Sargon Vynea
Spencer's guard unicorn
The entire affair was simply more then the zabrak could adjust to as he stepped away from the fighting. The future or a dream it all seemed mad to him as he struggled to accept even the fight itself against such enormous odds, how had it come to this. Maybe he was simply stuck in his own mind, locked inside a dream or nightmare of his own making. Who knows maybe he was unconscious in a bacta tank at the moment sleeping as some vicious damages were healed.
He found one thing in this entire place though he couldn't deny, a presence he simply had come to know too well to deny. His steps brought him ever closer and a bit farther from the actual fighting until he finally came across her, with a small smile the Zabrak laughed. Placing his hand on her shoulder he squeezed it, “Well, seems I found something that makes sense in here after all. Though I left you watching those damn holosoaps that rot your brain out.”
Little did the Zabrak know he wasn't alive in this version of things, long dead defending Fringe space and the ideals it represented. Opening his mind to her he was immediately put to his knees by the mental forces Phobos was throwing at her. “Fine I'll stop picking on your soaps.”
@[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
He found one thing in this entire place though he couldn't deny, a presence he simply had come to know too well to deny. His steps brought him ever closer and a bit farther from the actual fighting until he finally came across her, with a small smile the Zabrak laughed. Placing his hand on her shoulder he squeezed it, “Well, seems I found something that makes sense in here after all. Though I left you watching those damn holosoaps that rot your brain out.”
Little did the Zabrak know he wasn't alive in this version of things, long dead defending Fringe space and the ideals it represented. Opening his mind to her he was immediately put to his knees by the mental forces Phobos was throwing at her. “Fine I'll stop picking on your soaps.”
@[member="Spencer Jacobs"]