Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Test of Wit and Valor [RNR]

Team: 2 (aka Hotties)
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Training saber and bo staff
Tag: Bea Laseen | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Joro Kal'nath

The idiot ignored the majority of what she had said and then continued to prove the fact that he himself was the one unworthy of claiming to be a Jedi. She had never said aloud any insults to him, she just spoke her disagreement with his plan. No harsher than any of the others did, yet he decided to select her for insults. Part of her wanted to punch him till he woke up only able to eat out of a feeding tube.

However, she held herself back, following Bea into the cave. The competition and part of the fun of this challenge they faced had been taken away for her now. What should have been harmless fun between the group was now laced with this bitterness of some selfish idiot deciding they knew best and that no one else was allowed to have a differing opinion.

It was sparking emotions in Lily she usually did not feel. But it was the first time that she was being confronted by someone she considered a bully. Someone who was making a point of being actively unlikeable with their behaviour. She knew in future she would just avoid interactions with him, there was nothing nice she could say or feel about him, therefore she refused to think about him or allow him to hold anything over her.

Her mind was distracted with the thoughts for most of the journey in the cave. There was a lot of new information she had to contend with later on as the glow of the practice illuminated the cave and snapped her back into the moment of the race.

When something jumped towards them, Lily instinctively froze it in place with the Force. "Hopefully we are drawing too much attention to ourselves and lure in something large and dangerous." Lily mentioned.

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Team 2 Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Truth be told, Zaiya was confused. Her skin betrayed her, shading her face with soft grays that flickered in waves across her cheeks and forehead. She thought she'd feel the familiar resonance of emotions the moment their hands touched, like always. But this time, there was… nothing. A starless void. No, not nothing; it was like he was blocking her.

Her confusion deepened, flashes of iridescent color chasing over her skin in rapid succession as she stared at their joined hands. Could he really block her like that? Did he know how?

Opal blue iridescent eyes flicked up to Lysander's face, searching his sharp features for answers, but his expression was as unreadable as the wall pressing back against her through the Force. Maybe it was some innate ability, something to do with his species. Or maybe, she realized with a pang, he simply didn't want her to sense him.

Her stripes shimmered with a deeper amber as she tried to process it all. His grip was gentle, his presence calm, yet the contradiction between his actions and the barrier he'd erected left her reeling. Did he trust her? Did he want to? Or was this just another way to push her away?

"Lysander…" she began, uncertainty in her voice. But he cut her off, his tone softer than she'd expected. Almost hesitant.

"Zaiya, I don't think you can handle what I feel too,"

A faint glow of silver in growing confusion edged her glowing skin, but before she could respond, his thumb brushed the back of her hand, silencing her.

And what if I still can’t accept how you feel?" He studied the girl's expression. “But.. I also don’t want you to let go either,” he admitted. Despite everything, his voice remained steady. “Not yet at least.”

His words struck her, the warmth of his touch clashing with the chill of rejection. Emotions rippled over her skin in waves, the bioluminescent glow betraying every shift. She wanted to push back, to argue, but instead, she exhaled shakily and held on.

"Well," she said, her voice steady despite the storm within. "I can't force you to accept what I'm feeling." She paused, hoping he could sense her sincerity despite his block. "But I can extend an olive branch and see if you'll take it. We don't have to be best friends, but I'll do my best to help you... no matter what. That's the truth."

His expression softened, though his guard remained. She pressed on, her stripes flickering bronze as compassion steadied her words.

"I know how it feels, Lysander. To be overwhelmed by it emotions, by the Force. I'm always afraid I'll influence others without meaning to, that my own feelings will spill over into the Force and tip the balance. It's a lot to manage, and it's so easy to give in. Too easy."

Which is why she had been trying to warn him not to use his emotions to fuel his power with the Force. She glanced toward the tunnel ahead, where Bea and Lily were moving out of sight. Her stripes shifted to ocher with focus, the moment anchoring her as much as it did him.

"Let's take a moment. Gather our bearings," Zaiya said softly, her stripes rippling with a faint amber as she held onto Lysander's hand. The warmth of her touch lingered, steady and deliberate, even as her gaze shifted toward the shadowy mouth of the cave.

"Then we'll face the cave together. I'm sure there are challenges ahead we haven't even noticed yet that arn't observation drones."
She added, as she also let go of her hold on the drone. It didn't give her any indication of harm.

She hesitated, her colors dimming briefly as uncertainty flickered through her. Then, almost too quietly, she added, "And if it helps, we can keep up the quips as we go to challenge each other... just..." Her voice faltered, but she pressed on, "Please don't be mean. A lot of what you have said.... it hurts."

The Lovalla Padawan's words hung in the air, and her skin tinged with faint inky black and pink in embarrassed fragility as she braced for his response.


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Enemies: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
Neutral but probably cool: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Maintaining the stoic facade was difficult; every word that escaped the Lovalla caused warmth to brush against the icy cold seeping in. Lysander’s heart, as fortified as it was, still felt faint flickers of sincerity emanating from her touch. But deeper within its walls, the anger from earlier still lingered, both whispering and taunting him. He fought to remain strong, keeping it at bay, for he feared what he might be capable of unleashing upon Zaiya otherwise

With fingers intertwined, there was a dance between what was a temporary alliance, and understanding her touch was actually a lifeline against the storm of his own emotions, though he dared to not prolong the moment and make the touch uncomfortable. As she spoke, the blonde couldn't ignore the way her words settled on his chest like heavy stones. And not only did he hear it, but he could feel the tremor in her voice when she admitted the pain caused by him. He had brushed aside her feelings before, dismissing them with indifference, but now, he felt the darkness within him stir, tempting him to embrace what they offered.

“I—” he started, but even his own voice faltered. The guilt clawing at him was overwhelming. "..I'm sorry, Zaiya," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I really didn’t really mean those things I called you the other morning. I was just.. saying it to hurt you. I lashed out without thinking.” He paused, the confession tasting bitter on his tongue, regardless of how necessary it was. “I didn’t think what I said at Caamas Temple would cause harm either.. perhaps it would have been better if I had just kept my mouth shut.""

Hesitantly, his other hand then lifted, encircling hers in a gentle and firm embrace. In that moment, there was a tenderness that surprised him. After seconds passed, they lowered slightly, still pressing together. Inhaling another breath, he turned his head to follow her gaze towards the cave’s entrance.

The grip tightened, as if the pulse from his fingers themselves asked for his apology to be accepted. But it was then the onslaught of shadows surged once more, spreading like wildfire, consuming everything in its path as everything began to crumble under pressure. Lysander’s thoughts instantly became distorted, losing the light that her presence provided.

Finally, he allowed the connection to be severed and took a small step back. Fear, regret, and now isolation closed in on the Padawan. “Maybe even just being friends will just lead to more misunderstandings,” he admitted.

Though she stood before him, his gaze averted to the side, not wanting to see what may reflect in her eyes. "We come from different worlds, with very different perspectives on this vast galaxy. You seek warmth and connection, while I...I yearn for.. strength and freedom. I don't expect you to understand." Slowly, he turned his body between her and the entrance of the cave. “But that doesn't mean I hate you either. I can tell you’re someone who brings light wherever you go, and maybe your way of seeing things is actually really beautiful. I respect that.”

Squaring his shoulders, the raw power was returning, sharpening the boy's features with intense focus. “But l will at least try my best to be a better teammate, so we can finish this test and part ways on a healthier note.”

A deliberate step was taken forward, ready to see what awaited them in the depths of the cave. It was time to finish this.

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Team 2 Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Zaiya's mottled spots rippled with soft blue and grey streaks as Lysander's words hung in the air, his apology tugging at her emotions in ways she wasn't entirely ready for. Her rose gold skin dimmed slightly, reflecting the uncertainty swirling within her. She could barely feel the subtle weight of his regret.. but there was something else there within the storm of emotions he struggled to keep at bay. But the fact that he was trying -- truly trying at least from her perspective-- was enough to soften the sharp edge of her earlier hurt.

She held his gaze for a moment, her own bioluminescence shifting to a gentle bronze hue.

"I... I appreciate you saying that," Zaiya replied, her voice quiet but steady regarding his apology. "What you said did hurt. But I get it... we all say things we don't mean sometimes, especially when we're overwhelmed." Her fingers tightened around his briefly, a silent reassurance. "I don't think you're a bad person, Lysander. I think you're just... figuring things out, like the rest of us."

She may be guilty of having thought him to be insufferable and arrogant and a childish brat... but she was also to blame herself for her own actions. The kind she'd been trying to get better at responding with and keeping a reasonable mindset even in the midst of storms. It was hard, but she'd been trying -- and Domxite and Iris had been doing their best to try and help.

This was just another example -- another test for the Lovalla to try and work past. Perhaps, another way for her to be able to control her own emotions and colorshifting. Everything had a purpose, right?

The air between them felt fragile, like a delicate thread stretched taut. When his grip faltered and he stepped back, Zaiya let her hand fall to her side. The cool emptiness left behind felt almost tangible, but she didn't let it show. Instead, her mottled spots began to shift again, this time to a faint turquoise in growing calm.

However when Lysander spoke next, about how she wouldn't understand aand that they come from different worlds, Zaiya paused. She could sense the tension returning to him, the strength he was so desperate to hold onto. But she saw more than that now. She saw the cracks beneath the surface, the struggle he tried to hide.

"You're right," she said softly, her gaze following his toward the cave. "We come from different worlds. But that doesn't mean we can't try to meet in the middle. I don't think being friends has to lead to misunderstandings ... it just means... we have to work a little harder to understand each other." Her lips curved into a faint smile, one that didn't quite reach her eyes but was genuine nonetheless.

"I don't see anything wrong with wanting strength and freedom... I hold very dear a few who want to do their best, be as strong as possible, and still be able to protect others. I know cultures are different... and some see skills as strength as honorable and admirable," she said, her voice carrying a quiet conviction, thinking of Aris and Braze.

"So... I would like to get to know you better.... and I'll do my best to be a better teammate. We don't have to be friends now... but we can do our best to finish this test together... and see where it goes?" it was hard to say that, that someone didn't need to be her friend, but Zaiya was doing her best to bridge the gap. Not everyone was going to like her, but she could try her best to at least show she was trying to work it out.

With that, she stepped forward, matching his pace as they ventured into the darkness of the cave. Whatever awaited them, they would face it side by side -- at least for now.

Glancing up into the maw, she could see the intense darkness of the cave, not to mention smell the moist, earthy musk from within.

"There might be animals in there...Let me get a few lights to illuminate a path," she said, bringing her wrist up to start tapping at one of the bangles she had. Three spheres with tiny repulsors rose up from the bangle, igniting into soft blue light as they began to move up ahead.

"The Knights and Masters aren't the only ones who use droids or drones, " Zaiya murmured, glancing at Lysander with mild impishness as she directed the orbs ahead.

"I can program them to start mapping ahead of us too! But that would take more time."

Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


Lysander's strides were purposeful as he walked alongside Zaiya; some of her earlier comments still echoed in his mind. He remained silent as she began to work with the objects on her wrist, allowing the space and even silence needed. As the orbs floated forward, creating a trail to guide them, he managed to catch a subtle glint of the girl's own mischief. It tugged at the corners of his lips, a faint smile forming, though in reality, it was a mere facade, a mask he didn't wish to wear.

Suddenly, a faint rustling sound cut through the air, drawing his attention to the illuminated areas. With narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow, he searched for the source, but all he could see were jagged rocks. Turning his focus inward, he drew on his Force senses to navigate the area. The familiar feeling enveloped him like a heavy cloak. Normally, it was effortless, flowing like water. But with Zaiya near, it felt disrupted, like static buzzing in his ears. The more Lysander concentrated, the more it slipped away.

It became frustrating; he was generally proficient with the ability, but everything from earlier was already flooding back in his mind. In a way that he didn’t fully understand, it was as though an unhealed wound was starting to rip open. The raw anger experienced just outside the cave, both precise and powerful, was a powerful reminder of the untamed destruction that lay within him, one step away from losing control.

His attention shifted back to the Lovalla. "Honestly.. I don't think any animals are going to be a problem. Almost all dangerous creatures here on Naboo are underwater. And I highly doubt they'd be purposely place anything of the like in a test like this," he said calmly. "I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" With a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders and a dismissive gesture with his hand, the blonde seemed unfazed by the idea of any potential threats. "The map would just be overkill. This cave isn't exactly a maze.. we'll be out before long."

And just as those words left his lips, a faint flickering light caught the corner of his eye— it wasn’t from the orbs she conjured either. Out of nowhere, Lysander felt a disturbance rippling through the air at an alarming rate. Instincts kicked in, and he pushed off his lead foot, retreating several paces; it was just in time to evade a series of blue circular waves spiraling toward them. His head snapped to the side, and two spider-droids came into view; they seemed to have emerged from behind some rocks in the distance.


Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Team 2 Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Zaiya could sense the struggle Lysander was wrestling with, but without direct contact or the right training, she couldn't tell what it was. His emotions were a muted wall, and she wasn't used to that. The Lovalla could usually feel the ebb and flow of the Force, light and dark, like shifting currents in a river. But Lysander? He was like a slightly rippling still pond with something stirring beneath the surface.

What could that be? It concerned her. Especially with how his emotions had flared earlier when she noticed the use of the Force that swayed to the dark.

But...she had been really trying to bridge the gap between them, and Lysander was finally meeting her halfway, so the Lovalla Padawan didn't want to ruin that with more questions, even if the disconnect between them still gnawed at her. Maybe she'd bring it up later. Maybe she'd just mention it to his Master.

But then...

"I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" With a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders and a dismissive gesture with his hand, the blonde seemed unfazed by the idea of any potential threats. "The map would just be overkill. This cave isn't exactly a maze.. we'll be out before long."

Zaiya barely had time to process those words before danger spiked through the Force a little too late. Lysander dodged. She didn't.

The stun blast hit her dead center. Every muscle locked up, and she toppled forward, completely frozen ...right into something warm. And wet. And unbearably rancid.

Zaiya would have screamed if her body weren't paralyzed. As it was, she could only exist in pure, unfiltered horror. The thick, sticky muck clung to her skin, the stench curling into her nose with nowhere to escape.

It took her a second, an agonizing mortifying second, to realize what had just happened.


She had face-planted into guano.

Her bioluminescent markings flickered wildly in shock, then to mortification, then something that might have been nausea. It was one thing to stink already and be covered with sprinkles. Another to be saturated in fermented poodoo.

The hum of repulsors as the Stun Droids rounded the corner within the cave revealed the other obstacle they were now facing. Stun droids who were now doing their best to shoot at Lysander and take him down as well.

Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


Everything before him moved in slow motion as the Lovalla crashed into the guano with a thud. However, his glance was brief; danger was still present. Before Lysander could fully absorb what happened, his thoughts were interrupted. The spider droids pressed forward, and more shots were fired in his direction. Instinctively, he weaved to the left, feeling the power of the blast zoom past his shoulder, just inches away from contact.

With eyes narrowed, Lysander began to focus, diving into the depths of his discipline, steadying himself. With the flick of a wrist, the Padawan drew upon the Force, connecting his mind to the energy swirling within. A heartbeat later he unleashed a powerful Force Push. The energy exploded from him in a wave that sent the small droids crashing against the cave wall. Sparks and broken parts flew through the air.

Without wasting any time, he darted back to his teammate, kneeling beside her, though careful to not step in any of what she stumbled upon. While healing was far from being his forte, there was still some basic knowledge of first aid echoing in the back of the Padawan’s mind. A modest sized piece from the bottom of his tunic was torn off and placed aside. Lysander’s hand then found its way under her forehead, lifting it just enough to ensure her neck had support. The other was placed on a shoulder. Slowly, he shifted her onto her side, and then onto her back.

What Lysander saw next made him begin to chuckle; the vile matter plastered across her face was completely ridiculous looking. "You know, I'm confident this is the longest you’ve ever gone without running your mouth. It’s actually kind of refreshing," he said calmly. A smirk blossomed across his youthful features. Reaching for the piece of tunic, he turned it over to the clean side that wasn't covered in glitter and stink from earlier. “It’s probably all that ridiculous looking jewelry you wear slowing you down. I mean, how did you not see that coming?”

With practiced grace, he tended to Zaiya's face; first, he wiped the mess from her nose, making sure the girl could breathe properly. Next, he moved to her eyes, using another corner of the material in a gentle manner. Another chuckle escaped. “I bet that’s the only pile of poo in this entire cave, and you managed to find it. Good job, bantha brains.” Lysander would then clean what he could from her mouth, lightly brushing the fabric against her lips.

The amusement quickly faded as he caught sight of his own hand with some of the mess clinging to the palm. The boy sighed and wiped it at the cave floor first, before brushing the rest onto his sleeve. Lysander's head shook in disgust. Inhaling a sharp breath, he moved back a few paces to escape her foul smell, and then pulled his knees up to his chest. “This entire test is pretty stupid if you ask me. It feels like a complete waste of time. The training grounds would have been more productive." Grabbing a small stick nearby, he jabbed it lightly at the Lovalla’s shoulder. “Seriously? Snap out of it already! I don’t want to be stuck in this cave all day. And I don’t feel like carrying you either!”
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Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Team 2 Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Zaiya couldn't move. Couldn't speak.

Not because she didn't want to, but because the Force forsaken stun effect had locked her limbs in place, leaving her trapped in a mortifying, humiliating, downright nightmare of a situation.

Covered. In. Guano.

She couldn't even react when Lysander actually came to help her. Relief flickered through her, momentarily dimming the horrified pewter-gray washing over her skin, but it didn't last long.

"You know, I'm confident this is the longest you’ve ever gone without running your mouth. It’s actually kind of refreshing,"

Lavender annoyance streaked across her cheeks in sharp contrast, but the irritation barely had time to settle before Lysander was wiping at her face. With his tunic. While it took off the gobs, it still left a smear of dark muddy white. The smell hit her full force -- pungent, overwhelming, absolutely vile. Her mottled spots flashed lime green, nausea rippling through her stomach. If she could have moved, she probably would've dryheaved right into his lap.

It wasn't like she'd been trying to land in this! She had been trying to prove how capable she was, to nail this trial. And instead? She'd fallen into a pit, gotten stunned by a droid, and was now dependent on Lysander to help her out of this mess.

She could feel the embarrassment crawling under her skin, deepening into a mix of coral and mortification flushed silver. And then Lysander had to tease her and make it worse!

“I bet that’s the only pile of poo in this entire cave, and you managed to find it. Good job, bantha brains.”

Oh, he was enjoying this.

Lavender darted across her arms again, flaring brighter this time, frustration warring with the humiliation that still hadn't faded. And then -- then -- he started poking her. With a stick.

Her eye twitched.

One. Two more prods --

And finally, finally she snapped out of it.

Zaiya lunged, slimy, guano covered fingers snatching the stick right out of his hand.

"Ba… bantha brains?!" she yelped, her voice cracking as she pushed herself up -- only for her stomach to violently revolt. A horrible taste flooded her mouth, and before she could stop it, she turned her head and dryheaved into the dirt.

Oh. Oh, stars, no. No no nonono no!

It was in her mouth.

Another gag, and yep, she was gonna hurl.


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


Lysander's heart skipped as the stick was suddenly snatched from his hand. “Ahh!” The sound of surprise echoed within the cave. As it faded, the Padawan's eyes narrowed slightly. “Yeah, you heard me right. Bantha brains,” he said, the words dripping with mockery, giving her the confirmation she clearly wanted. Having tried to help, only to find his intentions had backfired, left a bitter taste of its own in his own mouth.

He had anticipated that the stun effects would last longer, but perhaps the Lovalla was stronger than he had given her credit for. Either way, there was something almost pitiful about the sight, filth across her face, now prepared to add her own stomach contents to the mix. It didn't change the fact that he still thought she was the most annoying person he had ever met.

Yet underneath it all, there was a small hint of concern, but he pushed it aside. What was he to do? Helping her hold back the chaotic looking rainbow hair would be pointless; she was already caked in guano.

The Padawan hated how this predicament brought a strange mix of helplessness and more irritation. He glanced around the cave, searching for something.. anything, that might help. The stone floor offered zero comfort, and there wasn’t any water in sight, either. Gritting his teeth, Lysander remained rooted in his current spot. There was absolutely nothing he could do, and the realization began to gnaw at him.

Now, he just searched for humor in the situation. With both knees hugged against his chest, his head came to rest upon them, merely observing. “Hmm.. do you need a bucket? Maybe I can make one with my hands,” Lysander suggested, not bothering to hide the smirk that crept onto his face. The blonde was unable to resist a verbal jab now. Or maybe it was just to dismiss any desire to help. “Or.. I could just sit back and give you a target? Ohh.. I know! How about a splat on one of the walls!”

His head shook slightly as a sigh slipped out. "Well, go on Zaiya Ceti, puke your brains out! I believe in you!"
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Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Team 2 Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Zaiya was hunched over, pitifully retching up the sad remnants of crackers and cheese she'd managed to scarf down earlier. The acidic taste mixed with the rancid smell of… well, everything around her, and it was not a winning combination.

Her breath hitched in a stuttering gasp, an exhausted inhale that only made things worse as the stench hit her like a stun blast. Another dry heave followed, more pathetic than the last, leaving her watery-eyed and trembling. At least she hadn't hurled on Lysander. Small victories.

She rolled to her side with the grace of a wounded bantha, crawling toward a flat rock as if it were some sacred refuge. The guano pile she'd landed in was a distant horror now -- literally. She'd put as much space between herself and it as possible. Her fingers fumbled for the soiled medkit slung against her hip, hoping to find something -- anything --to wipe her mouth. All she managed was smearing the gunk around the medkit, the gauze doing little more than redistributing the yuck.

Zaiya squinted blearily at Lysander, her vision still watery. Maybe he had a canteen. Or… a bucket of water? Was that a Force power? No. No way. Don't be that gullible, Zaiya, she scolded herself, though at this point, she'd have welcomed even the tiniest miracle.

"Ugh… you'd puke too if you'd been stunned and fell into that!" she croaked between shallow breaths, her skin flickering in embarrassed, nauseous shades of lime green. She dabbed at her mouth with another scrap of useless gauze. It didn't help much, but at least it wasn't smeared across her lips anymore.

"Thanks… for helping," she added, her voice a ragged whisper, punctuated by another deep, shuddering breath. She tried to focus on something -- anything -- other than the lingering stench clinging to her. Well, now one couldn't see much of the glitter then!

Glancing at Lysander, she noted the faint smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

"You like to make jokes alot, huh?" It wasn't judgment, just an observation. Talking helped distract her from the fact that she was practically wearing a guano suit.

She swiped her hands against the rock in a feeble attempt to clean them, smearing more grime than she removed.

"…Is there a Force power to dampen smells?" she asked, half-serious, half-desperate. "Unless you can really summon a bucket of water?"

Because honestly, at this point, she'd take either.

Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


Lysander felt like he was at a safe distance while watching Zaiya struggle with a mix of mistrust and.. curiosity. The girl was like a pitiful bird. The scene was something else: a rainbow of untamed hair, covered in guano, glitter, and dirt, almost making her seem otherworldly– but not in a good way; rather, like an unknown monster you might uncover in the depths of Wild Space. Running a hand through his blonde hair, it was a silent acknowledgement to the truth that he probably wasn’t at his best either, a rare occurrence to be sure. His pride wasn’t about to let him dwell on the matter, though.

Zaiya’s heaves only caused annoyance to flicker below the surface. He didn’t fully understand why, but it felt so challenging for the Padawan to feel any form of genuine empathy. But as she grasped the medkit next, a flood of mirth bubbled up within him. It looked like she was attempting to restore a sense of dignity in this chaotic, and odd scenario.

"Well, I wouldn’t have fallen in it in the first place," he responded coolly. His tone softened this time, almost casual, unlike the usual sharpness directed at the Lovalla. "That’s because I tend to watch where I’m actually going." Lysander gave a dismissive shake of his head. While fighting hard to suppress it, he still couldn’t help but muster a ghost of a smile.

When she thanked him, he merely glanced at her, his mind racing with confusion over how to navigate this foreign emotional territory. It didn't even strike him as Galactic Basic. In fact, it even shocked him, unaware of how to accept Zaiya’s gratitude; so, instead, he just shrugged his shoulders and finally lifted his head from his knees.

His brow arched in response to her question, as he leaned back and stretched his arms over his head for a few seconds. Did she really just ask one of the most obvious things ever? All Lysander could do was simply stare while his mouth began twitching. “Hmm, I wonder, Zaiya. Do Sith wear black? Do Hutts love them some snacks? Do Banthas chit in the sand on Tatooine? What do you think?!”

There was no time wasted before continuing. "And I haven't found the holocron that allows me to summon a bucket of water just yet," he quipped. The tone was playful. "But perhaps someday." The Padawan’s brows furrowed momentarily. “You made it clear you’re not competing against anyone, so there’s no rush I suppose to finish this stupid test. Hmm, while not all caves are connected to water.. given Naboo’s landscape.. I’d reckon it’s highly possible that there’s one nearby. Right?"

His body tilted forward once more. “Guess what? I’ll even go with you to find it! Otherwise, I have this.. gut feeling you’re going to end up lost or.. or even disappear for good. Not that such an event would be a bad thing, if I’m being honest. You probably need a helping hand for just about any task, no? I figured that's why you carry a little droid with you everywhere."

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Team 2 Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Zaiya blinked at Lysander, her mottled skin flashing a sharp streak of lavender as mild irritation spiked through her exhaustion. She wiped the last bit of grime -- well attempted to, as she still had some smears that dulled the luminosity of her skin -- from the corner of her mouth with what was now probably the galaxy's most useless piece of gauze, her bioluminescence flickering between sour lime and a stubborn pulse of dark yellow in defiance.

"Oh, ha-ha," she muttered flatly, tossing the ruined gauze aside with dramatic flair, as if that would somehow reclaim her dignity from the pit of guano and interesting life choices. "Look at you -- master of observation and comedy. Should I be writing this down?"

Zaiya straightened, squaring her shoulders like that made up for the fact she still smelled like… well, like she'd fallen into exactly what she had.

"And for the record," she added, pointing a finger at him with the authority of someone who absolutely did not have that authority, "Domxite is always with me because they are Force sensitive and is helping me by building a bond with me and mentoring with my Force Sense... not because I need help with everything."

Although Domxite would have been good at helping her keep her cool if they had been here. Her skin betrayed her with a faint glow of embarrassed coral, but she ignored it. She was on a roll.

Besides, he had a point -- in just about every cavern system she'd investigated with Aris, there had been some underwater river or lake. Washing off would be best.

"But sure," she huffed, dragging herself to her feet with a graceless stumble, "let's find this magical cave stream together. Who knows? Maybe you'll trip over a rock and get a taste of what it's like to be humbled for once."

She stomped forward, only to realize two steps in that she had absolutely no idea which direction to go. She froze midstride, her glowing spots dimming like a flickering light fixture.

"…You, uh, lead the way," she mumbled, folding her arms with a very dignified scowl.

Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


There was a sparkle in his gaze as he watched the gauze fly through the air before it returned to the Lovalla. He couldn’t help but smirk. It was oddly amusing to get such reactions from her, and it wasn’t much of a challenge, either. She was predictable, while on the other hand, he liked keeping people on their toes. With a touch of dramatic flair himself, he lifted a hand just enough to give his nails an inspection. Then, he became the symbol of nonchalance. “Hmm.. sure, future blade master too,” he mused. “But we can save that for another time.” He definitely didn’t want this banter to carry beyond today, though.

He listened intently on her explanation of the droid companion, absorbing Zaiya's words while beginning to grapple with a new internal struggle. Lysander lived for a good verbal challenge, or any dance of wit really, but even the Prince of Ukatis had something of a code he followed– bullying just wasn’t his style. But as she pointed a finger at him, it felt.. heavy. It brought back memories of the enclave, when wafting the lightsaber hilt at someone had tempers flaring up all over the place.

The smirk flickered, but his eyes narrowed slightly.. but it wasn’t born of anger. The boy was walking a fine line between joking and being harsh. “Be careful who you point your finger at,” he warned, the tone light. “I’m not one to feign gameness.”

As she continued, it almost appeared as though he was taking in someone with.. passion? Whatever it was, Lysander was positive it was a strong emotion that the Jedi Order would have been quick to dismiss— an emotion that actually led people to a better understanding of themselves. Part of him was intrigued by the hues that were constantly shifting, but he kept it respectful; it felt wrong to let his gaze linger on her face. So instead, his eyes turned to her hand and any exposed skin of her arm.

Finally, he pushed himself back to his feet and shook off the comment about being humbled with a light laugh. Turning towards the lights she conjured earlier, he began to press forward. As they passed by the spider droids, he noticed one of the mechanical legs. Without hesitation, he kicked it, sending it flying into a patch of darkness. Lysander fell silent while they moved deeper, simply listening to his own footsteps. When they reached the cave’s end some time later, he paused so his eyes could properly readjust to the natural light. A small stream in the distance caught the Padawan's attention, and he glanced back at Zaiya in silent acknowledgement.

Seconds later he crouched down by the water, but not before he could catch his own reflection. A laugh escaped. He looked totally ridiculous. Even his perfect hair was out of place. Dipping both hands into the water, he began scrubbing at the dirt and glitter. Lysander’s previous mood also washed away.

A faint smile appeared. “I feel better already.” He then took a moment to reflect on the trial itself. “From what I remember.. we’re supposed to follow a river to some flag guarded by a Knight. Maybe this will lead us to that river.” The boy fell silent once more, feeling a storm brewing beneath the surface. Better than a verbal challenge, it would be a physical one. Now, he truly felt reborn. A small flame kindled within. "Since we’ve already stumbled upon two traps.. I’m guessing more will be waiting for us before we can reach that flag.”

An expression of concern flashed across the boy's face, but he quickly looked away so that he couldn’t be read. “We should keep it simple in strategy, rather than overthinking it.” He swallowed hard, then looked back down at the flowing water before him. “Honestly.. you’ve had it much worse than me today. You’ve taken quite the beating.. in a different kind of way, I guess. I should be the one to face whoever is awaiting us.” Lysander's hands dipped back into the stream, savoring its coolness. A casual shrug was given, trying to brush away anything he was experiencing. “And I don’t want to argue about it either. I’m not worried about being hurt; physical pain.. well, it isn’t an issue for me.” His voice trailed off for a heartbeat. “I will just be the distraction or something while you grab the flag. Then we can finally be done.”

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Team 2 Bea Laseen Joro Kal'nath Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Always Watching: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

That they'd even found a stream was enough to send a dizzying ripple of colors across Zaiya's exposed skin—cool blues of relief, streaked with bright gold excitement. Then again, her emphatic "Oh, thank the stars!" and the way she bolted forward to dunk her arms and face into the water were probably just as telling.

The stench still clung to her, but at least the worst of the guano was gone. Small victories.

Scrubbing the last of the grime from her hands, she glanced over just in time to catch Lysander chuckling at his reflection. He was a mess -- dirt streaked, glitter still clinging stubbornly to his hair -- but the real mess, she suspected, wasn't just skin deep. As he dragged wet fingers through his hair, the colors along Zaiya's arms pulsed in slow, shifting waves, a quiet reflection of the thoughts circling in her mind. Deep blues, soft ambers. Concern. Understanding. Zaiya's brows drew together slightly, but she didn't interrupt.

Lysander spoke like pain was something to shrug off, a nuisance at worst, a nonissue at best. Like it didn't matter. But Zaiya had seen enough, heard enough in the careful way he dodged certain topics, to know better.

She wanted to ask and talk more to him about it but... seemed like he didn't want to broach the subject. Besides... not the time.

After a second, Zaiya wiped the last bit of grime from her cheek, the colors along her arms shifting to a contemplative amber as she considered Lysander's words.

"Yeah… that all tracks," she admitted, rolling her shoulders. "Follow the river, dodge the traps, grab the flag. Simple enough."

Her lips quirked at his next comment. "And you definitely make for a great distraction." Her eyes flicked over him, from the lingering glitter to the way he carried himself, interacted with others, really he certainly was impossible to ignore. "I mean, you kinda demand attention just by existing."

But then she glanced down at herself, at the unfortunate reality of her current state: three-quarters covered in drying guano. Her nose scrunched, but then -- wait.

Her glowing markings flickered, pausing midshift.

she murmured, tilting her head in thought, glancing down at the mud in the stream. At least it wasn't guano. She grabbed a handful of it.

"maybe I can use this to my advantage." She rubbed at her fingertips together, smearing a bit more of the grime for effect. "If you're the distraction, I can try and sneak in. No one's gonna be looking twice at the disgusting, probably smelly background extra while they're busy with you."

Her grin turned mischievous as she nudged him with her elbow. "You be the firework, I'll be the shadow. We'll make this work."


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


Zaiya's words on being a distraction were met with a nonchalant shrug, as if Lysander had already accepted that reality long ago; his hands cradled the water in front of him, bringing it to his face with grace, and feeling the coolness wash over his skin. It made him feel fully present as it washed away the glitter and grime. The gesture was repeated several times.

His eyes narrowed at the jab from the girl’s elbow. A flicker of irritation betrayed the Padawan’s calm demeanor; a silent question lingered in his gaze as he stared at her. Naturally, he entertained the thought of a retort, but instead shook his head dismissively and straightened himself during a rare moment of self control. While her enthusiasm was obviously palpable, he couldn't quite conjure up the same excitement. Still, the idea itself was not without merit, as he could see some potential in it.

“Just try not to get stuck in the mud or anything,” he said, his tone laced with sarcasm. Lysander sighed inwardly. “And you better not get any of it on me,” he added, tempted to roll his eyes.

Though his annoyance threatened to bubble over, he contemplated the idea, which was easy when the only alternative was more conflict; thus, he surrendered to her request, eager to end this pointless trial and move onto more fruitful training, those that offered both logical and linear progression, which would lead to more practical results.

Attempting to focus, he followed the stream, searching for the river it would lead to. He then glanced back at Zaiya. “We should get moving soon,” he said, his tone calm but firm. Hopefully she was smart enough to pick up on his urgency.

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania

Zaiya glanced over at Lysander, his sarcastic comment about the mud making her grin despite the tense situation. She was now getting used to the smell of poodoo and mud on her and with her plan, at least it was keeping her glowing and colorshifting hidden and at bay. Grounding her mind on that, the Lovalla focused as the Force hummed softly around her, guiding her focus.

She watched Lysander for a moment, his calmness contrasting sharply with her own nervous energy. He outwardly seemed so composed but she could barely sense some more undercurrents of his emotions again. No no.. don't focus on that. We are finally at a temporary truce.

"Don't worry, I'll be in and out before you even know it," she whispered, trying to mask her excitement. Her hands tightened around the mud, pulling it up to cover her skin more thoroughly as she focused on suppressing her glow with the Force. The less she stood out, the better.

"Just remember you have to be with me when we return the flag or it won't count. " she reminded him, finishing up her prep before adding, "Okay, I'm ready."

It would take all of her concentration and the steady distraction Lysander promised, but Zaiya was ready. With a final glance at her teammate, she took a deep breath and moved toward the edge of the river, her senses stretched out to make sure she stayed hidden in the shadows of the vegetation and shrubbry. This was her moment to prove herself.

Her heart raced as the moment of truth approached. Now... the question was... where was Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus ?


Having cut the live feed some time ago, Lossa was deathly silent in her spot hidden inside the curling branches of the tree. What she hadn't expected after cutting her feed was to be made to wait for what felt like eons for the first signs of the padawans arrival. Nearly asleep in the deep stupor of extending her senses while quieting her physical self to focus on their approaching presence.

Whispers of the one she knew better teased at the farthest reaches of her awareness. A smile at the effort Zaiya put into diminishing her presence as Lysander made himself a blaring light against the search in the figurative dark.

At least they were trying to work together now.

The clearing that would greet them was just as it seemed. A spread of flat grassy ground with a Flag on a meter long pole squarely planted near perfectly center. Highlighted further by the smear of purple-pink glitter that shimmered with each slight breeze.

The lazy pace of her thoughts now focused solely on the fact that Lysander seemed to be the only one approaching.

A quizitive glance towards the cave giving her nothing for an answer as she sighed. They had to both be present to gain merit for the victory of taking the flag. Had she been injured or worn out from the cave? Her diminished presence might have been the result of one too many Stun droids. Then again, it might have been Lysander using her as a shield against the droids if the attitude from earlierhad truly soured the tense cooperation they'd had prior.

A deep frown settling behind the helmet she wore until he drew close enough to the clearing she could no longer ignore his advance.

"You didn't wear each other out before getting here?" Sliding down from her hidden spot to stand by the base of the tree outside the clearing circle as she continued. "Wonder how much energy you have left though."

Stretching her arms as she walked towards the flag and placing herself directly in his the path towards the prized flag.


Team 1: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Team 2: Bea Laseen Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Others: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

"Or it won't count!" The phrase echoed repeatedly in his mind, tormenting him.

Lysander's jaw tightened as he glanced at Zaiya; the muscles in his shoulders tensed. Her cheerful reminder about returning the flag grated his nerves. The thought of being stuck with her for one more minute felt unbearable. The Padawan rolled his eyes. “Then I guess it won’t count,” he said coolly. “I mean, I know I'm great company and all, but seriously.. give me some space already."

She was right, of course, but it also felt like the Lovalla took delight in pointing out the obvious.

He watched as she got closer to the river, blending in more with the surroundings: was she a true master of stealth, or already lost in her own world?

The boy moved along the edge of the clearing. His focus remained sharp, waiting. Before long, Lossa materialized before him.

As she stepped into view, Lysander narrowed his eyes, recalling the words she had hurled at him regarding his sister the other morning at the enclave. With a precise shift, he began to veer off to the right, strategically positioning himself to draw her away from the flag. Each step was calculated, his intent to create a bigger opening for Zaiya to make a move. A single hand instinctively reached for the hilt of his lightsaber; training sabers wouldn't be enough in this situation; it demanded more than soft blows. And the moment he ignited the blade, a familiar hum cut through the air.

"I've got more than enough to teach you a lesson."

The challenge hung in the air.

He hoped that Zaiya was near, for he yearned for her to hear his words. He was finally prepared to answer the first question posed by the Zeltron. “My teammate is probably having a deep philosophical discussion with a shrub right now.. Though, it wouldn’t change much if the girl was here.. I’ve seen banthas with more grace than her.”

Outfit: x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Team 1: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"You didn't wear each other out before getting here?"

Wear each other out? Well that's still a possibility, Zaiya mused, doing her best to try and keep her presence dimmed and her emotions masked. This was a great opportunity to try and focus on that training Iris had been teaching her.

Actually, this entire emotional holotrain had been ample opportunity to work on keeping her emotions in check despite what was tossed at her. She hadn't done so well so far... but... this is why they have training right?

"My teammate is probably having a deep philosophical discussion with a shrub right now.. Though, it wouldn't change much if the girl was here.. I've seen banthas with more grace than her."

Zaiya's bioluminescent spots pulsed in a flickering dance of amusement and mild indignation as she crouched lower in the tall grass.

Oh, ha ha. Real funny, Lysander, she thought, rolling her eyes. The urge to pop up and chuck a stun pearl at his head was very tempting.

But no. She had a mission.

And she was going to see it through.

Still, she couldn't shake the nerves coiling in her stomach. Lossa was good. Zaiya had seen firsthand what the Zeltron could do -- how she'd fought that Sith ghost, how a younger version of herself had literally stepped out of her to attack. It wasn't fear that made Zaiya hesitate. It was the worry of messing up, of letting Lossa down. Letting Iris down.

The plan was simple: while Lysander kept Lossa busy, she'd sneak in and grab the flag. But would that work?

No. No thinking like that. They could do this. If they worked together, they would do this.

So, like a Bhlair predator stalking through the underbrush, Zaiya kept low, hidden behind the swaying grass. Lysander marched straight toward Lossa, bold as ever. The glitter floating in the air only made his approach more ridiculous, catching in his hair and clinging to his clothes.

Hmm. Glitter.

Zaiya's fingers brushed over the pouches at her belt, cataloging what she had. Stun pearls. EMP pearls. One glop grenade… and Kskyy vine seeds.
Her breath caught. Wait.

Could she grow these like Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania had taught her? While Lysander fought, she could weave the vines into the ground, let them slither toward the flag, maybe even tangle Lossa up. Or… maybe she could get them to pluck the flag and bring it to her.

That would be cool.

Her fingers curled around the seeds, her mind stretching into the Force, feeling the tiny sparks of life inside them. All it would take was a nudge, a coaxing hand to guide them.

No, not maybe. Focus.

She exhaled, steadying herself. The Force thrummed at the back of her mind, warm and encouraging, like a steadying hand on her shoulder. Lysander was doing his job -- loud, flashy, impossible to ignore. Lossa was locked on him.


Zaiya reached out, her fingers barely twitching as the seeds stirred beneath the soil. With a gentle coaxing, she encouraged the seeds to grow and help her, requesting their assistance. The tiny flares of life within the seeds stirred at her request, sprouting and slowly taking root.

Come on Lysander... I need more time.

Be the obnoxious blondie I know you can be!


The Saber he ignited was not a training Saber. The blade a dangerous one as she felt a little appreciation for his choice. But his words did not garner the same feeling. Her head titled sideways as humor fluttered across her feelings.

"Teach me a lesson? Alright. Gimme your best then." The Saber clipped to her side disappeared before reappearing in her extended hand.

The blade igniting a soft lilac color. The only concession to keeping them both safe as her helmet linked with the biometric sensor on her thigh holster.

"As battlemaster, it's my job to make sure you are all prepared for the worst as best I can. That being said-" A hidden twitch of her jaw behind the helmet had the Huckleberry holster system engaged. "That doesn't mean it'll be an easy lesson."

A scant second passing as the Blaster on her thigh took aim for center mass and fired a single bolt at him. The stun bolt barely leaving the short barrel as her free hand extended and fingers spread wide to use the Force to try and pull him towards her.

Shortening the distance and reaction time of his defense.


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