Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Whisper and a Clamor [Rebels vs. Ravens on Makeb]

Location: Near the resort
Objective: Enter the resort zone undetected, scout the Ravens' defenses
Allies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="Solan Charr"]
Enemies: [member="Deborah Waller"], [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Taking the communicator offered, Juwiela turned it over in her hands before tucking it safely away. If all went well they wouldn't have cause to use it or any of the air defenses that had been brought in as a precautionary measure, but nothing ever went according to plan, doubly so with adversaries such as these. The Rebels were just as unpredictable, something the Ravens would have to learn the hard way, or not at all. Their forces might have been small, but they were still something to reckon with. One way or another, red feathers would fly.

There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary, really. At least, not until she picked up on something with her ethereal senses. Looking up at the sky reminiscent of the way one with physical sight would, a faint smile was visible on her lips. So they did have a squadron of pilots on standby. After a moment she returned to looking ahead, reaching one hand inside the hooded jacket she wore, fingertips brushing across the communicator as she mused thoughtfully. If it did come to an air engagement, they would be outmaneuvered by the starfighters it seemed the Ravens had procured. That was just one more odd stacked against them, the way they liked it.

"Well, they have ships now. They're going to be faster, since we just have the bombers. If the other Rogues were here, I'd say we should engage them right away and get rid of any immediate defense. We don't have the maneuverability." She was thinking out loud, all the while remembering that she'd deigned to fly her own ship, the Blind Gambit, to Makeb. Unfortunately, one starfighter against a squadron weren't odds she appreciated, unless there was something about it all she was missing.

In truth, she wanted nothing more than to get up in the air and test the mettle of the Ravens' pilots. But she wouldn't do so at the cost of unnecessary lives on the part of the Alliance. Dogfights were one thing, but sheer stupidity was another. And in her position, she couldn't afford the latter.
Location: Talaos City
Objective 1: Start a Riot
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] Rebels
Enemies: [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] Ravens
Gear: clips
X2 SI blaster pistols for the tranqs

As the city began to errupt into chaos, Thane leaned against a wall, drinking from a silver flask. Buildings began to collapse, citizens began exploding, and Thane was getting sloshed. As people ran this way and that, Thane would interject as passersby cried for help...

"So much...'hiccup'... fo Red Waven protection. Big hewlp the Ravens are now that people are...'hiccup'...essplodin... Wheeew!!!"

As Raven Enforcers ran around, attempting to contain the crowd, Thane kicked rubble and limbs at them. His twin blasters on his hips lay in their homes under a trench coat. Thermals lined his belt and a bandoleer along with spare power cells. They wouldn't be seen as his jacket was buttoned slightly at the moment.

With one hand in his pocket and the other tending the flask, Thane continued his peanut gallery harassment of the Red Ravens As shots rang out among the crowd.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Location: Stronghold One
Objective: Protect Isotope-5 Cache
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"]
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Zenva and her droid stepped off the elevator. Safe from the boiling heat of the surface she stripped off the fire suit and checked her gear. Her BlasTech DL-22 Blaster Pistol was still safely secured to her right thigh, good. One, Orolanis Defense Systems Blaster Buster, fully loaded and still on her lower back, check. Her three Marr-Sonn C-14a Stun Grenades were safe in the container on her right hip. She could still feel the combat knife hidden in her boot and it's twin was still locked in it's sheath on her left hip. With a heavy sigh she checked the ties holding her dark brown corset in place. It was in fact her armor, or at least what she considered armor. The corset had been fashion from a suit of Zabrak battle armor and could take a fair amount of abuse, heavy durasteel strike plates stitched between layers of leather and other protective combat weaves. She knew it was a poor substitute for true battle armor. It protected her torso and not much else. Should have spent that advance on real armor.

Shouldering her rifle once more Zenva began moving through the compound known as Stronghold One. "F-three start making barricades. Here. Here. Here, and here. This main hall will be our first kill box. Once those are done, seal off any side passages between this point and the entrance elevator. I want those rebel chit-heads to be forced this way. No other way for them to go. Do you understand?" The loyal droid saluted and barked it's standard affirmative, "Right away, lady Zenva." It rushed off to obey the Zabrak's commands without a moments hesitation.

"Alright than, let's see what we have to play with." With that she began forward again. Seeking out any defenders, organic and droid alike. She knew how to withstand an invasion but first she needed a full roster of soldiers and equipment she could deploy. Mentally she ticked off locations for fall back points and new kill zones. No good rat faced Chiss. You owe me, Bane!
Location One: Stronghold One
Objective: Defend Isotope-5 Cache
Allies: [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"]
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Dak smirked and looked back at her Twi'lek bodyguard. "How about I practice using the droid on you and make you my Schutta," she said. The Twi'lek appeared confused and possibly a little scared.
"Oh I'm just kidding! Don't look so serious." She patted the ominous looking droid on the head. "But that gives me an idea. C'mon let's go back up and see if our company is here."

Back in the control room, Dak typed out a command on her datapad and then listened to her commlink. She heard nothing of Rebel plans so she looked at the monitors to analyze what the situation was thus far. She could see that The Blue Rancor company had brought a team of military personnel who appeared to be setting up on the perimeter of Stronghold One, although it was difficult to tell from the camera vantage point. She had also just seen what looked to be a female pilot or captain with a droid enter the facility.

By this time the request she had put in had been granted. An administrative control droid came into the room and stood attentively by Dak. Like the video games she was so fond of playing she planned to manipulate the army of Battle Droids by the control droids help and do it in the safety of the cool, dark control room and not in the fire stew outside.


Puppet Kyrios

Location: Underground Bunker, Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: Stand Our Ground, Protect Our Leader, get Will different arrow tips
Allies: [member="Davik Tren"][member="Deborah Waller"][member="Cryax Bane"][member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Enemies: UNKNOWN

William turned around to look at the president of his lady's syndicate, a little offended. He started to say something, but Asteria gave him a look that made him stop. Asteria looked up at the young president.

"Will prefers his bow since he is more skilled with them, but I'll see if there are any alternative arrows he can use."

She quickly stood up an headed towards the armory, William right beside her, and after finding a few stronger arrow tips, she looked him in the eyes, concerned and anxiety still etched on her face.

"Do you want a nail in your head? You are lucky that I inturrupted you before you could say anything foolish. Cryax is our leader for now until we find Flague, and even then we will probably still be allies. You do not want to get on his bad side." She spoke quietly so that only someone with very sensitive ears or good hearing, like she and William, could hear.

William pretended to ignore her, and she ignored him back.

They walked back to the stronghold and proceeded to continue with what they had been doing before Cryax came.
Location: Stronghold one
Objective: Defend Isotope-5 cache and gather intel on Rebel plans
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"]
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Corruck Kazen"]

The Sith was an imposing figure in his crimson and dark azure battle armor, the highly polished plates reflected the flames of the mines making him appear to be made of molten metal. An alchemically treated cloak treated against heat and flame seemed to add to the aura of menace that surrounded him.

Aside from the lightsabers at his waist he did not appear to be otherwise armed, although anyone who has fought him in the past would not make that foolish assumption so quickly. The twin assassin droids, Romus and Remus, flanked their master, each waiting for but the command to release horrible weapons of death and destruction on their targets.

A virtual army of droids of various makes and models toiled inthe pits to gather the precious isotope that the mine yielded under the merciless eye of the Sith Lord. Production was at 90% efficiency when word reach of a possible attack on the facility. But Daxton was not worried, aside from the fact that he could throw waves after wave of droids on the attackers, the passages were rigged to trap or entomb anyone foolish enough to make the attempt. And if that wasn't enough there was a booby trap on the isotope horde, a cunning electrical trap designed to short out electronics and stun organics leaving them paralyzed and vulnerable for capture. Still he could feel the familiar rush of adrenaline as he wait for the enemy to make their move.
Location: Talaos City
Objective: Halt any riots, discover the identity of the Rebels and "deal" with them
Allies: [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] and other Red Raven allies
Enemies: [member="Thane Drexel"] and other dissidents

Taeli sighed as she got up from the small café she had been visiting while on Makeb, setting her tea down on the table and straightening her red and black dress. She had come to the planet Makeb to speak with some of the Sith's Red Raven allies to discuss a deal to acquire isotope-5 for use by her company, but it seemed she needed to get her hands dirty here. Several people had just run past the window, looking extremely angry and ready to destroy things and a general feeling of hostile emotions were filling the city.

'Lovely, I arrived on the planet just as a riot is about to break out in the major city . . . really, just really. I thought the Ravens had everything well under control here, guess I should lend a hand in dealing with whoever started this annoyance,' she thought to herself and exited onto the street.

A man ran up next to her, holding a blaster that he was aiming at one of the Red Raven enforcers that was trying to calm down this area. Taeli used a flick of the Force to snap the man's neck and she trode forward to the enforcer.

"You and your men are with me," she said.

"Says who?" the enforcer, a Weequay, grunted.

"As my authority as a Sith Knight," she snarled, her eyes flashing yellow for a moment and her Marks of Darkness appeared around her eyes.

"Apologies," the Weequay captain said, "We are at your service, but we best hurry. A major riot has broken out in the. . ."

He didn't finish as an explosion ripped apart a building in another part of the city, the rubble crumbling down from what they could hear. That was where to go apparently.

"Follow me," she said, striding forward and drawing her lightsaber from her satchel. Anyone that tried to make an attempt to stop her or the four enforcers following her, died immediately and people began to move out of the streets to avoid the Sith on a mission.
Location: Stronghold one outer court
Objective: Force entry into Stronghold One and steal Isotope-5
Allies: Currently none
Enemies: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"]

"Alright men, be ready for traps and a lot of fighting. We are likely to be outnumbered. Remember, use those ion blasters on droids." Corruck yelled out as the men prepared for battle, each one was armed with a Rebel Mauler, a ReCal ion blaster, and they all wore the special Bactarma. Their armor did not have much bacta in it, only enough for half capacity. Corrukc had pulled all the excess that he had collected of the stuff over the last few months just to fill twenty men's armor that much.

As the Recalcitrant moved into the courtyard, the ship's ion guns opened fire on just about anything that moved. This was followed by a round of blaster fire from the laser cannons that were fired at anything that was still moving. "Next time keep the fire down and properly aimed alright Nothy?" Corruck spoke into a comm on his wrist.

Nothy, a sixteen year old human girl who had a distinct attraction to mayhem, didn't respond for a moment. The silence told Corruck that she was either trying to find another target or pretending she didn't hear him. "Did you hear me Nothy?"

The answer came in the form of six ion blasts shot right at the entrance to the Stronghold. While it would do not physical damage, it would remove electronic security there. The ship landed and as the entrance ramp lowered Corruck and his men took defensive positions as they made quick looks around the courtyard to be sure that nothing had survived the onslaught.

Even as Corruck was having the men unload extra equipment, he heard a ship targeting system warning. The loud sound was difficult to miss, though it didn't cause fear. It simply meant that one of the guns onboard the ship was making a target while landed. This was not normally a safe maneuver, hence Corruck had the warning system installed, especially with Nothy trying to take shots while the ship was landed. He didn't know what she was aiming at but he assumed that it was nothing important.

His more immediate worry was having to now force entry into a shut down door that could no longer be sliced. They would have to cut through. The once advantage that they had was that the enemy could attack them while sealed inside.
Location: Talaos City, Top a High Tower...
Allies: [member="Darth Arcanix"]
Enemies: Rioters
Objective 1: Examine the Situation...

Looking at his Concussion rifle the Gen'dai admired its beauty and destructive nature. In the Distance an explosion could be seen from the height he was at, The Citizens bellow flinched and looked around in a panic, they chattered and scrambled around. They were like ants and yet In the midst of Chaos Kezeroth found a calm. Smoke rose into the air and turning around he leaped to a higher point of the tower. The Force assisted his Movement and his armor sheltered his landing top of the tower, Taking aim with his Concussion Rifle he looked down the scope and watched as riots ran rampant over taking Raven Enforcers. Scanning the area he dropped his attention to someone with Red Raven Enforces running to the Riots.... A Sith.. No he had seen this one before, She was named [member="Darth Arcanix"] or atleast thats the name he heard when he saw the same figure at the Domination he helped with.

Sith.... Taking aim he moved his head back and smirked under his face mask. " How easy it would be..." he muttered leaning back in and zooming in on his sith "ally". With a Chuckle he reached out to his Bracer to active his Comm system in his armor. Attempting to contact his Employer [member="Cryax Bane"].

" I expect that you know what is going on... Fill me in." he voiced the messaged and sent it. Waiting for a Response he stared at the Enforcers escorting [member="Darth Arcanix"]. Their bodies were selected by Kezeroths targeting System.

" This is Mr.Malice... What is the name of the person you are escorting to the Riot?" he asked now awaiting to responses. Beneth the Panic and chaos the Gen'dai could feel the Fear that ate at the hearts on those below, Feeling the rapid heart beats as he own... Feeding him a source of Strength.
Location: Stronghold one
Objective: Initial contact
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] @Alexandyr Gaillard
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Observing from hidden observation cameras, as the Rebels made their grand entrance, ion cannons ablazing mowing down labor droids and transport vehicles as well as the external security towers. Grunting softly when the blasts shorted out the cameras, Daxton switched on the other non obvious external senors, like ground based pressure plates designed to movement and relative weight, allowing him to see that the attackers were relatively small for the task at hand.

Rebels they called themselves. Rebelling against what? Truly they were without a cause and clearly, despite their enthusiasm, lacking a proper sense of tactics. Their biggest advantage was their ship but it was useless since the team would have to go underground to get to the cache. Furthermore, it was grounded and that meant it was a sitting duck for Daxton's next move,

Selecting the Raven's guard frequency on his shielded communications array, the Sith sent a message to Ravens flying combat air patrols as well as the Raven air command. "Black Mamba to all Red Raven flights in the area. We have a Prairie Hawk trying to raid the coop. Let's show these folk how we deal with vermin." That was a signal to all Ravens in the area that there was an enemy ship on the ground. And they were free to disable it anyway they pleased. Personally Daxton would prefer they use ion cannons and munition but sometimes accidents happen when the shooting begins.

The rebels would need to cut their way through the blast doors before they could find any decent cover, where Daxton had another surprise waiting for them. In the loading dock leading to the main tunnels, a dozen members of his security lay in wait, lead by his trusted Wookie commander, Chudakkerah. The team was complemented by two heavy repeating laser carbines capable of laying down a heavy field of fire should the main doors be breached.

From the loading dock to the main tunnel, they would have circumnavigate the twisted labyrinth of tunnels and service paths to get to the processing area. That is where Daxton intended to engage their forces with his droid forces as well as a few Sith spawn allies. rising from his chair he made his way to the designated fighting area, he had plenty of time to cast the dark spells he had in mind for his unwelcome guests.
Location: Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: Enter the resort and try to infiltrate the bunker
Allies: [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"]
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Asteria Starcatcher"], [member="Deborah Waller"], [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Davik Tren"], [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

"We don't need to fight them," Matchbox explained to Gambit, nodding at the Rogue's assessment. "There's nothing wrong with playing dirty." That was her philosophy, and she was all in. The moment one gave their enemy a chance was the moment victory would be sacrificed.

Which was why her fury came to light when the guns went off. "What the frak!" Gen swore as the Jawa Juicers opened fire on the above-ground resort building. The mercenaries' fire plastered the walls of the main building and splintered the windows into snowy bits. "I didn't order that! Who ordered that?!" Immediately, Red Raven guards began to take up positions, aiming for the pay-to-play troopers. This was not the time to get distracted, and Geneviève brought her squad into movement away from the battle before anyone noticed them.

"Gold squad, go ahead," she ordered over the comms. The Gold team would take advantage of the firefight going on to the south and burst into the resort building from the north. "And who the frak ordered that?" Lasedri was still fuming as she hustled towards the west entrance, Scrubber gun raised against her shoulder and ready for anyone who might try to step in her way.
Location: Streets
Objective One: Encite Riots
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

As Thane continued to drink, he also filled the ears of the running citizens with foul words about their supposed Raven Protectors. Heckling passing Enforcers, most of whom waved him off in annoyance as just another drunk upset with the system.

"What good are ye...'hiccup'...if you cannnn even potect Ya own poeples. Bunch o' lack-a-daze fools in pretty uniforms...'hiccup'...Down with the Bloody Rat Birds...whheeeewww..."

People around Thane stopped, considered what the drunk stranger had said and began to turn on the Enforcers. Cursing, pushing and eventually when one Enforcer pulled his gun, the crowd pounced on the Enforcers all around. Kicking, punching, stomping until a few guards lay dead. Cries and cheers echoed through the crowd. They began to throw rubble from the collapsed buildings at the other Enforcers nearby and those who stole guns or had any of their own, started firing into the air or at the Raven guards.

Thane remained on the wall where he leaned for support, a few Enforcers began radioing calls for help. The anger in the crowd spread like wildfire, and soon, everyone was yelling, throwing things and looting nearby stores and homes.

"Cheers mates!" Thane said to no one, holdin up his flask as he poured a little out for the hommies. He wandered into a store where a bunch of youngsters were stealing booze and smokes. Thane grabbed a very expensive bottle of whiskey and a few cigars and started smoking and drinking on his way out. The city erupted into chaos and it was all started by a drunk Zabrak.

Thane activated his secure comm and radioed to [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and [member="Corruck Kazen"], "The pot has been stirred...'hiccup'...go for flo jo yo...'hiccup'...'buuurp'...bye bye."

After which, Thane activated his No Show stealth system and joined the crowd in rioting.
Location: Near the resort, chasing his target
Objective: II - Kill Geneviève
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Sitting around the cantina gave Lysle time to contemplate. He had a lot of time to contemplate recently. The Ravens were his family, and while Sigourney and Lysle were close, they would never be any closer than friends. He didn't let many people get in close, and the only one he still counted a close friend was Isaac. Lysle looked down to find his hands trembling, and a wetness on his cheeks. He couldn't trust anyone he loved. Julianna had tried to gun him down, and set his ship ablaze as he fled. Not that he deserved it, Lysle had done plenty of bad deeds in his life, but Julianna was his daughter. He had raised her when no one else could.

The second and final blow was his former wife. He looked down at his hands again, and clenched the handgun now resting in his right palm. She had been the foundation of the ravens. Back in the heyday, when Lysle was a smuggler running the Hydian Way, he was known as The Upright Man before his identity became commonplace and he earned his nickname, Lysle of the Hydian Way. The Upright Man and the Red Raven. A Sephi with hair as equal to the beauty of fire, and the eyes of a deep ocean blue. She had taken everything away from him. While she was long gone from this galaxy, her legacy remained, albeit unknowingly, in the Red Ravens.

Gunfire yelped into the sky. Flashes of burst rounds illuminated the crime lords face for brief moments, and he heard the wailing cries of dying men. Whoever was here for his Ravens, his flock, was out for blood. And so was he. He moved out from the awning that protected the exit of the cantina, and peered towards the resort. He heard the gunfire but couldn't see from this angle, but he could see someone running for the western entrance. Lysle broke into a jog to catch up to them, trying to keep himself as inconspicuous as possible. After all, he looked like a mechanical technician from the space dock in his midnight black overalls. "What in the blazes is going on?" he roared to Geneviève. He saw the gun resting on her shoulder, and before he had even finished his words, he was reaching into his jacket, firing from straight out of his pocket.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Location: Stronghold One
Objective: Defend Isotope 5 cache
Allies: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Dakita Calfur"]
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

"What the kark was that?" Zenva placed a hand on the wall. Feeling the vibrations of capital ship guns hitting the ground outside the facility, she cursed her luck and her new boss again. "Those stupid rebels are firing on the doors, seriously? Couldn't just karking walk in. No that's to simple. Let's just blow chit up."

Taking her personal communicator from a small pouch on her belt, Zenva sent a very simple message to her ship in orbit. "Deal with that cousin!"

-Aboard The Crimson Hunter in orbit of Makeb
Zuko Vrotoa, Commander of The Crimson Hunter, smiled fiercely as he listened to his cousin's message. Zenva had refused to let her clan join the ground battle, leaving them in orbit to do nothing. That had just changed and he loved his new orders. The Zabrak warrior arose from his command chair and keyed the p.a. system so he could address his ship. "Good afternoon Vrotoa clan. This is Commander Zuko. At this time a rebel ship is bombarding lady Zenva's position planet side. We will not stand idle while our clan's woman is endangered. All crew to battle stations. Prime all weapons banks and load the concussion tube. Vrotoa goes to war!" Releasing the p.a. system the Commander turned to those gathered on the bridge, "Nose down five degrees. Begin our approach. Let's go teach these rebel bottom feeders what ship combat is, shall we?"
Location: Stronghold One
Objective: Defend Isotope 5 cache
Allies: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

"How about now? And now? And now?" Dak kept asking to her Twi'lek bodyguard. "Not yet," he warned. Pfft, what did he know about military tactics, she thought? But then again what did she know? She spent about 95% of her day playing video games and the other 5% trying to make-out with anything that moved. She looked over to the control droid to settle their dispute.

"The Twi'lek is right," said the droid in a robotic female voice. "We need to wait until the soldiers fully disengage from the entrance hatch before we employ the Isotope-5 Battle Droids."
Ugh, she would have to be more patient. Dak leaned over the monitor and stared, waiting for the right moment to call out fifteen of the fire-proof droids to blast their way through the Rebels who tried to enter Stronghold One.

Location: Bunker underneath Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: Stand our ground
Allies: [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Dakita Calfur"][member="Daxton Bane"][member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Deborah Waller"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]

As red blips started lighting up like fireworks over Red Raven central command's Holomap, Cryax knew it was go-time. The Chiss crime boss immediately sent out a command to Red Raven slicers waiting patiently in space stations above. He hissed his orders through the encrypted lines. "Find out whatever frequency these maggots are operating are, and shut down all their communications. If I have to come up there and slice them myself, their tongues will be cut!" If the rebels had talented counter slicers, they might be able to fight off these intrusions into their network, but this was one area in which Cryax knew that the Ravens had the advantage. A former slicer for the Ravens, the brainiac Chiss had trained all of their hackers himself and they could easily break through the most encrypted code like a newly-sharpened knife slicing through flesh.

Bane turned his attention back to the map. It seemed there was fighting in the streets of Talaos City. The Chiss opened up his commlink to receive a message from [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] who barked a curt request. "I expect that you know what is going on... Fill me in," said the Gen'dai. Well, Cryax didn't want to be Captain Obvious, but they were being attacked, duh. But he ultimately thought it wise not to get snarky with a ten foot tall karking Gen'dai, so he merely said, "Looks like a coordinated attack. Be prepared for anything, ground forces as well as an assault from the sky. Quell it." To aid his team on the streets, the Chiss then issued a command to nearby Raven forces stationed around Talaos City to send out small armies of Magnaguards to fire judiciously on any rebel spotted. He figured that the Sith warriors wouldn't mind a little company.

Tilting his head at the map, appraising the situation with a analytic mind much like a computer, Cryax's glowing red eyes flashed to the area that showed Stronghold One under fire. The Ravens stationed there knew that protecting the Isotope mines was of the utmost importance, but in their zealousness to defend, he wanted to make sure an important step did not get missed.

Cryax opened up the lines to all of the Red Ravens who were operating over the secured Cryptnet lines, sending out a simple command.

"Attention Ravens. Carefully coordinated offensive actions have begun against all key locations and the city itself. Protect the isotope at all costs and shut them down." Then he added with an almost gleeful tone. "A handsome bonus for any of these rabble you capture alive. I want bodies to interrogate. Most importantly, bring me the head of the snake that leads this uprising, so that it can be mercilessly defanged."

As the Chiss crime boss flicked off the commlink, nearby explosions rocked the mesa. Someone was trying to infiltrate the bunker. He turned towards his team of organic henchmen, droids, and his trusted Raven bodyguards and gave his rifle a dramatic gun cock. "Looks like we have some uninvited guests. Let's show these pot stirrers how the Ravens deal with party crashers."

Puppet Kyrios

Location: Underground bunker, Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: Stand our ground and protect our leader
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"], William Leafwalker, Red Ravens
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], Rebels

Asteria shot up as she heard the gunfire above ground. She started for the way up, but William reached out and baked her ask firmly, shaking his head as a silent warning. Whee he spoke it was just for her ears.

"We should warn Cryax."

Asteria stopped trying to head upstairs and turned around nodding. They silently ran down the hall to where everyone else was. When everyone saw them come back running, Asteria spoke so Cryax could hear it.

"They're blasting through the north entrance."

Asteria nodded at Cryax's statement, the anxiety finally gone.

"Let's hunt some Burarum!"
Location: Underground bunker, Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: Protect [member="Cryax Bane"]
Allies: [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Enemies: Rebels

The sound of shots and explosions made it clear. The rebels began their assault. But from what Bane had said it wasn't just here. They were launching an all-out attack. Clever. It meant that no one could try to help the others if they needed it. To be honest that was what Deborah would've done in that situation. When the sounds of gunfire when off in the estate Deborah drew her blaster, knowing it was time to respond in kind.

Using her comm she called to her Striders, saying "What's the situation?"

One answered on the otherside "It's the rebels! They're trying to blast their way in up to you. We're doing all we can but we're limited man-power down here."

"Keep them occupied. Three teams get down their for support. The rest of you stay where you are. These guys might try and come in through a different way." After that she looked back to Cryax and asked "This place have anywhere without windows? We're going to need it if we want to choke them into one spot we can start blasting heads with."
Location: Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: Show the Ravens' pilots how it's done
Allies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="Solan Charr"]
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Asteria Starcatcher"], [member="Deborah Waller"], [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

There was a familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach that told her something was about to go wrong very soon, and with that Juwiela asked the question she hoped had a positive answer. "Do we have any starfighters of our own on the ground? I don't like these odds, and they're going to try something soon. I'd like to be up there before they get the chance." As a pilot first and foremost, she knew that her real skill was in the air first and on the ground second. Exploiting her strengths was one thing all Rebels needed to do in a fight where they were severely undermatched, and it wouldn't do good for any of them to be where they couldn't be of the most assistance.

It didn't help that she hardly had time to contemplate any of this before someone fired on Matchbox point-blank. Reacting instinctively first and leaving time to determine her next move later she pushed Geneviève out of the line of fire with the Force and brought her other hand up in an attempt to knock the shooter off of his feet with the energy field, not holding much hope in being successful with that last endeavor. Her use of the Force was typically a purely instinctual one, the only conscientious use being her way of seeing the world, and perhaps the little hints she was fortunate enough to receive here and there.

Instead of bringing her own weapon up she pulled out the long-range communicator and adjusted the frequency before raising it to her lips. "This is Rogue Leader. I want all available pilots in your ships, starfighters if you have them. It's about time we finish this." With that done she tucked the communicator away as exclamations of confirmation rang through the comms. That was just the way she liked it, the others being just as excited to get things done as she was. Morale was still high, which was something they couldn't afford to lose.

Giving a two-fingered salute she took off at a run towards where her ship and the others were kept, hopefully hidden thus far. If all went well they would be up in the air within the next few minutes, having brought down the Ravens in a few minutes more. She was counting on their pilots being less experienced than anyone the Rebels had to offer. It wasn't necessarily a good thing if they were, since they still had speed on them unless the others had their own starfighters, but being unaware of how to use it to their advantage was a start.

With a smile of anticipation on her lips she leapt up into the cockpit of her ship, the cockpit hissing to a close as she began running through the preflight procedures with a subconscious ease. "All wings report in. Let's show these birdies how to fly."
Location: Talaos City
Objective: Halt any riots, discover the identity of the Rebels. Defend the city
Allies: [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"], [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"]
Enemies: [member="Thane Drexel"] , [member="Solan Charr"]


Colap had been anticipating just this type of moment for sometime now. As the days had worn on much of their forces had degraded, gangs giving way to new cartels, and old cells falling apart. He had sat brooding in the Skies of Makeb, recounting their victories. Gone was the bottle of booze and here now there was a darkness in his soul. Something was awakening.

"Sir we just got report Makeb is under attack!"

Colap nodded. They were a fair ways away, scouting some blasted backlane for a new catch. Still the news of Makeb could not be ingored.

"Jump us in."

*Several hours later*

The carnage being waged was incredible. As the three Raven Support Frigates came out of atmopshere and descended on Talaos city he waatched with a deep frown. Security forces were scattered all about, common thugs running to and fro trying to contain the chaos. He was clad in his Spacer armor and packing a huge Raven Gauss rifle.

"Open the comms over the loudspeakers!" Colap rorared, lighting a cigar.

"Aye they're open!"

"Citizens of Makeb, this is Colap Ticon. You have been fed lies and deceit. Whatever this reason for the riots, it is not good. think of your community and your shops. You'll allow an outsider to come in an threaten their very destruction? You'll bow to a non soveirgn who will undoutably put you under their boot as so many do to conquered worlds?"

He paused to let the words sink in.

"I'll give you a seperate option. Whoever these dissdents are, these.....traitors. Find them, cull them from your ranks. Take up arms and recognize that your very lives are at stake. Every citizen will be rewarded a ten thousand credit bounty for participation documneted by one or more bystanders....

Bring me the heads of these so called "Liberators!" "

"Comms off switch to cryptnet and internal defense channels."

"Aye patched in."

"All ground elements, report posistion and strength. I'm coming down with a team of Raven rangers to the city."

Colap racked the Gauss rifle, letting her magnetic accelerators whine to life. A huge slug locked into the chamber with a click and he smiled. Time to get back to dirty work.

"Summon my Rangers, we're going to drop in five!"

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