Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A United Jedi Order

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I have read this thread with great interest and can only echo so many great suggestions and thoughts. And share some of the misgivings that we can and will overcome if we want this to happen.

For me the key is this...if a unified Jedi Order is the answer, what was the question?

I say that, as unless we broadly agree why we would do it, we'll all see it as serving a different purpose. So consensus will be a real challenge.

Finally, to re-enforce two things that have been said a few times during this thread, this is something that affects every Jedi. And will work if we are united. The moment people don't get what they want 100% and splinter off, it won't work. I suspect nobody will get what they want 100%, so we need to work together to come up with something that we can all sign-up to - differences and all.

And the second point? We are all Jedi. No one voice is more important or vital than any other. Some might be louder but none should carry more weight.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Coren Starchaser said:
The Dark Side is the question.
If it was that simple we would not be having this discussion.
There are ooc reasons behind why the jedi are splintered. From where I am sitting not enough jedi support the GR. Another thinks that the most important thing a jedi can do is save neutral planets. Or the Silvers.

No, fighting the dark side has proven not to unite us, apart from a few ally slots in an invasion from time to time. It has made us look at each with frustrated ooc eyes asking why "they" wont do anything to help "us."

But the question could be a Role Play forum maybe? For Jedi to meet and greet and discuss the weather or aspects of the force, maybe.

Boo Chiyo said:
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
The Dark Side has cookies.
When the light side gets brownies... Let's talk. Until then, it's chocolate chip and Dark Rage.
You know I already got those... comsie comsie.... ;)
[member="Boo Chiyo"]


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
That looks... Perfect. I'm going to show up with a couple of faces and let some other threads go by the wayside. Priorities.

Just off the top of my head, I'll probably put Ember in Witchtown and Jorus...hmm. Maybe...

Oh, I know. Yeah, this is gonna be fun.
Old thread necro time!

Let's unite. I don't understand why we aren't together. It seems like Jedi are letting politics divide us something that most eras of canon Jedi would do. That's why Revan, Kyp Duron and such stand out so much. It's the Republic vs. Alliance that's the issue. Let's solve it and unite.


Disney's Princess
Dune Rhur said:
I don't understand why we aren't together.
Because the Jedi of the galaxy never been able to agree on:
  • War
  • Peace
  • Any type of organizational structure
  • Any type of political juristidiction
  • Salary
  • A Uniform Code of Disciplinary Action
  • How to kill, capture, maim, try, redeem, evict, identify, define, ethically imprison, or even transport a Sith.

Mmm. So yeah. Let's just start there. Figure those out for all of us and we're golden. :p
Because the Jedi of the galaxy never been able to agree on:
  • War
  • Peace
  • Any type of organizational structure
  • Any type of political juristidiction
  • Salary
  • A Uniform Code of Disciplinary Action
  • How to kill, capture, maim, try, redeem, evict, identify, define, ethically imprison, or even transport a Sith.
Mmm. So yeah. Let's just start there. Figure those out for all of us and we're golden. :p[/happen.

Easy. We defend the weak, we bring justice. We keep the peace and work towards pushing the Sith out. Structure? High Council. Why is that so hard...its in every canon iteration. Political jurisdiction? Why are Jedi dictated to entirely by politicos? See: Clone wars for how well that worked. Salary? Start at 30,000 credits per annum plus a cut of merchandise. Discipline? The Council metes out punishment. Why do Jedi hete think they're special and are beholden to no authority? Sith are tricky, granted.

Well *shrug* The Sith are simply gonna continue to steamroll us until we unite. If you're all OK with them dictating ic to the Jedi when and where things happen

I should add, just my opinion, a Jedi isn't just a Light Sideish Force user. They're beholden to an authority which acts as a conscience trying to follow the Force and the greater good. You don't have to always agree but honestly, suck it up. Again, taking your ball home because the rules don't entirely agree with you isn't really in keeping with source materials. If a Jedi didn't like it, they left and weren't Jedi.


Disney's Princess
Dune Rhur said:
If people would be willing to go along with it
The trick is the status quo Dune. People like where they are. TJO, NJO, SSC, etc. These are homes for people. Shelters that cater to their needs, wants, and personal interpretations of how to be a Jedi. It works. And what's the old saying? If it ain't broke. Don't fix it. That's nice. That's real. Because there is nothing wrong. We're good man. We got this.

You cite the Sith as being a reason to unite. Why? Jedi kick Sith butt all the time. Jedi kick Sith butt outnumbered 10 to 1. Jedi kick Sith butt while engaging Special Forces, technobeasts, unique alchemical gizmos, Dreadnaught Fleets, and an endless barrage of Anti-Force artifacts. Nah. In the history of the SW genre never has there been this many Jedi kicking this much Sith butt. Heck, we even went into the Netherworld and killed a Dark God. (Akala - Netherworld Event - Final shot taken by an NFU Sniper) ...So, nah man. Chewing up Sith has never been easier. We've already wiped them off the map once. IC. Sith are chumps.

Now. I could give you a 1000 more reasons why what you think you want, isn't, what you really want. But I'm not here to dissuade you. Because that's not going to solve your desire or your anxiety. Nope. Instead you need to chase that dream and you need to chase it hard. You've picked this fight, so you better stand up and go get it. No backing out now. Full speed ahead.

No snark. Just nike.

Dune. Just do it.
I've proposed a bill in the Republic Senate to appoint an official Jedi Consul and Attache' to the Republic. To quote myself:

for the purpose of providing insight and guidance into Republic events and affairs. Such an attache' would have no voting privileges within the Senate, but would be used alongside our military and civilian advisers to fathom the depths of the problems we continue to face, especially from Force users of factions bent on the destruction of the Republic.
I did this because I think it's in the best interests of the Republic, regardless how I personally may feel about them. I've currently got 4 "Aye" votes, no "Nays," and no one arguing against it. [member="Dune Rhur"], gather some like-minded Jedi and present yourselves as the Republic Jedi Counsil. Let's get ourselves on a path to understanding and mutual benefit.

I'm tired of talking. Let's have some action.
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