Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Test of Wit and Valor [RNR]

Joro Kal'nath



ATTIRE: Jedi Robes
The Hotties: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Bea Laseen
The Notties: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
The Bosses: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Of course when he offered to help the fake noble decided to mouth off about it. Joro didn't understand why the kid had such a problem with people, probably issues with his family life, but that didn't endear him towards him.

"I would care about your thoughts on my hair, boy, if your face didn't remind me of the ass end of a Hutt," he said without batting an eye.

Someone from the temple appeared to collect Cerys, who appeared to be down for the count, something he found unfortunate. He wanted to compete against her, beat her. Their little rivalry had been growing, and while they verbally sparred with one another, he held no ill will towards the Togruta. There were things that troubled her, and he recognized that, which was why he'd even bothered to harangue her in the first place. She needed help. Maybe he wasn't the best at helping, but at least he tried.

Zaiya eventually made her way up and he pulled her out of the pit, but declined to do the same for Lysander. In fact, he stood up and looked down into the pit with disdain. Sure, Zaiya smelled awful and was covered in glitter, and now so was his hand, but he didn't care so much about that. What made him angry, and yes, he was angry, was the way that Lysander acted. So, he reached out with the Force at the pit wall, intending to collapse some of it down onto him.

Then he turned away, and started for the caves himself.

"Zaiya, since your team is a man down, should we consider merging the teams into one to work together?" he asked as he walked. "No rule against us working together."


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Enemies: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
Neutral but probably cool: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


“Yeah yeah, I’m sure, Zaiya Ceti of the New Jedi Order,” he drawled. His tone dripped with sarcasm. "I mean.. what would this life be without a little friendly competition? That's what keeps people sharp. From everything I've gathered in the Jedi Library back on that giant dumpster known as Coruscant, all the greats of any field thrived on competition. So.. of course you wouldn't understand.” An eyebrow raised. "Why are you always so serious, though? You’re so strange sometimes..”

His focus broke while observing another figure make a sudden appearance. There was a touch of uncertainty; he strongly disliked people interjecting themselves into his conversations. But as he watched the redhead assess the Togruta, he assumed she some sort of ally. "Only because you said please." His voice was light. The Padawan then shot a sidelong glance to Zaiya, hopefully inspiring her to understand proper manners since respect was clearly a foreign concept. When the stretcher arrived, he just stood by, keeping to himself.

Lysander’s emerald orbs lifted up towards the Falleen who had offered assistance earlier. He dismissively shook his head and shrugged off any ideas of having preferences. “Honestly, there ain’t nothin' wrong with Hutt booty,” he stated, his voice confident.

Shifting to the glowing discs that were summoned, he began to follow suit seconds after the Lovalla began ascending, ready to finally get out of this pit. Before he could even gain momentum, a rumble began shaking all around. A disturbance rippled against the walls, and he could see rocks begin tumbling down. It was then a rush of adrenaline began to launch him forward with more urgency.

Upon reaching the last disc, he leapt towards the ledge, feeling his body begin to betray him, threatening to throw him back into the pit. For a second he struggled, but as he summoned every ounce of strength possessed, he was finally able to claw his way out.

The Falleen was already moving towards the caves, and Lysander paused. A thoughtful expression appeared across his youthful features. While it may have not seemed like it, he did actually remember most of the rules, word for word. Purposeful injury to a teammate will result in immediate disqualification.

The blonde chuckled lightly, assuming they wouldn’t be a team after all. It would be a shame for the boy’s efforts to be in vain after such a chivalrous display. He’d also sort of forgotten about the redhead with Cerys but figured if she slipped into the pit so effortlessly, she could do the same with finding her way out. The galaxy had been known to work in mysterious ways.

Returning his attention to the only teammate left, he lifted a hand in attempt to wipe away more of the glitter that clung to his face. “Thanks..I guess,” he muttered. Speaking the words, even if they were the bare minimum, felt painful. Lysander took a second to scan the air around them, searching for more of the drones. He wasn’t quite done with Briana just yet either. Glancing back at Zaiya, he conjured a smirk. “I’ll follow you, but that doesn’t mean you’re the leader now, okay?”

He refrained from mentioning anything that may lay ahead, since she could find herself being the bait.
Team: 2 (aka Hotties)
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Training saber and bo staff
Tag: Bea Laseen | Joro Kal'nath | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

The other team eventually got out of the pit, though Lily was surprised since they were still bickering. Lily was truly concerned if they would be prepared to handle war if they could not figure out a way to work together to simply handle an obstacle course. War was much worse than anything they were facing here, Lily knew that from plenty of experiences she had encountering enemies of the Jedi.

Then Joro decided that going against the spirit of the competition and joining sides with Zaiya was one approach. Lily rolled her eyes at him, "you clearly forget one of the rules of the course. We have to reach our designated endpoint, otherwise they will win and all you have done is demonstration you are willing to help the opposition win over your own teammates, which is not really playing the role of a team player."

The first team to successfully retrieve their flag and return to the designated endpoint wins.
All members must finish to claim victory.

There was offering a helpful hand to people in need and then purposefully sabotaging your own teammates. And it seemed that Joro was willing to do the latter since he had been the one dragging to help the trio stuck in the pit in the first place.

"Bea, lets head forward. If Joro is not going to be a team player, letting him sabotage our chances further isn't something we should allow him to do." Lily turned to her other teammate and nodded towards the caves which was the next part of the trial. They had delayed their progress enough already and she was not going to keep delaying their opportunity for victory.

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Zaiya's skin flared with a chaotic ripple of grey streaked with jagged streaks of canary yellow and lavender, alarm and frustration crashing together as she spun to face Joro Kal'nath .

"Wait, what are you doing?!" she demanded, her voice sharp with disbelief. Her features twisted into a mix of incredulity and confusion, and her patterns shifted again, the greys deepening like storm clouds gathering.

Her eyes darted quickly to Cerys and Knight Chiara, both still in the pit but thankfully unharmed. And, of course, Lysander -- completely unbothered and still as insufferable as ever -- had managed to claw his stinky glitter covered self out of the pit. That didn't erase what just happened. Not even close. Zaiya turned back to Joro, her skin shifting into a brooding blue gray as she tried to piece together his reasoning...or lack of it.

"Cerys and Knight Chiara are down there!" she said, her voice tight with restrained frustration and confusion. On one hand, Joro had offered help. On the other hand, he acted in a way that could have harmed others.

Her lips thinned, and she added in a more serious tone, "I don't care how obnoxious Lysander is; you could've seriously hurt someone, Joro! "

The frustration bubbled up again, threatening to overwhelm her, but Zaiya took a steadying breath. Slowly, the hues on her skin softened, settling into calmer blues. She shifted her focus to Lysander, who was busy brushing glitter off his face with a look of exaggerated wounded pride.

"You okay?" she asked, her tone brisk as her eyes scanned him for any signs of injury. He seemed fine, just rattled, and unfortunately, that smirk of his was still firmly in place. Of course it was.

Then Joro spoke, suggesting they merge teams. Zaiya froze midstep, her skin shifting abruptly to a sharp, golden glow of suspicion.

"Merging teams?"
she repeated, her voice edged with surprise, but firmly shook her head, "No. We were placed in these teams for a reason... and part of the rules is to complete them together." Just off in the distance, Zaiya caught sight of Bea Laseen and Lily Decoria Lily Decoria , Joro's teammates.

"You should go back to them."
Her gaze flicked to Lysander, who was clearly preparing some sarcastic quip. She cut him off before he could open his mouth again.

"Lysander," she said firmly, her tone brooking no argument, "let's focus on getting through this. If you're sticking with me, then act like we're on the same side. And stop pretending I'm some kind of buzzkill."

She gestured toward the caves ahead. "If there's danger up there, we're going to need all of our skills to make it through. And if you're serious about working together, then prove it."

Without waiting for a response, she strode toward the caves, the glitter on her boots catching the dim light with each step. Over her shoulder, she called back, "Let's go. We're wasting time."


Bea Laseen

Team: ???

Holy Shariya on a toilet, this was a shitshow.

Cerys was down for the count, Pinkie and Blondie seemed to hate each others' guts, and Joro was ignoring his actual teammates while flapping his traitorous gums. Bea did get a kick out of Zaiya yelling at him, though. Girls ruled.

"Bea, lets head forward. If Joro is not going to be a team player, letting him sabotage our chances further isn't something we should allow him to do." Lily turned to her other teammate and nodded towards the caves which was the next part of the trial. They had delayed their progress enough already and she was not going to keep delaying their opportunity for victory.

A symbolic first place was better than nothing. At least Lily had functioning brain cells.

"You're right, let's go. They're probably all tired from falling in the pit of shame and arguing, let's take advantage!"

Bea grabbed Lily's hand and sped off towards the caves, using the Force to boost her speed and agility so they could get ahead of the others. She was confident Lily could keep up. "Try not to fall behind, stinkbug," she yelled back at Joro.


Joro Kal'nath



ATTIRE: Jedi Robes
TAGS: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Bea Laseen | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Probably he shouldn't have done what he did, but his intent hadn't been to collapse the whole pit, just to cover Lysander in dirt and make him a muddy mess when combined with the glitter and stink stuff. Cerys and the Knight would be just fine and everyone's freakout was unwarranted. So was all of their talk and reactions, which only served to show him that none of them was ready to actually be a Jedi. Not in his eyes.

"Ridiculous," he said as he turned back from his path and returned to the pit. "None of you understands what it means to be a Jedi. You're so absorbed in winning a competition that you don't see that we are all Jedi and that we shouldn't compete against each other. That's the whole point of this exercise. They pit us against each other to see what would happen and you all took the bait because you think this is harmless. Cerys, I'm willing to bet, does not find this competition harmless.

"There is danger about us. We could have worked together to reach the end and won together. Jedi aren't supposed to strive for victory but for peace and harmony. Competing against each other does not bring harmony, it sows discord. If you all wish to continue, I bid you good luck, but I withdraw from this competition because I will not be party to this discord."

Maybe the fall had knocked some sense into him. Or maybe he was just disgusted by the way the others were acting like children. It didn't matter. He looked down into the pit at Chiara and Cerys.

"Least the odds will be even now. Can I assist you in getting Cerys out of the pit?"




Chiara watched the scene between the Padawans unfold in contemplative silence, using the Force to create a barrier shield around herself and the injured Togruta when Joro decided to use the Force to bring more of the pit down on their heads. Conditions were bad enough without adding literal dirt, and potentially more bacteria, into her wounds.

Then, one by one the Padawans went on their way after saying their piece, leaving herself and Joro.

The redhead gave him a kind smile at the offer, as a war orphan who’d been adopted and raised by an Echani warrior and at a constant disadvantage, she knew well enough how to get herself out. “That’s really alright, but thank you. EmmDee should be along at any moment.”

As if on que, the unmistakable sound of droid feet on stone and rock came lumbering towards the pit, a hover stretcher not far behind him.

“See? Right on time.”

Once the hover stretcher was lowered down, Chiara got to work. It was clear that she’d done this hundreds of times before, and would likely do it hundreds of times again in the future, securely attaching the spinal collar to the girl's neck and then carefully rolling her over to apply a spinal board to her back to ensure proper alignment. Once the Togruta was properly immobilized, Chiara used the Force to lift the girl onto the bed and strap her down at the right pressure points.

“Okay EmmDee, she’s ready for lift off!” She called up, stepping back as the droid activated the hover mechanism and watching as the stretcher rose smoothly out of the pit.

Once the coast was clear, Chiara exhaled and pushed the Force into her feet, jumping to latch onto the first root sticking out, beginning her own ascent by using any outcroppings and natural footholds until she reached the top.

She dusted off her robes, violet gaze drifting back to Joro. Chiara knew she wasn’t supposed to intervene in any way, but as someone whose job it was to perpetually put people back together, it felt wrong to leave things as they were.

"You know," she began softly, "I understand why you might be frustrated, but… I think you should go back to your team — part of this test is to see how well you respond when things don’t go your way, and whether we can still value others, even when they might make mistakes or frustrate us. If you think you have a better way, you’re not going to prove that by walking away from your team, who might very well need you.”

With a final nod, she turned to MD, signaling the droid to proceed. No one could force the Padawan to go meet up with the others, but Chiara hoped he would at least reconsider. “Good luck with whatever you choose, Joro!” she said with cheerful encouragement before walking away.

[Chiara Exit]


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Enemies: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
Neutral but probably cool: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


When she asked if he was okay, Lysander’s upper lip curled into a snarl, as if he’d bitten into something sour. Paired with the twitch of an eyebrow, it gave him a comical expression. It was meant to speak volumes without a need for words, but of course, he already had a few at the tip of his tongue. “Yeah, ok, continue pretending that you actually care.” He shook his head. “Your acting skills are impressive.” All it did was remind him of the realm of courtly politics when he was younger. He’d seen his share of people acting pretentious.

To no surprise, she managed to display everything he disliked about her within a matter of seconds. The Lovalla clearly had a need for control, which was part of what led to his constant frustration around her.

The moment she took off running, he began trailing behind, but only for a moment. It felt unnatural to be following, so he quickened his pace until he was next to her, but also maintaining a small distance between them. “Zaiya Ceti,” he said back finally, his tone firm as well. “That tone of yours? It might work on Hapes, but it has no place here on Naboo.”

Lysander's irritation simmered beneath the surface. “You always act like you’re in charge, like you know better than everyone. Just like at the training grounds last week when you caused a scene.” As they ran, he motioned towards her with a dismissive wave. “You talk about sticking with you, as if I’m the one who needs you for this. That’s not how this works."

As usual, the air was filled with growing tension of disagreement.

He cast a glance back up into the sky, searching for the drones that had been following their movement. His mind was silently calculating, their trajectory, their patterns, every detail he could absorb.

The blonde Loth-cat's endurance was holding up at least; that much was undeniable. He was able to maintain both a steady and calm breath.

As they continued toward the caves, their pathway snaked ahead. He chuckled to himself. “And I really must know..why are you so worried about wasting time? You’ve already made it clear you’re not competitive. So.. why hurry if you’re not trying to beat the other team?" He rolled his eyes. The Padawan's tone dripped with sarcasm. "Is there something else at stake here, Captain Buzzkill? Could it just be your inflated ego that everyone else fails to see?”
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Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

With all the chaos compounding, there was no helping the crushing wave of anxiety that sept over Zaiya as Joro Kal'nath 's words lingered in the air like the stinky glitter bomb that had saturated her.

None of you understands what it means to be a Jedi.

The accusation stung worse than a sparring match gone wrong, sinking deep into her chest. Zaiya had been trying, really trying, to be the Jedi she was meant to be. She had attempted to keep the team together, to avoid arguments, to get along despite the friction. But no matter how hard she tried, it all felt like sand slipping through her fingers.

Of course, her skin betrayed her inner turmoil before she could even get a grip. The swirling patterns that normally glowed with a rosy golden hue had faded, blanching to a pale, uneven silver while her bioluminescence flared in erratic bursts, sparking like static across her skin as her thoughts collided and tangled into a chaotic mess.

At least Knight Chiara and Cerys were okay. That was one small relief in the middle of the storm.

Zaiya bit her lip as she watched Joro stalk away, her doubts tightening around her chest like a constricting vine as he said he was going to quit the trial. If Domxite were here, maybe she could've found some grounding. Domxite always seemed to understand her, their presence soothing in a way no one else's was. But without them, the weight of everything pressed harder -- Lysander's constant jabs, Joro's cold remarks. Was there some truth to their words?

Were they right about her?

Her mind spun in circles. The trials weren't supposed to be about winning, at least not in her eyes. They were about learning, solving the problem, working together as a team. Following the rules and objectives mattered. And yet, somehow, she was the one who kept ending up as the target of their frustrations, their criticisms. She wasn't the one lashing out, wasn't the one collapsing pits or throwing insults like thermal detonators. But none of that seemed to matter.

"You always act like you're in charge, like you know better than everyone. Just like at the training grounds last week when you caused a scene." As they ran, he motioned towards her with a dismissive wave. "You talk about sticking with you, as if I'm the one who needs you for this. That's not how this works."

Zaiya's hands clenched into fists at her sides, her nails biting into her palms as Lysander's words cut through her like a vibroblade. She could feel the flickering colors across her skin betraying every ounce of frustration, hurt, and anxiety she was desperately trying to suppress. Her bioluminescence flashed erratically, the pale silver of her skin now a restless storm of shimmering blues and turbulent greys.

She wanted to snap back, to tell him off, to prove that she wasn't what he thought. But she couldn't. Not again. Not after last time. Instead, she forced herself to breathe, her chest rising and falling in deliberate rhythm as she tried to center herself.

Easier said than done.

"I'm not trying to control anyone," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just…" She trailed off, the words tangling in her throat. What was the point? No matter how much she tried to explain herself, Lysander would twist it, turn it into something ugly.

She focused on the path ahead, the boulders looming closer, their jagged edges a welcome distraction from the knot of emotions inside her. Her boots crunched against the dirt as she picked up her pace, putting a little more distance between herself and Lysander. She didn't want him to see the sting in her eyes or how her colors were betraying her again, painting her anxiety and self doubt for all the galaxy to see.

"I just want us to work together," she said finally, her voice trembling but steady enough to be heard. "Is that so wrong?"

Ahead, the cavern mouth yawned wide, a shadowy expanse framed by lush greenery. Zaiya stopped at the base of the boulders, resting her hands against the rough surface as she caught her breath. The climb wouldn't be easy, but at least it was something she could focus on. Something she could control.

Behind her, Lysander's voice carried, another jab, another sarcastic remark that she tuned out as best she could. She took a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut as she chanted herself in her mind -- just breathe.

When she finally looked back, her glowing iridescent eyes met his for the briefest moment.

"You think I'm doing this for me?" she said, her voice soft but carrying an edge. "I'm doing this because it's what we're supposed to do -- because it's the right thing to do by working together."

Without waiting for a reply, she turned back to the boulders and started climbing, her bioluminescence casting faint ripples of light against the stone. At least up here, she could leave the weight of his words behind -- if only for a moment.
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Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Enemies: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
Neutral but probably cool: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


While he ran alongside the only remaining teammate, his eyes were drawn to her with more curiosity now, the very kind that made the teen aware of the slightest shift in the Lovalla's expressions. Now, she was struggling to muster much more than a mere whisper. When Zaiya's pace increased and she was ahead, there was no attempt to physically close the gap. The boy's heart raced; though, it was only from the accumulated run and mulling over the obstacles ahead, not because of any desire to connect with her.

Still, it didn't seem to remove any tension, as the Padawan felt a challenge still lingering in the air between the two of them. The corners of his mouth even twitched, as plenty of jabs were on standby.

Upon reaching the boulder, he stared back intensely, scrutinizing her every movement. "Good," he said harshly. "I’ll be pleased if I don’t have to see or work with you ever again after this." With a sigh, he finally pushed past the colder sentiments that clouded his mind and began climbing the rock, not far off to the side from Zaiya. Exhaustion began to take hold. He soon became aware of the sharp grind of his fingers against the jagged surface.

Stopping to pause while statically holding himself in place, the fibers of his being began to feel..electrifying. Closing his eyes, he could recognize the currents flowing within– they were fed by both frustration and anger. But its intoxicating allure wasn't wholly evil as he’d been warned; it simply existed, dancing with the light.

“I could have easily been the one to lead us," he called out, primal emotions coiling tighter around his heart like a venomous serpent. The power surged through him, amplifying the adrenaline..yet it carried a flavor he had never feasted upon– a nectar that whispered new promises.

What would it feel like, he wondered, to fully embrace that raw potential?

The sinew in his arms rippled, pulling him higher as the next set of words poured forth, “Maybe if you weren’t always so busy pretending to be perfect, you could actually see how ridiculous you really are.”

All the energy surging through him was responding to the irritation that pulsed rapidly. His frame began to accelerate faster. There was a sense of clarity as he drew near the top at last, a chaotic clarity, finding himself drawn like a magnet to it.

With a sudden burst of energy, Lysander found himself back on solid ground. Surprisingly, the Padawan's breathing was steady, the weariness gone altogether. His brow furrowed while scanning the air, his mind's eye causing him to picture destroying one of Briana's drones piece by piece.

Slender digits curled into tight fists while his pupils dilated; he felt like a predator ready to size up its prey. Lysander never felt more alive, his thoughts swirling around in a frenzy. Finally, it was then he noticed one nearby; it turned as if focusing on him. Tension was building within his hands— the tension one would feel before preparing to strike. Presuming the camera was aimed in his direction, he stood completely still, inviting the lens to capture the newfound strength and determination radiating from him.

With a flick of his wrist, he reached out towards the machine, beckoning it into his grasp through the Force. This time, he was not content with simply controlling it, he now wanted to crush it entirely.

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Team 2: Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Zaiya gritted her teeth as she climbed, her bare hands pressing against the rough boulders. She focused on channeling the Force into her palms and fingertips, toughening her skin to avoid injury. The coarse grain bit at her hands, but she pressed on, determined to keep her progress steady. Her bioluminescent patterns rippled in focused shades of citrine and blue, a physical reflection of her effort to stay calm and centered.

Behind her, Lysander's voice broke through the quiet like an unwelcome Bantha fly, buzzing with sharp barbs and criticism. She did her best to tune him out, though his words made her heart clench. Of course, he hoped he'd never have to see or work with her again. Typical Lysander.

The noble boy might've had the pedigree for greatness, but he lacked the stamina to keep up with the task at hand. Zaiya heard his breath come in strained huffs, and for all his mocking, it was clear he wasn't used to this kind of physical exertion.

Still, Zaiya refused to let her frustration show. Her colors shifted to a determined gold as she climbed higher, the last few years she'd spent building her endurance and strength paying off. She paused when she noticed Lysander struggling beside her, his grip faltering on the rocks. Suppressing a sigh, she called out, "If you reach just ahead, there's a good foothold where you can rest -- "

The Lovalla empath's words froze in her throat as a wave of emotion hit her like a burst of static through the Force. The sharp edge of frustration, the burning heat of anger, spiked through Lysander's aura. Zaiya felt it crackling like lightning, feeding into his adrenaline and driving his body to push harder. Her patterns flashed with alarm, a warning signal to anyone who could read her.

"No, wait!" she called, her voice rising with concern as she hurried to catch up. "Be careful! You shouldn't use your emotions to climb like that!"

“Maybe if you weren’t always so busy pretending to be perfect, you could actually see how ridiculous you really are.”

She ignored the sting of his words, her focus locked on the danger she could feel radiating from him.

"It's not about perfection!" she shot back, her voice trembling with urgency. "If you keep using your emotions like that, it'll only get easier to rely on them... and harder to stop!"

By the time Zaiya reached the top, Lysander was already standing near the mouth of the cave, fiddling with one of the observation drones. Her sharp intake of breath mirrored the burst of red and black that flared in his aura; anger and frustration still lacing his actions, bending the Force to his will in a way that sent a chill through her.

"No! Wait!" Zaiya scrambled closer, her voice edged with panic. "Don't do that! It's dangerous!"

She reached out with the Force, trying to interrupt whatever he was doing before it could spiral further -- but of course, he likely wouldn't see her warning for what it was: a plea to protect him from something he couldn't take back.

To him, it probably felt like just another scolding. But to Zaiya, it was a battle she was terrified of him losing.
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Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Enemies: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
Neutral but probably cool: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard
The Padawan’s focus became sharper as the connection between himself and the drone tightened; it was like a web spun from the Force. Intoxicating energy coursed through him, filling his veins. The tendrils of the dark energy coiled around the done, the firm grip radiating more power than he was accustomed to wielding. And just as he prepared to execute the final command, a voice sliced through the air– unsurprisingly, another interruption from the Lovalla.

Even as he sought to harness the anger within, he found calm, but now her words created even more chaos.

Lysander could physically feel her own struggle, too, as she pushed against the thread that connected him to the hovering device, trying to sever the bond. He understood her reasons, yet the rush of power pumping through him was too tempting to resist.

“Zaiya, this is my choice,” he started.

But the words felt inadequate.

"Besides, you're only pretending to care." Another sharp breath was inhaled as he continued channeling the energy swirling around them.

The constant meddling never seemed to end, along with attempts to always pull him away from what he felt was right. "This is not your decision to make. I’m allowed to handle things my own way, even if you don’t understand them.” Defiance and frustration filled his chest. Then he heard the echoes of Cora's voice mixing with his thoughts. It was like a broken record; he didn’t need to obey to their flawed views.

Lysander could see the concern in her eyes, and found himself hesitating, torn between firing back and fighting the flicker of empathy within. Her intentions were clear; they just felt suffocating. Now, he was beginning to feel cornered.

His brows furrowed as fingers slowly pulled inward; the drone began spinning out of control. “You seem to like everyone. Maybe that just means you actually don’t like yourself?”

Deep down, he was tired of all of them--his sister, Zaiya, others--they all seemed to think he was lost, that he needed their guidance. There was a deeper reason he left Coruscant, and he was ready to prove them wrong.
Team: 2 (aka Hotties)
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Training saber and bo staff
Tag: Bea Laseen | Joro Kal'nath | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

"Cerys's injury was unfortunate but it was an accident. It was not something that was designed by the test nor was it something that was intended to happen." Lily called back to Joro, she would not be preached at by someone on what was the true aim of this course and whether or not she was acting as a Jedi or some child. Especially by someone who clearly did not understand her Master, the true purpose of the test and the consequences they would face with his direction.

"No one here has acted without care or consideration towards Cerys. But I am trusting of a healer's ability is going be much more superior than anything I will do to try to help Cerys. Lysander and Zaiya are comfortable moving forward as a team. The only one I am confused with is you. We knew going into this that it was a competition between two teams. You never mentioned once about trying to work together before right now, in fact you seemed quite pumped to beat the other team when we started this race. So don't lecture us because we don't agree with your flawed idea." Lily growled, she was not going to be made guilty by someone else's change in heart.

Especially since he was twisting the accidental injury of someone else as the basis for his agenda. "Given we were told there was specific locations for both teams to arrive at, and that these locations were not the same spot, all your idea would do is lead one team into failure. We might strive for peace and harmony but that does mean we barrel towards those sacrificing ourselves to allow others to win. We fight, that isn't peaceful. We don't demand peace talks with the Sith, with the Dark Empire, with the Empire of the Lost. If you truly believe in the peace and harmony as blindly as you are stating, you go to them and end the conflict peacefully. See how well pacifism works there."

"It was my Master who designed this course, she was the one who gave us the instructions and rules to this test. I believe her when she states that we work in the teams we were assigned to." Lily countered, "also, competitiveness is a normal and healthy trait when balanced. It pushes to achieve more, to work harder, to be better. Without a competitiveness inside us, we would get stagnate and lazy. That sounds a lot more dangerous and immature than enjoying a bit of fiery competition in a test like this."

She then turned around to Bea and nodded her head, ready to leave now. Using the Force to speed her movements as she raced towards the cave.

Bea Laseen

Team 2: Hot(ties) To Go! (and maybe Joro?)

Damn, Lily — Preach.

For Bea's part, she couldn't fathom how this turned into an ethics class. It was a training exercise, designed with competition in mind, so why the hell was everyone being so melodramatic about it? Not every action needed to define you. That would be pretty lame, actually.

With regards to Joro, he yapped a good game but he couldn't claim to represent peace and harmony when he literally tried to sabotage Blondie and almost—even if inadvertently—injured the others in the pit. Originally, Bea thought the foul stench that clogged her nostrils was the Falleen's noxious hormones, but apparently he was just full of shi—Ah, shit, now she was just being mean. He already got yelled at by every female here. The only one left was Shariya herself. It was starting not to feel cute, anymore, just cruel.

Bea skid to a halt at the cave entrance, her brown combat boots kicking up rocks and dust in her wake. She looked back.

"I kinda feel bad, now," she said to Lily. "Maybe we should wait and see if he's coming? Blondie and Pinkie will probably kill each other, anyway."


Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Team 2 Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Zaiya's skin shifted, a deepening pulse of color, shifting from pale yellow in alarm to dark stormy grey as the weight of Lysander's emotions slammed into her like a physical blow. The Force seemed to vibrate with the intensity of his growing connection to the dark energy, and she could feel it, feel the chaos he was channeling, trickling fuel into that growing kindling furnace he was building.

Her breath hitched as she watched him, unable to ignore the flare of anger and frustration building in him. Her skin flared with a sharp burst of bronze and amber, the dissonance between her feelings of genuine care and his growing uncertain defiance cutting through her. Her heart sank, frustration bubbling in her chest. She wasn't pretending to care. She did care.

But the words he flung at her only hurt anew. They stung, deep and raw, sinking into her like blades -- about how she always seemed to want to be liked by everyone, so maybe, in truth, she didn't like herself. There was more than a fair share of truth to that, but he didn't know her at all. Not really.

Her patterns shimmered with a complex mix of muted hues of concern and alarm. She had to stop him, but more than that, she wanted him to see she wasn't just another voice trying to control him.

"Yes," she said, her voice carrying a quiet intensity as she slowly closed the distance between them, her every step purposeful. The drone wavered under her grip, the Force tingling in her outstretched hand.

"It's your choice," she repeated, voice softer but no less firm, "and while you have been hurtful and mean ... I'm not pretending to care."

The words hung in the air, heavy with her empathy, her concern, and the unspoken frustration she could no longer hold back. It was clear in the flare of bronze and gold now suffusing her skin, this wasn't about being right. It was about him, about stopping him from falling into something he wouldn't be able to pull himself out of.

Meters were quickly closed in the distance, and the Lovalla Padawan reached out with her free hand towards him, palm up fingers relaxed, but her heart pounding. She released the mental shields that would prevent her from emotionally resonating, laying her feelings bare in that one vulnerable offering.

"Here," she said, steadying her voice. "How about instead of assuming, you find out if I'm pretending? My kind not only communicates by color-shifting but also by touch. You'll feel exactly what I'm feeling and thinking -- I can't hide it." Nor would he, because the emotional resonance was two fold with the Force. Zaiya would feel what Lysander was feeling then as well as if in an emotional loop.

The offer hung in the air between them, an invitation to see her heart laid bare through the Force. It wasn't a simple gesture -- it was a challenge. If he accepted, he would know everything she felt in that instant with the emotional resonance: the empathy, the frustration, the desperation to help him see reason.

But it was his choice. It always had been.

Joro Kal'nath



ATTIRE: Jedi Robes
TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Bea Laseen | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

He nodded at Chiara but didn't respond to her. In fact he said nothing as he pondered it all, at least until he was spoken to by Lily.

"Ahh, I see. You're all brawn, no brain," he said.

Oh yes, he was going there. He saw her for what she was, a musclehead who though she could never be wrong. Whereas he had reevaluated his initial position on the whole thing, even though the first words he'd said to the team were 'win together or lose together' and not win as a separate team. Sure he'd wanted to beat Cerys to the finish line at first, but seeing how she'd been injured had force him to reevaluate his position, reevaluate what it was they were doing.

It was called personal growth. Where they hadn't even cared that the entirety of the other team had been trapped in a pit, he had. Why? Because even though he didn't like Lysander, and he really didn't, he wasn't going to leave him trapped in a pit. The dirt thing had been minimal. People were blowing that way out of proportion. He'd only wanted to douse the boy in dirt to add insult, not to injure him. Neither he nor the others were ever in danger.

"The premise was that we had different intermediate end points and then a final endpoint we had to reach before the other team. There was never anything in the rules that said we can't work together to achieve our goals and cross the finish line at the same time."

Idiots. He was living amongst idiots.

"Master Yoda once said that a Jedi craves not adventure and excitement. You seem to have forgotten that. A Jedi does not seek to win challenges or accolades. A Jedi seeks peace, tranquility, harmony. Yes, my position on this event has changed. It took Cerys getting hurt to make me reevaluate what we were doing here. That doesn't make me wrong, nor is it wrong of me to realize something based on someone being injured.

"We should all be working together, as Jedi are supposed to do, not in competition. But since you aren't willing to do that, because you're driven by the lust for victory, I will not compete. Per the rules, my withdrawal means an automatic loss for you, and I think you deserve it. WE deserve it. Especially for-"
and here he lifted his voice "-allowing some Jedi knights to design a course full of danger and then pit us against each other in a way which will only breed further animosity between us in the end. Very un-Jedi of them."

With that, he turned to walk back towards the starting point.


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Enemies: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
Neutral but probably cool: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

He was engulfed by a storm of sentiments as Zaiya's stood nearby. The surge of dark energy continued unfurling within, pushing against his boundaries like a beast, desperate to escape. Currents of the newfound power coursed through his veins violently. Lysander's gaze sharpened, focusing intently on the spinning drone while trying to block out the Lovalla's annoying presence. The machine then dipped suddenly, as if mirroring everything within him.

As always, the voice was unwelcomed, a distraction, a constant echo clinging to the back of his mind that couldn’t be silenced. He was determined to dismiss her once more, to push away whatever concern she had. Yet, the harder he tried to contain both the drone and his racing thoughts, the more the dark energy churned wildly. It taunted him, promising power in exchange for surrender.

The blonde’s muscles were coiling from the effort it took to maintain control; deep within, uncertainty gnawed at his core, but he was firm in the decision to keep her away. But with every step that drew her closer, the more difficult it became to avoid Zaiya's sheer determination. And in that moment, when he first met her gaze, there was an urge to let himself be consumed by the darkness entirely, as if it were the only way to escape the situation at hand.

Soon, his hold on the drone began to falter, thus the machine rose higher into the air. Lysander’s connection began slipping away, and with a sudden decision, he severed the hold on it. His focus quickly shifted to Zaiya, turning to face her; his eyes flicked to her hand– open, and awaiting his touch. Silence stretched while hesitating, before finally reaching out. His palm turned slightly upward, so that it could align with hers; he then allowed their fingers to intertwine.

When her feelings washed over him, he recoiled. The waves crashed against the walls he had built. Though there was a certain sense of beauty in her vulnerability, he felt firm with rejection. His heartbeat quickened.

As his grip on her hand remained firm, but gentle, the tension in his muscles slowly began to ease. The anger that existed just moments ago dissipated. He felt the frustration softening under the pressure of her emotions. Warmth seeped into him; however, it still felt uninvited, in a way he didn’t entirely understand.

A myriad of words lingered on the boy’s lips. "Zaiya, I don't think you can handle what I feel too," he stated softly. Lysander's thumb unconsciously brushed over the back of her hand. "And what if I still can’t accept how you feel?" He studied the girl's expression. “But.. I also don’t want you to let go either,” he admitted. Despite everything, his voice remained steady. “Not yet at least.”
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Team: 2 (aka Hotties)
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Training saber and bo staff
Tag: Bea Laseen | Joro Kal'nath | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Looking at Bea with an apologetic face, "sorry."

Lily turned around and headed back to Joro. She could not and would never take someone deciding they could insult her. She wasn't just some brainless idiot but she had too much self respect and refused to be talked down to by someone who was far from the example of a good Jedi. She walked right up to Joro, her steel eyes burning with a fury, her fists clenched as well as her jaw. Lily looked like she was going to punch the boy so hard he would hit the atmosphere.

"Master Yoda also went on his own goddamn adventures, ignored the dangers that were brewing in his own backyard and allowed a Sith Lord to rise into the role of Emperor right under his nose because he was so goddamn blind. So apologies for not following the ways of someone who created the path for the annihilation of thousands of Jedi and nearly two decades of Sith Empire to go unchallenged." Lily growled with her anger barely kept at bay at this point. Never had she thought someone lecturing peace, harmony and the ilk would be so rude and obnoxious.

"And you lecture harmony, peace and the rest of it. When it came to turn the other cheek, when it came to offering someone a helpful hand, did you do that? Or did you use the Force to throw dirt in someone's face? For someone seeking peace, you picked the most petty option right there, pretty aggressive one as well. Master Yoda would even condemn you for using the Force in such a childish manner. So before you decide you can lecture the rest of us on how we behave perhaps shut the hell up and have some introspection." Lily was not going to have someone insult her so brazenly and be a massive hypocritic in the same breath.

Poking a finger hard at Joro's chest, "you might not enjoy competition but you have no rights to stand there and insult the rest of us for doing something that is fun. Master Yoda held Lightsaber competitions in his era. So your champion for peace and harmony, had Padawans competing against one another." She hated when people cherry picked history and she decided if he thought she was all brawn that she would demonstrate that Lily studied much harder than he did in history and knew a lot more.

"So, next time you decide you think you can insult me, be ready to be challenged to a sparring match and make sure your Master knows that their Padawan will have every bone broken in their body afterwards. Because I might be a Jedi, but I am Echani first and you do not get to stand there and insult me to my face without consequence." Lily then stormed back to Bea. The competition was basically over but that did not mean she would not face the challenges that her Master and the others had painstaking put in place.
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Bea Laseen

Team: 2

Alright. So, that happened.

Bea almost burst out laughing. If words could cut, Joro would be in worse shape than Cerys. He kinda deserved it at this point—invoking a nine centuries dead Jedi to justify his half-baked idea wasn't the winning argument he thought it was. If Bea were Joro, she'd pray a Netherworld rift opened and sucked him in cus Force damn, she'd never be able to show her face again.

"Oh yeah. You tell him, sis."

As they descended into the cavern's belly, the soft yellow light from the entrance faded until it disappeared. Bea brought her training lightsaber above her head to illuminate their surroundings. Without warning, as the blue blade washed out the darkness, something leapt at them from the shadows...


Joro Kal'nath



ATTIRE: Jedi Robes
TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Bea Laseen | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

She could poke at him all she wanted, it wasn't going to do anything. Especially when he easily stepped away from her.

"I didn't ask your opinion, Meathead. I don't associate with people like you and I refuse to continue to do so. Master Yoda held lightsaber competitions while a Sith Lord took over the senate. I believe you just pointed that out."

He kept walking away.

"I accept no challenge from you so you can make it all you wish. I don't fight with idiots, especially ones that put their race before the code."

And with that, he left.


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