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A United Jedi Order

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Jack Sparrow said:
I've proposed a bill in the Republic Senate to appoint an official Jedi Consul and Attache' to the Republic. To quote myself:

I did this because I think it's in the best interests of the Republic, regardless how I personally may feel about them. I've currently got 4 "Aye" votes, no "Nays," and no one arguing against it. [member="Dune Rhur"], gather some like-minded Jedi and present yourselves as the Republic Jedi Counsil. Let's get ourselves on a path to understanding and mutual benefit.

I'm tired of talking. Let's have some action.
I've already posted on the TJO to make contact once our interm GM gets elected. Either [member="Ryan Korr"] or [member="Shmi Labooda"] will get elected. Maybe [member="Mantic Dorn"] can be involved? He's ic big on the Republic. Dune would be very down, Captain Sparrow!
[member="Dune Rhur"]

Similar to an idea I was looking to discuss with [member="Mantic Dorn"] if I were to be elected. TJO is in fact a minor faction sided with the Republic don't see why this couldn't be something we bring forth. Its a step after all :) action is all we need.
[member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Dune Rhur"]

Mantic is indeed a loyal servant of the republic. But is so because the jedi order so far has stated that they do have a special bond with the GR.

In discussions as FOs I and Corvus agreed on the following perspectives on this bond described in the GR here:
and the JO here:

So, from where I am sitting the jedi already have a paved road into the GR but the GR does not answer to the jedi, nor is the jedi order 100% controlled by the GR.

Actually, come to think of it, right when the JO formed a faction on their own I asked [member="Corvus Raaf"] to form a special "arm" of the order to operate for the GR. Corvus felt it would put distance between the GR snd the bulk if the jedi order and that she as grand master should be the closest jedi to the GR leadership to ensure the jedi affiliation with the GR.

I came around and agreed with her.
She wanted the Grand Master and the head of state in the GR to be close fore most which made sense to me.

Naturally, this may change with new times and a new grand master.
We live in exciting times for sure... ;)
As a writer I've always felt that it would be amazing if the Jedi could accept that differences are OK and anticipated. No one ever reached a consensus without discussion, but I feel most people have this idea that the Jedi should live and work together in absolute perfect harmony. When that doesn't happen, you get the splinter factions of Jedi that dilute the pool because rather than accept discussion, they'd rather just 'avoid the drama' and go elsewhere.

So while I believe the attache is a step in the right direction, you've still got the problem of the Jedi Diaspora, and I don't see that changing anytime soon because of an attache.
I am pro High Council of Grandmasters, but I'm dubious much would get done.

That said, the Jedi Academy faction already spans all Jedi factions and is what some people regard to be the "True Jedi Order"
Braith Achlys said:
Then there will never be a shortage of people like me.
A 5'7" 330lb woman? You should probably consult a medical doctor for supervised weightloss. You are considered morbidly obese which might result in your death.

Seriously, did your character experience loss? Then go off the deep end? That's your character's failing, not the NJO philosophy. Luke lost Mara Jade but was able to overcome the loss of the love of his life with help from his friends. Not everybody is Anakin. Besides, under NJO rules, I doubt he'd have gone Sith. He could've openly asked for help for Padme and not hidden their relationship.
This again? Really?

Been tried. Like... Often... The last time they at least had good snacks. You've not even mentioned snacks once. Or beverages!

Snark aside? It won't work because when it comes down to it, people want to be their own thing, and that isn't always going to be covered by one grand united order. A High Council of Grandmasters sounds nice, but it won't do jack, because in order to get everyone participating, it would be so heavily neutered it wouldn't be able to do anything but call meetings and look down its' collective noses rather sternly at people. If you give them the teeth and power to do more, there will just be more schisms or another diaspora, until said Councils member organizations are utterly ineffectual.

And a singular order? Not gonna happen. Be nice, but it simply won't. And I wish people would stop harping about it. Fact of the matter is, people don't seem to want to write that way. This is not good, this is not bad, it just is. It's pretty evident by the beaten horse corpses along the road of failed Jedi Coalitions/United Orders that this idea will not work. And the compromise will be so ineffectual as to be laughable.

The question no one can answer to the point of compelling action? Why do we need it? There isn't a need. The Sith aren't going to conquer the Galaxy, and the reasons why they have beaten the GR/TJO can be squarely laid as much or more so at the feet of OOC and IC leadership performing poorly as it can be the disapora. I lean towards the more so category myself. So, again, what problem would a united order solve? Nothing, in my eyes.
Julius Sedaire said:
The Sith aren't going to conquer the Galaxy
Not permanently, no.

Any Sith group that takes over the galaxy eventually gets cast down, it's a common theme in Star Wars.

Palpatine ruled the galaxy for twenty-three years before his hold on the galaxy was shattered.

And Darth Krayt ruled the galaxy for only eight years before his downfall.

It's not the end of the world. :p
Dune Rhur said:
A 5'7" 330lb woman? You should probably consult a medical doctor for supervised weightloss. You are considered morbidly obese which might result in your death.

Seriously, did your character experience loss? Then go off the deep end? That's your character's failing, not the NJO philosophy. Luke lost Mara Jade but was able to overcome the loss of the love of his life with help from his friends. Not everybody is Anakin. Besides, under NJO rules, I doubt he'd have gone Sith. He could've openly asked for help for Padme and not hidden their relationship.
Braith is an Alunrovaan. It's a species with higher density muscles, tendons, and so on. If I weighed less, I'd be severely underweight for my species.

I am aware of what is normal/average, in real life I'm around 53 kg and about the same height. A bit underweight, but I'm aware of the drastic difference.

As for the loss thing, Braith was Corvus's girlfriend. I would hazard to say significant other, but development only got so far as to being an item. Luke did go to the dark side in Mara's case, by the way - he decapitated Lumiya without provocation when he immediately assumed she was the one who killed Mara Jade.
Braith is an Alunrovaan. It's a species with higher density muscles, tendons, and so on. If I weighed less, I'd be severely underweight for my species.

I am aware of what is normal/average, in real life I'm around 53 kg and about the same height. A bit underweight, but I'm aware of the drastic difference.

As for the loss thing, Braith was Corvus's girlfriend. I would hazard to say significant other, but development only got so far as to being an item. Luke did go to the dark side in Mara's case, by the way - he decapitated Lumiya without provocation when he immediately assumed she was the one who killed Mara Jade.[B

I was attempting a joke but figured the weight was related to technology implants. Species-related, same difference.

That wouldn't have been Luke's first lashing out in anger. There's a history of it. Lumaiya, eh, she had it coming seeing how she was involving innocent civvies. Cool character though but pretty evil.

Not Braith related part: Its a very loud minority who apparently is against the idea. Think about it IC, why would the Jedi allow the schism to go on and on in the face of a huge threat IC? Yes, some Sith campaigns have been beaten back, but they control the heart of the SW galaxy. Why would any Jedi be complacent about that? Even if OOC it doesn't matter, it would IC to any Light Sided individual.


Disney's Princess
Dune Rhur said:
Its a very loud minority who apparently is against the idea.
Ignore them.

If you look at the 2nd Convocation Thread you'll notice that the last person to speak at the table was Corvus. Nobody else replied after that. And Corvus is gone now, replaced by Ryan Korr. Look, here's the round table by character names:

Chevu Visz | Jacen Voidstalker | Thurion Heavenshield | Ilias Nytrau | Teynara Jeralyr | Kei Amadis | James Justice | Chiara Viren | Varus Shatterstar | Kitani Corandel | Taeli Raaf | Shmi Labooda | Corvus Raaf | Rayliav'enci | Cyril Grayson

[member="Dune Rhur"] you wanted allies to help you build a United Jedi Order? Welp. There they are. Sitting at a table IC, ready to discuss the issue. And look at all the other Jedi who showed too. Tons of independents are mingling in that thread. These are your kinda people Dune. Go get them. Asking them to try again is just a PM away. :p
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

You have Jedi characters, why is this all on me? Frankly, you seem to be egging me on like you expect failure. Maybe you just need a Katy Perry concert ;).

I'm asking my own group to reach out and mend fences IC. I'm doing what I can short of holding a lightsaber at people's throats. IC, Dune is a Knight without much reputation as yet. Why would three disparate Grandmasters listen to him on his own? He isn't the Hero of Tython or some other major plot-armour character.
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