Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All in the Game [Red Ravens Dominion of Aduba III]


"His violence would do him well at covering the hostages. Which reminds me, we'll need zipties for them. And someone capable of answering any attempts at communications made while we're in there. At least up until the point the cover is blown. I'd like to keep this quiet up until the point we can remain quiet no more."

There was a pause as he took the datapad, and his eyes began scanning as gloved fingertips flickered over the screen. Commit to memory, build a path. Plan ahead. "You could slip someone in, or, judging by that look in your, uh, your eye there..." he says, giving her a quick sideways glance. "You can do it yourself." Little did he know that would mean flashing breasts but that was of little concern to him.

"That will be done roughly a half hour before; the, uh, planting of the device that is." He wet his lips.

"First phase is simple; you'll knock out the cameras around the time I'm headed to the roof. We'll need a speeder to air drop in parts to the drill. We'll also need a few gas grenades filled with sleeping gas. I'll drop them into the vent system from the roof and it should knock out the staff. Big and burly will be at the front door at that time and will wait until things are safe before going in. He'll be coming up to help me carry the parts down.

You'll meet us at the vault.

That's when we'll hit the second phase. You and I will assemble the drill while he waits for law enforcement to arrive. Once they do, he'll keep them out while we work. Now, there's roof access nearby the vault door. There's a maintenance stairwell that runs the height of the building we'll use to carry the bags up to the roof - that's how you'll reach the vault from the basement, by the way - and we can make multiple trips to maximize profit; which is why our friend is going to need plenty of ammo and some body armor.

They'll eventually, however, wise up and use the roof to their advantage, which means one of us will have to stay up top to deter any would be heroes. You can run the bags if you'd prefer, or I can. We're roughly the same in size and build so I can't imagine one of us will be noticeably quicker. I might have better luck carrying the repeated loads, though. I'll leave that up to you."

He frowns. "Otherwise, that's about it. We'll be wearing gas masks, of course, which will restrict our peripherals but... the opaque lenses will further obscure my features and the features of our friend. I don't really know what we'd do with you.

...sound good?"
Location: Locru's Central Saloon with [member="Sayl Bane"] and [member="Cryax Bane"]

How wearing the robes of the Sith, Sage sauntered into Locru's Central Saloon where he knew two-thirds of the other Bane children were. He was on a short sabbactical from his training with his Master Matsu Xiangu, and since his boyfriend was nowhere to be found, decided to spend it annoying his family. He and Sayl had been sent to Hell or some plane like it, and were a bit too preoccupied with getting out to catch up properly. He had much to tell his sister since their Jedi training on Ession, such as his capture and deliverance to Matsu, his trip to Dorin, but especially his new love affair with the Dark Side of the Force.

He saw the Chiss and half-Chiss sitting at a booth in the hole in the wall known as Locru's. What the Red Ravens wanted with this insignificant speck of a planet was anyone's guess. The glittering skyscrapers of Coruscant were spoiling him rotten. They were joined by a dark haired woman in a satin dress that was way too swanky for Locru's, but she rose from the booth and took her leave as soon as he arrived. Sage shamelessly watched her curvaceous figure as it left the bar. Pity about his bad timing.

"Oh look, it's a regular family reunion," he announced as he took the empty seat across from Sayl and Cryax. "How long do you think it will be before we're all fighting with each other? One minute? Two? Maybe we could break a record and make it five?"
Location: Locru's Central Saloon with [member="Sage Bane"] and Cryax Bane

There were times when a person could deal with someone like Sage, and all that came with such a task, for any amount of time. Most days Sayl had no problems with listening to her twin's biting remarks, and would even return them with her own. The two often went back and forth in a similar manner whenever they were together, and it wasn't an entirely unusual sight for any nearby. But then there were days, very rare ones, mind you, when she actually wanted time to relax without having to deal with his comments. This just so happened to be one of those, and this was evident from the roll of her eyes when he approached, and the quiet sigh under her breath.

Still, they were family, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't care about him just a bit. Cracking a smile, her dark eyes quietly appraised his new attire. There already was something to explain. His presence through the Force was different as well, tainted with a darkness that hadn't present anywhere in his aura beforehand. Then again, her own likely wasn't the same strict light it had been previously, likely touched with hints of the same cloying shadows. The slightest of frowns creased the corners of her mouth, gone as quickly as it had come, though she knew it was likely he'd already picked up on the micro-expression. The two hardly missed anything about each other.

Leaning forward so her elbows rested on the table, she glanced sideways at Cryax, turning to her twin. "Longer, if you shut your mouth." The statement was made mostly in jest, and she flashed a smile soon after. "Where the hell have you been, Sev? Next time you decide to drop off the face of the galaxy, give me a call first. I like to at least know what trouble you've gotten into this time."
Hm, apparently she was better suited to on the ground criminal activities than she'd thought! As a matter of course there was always a bundle of zipties and a can of mace, either wampa or rancor grade depending on her mood in her handbag. A girl had to be prepared, it was a tough old world after all. As if she was going to get into a physical fight with all the folks wandering the galaxy swinging lightsabers around compensating for who knew what. Nope. Mace, ziptie, run.

She listened intently to his plan, running the scenario through in her head. There was always an element of risk, but she judged the chance of failure to be acceptably slim in this case, particularly considering the timeline she'd given him. Come up with a plan now, we do it today. These requests were not reasonable, and yet he was providing results all the same. Yes, this one would be useful.

She shrugged again in regards to her recognizability.

"There is nothing that can be done about it. I suppose if we wiped the cameras, killed all the hostages and I wore a full body suit on the way out I might not be recognized, but Patricia gets so titchy about unnecessary civilian casualties.."

She sighed. Quite frankly as long as they weren't Ravens she didn't much care. Let the rest of the world burn, as long as her and hers survived.

"Acceptable. Good depends on how it actually goes down. A moment."

She toggled her personal comm unit on, Cryax had had his way with it, and any slicer would find it quite difficult to hack into even were it in their hands. She entered the code to raise [member="Tyro'din"].

"Hello Anan,"

she purred into the comm, Tyro'din amused her, for all that he also concerned her, and there was no need for the new children to be aware of any schisms within the Ravens.

"I've found a rather amusing why to spend my Taungsday afternoon.. I need a driver.. I'm sending you a list of equipment, coordinates and a time. I need a few things dropped at my ship as soon as possible as well. The body armour and scary looking guns I don't care where you source them from, the other.. I'd prefer if you can take care of that, so I know it works. Thank you Anan."

She ended the transmission, though she didn't shut down the comm entirely in case he chose to reply. He would get it done, that was enough.

"You might have better stamina, I will mind the roof."

That may or may not have been true. The once dancer was extremely fit, and vain, not allowing any of her muscles to wane, but quite frankly running up and down stairs carrying bags didn't appeal to her. Plus people tended to yell warning at an attractive Twi'lek a lot longer before opening fire.

"Anything else or shall I make sure the muscle knows what he's doing?"



"Tell him what he's doing, and then I'll meet you wherever you see fit tomorrow to gear up." There was a nod of his head. "Tomorrow we take care of this. Can't rush good business." With another nod, he adjusted the way his sunglasses set upon his face and moved to slide from the booth and the orange Twi'lek therein. "I'm sure you'll know where to find me if something comes up between now and sunrise tomorrow." He adds, giving her a last look before departing from the privacy field.

He left the bar the same way he'd came in, nervous, shady, and generally unrecognizable save for the fact he had on shades and a suit.

Anonymous. Just how he liked it.
Location: Locru's Central Saloon with [member="Sayl Bane"]

Cryax was already talking to what was probably a potential business associate. Sage frowned. Love you too, brother mine. He turned towards Sayl and lowered his voice so that the blue queen didn't hear.

"Trouble? Me?" he said with a mocking tone. "Whatever could you be talking about?" Sage pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it with a candle that was sitting on the table.

"I'm living on Coruscant, Sixer." he said, taking her hand. The news he was about to tell would take a gentle touch. "I have a new Master who is teaching me much more about utilizing the Force than the Ession Jedi. She's..." Oh, what to say about Matsu Xiangu? She's beautiful and terrifying all at once? She's going to put his brain in a jar if he doesn't excel in his training? She's a monster who happened to save him from a fate worse than death? Sage settled on two simple words. "...very talented."

Sage put out his arm. "Walk with me, Sixer." he said "Cryax has his business face on so let's blow this joint. Let's see what this planet has to offer in the way of nightlife, eh?"
"I'm sure I will."

She still hadn't entirely made up her mind, but she had to smile as [member="Glim"] left. The man certainly did have a pair. Imagine! The nerve to tell her when they were acting and then to just leave as if he had the final say. She supposed technically she had put him in charge, but there was never a moment in her mind that she wasn't ultimately in control. It was probably good, she decided after a moment, if he'd let himself get pushed into an impossible situation for the sake of making an impression he was just as useless to her as if he'd walked away at the beginning, possibly more, since he might take others down with him when he failed.

She waited a moment for him to leave, because quite frankly she didn't like to be seen following anyone but on occasion Cryax, before making sure all her belongings were back in her bad and exiting the cantina to find [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]. As she left the building two canine droids who had been waiting outside as ordered immediately moved forward to flank the woman. She was brazen, not stupid. Finding the Nagai, she spoke.

"He's in and has a rather good plan. We're going tomorrow, I'll message you with when and where to meet me. I'll have gear for you, or bring your own. Whichever you prefer."

She flashed him a smile. Nagai had a thing about their knives if she recalled correctly, but knives didn't keep security forces at bay for long. Hopefully he wasn't going to be unreasonable when she gave him a very big blaster and told him to wave it around. Men usually went in for that sort of thing.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Location: Aduba III
Objective: Rob a Bank

Chiasa Kritivaas: "He's in and has a rather good plan. We're going tomorrow, I'll message you with when and where to meet me. I'll have gear for you, or bring your own. Whichever you prefer."

Lurcano just nodded his head. He had noticed the dogs patrolling the building a while ago, but he hadn't thought much of it. Only now did it click in his head once he saw the two flank the Twi'lek. He had been playing with his knife as usual when she had exited the bar. He thought about what she said for a second, before saying.

Lurcano Car'dann: "You can bring the gear. Don't got anything else short of my knives and my blaster pistol. Most of my fights are in the ring. I try not to make getting into shit a habit."

Lurcano looked up to stare the Twi'lek in the eyes. He stared at her dead on for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders. He acted weird on a whim, it was something she'd probably get used to. Or she wouldn't. Didn't matter to him what his supposed comrades thought of him. Crime would always be a job to him, a necessity. This robbery was just his chance to upgrade into the big leagues. Once he got enough money, he would leave behind this life and retire comfortably to a life of luxury somewhere on Nar Shaddaa, or Zeltron.

Lurcano Car'dann: "I'll be seeing you tomorrow then. Send a message to me when it's time, you'll find a way about it I'm sure. And make sure the gear you get me is good. Don't save yourself a few bucks and get any of that cheap chit. A good rifle, and some armor will do. I'll do any of the heavy lifting we might happen to need on this little outing of ours."

Lurcano turned and walked down the street, still playing with his Tehk'la knife.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Location: Locru's Central Saloon with [member="Sage Bane"]

The innocent act might have worked on someone else, but Sayl knew her twin just as well as she knew herself, so her only response was a wry smile and a quiet laugh. The day the both of them stopped causing trouble was a day she didn't want to live to see. Whether it was getting into places she didn't belong or simply instigating scuffles on the street, troublemaking was a way of life for the both of them. And just like his other vices, she couldn't imagine Sage giving this one up any easier. "Oh, I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about. You never do, after all." Waiting patiently as he lit a cigarette and took a drag, she snatched it shortly after and did the same, passing it back after a moment.

If the news about his new living space wasn't surprising enough, his mention of a new mentor certainly was. It didn't take much for one to put two and two together and realize that he was likely apprenticed to the Sith. That brought to mind exactly what had transpired in their time apart that led to such a thing, but she supposed he would explain it all in due time. If he didn't, well, she had her own ways of eventually obtaining information that wasn't intended for her eyes. And if those methods didn't work, their half-brother was a slicer. It likely wouldn't take much persuading for him to do a few favors for family. Especially not if it involved Sage.

Taking his arm as it was offered, she finally puzzled out a response. "It's funny you mention that, 'cause I'm not training with the Jedi anymore, either. Met a guy awhile back, we talked for a bit, he made the offer..." She shrugged. "Some things make more sense than others, it turns out. But I don't think I've ever considered working with the Sith before. And before you say anything, c'mon, Sev. It doesn't take a genius to figure that since you're living on Coruscant and learning under someone else that, surprise surprise, you're one of them now. The question that begs asking is how and why."

Flashing a smile, her tone was almost nonchalant once more. "I'd hope we'd at least have an idea to start looking. You learn that much on Nal Hutta. Wanna make another bet like the last time?"
Sage walked with his sister down the streets of Tun Aduban, the city that birthed Locru's Saloon. Along the streets, thorny plants grew and a few sad tumbleweeds skittered along in the breeze. Aduba III was quite the sandy dirtball. Sage drew his hood over his head to keep the coarse sand from irritating his face. There weren't many "sights" to see here in Tun Aduban, a few other cantinas, some dingy-looking brothels, a depressing casino that consisted of basically two lugjack machines. It was a place where down-on-their luck spacers came to drink themselves into oblivion. The place could certainly use the Ravens credits to revitalize the place. Perhaps, the criminal syndicate would actually help people for a change. Oh, the irony.

"Not training with the Jedi, eh, Sixer? I knew you'd get tired of their sanctimonious ways," he snorted. As she revealed that she knew what he had become, he simply smiled, but there was a hint of edginess behind his brown eyes. Recounting the story of his capture by Zambrano the Hutt was not going to be pleasant. "I didn't exactly find the Sith, but they found me alright. Frankly, I'll need a couple of drinks before I go into the details, pateesa," he admitted sadly.

"Now what's this bet you want to make?"

[member="Sayl Bane"]
Blowing her bangs out of dark eyes that flashed briefly crimson, Sayl contemplated both her own and Sage's positions in the galactic state of things. For two that had grown up first in an orphanage and then continued to lead less than legal lives while taking up dangerous professions, they were doing decently in the grand scheme of things. And average was something to settle for, until a better option came along. But from the way her brother spoke of things, he was already getting by on cloud nine and then some. Not one to waste her time with jealous thoughts, she let those thoughts alone. The real thinking would come later, but for now there were other things to do.

The fact that there was a story behind his turn didn't surprise her, so she only nodded, not pressing him to talk for once. There were some things even she knew the boundaries of, however hard it was for others to believe. "It's hard for someone to not get tired of it all. No emotion this, peace that, serenity, it's the same thing day in and day out. Monotonous and boring. There's a reason I never took up religion, or anything close to it. Ession was enough of a brush with it." She shrugged. "Besides, it's more fun to live a little. To actually do something with your life. We're all just stories in the end, so you might as well make it a good one."

At mention of the bet, her smile came more easily. "What, can't guess for yourself? We're on a planet that has nothing more than casinos and bars, and there's a limit to what we can do in that department even. What do you say we play a little drinking game? I think I might even give you a run for your money and all."

[member="Sage Bane"]
Location: Locru's Central Saloon
Allies: None, they bailed on me... and I'm posting on, damn it.
Objective: Fast times and easy credits

Tun Aduban.

If you smuggled spice, dealt with the flesh markets, or were otherwise considered scum and villany, then Tun Aduban was probably on your Top Ten list of vacation spots.

And if you were the majority of good, decent people in the galaxy, you probably never even heard of Tun Aduban. Which is why the criminal underworld liked it as much as they did. It was under the radar, off the grid. An unmentioned and unmentionable oasis avoided by those who made an honest living for themselves, which allowed the dishonest to operate a little more freely, a little more openly.

When you dedicated your life to staying out of the light, transparency was a frightening thing. A little freedom was an almost addictive sensation. No one who came to Tun Aduban was up to any good. You weren't. And you knew the people on the street weren't either. It rather nicely leveled the social playing field.

The small form drifted through the door of the saloon. A coarse, sackcloth fiber robe enshrouded the diminutive form, casting a shadow which obscured the face beneath the cowled hood. The sleeves of the robe extended past his hands, hiding them from view. Most would likely mistake the small form for a Jawa, though he was just slightly too tall for that species. The hem of the robe ghosted just above the floor, through the creature's steps gave clues as to a pair of athletic footwear commonly worn by human or near-human younglings.

From behind the hood, the small figure surveyed the interior of the establishment. It boasted about the average crowd for this end of the Kessel Run. Turned out freighter pilots, shady dealers, and nervous near-humans, eyes darting about the room anxiously with one hand resting on the trigger.

About the only thing that looked out of place was a Chiss.

Rather odd place to see one those.

Without a word, the small figure continued on inside. Taking a seat at a table, facing the door, the enigmatic figure produced a VersaPad and began searching for a link to the HoloNets.

The information he had suggested that their contact was somewhere around here. Now all the droid had to do was make the connection, and hopefully this job would be over in a rotation.

A single rotation that is.

This planet gave his servos the creeps.
"Well said, sister," agreed Sage. "I'm definitely up for living a little tonight. Although I'd much prefer living alot." At Sayl's suggestion of a drinking game, he laughed, and gave her a playful shove.

"You're seriously going to take me on in a drinking game? Are you mad, pateesa? My idea of a balanced diet is a drink in each hand. I'm going to floor you. Literally!"

Sage chuckled and swiveled his head around looking for a bar. They could go back to Locru's Saloon, but he didn't want the sight of the Chiss to sour his night. Across the street there was a bar called, Stormchaser's Folly, and it looked like just the dive that big blue would never set foot in. He gestured to the bar with a nod of his head and ushered his twin to the entrance.

Sage was getting used to that feeling of some folk scattering like roaches when he entered places that the Sith did not frequent, and Stormchaser's Folly was one of those places. A few spacers looked at the twins and then quickly dumped some credits on the bar and turned tail for the exit. Sage looked at his sister and shrugged.

"So what's your poison, Six? Shots?"

[member="Sayl Bane"]
A more in-depth discussion with her more covert assets via comm link back at her ship saw a suit of phrik armour and four Raven Gauss Rifles. Two for [member="Lurcano Car'dann"], one for [member="Glim"] if he needed it and an extra in case Lurcano managed to fire enough rounds that the barrel of either of his other two started to melt. He might get enthusiastic, you never knew. She was also given a very well shielded little box that should do what was required to the Reserves tech, and she believed it would since the man she'd had supply it was still very much on her watchlist and if he got her thrown in jail with faulty tech she'd have him thrown to some Rancors or something.

Her temp dossier had been entered into the Reserves system, scheduled to start tomorrow, and she knew who was working and which had been sighted on holocams the Ravens had sliced into at bars or nightclubs known for having women on the stages. She probably could have winged it, but it never hurt to stack the deck in your favour. An innocuous charm necklace would pass through almost any scanner, and when triggered would summon the speeder which would drop down the required supplies. The driver would immediately leave in case cover had not been blown yet but would stay in the area in case summoned back early to either help hold the roof, or when it was time to make off with the credits.

All in all things were coming together quite nicely.

She grinned in anticipatory pleasure. A good nights sleep in the sanctity of her own ship, and in the morrow.. She would summon her two new Ravens-in-potentia and make sure they'd not lost their nerve and were ready to go. She might as well have fun now, soon she'd need to go back to the previously conquered world and assess the new assets there. Cryax had already sent her a list of places to look into on Nar Shaddaa for example..

The next morning a comm message with the location of her ship was sent out to the two. Now all there was to do was wait.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Location: Aduba III
Objective: Rob a Bank

Lurcano walked through the streets of Aduba III. He had received the message on his comm from the Twi'lek who he had spoken to last night. He'd roused himself from bed and walked to the coordinates that had been sent to him, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. 'I am so karking unprepared for this poodooe.' His head pounded from his hangover, and he wore no armor. 'Let's hope she made good on her promise of gear.' Lurcano turned the corner and saw the Twi'lek who was standing by a ship which was presumably hers. He jogged towards her, hoping she wouldn't notice his squint and his softer then usual voice.

Lurcano Car'dann: "Alright I'm here. Let's get this chit started. Where the kark is that tiny fellow I saw in the cantina yesterday?"

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Chiasa did in fact notice the squint, and that 'I wish I was dead' facial expression it was paired with. A sniff of easily offended nostrils told her that while he likely wasn't still drunk, [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] was definitely hungover.

"It is a planetary Reserve not a convenience store!"

She hissed at him, swatting him upside the head.

"Get in the damn ship!"

It was quite possible he might have wanted to retaliate to that, after all his 'if it doesn't work out I'll kill you' schtick yesterday, but the two RICO units taking intense interest in him and checking their programming to see if this constituted the engagement of a fight and thus meant they should get involved would likely make him thing again. Or not. It was hard to tell, he seemed volatile.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Location: Aduba III
Objective: Rob a Bank

Chiasa Kritivaas: "It is a planetary Reserve not a convenience store!" She hissed at him, swatting him upside the head."Get in the damn ship!"

Lurcano just chuckled as he walked inside, ignoring the pain that flashed through his head at her slap. 'Bugger, that hurt. She didn't have to hit me so hard.'

Lurcano Car'dann: "Feisty. I like it. Remind me to never meet you in a dark alley at night."

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Chiasa shot a look that was all venom at [member="Lurcano Car'dann"], suggesting that if he didn't watch it he didn't need to wait for a dark alley. Internally she was pleased though. Even if he was likely just spouting off quasi-pickup lines, she enjoyed the thought that someone might be concerned about her. That she was a threat. The dancer had come a long way from Ryloth.

"Armour, guns, stay."

Her finger pointed at the pile of gear in the holding area of her ship. The Twi'lek disappeared deeper into said ship for a moment. One of the RICO units went with her. The other stayed to watch Lurcano. Chiasa did not have much experience with droids prior to these two, and never bothered to wipe their memories. Two was getting a bit.. feisty. From it's seated position, its metal head swiveled to watch every move Lurcano made. It's mouth opened revealing vicious triangular fangs shaped like bayonets for maximum damage per bite and electrical sparks flew between them.

This stopped just before the Twi'lek walked back into the area, stim-shot in hand.

"Right, I'm not having you whinging about and hiding from bright lights. I need you at a hundred percent."
Location: Stormchaser's Folly

Tmoxin was feeling extremely relaxed from the Marcan Herb so she rose from her chair, her legs a little wobbly. She exited the Marcan Cafe and made her way to another hole in the wall along the dusty Aduba III street. A few patrons appeared to be leaving so perhaps this wasn't quite the hot spot she was looking for but it didn't matter. She needed a drink and wanted to put some credits in a jukebox. And maybe dance on the bar. Wait, what? She shook her head as that wasn't a normal thought she would have so the Hapan Officer waved it away.

She went up the bar and ordered an Ice Blaster. With her hip against the bar she looked around at the other patrons. There were a pair of twins who stood close to her. One of them looked distinctly like Cryax Bane but without the blue skin. She looked at her drink and back up again. Must be the effects of the herb making her see things, she thought.

[member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Sage Bane"]

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Location: Aduba III
Objective: Rob a Bank

Chiasa Kritivaas: "Armour, guns, stay."

Lurcano ignored her, as he stared at the host of weapons and armor that were lying there piled. 'Good thing I got here early. More for me!' Lurcano immediately got into the Phrick armor, admiring it on himself and checking the various different mods that could be added to it. It was light weight, highly mobile, and blaster/lightsaber resistant. What more could you want? Lurcano then picked up the Gauss rifles and aimed down the sights, making sure everything was in order. 'This is going to be fun.' Lurcano turned to see Chiasa walking in with a needle. Before he could open his mouth and ask what for, she said,

Chiasa Kritivaas: "Alright, I'm not having you whinging about and hiding from bright lights. I need you at a hundred percent."

Lurcano Car'dann: Lurcano just shrugged his shoulders before saying, "It really isn't that bad but suit yourself. Just inject me already." Lurcano then extended his muscled forearm to the Twi'lek, his veins easily seen.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

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