Once upon a time Aduba had been straight up anarchy central. Or at least the parts of it that weren't farmers just getting on with it. No central government, no major powers beyond whoever was the big man in whatever collection of huts made up a village. But times change and places grow, and ambition was everywhere.
You introduce a Shadowport, that means population swells, and a lot of what that population was swelling with was criminals and businessmen, often indistinguishable from each other. Now something both of these groups tended to have in spades was ambition and often a generous helping of ruthlessness. Chaos persists but anarchy? No son, anarchy doesn't last. Someone always comes out on top. And then maybe that makes everyone else who didn't care before unhappy, and suddenly they want a say in who's on top. The individual might be weak and pathetic, but the crowd, the people, the faceless masses? Now that could be a mighty force if it gets restless enough that it decides to act.
So slowly, slowly, Aduba III had found itself becoming something with a passable similarity to a republic. Kind of. There was a council of those with the money of the support to be heard, and there was one being in charge, not necessarily chosen or raised up from the council if they were strong enough to take it, or if the masses howled loudly enough to have them ascended.
At the moment it was a mix of the two. The current gent in charge, a human by the name of Byrec Laa had in fact been on the council, but had also managed to garner the support of the people, and he'd managed this by being extremely handsome and charismatic. He also happened to be a fairly successful businessman, though details on his business were sketchy at best. Still, rumors of piracy and other such practices were hardly something the fine folks of Aduba III worried about.
He'd been enjoying a fairly good run as self-proclaimed tyrant, and oh hadn't that gone over well in the speeches and rallies when he said it with a grin and a wink. Then the Ravens had descended, the heist had gone off, and suddenly instead of a fairly easy job he was being held accountable for the world going to hell in a handbasket.
Quite frankly he was giving serious thought to skipping out on the whole mess before he wound up lynched. The only problem being that most of his capital had also been in that bank..
Byrec Laa was in short a desperate man, and this was who Henbeddestr was currently being maneuvered towards.