Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alchemy Body Enhancements


Well-Known Member
(Sorry again for another pause [member="Darth Arcanix"]. Hard life, like I told Zexxel.)

Damien folded his arms, leaned against the wall, then began running his chin with arms still folded arms, "Sounds like a lot. (Lol might be a bit to add and have approved.) Lets buff up his strength, and maybe a bit of his defensive abilities, the bones likely being the best idea rather than skin. Though he will have to suffer a loss of speed. Probably reflexes as well.

"Work on the bones, I have the muscles, then we will move on from there if we feel it's needed."

Unfolding his arms, Damien did like he had before, lifting his leg then bending it before stepping up with the other, sitting in open air. Becoming one with the Dark Side, Damien reached out a hand and placed it on the forearm of the man. If he was right, the guy wasn't human, but the muscles likely worked he same, thus he simply began to remold molecular design of where he figured they were at.

Slowly condensed muscles unwound - painfully he presumed - before rewinding, repeatedly, to build a thicker ability. The sinew that made it up would be taught and desastrously painful the first few days after completion, but once they had become useable, his power would be known by all.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"]
[member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

"Hmm, perhaps you are right," she said, nodding and deciding to just focus on the task at hand. Reaching out with the dark side of the Force, she began to find every cell that made up the bones of the mercenary. This process would probably be just as painful as the changes happening to muscles, but good thing he was unconscious.

Locating each cell and bending them to her will, she began to change and alter their molecular make-up. Stiffening the outer layer, she started working deeper, making the cells and bones harder and more durable to injury. They would be almost as hard as steel, but a trade-off was going to be that they provided a bit more weight to his body as his skeleton would be denser. It was the little things though, and she suspected he wouldn't care much about the additional weight, he would probably adapt to it easily enough and be thankful for the alteration.

Jarven dove down below the surface. As he was about to turn and go back up, four wicked looking harpoon bolts lurched forth from the depths and pierced both arms and both legs. He screamed loudly but no sound came out. He was just as quickly yanked downwards, deeper into the darkness, the serrated and jagged edges of the hooks biting and snagging against his flesh.

Eventually, he was in complete darkness and he hit the ground hard. The harpoons sunk into the ground until he was firmly pinned face-first. Jarven's face continued to contort in agony as a bright spotlight flashed on and illuminated the watery surroundings. Similar harpoons were sticking out of the ground nearby. Each harpoon had stabbed through the mid-section of 3 different colored Jarvens. The Jarvens were each weakly squirming from their pinned position. These all made for grotesque Jarven shishkabobs sticking out of the ground.

Grey tendrils of an unknown metal snaked their way to his limbs. When they got close, they all reared up as though they were snakes. Then, they lunged down at him. They all pierced skin and charged inside of his flesh. Some went into behind his shins, some went into the crevices between his knuckles, one went into the back of his neck, and the last one went into the base of his spine. Jarven was immobile and completely in shock. Jarven's mouth seemed to be in a perpetual scream, but there was still no sound to be heard. Soon after, he shut his mouth, gritted his teeth, and his eyes started to glow red.


In real life, his breathing and heart rate started to rise. Sweat started beading up and his eyes started to rapidly move underneath his eyelids. His exposed fist started clenching.

[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Lord Daemos"]


Well-Known Member
Damien murmured to himself without intelligence, simple words that had meaning to himself but none to those around him. It may have been perceived as arcane workings, but in reality it was to help the man become further one with the force. Flowing through him and then into the man he made contact with, the Force continued the process.

After the process of rewrapping, the sinew would begin to thicken and harden of its own accord - it would seem, as it was of course actually driven by his and the will of the Force. The ever present energy thrummed through the body now, actually attempting to dull the pain it would itself cause.

Moving slowly along the muscular system, Damien knew the end result would make this better for the man: the heavier body would be supported by more powerful muscle. As he had thought, he could sense he was correct, the pain would be excruciating for a time. But it would be worth it for the man.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Taeli continued to focus on changing the bones, working her way up his body to his skull. She was going to especially reinforce the bones along his spine and head to make sure they could take some punishment before they broke. They did protect vital areas after all, and the rib-cage would also receive the extra attention and strengthening. It would take a while for this mercenary to get used to everything, but he would be very pleased with the end results.

Finally finishing with the man's skeleton, she noticed Daemos wasn't completely done with the muscles yet so she took the chance to catch her breath and recover for a moment. She wondered what else they might do to this man.
Jarven's form changed and became stronger. The pain started to lose its edge. Jarven's mind became focused and clear. Rage sauntered up to Jarven's pinned body. He came to a stop a couple feet away. He spoke, "You...are so weak. Stand up for yourself, Jarven, or die right now..." But, of course, Jarven couldn't. "Then, I shall release you from your torment and take what should be MINE." He picked up a harpoon which happened to be nearby and walked over to Jarven's left side. He used both hands to position it above his heart and plunged down.

Jarven's head reared up and his eyes went from red to gold "No!" The harpoon hit an unseen barrier and a kinetic force knocked Rage and the harpoon away. Rage grunted with confusion and frustration. Jarven yanked his arms and legs off of the harpoon ends and stood up. He was tired, so very tired. He could barely stand, but he was standing nonetheless. Rage was caught off guard, but we was not to be undeterred. "You're still weak!" He reached his hand out and Jarven flinched back, screamed, and his eyes burned red again. The area around his heart began to glow a golden yellow, however. Rage dissolved into a red mist and floated into Jarven's eyes until his whole form had been absorbed.

Jarven stumbled and fell to his knees, holding himself above the ground. Inside, a fight was brewing and he couldn't keep it inside. He lifted his head and released a torrent of white energy in front of him. His ferocious battle yell could be heard behind the crackling of energy. The energy trailed out of his mouth and forked two separate directions. The two paths hit the ground and spawned two figures.

One, a golden knight.;_ylt=AwrB8pHN7yZVIAUABKWJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzMTQ0Y3M2BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM3ZGY4ODU1OGE1YmM5OWIwZmUxMTEzY2RjNWY3NWY4OQRncG9zAzIzBGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&

The other, a red warrior.;_ylt=AwrB8pp.8SZV_2wAw7WJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzdTc5Zm9vBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM5ZGU3MWQwNzk2NDhkMThjOTZmNDU2MmUxZGNjYmU5NgRncG9zAzE0BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&

They charged each other.

In real life, Jarven's body stats had returned more towards a healthier normal margin, but then his eyes snapped open, his left eye glowing Gold and his right eye glowing Red. He was still paralyzed, but for some reason, those eyes continued to stare at and follow [member="Lord Daemos"].

[member="Darth Arcanix"]


Well-Known Member
Slowly, ending at his leg muscles, Damien empowered the sinew there with a different form of power, actually changing the structure of them wholly, so as to be better used for jumping and running. When he finished, the leg muscles, and arm muscles, were most notably different, having expanded his leg tissues to allow such bulging strength. Damien remembered when his own muscles had been as potent; he had had CZAR enhancements at the time, and now was learning to make a biological version.

Retrieving his energies from the man, Damien noticed his reserves had dwindled immensely, if not for his connection to his Talismans of Concentration, he likely would not have been able to do anything more then the upper body. But through the combination, with his allies help, he had just changed a man from a slightly average build, adding at least a hundred pounds thanks to both bones and muscle.

Then, reaching out with what meager strength he had left, Damien sought to worm his way into the unconscious brain, creating memories of Arcanix and Daemos both being long time friends of the man. Not just slight allies or acquaintances, but dear friends. When he withdrew, he finally noticed the eyes on himself, and didnt know whether or not the information would hold.

If it did, Arcanix and himself would be able to watch the man and call on him for aid if ever they needed it.

"I believe thats the best we can do..." Damien said, dropping his legs to the ground, each like rubber and hardly able to support him. Thus, in his best efforts, Damien reached out to the nearby guards from the hall, and began leaching off of them with Force Drain. Before long, the color began to return to his flesh, and his swaying slowed.

[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]
Before this epic duel could get under way, Jarven saw something above. It was light. He looked to the sky and the two fighters stopped their charge to stand and look with him. The surface of the liquid was falling down upon them. Suddenly, the surface came down upon them and the remnants of the liquid spattered against the white floor before draining away to the unknown. The two figures had disappeared along with the wave as though they had been washed away. His eyes had stopped glowing. He stood there, shivering in the cold. A wind was blowing harder and harder, making the liquid on his skin and clothing evaporate and quickly cool him faster than he liked.

"Hey, buddy!" [member="Lord Daemos"] said as he appeared next to Jarven. "How's my favorite friend in the whole wide galaxy doing?!"

A confused Jarven stared at him, but smiled as though he was in the presence of a life long friend. He saw something out of the corner of his eyes, so he looked. On his other side was Daemos again, except that his eyes were glowing red and he held a syringe dripping with blood up to Jarven's face. "Open your eyes and say AH!" screeched the demonic Daemos. Jarven screamed and fell backwards...onto a couch? He landed on the comfortable couch right next to Lord Daemos and [member="Darth Arcanix"]. They were both laughing, so he joined in the fun. Whatever they found funny, he wasn't sure, but it was great to be with friends. "Hey, Jarven!" shouted Lord Daemos with a smile on his face. "Guess what! You're all wet!" Jarven looked down and realized that he was, indeed, still drenched. He looked at both of them and let out a hearty laugh. The other two joined in as well, all of them laughing very hard. "Let me fix that!" said Daemos as he pulled a giant fan in front of Jarven and flicked it on.

Soon, the wind from became so strong that it picked up Jarven. He was flying through the air, flailing about in a slight panic. As suddenly as it had come, the wind stopped, dropping Jarven from a precarious height. Jarven was falling, falling, falling. Just before he hit the ground, he woke up in a fright.

His eyes were no longer glowing. He bolted into an upright position, but then weakly said, "ow..." and fell back down. He was awake and trying to catch his bearings and deal with the pain.

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