Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All Hail the Dying Mando (Mando Rescue of Prelate Mantis)

"Oh you mattered. Don't know if it'll help you to hear it, but he talked about you a lot. We were planning on going home, meet the family kind of thing, but I got side-tracked with my business and needed to bail out. Was something we planned to do."

Aditya looked down at the boy as he sat. The surgeon droids were working on [member="Preliat Mantis"] and prepping to move him to the medical bay on the second floor. Aditya took off her long black gloves and tossed them in a trash bin, her scarred and gnarly knuckles and hands with plasma burns, acid burns, years of duking it out visible on her hands. She plunked down beside [member="Silas Mantis"] and ran her fingers over her hair.

"Guess he didn't know how to go back. Said he'd marked himself. He'd done too much to look you all in the eye and I guess that's the point with old soldiers isn't it? The ones who live through the horrible things don't know how to look back on what they had without feeling the loss of it. I'm no Mandalorian. Only came to Mandalore in the first place for Eli. Help make him a home you know? Truth is, we've only been dating a couple of months and well, I owed him this much. Think about it, Silas. If you'd been marred and scarred and made heavy by the times you had, would you want your Mama seeing a grizzled old wolf of a soldier instead of her beloved little boy? Scare your mother to her wits to see the humanity bludgeoned out of her child."
The last one on the ship, the doors closed and the rescuers departed the Sith planet. They had successfully taken Preliat back from the torturous hands of the filthy darksiders. Standing at the back of the hold, Deimos still held his Ravager in his hands.

"We are clear." He spoke to everyone.

[member="Silas Mantis"][member="Aditya Amadis"][member="Ginnie Ordo"][member="Darth Odium"][member="Muad Dib"][member="Preliat Mantis"][member="Kal Kandossii"]

Darth Odium

Once again the mystical notification gods had chosen to not alert Odium's writer of replies and the dastardly Mandalorians escaped with....who was it again? No really who? Preliat what? Seriously? Well then.

Odium watched as they somehow skirted the Sith Lords and made for their ships. No real loss as far as he was concerned. The man was a Mandalorian, and persons of that kind were a credit a dozen. He drained the lives,of those he had found, jokingly dabbed the sides of his mouth anf walked away. There were people to clean up the rest and [member="Quinn Vos"]s was making Rancor Stew at home.

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