Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine


Location: Nar Kreeta, Aboard an SJC Dropship (one of many)
Local Time: 14:22
Primary Objective: Neutralize the Bryn’adûl Hivemind
Secondary Objective: N/A
Equipment: Loadout 3 (Medical Backpack swapped with a back mounted Power Generator pack to power the Primary. Carrying a number of detpacks, door breaking charges and two small air canisters in utility Field Butt Pack. Flame Projector swapped out with a CryoBan Projector.)
Friendlies: SJC and Allies | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla
Hostiles: The Bryn’adûl | Open for opposition!


Nar Kreeta. The Ori’ramikad had not set foot on the deep canyons and enormous mountains of the planet before. Though he had read a number of reports about the planet. Nar Kreeta, and a number of neighboring planets and systems were among the first victims to the onslaught of the Bryn’adûl. The planet was in the close proximity of two hyperspace lanes in the region, namely the Pabol Kreeta and Pabol Sleheyron. In control of the hyperspace lanes, Nar Kreeta and her neighboring systems, Bryn’adûl possessed the means to strike deeper into Concord territory.

In order to deny the Bryn’adûl’s access to such a strategic advantage over the Concord, the Concord had taken the decision to launch an invasion to reclaim Nar Kreeta and her neighboring planets and systems. A victory for the Concord here would break the Bryn’adûl’s momentum and swing the war in favor of the Concord. But failing to retake Nar Kreeta and her neighboring planets and systems would spell disaster for the Concord.

This would be the biggest operation he would be a part of to-date. He was feeling a little nervous from what was at stake. His right foot nervously tapped on the durasteel floor of the main cabin of the dropship. If they failed here, millions would be forced to leave their homes and become refugees, or would be killed by the merciless onslaught of the Bryn’adûl.

“This just had to happen now. After three near sleepless nights because the twins can’t sleep through them.”

Ki’an spoke with a smile as he shook his head.

“You’re not the only one.”

Replied Zeke with a mumble, but was met with an elbow to his side from Kom’rk for that comment, seated next to Zeke.

Being sleep deprived for the past few days did not help his situation either. He didn’t blame Ki’an for that. None of them did. He heard rumors as to what had happened, but there wasn’t a good way of confirming any of what he heard unless he asked him. The giant only wished he could have helped with what caused Ki’an’s current familial situation. The Ori’ramikad -alongside his squadmates- had helped Ki’an with his children in their down time, but he still felt that was not enough.

With a short muffled groan, the giant leaned the back of his head against the durasteel plating behind him and tried to rest his eyes for a while until the dropship punched through Nar Kreeta’s atmosphere. It was relatively quiet, aside from the occasional commlink chatter chiming into his ear every couple of minutes. He tried to slump a little on his seat for comfort, but the power generator pack on his back prevented that. The damn dropship lacked the cargo capacity for anything else. He couldn’t stow his equipment anywhere.

He heaved a frustrated sigh after seeing getting some shut-eye was hopeless. He started to tap his fingers on the barrels of his chainblaster impatiently. The massive gun was resting on his lap; the power cable connected to the blaster trailed to his back, to the power generator pack.

[“So, when are we getting off this karkin’ lander? I want to stretch my legs and kill some Bryn’adûl while doing so.”] Kranak said, speaking to nobody in particular in the squad.

The giant glanced around slowly as he waited for someone to answer, all the while his fingers kept tapping impatiently on the barrels of his massive chainblaster. His white glowy visor shrouded the giant’s sour facial expression. He was not claustrophobic, but he disliked the idea of just sitting idle and waiting for deployment. Being unable to do anything and entrusting their lives to a pilot if they happened to be under fire by anti-air guns also irritated him.


Location: Dropship en route to the construct's eastern SCC
Equipment: Ashlas wristguard | Espresso Revolver | 6 L'Escargots with Cryoban charges and 6 with incendiary charges | Stun baton | Two Lightsabres | Brion Substance Regulator | Electromagnetic pulse emitter | Covert Jedi Robes on top of Gundark II-class Power Armor | 5 LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenade | LPD-40 Icejet Miniaturized Cryoban Projector | Commlink | Rebreather
Enemy Tag: Osam Osam Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Allied Tag: Cadere Cadere Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Andromeda Malvern


A complete and total rejection. This was new to the young Morellian who had never been shutdown fully by all members of the group before. Maybe he asked too close to the estimated time of arrival? Cassie was his best friend and Varn had come across as reasonable until then. Why they would both reject him had to have some logical explanation somewhere. The other Padawan had been quiet throughout the trip, and so, her lack of interest didn't warrant much concern. The hand which Mathieu had used to Pat Cassie's back fell limply to his side as his head dropped in defeat. The others exchanged a few more words but this time, Mathieu remained silent. For a few moments, he wondered if what Varn said would be interpreted as an insinuation that Cassie wasn't as reliable as the pilots, something he knew to be a most questionable statement after having seen the Knight's piloting capabilities first hand. Still, he only looked to his friend with eyes heeding for peace.

Soon, the Zabrak Knight and his Padawan ventured over to the cockpit, shortly followed by the pilot's announcement that they were going in. Mathieu concluded that there was a real possibility that the duo would have to strap in or otherwise secure themselves in there now, seeing as the more advanced maneuvers were about to begin. His mind didn't linger on the question for long, however, for his attention would soon be drawn back to Cassie. Mathieu could see how something pained the Kiffar - they knew each other well enough for such things to be noticed. While he did notice that something was off, the sound of the ship firing its missiles melded into the background noise. For the moment, there were only the two of them who mattered. The Padawan thought back to how hard their first battle on Nar Kreeta had hit. It was the first time he had experienced death and suffering on such a massive scale whilst being open to the force. It was something which he had worked long and hard to overcome afterwards and from what had been said so far, something similar, but perhaps different, was on the mind of his friend too. Mathieu leaned back and held on to the straps which tied him to his seat as the ship made another violent manoeuvre but it wouldn't detract from the words he was about to speak. They had been said many times before and would continue to be said in the future, with at least as many unique interpretations as there were Jedi, but they were relevant all the same.

"There is no death, there is the force."

Briefly after the words had been said, the sound of two missiles being fired off could be heard from outside. It was a faint little noise which was barely audible inside the dropship, but still very relevant as the projectiles were heading straight towards them as they slowed down into a hover by the hole in the SCC roof. The pilot quietly swore underneath his breath, very well aware of what was likely to happen. Trying to evade the missiles from such a close range was a hard task and just like he predicted, the first impact was soon a fact. The ship began to spin horizontally as the left engine was almost immediately destroyed from the impact and the 'wing' upon which it was attached started to dematerialise from its acidic properties. "We're going down" the formerly calm and stable voice now carried hints of panic and fear - but the pilot kept it well hidden under a professional mask. Knowing that they wouldn't make a nice landing, the pilot opened the doors both to the sides and rear of the ship to allow for the passengers to disembark immediately.

Just then, the second missile hit the ship's rear, causing it to shake violently whilst also preventing the passengers from exiting that way. The acid would slowly but surely begin to eat away at the vessel, making it abundantly clear that getting out was of the highest priority. Mathieu's eyes followed his bag of sandwiches as it was flung out through the right exit. He looked to his friend "We've got to get off!" Of course, it was possible to wait for the ship to hit the ground - for it looked like it would crash through the same hole that it had created, but for the moment, that did seem like the riskier option.

Removing his straps, Mathieu quickly rose to his feet with a steady grip on the handrail attached to the ceiling. Moving as fast as he possibly could, the Padawan then rushed to the nearest exit and jumped with a few metres left until they would hit the ground. Using the force to dampen his landing, he could see the dropship continue its violent descent deeper into the SCC chamber, heading on a crash course towards its Bryn occupants. While it was more than likely possible to avoid, seeing as the descent had been anything but fast or very surprising, it did give the Jedi a chance to catch their breath.



Location: Nar Kreeta
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music" (Both on ship at all times)
Tag: Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr



The dropship settling down was what took Caltin out of his little trance. He was getting into old form, which meant getting ready for a fight. This was not one of revenge, or anger, or any type of feeling, that was all gone. No, he did not lose all sense of emotion like he once did in the past, but the big guy was not concerned about anything. The foes that they were about to face were warriors, it was their upbringing, it was their culture, it was their life. They had a sense of honor, one could tell in how they acted, and their life was wrapped in accomplishment and conquering.

When he first met them, Caltin was embarrassed to admit that he hated them. Of course, that was enveloped in the damage done to Ala, he lost it and failed. In doing so though, he had gained more than he could have in victory, he gained perspective and strength in mind. He had gained the perspective from his quest and the knowledge of his connection to the Force and how it had changed. He had grown even more than he thought he could and was in a position to do something that the big guy had not thought of in a long time.

He did not have to hold anything back…

Getting to his feet, all the massive Jedi Master did was think about something that he once told a Sith that was intent on destroying all that he had held important. Ironically she was the mother of the love of his life, tried destroying her just because she loved him. That was so long ago. Now, all he could think about was that day and the Bryn’a’dul.

He held no hatred towards them, not anymore. They were who they were and that would not change, but they were a threat to the galaxy, a threat to all. It was funny, it seems no matter the time there is always some great threat, and their biggest weapon was the wasted emotions that they draw out of people. Their biggest weapon was the one thing that could be eliminated the fastest, yet it never was. Fear. What was the point? He was done with it, no reason for it whatsoever. This was not some “Jedi Platitude” or anything, he was far beyond that.

No, he was still a “Jedi”, but really, in choice and name only. He simply was who he was.

As the burrowing had begun, he reflected on his past dealings with the Bryn’a’dul and his mistakes. Emotions and feelings being eliminated were all well and good, but there were other mistakes he made. The storm was a mistake because another could take it. The focus on the armor, and the lack of use of 2.0, either one. He used them too much like he did “Conservator” and ” Vanguard”; the new ones were just that, new. They derived too much of his old feelings and his old habits by doing this when their own abilities and advantages were being hindered. They would need their own identities, and that would have to be allowed to come to them in combat.

Right now was not the best time to stand by the loading ramp as the burrower was busy doing its job and the ride was rattling to no end. However Caltin didn’t care, he wanted the feeling of anticipation, he wanted to prepare in the best way he knew how. It brought his strengths to him and interestingly enough, it brought those around him to their feet as well. He was always one inspired, but it always surprised him.

We are Jedi. We serve those who need us the most. We do not live to fight, but we do what we must, and if that means that our fight is uphill, then we take the hill.

Closing his eyes, he just silently mouthed the words...

You don’t know who I am? Let me explain to you. I am Caltin Anselmo Vanagor. Jedi Master of over eight hundred years and BattleMaster to the old “New” Jedi Order. I represent hope to the universe. I represent the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am a protector of the innocent, I uphold the hopes who cannot stand themselves. I am light in the dark, I am the truth in the fog. I am allied to all that is good and a nightmare to all that is evil. I am the man who has traveled through time and space with the sole purpose of taking you down. I am the warrior you have heard of in legend. I am the sleeping giant awakened by fury. I am Jedi… and I will stop you. It may not happen today, it may not happen tomorrow, but the Jedi are your Endgame… and you are about to lose.

Shall I throw roses? That was beautiful.

You like it…

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Ostak Cl'mana


OBJECTIVE: Platitudes and Decisive Action
OBJECTIVE (TACHAEL-VEMNAK): Eliminate Warlord Amok-Tu
LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Super-Construct, Near Warlock Dome
EQUIPMENT: Ceremonial fireproof Shaman robes
ALLIES: BYRN | In proximity of Sethrak Sethrak | Open to interaction
HOSTILES: SJC | Open to engagement

"I am unsure. What is happening, Ostak? I was taken by surprise, one moment I was planning, the next I was on the ground."

"We are under attack." was Ostak's simplified answer.
Confident that the Warlock now had a basic understanding of the unfolding situation within the Super-Construct, Ostak elaborated.

"A force from the Silver Jedi Concord has bombarded us with asteroids, causing varying degrees of damage to the structural integrity of the Super-Construct. The Warlock Dome must have been hit directly in the center of its roof by an asteroid for that much damage to occur. Fortunately, the dome appears to be one of only a few heavily damaged areas, and most of the remaining infrastructure seems to be fine. At least, that's what was reported in the Eastern Covenant command center."

Ostak watched as the young Warlock scanned his surroundings intently, even as he stood unarmed and just recently informed. There was something concerning him, clouding his judgement. Ostak knew that he could not stay for long, not while Warlord Amok-Tu remained a threat. However, Warlock Sethrak was an important figure, even more so after the unfortunate death of former First Warlord Hrajlmak'Natok. It would benefit the Tachael-Vemnak in the long run to nurture capable and unmolested commanders, especially those that had already proven capable of reform.

In fact, the process was enormously efficient. By indirectly reforming unorthodox commanders before they became heretical commanders, the Tachael-Vemnak could save a significant amount of time and manpower that may have otherwise been needed to purge an outbreak of heresy.

Besides, there was another benefit that the Warlock could give Ostak individually.

Having arrived at the Nar Kreeta Super-Construct just hours earlier, he was unfamiliar with its precise layout. He knew that Super-Constructs frequently employed railcars riding on fast tracks, enabling him to arrive at the Central Section far faster than by foot or even by Rhivak. However, none of the halls he had seen so far were near any entrances.

With this in mind, Ostak began a clever bargain.

"Warlock Sethrak, there appears to be something troubling you." stated Ostak. "I can help you find what you seek within this Construct. In exchange, I would like you to direct me to the nearest railcar, if possible. I have an urgent report to deliver on the physical condition of the Super-Construct's beast garrison, and have been told to seek a direct audience with Warlord Amok-Tu."

"Do you agree to this deal?"

Main Objective: For Soot and Soil
Side Objective: Find The Lothal Guard
Location: The Warlock Dome (Destroyed)
Post: 3

Asteroids? They had weaponized asteroids? Of course they had. The Jedi had thrown seemingly everything they had at The Bryn'adul in the previous "major" battles. The asteroids were surly yet another weapon in the long line of weapons designed to combat the Bryn. Sethrak just happened to be unlucky enough to be in The Warlock's dome at the time of the attack.

According to Ostak, most buildings were still intact. That was good, it meant that most of the essential parts of the super-construct were operational. He hoped that included the rails and the defensive structures, vital in any assault.

Sure enough, Ostak needed the very rails Sethrak was thinking of. Ostak had also mentioned that he noticed something was bothering The Warlock. Sethrak paid little mind to this, quickly giving a nod in agreement to the deal. He would worry about his own mind later.

"Follow." The First Warlock said, motioning with his hand as he began to move out of the ruins and toward the nearest rail station.

They were in the Western area, The Production Section. The rails were underground and one of the main stations was in The Production Section. As were The Warbeasts Chambers, where Ostak needed to go first. The Surface Command Center (SCC) was another prominent building in The Western section. Sethrak wondered if The Warlord Ostak seeked was there....he decided to stay silent on the matter. Ostak knew what he was doing, most likely.

Outside of the chamber and with his mind free(ish), Sethrak could focus more on the battle. Above he saw the battle unfolding, meanwhile on ground level Bryn forces scrambled around, everyone with their own tasks. Through The Force Sethrak felt a disturbance. The new species among the Bryn'adul were upset. Or afraid? He couldn't tell, but perhaps Ostak would know.

"Ostak. I sense a disturbance regarding our new allies. Are you aware of the cause?"
In memory of our late CEO


LOCATION: Open Space

CALLSIGNS: Captain Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Voodoo 1", Commander Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Voodoo 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Voodoo 3". Each Squadron leader makes up "Voodoo Wing", their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 4(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. Voodoo 5(Jurat Squadron) Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. Voodoo 6(Scarab Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Voodoo 7(Gator Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Voodoo 8(Raguel Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Voodoo 9(Beak Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Voodoo 10(Jok Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Voodoo 11(Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 12(Jurist Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 13(Fi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 14(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 15(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 16(Alcalde Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing

  1. Voodoo 17(Kers Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  2. Voodoo 18(Requital Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Voodoo 19(Scimitar Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter

  1. Voodoo 20(Que Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 21(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 22(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 23(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 24(Bulwark Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Voodoo 25(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Voodoo 26(Ferret Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Voodoo 27(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  4. Voodoo 28(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
ORDERS: Reacting.
WINGMATES: Gir Quee Gir Quee ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Mig Gred Mig Gred

Kers Squadron “2 Flight” was on a long-range patrol they were on recon to catch the possibility of a Bryn ambush on the outer regions of the perimeter and while they were on guard, it was pretty quiet considering.

“...7, watch yourself, that left stabilizer is leaking.”

“... aGAIN?!”

“Yeah, it’s not terrible but can see your contrail...”

“I am gonna rip Tallard a new ass!”

“Calm down 7. I need to rep*”

Out of nowhere, Bryn forces moved in on an attack vector and destroyed Kers 5 and 8. It seemed as though the entire Bryn fleet was moving to attack and destroy those four fighters and be done with it.

“1… this is 7… we got company!”

“Coming around!”

“7, this is 1… get out of there Wid… we’ll be into*”

Kers squadron was soon wrapped in and overwhelmed by the Fleet of the Divine Brutality was faster and more brutal than it looked, and that was saying something.

“Mustang! This is Kers 7 of Voodoo-17! We’re engaged with Bryn Forces! Repeat! We are E*”

The Flight Control section of the bridge of the Silver Jedi Navy carrier “Ethereal” was busy, Rojuh and other controllers were directing different squadrons as Scott took in the message standing next to Liram. “That’s all we got.”

It was coming, no real surprise, but this was something that while expected, still sucked. All Liram could think about right now was one question. “What would Kam… Soren… Arestul… Frank… any of them do?”

” Bring in the squadrons, tighten the routes… and get.those.mines.dropped! COMMO, CONN! Get a message out to the fleet. We’re moving into an attack position.”

“Sir, our Jackals, as well as Azazaels have long-range, and full stealth capabilities.”

Scott telling him this was news that the Captain was already aware of. While he instinctively wanted to make a snarky comment, Liram pondered something as he sucked on his gumline. The poles of planets naturally have enough of a magnetic pull to naturally disrupt sensors. Stealth capabilities, combined with… well… not going to give anything away yet, after all. It was just an idea.

”Reroute Retribution, Jurat, Scarab, Requital and Scimitar squadrons. Let’s test this theory. Run them around the opposite side of the planet and report in when they hit the poles.”

“Won’t they have trouble contacting us?”

” Not on the closed lines.”

“If you don’t mind my asking. What are you planning?”

Liram smiled.

” That all depends on whether they get picked up or not.”

  • Pulling surviving fighters back in close.
  • Sending Jackal and Azazael fighters around the opposite side of the planet to the Poles.

Wearing: Gladiator Armor

Armed with: Echani Foil (Ostrine Edge) (Level Three Vibration Cell) (Wrath of Kuraokami)

Five Finger Discount (Vibro-Tanto, Ostrine Edge, Level 3 Vibration Cell)

Rodan Throwing Razor (Ostrine Edge, Level 3 Vibration Cell)

Vibroshield (Quadranium Reproduction, Ostrine Edge, Level 3 Vibration Cell)

Vibro-Knuckler (2) (Ostrine Edge, Level 3 Vibration Cell)

Current Configuration: Lynda (See Bio)

Objective: Terrarium

21 hours prior

Lynda, one of the longest running copies of Westenra-Prime, a GA mercenary, watched the cityscape of Coruscant at night time.

From here, it looked like nothing was wrong. The same strong city planet, home of one of the most powerful economies in the Galaxy...

But get closer and you see things.

Fear, mostly. Desperation. The flood of refugees fleeing the Bryn'adul, each refugee with their own different horror story.

Lynda was nearly powerless to help them. Even the best paying jobs she could take and earn credits on would be a drop in the bucket. Almost useless.

Lynda had cried herself to Low Output mode after watching her former Sister in arms go absolutely crazy with each, increasingly deranged transmission to rivals and enemies.

She had loved her once. Loved her enough to create copies of herself to specifically function as her bodyguards...

But Laertia had betrayed the trust Lynda had shown secretly inducting her into Clan Li-Ves. Laertia had involved her whole family in the war effort.

The worst part was having to keep it secret. Having to hide the fact she was indirectly responsible for Laertia becoming such a direct threat to Jedi interests. Because it would mean compromising her family. Herself.

Nine Lives, even with Laertia's recent treacheries in teaming up with the fiend who had brutally tortured Nine on Kar Shian, absolutely believed the Bryn'adul had to be stopped, though she swore to punish Laertia... someday.

Lynda was appalled at all Laertia had done. But she also blamed herself, for not being able to treat Laertia psychologically. She had been so badly traumatized, both by the reveals to her past and by fighting the Bryn'adul. It was a hopeless endeavor. She didn't know at this point if Laertia could be rehabilitated with all she had suffered. Or all the suffering she had caused in turn.

Lynda was beginning to fear she would have to kill her should she encounter her again. She didn't want to. A part of her still loved the person Laertia had once been. But that wasn't who Laertia was now.

Multiple high stakes conflicts had driven her over the edge. She should never have unretired.

Lynda's artificial organic heart was broken. It caused her an agony her organic databases could not properly categorize.

The nightgown wearing Android looked away from the window, sighed. She lived well, but it all felt empty in the weight of her mistakes.

She wasn't sure why she had volunteered for Nar Kreeta. She didn't want that kind of pressure, to take back a world. But guilt was a powerful motivator, and it wasn't long before she had sent the fee (Reasonably priced.) to hire her.

She kept to herself. Didn't have friends. Friends might have gotten too close to the truth. She DEFINITELY could not have that.

Lynda was just a low level mercenary that took a lot of jobs battling pirates most times. This was her first time doing something truly major.

So she prepared.

She began assembling her load out. She felt for the GA, and the SJC. But they had gotten in bed with imperials. It was why she kept everyone mostly at arms length.

Lacking the more high end weapons of Clan Li-Ves, Lynda nonetheless had weapons databases to help improvise. The Bryn'adul were said to be vulnerable to cryo weapons and all had incredibly tough hides and metals, so Lynda chose a load out of Vibro weapons with the best cryo damage possible.

She spent hours assembling them, fine tuning them...


(Lynda has constructed a new set of weapons!)


Custom Double edged Echani Vibrosword, with an Ostrine Edge and Level 3 Vibration Cell, enabling it to tear through most metals and flesh just by touching them. It's Edge causes intense cryo damage. Lynda's other support weapons all have similar modifications.

Lynda then headed to the nearest base departing for Nar Kreeta after donning her armor.

Battle at this point was the only thing that could suppress her memories of when Laertia still had hope and all the secrets of her past hadn't blown up in her face....


"First time?" The soldier asked in the burrower drop pod. She had deployed among the Forces of Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr , and Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield , and as they rushed to the earth, Lynda gave a weak smile, hiding the weight of her guilt in unintentionally making Laertia such a dangerous threat.

"No..." Lynda answered, thinking of Atrisia. It had ironically been Laertia's finest hour, in spite of the devastating carnage she had inflicted. One of the few times she had ever, truly been heroic.

All she had wanted was to give a powerful but vulnerable warrior a home, a family, and place of safety.

And now, she was damned to keep the secret of her role in Laertia's rise to power forever.

As the drop pod burst into the underground areas of the construct it immediately came under fire.

The hatch opened and Lynda was the first out of the hatch, bounding into the first big dude of interest, using her Quadranium reinforced Vibroshield to block Bryn Projectiles, slashing open a Juggernaut...
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Post One

Objective: For Soot and Soil

Location: Alongside the Chieftain

Allies: Bryn'adul / Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Enemies: Everyone ( Open to interaction )

Equipment: Armor / Axe / Shielding / Ravager / Lancer / Mangler / Crippler / Shredder / Burner / Beam Rifle / Fort. Mutagen


They were back. Godraks blood boiled at the very thought. Those degenerate vermin actually had the gall to return here to this place. He was numbed to virtually everything else as his brain processed just what this meant to him. While many might be shocked by their arrival, Gordrak knew better. They were tricky, devious little things after all. It was an annoying lesson they had been teaching his people for a time. That sentiment paled when compared to their other transgression however. They had taken something from him the last time they had fought here. This world was sacrosanct as far as Gordrak was concerned. That they returned was an affront Gordrak couldn't stomach. That they would sully this place with their presence only incensed him further. He would make them pay dearly for each and every defilement.

As he fumed, Gordrak was given word of the Chieftains imminent arrival. He had come to personally lead his Ultras as he had done many times before. Furthermore, he had deigned to have Gordrak look after his axe. There was a time where the young Ultra would have looked down at the weapon almost reverently. The weapon was older than he was in all likelihood. It had seen much and Gordrak did not doubt that its kill count was likely legion. He and his brothers had occasionally spoke of a desire to one day earn or create a similar weapon. That time of admiring, hope, and brotherhood had long since died. There was only the Chieftain and his will now. He watched as Tathra took up his weapon once more and spoke. Yet again, the Chieftain brought up symbolism and their new "brothers". Gordrak beat an armored hand against his chest twice in response. The gesture was ultimately reflexive however. Gone was the pride or brotherhood that many felt and in its place was an almost all-consuming hate.


Gordrak held his lancer now that he had surrendered care of the Chieftains weapon. The weapon was new to him but he enjoyed it greatly. He appreciated just how many ways the weapon could kill or maim. All of his new gear was performing admirably for that matter. He would need it to continue doing so as this particular fight was important. Failure was never an option and that went double for this fight. They might have taken something from him last time but it would be different this time. He would be the one who took from them. He would break them.



Command Room, ANV Centurion

The hologram flickered, its shimmering blue light illuminating the grey facades of the command room of the vessel and revealing the intel gathered of Nar Kreeta, specifically the so-called Super-Construct which would be the target of the operation.

Leaning with both hands on the holo-table, almost as if holding back the weight of exhaustion on his shoulders, Dagon squinted at the projection before drawing a long sigh, "I know it's not extremely detailed but it'll do- it'll have to do." despite that the war with the Bryn'adul had been going for some time now, their extraterrestrial characteristics still seemed to prove a burden to intel gathering. A lot of solid info but also a lot of mismatch when it came to extrapolating vague observations. It had cost many lives to be able to further their understanding of the Draelsavier.

"The Silvers have gathered a group of mentalists for the ops to reach and disrupt the Kraemonen - the Hivemind." the alien word rolled of his tongue almost venomously. Dagon had faced it on Sev Tok, attempting then to do exactly what the Silvers had in mind to do now on Nar Kreeta. Inadvertently recalling the experience, he glanced at Yula. They had barely made it alive that day and she had played a vital role in their survival.

"Here and here." the Jedi pointed at two specific locations, the interactive holo extracted a zoomed version of their drilling points of entry. "These are our entry points, not too near to each other but not too far. The Concord has provided us with these toys for the job." he waved his hand and the holo projected separately a rotating image of the drop miners. "They are all automated to deliver us to specific coordinates underground which Concord Intel believes the Hive is located at. Info's not super solid but worst case scenario is we shouldn't end up too far from it."

"We're splitting into small teams - easier to move, easier to infiltrate. Our part of the ops is to disrupt, diverge, draw attention; hit-and-run - those mentalists need to reach the Hive by any means necessary." Dagon glanced at each one of them gathered around the holotable, the expression on his face could be best described as a mix of seriousness, determination and exhaustion. "Adjourned."


Retaliation. For all the lives lost to the genocidal horde known as the Bryn'adul, for all the blood that soaked the soil of countless worlds, for all the shimmering stars that had gone dark. It was time for life to strike back against death. Bound against the existential threat of the Draelsavier, the forces of the Concord, Alliance and Confederacy launch the paramount Pabol Offensive.

The burrower shook and rattled as it drilled through the ground, one of its passengers - Dagon - remained fully focused on the live sitrep rolling down before him projected by his holowatch. Status of the other New Jedi, status of the Silver Jedi, status of the Confederates. The further the drop miner advanced underground, the more the readings began to lag and cut off. They were going in blind, like real moles.

The other passenger was a complete opposite to the solemn padawan - Yula was unfazed.

She was putting on make up.

“Dagon, which lip gloss? Peach Passion or Mauve Brick?”

Her tone carried the weight of the moment before an orbital strike.

Dagon blinked in disbelief, stupefied.


"Peach Passion."

He shook his head violently shaking off the puzzlement, before giving her the glare, "Pick whatever, Yula. Not the time for bull."

"I need to try and get in touch with the others." Dagon instructed himself out loud and just as about he was to reach for the comms, the burrower halted sharply nearly throwing him off from the harness.

They had arrived.

Hopefully Concord intel wasn't too much off the mark.

The Jedi took off the harness and approached the hatch, he tried steering it open but it just didn't give in. Jammed. Grumbling a curse underneath his breath, Dagon snapped both hands forward sending a telekinetic blast to tear the hatch open leaving the way clear for them to disembark.

<"Bernard, you copy? What's your status?"> he only hoped the transmission went through.


That's really all they had left to hold on to.

ALLIES | SJC | GA | NJO | CIS | Yula Perl Yula Perl [PARTNER] | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Bernard Bernard | Jairdain Jairdain | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Kiara Ayres | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | @Ki'an Vizla | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin | Maja Fiore | Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren | Milya Vondar Milya Vondar | IF I MISSED U, SRY
ENEMIES | THE BRYNADUL | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma (r u this level's boss?) | OPEN

Last edited:
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective IV.: Make friends, BYOO
Location: Nar Kreeta
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Reidun Amersis (little later)
[ Theme ]

Dis continued to watch these special creatures with interest and tried to understand their language. It didn’t really work out; for the first time in their existence, they now felt the need for a protocol droid. But did one of them understand this language? They weren't sure. So far, they didn’t have the courage to telepathically address one of them.

They also saw bright auras in or around others. This surprised them very much.

They never thought there were Force Users among them, and based on what they just saw, it seemed very possible. Back then, they were the ones they should have "surrounded" by the Shadowcat, they might have been much more receptive to it. Through the Force, they may understand each other.

Though they had no idea how they would react to it. They could still feel the approaching Jedi, or at least Dis was pretty sure they were. It will be revealed soon anyway. For now, they were watching the members of Bryn’adûl from the roof of a nearby building.

In fact, they still hoped the fights would be avoided… After all, the Shadowcat was a pacifist.

Objective: For soot and soil
Location: Draelvasier Barracks
Bryn'Bois: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Gordrak Gordrak
Adversaries: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze [Drek'boi is always the boss] | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | @SJC
Equipment: Armour | Syphon Beam Rifle | Lancer | Triad |
Dredge | Juggernauts | Savage Drones |

The hivemind acknowledged the command of the Chieftain, the privileges of the northern shield generator transmitting to his neural lace, connecting him to the Mind Stone. They wouldn't be able to track all of the Concord's landing forces or their allies, but they'd be able to locate a majority of them. Every passage, every doorway was linked to the Hivemind via the Mind Stones. They were its eyes, and it felt everything. The Akhenaton, the Vaydralen, Draelvasier and Ungulloi were all biologically coded into the system. Anything else blew up like a beacon on its scans, giving them a detailed understanding of where most if not all of their enemies were. The Kraemonen Hivemind had began the calculations, Ashaka acolytes directed to the northern generator core to begin assisting the massive Quilxyn in its task. Around the Warlord, Dredge led parties began to form into configurations of two-hundred per six Dredge. The massive tunnelers would echo the movements of the Excavators directed by the Shamans, following the life signs of any forces deployed below ground in wide open areas or larger tunnels.

"Commander, smaller groups of enemy forces detected inside the subsystem tunnels of the surface." One of his own Juggernaut Majors delivered the message from over his shoulder.

Whatever the Concord was doing, their forces would be converging on one spot directly or otherwise indirectly if they desired to strike one target. No, they had more than one objective in play. But that'd all be made irrelevant by the Quilxyn. Galak placed the Lancer on his back, palms twitching with anticipation. He hated them, so much.

Keldtohera. Pavium.

They had taken, brother and sister. Everything that mattered to him had been torn away slowly by those who dared to call themselves saviours. Yet bombarded, sacrificed their own kind to fall back again and again. Those who could stem the tide, the Jedi and the warriors - they knew who they were. But they ran every time. On Yurb, they drowned his brothers in sand. He felt his right twitch, fist flexing in and out as his fingers dug into his palm. On Nar Kreeta they booby-trapped their own city, dropped a cruiser on their own forces and killed Pavium. A cold stir in his chest, trembling as it lowered with adrenaline flooding his veins. On Sarka, they commenced orbital bombardment on their own civilians just to try and stop them and drowned Keldothera. His breathes, paced but ragged, foul. The Concord weren't deserving of respect, the Juggernauts that remained from Keldthera's regiment had already began to take trophies. One of his own, wore a ranger chestplate as a replacement for his shoulder pauldron. They were going to hunt them down, like animals and once Osam put some sense into the other species, they'd kick them off of this planet.

The smaller tunnels, Galak would have singular Dredge lead the Savage Drones into the dense and maze-like wealth of smaller tunnels pocketed across the underbelly of the surface levels of the Construct. Gunboats began to ready for surface deployment, Drones heading to review the status of the battlefield. Their commanders would report back to him.

The Jedi were still landing, but with the city shield closed - there wouldn't be any more getting in without shield bypassing tech. The same would go for any progress within the Super-Construct itself once the northern Quilxyn was ready.

"Artificers, status on the northern generator?"

"Ready in sixty seconds, Warlord."

"Good." Galak checked the Lancer one again, putting it back onto its magnetic holster for a second time.

Nerves, perhaps. He readied with one of the main Dredge lead companies, moving to intercept the tunnels ahead of the largest groupings of deployed Concord forces.

"Tathra, I'm moving to intercept them now. The grid shields are ready on your command."

[OOC: Not sure which group is the largest, so anybody can have my peeps intercept them now if they want.]

Sword | Shield | Armour | Rebreather
1st Legion, Brotherhood of Steel (1,000)
Allies: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Silver Jedi Concord
Open | Bryn'adûl

"That is good. The Bryn'adul will not allow you to survive more than a single mistake, if that. Their bloodlust outclasses even that of the Sith. And unlike the Sith, they are singularly united in their desire destroy all other lifeforms in the galaxy. Those who capitulate to them are slaughtered the same as those who resist. They know nothing of mercy or honor and showing them either simply gives them the advantage."

"Not to worry, Colonel. Valkyri do not capitulate, and for all the suffering the Bryn have caused countless billions they have long since waivered any right to receive any mercy from us. It is not in the nature of the Jedi to kill, but with these... monsters, there is no other choice. This war can only end in total elimination, I have made my peace with that fact. I am only sorry we did not realise the full scale of this threat until recently."

It was a far more realistic, perhaps even cold, stance than he'd been used to. Idealism had had to take a backseat more and more often since his ascension to the throne, but he would always strive to inject some of it into his every action and decision. That boy filled with hopeless optimism was not yet fully gone; he would make sure this would never come to pass.

Arriving at Nar Kreeta, the drop was about to commence.

Thurion appeared before his kinsmen, ready to climb inside their suits of power armour, each one adorned with the colours and insignia of their clan. Only their King would be fighting without a suit, for he needed the freedom of movement to make use of his considerable talents. This man had led his people to victory in the Civil War, withstood a Sith invading force, defeated the Vinterbound and the armies of the Valkyri Goddess of Death herself. He had their full support in every endeavour, and they let him know by taking a knee in reverence as he appeared.

"Rise up, Warriors of Midvinter," he began with that time-honoured phrase, prompting his men to stand again to the sound of cheering.

"We ride once more into battle together, my brothers! Those pods," he pointed, "and those shuttles, will be our steeds delivering us into the fray. You've all been assigned to your respective squad, to lend your strength to the cause. For it is no longer their cause, but all of ours! This fight is now being fought for the sake of every living soul across the known galaxy, including Sacred Midvinter! These creatures we are about to face seek to wipe out all life on every world, so we must stop them now while we can!"

Unsheathing his sword, Thurion held it high for all to behold.

"Each of us belong to this galaxy! SO LET US FIGHT FOR IT!"

Valkyri cheers reached a crescendo as they roared and chanted their warcries, eager to battle these monsters they'd been hearing about. There were plenty of monsters on Midvinter, how could these be any different?

As each pilot climbed into their suit of armour, these walking tanks came alive one by one and reached for their massive weapons; axes, hammers, swords, all vastly larger than could be wielded by any one man. Thurion watched his warriors split up into their designated drop pods as he donned his war crown, its wings framing his determined face.

The armada of drop pods were sent towards the surface of Nar Kreeta, where they would proceed to burrow underground to where the Bryn'adûl dwell. The majority of the 1st Legion would accompany the 3rd Infantry's surface assault, while a smaller detachment would join Paladin Company in attacking the lower reaches. Among them was their High King, leading from the front as was his custom.

  • Thurion and his warriors are dropping alongside Beltran Rarr's forces.
  • The majority of the 1st Legion is assisting the 3rd Infantry in the surface assault.
  • A detachment of 100 legionnaires, led by Thurion, haved join Paladin Company in burrowing underground.



Location: The Ventress
Gear: [X] [X]
Allies: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren , Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal , Oleander Webb Oleander Webb , Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin , Milya Vondar Milya Vondar , Maja Fiore , SJC
Enemies: The Bryn'adul

Her mind wandered as Millu followed the Lord Commander around the Ventress. She was excited beyond measure to have a chance to both put into practice what she had learned about lightsaber combat in the class she had taken recently, and ba able to actually do something worthwhile for the Confederacy.

She was wearing armor again, as she hadn't for almost a year, but thankfully this set had a less-claustrophobic of a helmet.

Millu had the slight feeling that maybe her shadowing was annoying Gerwald in some way or another, but until they were ready to go she couldn't do much anyway, and the girl had way too much energy to sit down in some room and try to meditate or read.

She was pulled out of her musings by the commanding voice of the lupine sounding both beside her and through the comms.

"Okay I guess, I'll just follow you to the hangar too..." She quickly said before quickening her pace to match Gerwald's strides on their way to the hangar bay.

Little after they got there, the others started to arrive. All Obsidian Knights she had only seen around of caught glimpses of through her days. Millu felt like she was the only squire, but that remained to be seen. She was certainly the youngest though. But that was no excuse for the rude remark of the dark-haired, somber-looking man who arrived first.

"I am not a baby. I can take care of herself, thank you very much." Millu grunted out her response as the only Nightsister in the group gave her two cents about her presence there. The girl then grinned at Maja Fiore 's quip about the situation.

"I might just do that. And you-" she pointed to Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin - "deserve half a kick. I will follow your advice, and I know when to ask for help, thank you for that. And I won't be kicking anyone right now, I assume we have better things to do and I'd probably be in huge trouble if I did." Millu completed, suddenly aware again of the Gerwald's commanding presence beside them, as she turned to him.
"So. Where do we go now?"


Location: The Silver Tide, entering orbit around Nar Kreeta system
Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

The doors to the Space Operations Center whisked open, admitting the admiral and his retinue into a dimly lit room filled with tactical holographs and the dim roar of Concord officers coordinating the vast battle emerging around them. With a sweep a his eyes, the man could see live feed from several of the Kreetle Drop Miners burrowing into the depths of Nar Kreeta as well as new holo-imagery from GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. 's fighters making their sweep across the planet. A salmon-colored mon calamari immediately stepped to join him as he navigated his way through the chaotic clusters of officers and holo-projectors.

"Admiral Reshmar's task force just arrived," announced the other Directorate officer, "unharmed as well."

"Excellent," said Gir shouldering aside a young ensign to squeeze in around a holo-projector, "we'll have to keep receiving fresh forces like this to continue the offensive-"

"Termnant just took a direct hit from one of their surface cannons," announced the ensign, jabbing a finger at a large frigate that suddenly erupted in fire before plummeting towards the atmosphere.

The admiral sighed as he reviewed the info pop-up that engendered itself by the stricken frigate. Casualties are expected. The Bryn clearly have spent a lot of time fortifying Nar Kreeta. They must recognize its value to us just as much as we do. A brief look around the battlefield show that as the Silver Jedi fleet exchanged fire with the surface fortifications, the Bryn'adul fleet was moving to position itself above the part of the super construct, effectively layering their defense. Perhaps they think we want to run a gauntlet through to land more troops on the surface? Perit cleared his throat loudly, immediately drawing the admiral's attention.

"Sensors are showing split seconds where the enemy's shields are down while their planetary cannons open fire."

"Much like the conventional hypervelocity cannon and planetary shield combination," observed Gir, "you think the same classic drill will work?"

The mon calamari nodded, "No reason to not try it."

"I don't like to take damaged ships and put them into duels with prepared forts," noted the man dryly, "but it's better than the alternative of being shooting gallery targets."

He flipped a switch on his headset comlink to the channel he shared with some of the other ranking Concord officers, "Those planetary defense cannons are going to tear us apart if we're not careful, but they seem to be vulnerable when firing - their shield systems go briefly down like the traditional hypervelocity and particle shield combo we're more used to seeing. I'm going to recommend maintaining constant, and I mean constant suppression fire on them. The micro-second the shield is down for them to fire is the micro-second we vaporize them. The Silver Tide and her consorts will tackle on planetary cannon targets Alpha One through Alpha Seven. That leaves five more to suppress. If none of you are able to suppress them soon, we'll have to let it fall to the reinforcements..."

Even as the man spoke, the massive batteries of the Silver Tide began to orient down on the fleet of the Divine Brutality and the Super Construct below. The multi-gun Ragnarok batteries began to spit out Chaos shells, blanketing the superstructure and its nearby vessels in nagnol gas, hopefully blinding the Bryn'adul vessels and the Servitor Sentinels from accurate fire. Seismic charges detonated throughout this rolling cloud of hazy gas, creating reverberating seismic shockwaves which might shake apart enemy small craft and disorient the Bryn'adul ship crews and the surface defenders. Countless other weapons from the Silver Tide and its escorting warships began to pour out haphazardly into the Bryn'adul fleet, save from reasonably precise firepower from the star dreadnaught's plasma torpedo launchers and particle cannons that continually pounded the sites of the Sentinel Servitors in attempt to suppress the massive organic weapons. Gir shifted on his feet and turned his sapphire blue eyes onto Perit.

"Is the special task force ready?"

Perit hesitated, "The fighters are ready to launch. The last of the cruisers and frigates are entering formation now."


Throughout the many hangars of the Silver Tide, pilots sat in an unlikely mixture of rarely seen starfighters. One so new that the greater galaxy had not seen it - the other old enough to be nearly forgotten but by a few. Yet their pilots were among the best that the Concord could spare for the mission....
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force


Objective: Structural Defence
Location: Grounds beyond the Super-Construct, directly ahead of the War-Beast Chambers
Allies: Galak Galak | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Osam Osam | Ostak Cl'mana |
Enemies: Kiara Ayres | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok |
Stave | Cuirass
Forces: Al-Hadad | Shamans | Servitor Excavators |
Siege Towers |

Al-Hadad continued to move through the surface of Nar Kreeta, moving through the routes of the Guardian - the old ruins of Nar Kreeta's old capital, the tunnels stretched across continents from that point to the Super-Construct. But even with the path paved, the world still rumbled as the great serpent approached. Drek'ma watched from above, watched as the Concord's pathetic mimics of their own warfare. Their burrowers delved beneath the surface, moving to strike against the Bryn'adûl forces underground directly. They wanted to fight them on their turf, through their ways. The Draelvasier would fight to hold Nar Kreeta, the world symbolised unity and that unity was in the crux of breakage for the other species.

Drek'ma stepped closer to the edge of the battlement, eyes scanning the battlefield as the red city-shield reformed; gaps sealing behind the deploying forces of the Concord. He could see the destruction that mired the Covenant section, he wondered how the new species faired now, the ceiling of the Covenant section utterly destroyed. Once again, concern rose for Warlord Osam. The anxiety, the tensions rose the Covenant like a blaring alarm. Siege Towers moved above ground now, opening fie with ballistas and turret fire on the surface landing enemy forces. Below ground, the Excavators moved in droves, several dozens moving to engage the Concord burrower teams. Their drilling arms tore through the rock in their path, giving a momentary warning to any they attacked. But that rumbling, the shifting of ash and pebbles between them - it heralded their demise. The Primarch poured his will, his malice into the beasts. From the Excavators, his own power would permeate as they dove through the tunnel systems - crashing down with screaming maws and rubble descending on the ambushed parties of the Concord.

"Warlord Galak, the Excavators are engaging the Concord's forces threatening the sub-levels. Make haste, halt their progress. Permanently. For Khaeus, for Pavium."

Al-Had drew closer, tearing up the ground on his way toward the outer walls. The Primarch knew the gravity of this battle. Nar kreeta meant everything to many of them, and they would beat back the Concord with or without the Vaydralen and Akhenaton. Drek'ma reached out, through the force - his eyes sharing conscience intent with Ostak as he searched for Osam. He searched through the dense maze of hate, not for the Concord but for each other. He found the Akhenaton and Vaydralen, wanting for blood baths in the extreme fear of excommunication and extermination.

Osam. The Akhenaton and Vaydralen are at each others throats. Act with haste, my kin.

The thought was spirited away, directed to the mind of the first Risen. Only he could prevent the self-imposed massacre.

Kiara Ayres


Allies: @Pointed Ear Gang Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Mig Gred Mig Gred Jairdain Jairdain
Anti-allies: Galak Galak
Equipment: Lightsaber, rebreather, armour


Once safely landed and in position, Kiara fixed the rebreather onto her face and was the last to rise from her seat to join the others. She walked out of the craft behind them, immediately giving her insight into the matter as she did. "If we split up then it will be easier for them to pick us off." She suggested to the group.

This was the first time anyone had made landfall on a Bryn'adûl world so the information they had to work with was limited but it was no secret how dangerous their mission was. They were trapped underground with their enemies and there was only one way out - through fighting.

The Jedi Master indicated with her head to urge the others to follow. While she had no official authority over the other Jedi present, given the presence of two Grandmasters, in the interests of everyone they needed to work cohesively.

She headed down the main tunnel until they faced a smaller tunnel which took them deeper into the structure and with Sakadi's advice, she followed the complex of smaller tunnels. The further they got, the heavier the weight of the Dark side felt but it was a familiar feeling, while unsettling, so it would not throw her off course.

Before they could get far, the thundering sound of footsteps pounding against the ground warned them of their oncoming enemies. At the appearance of drones around the corner, the Jedi conducted a powerful Force push to push their adversaries back and buy a moment of time for those behind her to compose themselves.


"Not to worry, Colonel. Valkyri do not capitulate, and for all the suffering the Bryn have caused countless billions they have long since waivered any right to receive any mercy from us. It is not in the nature of the Jedi to kill, but with these... monsters, there is no other choice. This war can only end in total elimination, I have made my peace with that fact. I am only sorry we did not realize the full scale of this threat until recently."

The elder Jedi's words remained in Beltran's ears as he rode in his drop pod through the Nar Kreetan atmosphere. In particular, the last sentence had touched a nerve with the Lorrdian. He had, as had many officers within the Antarian Rangers, warned against the danger of the Bryn'adul for years. For the Concord to wait this long to respond, prompted into action only by the fact that Kashyyyk itself was now at risk, angered him greatly.

Beltran had never been quiet about his distain for Jedi complacency. In truth, he had considered leaving the Rangers more than once in that time. He had searched out Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim on Coruscant to broach the subject of his acquiring forces from the Eternal Empire to take the fight to the enemy. He had secretly begun to learn the ways of the Dark Side from Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis in order to strengthen his growing Force powers-once more in the hopes of dealing more damage to the enemy.

He didn't blame the elder Heavenshield for this though. His son, Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , had been with Beltran on Yurb and most recently Sev Tok. If there was any Jedi family that Beltran trusted to get the Concord forces mobilized, it was them. Still, Beltran had gone quiet after that comment and excused himself a moment later.

The ride down had been rather smooth for a drop, in Beltran's opinion. As Beltran listened in on the allied battlenet, he heard the opening reports of the 3rd Infantry and 1st Legion as they began their assault on the Super Construct. As the Commodore had said, the ground forces had been allowed to land almost entirely unmolested by Bryn'adul defensive fire.

The "Ares" Fighter Squadrons however, had taken significant casualties and the vessels in orbit were also being hammered.

"Colonel," Came the grave voice of the Resolute's commander. "All drop pods and landing craft have been disembarked from the Chariot Frigates. Defender and Champion report heavy damage to their shield arrays. We have no choice but to move the ship's away from the planet."

"Acknowledged, Commodore." Beltran replied, his tone as calm as always. He had gotten what he wanted, his troops disembarked. While it would have been nice to have some orbital cover from the Resolute, he couldn't complain. There were still a few Ares fighter craft on station if he needed close air support.

All in all, things were going better than expected for an operation like this, though Beltran did not expect that to continue.

"Good luck," The Commodore bade him. "And good hunting."

As they neared the surface, Beltran synced his helmet's HUD to the external cameras on the drop pod. He could see the first waves of his Rangers beginning to assault the Bryn'adul positions. Hundreds of Venom-Series Heavy Combat Droids marched ahead of the infantry, using their shields-both physical and deflector to cover his men whilst peppering the enemy with withering blaster cannon fire.

Behind that line, Beltran could see the power armored warriors of the Midvinter 1st Legion pushing ahead while the smaller forms of Beltran's 3rd Infantry were setting up mortar positions and hammering the Bryn'adul with indirect fire.

He considered comming Major Ecks for a status report, but he could see how the advance was progressing with his own eyes. There was no need to pester her with unnecessary questions. She would alert him of anything he needed to know.

Beltran had only a few short moments to watch the unfolding battle before his pod slammed into the surface of Nar Kreeta. Despite the deceleration thrusters, it was a violent impact what would have thrown Beltran into the bulkhead if he hadn't been locked into his drop alcove. Moments later, he heard the telltale sound of stone crunching as the pod began to burrow through the planet's crust.

He glanced over to Captain Mrawr, who spoke without prompting. "All Paladin Drop Pods have been landed, sir. All en route for infiltration on schedule."

Beltran nodded as he toggled his comms. "Lieutenant Doss, status?"

There was a little static before the commander of Hades Platoon spoke. "We lost one of our pods, sir." He could hear the strain in his old friend's voice. This was Doss' first operation as a unit commander. It always hurt losing men under your command, but those first deaths always hurt the worst. "The rest of us have landed and are en route to our infil points."

"Understood," Beltran replied dispassionately before he commed the officer in command of what remained of the 666th Mechanized. "Colonel Higgus, status?"

This time the static hung there for several beats too long. Beltran already knew there was a problem before the haggard voice of Major Stown responded in the Colonel's place. "Colonel Higgus' drop pod suffered a malfunction, sir. It slammed into the surface at terminal velocity. There appear to be no survivors. As near as I can tell, about a third of our forces encountered the same malfunction. Nearly a hundred men lost. The rest of us have landed and are moving to infil on schedule."

That stung, but Beltran couldn't worry about it now. They wouldn't be the last who died today. "Understood," He repeated. "Continue as planned. Rarr, out."

The travel time to Paladin Company's insertion point took about five minutes. As the miner broke through the rock and landed in the expansive tunnel network that ran underneath and around the Super Construct. Next came the disembarking. As each of the pods broke through, the first unit disembarked was a Venom-Series Heavy Combat Droid. Sixteen in total for Paladin Company. They would engage what Bryn'adul that were unlucky enough to be in the tunnels immediately and quickly established a foothold.

Next Beltran and the other Paladins entered the tunnels. While he was clad in his Mk. III Katarn Armor, most of the Paladins had opted for the heavier A.I.P.S. armor system. Lending their shoulder mounted Blaster Cannons to the fight, they quickly put the Bryn'adul on the defensive. Standing in the center of the rough circle, Beltran held his pulse rifle in the low-ready position as he surveyed the scene.

There was a brief flash of text that came across his HUD. It was from Major Ecks, signaling that the Bryn'adul had raised shields, which had stymied a significant portion of the surface operation. She was calling in fire support from the remaining Ares fighters, but for the time being they would be cut off from any ground reinforcements.

Beltran acknowledged the update and commed his unit commanders. "Be advised, the Bryn'adul have set up some kind of shields to keep our forces out. They appear to be similar to what was used on Sev Tok, allowing only Bryn'adul to cross through. Proceed as normal, but be aware that we may not have any reinforcements coming to us."

Each of the officers acknowledged him, none showing surprise in their voices. Everyone knew that it was very likely that this was going to be a one-way trip. "Master Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield ," Beltran commed the Jedi. "We are proceeding deeper into the tunnel network. It is likely that communications will become sporadic the deeper we go. Have your men move to their objectives and begin setting up the explosives. We need to bring this thing down, or at the very least disable it if we hope to take the planet back. Good hunting and may the Force be with you. Rarr, out."

Hades Platoon42/50 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
Commanded by Lieutenant Jesson Doss
Current Disposition: One drop pod destroyed before landing. All remaining have landed successfully and are enroute to tunnel system.
Equipped with:

666[SUP]th[/SUP] Mechanized Infantry200/300 Rangers - Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct - Commanded by Lt. Colonel Higgus (Killed in Action), Major Stown now commanding
Current Disposition: Approximately 100 Rangers killed in Drop Pod Malfunctions. Others landed successfully and beginning to move toward objectives.
Equipped with:

Paladin Company – 150 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
- Commanded by Captain Harbok Mrawr
Current Disposition: Entering tunnel system and beginning to engage forces there, attempting to move into Super Construct - This is Beltran Rarr's location.
Equipped with:
Rangers 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Infantry – 1800 Rangers – Landing on Surface to engage defending Bryn'adul Forces and provide cover for burrowing units - Commanded by Major Ecks
Current Disposition: Assaulting Super Construct on surface, enemy shields stalling advance, ARES FIGHTERS attempting to bring down shields
Equipped with:

Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


Armor - Cybernetic suit (GOLD, BLUE and RED Teams), "Dominion" armor(GREEN Team), "Apostle" armor(all, GREEN Team when needed),
Weapons (assault team)- T-73 Handgun, Combat Knife, FTB Rocket(2 FYB Rockets each, 3 with Flame Carpet warhead)
3 Grenades (each), 2 Fire Grenadess (each)
(Infiltrators)- Carbine(Suppressed), T-73 Handgun(Suppressed), Vibroswords, Combat Knife
(Snipers)- M-14 Sniper Rifle, Wrist Blaster, Carbine
(Assault)- RI-17 Assault Rifle-w-LPD53 Grenade Launcher(5 FYB 40mm grenades each), T-73 Handgun
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun(if in the field), Defender-Automatic Weapon(if in CQC) Assault Rifle
GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Assault/Team leader), Castiel(Asault/Pathfinder)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Sniper 1), Samael(Heavy Weapons), Michael(Sniper 2)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Demo/EOD), Bartleby(Tech/Team Second)
GREEN TEAM: Chamuel (Infiltrator/Slicer), Zadkiel(Infiltrator/Assassin), Raziel(Infiltrator/Assassin)
PEGASUS 1- Jeremiel(Pilot), Barachiel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 2- Ariel(Pilot), Uriel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 3- - Barachiel(Pilot)*
PEGASUS 4- Uriel(Pilot)*
*When needed. Weapons Intercept officers will be assigned randomly

RONTO 1- Raguel(Driver), Selaphiel(Gunner), Jegudiel(Cover)

Ship Captain/Teams Overwatch - Metotron
Ship Engineer/Tech/Teams Overwatch - Jophiel
Ship Corpsman - Raphael
Ship Pilot(s)/Gunner(s) - Batariel,Jeremiel, Barachiel, Ariel, Uriel
Tag Allies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr / SJC
Tag Targets: Osam Osam / Any Bryn around the Northern Shield Generator
... and because I want to stir the OOC pot... Tag Just for the fun of it: Yula Perl Yula Perl

Unlike everyone else, Omega Squad landed a couple of kliks out of the target area. They did not have "glory duty", they worked for a living and were good at their jobs. Their target area was not the originale target, well, targets, which were all of the tunnels that were and would be dug by the borrowers. They were going to set explosives in the right spots of each tunnel, and literally collapse the whole network in on itself and create a much larger hole, large enough for gunships, fighters, bombers, and the like could all go on. When the Ronto pulled out, Pegasus 2 was reporting a successful drop of "packages", meaning the "Dominion" infiltrators were already on scene and doing their job. There was fighting in the tunnels, and while they wanted to join, they reported the problem and suggested a reroute as Bryn forces were actively engaging and their element of surprise would be completely gone.

Pegasus 1 was reporting a massive Shield Generator, and 2 confirmed a second one as they dropped off the Dominion that changed things as far as their mission objectives went. The new mission was simple they were taking out at least one of the Shield Generators, and if possible, both of them. It took some thinking and some planning, but if Chamuel was right in his description, there was no way that they would be able to make a silent insertion to wreck either installation riding in the Ronto. Theses installations were not like ones that they were used to, and they were not going to go into open combat like last time if they could help it. So it meant one thing. The gunships would be running high altitude cover and overwatch, much like last time.

Their loadouts were heavy, but that was in case of a long fight. Through the paths though that lead up to the "Northern Generator" they were a model for a Special Forces training holovid. Quiet and efficient their approach came in through the least defended area, which was the most dangerous entry. They were not going to have an easy time of it, but when you are in their line of work, the only easy day was "yesterday." They were outside the perimeter of the facility looking for a way in as Bartleby was trying to figure out if there was a reactor or not. If there was, there would be a coolant system. That could be wrecked and they could conserve explosives. Gabriel just wanted to blow something up.

Maybe there was something to Rarr's issues after all.

Normal loadout right now
... yeah, we scare them.




Location: Optional

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music" (Both on ship at all times)
Tag: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Brooke Waters Brooke Waters / SJC/ Allies
Foes: Any Bryn engaging.


The dropship/burrower/whatever it is was getting hammered by Bryn Forces attacking in the tunnels. He could feel that his ride was not the only one being attacked, but this was different because he was surrounded by much of the younger set. It was a funny comment really as just about everyone that he came across was technically “younger”. The massive Jedi Master was not going to fight side by side with the young Knights and Padawans. They needed a chance to walk their paths, but he could buy them some time to get deeper into the tunnels and closer to the construct.

He could buy some time.

Lowering the ramp enough to climb out, Caltin crawled onto the roof of the tunneler as he looked for Bryn attackers. The big guy watched in shock as one of these… energy suckers? One of them attacked and literally sucked the life out of a Padawan nearby from another of the attacked burrowers. There were more and they were beginning to move again through the tunnels, but the “murderer” was still behind. His brows furrowed, and though he didn’t have to, Caltin reached out.

This seemed to catch the attention of one of them and it approached, only to be fed lightning. It seemed to feed off of it. The thing is though, Caltin did not let up, he poured it on. The big guy was almost pushing lightning into the being, even using his other hand. Soon it seemed to appear to become almost too much for the syphon as if it was getting full. Caltin still didn’t stop.

You suck on energy? TAKE IT ALL!

He had barely gotten the exclamation out when the syphon exploded. This was not a viable plan moving forward, but there was something interesting in watching the being who killed the child and wanted more fall into an explosive end.

Heavenshield… Rarr… Waters… they weren’t that far away… this could help.

~There are energy suckers out there. If you can, keep feeding them and they’ll blow up, but make sure you’re a good distance away.~

More were coming his way. Not those energy suckers… but they were clearly not allies. Pulling his larger lightsaber from its sheathe, he ignited the Permafrost blade and started to power-walk. There was no way that this was going to end well for any of them. The more he faced, the more he learned about his new method towards accessing his connection to the Force, the more he learned, the more he liked. This was easy, it was efficient, and it was something that worked better than before.

The Burrower continued moving, and Caltin was on top of it, he stayed there, drawing the attention of the attacking drones. The more that would come would fall, he would ensure it. This was not about him, this was about the others and it was their pathways, he was protecting. He had lived past the visions of his life, they had not lived past theirs.

They were lucky to have gotten past the shield and on their way in, but it meant that they were entering the proverbial “Thunderdome”, he was prepared but not sure that any of them were. Of course, that meant that the damage to the burrower was too great to be able to continue and they had to find others. Then something surprising happened yet again, the young Knights, the Padawans, they were again inspired and in turn inspirational. They moved out of the burrower and were protective of the crew, they were acting like the Jedi that they were meant to be.

It made the big guy smile.

This is why the Bryn will lose the day. Right here.

Lightsabers raised, they left as a group to find others. The grenade set off wrecked the inside so that nothing could be downloaded or used. Pretty much all that was left was a big metal husk.



Location: Dropship en route to the construct's eastern SCC
Equipment: Lightsaber | Personal Light Armor | Mantellian Vambraces | FF-CAR1 | 6x LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenade | Commlink | Rebreather
Allies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Varn Barakis Varn Barakis | Andromeda Malvern
Opposition: Osam Osam | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari

Cas' lips parted and a small noise escaped them, the Kiffar was ready to protest, but after a few seconds his mouth closed and curled into a smirk, a snicker left his nose. "Guess I'll just have to prove you wrong one of these days." but Varn was already gone. Though he didn't know Varn very well, it didn't take a genius to know that he was a good Jedi, a good person. His jaw tensed, he hoped that the Zabrak would live to see another day following today's events, he hoped everyone did. But war was never obliging, the least he could do was make sure as many people came out alive.

His eyes briefly widened in surprise at the sight of another Jedi, a Padawan, Varn's? Following the Zabrak Knight into the cockpit. He hadn't really been paying attention to... anything, her sudden presence was a shock to him.

Mathieu’s preachy statement was another shock to the system, his head quickly whipped around in the Padawan’s direction and his brows furrowed, his forehead wrinkling as a result. How could Mat say something so... so insensitive? So disconnected? Cas expected Mat, of all people, to know the horrors or warfare and the sanctity of life... to just say something so heartless rubbed him completely the wrong way.

Cas was second away from laying into the Padawan but the muffled sound of a pair of missiles being fired outside the drop ship sent Cas into high alert, wondering if the destructive projectiles were headed their way. The impact of the first hit forced the Kiffar to lose his grip and fall into his seat, his back slammed against the seat and a grunt escaped him. "Kriff." he muttered, pulling out his rebreather and strapping over his nose and mouth.

As a pilot, he was used to spinning uncontrollably but he had to admit that this was a bit much for his stomach, even one as tempered as his. Things escalated, becoming worse when the second missile hit, speeding up the process of the hull's dissolving. "Really?! Thought I'd just stay in here and enjoy the ride!" he responded in sarcastic panic. Following Mathieu's escape, Cas proceeded to unstrap himself and foolishly jumped out of his seat in a futile attempt to save at least one of their allies before being forcefully ejected out of the nearest exit, hauled away by gravity and air pressure.

Up was down and down was up, all Cas could see was the constant rotation of... well, he couldn't really figure it out due to the constant spinning. Fighting against the air pressure, Cas forced his arms forward and reached out with the Force, telekinetically he wrapped the Force's ethereal hold around his entire body. Forcing his body to stop, Cas found himself floating mere inches away from the ground before releasing the invisible grip over his self and dropping to the ground. His heart pounded against the inner surface of his chest, and his whole body was hot. "That was way too close for comfort." he muttered to himself breathlessly.

The Jedi Knight had landed not too far from Mat, as he got up onto his knees he made out the Morellian's broad frame off in the distance. A relieved sigh escaped his lips, and he took a second to catch his breath, grateful his best friend made it out unharmed. Standing up, the Knight rushed over to his friend and playfully punched his shoulder, keeping up with his upbeat act, "Glad you're okay, Stringbean." the Kiffar's head turned to the direction of the ship’s ongoing descent - deeper into the SCC chamber. Without another word, Cas rushed in the direction of the ship and prayed he'd find survivors.
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