Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All Hail the Dying Mando (Mando Rescue of Prelate Mantis)

Muad chuckled as he stopped weaving, the other mandos taking out the troopers. Walking after Titan he grinned at his smoking arm. Then Ginnie told the two of them to take point. Walking ahead he moved next to Titan as they made their way down the hall. Every new corner had them meeting new enemies. As Titan seemed to be a walking armory Muad stayed ahead and just left of him, pointing with one hand as he sensed enemy reinforcements. His other hand twirled the blue lightsaber parrying blaster bolts and the occasional body who got to near.

"I like this. It's fun."

A off sounding cackle erupted from his chest as his eyes glowed. Through the force he sensed three massive auras burning in the dark side of the force. Three sith, masters possibly. Very powerful. Continuing along he spoke over his shoulder as his saber constantly stayed in motion.

"We have some major hostiles coming in contact very soon. I volunteer to play with them when the chance arrives."

[member="Darth Odium"] [member="Darth Helios"] @Titan @Ginnie Ordo [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Flicking through his views in his HUD with a few blinks he changed from infrared back to norm every few steps. This was a prison but the walls were not quite solid enough to alter the incoming heat signals of those behind walls. Enemies and prisoners. But these prisoners were not his mission. And the enemy were not aware of them yet, for some reason. That would change soon.

Glancing over to Ginnie he grinned. "I was on one of those missions sweetheart, but the Kandossii you are thinking of is Atin, my brother, with his wife Chloe. Although in my opinion I'm the better Kandossii. Better looking too." He smirked with a wink before focusing on the mission.

Frowning, he watched as the two ahead mowed down the guards clearing the way toward their wayward brother. "And yeah, I can plug force users too. Figured I might have to salt my bro one day if he fell off the deep end. Needless to say, I've got a bad feeling about this." He grinned as the customary words just had to be spoken. His right hand pulled his FWG.

[member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Darth Odium"] [member="Darth Helios"] [member="Rosa Gunn"] [member="Titan"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]
As the Jedi pointed out the enemies, Deimos pointed the barrel of his Reaver, mulching the guards who were in the path of the bolts. The behemoth saw a small sith turn the corner, followed by more guards. He thundered down the hall, increasing his speed until he was at a full sprint, given his size, the massive Mando's speed was faster than most.

The titan barreled down the hall, and just as he reached the soldiers who were running ahead of the Sith, Deimos lowered his shoulder and bull rushed the soldiers to the side. Smashing some into the wall, he even stepped on one unlucky soldier, collapsing his chest. When the SIth charged, he skipped then shot his boot straight out, sending the Sith flying back into the wall, blood splattered the wall where he collapsed.

The gargantuan vod turned the next corner and continued to cover the advance as the Jedi and the others followed.

[member="Muad Dib"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Darth Helios"] @Peliat Mantis @Everyone I Forgot

Darth Odium

[member="Rosa Gunn"]

He looked up at the Sith Harlot. Another of his master's little creations. He was attractive to be sure and he could not doubt the power that dwelt behind her eyes. He hated her. It was that simple. He had touched her skin, her mind, her spirit and their was enough of him in her aura to hate her as much as he loathed himself.

"Entertaaainment." he rasped like a ghostly beast as he,looked away. Tendrils of force stretched out to brush the hand maidens breifly causing them to gasp and he to lick his lips tauntingly. They were sheep livestock beneath even the Rosa thing's notice and were good for only one thing...dying. He resisted of course. These were his "sister's" possesions not his.

<<They come for their brother.>> he spoke to her mind breifly sending reminders of their "time" together with his words, <<I like them. So much emotion, so much passion and unbriddled violence. Remind you of anything. >>

'Yes hate me. Hate me and feed my hunger.' he thought as she listened.

Rosa Gunn

Rosa's lip curled aware from her teeth in anger as Odium sought to snatch away her maidens lives. She shrugged them off her, snapping her fingers for her mask, which they lay in her hand before scurrying away. Leaving her alone on the rooftop with him. She closed the gap between them, golden mask clutched between delicate fingers and she brought her other hand to gently caress his head tresses.

She repressed a shudder at the action, swallowed against the urge to dig her nails in and rip them from his head.

"They remind me of animals. Of Sith. Only untrained." she responded. "Odium, if you touch them again," she spoke soflty, her grip tightening on one tress "I will rip you apart with my bare hands." she released him, shoving his head roughly forward and turning away from him heading back towards the escape door, fixing the mask to her face as she did.

"Let us go greet our guests."

[member="Darth Odium"]

Darth Odium

[member="Rosa Gunn"]

He smiled as she sent her meat slaves away and popped a kernel of salted corn into his mouth. It didn't satisfy him as it once did. Food turned to ash on his tongue and never could fill the life sucking void in the pit of his stomach.

Her hand touched his head tresses and he fought the urge to find a place to stab her. Her touch was like Quinn's and that made him hate her all the more. Touch them? Rip him apart?

<<Rip me apart..?>> he spoke to her mind, <<take this life and give me joy, release? You're too sweet madam.>>

She pushed him and he grinned at her vehement loathing of him. Reveled in her manner of disgust.

<<Let them kill. Let thier bloodlust be satisfied. What do we care if they take a dog from its pen. He is nothing to us.>>

He stood and poured out his snack. Knowing she was too stubborn and indoctrinated to see it his way. Dusting off his hand he moved to follow her and fought the urge to kill them all.
Muad paused at the fallen sith and kicked it's robes to reveal the lightsaber within the folds. Bending he picked it up and then jogged forward to catch up with Titan, again taking his position to point out turns and enemy combatants. Chuckling at the blood dripping from the large mando at point with him he shook his head.

"Mate, you're my type of chaos. According to the holoprojector from the wee one Mantis should be the next two lefts. Does this seem a little to easy to you?"

Moving with Titan Muad grinned as his left hand began spinning the sith's cylinder hilt in his fingers. He felt the darkness of the other beings coming closer and the maniacal side to his soul came alive. The darkness and madness that was Muad laughed inside as he prepared to meet 'kindred' spirits. Madness and chaos was fun, and Muad liked fun. The anticipation was killing him, and that made him want to kill.

Darth Odium Darth Helios @Titan @Ginnie Ordo Preliat Mantis
Where had Aditya been this entire time? Trying her best to hide behind the Mandalorian with the biggest armour. There was a moment when the love-struck Epicanthix peeked her head around and gave a strong sideways glare, but that was when the twelve year old girl took charge of her supposed operation.

Not that Aditya minded. She hung close to [member="Silas Mantis"] and ducked for cover whenever anything like pain came her way. "You're [member="Preliat Mantis"]' little brother aren't you?"

What else was she going to do, watch explosions?

Pa'Kar Sang

Something wasn't right. This was too easy. The guards...they fell like flies beneath the might of the Mandalorian rescue party and but one Sith had come to combat them. As he pulled his beskade from the chest of his fallen foe he smirked behind his visor. Well, there were Sith...But not the ones that needed to be worried about. One Knight.

Still...What was going on? Had they walked into a trap?

The Hound

The heel of his boot clacked behind Odium and Rosa as they walked towards the chaos. A dog had many jobs. A companion, a hunter, a guard. His role varied on the will of his master. Isolda had been quiet since Rosa's turn and he had taken to following her instead. He still did not hold much trust for the woman...Though she had solidified her place among the Vahl, if not the Sith.

Rosa Gunn

Rosa made a noise of utter disgust as she descended the steps, her hatred increasing tenfold. Everything about him made her skin crawl, amplified by the souls that he carried around with him. Feeling their despair made her angry, made her want to tear them from him and...and what? Release them? She bit her lower lip, her expression hidden behind the golden mask. Release them and let all that power go with them. A hunger knawed within her, made her bones ache. It was so alien, yet so familiar. A lust for power, for blood. A desire to hear them all scream.

"It is nothing to us that their dog be released, but images are important. To let him escape without something of a fight would be damaging."

I will fight all of you. I will see all of you burn. I will hear all your screams.

Her eyes fell upon the Hound and her rage intensified.

"Besides," she said her voice somewhat muffled behind her mask. "I want to hear them scream. I want to feel their pain."

[member="Vaermina"] [member="Darth Odium"]
"Oh cool! I couldn't tell the difference, sorry. . . I'm really hoping that Silas, Jedediah and Aditya can handle getting Mantis out of the building. . . 'cause we're about to start plugging the forcies. They're gonna make it hard on the retreat. Stick with me, kay? Don't leave me alone in here. . . please, Mister."

The growing uneasiness in Ginnie's small spine continued to creep higher and higher and higher. They were being watched, they were within seconds of being slapped with the hammer of the Sith. Ginnie was sure of it. She fingered her trigger and kept her senses wide open.

'They'll never make it back to the ship.' She thought, the Mando'ade around her . . . would any of them make it out alive carrying the weight of a drained, broken, one legged man? The thought that it was all for nothing, that the rescue of one man was worth this much strife hit Ginnie on the side of her temple with the force of [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] knocking her clock off above Tatooine. She'd survived that, as she'd survived the legendary Van-Derveld in no small part because she was more useful alive.

But these Beskar clad warriors . . . were they worth more alive to the Sith? Her grip curled over the trigger of her blaster carbine and [member="Ordo"]'s little girl felt sick. Her heart beat faster, her eyes blinked, she left her mind open to the sounds and impressions of the place and maybe it had been the worst idea ever but the twelve year old got plain old mad. She shivered inside her pink beskar'gam as the oppressive taint of [member="Darth Helios"] descended and the fear in her heart made the once-orphaned girl's anger pitch higher and settle in her mouth like the taste of bad cooking.

Then [member="Silas Mantis"] threw a grenade and in the explosion, Ginnie Ordo found within her an outlet for the distressing anger: she created an unholy conflagration. Flames whipped upward and pillars of fire travelled in chaotic crawling rows lighting anything flammable up in an ongoing funeral pyre. Smoke rose, thick and grey and cloying.

Something smelled like meat roasting. Ginnie started running and then she and [member="Kal Kandossii"] were at [member="Preliat Mantis"]' cell door, [member="Muad Dib"] and [member="Titan"] were within her line of sight and as the flames grew so did the child's fitful anger.

No outward sigh did the child bear that it was her that stoked the flames. Deep within her beskar'gam, she was but a Mando in transit, glad of the filter that didn't let her choke on the growing, tempestuous flames and muffled screams. Doffing a crush gaunt, the Kiffar put her hand on the keypad by the cell door. She concentrated until the last of the numbers hummed into her vision. Pushing the keycard on its dock and striking the numbers, the girl yanked her crush gaunt back on. "Preliat Mantis, this is Ginnie Ordo. Prepare to be extracted and don't try anything cockamamie."

Preliat's cell door veered open.

'Game on, where are you?'
Suddenly fire! Lots and lots of fire! And smoke! And sputtering!

Aditya did the stupidest thing she'd ever done in her entire life: When [member="Ginnie Ordo"] got the cell door open, the Epicanthix Engineer rushed. "Eli!" She yelled, pushing past [member="Kal Kandossii"] and stopping only at the door because. . .

because. . .

One glance at [member="Preliat Mantis"] and the Senior Prefect of the Atrisian Empire's heart snapped in twain. "Eli." Aditya's chin wobbled, she set her jaw and held out her hands. "We're taking you home, Eli."
Elegant and depraved.
"We're taking you home, Eli."

"I think not." Came a raspy, robotic voice, full of malice. Negotiations were out of the window now. Helios channeled the darkside to his being, swelling the poisonous energy within himself before reaching the apex of his draw. "Enjoy the air which fills your lungs, mongrels. You all shall die." Helios said coldly.

A steady pace had carried Helios throughout the Prison halls as he descended to Preliat's cell. He could feel the presence of the Mandalorians in the vicinity, wreaking havoc and killing guards. Helios was focused on those whom separated, however. The signatures of fellow One Sith masters could be felt around the premises, but they weren't in the building. Regardless, Helios' interception would be one of violence. Helios originally planned to counter the Mandalorian's mission by interacting with them before they reached Preliat's celll, but alas he was too late. Instead in these halls the Eldorai Hand of the Dark Lord would challenge those before him. Helios lifted his pale palms towards the group and began to draw the force to his palms. Charcoal lips curled downwards with distaste as he continued to channel energy. One of the two parties would perish and fail, this day.

[member="Aditya Amadis"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Jaden Taacyn"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Moving past the cell in which housed [member="Preliat Mantis"] Muad edged over to the next hallway and leaned against the wall almost as if relaxing. But he felt a duo of troopers running down the hall. The idiots were making enough noise to wake the dead as their boots hit hard in their sprint which rattled armor not tightened down. A small grin crossed his face as he stuck the end of his lightsaber out. Timed perfectly the duo ran through the blade, their bodies continuing on a few more steps before they joined their decapitated heads on the ground.


He turned clipping his own lightsaber to his belt while still spinning the sith's. He felt the approach of the sith, knew the darkness that lay within, and laughed. Then through the force he sensed [member="Ginnie Ordo"] controlling the flames in the hall. As a man of chaos and a lover of fire himself he found that he was greatly amused at her ability. Handy skill. Also good at lighting cigars or deathsticks. Looking at the behemoth [member="Titan"] he nodded to the group by the cell.

"Love fest in swing. Some sith are about to visit and cut it short."

His eyes glowed even brighter as he drew on the force letting the power of the darkside fuel him. That was when he both felt and heard the arrival of the sith. Trotting back towards the group he smiled.

"Pretty boy, how about we play?"

Darth Odium

[member="Vaermina"] [member="Rosa Gunn"]

<<Are you angry, sister?>> He said as he drew the force in through the Myriad souls that occupied both him and his little fetishes, <<Do you want to feel the power? I can give it to you...let you feed your hunger on their pain.>>

He slid the small palm sized crystal from his satchel.

<<can you feel the hate, fear, anger, passion?>> he asked reveling in the emotions himself. his own desperate hunger begging to be fed, <<it's like the arms of a lover letting the hunger be satisfied. powerful arms around you, scared lips upon your hot skin. The gasp of air from the you miss the map of scars on him, Mrs., Ur-rhan? Ordo the scared powerful body of another? They are much alike are they not?>>

He was enjoying this as he walked. He waited for the snap. He knew she had a breaking point, and he longed to see her pushed to it. He wanted her to give in, release the feeling she was holding in check. It would be more for him to feed on.

Rosa Gunn

The hunger ached, the fury intensified. She was trembling with the combination of the two, breath coming in shorter and shorter with each step. Eyes rolled and she reached for the wall to steady her drunken steps. Images of Seydon flitted past her mind, nights of passion, heated flesh. Then Ordo interrputed her memories and she let out a frustrated scream, moving on instinct as she gave into it all.

Slender fingers closed about Odium's throat as she rounded upon him, slamming him against the nearest wall and tearing her mask off with her other hand. She was so close to him, eyes glittering with crimson. Nails dug into the flesh of his neck as golden tendrils slid from her lips to touch his, their faces so close it was barely visible. Her hunger wanted to devour him, to consume all that he projected.

<Is this what you wanted Odium? You disgusting creature. Is this what you wanted to see, to know how far I was willing to go?> Speaking to him and him alone, she tugged upon his life force, enough to give him warning, but nowhere near enough as he wanted her too, as she wanted too. She stopped and drew back from him releasing her grip on his throat.

She swept away from him, breathing heavily. "Stop playing games and cover me."

They were approaching the prison now, and Rosa donned her mask. Redirecting her fury she began to extend her reach to the Mandalorians within. Their minds so easy to find, so driven with passion and hate. So similar and yet different to the sith. Their emotion was raw and she began to build links to all of them, digging for fears to bring to the surface. The Weaver of Nightmares followed the path of destruction the mandos had caused. Her brothers at her side.

[member="Darth Odium"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Aditya Amadis"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Jaden Taacyn"] [member="Titan"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Vaermina"]

Darth Odium

[member="Rosa Gunn"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Aditya Amadis"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Jaden Taacyn"] [member="Titan"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Vaermina"]

He could feel it...the building mass of hate and anger in a twisted cloud of emotion rising to the surface of her being. It was just what he wanted. She screamed and he smiled, her body moved with blazing speeds and he made no move to avoid it.

'Yes.' he thought as she gripped his neck. She thrust him against the wall and he grinned at the pain.

<<Oh my.>> he said as her nails dug into his green flesh. He inhaled deeply, goading her to take more of his terrible life. He pulled her close and put the crystal with the souls of the slavers near Chiss space in her hand as he brushed her lips tauntingly. <<Take me!>> he called to her mind as she started to speak.

She asked him questions her sultry anger filled voice in her mind. Did he want to see her pushed, see her go too far to ever return?

<<Well, Yes.>> he said simply as if the question was silly to even ask.

He smiled broadly as she let go and watched her stalk off with heavy breaths. Too say he was thoroughly amused would have been an understatement. He practically skipped along beside her his eyes taunting, begging for her to explode as the walked to the prison. The Mangolorians would have to go through them to escape and in all honesty he could care less. They meant as little as the image of the Sith in general. What did matter was he was hungry and they were living, the two situations fit perfectly to show the woman what it meant to feed hunger. He had killed thousands to satiate his hunger, bound a million souls of the dead he had consumed and he would not hold back today. Everything, all the things near would have to die....Odium began to draw on the force for power and soon he would drain everything of life.
Silas responded to [member="Aditya Amadis"] with a simple nod, he was far to focused to converse with Preliat's lover. Sprinting after the group he rounded the corners along with the rest of the group and made his way to Preliat's cell. When Helios stepped forward he was quiet for but a moment as he slid his rifle onto his back. Stepping forward beside [member="Muad Dib"] he drew both of the vibrotomahawks from his side. "If you surrender now, we will spare most of you." The boy stated boldly. The fact that he was staring down a Sith Lord didn't phase him in the slightest, in the end [member="Darth Helios"] would be just another body.

Muscles tensed up as he lowered himself, sinking his knees as he prepared for a fight. He knew the Sith weren't going to back down, he knew there would be blood and plenty of it, an abundance in fact. He only hope the majority would not be Mandolorian blood. [member="Preliat Mantis"] recieved a few glances from his helmeted brother, but he'd have no way of knowing it was Silas, he'd find that out later if all went well.

As the anticipation built he tried to focus on his breathing, keep himself calm. He had [member="Titan"] and [member="Ginnie Ordo"] with him as well, they had their foe outnumbered and hopefully in total outskilled. They'd soon see.
"You took a while." Preliat replied coldly to [member="Aditya Amadis"], and to [member="Silas Mantis"], a lesser extent. He held the shiv tightly, grasping the love of his life's hand, and standing up slowly as best as he could, being that he only had one leg. A stump hung loosely out of the bottom of his shorts, cheap pairs of nylon and cotton that they gave him. He was bare chested, and the cold steel and general climate of the station made him shiver as he stood. The heat of fire and the smell of plasma entered his nostrils. The brothers, Silas and Preliat, would not feel the effects of the force influence, along with Aditya. The dark skinned brothers and Aditya were of the Epicanthix breed, meaning the force would avoid their minds and would be unable to penetrate them. In fact, Preliat and the others would most likely be unaware of the influence.

He hobbled with Aditya, and watched as the other Mandalorians, and a few people he didn't know, come to his aid. [member="Ginnie Ordo"], a pint of a Mandalorian, [member="Muad Dib"], a particularly interesting character. [member="Jaden Taacyn"], a fellow Super Commando, [member="Kal Kandossii"], a general jackass. @Titan...who he did not know. But was glad that the monster of a man was on his side. Brown, angry, broken eyes filled with regret and remorse found their way to [member="Darth Helios"].

"Someone get me a gun."

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