Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alchemy Body Enhancements

Jarven hated to see scared children. The boy looked like he was ready to embark onto young adulthood, and so Jarven felt that he was needed as a guide in this boy's dark time. He stepped forward and put his hand on the guy's shoulder. He reassuringly said to him, "I don't know, son. But what I DO know is that WE are going to be okay. If we don't like what we see, we walk away. Easy peesy..."

He could still tell that he wasn't completely convinced, so he kept going. "Listen, bud." Jarven put his hand over his heart. "The heart is the strongest muscle. If you feel alone and helpless, listen to your heart. It will guide you. That's why there are so many evil people out in the galaxy. They stopped listening to their hearts and have lost their way. These people here are just corporate. They're not going to kill us. That's bad for business. And if they do try to kill us, You can wave your rave---lightsaber around wildly while I toss you at them. HA HA! Just kidding."

He thumped the guy on the back and said, "Relax, kid. Let's find out what's going on before we panic." Jarven turned back to face his host(s).

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]
He listened to Jarven intently, thinking about everything he said carefully before speaking quietly. "We wont be here to find out." he said plainly as he took out his lightsaber and ignited it, keeping it lowered towards the floor though. He suddenly felt a strong sense of bravery and adrenaline as he held the lightsaber in his hand, it gave him comfort. He appreciated the Mercenary's kind words and attempts to make him feel better. It appeared to have worked. He waited for a movement.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Lord Daemos"]


Well-Known Member
Damien, reading outward emotions from the duo, let them move as they would, having ceased his Fear. But when the saber was reignited, Damien reached out with his own in a flourish, activating the plasma blade so the tip rested inches from the chest of the youth.

"You're wrong." Damien said to the mercenary, leaving his eyes on the boy, "Either of us here could kill you with little hesitation, and I could do so without feeling depressed in the least." Then pausing to let that sink in, he said, "Drop your weapons.

"This is not an option. You are trapped in a militant company with, at downtime, over a hundred guards on site. Some trained Force users. You will die, be detained, or worse, even if you managed to get past me and my companion." Damien murmured.

Allowing another long moment of silence to sink in, he finally smiled, "All this is at the moment is, as you have understood, a modification appointment. I will put everyone else on hold. All you will need, is to sign a waiver, and we will give you whatever you wish. Strength, speed, endurance, durability, intelligence."

[member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
He looked down at the blade inches from his chest and deactivated his lightsaber, holding it loosely in his hand. He looked back up at Damien, their eyes meeting for a moment. He knew he had no chance against this man, his reflexes would most likely fail him and he had no where to run to without the possibility of getting caught. Though this time he was more determined and less afraid of what could happen. He stared at the man, coolly.

"I didn't come here for a modification, I don't want any of those things and I'm not going to sign anything, so if you could just let me leave..."

[member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]


Well-Known Member
"I said drop them. Not hold them deactivated." Damien growled, "We tried that one already." The Sith then held up his other hand with three fingers up, "3 seconds." He said calmly.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]
Testing his limits, and glaring at the man, he reluctantly dropped his lightsaber on the last second. "I'm not signing any waivers." he said defiantly. He kept his eyes on Damien's, as they were the same height, before looking down. "Lower yours..."

[member="Lord Daemos"]


Well-Known Member
Damien deactivated his own, then hooked it back to his belt. Folding his arms, the Sith Knight glared at the kid, "Then don't sign. I will have to detain you until the police arrive then. You were trespassing, before we were even fully opened." Damien said angrily. This boy was infuriating him for some reason.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
"Good luck doing that." he scoffed, moving away from the man. "My master will come before you can get your hands on me." he said, though he knew almost fully well that it wasn't true. He narrowed his eyes, keeping them on Damien. Before he hadn't been so keen but now he was determined to show his master he could do some things without her, starting with surviving any possible attacks on him.

[member="Lord Daemos"]
Frell me with a gay space raccoon. Not only had he infected the boy with the Stupid Courage Virus, but now he had found out the real extent of their predicament. He stepped slightly in between the two when the lightsabers went down. Turning to the kid, he said, "Gee whiz, kid. Did I say that you should TAKE a lightsaber through the heart?..." He turned back to the man in charge, fully knowing that he was dealing with Sith. This was technically the first time that Jarven had come into a true conflict with a Sith. He hated the nature of Force Users already. They were overpowered by galactic standards. However, in this moment, all he saw was a predator of a man and a vulnerable child.

"Hey, come on, man. The front door was unlocked. How was he supposed to know it was closed? He's just some kid...with a lightsaber...." Jarven realized how stupid that sounded and then continued to speak. "The point is that he's in over his head. If he wants out, then just let him out. What's he going to say? "A bunch of people were running their business?". Forget about him."

Jarven shifted position and tried to change the topic. "Anyway, strength, speed, durability, endurance, AND intelligence? What kind of implants are we talking about here? I'm interested."

Looking back at the kid, he said, "Actually, could you stick around and make sure they don't steal my kidneys?" He grinned and winked.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]
Horrified at how light hearted Jarven was being in the current situation, Fletcher shook his head in dismay. He knelt down and picked up his lightsaber once more, though this time he refused to stop. "Don't bother, their kind doesn't care for negotiation." he said sourly as he ignited his blue lightsaber and held it out in a defensive position, poised to attack and defend. It was clear that this time he wasn't going to give in so easily, taken over by a sudden courage.
"Step aside." he ordered Jarven, he stared at the Sith coolly, letting him know he wasn't going to back down without a fight.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Lord Daemos"]


Well-Known Member
"Feth this. I'll just fix you up after." Damien said, then with a sigh, he gathered power from his dual Talismans of Concentration, then combined with a bit of his own power, hurled a bone shattering Force Push straight at them both. Through the amount of power, it would be almost as if Mikhail Shorn, the Telekinetic Prince, was toying with them himself.

Being intelligent, Damien also did not just make the shove a local point, but rather a broad wave that would encompass the entirety of the room beyond his standing point - obviously without going backward to harm his ally.

[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

(Been meaning to say, I like your character names. Both of you. Really unique.)
[member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Taeli sighed at the antics of the Padawan and the merc, they really were rather annoying to her. Especially the Padawan's false bravado, but that could easily be fixed with a lesson. He seemed far too concerned with appearing confident in the face of danger, and she wondered why Jedi taught their Padawans to do that. Honestly, that sort of thing was the reason so many Padawans got captured by the Sith. Instead of yelling bravado at a Knight and Lady, run away and fight another day . . . preferably later on in your life when you might actually stand a chance.

At least Daemos seemed just as fed up as her as he unleashed a powerful Force Push at the both of them, all while Taeli just stood back and watched. The two might not be willing subjects after this, but it was going to be interesting regardless.
...Well...That was unexpected. The Force Push knocked both he and the boy into a large window. Their impacts created great cracks against the glass. He was relatively fine, except for the dull pain and disorientation. Jarven had a high pain threshold. The boy wasn't so lucky. His cybernetics kicked in and Time. Slowed...Down. He took off his repulsor rifle and shot the window out. Dropping that, he pulled his jet pack off and picked the boy up. "Take it!" He yelled at the lad. He slapped the pack on his back, took off his right glove gauntlet with one swift motion, and put it on the boy's hand. "Squeeze to fly!" He then grabbed and tossed him out the window. The facility was high enough up that he hoped the boy would have a chance to adjust and NOT die.

The previous events had happened in a surprisingly quick amount of time. The boy would certainly be confused and the Sith would undoubtedly be enraged. He pulled out his sword and, in his berserker mode, rushed towards the man. He came forward, his sword appearing to be ready to come up for a stab. He soon tossed the sword up in the air, as a distraction, and lunged at the man with his dual vamblades reaching out for him.

(Been meaning to say this. I hate Force Users. Trollololololol. :) )

[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
Panicked and confused by the sudden pain of the force and everything chancing all at once, it was lucky he did as Jarven said and managed to save himself from certain death by his quick reactions. He landed on the floor safely and quickly. This man who he'd so earlier doubted and held a lightsaber at had just clearly saved his life. He looked back up at the window.

(that's friendly xD)
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]


Well-Known Member
(Whoa. Lol could ask for a re-write, as the room they are in are in the center of the building, ie no windows leading outside...and that the newest headquarters is simply far more massive running only on a single floor though. But I'm on a phone and can't be sure if I ever gave hints other wise. So I'm gonna leave it as is.)

Damien laughed at the disappearance of the boy, and at the mans antics. Even without his CZAR implants, Damien was an extremely fast person, and could easily see the mans false moves as they came. Dodging to the side, his martial training kicked in, while being sped up by the Force.

Dropping low, Damien swung a kick sideways to sweep the man off his feet. Then releasing his hold on Force Enhancing his body, the Sith Knight, with well beyond a millennia beneath his belt, lashed out with his mind, attempting to work his way past any barriers that were in place. Then, using what little he knew of Crucitorn, Damien combined his adequate energies with some more from both his Talismans of Concentration, and sought to create the most devastating pain his opponent had ever felt.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"]


Well-Known Member
(Whoa. Lol could ask for a re-write, as the room they are in are in the center of the building, ie no windows leading outside...and that the newest headquarters is simply far more massive running only on a single floor though. But I'm on a phone and can't be sure if I ever gave hints other wise. So I'm gonna leave it as is.)

Damien laughed at the disappearance of the boy, and at the mans antics. Even without his CZAR implants, Damien was an extremely fast person, and could easily see the mans false moves as they came. Dodging to the side, his martial training kicked in, while being sped up by the Force.

Dropping low, Damien swung a kick sideways to sweep the man off his feet. Then releasing his hold on Force Enhancing his body, the Sith Knight, with well beyond a millennia beneath his belt, lashed out with his mind, attempting to work his way past any barriers that were in place. Then, using what little he knew of Crucitorn, Damien combined his adequate energies with some more from both his Talismans of Concentration, and sought to create the most devastating pain his opponent had ever felt.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
Jarven had no such defenses. He was an open book. He didn't even feel the pain, it happened so fast. Everything happened much faster than Jarven could have possibly perceived, even with his enhanced capabilities. Deep inside of his own mind, Jarven was standing in a white room. Was it a room? Was it a planet of white? He did not know. On the horizon, he could see some figures. He walked slowly over to them, and could start to make out their forms. They were all wearing the same armored outfit as Jarven, except that they were all colored differently. When he got close, they all turned to look at him. They were all Jarven, but only Jarven was himself...truly. They acknowledged his presence and then turned back to stare at a final figure who was separate from the group.

You need to talk to him, Jarven. Good luck. Jarven walked over to the final figure. He was a dark, tall, bulky figure. His armor was very different from Jarven's own. It was red, had spikes, had a different design style, and was much larger. Jarven stood next to him once he caught up. He looked at the figure and then stared at the horizon. Neither of them made eye contact. You know what, Jarven? I hate Jedi. Yeah, I hear ya'....Jarven? Yeah? We should kill them all....Yeah.....They stood there in silence. Waiting.

In the real world, Jarven was laying on the ground, his body limp, his pupils narrowed significantly and spasming slightly.

(I find it weird how you keep trying to remind us how old you are. :p )

[member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]


Well-Known Member
(Lol I do that with my chars for some reason. My first Master was 'the Shadow Master' like twice in each post. His clone is 'the elder mind' at least once. It's a descriptive thing I do lol.)

Turning to Arcanix he smiled, "I'm going to inject him with enough anisthetics to drop a bantha." Damien murmured, then did just that. Releasing his hold on the Force, he pushed the syringe against the mans skin and pumped him full of sleepy time drugs. Moving back, he gripped the man by his feet, using the Force to grab his arms.

Lifting him, he moved the body to the table and released him. Nodding to Arcanix once, he murmured, "So what should we do to this thing?" He asked. He thought maybe some speed enhancing, which would involve fluidity of his muscles, and a durability raise. But he would offer his opinion after hers.

(I don't know if he sent you a message as well, but he said he doesn't mind changing as long as he basically remains the same physically. So I figure this would be the 'first step' Sith Spawn with changes inside rather then outside.)

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

(Just got home from work and getting situated to do some posting, but sounds like a plan)

"Well let's just hope that amount of anesthesia doesn't kill him," Taeli said, looking at the man. Technically, he had volunteered for what was coming by walking into the building, even if right now he was unconscious.

"Hmm, he's rather good looking already, so let's leave his face," she said with a smile. "He's probably a little vain about it, but let's see. Stronger bones for one, like ultra strong. Stronger muscles, but maybe for powerful in the legs so he can run faster. Might need to boost those synapses in his head a bit, oh and maybe we can alter the composition of his skin to be harder and more easy to heal."
Jarven stood there next to Rage. Was that his name? Rage? He was naming them now? Good grief.

Quickly and inexplicably, Jarven noticed the rushing of liquid at his feet. All of the Jarvens soon noticed it and started to look and mill about in panic and confusion. It soon started to pool up beneath them. The white space around them SEEMED to be infinte, but the liquid level rose very high and very fast. Soon, they were all submerged under the liquid. At first, they all panicked and flailed. They tried to swim to the surface, but it was just out of reach. Soon after, they suddenly realized that they were able to breath just fine in the liquid. In fact, breathing it in felt GREAT!

All of the Jarven's broke the surface of the liquid. Jarven said, "We're not dead...I like swimming." Now, for whatever reason and no matter how funny or unfunny Jarven's words were, the other Jarvens simply started to chuckle and laugh. Their laughter grew into a chorus of happiness. "Haahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" Even Rage was getting a kick out of it. "Hee, hee, hee!"

In real life, Jarven's eyes returned to their natural state and they closed as his body let out an involuntary, unconscious sigh of relief.

[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Lord Daemos"]

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