Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All Hail the Dying Mando (Mando Rescue of Prelate Mantis)

"Don't worry kid, I'm not leaving your side. And t's Kal, not mister. I'm not that old." A smirk from the blonde as he followed the tough girl in armor and in charge. "Just remember the first rule o sith fight club. What you see isn't all you get. If we get fodder first it's just a warm up. And if it's a master then there will be plenty more coming. They fight dirty. They try not to engage until they believe they have superior forces and strategy. And the name of the game is extraction, not toe to toe fighting. We pick our battles and this is just a scoop and scoot."

Kal spoke a bit louder then necessary so that all his vode could hear. Blood lust and revenge was on all their minds but this wasn't the place, since it was enemy territory, and this wasn't the time. But both place and time would come soon enough.

Watching [member="Ginnie Ordo"] as she opened things up to the prisoner he placed his backplates to her's to ensure he knew where all the friendlies were. Both hands held pistols now, one the FWG and the other the slugthrower with the acid bullets. He felt as if eyes were watching them and no sooner was he about to say a quick quip then a sith appeared claiming their demise.

A cocky sith or a powerful one. And considering the vibes he was getting he thought it was the later. [member="Muad Dib"] and [member="Silas Mantis"] were barring his way. Speaking over his helmet's microphone he said, "Let's scoop quick. I recommend we head the other way and let [member="Titan"] clear a path. We'll hit those hidden sith soon enough. Remember a stationary being is a target. At least f we are moving we can dodge. Your call Miss Ordo. This is your operation and I'm just a grunt."

Responding to [member="Preliat Mantis"] ' demand for a gun Kal tossed the slugthrower with the acid filled ammo. "Treat her nice. Don't scuff the finish. Bessy, treat hopalong here ral nice." Smirking again he turned but felt nagging doubts and a persistent feeling of inadequacy come over him. Shabla force users. He really didn't like the way things were going. If it wasn't a trap it could very well become one soon. And he still had that bad feeling in his gut.
He'd told her once he was a hard man few would cross. She believed him then, but didn't have the faith then to understand what he'd meant. Watching him scarred, starved and sullen with one leg and the shivers of a desperate man, Aditya finally realized the extent of his fervour.

"You weren't the easiest man to find." Aditya choked on the words, her chin a wobble as she held his hand and wrapped her arm around his back and under his shoulders. "Lean on me [member="Preliat Mantis"], and we're getting you a medic." [member="Kal Kandossii"] handed Eli a gun and Aditya rubbed at her eyes. The smoke was beginning to get to her, she felt breathless and spent. [member="Darth Helios"] came and barred the way, but the Mandalorian she hired and the others therein seemed to have it covered.

Maybe it wasn't as much of the smoke as she thought. "We're going now. Right now. [member="Silas Mantis"], Jacen let's go." She didn't care what Sith were there, she was hoofing out with Eli as quickly as she could get the man out. . . . This was going to take a while.
"Thank you, Kal. . . 'cause this is about to get a whole lot more deadly." Behind the Buy'ce, Ginnie's teeth chattered and her eyes were open so wide she thought her eyeballs would pop out. Someone was tearing into her subconscious, bringing out the nightmares and unsettling her calm. What did the girl fear most?

Being abandoned. Being alone. If [member="Kal Kandossii"] stayed by her side, her fears were nothing but another set of fuel for the tempestuous inferno that burst higher, farther and hotter as [member="Rosa Gunn"] and [member="Darth Odium"] came around. The fires built from their beginnings into a fever pitch. Anyone without a rebreather, or the lungs of a Mustafarian would begin to feel choked, or cough and sputter as the oxygen was being burnt up. Prisoners cooked in their cells, pathways which had been open were closed by the infernal flames, which re-ignited when put out.

The more fear, the more uncertainty the child of Mandalore felt, the higher and hotter the flames got. "I don't wanna die! I'm twelve! I've yet to forge my own full suit of Beskar'gam by myself! I can't fly a speeder yet! I can only fight like a daughter of freaking Mandalore!" The girl threw out one hand toward Darth Helios and swathes of fire surged into columns straight for him from front and behind. She hoped to wash the Sith Lord in fire and give her team enough time to run.

Imagine then, a girl seeing the prisoner [member="Preliat Mantis"] for the first time and seeing what lied in wait for them all should they be captured. What would she feel when [member="Darth Helios"] came up and called them on their short lives? The child did not freeze, nor did she falter. The flames, the heat on their faces if they weren't careful the entire prison would go up.

"Mando'ade, fall out! [member="Silas Mantis"], [member="Jedediah Bagely"] [member="Jaden Taacyn"]! Cover the exit, get moving fast! [member="Muad Dib"], [member="Titan"], fire at the Sith, now! Shower him and lock him down! Now's not the time to save bullets!" Back to back with Kal, Ginnie pointed her blaster carbine at [member="Darth Helios"] and opened fire with a thick and heavy spray of bolts. She moved backward as [member="Aditya Amadis"] started walking the prisoner back toward the entrance. "Where's the other ones? There're more Sith coming! Run!"
Titan turned to see a white haired Sith before the group as the others grabbed [member="Preliat Mantis"]. In the moment in which he saw the man, he hammered the trigger down, filling the air before the man with bolts of energy racing to pepper his body full of holes.

[member="Ginnie Ordo"] gave the order to retreat back to the ship for evac. He began to back peddle while he fired upon the Sith in heavy bursts. The Sith would not have time to use his 'magic'. With [member="Muad Dib"] by his side, the two could hold him off as the rest moved out.

[member="Aditya Amadis"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Darth Helios"] [member="Silas Mantis"] @Darth Kira Knightly @Darth Dreddlocks @And So On..
That's the spirit kid! With the pistol in his right he reached back and palmed a grenade as the flames kicked up. "OYA!" A wave of slugs and blaster fire reinforced by tendrils of flame flew toward the sith. Clapping [member="Ginnie Ordo"] on her shoulder plates with a gauntlet fist he moved at her side, yet a foot ahead of her.

It was time to bang out with the prisoner while the going was good. But he knew that it wouldn't be this easy. Around the prison cell doors began to sort out as the fire burned electrical systems some opening others locking and entombing their inhabitants.

@Titan @Aditya Amadis @everyone else
[member="Aditya Amadis"] made his pupils dilate with the name [member="Silas Mantis"]. He looked over at the Mandalorian, not knowing who he was. He narrowed his eyes, but said nothing more at the current moment. [member="Ginnie Ordo"] was wreaking havoc with the flames, and the oxygen in the ship would soon be gone if they did not hurry the holy hell up. He leaned on Aditya, propping himself up as best as he could. And then, he started to return fire towards [member="Darth Helios"] with [member="Kal Kandossii"]'s gun. Funny little gun, he'd never expect to use such a strange weapon. He watched as [member="Titan"] renewed his gargantuan assault, and once again, was glad that he was on their side. For now. Allegiances were something Preliat knew were temporary, and the stay during the Sith hellhole only enhanced his beliefs.

Preliat looked around. He was the highest ranking Mandalorian there, at least, by his brief outlook. So, they needed an order. Aditya had done wonderfully by getting them here, but she was no combatant, no warrior- no savage. He blinked, taking a deep breath.

"SUPPRESSIVE FIRE DOWN THE HALLWAY! GET TO THE EXFIL POINT OR I SWEAR TO THE MANDA YOU ALL WILL BE GLAD THE SITH CAUGHT YOU INSTEAD OF ME!"He looked over at Aditya, smirking as he continued to fire."Mind uh...lugging me to the exit babe? Can't really run right now."Humor. Preliat showed humor. The Sith really did do a number on him.
Silas would pull back as ordered, entering the hall with his fellow Mandolorians he didn't hesitate to put [member="Preliat Mantis"]' arm over his shoulder and lifted upwards. Aditya Amadis would have enough trouble getting out, unlike the rest of them she was no soldier, she didn't need to be lugging around his one legged older brother. "Westar-34 on the thigh closest to you, heard you liked the things, so if you need to swap out just go for it." He stated, his tone icy at best. Years he'd been waiting for this, to find the brother he'd loved so dearly and who had just run out on him. But besides the details of weapons being offered he couldn't think of anything else to say among the chaos.

"Mom misses you." He mumbled, Preliat would likely have caught it but it wouldn't bother Silas if he hadn't. With one hand he let out suppressing fire from his battle rifle, the weapon inaccurately putting bolts of energy downrange as he fired from the hip. But then again he wasn't going for the kill, he just needed the sith to get their heads down.

[member="Kal Kandossii"]
[member="Ginnie Ordo"]
@everyone else
(OOC: It's been over 48 hrs since the last sith post by [member="Darth Odium"] , then [member="Rosa Gunn"] , and lastly [member="Darth Helios"] so I'll post again)

Heading forward Kal brought up his pistol while the targeting in his buy'ce looked for hostiles. Smoke thickened the air with flames now serving their own purpose and spreading in it's all encompassing desire to consume everything flammable in it's path. The lights flickered as the electrical wires melted and fused.

And onward the mandalorians pressed with their cargo, the wounded Mantis, in their midst. Behind him now Darth Helios was the recipient of a wall of blaster fire and slugs. A smirk and Kal shouted, "Fire in the hole", before lobbing his grenade in the same direction. The explosion was close to the ceiling and shredded it with the concussion wave and frags of super heated metal moving at hyper speed. Surely they would affect the sith as well but his hope and plan was to create enough wreckage between Helios and the group to get some distance on the exit.

His empty pulled the pistol at the small of his back and he focused forward. "Let's hoof it people, well you hop Preliat." Smirking in his buy'ce he ensured he kept Ginnie close. A promise was a promise. And he kinda liked the kid. Anyone who wore pink beskar'gam had his vote for gett'se.

[member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] @Titan @Ginnie Ordo [member="Aditya Amadis"]
The prison doors had locked.

Ginnie's grimly determined little helmet-head peered up at [member="Kal Kandossii"] before the child did what any 12 year old would do when they thought they were being left out. "Hey! I was commanding and everything!" The girl slung her blaster carbine over her shoulder and hop-stepped toward the exit, running ahead of her fellow Mandalorians (but being careful not to get in their lines of fire) and the fires wobbled.

The beginnings of a gritted-tooth groan growled from her buy'ce, as the child swung her crush gaunts out and forward. The fires whooshed up the sides of the corridor, creating an arced and sputtering phalanx of living inferno between the Mandalorians in the middle and pushing toward the door. "You want fire, huh!?"

Ginnie hop-stepped once again and as she did so the girl centred her energies on the raw and horrific fears and pains of an orphaned child whose new and lovely home was in deadly danger of falling apart at her stumbling feet. "RRRRRAAAAAHHHHHH!!" The scream broke past the barrier in her mind as she pushed her hands out and another conduit of fire burst through their exit path with the fervour of a blacksmith hammer hitting red hot beskar. Ginnie's eyes began to lose focus, nothing remained in her periphery but the ungodly conflagration she had created. The prison doors began to sizzle and turn colour.

The way out appeared before them, but the little Mando'ade Knight had her own feet planted firm in the tunnel of the crumbling, charring prison. She hoped [member="Titan"] and [member="Muad Dib"] were still handling her six, that [member="Kal Kandossii"] hadn't left her side like he promised. Ginnie poured into her mind her Forge, the heat of it, the stain of smelting metal on the rock, the smell of ashes. She stumbled forward, found her footing and the fires swelled toward her as if some rush of oxygen had formed around her Beskar'gam.

"For the Mand'alor, Buir. For the Mand'alor." After her father had killed Gilamar Skirata, Ginnie had decided it was her responsibility to repay the Mando'ade for the loss of their glory. Their leader. Although her father [member="Ordo"] hadn't been right, hadn't been himself when it happened the stain of it tasted bitter in her mouth. A voice tugged at her chin and stung her eyes.

'Dar'manda' She planted her feet and rocketed pillars of fire and concussive Force at the doors. Combined with the grenade from Kal, the blast doors turned a bright yellow and buckled outward.

'Dar'jetti'. Gwindolyne of Clan Ordo purged her fears with the fires of her own mind and hand. Those same fires which scarred her ears, deafened her and stole her mother's life. The same fires which her brother [member="Isley Verd"] used to forge the dark arts into weapons of terrible consequence. The same fires that bit at her conscience when she saw her father in his hover chair. This girl was for burning.

So she burned the doors down.

A form in the fire reached from the flames to grab the girl.
"Yeah I can . . . c-hhhhh. . Holy. . . " Aditya coughed and sputtered, she had no armour nor mask of any kind to combat the oppressive grey smoke.

"Aw my gawd." Between the concussive sounds of the slugs and bolts and that uncanny fire, Aditya had met her wit's end. [member="Preliat Mantis"] was taken by his brother [member="Silas Mantis"] and Aditya stumbled in place, stuck in the middle of a cavernous inferno and the constant suppressive fire of the Mandalorians.

And she'd hired the girl. . . that girl. The one whose hands breathed fire.

This was exactly the reason Aditya Amadis hired a twelve year old Mandalorian near-orphan. The kid could hit the Sith in their own vein. Seeing it for herself had Aditya shrieking and throwing an arm over her eyes. She whinnied and glued herself to Eli's other side. So what does a terrified Epicanthix girlfriend do with her arm around her one-legged boyfriend whose little brother was holding the rest of him up? She hurried out of the prison as fast as she could, company included, to get to the extraction ship.
So many things. So much violence. Preliat loathed the noise, without the safety of his armor. It ate at him, the level of violence he'd caused or had done himself while he rotted away in that cell, while being tortured. And then, he looked over at [member="Silas Mantis"]. A sneer told him that it wasn't the time to talk things over- in fact, Silas may have guessed that Preliat was never really going to talk about what he did and why he did. He'd just have to live with it and maybe one day understand it. Preliat grimaced, as he was led onward, with [member="Aditya Amadis"] in tow. Cold, darkened brown eyes fixated their way onto the Epicanthix girl.

"Get moving."

Ice cold water ran through his veins. Though, he could blame him, especially in a situation like this? Heat, concussive energy, explosions, the ache from every muscle in his body- his mind simply wanted to lie down and die. But his heart and his soul pressed onward, he had much more to do. He turned to speak to Silas.

"And you shouldn't be here."

The pint-sized Mandalorian girl, who may have been the only person in the galaxy about as angry at him, created an inferno that was eating up the oxygen rapidly- they'd have to move even faster. He could feel himself choking, his lungs struggling to find oxygen on top of trying to provide it to his struggling body. Preliat would need extensive care after the incident, rehabilitation for more than one thing.
The frigid words from [member="Preliat Mantis"] shocked Aditya into a flat, soulless obedience. [member="Silas Mantis"] had been right this entire time, Aditya was no soldier and she was no Mandalorian. The woman was nothing but a scared soul trying to do right by one man and one man only: Preliat. Eli was suffering and the blast doors were open. Streaking gobs of slag splashed to the ground and cooled into stalactites of crimson and ruby.

Aditya put her arm around Eli's back and moved as fast as she could to the ship. It was waiting as it had been, and swooped in with its hangar bay ramp open for them to scale in retreat. A Med Evac table waited at the top of the ramp, [member="Ginnie Ordo"]'s information had been accurate enough that Aditya was able to procure the appropriate surgeon and medical droids to go with Preliat's blood, synth flesh and surgical supplies. "And who should be, Eli? Me? Give the boy a break, he's doing right by you. We all are. . . I'm glad Silas came. Wasn't it you who asked me when I wanted to meet the family? We met. He protected. It was cute. And when you're feeling better, the three of us are sitting down to a nice family dinner in our home and we're bonding whether you dance for joy about it, or say a very convincing yes dear. Got it, Marshal Mantis?"

Would the rest of the team make it?

Aditya sure hoped they would.
The world slowed down, as the run up to the exfil ship became more frantic and hurried. Tracer rounds and blaster bolts whizzed by him, and he felt himself lowered onto a table. Droids began to place an IV in him, expert in their craft. Preliat didn't look upset or tired- he looked mad, a focused anger."Things changed, Aditya. He shouldn't be here."He said, leaning back as a sedative was slowly placed into his veins to keep him down on the table. His eyes became heavy, and his fists tightened out of instinct. He blinked a few times, speaking slowly as he was dragged further into the ship."I'm not going home."He said, before falling back into the table, his hands falling flat, as the sedative finally put the wolf to rest- for the moment. What he meant and what he said would have to be addressed later, and at a more safe location. But what he just said- that place wasn't going to be Mandalore.

Preliat, meanwhile, right before he drifted away, hoped that all who came to rescue him made it to the ship.

[member="Aditya Amadis"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Silas Mantis"] @Titan [SIZE=13.63636302948px][member="Muad Dib"] [member="Jaden Taacyn"] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.63636302948px][member="Jedediah Bagely"][/SIZE]
The dance of death was a beautiful thing to behold. With the sith saber in his hand he retreated covering the backs of the mandalorans. Laughing he twirled the lightsaber deflecting blaster bolts as his comrade in arms [member="Titan"] effectively returned fire. Flames danced around them from the pink mando and even Muad had to admit she was impressive. Of course he had an affinity to fire and it was his home, a safe haven.

Rounding a corner two robed sith attacked with crimson lightsabers. Roaring with mirth he leaped forward in an attack. Right hand swung down in an overhead arc as his right focused the flames on the walls to the second sith whose robe burst into flames leaving Muad striking down at the first sith who raised his blade to block Muad's strike.

With years of practice at head on attacks and misdirection Muad extinguished the blade, sliding past the surprised sith's guard, and reignited the blade through the sith's face. Twisting he caught the dead's lightsaber and spun into the other sith who had discarded his robe and stood with saber. Thee dual blades clashed against the sith's in strikes both high and low, always attacking, always pressing.

The sith pulled at Muad through the force intending to force him off balance and give himself an opening. A frozen snarl on Muad's face as he rolled forward ducking his shoulder and head and still receiving a glancing blow to the top of his back which burned garment and flesh. But as Muad rolled through he brought up both blades to slash across the sith's waist severing him in twain.

Rising Muad dropped the first lightsaber and collected the dead sith's. Two sith sabers held in his hands, trophies of two sith kills made. Chuckling he trotted back and eased away with Titan slowly exiting the complex while striking against troopers with the fervor of battle. In the courtyard a renewed wave of troops laid down fire. It wasn't enough. With two blades weaving Muad blocked bolts letting himself be the target again.

[member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Aditya Amadis"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Silas Mantis"]
"Well I am here Preliat." Silas snapped, prying the helmet from his head and locking eyes with his brother for a moment before the man slipped into unconsciousness. "What happened to him? He wasn't like this before." Silas asked aloud, to no one in particular. He didn't mean before capture, no he meant far before that, before Preliat had become 'the wolf' they all saw him as now. Underneath the helmet he look a lot like his brother, albeit younger and lacking in the severe scarring department, but the similarities were striking.

Looking to [member="Aditya Amadis"] with eyes full of curiosity he hoped to get some answers. He was no hockey star like his brother, but he'd played anyway to get Preliat's approval, but this was different, soldiering was for himself, not the man...or monster on the table. Silas didn't honestly know the extent. Silently he waited for the others to get back, staying any longer was a bad idea.

[member="Muad Dib"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Titan"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]

Darth Odium

[member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Aditya Amadis"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Titan"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Rosa Gunn"] [member="Darth Helios"]

Odium's sith blade hissed from his belt as he stood beside Rosa and watched flames erupt from inside the prison.

<<Diner by the fire. To bad Ord...I mean Seydon can't jpin us.>> he told her before stepping forward and closing his eyes searching for lives to drain the life from.

He was not a discriminatory killer he never had been. As he started to find lives the force drain that he was known for began pulling life force from anything he reached and one by one the Mandos would see prisoners, gaurds and themselves (possibly) targeted next to satiate his endless hunger.
Exiting the main gate and running for the ship where the others were waiting, the Titan turned back to lay down cover fire, as he fired, troopers and escaped prisoners began to drop, but he wasn't firing at them yet. He looked around, not sure why, all those people inside the prison had begun to suffer, to even whither away. Drawing less breath every second until they expired.

The Titan of a man looked around for a sign. There on the ridge beyond the gates, a man stood, hand out, holding a crimson blade. A Sith. Deimos switched his weapons for the Ravager. Cycled the power cell and fired two laser cannon bolts.

"We need to leave now!"

[member="Darth Odium"][member="Silas Mantis"][member="Muad Dib"][member="Preliat Mantis"][member="Aditya Amadis"][member="Ginnie Ordo"][member="Kal Kandossii"]
Why were her feet heavy? They weighed two tons. Each shuffle the girl took cost her dearly. She didn't notice she'd cannibalized her beskar'gam's emergency oxygen supply to sustain her fires, nor did she notice [member="Darth Odium"] and his draining presence. Ginnie want to rub her eyes. She wanted to curl up in the nice warm place and sleep.

A tug pulled at her heartstrings, she heard a faint whisper of sound: 'Get up, Gin'ika. Get up.' Ginnie lifted her head and realized she'd fallen to the ground several feet from the ship. How she'd gotten as far as the rescue ship or how she'd gotten out of the prison the child knew not.

"We need to leave now!" [member="Titan"] said, the sound spouting into audio receptors in the buy'ce and through a translation unit directly to her brain. The deaf girl saw the words more than heard them, saw as she saw every sound: A read out on her HUD. Her vision narrowed, she saw but a single pigeon hole in the vast black. Ginnie Ordo army crawled into the rescue ship and rolled onto her side, yanking her Buy'ce off and gasping for air. She coughed and sputtered, smoke rising from her armour weave under layer. "Full burn on the engines, once the last of us is on board! Direct course for Mandalore, don't stop for heck nor high water! Weather eyes for scrambled Sith fighters, push past any blockade firing everything we'e got! Go! Go! Go!"

Her body felt shaken up and stirred through fast set concrete, Ginnie shivered with fatigue and an icy lack of body heat. Everything for the fire. She looked up for [member="Kal Kandossii"]. "Kal? Did you make it? Did we all make it?" Her skin had become ashen grey, as the girl took in little spills of baited breath, colour began its slow return to her cheeks. The child's Beskar'gam - some of the finest and crafted for maximum defence - was weighing her down so much the poor child couldn't push herself up on her elbows no matter how hard she tried. Try she did. How could a leader be weak?

The child had overdone it, for now Ginnie coughed, sputtered and stayed flopped, drained and exhausted on the floor of the Hangar Bay.

[member="Muad Dib"] @Jacen Taacyn [member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Darth Odium"]
"He's here and I needed him. I don't care how things always change. We're finding out how, fixing them and that's final. You chose to love me and I'm not letting you argue right now or I'll let that little girl over there punch you like she promised the Sith who sold out your position. We are going home and I'm bringing your brother. Deal with it, sunshine."

Aditya leaned over and kissed her Eli, brushing his cheek with the back of her hand. [member="Preliat Mantis"] had broken. As strong as the man was, Aditya had known for some time that he was two seconds from cracking open and the weeks in prison had done it. The Epicanthix woman held Eli's hand until he drifted off. Once she was sure he'd fallen thoroughly unconscious, Aditya moved around the surgeon droids and the doctor and put her arm around the bewildered little brother she'd only heard about and never seen till now. Further off in the hangar bay, the little Mando'ade [member="Ginnie Ordo"] fell to the ground. Aditya glanced over at the girl and hoped one of the others would pick the girl up, or at least help her a little.

[member="Silas Mantis"] looked so much like his big brother it shocked Aditya into pressing her lips taught and leaning over to ruffle the kid's hair. Mando'ade warrior or not, he was still her lover's little brother and Aditya needed to care for someone right now. "Eli got hurt bad. Lived through things no civilized person ought to live through and handled it by becoming a vicious, howling wolf in battle. He got angry and that anger turned into a gaping wound. I don't know much about what happened on Empress Teta, Silas, but whatever it was to get him captured, he'd been hurting long before.

We met when I hired him to protect my Phrik mining operation a year ago, even then he was running round corners to get away from the truths nipping at his heels. Things he'd seen, wicked sick things. Best thing I need from you right now is understanding. Eli's not the brother that left home. War changes everyone and it's not for the best. Can you do that for me, soldier? Can you stand by Preliat and I as we get him through this?

If you and I work together and work hard, we can bring a smile back onto his face and peace back to his heart. I know it. What do you say? Will you help me? Help me heal him up so we can bundle him up and I can meet your Mama?"
"He's my brother, of course I'll stand by him." He answered [member="Aditya Amadis"], his voice strong despite the inner turmoil he was in. "He cut ties with us after Elrood, I don't know what happened but suddenly we no longer mattered." Silas sighed, he didn't know the details of what happened there, and he didn't think he wanted too. Not much of the galaxy in general knew what happened, the Dark Harvest cover up effort had almost been as great as the effort to stop the actual thing. Which was pretty sad, but also irrelevant.

Looking down on his brother's lover, Silas sighed, he didn't know what to do from here. He'd joined up to find his own way, sure, but everyone knew he was really looking for Preliat, and now that he'd found him he didn't know what to do next. His elder sibling certainly wasn't going to book it home and embrace their mother, that much he knew, but outside that he had no idea. Would Preliat try and force him home? He could try but Silas was staying. Maybe they'd patch things up a bit, do some brotherly ass kicking of dar'jetti? Unlikely, but he hoped for the best.

For a moment he managed to focus elsewhere, on what had just occurred, what he'd done. Eighteen. Eighteen kills, he'd taken eighteen of the bastards who'd killed so many of their people, and tortured more, his bro- and now his thoughts were back on his brother. Stuck in the anxious cycle of his own mind Silas groaned and too a seat.

[member="Preliat Mantis"]

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