Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Whisper and a Clamor [Rebels vs. Ravens on Makeb]

Location: Stronghold one
Objective: Initial contact
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] @Alexandyr Gaillard
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Sneering from behind their fortified position, the wookie Chudakkerah extolled his men with a battle cry to double their efforts in repelling the attackers. The heavy repeating carbines were linked to the mine's power line directly so there was no danger of them running out of ammo. Firing indiscriminately, blaster bolts would zing about the enemy position, showering their cover as well as anyone foolish enough to shoot back. The blaster fire also would hit the exposed fallen, slamming random laser blasts crushing the capacity of the enemy's protective cover.

The wookie took an almost malicious delight in shooting poisoned crossbow bolts into the exposed parts of the fallen victims. Laced with potent venom created from Sith alchemy, it would numb and effectively paralyze the victim as it entered the blood stream. Should an antidote not be given within one hour, it would completely stop the victims heart causing massive cardiac arrest.
Location: Basement Control Room of Stronghold One
Objective: Defend Isotope-5 cache
Allies: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

From the cameras installed on the perimeter of Stronghold One, Dak could see that the Rebels were now disengaged from the ship, while still taking defensive positions. As they attempted to blast their way through the entrance, Dak looked over hurriedly to the control droid and shouted, "Battle Droids now!" The administrative droid pressed a few buttons on the a console which took up one entire wall of the control room.

On either side of Stronghold One a hatch opened up from the ground and began dispelling Battle Droids which immediately fired upon the Rebel forces.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Location: Stronghold One
Objective: Defend Isotope 5 cashe
Allies: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Dakita Calfur"]
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Her breath hissed out through clenched teeth. She might be the furthest from the breached door but the first kill belonged to the Zabrak with the sniper rifle. Zenva's Marr-Sonn LD-1 barked twice, taking the first rebel marine full in the chest. Than everything went insane.

A wookie with a karking chain gun unleashed hell on the open doorway and marines started taking dirt naps. Battle droids started flooding the field and it was clear, at least to Zenva, that this battle wasn't something the rebels had a good chance of winning.

Her rifle barked twice more, blasting an exposed knee to charred meat. A smile spread across her face as Zenva focused her scope on the one figure that stood out in the mess of matching uniforms. The man with white hair took cover before she could fire but he would come back. Wait, she told herself. Slow down, breath. It was difficult with her hearts racing like they were, but her rifle was balanced on a durasteel crate and didn't sway as she watched the doors.

On a whim she turned her comm to an unsecured open comm channel, maybe they would hear her. As soon as the comm went open she let a rich laugh roll over the channel. "Come on, Silvermane. You knocked on the door like a karking boss. Now you don't want to come in. Aren't you a little old to be running smash and grabs like this, grandpa? Just tell your boys to put down their guns. We will stop killing them. On my honor I do so swear. Surrender and you won't die here today, Silvermane."
Location: Interrogation room, Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: Keep information on the Alliance secure and also probably be really sarcastic in the process
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: Ravens, [member="Cryax Bane"]

After having been escorted by a dispatch of Red Ravens to what she assumed passed as the interrogation room, Juwiela was far from resigned to her situation. Despite having her hands cuffed she was still perfectly capable of wielding the Force for both her own version of sight and other, more volatile means. That would have to wait, however, as she was content to play the proper prisoner for the time being, if just to placate the leader of the criminal syndicate. Of course, her idea of proper when it came to scenarios such as this was a bit different than what she imagined Cryax would be expecting.

Though she had expected a number of different possible scenarios to transpire, being taken prisoner certainly wasn’t one of them. In the back of her mind she wondered what exactly being held captive here would entail, but dissuaded those thoughts with a shake of her head before her imagination could conjure up too many vivid images. It would do no good to mentally psyche herself out before anything had happened in the first place. For this she would need all of her wits about her, with no exceptions. Already she'd done a cursory scan of the area with Force Sight, the ability naturally enabling her to see through the walls as if they weren't there in the first place. Nothing alarming had made itself known just yet, and for that she was thankful. Perhaps this would be routine. Or as routine as an interrogation could be.

Leaning back in her chair as comfortably as she could, she limited her sight to just the room and three meters around the perimeter. It wouldn't do good to overload her senses when she needed to be focused on the task at hand, which was ultimately preventing any information of the Alliance from falling into the enemy's hands. The Rebels were the closest thing she had to a family, and nothing would cause her to betray that. They could think her an easy mark all they wanted, but the way she'd struggled until the last when the Ravens had attempted to bring her in was a testament to the opposite.

After having become as familiar as she could with her surroundings she simply focused her attention on the general area of the door, being left with nothing to do but wait. The both of them would pay for this encounter, but she intended to reimburse the Ravens for having captured her hundredfold.
Location: Bunker Underneath Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: Stand our ground
Allies: [member="Deborah Waller"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Solan Charr"]

It took a few moments for the question to register in Cryax's brain. Then he blinked with the realization that Asteria Starcatcher's companion was asking him if he was alright. No he wasn't karking alright, he had a Yuuzhan Vong in his head and would probably stab his lover in his sleep that night, but thanks for asking. "I'm fine," Cryax said testily, waving a blue-skinned hand. He would be damned if his Ravens lost confidence in him in this critical hour. He stiffened his resolve and looked back at the Holomap with a renewed intensity, but something else got his attention. The Holonews.

Cryax seethed with rage as the intergalactic news reports painted the Ravens as tyrants who killed their own people. Well, sometimes they did just that, but not in a genocidal way and certainly they weren't blatant about it. If there was one thing Cryax hated it was bad PR. Flicking on his secure commlink, he growled another command to his slicers and technical advisors. "This is Bane. Start going through all of the Holocam footage from around the city, cross reference the footage with facial recognition software, and get an ID on all of these insurgents. I want dossiers on each and every one of them. Bounties are going to start flying."

In a short while, another call came in for the Chiss President, this time from some Red Raven mercenaries who had apprehended one of the Rebel pilots and had her waiting in a nearby interrogation room. Cryax grinned widely. This development was better than any facial recognition software. He could get their names from her very own lips. Letting his hand graze the hunting knife on his thigh, Cryax had no doubt he could get this one talking.

Bane turned to the Ravens in the central command room. "Deborah. Hold down central command for me and keep me abreast of any new developments. I have a prisoner to interrogate." Then he left the war room and headed into the makeshift interrogation room where he would come face-to-face with the Red Ravens first captive in the uprising, [member="Juwiela Melec"] a Miralukan rebel pilot. The pilot was cuffed to the table by her wrists and ankles, with specially made Force-resistant materials just in case.

The Chiss crime boss knew that his prisoner couldn't see him, so he slid his hunting knife out of its sheath very slowly so that the sound would be unmistakable. "Well, well, well," he said. "Looks like one of my mercenaries brought me a little anarchist on a plate. Better start talking girl or soon you are going to be in a world of pain."
Location: Bunker beneath Solida Hesk Resort, interrogation room
Objective: Keep information on the Alliance secure
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"]

At the sound of the door opening she looked up, glaring at Cryax the best one with no eyes could, which was surprisingly well, all things considered. Her voice was soft and measured, hardly a trace of anger in her words. "Go kark yourself." She spoke with a faint, almost imperceptible smile on her lips, as if she were content in the situation, which she most certainly wasn't. If one thing was going to set the tone of the entire meeting, it was those three quietly spoken words. It wasn't that she'd expected to just be thrown in a cell and forgotten about, but neither was she in the mood to negotiate with information pertaining to the Alliance, or any of their lives.

The whisper of steel hitting the air didn't seem to faze her either, but that was mostly due to her expressions being unreadable to most with her lack of eyes. The corners of her mouth tightened, but there was no other real indication of her concern for her relative safety. "Being an anarchist implies that we don't believe in any system of government, which isn't entirely true. We just don't believe in governments such as yours, if it can be called that. But if that makes me an anarchist, then so be it. I really rather think the word suits you better."

As she spoke she studied him through the Force, or rather, where he should have been. It seemed that he was Force dead, something she hadn't anticipated. It didn't blind her so much as cause her to be blind in the literal sense to his position. Her hearing would be her only way of determining just where he was in the room, something that didn't sit well with her by any means. This wasn't the first time she wished that she had physical sight to guide her instead of having to rely on the Force. There were times where it was beneficial, and others where it was all but useless.

"And I'm not blind. I just can't see you." She spoke slowly, keeping her head straight forward, cuffed hands resting on the table. She might not have been able to see him, but that didn't mean there weren't other means to figure out just where he stood. With a twitch of her fingers she sent out a gentle wave of the Force throughout the room, silently pleased with herself that the tactic had worked. So far he seemed to be staying by the door, but that wouldn't last for long. She would have to regulate those bursts, keeping them as subtle as she was able. That was the last thing she needed, her ability to use the Force taken from her. It was her last advantage in this situation.

Turning her head slightly to better address him, she spoke again, "Start talking, then. Listening to you drone on is better than just sitting here with nothing to do."
Location: Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: II - Kill Geneviève
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]



A solitary gasp filled the courtyard. The resounding boom of the handgun echoed into nothingness, and the bolt of concentrated particles went through Lysle's waist and out the other side, to crash against a titanium beam, partially melting the metal. Scorch marks burned through the black fabric, and prickly dried blood pooled around the instantly cauterised wound. He went wild, crazy with adrenaline. The wind had been knock out of him, but his spirit hadn't. With the two of them now kneeling on the pavement, Lysle began to unload a barrage of high-intensive punches for her jaw. With each punch, he grit his teeth, grunted and gasped for sweet, succulent oxygen.

He knew she still had the gun, but a well placed punch to the head could daze her enough to drop it. So he clenched his eyes shut, driving all his willpower into each thrown hit. From left to right, left to right, he swung his hips for extra momentum irregardless of how much excruciating pain it brought his body. Like his nerves had been set aflame, trailing up his spine. He could do with the pain, he learnt how too, you needed to as a shock boxer. When a man came at you with enough volts to seize your muscles and knock you unconscious, you had to learn how to fight through that, to keep yourself awake.

He kept his head down, and forgot how many punches he had thrown, and with the pain in his waist, he couldn't even feel if any punches had actually struck true or not. All he knew was that he needed to keep going. He stopped, lurched forward and put all his weight into it, trying to force himself on top of her so that he would have an advantage. If he could just sit on her, he could do all the damage he wanted. He felt himself begin to topple, and hoped that his punches had struck true, and that she was too dazed to stop him.
Location: Solida Hesk's Resort, Western grounds
Objective: Kill rebels!
Allies: [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] @Patricia Susan Garter
Enemies: [member="Solan Charr"]

"Oh clever boy!" Lisa roared into the wind. She gunned the speeder, ceasing her lightning and coming for another pass. The dark energy still throbbed through her veins and her mind calculated possiblities endlessly. The first attack seemed to work, so she went for what at the moment was the most viable option.

The speeder roared back around, dust strom still whirling and she closed again, this time faster than before. As she crossed the the thermal silhouute of where he was, she sent another three blasts of lightning. The dark purple bolts roared from her finertips, splashing across the ground like boa constrictos and wrapping themselves around where he should be.

"Ha HA HA!" Lisa cackled. She revelled in the adrenaline, the fear and the panic. The dark vortex within her soul continued to feed as the distress of the planet crashed down upon her in waves. She absobed the aginy, projecting it into her dark matrix. The purple hue intesnified now, her body crackling with eveil uncontained energies....

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Location: Bunker Underneath Solida Hesk Resort

Objective: Defend [member="Cryax Bane"]

Allies: [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Deborah Waller"]

Enemies: Rebels

With the command now taken from the renowned president of the Ravens whilst he engaged in what seemed to be one of his favorite activities, Davik approached the door of the interrogation room to guard the door and ward off any potential problems. The occasional artillery round shook the ground above the party and even more dust particles fell down as the battle raged on overhead. But for now... It seemed they were secure.

Might as well take a load off...

The young spacer sat on his flight bag and dug out a piece of jerky and began to gnaw away at it, thinking of the glorious loot he might pick up after the Rebels were forced away in disgrace...

I'll bet Robb would have loved this... Heh... Corvy and K would have been cranking away at the guns as well.
[member="Cryax Bane"]
Location: Middle Atmosphere over Stronghold One

Objective: Touch down in one piece

Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Daxton Bane"]

Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

"Last stop, Stronghold One!" yelled the pilot over the intercom. Jarven stood up from his seat and made his way to the shuttle's side doors. "The LZ is too hot. We'll have to land elsewhere."
"Nonsense. Right here will do fine." Jarven grabbed an overhead strap and override the child lock on the door. It slid open and the wind whipped around the insides of the transport.
"Are you crazy?!?" shouted the pilot. So what if I am? , thought Jarven. Jarven was untested in the Ravens, a newcomer. If he wanted to get in the hot spot, this was the fastest way. If he failed, it wasn't skin off of anyone's backs. If he succeded...well, one thing at a time. Jarven showed and patted his anti-grav chute in view of the pilot's camera.
"I'll be fine."
"Well, thanks for riding the Handwave Express---" Jarven dove out of the shuttle. "---Fracking moron..."

Jarven felt as though he had left his heart back in the shuttle, but then realized that it had decided to take up residence in his throat. Adrenaline coursed through his veins like the Bespin City Grand Prix. After some initial shakiness, his respirator settled into a normal rhythm and his enhanced reflexes set to work. He righted himself spread eagle instead of free falling like a mannequin. His mind emptied of the pain and emotions of the past and focused on the now. He angled his body ever so slightly, just enough until he was positioned above the landing pad. He then activated the chute. The system strained little against the falling speed, and Jarven's falling speed slowed gradually, until his descent had become a lazy one. Now the hard part...the waiting game.

His attention was drawn to the horizon. He could barely perceive what seemed to be a multitude of ships closing from the horizon. He looked down just in time to realize that a rather large ship was ascending up to him in a slow, yet still dangerous manner. Just my---"OOF!" In what appeared to be the ship saying hello, Jarven was swept up by the ship itself. The anti-grav chute, noticing the lack of downward force, turned off and started to do a quick recharge. The amount of time it would take to do so would be quite small, but who knew how much time Jarven had before he would be in the air again...
Location: Solida Hesk's Resort, Western grounds
Objective: Get out of the open, Also ruin the ears of anyone with comms in.
Enemies: [member="Lisa Ticon"]

And shes coming back, faster... kark this. Looking for the closest alley he bolted, not fast enough though as another blast of lighting caught him in the shoulder and sent him off balance for a few seconds as he almost face planted. "Crap Got to get out of the open." He needed her to get somewhere he preferred to fight in, hopefully she was not a close combat or quarters fighter. As he ran though hear heard the message about comms and cursed before smiling. "VI Disturbance, play my favorite tune, over an open frequency, if we can't use our comms, might as well flood there's." The Vi would do as he said, and in a moments something would blast over the comm's pretty much screwing up the ears of anyone who had their comms right next to their ears, but hey, that had to be quite a few of the Ravens?

He knew the woman was probably right behind him though, so lastly he shot into what looked to be another abandoned building large enough for him to fight in without her being able to get too far away from him, once a decent ways sure he would know when she entered, he waited and watched.

(For everyone with the comms up to their ear... [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

What you would hear is first the pre-recorded message in Solan's voice saying "Greeting Ravens and Rebels alike, ready for the Apocolypse?" Before hearing This

Have fun :D And yes, i was planning this from the beginning... and for lisa, expect the Ring of Fire to show up in our fight.)
Location: Air flying towards crowd
Enemies: [member="Thane Drexel"]
Allies: [member="Darth Arcanix"]
Objective: Glop Glop Glop

So it was as Kezeroth thought, Darth Arcanix was here again. Keepings this in mind the Gen'dai laughed slightly and responded back. " Well Darth Arcanix... Fall back.." he commanded and the roar of a powerful Jet pack sounded across the city. With a Leap Kezeroth Guided himself to the Riot crowds main center, as he passed the weaker branches of the riot crowds Kezeroth dropped two G-20 Glop Grenades below. The grenades were designed for situations just like this one, apon contact the grenades exploded in 10 meter radius trapping the rioters in a thick hard foam that would last 5mins. One by one and two by two the crowds began to freeze in place by Force. Above Kezeroth growled and deactivated his Jetpack, Into Free fall he went and landed with a crush... The bundle of people crushed in his landing serving as a cushion of sorts.

" Cease This foolishness... Or I will kill you all!" He shouted once more using the Fear the Crowds Emitted to dominate them, A glowing Red eye shined behind the mask of the Gen'dais armor. " Rebels show yourself's... dont make me find you.." he growled.
Location: Talaos City
Objective: Quell the riots
Allies: [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
Enemies: [member="Thane Drexel"]

"Kezeroth, how delightful," Taeli said, heeding the Gen'dai's advice and stepping back as he landed, crushing several people he had trapped in his goo grenades. Over the comlink, she could hear that one of the Red Raven holo stations had been influenced against them, and that simply wouldn't do at all.

"Deploy some of your enforcers to the nearest holo station, arrest and silence those that are trying to twist what is happening here," she ordered. "Make sure the people know that we are only killing those that are destroying the city, the rebels who have bombed several buildings and killed untold amounts of innocents in their destructive ways."

The enforcers moved off to heed her commands, more of the ones that had been present going with them so an entire squad deployed into the station, arresting the staff that were vehemently attacking their Red Raven overlords.

"If the rebels will reveal themselves, no harm will come to anyone else, even if they participated in the riots," she said, reaching out with the Force to glean some information from one man's mind. It seemed the instigator of some of this riot had been someone who had been drinking too much, but he seemed to always be encouraging things and not actually destroying anything himself.

"Lady Arcanix, we have the station chief in our hands and he said they were given video by a man in a long coat and who smelled of booze," the enforcer sergeant she ahd sent said, and Taeli linked two and two together. She had someone to hunt down now.

"Kezeroth, it seems we have an annoying drunk Rebel instigating this area of the riot," she said, coming up next to the Gen'dai that was full of hatred towards the world, the Sith, the Jedi, everyone really. "He has some associates here too."
Location: The pavement at Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: Survive
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

She had hit. Perhaps the Force had guided the round--though maybe just luck. Geneviève cared little either way. The shot had found its mark, no matter what had transpired to make this happen.

But the man was not dead yet. In fact, he seemed very much alive, disregarding the gaping wound at the edge of his abdomen and charging for Lasedri, fist flying directly for her face. She had seen this before, but--just as this time--not soon enough. The first strike landed, smashing into her nose and noticeably fracturing it for the third time in her life. Her head snapped back as she lost her balance and her gun, body crumpling to the ground with her hands now raised in front of her face to repel what must have been half a dozen punches. Her shoulder pads clattered against the ferrocrete; the back of her head nearly doing the same.

Her breath abandoned her, a raspy gasp emitting from the back of her throat as the wind was knocked from her. The earth shook and her vision blurred as her enemy came down on top of her, continuing his furious onslaught. How he was still going was beyond her. Suddenly, as her attacker bled out onto her, she felt like she was going to die. Desperation hijacked her mind, churning for something that might save her. Another strike breached her defenses and caught her on the ear, effectively hampering her cognition.

The gun was what she needed. It lay only a meter away, just beyond reach. This was it. Frak. Through sheer willpower, Gen sought to grasp the firearm with an invisible Force, calling it to her out of nothing but pure fear.

Geneviève's hand closed around the pistol grip as it skittered like a kicked pebble towards her.

Location: Solida Hesk's Resort
Objective: N/A
Allies: Red Ravens - [member="Cryax Bane"]
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]



The fight was as fierce as anything he had known. Through sheer willpower and adrenaline did he push on, even as his nerves flared in vicious agony. Lysle felt himself land atop her, and he knew he had victory within his grasp. He whispered hoarsely, "I'm going to kick your teeth down your throat." Just as he had whispered those words to his opponent, he saw something move beside him. Her gun flew into her hand, and before he could even react, she fired. The momentum of the shot was enough to throw him off her, tumbling back and onto the hard, cold and unforgiving ferrocrete. Blood seeped out from mouth and nostril, pooling on the ground beneath his head. There was no final gasp, or last words. All just turned silent.
[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Dredge ran a armored hand down the faceplate of his helmet, sighing as he did it Dredge looked out into space with hunger. This hunger was not for food or sustenance, but rather a hunger that the darkside itself called out. He needed to slaughter all those who dare opposed him, to kill those who dare stand within his path and the path of the Dark Lord himself. The darkside nexus that encased him slowly called out to him, urging that primal part of his brain to attack. To slaughter and to lay waste, to destroy the beauty of life itself. Whoever was attacking Makeb made the very big mistake that Makeb didn't belong to the Red Ravens, it belonged to Dredge. Everything on that rock belonged to Dredge, and he was going to keep it that way.

Two worker caste Yuuzhan Vong approached Dredge and bowed down beneath him, they looked down at their own feet not daring to look at the dark armor of the former Supreme Overlord. They more than respected Dredge, they feared him. They feared what he had become, Dredge had died a long time ago. But when the Yuuzhan Vong species needed a leader most as they were lost in wild space, he returned to them. From beyond the veil of death itself he had returned to lead them back into the light, and back into the fight. He made them revoke the old ways, he made them fuse technology and organics together in a unholy union that would propel them out of the darkness.

"Yes... My lord?" The one on the right said with fear in his voice.

Dredge simply raised his hand and pointed it the Vong's head. Extending his index finger a small lance of fire no bigger than a a nail shot out of his finger and into the Vong's head and rocketing out the other side. The worker caste Vong fell over and spasmed on the ground his dead body twisting through it's last moments. Dredge continued to look out Into space.

"Vong do not fear for their lives. Remember that when you speak to me." Dredge said with his inhuman voice that carried a mixed cadence to it as If several people spoke on top of each other.

"Yes my lord." The remaining Vong said with calm confidence.

Dredge kept looking out of the window and a cold smile touched his face beneath the darkened helmet.

"Ready the fleet. And send someone to clean this filth, feed him to the ghouls."
Objective One: Riot
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: Ravens

[member="Colap Ticon"]
As Thane left the news station with his prize money and camera and booze, he saw one of the descended frigates open fire on the station. Murdering everyone inside, that seemed to be the Ravens Modus Operandi. How they worked. He captured the images on camera, adding his evidence that the Red Ravens were just a bunch of low level killers.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
When Darth Arcanix's Enforcers arrived to the station, they'd find nothing but rubble. A few random civilians would be the only survivors and the info that the thugs would gain would only be that the frigate above was the culprit. No one from the news station would have survived. Although, enough of the information was sent out to the nearby cities, and satellites that everyone in the sector would know what the Red Ravens did. Even if they didn't see, Thane would make it known.

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
Thane watched from the alley he was hiding in, under the aid from his No Show stealth device, as the giant armored being dropped grenades and himself upon the crowd below. Thane recorded this as well, another piece to he Evil Raven Puzzle. He then retreated from the alley, and moved away from the city center. By this time, the entire local militia had been gathered to quell the rioting, they were setting up checkpoints and escorting civilians away from the chaos. Thane grabbed a clothe hat and followed the crowd away from the bloodbath.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Once Thane left the city, he found a guard station that had one guard in it, as the rest had been dispatched. He snuck up behind the guard as he monitored the comms and knocked him out with the bottle of booze he'd been carrying. Next to the comm-link lay a list of comm channels, one was labeled for a bunker. That was in the report the Rebels had before deployment. He tuned into the bunker channel and relayed a message...
"Reports of massive civilian casualties by Red Raven hands. Local News station was bombed by Raven airships. Repeat, civilian casualties by Raven hands. Confirm with command. Over."
Location: Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: Retrieve a body
Allies: Was [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]

Cryax could feel subtle tremors throughout the room. So his captive was a Force-sensitive as he had suspected. The Chiss turned to a nearby protocol droid who was hovering nearby waiting for commands from its master, and hissed. "Force collar. NOW." Then he turned back to his Mirkaluka prisoner, his red eyes glimmering with rage.

"Go kark myself? Is that any way to talk to your new friend? You heard me, girl. I said 'friend.' I can be your friend, if you tell me who is leading this insurgency on my planet. Or I can be your worst enemy. The choice is yours really." Cryax moved around the table very slowly, demonstratively dragging the edge of the blade across the surface. A nails-on-chalkboard sound echoed through the interrogation room. Stopping just short of her chair, he wouldn't get that close to a Forcie, not before he had the Force collar in his hot blue hands.

In a few minutes, the protocol droid returned with the collar the Chiss had requested, and it was unceremoniously snapped onto her neck. Now that the rebel's powers were dampened, he moved around behind her and, with one hand gripping her shoulder, held the knife to her cheek, letting the edge of the blade rest against the soft skin there. He was so engrossed in his task, he barely noticed that the protocol droid was waving its hands and calling out to him.

"Mr Bane! Sir! I think there's something you should see out there," said the droid excitedly. "Fine," he sighed and made his way to the door, turning to his captive to chuckle. "Don't go anywhere."

The droid led him to a Holo security camera, which showed the limp body of his friend and former boss, Lysle karking Rigger, lying on the ground, a dark blood stain like a halo on the pavement around his head. What the frell? Cryax had no idea Lysle had even come to Makeb, much less gotten himself karking assassinated. His eyes grew wet as emotion flooded his system. Lysle Rigger had given Cryax his first big break in the Red Ravens and had believed in him when others treated him like the company's IT guy. The Chiss owed everything he had to the Fringer who now lay crumpled on the ground what looked to be the courtyard of the Solida Hesk Resort, his arms and legs askew. The least he could do would be to retrieve his body and send it to Sigourney or whoever his loved ones were so that they might give him a proper burial. Cryax wiped away a tear and then barked a command to a team of bodyguard droids to accompany him to the surface of the Mesa above. Telling no one in the bunker below where he was going, Cryax took the turbolift to the surface of the Resort.
[member="Solan Charr"]
Location: On an enemy ship over Stronghold One

Objective: Not die and try to get to the Primary Objective #3

Allies: Ravens

Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Frell. If there's going to be ship combat, I DEFINITELY don't want to be on top of this ship...Sithspit. I should have grabbed a Ravens Comm to warn them about my predicament. I doubt there are any other people here with Gank Comm Implants that can pick up my comm's messages---WOOPS.

The ship shifted slightly and Jarven scrambled to find better purchase. The chute still wasn't ready, yet.
Location: Bunker beneath Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: Search for an available comm system, scope out the interrogation room
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"]

The feeling of having her connection to the Force abruptly constricted was a strange one, akin to losing a limb. Her ability to see was an extension of her being, and a hold on that energy field was almost ingrained into her reality. The collar severely limited that, allowing her enough of a tenuous grasp on the Force to see anything in her immediate area, but no farther. This was as close to being blind as she could get without having her ability to control the ethereal tendrils taken away completely, and she didn't like it. It was an uncomfortable, squeamish feeling, coming this close to literal blindness. One she wanted to do away with as soon as possible, if that could be helped.

It was almost funny, in a morbid sort of way, that he expected her to give up the information so quickly. More than a few soft-spoken words and a blade held to her face would be required before she decided to even give him the time of day. Juwiela might not have been the best or most well-trained soldier, but she was fiercely loyal to the Alliance, with little that could be done to change it. "I think you know perfectly well what I said, Bane. Go. Kark. Yourself." She said the same words, slower this time, knowing she was pushing the envelope. With all other advantages taken from her, the spoken word was her last trump card.

Surprisingly he left the room in the next second with what she supposed was supposed to be a clever comment. It was painfully obvious that she would have trouble going much of anywhere with her hands cuffed and the collar around her neck. There was most likely a guard at the door as well, and she didn’t want to take her chances. So instead she set to work testing the bonds that held her wrist and ankle to the table, frowning as they refused to budge even a millimeter. That spoke of preparation, something she would have been able to appreciate had she not been currently restrained by the same means.

There was nothing left to do but wait until Cryax returned with more of his questions. One of them wouldn't walk away from this encounter, and if things went her way, it wouldn't be her.

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