Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A United Jedi Order

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The question now is how we smoothly transition. I'd be fine swaying to the new order that Corvus has created and I suppose I wouldn't mind posting up at the J.A., but that's something we all need to be in agreement on.

As I've previously suggested, we need a meeting of the Jedi forerunners both in character and out.



Disney's Princess
Varus Shatterstar said:
Step 1. Define the High Council's duties. (OOC) We can do that here or on Skype. Have a secretary of the discussion (Cyril plz) get it on paper.
Step 2. Invite the High Council members to a meeting hosted by Ilias on the JAN sub-forums. (IC) Say welcome, say thank you, discuss topics of HC interests, and generally be enjoyable company.
Step 3. The HC shows up whenever they want in the JAN sub-forums to do business. (IC) Enjoy a new golden age.
Jay Scott Clark said:
This works great until the first compromise is made. Then the memberships slips into groups of opinion which eventually win, exile, or go their own way. AKA. Lol-Nope.

Think about it. War, Tactics, Forms, Traditions, Captures, Prisoners, Students, Vengeance, Courts, Forgiveness, NFU Rangers, Jurisdictions, Security Details, Exiles, Grays, Darksides, Redemption, Political activism, Grandmasters, Hierarchy, Organization, Ranks, Armory, Ship Composition, Armor, Tech, Alchemy, and Sub-group composition.

You are literally asking the impossible.
Yet somehow a group as maniacal, egotistical, and one-minded as the sith pulled it off. I think if everyone that was a Jedi just took a chill pill and didn't get worked up over the small difference in opinion it could work. Although, that's what makes Jedi, well, Jedi. Endless Council debates on 'morals' and what's right and what's wrong and every little difference gets snuffed out by the higher ups. In the real star wars universe a single guy can't leave the Jedi Order and make his own out of nowhere to contest it, so it works. In here, we can do that, so unless people can just not sweat the small stuff it can work. Sith don't sweat the small stuff. Sith don't give a kark, that's why they're unified and that's why they're winning.

If all the Jedi could put aside their petty and minute differences of opinion and morals they could come together and do something. I don't know why this is such a stressed debate, it really shouldn't be too hard. This is just my opinion so take with a grain of sand, but I see too many Jedi and Light-side force users take their characters way too seriously and they cause more conflict and inner-struggle than the sith. Which, quite frankly, makes me chuckle. Everyone's so caught up in showing off their character as being the paragon of all Jedi and have their characters be so serious all the time it's actually quite unrealistic. The council had meetings, talked about stuff, came to a decision, and the others dealt with it. Even Jedi knew how to just chill every once in awhile. If every Jedi who didn't get their way quit the order because the council made one decision that didn't exactly fit their own paragon morals there'd be no council to begin with. Take a page from Yoda's book and just chill and meditate, realize that as long as you don't have hate your all not that different, and come together to be as one big happy jedi family.

In my Humble NFU and casual star wars fan opinion, you guys are waaaaaay overthinking this. But, that's just my two cents on the matter.
Jay Scott Clark said:
[member="Kyber Salurra"] - Thanks for the quote. Hope you read the rest of the thread. Cheers! :)
Y'know I hadn't, but after such a quick response I had no choice but to go back and read all of it.

First off, apologies for the hasty quote, I should've delved further and that's my fault for jumping on your first post and not getting the whole picture. To change-up my lil' monologue a bit from this newfound perspective, I have to say from an outsiders point-of-view looking in on this I don't think the problem is the Jedi so much as just general ideological mentality. I guess the reason the sith work so well is because they're sith- they don't care about morals, only power, so they can stick together and not have to worry about most anything except who looks the strongest. In a group like the Jedi or any other idealistic group there will always be schisms based on people's own interpretations of said ideologies from their own character's perspective. This isn't so much an IC problem from what I've now read, more of an OOC one. Not to say you can't all get along, it's just that to have a multitude of various groups under one leadership is no small undertaking. Take the christian faith for example. They all follow the same general guidelines and ideologies, but they argued and interpreted it so many different ways that there are easily hundreds upon hundreds of different faiths that all branched off of that one starting guideline.

Is this undertaking impossible? No, of course not, you all are friendly and nowhere near a large enough group that this becomes too hectic. With proper diligence and representation of all viewpoints this is extremely doable, you all just need to stay on top of it and make sure everyone gets a fair voice. Those certain participating groups also can't quit after a few decisions don't go their way either, but that's an entirely different matter.

|| [member="Jay Scott Clark"] ||


Disney's Princess
[member="Kyber Salurra"]

1. You're golden. Don't sweat it.
2. As writers go, I've known some of these guys and gals for years. So It's a long topic. Well worth more than 7 pages. Still, sorry for the long read.
3. Thanks for your support. We all look forward to making the future a much better place for writers everywhere. Cheers! :D
Couple of notes of disgruntlement:
  • The terms 'prominent members' and 'Jedi forerunners both in character and out" need to be discarded, or all this will wind up being is a massive circle-jerk of egos. Either in fact or in perception, take your pick based on your opinion. The terminology being bandied about reeks of egotism, elitism, cliques or whatever buzzword you want to use.
  • This needs to remain on the forums for everyone to be able to see, contribute, and be a part of, since in scope it will effect everyone. Having it planned in some Skype group chat open only to a few brings back elements of point 1.
  • This needs to be kept democratic. I like the idea of, ICly at least, NPC leaders holding spots in some fashion. Or OOC position not dictating IC position... Or both... Those two keep egos smaller I find.
That's really all i'm going to invest in saying, as at it's current, it would appear we're to all wait until things have been decided and then maybe add our voices and opinions in after, lol.
[member="Julius Sedaire"] - Love ya man.

The term prominent member was used to describe experienced Jedi ICly. Someone's popularity does not guarantee them anything, and there will be newer people on the council/doing important duties.

The majority of the discussions will be on the forums. Skype talks will consist of faction leaders discussing the logistics and their personal grievances. As [member="Jay Scott Clark"] stated whatever is said will be recorded for all to see. Still, these talks might not even happen, they were a suggestion.

IC voting will likely be implemented if the majority agrees upon it.

Involvement in building this organization will not reward you with anything other than a happy community and a job well done. IC positions are just that, IC positions, and I believe they should be given via roleplay.

As for everything else, I am very much looking forward to the first IC thread revolving around this.
[member="Cyril Grayson"] - Yeah.... No offense, I like most of the people involved in this, and you're talking excellent game, but I will honestly believe it when I see it actually happen. Words are wind.
I've wanted this kind of thing for a long time. I was here before the Jedi Order split off into the Silvers and the other splinters. And all I've wanted since is a united front again.

If you think this can be pulled off, count me in. I need a reason to be as dedicated, loyal and hard-working toward the Jedi as I used to be. I want to be that way again. Just give me something to fight for.
Braith Achlys said:
Screw OOC, go with an IC thread and let IC define your OOC decisions.

^ I like this. :)

I don't skype and I have reasons for it. So not sure how those like myself can contribute to any talks around this topic. I do think these discussion should be kept on the boards not in the back rooms.

Maybe set up something in JAN?


Disney's Princess
Braith Achlys said:
Screw OOC, go with an IC thread and let IC define your OOC decisions.
Cyril is building a plan which will hopefully allow all the Jedi Orders to unite together, (or at least coalition better,). He has mentioned that he wants to unveil this plan IC in the JAN with invitations given to the leaders of all the Jedi Orders. At this meeting his plan will be unveiled and every Order will decide whether to play ball or sit this one out.

Until that IC conclusion is met? We are all helping Cyril out OOC here in this thread and OOC over in the JAN. By giving him our concerns, our ideas, our support, and maybe even a few solutions. :)
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Already done.

In the link above, I've taken the liberty of summarising the key points of this discussion, as well as one major sticking point encountered over this whole 'unification' process since it really started to be pushed, sometime last year.

Click the link to go to a further discussion of these key points, in the J.A.N. forums. This discussion is open to all lightsiders, so if I see any Sith alts posting, I'm going to be Mr. Not-Nice Owl.

Really, folks, just be sensible and post with a lightside alt, okay? That's all I ask!
[member="Ilias Nytrau"] - Thanks for summarizing that bud.

All of our key points are in that thread. We'll see where that goes, and get something IC going for everyone. Sound good?
Ilias Nytrau said:
[member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"]


2) It's already ground that's unbiased. No one group is favoured over the other. While I and countless others applaud the move [member="Corvus Raaf"] has made in defining some separation between the Republic and the Jedi group that used to exclusively belong to it, there is still Republic bias in the forums she's set up, and there's still OOC grief and sourness across the board when it comes to the former Republic-exclusive Jedi Order. There's still more work to be done. No offense intended, guys, but them's the facts.


Then I should probably stay away from this. IC - for Mantic the GR is the one power making sense for jedi to support, hence I will bring Republic Bias with me.
Good luck folks!

[member="Cyril Grayson"]
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