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Akure Executive Leatherworks

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
1 Pair of Leviathan Bracers (in Black if possible)
1 Terentatek Duster (in Wine Red if possible)
1 Glistaweb Scarf (in Black if possible)
2 Dauntless Combat Blades with No-Touchey Effect
1 Bodo Baas Gunbelt... but for blades instead of guns
Total: 1,740,000


Alachei ordered a pair of Leviathan Bracers. That was really all she needed from either line, nothing more. A hundred thousands credits was offered up and ready for transaction.

[member="Rave Merrill"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Rave Merrill"]

A message came in as Matsu mostly typed keeping her image and current location out of it. Just text and the information for delivery thanks to the tramp freighters Silk had made with plenty of space for storing a large cargo.

Dear Akure executive, I have recently come into possession of the hide of an adult K'kayeh dragon and I know you have a acquisitions department for rare and exotic creatures. Attached is the information for the ship and how to get a hold should you accept shipment. Attached are also an image of what if possible for your lines it could be turned into with hat included.
[member="Kable Detta"] - Transaction approved.
[member="Erin Darkstar"] - Credits will do fine.
[member="Matsu Ike"] - In return for your offer, we can provide a coupon for 1.5 million credits' worth of our merchandise.


Well-Known Member
Damien called, "Lets finally add that 'special jacket' we talked about, whatever main specs it comes with. Nothing fancy. Add a Warden Coat to that also if you would." Damien eyed the canned meats, and expected they would be delicious, however he never ate canned meat.

(Talkin bout the Kerrigan coat of course when i say special. I had asked for specifications before, and forgot to finish the purchase lol)
Would you be interested in buying Annakona skin, Katarn hide, or any other Kashyyyk-native animals?

[member="Rave Merrill"]
[member="Rave Merrill"]

How much can I get for a Katarn hide, and a Terentatek hide... better be worth three days in the Kashyyyk shadowlands.

[[OOC: Thread in which I obtained the hides here ]]
[member="Rave Merrill"]

Shopping was something Siobhan liked to do a lot lately. Well, actually whenever she went out to acquire the shiny things she absolutely needed for her high life she tended to drive whatever attendants she brought along with the shopping assistants insane with her complete lack of patience. Online shopping was far easier and less stressful for them.

So Akure Executive Leatherworks would soon receive an order from the Countess. Specifically for two shiny dresses made of glistaweb, which was reported to be a fine, shimmering materiel that was capable of repelling low to medium blasterfire. One dress was supposed to be in black and for her, the other in red and thus obviously for Tegaea. Presumably the order also included appropriate measurements and such so that they could be fitted properly.

All in all 80, 000 credits.

So Siobhan sent the order and leaned back in her leather chair while an Eldorai servant girl rubbed her back. She had been so wrong about aristocratic high life being a bad thing.

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