Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Slave, A Slaver, A Friend.

Kuxirra laughed at the comment, a wide grin on her face as they sped forward. "Either way, this is fun!"

He pulled up, just missing the top of Felucia's foliage. Then he maneuvered to slow down and stop, then land softly in a small clearing. "Alright. Go ahead and stretch your legs."

He wasn't an idiot though, she wouldn't be able to go too far from the ship, if she did her collar would give her a continuous shock until he stopped it. A preventative measure to keep slaves close to the ship if they got out
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
As Xurux Jeshal Xurux Jeshal told her to go ahead and stretch her legs, Kuxirra left the ship. She didn't go far, just to a nearby boulder to meditate. The Togruta frowned. Why couldn't she feel the Force, especially in an area like this? It terrified her, and she hugged her knees to her chest, silent tears streaming down her face.
As Xurux Jeshal Xurux Jeshal told her to go ahead and stretch her legs, Kuxirra left the ship. She didn't go far, just to a nearby boulder to meditate. The Togruta frowned. Why couldn't she feel the Force, especially in an area like this? It terrified her, and she hugged her knees to her chest, silent tears streaming down her face.

He was too busy making sure that their encounter with that first order tractor beam hadn't done any damage, also checking fuel stores and rations for the trip, to notice her distress. They had enough for the time being, but they'd need to restock soon if they intended to go far. He sighed, this girl was starting to grow on him, already. He really didn't want to sell her, but at the same time how was he supposed to feed himself? Maybe if they caught someone else? Someone a little more deserving perhaps?

Doubtless this girl had problems with slavery, but it was the only thing he knew, and it kept him alive, and frequently it kept his targets alive too. So maybe if they hunted someone else, a pirate perhaps? Or some other criminal? So long as they were either strong or attractive they'd be worth something. And he wouldn't have to sell this kid, who quite clearly wouldn't make it if she were sold. He sighed.

He grabbed a few rations and went outside to see her sitting on a rock. He sighed again, and approached. He gave her a small metal jar. "Eat up. You'll need the energy."

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