Never Say No to Bacta.
Location: Nar Kreeta, Aboard an SJC Dropship (one of many)
Local Time: 14:22
Primary Objective: Neutralize the Bryn’adûl Hivemind
Secondary Objective: N/A
Equipment: Loadout 3 (Medical Backpack swapped with a back mounted Power Generator pack to power the Primary. Carrying a number of detpacks, door breaking charges and two small air canisters in utility Field Butt Pack. Flame Projector swapped out with a CryoBan Projector.)
Friendlies: SJC and Allies |

Hostiles: The Bryn’adûl | Open for opposition!

Nar Kreeta. The Ori’ramikad had not set foot on the deep canyons and enormous mountains of the planet before. Though he had read a number of reports about the planet. Nar Kreeta, and a number of neighboring planets and systems were among the first victims to the onslaught of the Bryn’adûl. The planet was in the close proximity of two hyperspace lanes in the region, namely the Pabol Kreeta and Pabol Sleheyron. In control of the hyperspace lanes, Nar Kreeta and her neighboring systems, Bryn’adûl possessed the means to strike deeper into Concord territory.
In order to deny the Bryn’adûl’s access to such a strategic advantage over the Concord, the Concord had taken the decision to launch an invasion to reclaim Nar Kreeta and her neighboring planets and systems. A victory for the Concord here would break the Bryn’adûl’s momentum and swing the war in favor of the Concord. But failing to retake Nar Kreeta and her neighboring planets and systems would spell disaster for the Concord.
This would be the biggest operation he would be a part of to-date. He was feeling a little nervous from what was at stake. His right foot nervously tapped on the durasteel floor of the main cabin of the dropship. If they failed here, millions would be forced to leave their homes and become refugees, or would be killed by the merciless onslaught of the Bryn’adûl.
“This just had to happen now. After three near sleepless nights because the twins can’t sleep through them.”
Ki’an spoke with a smile as he shook his head.
“You’re not the only one.”
Replied Zeke with a mumble, but was met with an elbow to his side from Kom’rk for that comment, seated next to Zeke.
Being sleep deprived for the past few days did not help his situation either. He didn’t blame Ki’an for that. None of them did. He heard rumors as to what had happened, but there wasn’t a good way of confirming any of what he heard unless he asked him. The giant only wished he could have helped with what caused Ki’an’s current familial situation. The Ori’ramikad -alongside his squadmates- had helped Ki’an with his children in their down time, but he still felt that was not enough.
With a short muffled groan, the giant leaned the back of his head against the durasteel plating behind him and tried to rest his eyes for a while until the dropship punched through Nar Kreeta’s atmosphere. It was relatively quiet, aside from the occasional commlink chatter chiming into his ear every couple of minutes. He tried to slump a little on his seat for comfort, but the power generator pack on his back prevented that. The damn dropship lacked the cargo capacity for anything else. He couldn’t stow his equipment anywhere.
He heaved a frustrated sigh after seeing getting some shut-eye was hopeless. He started to tap his fingers on the barrels of his chainblaster impatiently. The massive gun was resting on his lap; the power cable connected to the blaster trailed to his back, to the power generator pack.
[“So, when are we getting off this karkin’ lander? I want to stretch my legs and kill some Bryn’adûl while doing so.”] Kranak said, speaking to nobody in particular in the squad.
The giant glanced around slowly as he waited for someone to answer, all the while his fingers kept tapping impatiently on the barrels of his massive chainblaster. His white glowy visor shrouded the giant’s sour facial expression. He was not claustrophobic, but he disliked the idea of just sitting idle and waiting for deployment. Being unable to do anything and entrusting their lives to a pilot if they happened to be under fire by anti-air guns also irritated him.