Location: Optional
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music" (Both on ship at all times)
Brooke Waters
Ala SJC/Allies
His recovery was interesting. The Force was taking to him, not communicating as normal. It was confusing, and even rather nauseating at first as the big guy could not control his abilities at first. Of course, this could be similar to when he was learning the Force to begin with, but what was different this time is that he already knew how to communicate with the Force. It still took some getting used to. Where he could once sense others without issue, as if a part of a hive mind, now? Now he had to actually focus on it, Caltin could not simply feel a presence, he had to look for it. The interesting thing though is that he could feel a presence from a sector away, maybe more, but he did not try to go further, maybe another time.
“What is the matter?” Serenity asked as she watched him breathing heavily as if out of breath.
Just not used to this.
“You will gain it in time.” She responded reassuringly with a smile.
I understand, but I am not sure that I have the time. Something is about to happen in the galaxy.
“Right there, you are learning of your skills and how to use them.”
The Force has always shown us the way in these things though.
Serenity again smiled, shaking her head. “Not like this. You are no longer
among the Force, you are a part of it.” Caltin just lofted an eyebrow.
Beg pardon?
“Think about it this way, silly, do you feel the Midi-Chlorians running through you the way you did in the past?” Taken aback, Caltin wondered aloud.
Come to think of it, no?
“Seeee? You are not feeling the Force, in a way, it is the other way around. You do not have to physically feel out for something as you are already connected. Not like a ‘hivemind’, perse, but that you do not have to reach out in the way that you once did. The same as with your physical skills, you are no longer in need of trying to complete a skill or task, you simply do. You are enhanced naturally.”
Should I?
Go ahead, man…
Serenity smiled again. “No, you will not be wearing a ‘cape and tights’ as your friend gave you permission to say.”
What the??
Holy Malachor! Did she just…
“Yes, I did. I know about him. Do not worry. Anyway, back to what I was saying. Your affinity to the Force is new because your situation is and always has been unique.”
HAHA… ‘Caltin Vanagor… Jedi God’...
Serenity actually snorted. “No, silly… not a ‘God’ as you sentients like to call them. Not even a Jedi, or a Sith, or anything. You are just who you are.”
... and that is?
Serenity just smirked. “For someone who professes that he does not like ‘labels’, you certainly are digging for one. You are who you have always been, ‘Caltin Vanagor’. The rest is just titles, that is all they ever were, a select few have learned to realize it.”
A respectful and accepting nod meant that he got what she was saying.
The Jedi Witch, Waters. She contacted him while he was on “The Sentinel” and he forgot to respond. Now, on this dropship was as good a time as any as they were heading down. It was also time to test how this new way of speaking through the Force worked. The big guy chuckled as he hoped he would not embarrass himself and say something silly for all to hear and not just her, but then again what would there be to say that was silly and embarrassing?
Hello Knight Waters. This is Master Vanagor. I have heard good things about you and am glad to know you will be down there as well. Just relax, trust in yourself, not just the Force, trust in who you are and those around you and we will get through this.
See you soon~
Not bad. Now he could go back to thinking about the last time he was around the Bryn, that was a bad day. A bad week. The loss of Sarka, was a tragedy in what happened to the people, but also the devastation, the loss of so many Jedi. Then what happened to Ala. That was the beginning of his failure, and it was the beginning of his defeat.
For too long he put too much weight on his shoulders in trying to protect her. Yes, he needed, needs her in his life, always will, but she needed to be able to fend for herself. That was why she reacted the way she did on the planet Jakku. She was right, he put too much pressure on her, and by doing so, put too much pressure on himself. The attachment would always be there, but it had to evolve as the two of them had. He would never abandon her, but if she was going to recover, if she was going to grow it had to start with her getting out of that krikkin’ hoverchair. Not only this, she had to do so on her own, he would root her on, but it had to be from afar. Only then would her success be meaningful like she needed it to be.
Right now though, he needed to focus on the task at hand. The occupants of the dropship were feeling a little better about the situation, so he did not worry about that. Slowly in his mind, he went over what lied ahead and how to approach it. He developed a plan in his mind, not exactly on what to do, but how to approach whatever they are about to face. Slowly he was beginning to ponder it but noticed that as he was doing though, some in this dropship were doing so as well. They were meditating and all had a similar look to what he had on his face at the moment.
“Approaching the shield! Hang on!” Came from the cockpit.