Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Test of Wit and Valor [RNR]

Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Lysander felt a flicker of relief as he observed Lossa's rather unexpected acceptance of his approach; in truth, he anticipated a lecture about the dangers of wielding a lightsaber, or something regarding safety hazards as his annoying 'teammate' had done only days prior.

Perhaps the Zealtron wasn’t as insufferable as he’d thought. Most Jedi Masters with their untamed hair would have had mental circuits blown to smithereens in a meltdown.

He continued veering slightly to the right for just a few more paces, adrenaline now surging. Then, he finally recalibrated his stance to finally face his opponent.

Towards the end of what she had to say, the Padawan sensed a ripple in the very fabric of his surroundings— a tingle in his consciousness that warned him of an incoming threat, one not visible to the human eye. The moment he detected the blaster bolt, he reacted instinctively, the blade of his lightsaber flashing as if it had a mind of its own. With a smooth, calculated, and perhaps even lucky motion, he redirected the shot to his left, sending the bolt toward the area where Zaiya was hiding; silently, Lysander was praying it would find its mark! If it did, he could say it was an accident.

His eyes narrowed, locking on Lossa. Good,” he muttered, feeling the anticipation of what was to come. “I’m ready for a true test.. both Coruscant and Naboo have proved to be rather dull in that department.”

In a fluid, well-practiced maneuver, he suddenly shifted into the Djem So stance, raising his blade high. Next, his muscles coiled like a spring, ready to pounce like a Loth-cat. Whether Lossa drew her own weapon of choice or not, the moment felt just right, electrifying with the promise of a duel. Closing the gap between them with a surge of energy, the purple blade sliced through the air in a ferocious arc; it was a mere reflection of the determination pulsing through the Padawan's soul.

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Zaiya's spots flared an irritated shade of lavender as realization hit. Wait… did Lysander not set his saber to training mode?

Oh, for the love of --

Of course this was the route he took. Sure, he'd said he'd be a distraction, but was nearly slicing someone in half really the best method? More likely, he was going to end up hurting himself before Lossa ever did. A wave of indecision rose in Zaiya's chest. Should she say something?

That thought was abruptly cut off by the sharp zing of a blaster bolt -- one that had just been deflected straight at her.

A muffled yelp barely left Zaiya's lips as she threw herself to the right getting grass leaves and dirt to stick in a comical array a la guillie suit on her, narrowly avoiding getting singed. One of her sprouting seedlings, however, wasn't so lucky. The bolt struck the delicate vine dead on, charring it to a crisp. She was down to two.

Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me.

Her frustration flared hot, her stripes flashing a livid violet as she instinctively shot a wave of emotion into the Force, her exasperation aimed squarely at Lysander. Not that she'd ever tried telepathy before, but right now, the sheer volume of her irritation might as well have been a scream.

What the heck was THAT?!

Whether or not he heard it, Lossa definitely felt it, likely observing this all like a teacher watching their student make a very poor decision in real time. It was to the Padawan's benefit that at least the guano mud combination muted any of her bioluminescence... not so much her emotions, especially in that brief flash from Zeltron.

Grinding her teeth, Zaiya forced herself to refocus, shuffling in a low crawl back to the two sprouting vines. Once again, her hands hovered over them, focusing on the Force and coaxing them to grow and do her bidding. Tiny tendrils stretched out, slow at first, cautious. Then they moved faster, slinking forward like silent hunters towards the flag pole.

If she had time, maybe she could weave the vines around Lossa's legs, catch her before she even noticed while Lossa was busy dunking Lysander in the metaphorical trash compactor.

Either way, she needed more time to continue growing these vines and get them to reach their destination... and hopefully not be discovered.

Maybe probably. If she was, she'd blame Lysander.

The shot deflected with a speedy reaction, she had to at least give him proper recognition for his danger sense.

A considering but barely there nod as the shot was flung elsewhere. An afterthought as she continued to observe him. Until the helmet systems picked up a barely there voice. Followed just as quickly by a spike in irritation that was not her own. Thankfully her bemused smile was hidden from view as the scanner systems gave her a rough idea of where that sound had come from.

Especially when realization clicked into place that even mid-training with nearly live rounds, the boy was still aiming to make Zaiya irrationally aggravated.

Even at the potential cost of winning.

She wasn't going to prattle on about a particular lesson with that revelation. Instead letting the consequences of his action speak for her. His form was almost impeccable given what she had expected. Then again, if she remembered correctly, he was doing what he could to impress Bri. Studying and implementing her form the best form of flattery in no small way.

However that also put him at a disadvantage since that was the form she was most familiar with seeing.

"Hmm." His words getting little more than an idle acknowledgement as she sidestepped his initial arcing strike and keeping her right side to his body.

Rather than using her weapon, her left hand reached out to grab his blade hand. Clasping it tightly to control him as she twisted to pull him forward and to further unbalance him.

Sticking her left leg out and forward to sweep behind his lead foot. Trying to grasp his tunic collar and push him backwards. All the while controlling the blade he wielded to keep from hurting either of them.
Rough example of the move
If he avoided her attempted grab, she would instead keep the distance closed between them. Still not using her weapon, and instead using her hands to interfere with his swings. Attempting elbow strikes when close enough to further disrupt his attacks.

Either way, portioning off a part of her senses through the Force to extend towards the spot Zaiya had been. Silently searching and having yet to admit to knowing she was hiding.


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


The entire time, Lysander was anticipating for the Zealtron to draw her own blade at the very last moment. The air was thick with tension, but he sensed no ripples in the Force, no buzzing from the Lovalla-- the unintelligent creature that would probably squawk at the smallest hint of danger or threat!

And before he could process everything, the battlemaster executed a calculated move that was paired with precision. The ground beneath him instantly gave way as a firm grip was secured upon his dominant hand. There was a loud thud as the boy hit the ground. Yet, what irritated him more than anything, was the sheer audacity she displayed by grabbing the collar of his tunic— something he deemed completely unacceptable.

Still, with his sharp mind, he recalled the rules from the beginning of their test and recognized several grey areas that were obviously meant to be exploited.

While one hand and his lightsaber were captive, his other, however, fell back instinctively. As it scraped against the floor, it searched for anything that could serve of use, until his fingers brushed against a twig. While brittle, it was enough to give a flicker of hope to Lysander. Sure, it may have seemed petty, but it was still something to buy him a few more seconds, something to occupy Lossa long enough to grant Zaiya the time she needed. Deep down, he never anticipated this encounter with the battlemaster would end well. He was willing to endure anything just to ensure that this pointless test was over.

With a flick of his wrist, he used what strength he had left and aimed directly for the side of her leg. Unleashing the slight jab, this was now more than a duel, he was also inclined to rebel against being pinned down.

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

The clash of lightsabers rang through the riverbank, sending sparks scattering across the dirt. Zaiya could hear the rapid footfalls, the grunts of exertion, the sharp hiss of a blade slicing through air. If she weren't so focused, she'd probably be a little alarmed at how dirty Lysander was fighting. Lossa was holding her own, but still was stabbing with a twig an actual tactic in his arsenal?!

No, focus.

Come on, come on…
Zaiya chanted silently, her fingertips twitching as she guided the vines forward with the Force. The greenery responded, creeping inch by inch toward the base of the pole where the flag teased in the breeze.

Almost there… almost…

The first tendrils coiled around the base. A small surge of triumph flickered through her, but she kept herself still, crouched low behind the tall grass. Hidden. Or, at least, she thought she was.

Okay. Now she just had to scale the vines up the pole. Then, gently -- gently -- pluck the flag free. No sudden movements. No unnecessary ripples in the Force.

Steady… steaaaaady…

It probably would've been a lot easier to just yank it down with a simple telekinetic pull. A lot faster too. But of course Zaiya was overthinking things as usual.

And, completely unaware that Lossa had already clocked her hiding spot due to the rise of the Padawn's lovely excited emotions a long time ago.


The move had the desired effect of pinning him.

Her thoughts ranging between surprised and unamused by the lack of preparedness until he proved to be far scrappier than anticipated. Feeling a surge of pain in her leg that she hadn't been reminded of in some time. The familiar burn now prominent in her mind as she hissed air in between clenched teeth. Her chin rising as she tried to decipher exactly how the reaction to her attack made her feel. Most padawans wouldn't have struck her in such a way if they had followed Briana's method of thinking.

But Lysander didn't seem to mind taking the low road at any chance given. A fact she could appreciate as she clicked her tongue and grumbled to herself.

"At least you know how to fight like your life depends on it." As much admonishment as it was appreciation as her grip began to tighten around his lightsaber hand.

She didn't need the enhancements of armor upgrades or muscle stimulating drugs to work in her favor of crushing an opponents bones beneath her fingertips. But that wasn't her goal as she picked up the tendrils of feelings dancing closer to the goal behind the exercise. The grip about his hand that had been threatening to crush both lightsaber and bone returned to a simple hold as she twisted on her knee. Assisted by the Force to toss him away from her as her own blade ignited to protect her from a retaliatory strike at being thrown.

Her other hands opening to snatch the flag away from it's post and called directly to her hand.

"But that isn't the only part of this test." Rising from her kneel to raise a foot high into the air before letting it fall with the weight of a rancor.

The Force being used to cause a ripple to bend the grass with a violent gust of wind around her. A slight wince as the twig in her leg bled slightly with the motion.


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


In truth, Lysander hadn’t expected a random twig to have such an impact on her– let alone draw blood. The sight of the Zealtron hissing and the expression that followed left him feeling uncertain and wondering if she would retaliate with force or other means. Instead, he was flung away effortlessly. Time stretched as the blonde instantly found himself airborne, lightsaber still in hand. With split second reflexes, his instincts kicked into gear once more, and he let go of the curved hilt as everything was spinning around him.

As he crashed to the ground, he felt stunned, but tried his best to absorb the impact by rolling. Lying there and breathing heavily, he pushed himself back up. However, it wasn’t enough to affect his spirit.

His gaze quickly fell back to Lossa, her lightsaber ignited. He called his own weapon back, the purple blade slicing through the air as it rejoined the Padawan’s grasp; the surge of adrenaline that coursed through Lyander's veins now was like a lifeline masking the fatigue that had been built within him. The stakes were high, and it was too late to back down.

For a moment, his gaze narrowed to the left, where he suspected Zaiya was still hiding. Despite the seriousness of the current situation, a mischievous grin formed on his lips, unable to resist the urge to taunt the Lovalla. “Ohh Zaiya!” he shouted, his tone more playful than cruel. “You can come out no–”

Before he could finish, a violent gust of wind hit him, knocking the Padawan off balance. The unexpected force sent him back several paces. His expression shifted to one of surprise during the struggle. Particles of dirt cut through the air, stinging his eyes. “Hey! No!—” Lysander's voice, high pitched, pierced the air, but would soon fade.

Just as he was beginning to find some stability, before he could even react, a piece of tree bark shot through it all like a blaster bolt. It struck the side of his head with a thud and was enough to finally tip the scale; dizziness spiraled, just as his body would, as the boy was sent tumbling backwards.

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Zaiya barely had time to process the flag slipping from her grasp before the Force wave hit like a repulsor blast. One second, she was reaching with the vines to pluck the flag -- so-o close -- the next, she was airborne.

She yelped as the world spun. Instinct took over, the Force surging through her as her skin hardened just in time to brace for impact. She hit the ground in a wild tumble, skidding through dirt and debris until she finally came to a stop on her back, staring up at the sky.


She groaned, rolling onto her hands and knees. Another layer of leaves, twigs, and Force-knows-what clung to the mud and guano already caked on her. She could feel it in her spots, crusting over the bioluminescence that flickered erratically in her frustration.

By all intents, she looked like some kind of swamp beast.

And honestly? She felt like one too.

The Lovalla Padawan's bioluminescence flared in bright coral in frustration, then dimmed to a cool, calculating auburn as she assessed the field. Lysander was down but not out. That meant she was up.

With a quick shake of her hands to dislodge some of the caked on mud, she grabbed for her stun and EMP pearls. They slipped at first...ugh, why was mud so sticky when you didn't want it to be? But after a few seconds of fumbling, she had them.

Ballistakinesis wasn't easy, but she'd been practicing. Small objects. Controlled velocity. Fast enough to be felt, but not lethal.

Her fingers twitched. The pearls lifted.

With a flick of her wrist, they shot through the air, streaking toward Lossa like a flurry of miniature missiles. Maybe -- just maybe -- she could short out Lossa's suit, throw her off balance long enough to make a move.

Zaiya exhaled sharply.

Please work.


The affect of her stomp had surprised her.

Just trying to clear the space around her as Lysander took a blow that seemed to put him down for a short time as Zaiya was thrown from her hiding spot. A zing of concern about her own control as the other padawan stood and tried to ready herself.

The view inside her helmet allowing her to examine Lysander without having to turn around thankfully.

But it was distraction enough as a sensation for the Force being woven drew back her attention. Lysander seemed fine besides what would likely be a troubling welt. The projectiles coming her way however puzzled her. Looking alarmingly familiar as she swung her blade in a wide arc to block a handful of them with a jolting surprise.

Another few striking her in various places as her vision suddenly went dark.

Standing stock still as another sent a jolt through her muscles. Even beneath the layers, the fabric strained as Lossa hissed before letting out a deep sigh. Body fighting the sudden clench of every fiber. Her whole body finally relaxing as her hands dropped to her side and the lightsaber shorted out.

Her head fixed on the ground between them as she stood.



Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


The pain on the side of his head served as a cruel reminder of the tree bark that had just bounced off of it seconds ago. With a gentle rub, he pushed himself up, wincing while gripping his lightsaber. Lysander's focus was immediately drawn to the left, and a twisted smirk formed on his lips upon seeing Zaiya. A spark of mischief lit up his eyes as he thought this trial was becoming more of a competition to see who could appear more comical.

The girl, once annoyingly vibrant and colorful, now looked like some kind of walking shrub.

Lysander began to laugh, the sound joyful even, but the mirth quickly faded as he saw the Lovalla launch something through the air. Whatever it was, he couldn’t even track its trajectory. Yet, it found its mark immediately, striking Lossa with ease. As much as he disliked being part of a team, he wanted to be more than just an observer now. To charge in with his lightsaber would be foolish, he had already learned that lesson once. The battlemaster was clearly more experienced and had raw strength that was unfortunately light years ahead of his own.

“Wow Zaiya! You actually did it! I can’t believe it!” The words were shouted before realizing that he was actually complimenting her.

He immediately regretted it.

With only a few Force abilities in his arsenal, his options were limited.

Raising a single hand, his fingers curled inward, channeling energy into a Force Push. Concentrating to the best of his ability, an invisible sphere began to pulse, ready to be unleashed. “Bye, Lossa!” His tone was oddly cheerful. With a subtle flick of the wrist, the wave of energy erupted, surging toward the Zealtron like a wave.
Last edited:

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Zaiya barely had time to process what just happened. One second, Lossa had been an unstoppable force, and now -- did I really just paralyze her?

Did the stun and EMP pearls really hit!?

One second passed, two. Never mind that Lysander's voice was off in the distance with his sassy quip. The reality that some of the pearls managed to hit was enough for Zaiya to give a breathless, "No way," then a louder, excited yelp, "NO WAY!"

She was a mess of mud and leaves, but that didn't stop her from punching the air and letting out a triumphant "Yahoo!" ...only to freeze midcelebration.

Oh blast, the flag!

Scrambling, she flung out a hand, reaching with the Force to try to yank it free from Lossa's grasp -- only to stare in shock at Lysander's burst of energy sent towards the Zeltron with a typical sassy, snarky Lysander quip.


Her body began to move.

The Force Push from Lysander met with a slash of her hand as her own Force Push met and negated the energy. The Force Pull from Zaiya was met in equal measure of a Force Pull that made it a contest as Lossa allowed her power to slowly ebb into the Force Pull to make Zaiya fight for it.

The electronics of her helmet still shorted out as the knife hand opened and yanked her helmet free.

"You've learned a few things." A smile crossing her features as the helmet fell to the ground. "Good."

Her foot connecting with the Helmet as it was launched like a Blaster Bolt at Zaiya. Her other hand trying to ignite her Saber as it snapped and fizzled but produced no blade. The smile turning down at one edge as she hooked the hilt back to her belt. Arm extending as she pointed to Lysander and made a come here motion before her hand spread wide.

The other hilt appearing in her outstretched hand as the white blade snapped into existence and challenged Lysander once more.


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


Lysander was momentarily surprised as the energy of his Force Push was easily deflected with resistance of her own. When she beckoned him closer, a smirk flashed across his face, and he instinctively shifted back into the Djem So stance. While Makashi was his preferred art, its elegant grace would not be able to match the strength he needed to face now. Determination ignited in his core, flowing like a river, and he surged forward, raising his purple blade high.

As he closed the short distance, something from a recent trip would inspire the next move. In a swift motion, the Padawan kicked up dirt from the ground, sending a cloud of it flying towards Lossa's face, remembering the success of the same tactic against Roman on Serreno. But this moment was different, fueled by something deeper; an undertone of anger pulsed through him, bringing an intensity he hadn’t meant to channel, but gladly welcomed it.

Wasting no time, he crouched down for a beat, before unleashing a diagonal strike that rose upward with explosive power. It was more than a simple strike; it was a manifestation of his frustration, and he was fully committed to it, a merging of the Force and raw emotions.

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Zaiya barely had time to register the words before the helmet came flying at her like a blaster shot. This time, instinct flared in her muscles and she twisted to the side, narrowly avoiding a direct hit, though she still felt the rush of displaced air as it shot past her.

Lossa was fast. Strong. And meeting Zaiya's Force Pull with equal resistance made it clear that this wasn't going to be easy, the compliment fueled Lossa gave fueling the Padawan's determination. That meant she was learning. Building her skills. Zaiya's breath steadied as her feet planted firmly, the Force thrumming around her like an unseen current.

It was then she felt it happen. Felt Lysander across the way, felt the way his presence shifted, his determination spiking, but something else beneath it, simmering low and hot.

Zaiya's spots flickered uncertainly for a split second, a faint ripple of concern, before she pushed forward. They had to stay in sync, or this fight would slip out of their control.

"Lys..." she started, but the moment cracked open as he moved.

And as Lysander surged forward, his saber cleaving the air in an upward arc, Zaiya felt the raw intensity in the strike.

Too much.

She reacted on instinct.

A pulse of empathic waves rippled out from her, not to strike but to steady. To reach for Lysander's presence, to tether him before the emotions riding his movements dragged him somewhere he shouldn't be. Her bioluminescence dimmed slightly under the grimey filthy layer of mud and guano, shifting to a steady glow of focus.

She stepped forward, this time shooting her hand up to try and whirl the dirt Lysander kicked up and around Lossa's head with Alter environment with a mini whirlwind. They had to fight smart. Together.


Lysander took the invite with gusto.

Coming towards her as a true opponent rather than a student as his emotions began to flow through his actions. Ruby colored eyes narrowing as his action shifted mid stride. Dirt dominating her vision as her eyes shut instinctively before the debris began to swirl around her head.

The gust of wind playing with her hearing as the hum of a blade drew dangerously close.

But emotions acted like a beacon in her extended senses. Letting them extend beyond just tasting what those around her felt. To find the source and give it a form in her minds eye as she quieted her mind. Her own blade unable to parry the strike in time as she ducked to avoid the slash. Felt the radiant heat of the blade against her cheek as it sizzled and burned through the dirt swarming her head. All the while her arm extended as if to throw her blade while she twisted to plant her other hand on the ground. Fingers beginning to let go until she remembered it wasn't the correct tool for training.

Wasn't to be used so lightly.

But this was turning out better than she had hoped as she found the earth with her palm. Twisting still as she pushed off the ground and away from Lysander to set her focus on Zaiya now. To further frustrate Lysander and gauge how deep his feelings ran as she blatantly ignored him by turning her back to him.

"Much, much better." Eyes still shut tight as she followed the feelings of Turmoil to their source. Large and heavy steps as the white blade hummed as she walked forward as if untroubled by the whirlwind around her head.


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Target: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus


Tension crackled in the air as his strike proceeded upward at Lossa. Between the thrill of dueling and the rush of adrenaline, there was zero doubt in the boy's mind. Unfortunately, the battlemaster managed to evade the blow with such agility even he would deem graceful, and even impressive.

Just after, the blade fell back into position, resting close to his body at an angle. While he would never admit it out loud, their combined efforts in using the dirt felt like a small victory, and the struggle it caused the Zeltron did bring a bit of satisfaction.

But something else had shifted, wrapping around him like a cloak.

Sure, it should have calmed him, but it felt intrusive, like the hand of a stranger trying to support him. The raw emotions he had leaned on just moments ago were now wrestling with.. tranquility. The unexpected shift in emotions was nearly disorienting. He knew for a fact that this soothing little aura was Zaiya's doing. Her intentions may have been good, but he hadn't asked for her support.

Eyes narrowed, his attention remained on Lossa, who now had her back turned to him. She seemed prepared to engage with the Lovalla—or so he believed.

Now, Lysander felt even more irritated; though, it wasn't because of their opponent, but the waves of whatever his teammate used against him interrupted his flow state.

“Damn it, Zaiya!” he yelled, the frustration clear in his voice. “Those Force hugs you’re sending are super gross! I don’t want your vibes!"

After making his point, he began to channel that same anger; it flared up in his chest. It was noticeably easier to channel this time. Once more, he darted forward. As the Padawan drew closer, he would feint a thrust, before quickly redirecting the strike into fierce downward slash aimed precisely at her shoulder.


Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

For half a second, Zaiya felt a rush of triumph - - right before she saw Lossa now coming straight for her.


She barely had time to glare at Lysander for his quip, her bioluminescence flickering a frustrated violet beneath the streaks of mud and guano clinging to her skin.

"Good vibes are better than bad ones!" she shot back, as if that was an actual defense against the incoming Zeltron.

Then Lossa got closer. Much closer.

Zaiya let out a startled "eep!" before her instincts kicked in. Think, think - - what worked before?

Stunning. Stunning worked.

Alright. Time to be a distraction.

With all the grace of someone making things up as they went, Zaiya scrambled backward, scooping up a few more mud-covered stun beads and lobbing them toward Lossa's feet. If she could slow her down - - just a little - - maybe she could use the terrain to her advantage.

Vines. She could tangle her up with vines next. If she didn't get tackled … or slashed at, first.


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