's gate!" Jek said looking into the camera, "This is Jek Floggerty hero of Balderaan's gate, we will stay with the action, until then you stay classy Holonet."
Robb been expecting turmoil, riots, and chaos in the moments following the death of the VIP. So when he maneuvered the gunship over a particularly tall building adjacent to the rendezvous point, and saw what appeared to be an all out ground war raging in the plaza below, he was shocked to say the least.

The roaring of blaster fire, explosions, and screams alike seemed to drown out the hum of the gunship's engines. This once peaceful plaza had devolved into a raging tumult as the Alderaanian security forces defended against the band of terrorists, and in the midst of it all he could have sworn he saw a lightsaber flashing. Robb slumped back in his seat as the cold reality set in: I helped cause this.

His co-pilot, [member="Iris Tyrad"], shook him out of it. "Where are we landing?!" Tyrad shouted over the din.

Robb's focus returned to the task at hand, as he surveyed potential landing zones. The plaza was way too hot for a landing, he would have to drop Tyrad and Ronaro off somewhere else before swinging around to pick up the 'bombing team'.

That was when he spied one of the members of 'assault team,' [member="Kallion"], firing into the plaza from a side-street. Though not ideal, the location seemed defensible enough do to the series of parked speeders and alleyways.

Robb maneuvered the gunship around a few buildings, so that they would come up on Kallion and the side-street from behind. [SIZE=small]Robb reached up and keyed the gunship's local comm channel to address the rest of 'fire team,' [/SIZE]"provide suppressing fire into the plaza!"

Robb flew just past Kallion's position,as the gunners opened fire into the plaza, and let the gunship settle in the street in front of him, providing temporary cover, so Ronaro and Tyrad could exit through the opposite hatch, into the street with Kallion.

[member="Iris Tyrad"] [member="Kallion"] [member="Sokrai Ronaro"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
The landing wasn't perfect, and for Iris who wasn't strapped in, he nearly tumbled out of his seat, but else can you expect when you're landing in a war-zone? Before Iris left he rested his hand on Robb's shoulder and calmly spoke "There's another fire bomb in the back we have for a reserve, I've set it up and everything it's on a 1 minute timer." He pointed towards where the bomb lay, under one of the back seat by the cargo door. "If it looks like it's going haywire, start the timer, drop it out the back, and kill as many of those mother****ers as you can! But be sure to get the hell outta there." Iris added before standing up straight and grabbing his LS-150 HACPRG. Slowly he walked towards the open cargo bay door, towards [member="Kallion"] . This would be it, the moment Iris long awaited for.

[member="Robb Killian"] [member="Kallion"]


Expert Sniper
Snipes was sighting in on her next target when a peculiar flash caught her eye. She looked to find there was a Jedi fighting among the masses. It wasn't surprising since this is a key Republic world but it was still inconvenient. Then something else caught her attention. A black armored man, Mandalorian from the looks of the design, stormed out of the government building and began slaughtering the other terrorists. That's interesting. Last she heard the Mandalorians and the Republic were on bad terms. Looks like there has been a change. "Be advised," she said, "There is a Jedi in the plaza and a black armored Mandalorian assisting the Alderaanians."

Deciding that the Force Users can handle the Jedi, Snipes set her sights on the Mandalorian who was the next biggest threat. Let's see if that armor is knock off or the Mandalorian Iron they are famous for using. Lining up her shot, she aimed for center mass, exhaled, and fired at [member="Ordo"] .
Korin's hand froze in the air, an inch away from arming the bomb. He leaned in, taking a closer look at the wiring. Huh... Go figure... [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] was right, he was indeed seconds away from killing them all.

He stood up, "Hmm... Good call, doc." He had been rushing. They were behind schedule, because of the karking Jedi hero, and due to their radio silence, there was no way of knowing the progress of the mission above.

He dove back in, fixing the problem. "There we go." It seemed to be working now. Korin was hardly a demolitions expert, but the directions were clear. He turned to [member="Darth Ferus"] , "By the way, since my hands are clear, I'd like that back." He gestured to his DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle.
Ferus blinked for a moment, lifting up the heavy blaster rifle in his hand. He had forgotten he was even carrying it. He tossed it to [member="Korin Undoli"] , a frown on his face though. "Bombs planted? Good, we can leave now ya?"
Agnusdei more or less ignored the conversation for the moment and instead simply stood and gained his bearings. He remembered the maps he'd seen in intimate detail and only needed a few moments to determine their position almost exactly.

"We shall need to head in this direction," he stated calmly, heading in the implied direction at a brisk pace. His black cloak billowed slightly at the movement as his metal cane clicked a rapid staccato on the floor. "If my calculations are correct, and they usually are, we should be approximately two minutes late. Our transportation will not wait much longer, I believe."

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Korin Undoli"]
Robb took off the second his passengers departed the gunship, flying away from the plaza as soon as he reached a suitable altitude. All he had to do now was pick up the 'bombing team' and provide support to the rest of the crew back at the plaza.

So far the the 'bombing team' had been unresponsive, probably no signal in the sewers.

Robb decided to try again anyway, he had nothing to lose after all. He keyed his comm again, "'Bombing team'? this is 'Fire team', do you read me? I repeat, do you read me? I'm approaching the extraction point and do not have a visual."

Robb landed the gunship at the extraction point, a four way intersection roughly a mile and a half from the plaza. Robb settled back in the pilot's chair, the rest of his crew were in their positions at the guns, keeping an eye out, all he could do now was wait.
Korin slung his rifle over his shoulder, jogging to catch up to [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] , before slowing down a bit to match his pace. He turned around, looking back at [member="Darth Ferus"] , "Coming?"
Ferus moved after them, sliding his hands behind his head. "I guess so." Time tables didn't mean a lot to him at this point in his life, so he let [member="Korin Undoli"] and [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] worry about it. Sides, he was the muscle, not the brain this time.
Kallion's weapon ran out of ammo, again "Hey guys! I could use some help!" Almost instantly his call was answered by one of the gunships coming down right in front of him, dropping off [member="Iris Tyrad"] and [member="Sokrai Ronaro"] in front of his position "Good, we might want to leave soon though, or at least i want to." Kallion popped another clip into his weapon, looking at it before switching to his Sonic Cannon, if it came down to it though, if they became surrounded, Kallion would have to destroy all of his tech, no one needed to copy his gear "And just to let you guys know," He paused before firing "I'm low on ammo, I will, no matter what, need to leave soon." With that he fired off a shot at a building.
Korin, [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] , and [member="Darth Ferus"] took another series of turns, their incline confirming they were on their way out. "That should suffice..." He mutter to himself as he palmed the detonator for the thermite charges. After a dramatic pause, he hit the switch, a low rumble emanating along the metal floor below their feet.

Korin tried his wrist comm again, "Anybody still alive up there? This is Bombing Team. Respond." There was no static, so there was a chance of some response. He turned to the Darth and the doctor. "One last push, lets go." He started climbing the ladder, two rungs at a time, they were getting increasingly behind schedule.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"Understood!" Barked iris, over the sound of the full-blown battle behind him. Walking out of the cargo bay of the ship Iris leaned slightly towards Kallion, "there's some bits and pieces of ammo in the back, but I don't know if they'll fit your weapon" he informed the man, pointing back to the ship. "I need to know the status of the VIP, do you know anything?" Iris intergated the exhausted looking man, he couldn't blame him really, must've been fighting all day.

An nearby explosion from what seemed to be a mass-driver cannon made Iris flinch, he wanted to get out of this location, and into some real cover.

Upon his arrival to the surface he began calling as many republic troops possible and soon republic soldiers started flooding the sewers they went through the rubble to find a sith and his accomplice they began raining heavy fire
When Korin poked his head out into the sunlight, the first thing he could hear was screams. The assault team must be having a real party up here. Ground wars didn't really appeal to Him, he had already done his part.

As he stood, waiting for [member="Darth Ferus"] and [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] to rach the top of the ladder, her could swear he heard blaster fire in the sewers. This is ridiculous! Figuring they were more than far enough away, he set off the thermite charges, sealing off the sewer around the bomb.

Korin punched a few buttons on his wrist comm, "Bombing team needs evac, anybody near my coordinates?." He pinged his location, before waiting for his companions to get up the ladder. Resting his thumb on the trigger, he took a deep breath, counted to three and squeezed.
OOC note: I switched dialogue colors from red to orange seeing as Ferus is also using red (no problems, it's a lovely color).

Robb was pacing back and forth before the gunship when his commlink chirped, "Bombing team needs evac, anybody near my coordinates?." Robb grinned, he knew that voice, Korin.

Robb's comm pinged again as it received the coordinates of Korin's position. He read the coordinates, compared them with his own, and did a double take. Odd... they should be right... One of the mercenaries operating a turret took that moment to chime in, "Contact! Coming out of the sewers on the starboard side! Preparing to f-,"

Using the MAG frames on his boots, Robb leaped up, ran directly over the gunship, and jumped down to face the speaker's turret. Spreading his arms wide, he glared down the barrel of the weapon, one that could surely vaporize him at this distance, "Do. NOT. Karking. Shoot." He was relieved, to say the least, when the turret lowered, though he could swear he heard laughter coming from within.

Robb turned in time to see Korin and a large Zabrak pull a cloaked man up from the manhole, must be Ferus and the 'good 'doctor, a grim bunch indeed. Still though it was a relief to see that his friend had made it through, so he smiled, cupped his hands around his mouth, and shouted, "What karking took you so long, there's a d-damn war on y'know!"

[member="Korin Undoli"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Doctor Agnusdei"]
As he stood there he remebered the sith killing many people in many places and he was angry the jedi had before tried to stop him from getting so mad but it was no use whenever he thought about sith he got mad very mad he ignited his lightsaber nolonger calm he ran back into the sewers went through the rubble and rapidly force pushed then he ran over ready to chop someones head off he was very mad and there was no way to calm him in that state...

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