Personally, I think if there;s going to be a contest over a planet in the form of Dominion, it should be storyline-based, and therefore granted to whoever pulls off the better storyline, or comes off victorious in a direct conflict. If TEC attempts to takeover a planet and the Mandalorians decide they want it, the two should do battle to decide who keeps it - with an RPJ placed to oversee the whole thing and make sure it's not simply a steamroll by one faction. Everyone's due a fair shot at expanding, and you expect conflict when spheres of influence expand to include planets that multiple factions are interested in. ICly, the obvious decider is through battle.
The trick, naturally, is to make it fair and even - if the Sith decided to take a planet wanted by TEC, there'd technically-speaking be squat they could do about it, because TSE's bigger than TEC. That shouldn't, however, negate TEC's attempt, and there's no call for them to immediately give up because another faction shows up (and, yes, the idea of whoever reaches 100 posts first DOES do that - a faction can easily spam 100 small posts and tell a story, yet that means we're asking factions to sacrifice quality over quantity). Better to make the two fight it out and give the planet to whoever tells the best story - and not merely because they got the post limit first!
Otherwise we're really going to see two factions aiming for the same world, one posting thoughtful, in-depth posts because they want to tell a GOOD story, and the other spamming their way to victory with maybe 1-2 paragraphs in a post, still telling a story, but not doing the whole thing justice. Best way to stop that is to give everyone a legitimate means to contest a planet without forcing a race between the two. A decent IC conflict would be better for that purpose - OOC concerns, like post count, really shouldn't come into it.