Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine



Hyperspace: Enroute to Nar Kreeta
Aboard the Chariot-Class Transport Frigate "Deliverer"
Briefing room
As the briefing broke up and the various officers and NCO's of the Ranger strike force disbanded to go about their preparations for the impending attack on the Bryn'adul held world, a figure approached Beltran from the rear of the room.

"Your forces are most impressive, Colonel Rarr. It's quite astounding how far the Order's military capabilities have progressed since my time. There are few still alive who remember the founding of the Antarian Rangers. You have my every respect for carrying on their traditions, Colonel."

Looking up from his tablet, Beltran was somewhat surprised to see the former Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi Order Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield . The Jedi Master from Midvinter had been with the Silver Order for decades and had been present during the founding of the militia force known as the Antarian Rangers.

Back then, as Beltran understood things, they were a small group of talented soldiers who supported the Jedi on their operations. Over the years, as the Silver Jedi expanded their sphere of influence, the Rangers had grown into a powerful military organization. Though technically still aligned with the Silver Jedi specifically, the Rangers had participated in virtually every major military operation that the Silver Concord had undertaken since it's creation. They had worked along side the Concord military forces, particularly the Marines and Naval special operations units like Omega Squad.

Those interactions hadn't always been frictionless, but the Rangers were still considered to be one of the premier military forces in the galaxy. That was a fact that Beltran was more than a little proud of.

"Thank you, Master." Beltran replied with a quick bow of his own head. "I simply endeavor to maintain the principles and courage of those who've gone before me."

Beltran hadn't been present for the founding of the Rangers, but he had served under officers who had been. His mind flashed to his former commander Valkren Calderon. Calderon had seen something in Beltran that was more than the hired killer that he'd been. He had molded Beltran into a soldier, using his skills against the Sith, and eventually even led Beltran to pursue a career as an officer. He truly missed his friend and knew that they all could have benefitted from his leadership in the current conflict.

"My men and I stand with you. We may not have fought the Bryn before, but we're fast learners."

Beltran's expression turned grave as he regarded the Jedi master. "That is good," He said matter-of-factly. "The Bryn'adul will not allow you to survive more than a single mistake, if that. Their bloodlust outclasses even that of the Sith. And unlike the Sith, they are singularly united in their desire destroy all other lifeforms in the galaxy. Those who capitulate to them are slaughtered the same as those who resist. They know nothing of mercy or honor and showing them either simply gives them the advantage."

Beltran followed the eyes of the Jedi to the groups of Rangers and the warriors of Midvinter as they mingled between each other. There were laughs and cheers as the warriors engaged in feats of strength and prowess.

"Makes you wish for a simpler time, does it not? When all we had to worry about was the Sith."

Beltran nodded. In many ways the Sith were a far simpler threat to deal with. They could be manipulated by pride and rage, they could be goaded. The Bryn'adul were different. Beltran's attempts at goading the Tyrant Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus had gone ignored on both Yurb and Sev Tok. It had been a learning experience, but Beltran felt he had something akin to an understanding of the beast. It cared little for it's own personal pride. It fought for the supremacy of its people.

And Beltran now knew that the only way to hurt it would be to slaughter those people.

But kept those thoughts to himself. If Thurion was anything like his son, the elder Heavenshield would not understand Beltran's line of thinking.

Beltran kept silent as the Jedi Master spoke with a older officer. He returned the man's salute crisply and nodded at his words.

"Those Bryn won't know what hit 'em, Colonel,"

"No, they won't," He agreed aloud, while simultaneously resolving to ensure that before the end of this battle Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus would know exactly what had hit him.

Orbit of Nar Kreeta: Commencing Drop


Upon the allied fleet's arrival in the Nar Kreeta system several Chariot-Class Transport Frigates, including the Deliverer, moved into orbit over the site where the Bryn'adul Super Construct lay. Protecting these relatively fragile ships were a pair of Adamant-Class Heavy Cruisers and a single Resolute-Class Star Destroyer.

Seven squadrons of Ares Fighters descended into the atmosphere, ahead of the coming drop ships and pods. Their job was to engage and eliminate any air defenses they could find.

"Colonel Rarr," Came the calm gravelly voice of the Resolute's commander. "The Adamant Class Cruisers are reporting taking heavy fire from the surface. Their shields and reinforced armors are holding, but they cannot screen for your frigates indefinitely. Our squadron commanders report also taking defensive fire as they move into the atmosphere, but the first drop ships entering behind them seem to have not been targeted."

Beltran could hear the confusion in the naval officer's voice, but to him it made sense. "The Bryn'adul seem to have a dislike of naval combat. They much prefer a ground battle where their size, ferocity and numbers often give them an advantage. I suspect they are letting our ground forces land in anticipation of a ground-based counter attack."

"I see, do you still want to drop to go ahead as scheduled?"

"Yes, Commodore. We have no choice but to meet them on whatever field of battle they choose. Continue the drop as scheduled."

From the Chariot Frigates, several squadrons of Arch-Angel Drop Ships and LRAD-OR's would descend following the initial fighter assault. They would land the bulk of the Rangers from the Rangers 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Infantry as well as three-hundred Venom-Series Heavy Combat Droids. They would begin to advance on the super construct from the surface with the intent to engage any Bryn'adul ground force they came against. The 3rd didn't have to win, they just had to keep the Bryn'adul busy.

Following the beginning of their assault, the units of Beltran's strike force which included: Paladin Company, Hades Platoon and the surviving elements of the 666th Mechanized, as well as the warriors that Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield had brought with him would enter the battlefield. They would drop in dozens of Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods and begin burrowing underground toward the lower reaches of the Construct. Each pod carried a squad and a single combat droid. Each squad was laden heavy with conventional explosives, and a few even carried thermonuclear charges.

While the nuclear weapons were intended to used as a last resort, Beltran suspected that it would be very likely that they would need to employ them.

"Too bad Omega Squad isn't here," Said Captain Mrawr from the bench opposite Beltran. Beltran had decided that he would be joining the Captain's personal squad for this particular battle. "They love to blow schutta up."

Beltran gave the giant Togorian a half smirk as he donned his helmet. It was a not-to-subtle jab at the operators and their penchant for using explosives in every mission, but today it also rang true. If ever there was a need for Omega Squad to blow something up, it would be today.

Hades Platoon – 50 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
Commanded by Lieutenant Jesson Doss
Equipped with:

666[SUP]th[/SUP] Mechanized Infantry – 300 Rangers - Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct - Commanded by Lt. Colonel Higgus
Equipped with:

Paladin Company – 150 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
- Commanded by Captain Harbok Mrawr
Equipped with:
Rangers 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Infantry – 1800 Rangers – Landing on Surface to engage defending Bryn'adul Forces and provide cover for burrowing units - Commanded by Major Ecks
Equipped with:
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Maja Fiore




ALLIES: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren | Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal | Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin | Milya Vondar Milya Vondar | SJC | GA | NIO
ENEMIES: The Bryn'adûl
Strike Armour
Phrik dagger
Various emergency medical supplies


The Galaxy was riddled with Darkness.

It came in all shapes and sizes. Usually, nations were well equipped in fighting generic Darkness. What no one was prepared for, was the sheer destruction that had spawned in the West.

The Bryn'adûl have wreaked havoc in friendly space for too long.

It was time the Allied forces answered back.

Maja was seated in one of the Meditation Chambers on the Ventress, trying to center herself for the pure onslaught that lay ahead, but with Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal 's loud Force presence in the same room, it had become nigh on impossible to find peace within herself.
"Can't you be a droid, so that I can switch you off when you become too loud, hm?" she asked him, finally cracking open an eye and looking at the long-haired man sitting not far from her. "I'll find more centering in a whirlwind." she teased.

Even with lighthearted teasing, dread hung like a sword over her about the upcoming battle. It would be a brutal one for all parties involved. How many will not return? How many will perish trying to fight something so Dark, it makes the Sith look like butterfly children? It made her heart clench.

Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner 's voice rang over the comms, requesting them to the hangar bay in the end. She looked back at Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal with a sigh.
"You ready?" she asked him. "Where's your sister? Best we get her and get down there." she then added, referring to Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren , as she rose to her feet.

Down in the hangar bay, they met up with the rest of the team as they were in the middle of conversation. Hearing some of it as they walked up, Maja laughed and looked over at Millu Lee Millu Lee .
"I'd kick him in the shins if I were you." she told her in a mock-whisper while looking over at Oleander Webb Oleander Webb with a smile. She had to silently admit, however, that the Nightsister Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin had a fair point regarding babysitting.
Her face finally turned more serious as she looked at the Lord Commander.
"What is our target?" she asked him.



Location: Dropship en route to the construct's eastern SCC
Equipment: Lightsaber | Personal Light Armor | Mantellian Vambraces | FF-CAR1 | 6x LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenade | Commlink | Rebreather
Allies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Varn Barakis Varn Barakis
Opposition: Osam Osam | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari

Staring into nothingness, a thousand thoughts scurried through his mind - mainly images of Zephyr's ignited body and agonised expression. The images continued to haunt him. Cas shut his eyes tight and shook his head, returning his mind and focus to the present, he could feel the eyes of someone on him which prompted the Kiffar to face his brethren, Varn. His determined words lit a small spark within Cas, the Zabrak was right after all, they would make things right. For that, he smirked and nodded his head in Varn's direction.

Cas' head turned in the direction of Mathieu's finger, searching for where he was pointing. His eyes fell upon a bag, apparently containing the Morellian's famous sandwiches, near to the holo-table. For a moment, he considered it as he really did enjoy the Padawan's talent for making sandwiches, so much as to raise his hand and reach out toward the bag but ultimately dropping it to his side. It probably wasn't a smart idea to eat just before engaging in intense physical activity that occured when fighting in a battle and trying not to die. That... and Cas was certain the Bryn wouldn't have any accomodating bathrooms for him.

The color shift within the cockpit, shone through further into drop ship. The familiar red hue forced the return of disturbing memories from Sev Tok, images of Zephyr flashed into Cas' mind once again followed by the loud blast of a single blaster bolt ringing in his ear. Cradling his head into his hand, Cas let out a barely audible groan as he fought off the memory once again. Right now, the Kiffar needed to fight, needed to be distracted to stop the constant invasion of horrifying memories.

Plastering on a fake smile and a confident facade, the current situation involving evading being shot out of the air. Cas turned to face Mathieu and Varn, flashing his familiar self-assured smirk "Maybe they should have let me pilot the ship, everyone would have had a better chance at keeping their breakfast."


Deacon of the Matriarch



Post # 2
Location: Planet's Surface, Nar Kreeta | Surface Command Center, Eastern Covenant Section - Upper Level - Command Room.
Objective: Platitudes and Decisive Action
Allies: The Bryn'adûl | Osam Osam
Enemies: Vaydralen Generals | TBD


In a fleeting moment, Thur'Zak rushed forward his foot touching the plated steps to the upper level of the command room. To him, it made no sense to follow the mundane efforts of the others following in tow, fighting to be the first one to the top among the chaos. It was a habit, no; a comfort for the Amariatu, to fly. The light wings on his back flapped, the crisp sound of a howling wind sputtering in their wake. Thur'Zak felt his body lift and before the others managed to reach the top of the command room, the Sky King had already placed his feet on the second floor.

Instinctively, his wings folded inward, a small clinking sound tucking them away for later use. Turning, he placed his hand against the door, three claw-like fingers flattening to recognize the Ankhenaton. A small pulse of energy confirmed he wasn't a threat and the door swung open, the room flooding with Vaydralen and Ankhenaton alike. Thur'Zak caught his breath and as the crowd pushed him further in, two Draelvasier seemed to already take residence in the comfort of their masterpiece. Thur'Zak grinned, he knew the alliance between all three of them was the only way to survive, but the Drael were a vicious breed. Something he was constantly reminded of every time he was deployed to help them with their next conquest. He only hoped they weren't just a tool for the Bryn's gain. Even he knew tools could be left out to rust, he and the Queen had to be cautious, but cooperative.

It couldn't have been a coincidence that the renowned Warlord Osam Osam happened to just be, so Thur'Zak thought. This was clearly a sign that something wasn't right. The many yellow eyes of the Amariatu shifted to the Warlord, the Risen's words staining the room with concern.

"Your two peoples are fighting, but I do not understand why. I hear complaints, and see them recorded, but who started all of this?"

The Warlord wanted answers, but Gromph wouldn't cry wolf first, there was no honor in such things. Still, angered he glanced at the Deacon, almost signaling to the Warlord of what the real cause was. Adjusting his armor, large palms tucked beneath the Verikast protection that hung on his shoulders. Gromph's hand rose and slowly fell, the Vaydralen guards lowering their weapons, careful not to entice violence with the most violent one in the room, Osam.

"What did the Vaydralen say to your people. Tell me exactly."

Of course the Vaydralen wouldn't speak up.

How disrespectful...

Thur'Zak thought, stepping forward to show the comfort of his guest. Despite the initial worry of attackers, this needed to be settled. Thur'Zak's sharp pincers twitched, but no sound came after. Instead, a relayed message slipped into his being without control, it was the Matriarch. His mind flooded with the answer the Warlord sought and in seconds the Deacon spoke up.

"Us, make everything. Us, Protect all, Vaydralen, Draelvasier, and our own." Thur'Zak paused, careful not to raise his voice toward the Warlord. "We build perfect structures, yet..." Thur'Zak glared back at Gromph and his docile guards. "They tell lies." The Amariatu's antennae slowly lifted, his yellow eyes piercing through the tiny patches of light seeping in from the assault. "They say us the reason for many deaths, they say we not build perfect structures..As Deacon I will not stand for this!"

The anger he felt swelled, his control slightly slipping towards the end. It was the Vaydralen's insolence that brought them here. Thur'Zak stepped back, looking to his men, who in the mere seconds of his words, lowered the weapons, another command from the Queen. Thur'Zak slammed his fist against his hard shell-like body, and nodded to the Warlord, he refused to speak out of turn, not after everything the Draelvasier had given them.

Still, as he stood, the situation grew more serious, reports of crashing asteroids and an assault from the Jedi. How unlucky, worse than that, an Ashaka had entered the fray. He only ever heard of their powers, never witnessed them. Things were getting interesting, and the Sky King wondered if his people were more at risk than he thought.

Location: Drop Ship en route to the Eastern SCC
Tags: Cadere Cadere Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Andromeda Malvern Osam Osam Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Gear: Lightsaber, Silver Jedi Knight Plate

His words had gotten through, then. That was nice. Nodding back, Varn turned his attention away from Cas and back to the others. Asides from the look on his brother's face, the knight could also feel a subtle change about him. Something distinct yet distinctly unreadable, if such a thing were possible. Probably not. All the same, Varn couldn't help but note that the look of grief that passed behind Cas' eyes had lessened somewhat. He hoped, anyway. The Zabrak was reluctant to dig. It had looked fresh, persistent, and he was entirely unsuited to the task of helping Cas deal with it.

Besides, he had his own grief to bear. That was enough for him.

At the mention of sandwiches, the knight's brows lifted. Was Mat being serious? Glancing to his left, Varn was surprised to see he was. Huh. Had he not already eaten before boarding the drop ship, he might've taken the padawan up on his offer. As was, he settled for a longing look and a shake of his head. It was just his luck, really.

The ship shook slightly as the world outside grew a touch more ugly. Red flashed through the ship, embedded images of fire and brimstone in the back of Varn's skull. It was gone in a blink. The gloom he could see through the cockpit's viewport was still red, still cloudy. For a moment, he imagined unnatural creatures dancing in the murk just beyond the edges of his vision. His mind making something of nothing, he figured. It did that sometimes.

Standing, Varn turned to Cas as he spoke, his face expressionless, gaze betraying nothing apart from a vague interest in the conversation. It was all a facade, of course. Inwardly, he was smiling. "I think we would all feel safer if we left the landing to the professionals. No offense." Patting Cas on the shoulder, the Zabrak brushed past him in the direction of the cockpit. When he got there, he stood looking over the pilots' shoulders. Not much had changed in his short walk. What lay beyond the 'screen was still gloomy, but unlike before, the world had now taken on a more distinct, holey form. The sight of it made Varn frown.

"We're going in." One of the pilot's said, there voice repeating over the ship's speakers, creating the illusion of being in multiple places at once. Varn put on his rebreather, turned back to the others.

"We're going in." He repeated, his voice more robotic than he remembered. The rebreather, then. "Ready?"

In memory of our late CEO


LOCATION: Open Space

CALLSIGNS: Captain Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Voodoo 1", Commander Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Voodoo 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Voodoo 3". Each Squadron leader makes up "Voodoo Wing", their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 4(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. Voodoo 5(Jurat Squadron) Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. Voodoo 6(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Voodoo 7(Gator Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Voodoo 8(Raguel Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Voodoo 9(Beak Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Voodoo 10(Jok Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Voodoo 11(Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 12(Jurist Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 13(Fi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 14(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 15(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 16(Alcalde Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing

  1. Voodoo 17(Kers Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  2. Voodoo 18(Requital Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Voodoo 19(Scimitar Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter

  1. Voodoo 20(Que Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 21(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 22(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 23(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 24(Bulwark Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Voodoo 25(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Voodoo 26(Ferret Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Voodoo 27(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  4. Voodoo 28(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
ORDERS: Begin dropping mines and prepping forces
WINGMATES: Gir Quee Gir Quee Mig Gred Mig Gred

"Sitrep on the drops"

"Case Yellow, sir." Tantor responded from overwatching the Tactical station.

"Yellow? What's going on? Resistance?"

"Light. Mainly the interrupted atmosphere. The ships are running through general turbulence but survivable."

"Acknowledged. Unless there is anything we should be concerned about, recall the attackers and bombers. Star dropping mines."

"Aye," Halpern responded. "Flight Control Conn, recall attackers and bombers to be fitted with and drop mines."

Scott Powell nodded. "Aye. Also, deck reports the new recons're ready."

"Send them, redirect A-wings to run long-range cover patterns."


"Our friends are here." Halpern nodded to a group that just walked onto the bridge.

"I'll get to them in a minute. Commo, Conn send a comm message to The Silver Tide, inform Admiral Gir Quee Gir Quee we are beginning to set up the minefield."

"Standard..." Halpern nodded as the Communications station acknowledged their directives.

"Recon after that."

Halpern nodded.

"Sir, readings are coming in on that construct. We might be able to do more to it than it looks." Tantor called out as the Tactical station commander was showing him.

"Meaning?" Halpern responded.

"I mean, if the drop pods do their job and are in the right places, we may not need many of them to do more damage," Tantor explained, a little vague as he brought over the datapad.

As Liram turned around, he noticed that his friends were no longer on the bridge.

  • Bombers and attack fighters called to be refitted and drop mines.
  • A-wings diverted to fly high-speed cover for the bombers and attackers.
  • Stealth Recon deployed

Life Weaver of Ashaka



Post #2
Planet's Surface, Nar Kreeta | Surface Command Center, Eastern Covenant Section - Upper Level

Objective: Platitudes and Decisive Action
Allies: Osam Osam | Ostak Cl'mana | The Bryn'adûl
Enemies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Cadere Cadere | Varn Barakis Varn Barakis


The force swayed back and forth, tiny threads softly presenting themselves to the Ashaka Weaver. The planet of Nar Kreeta had holstered an immense amount of traces, the same traces that reminded Sylok of the past. Fully capable of reaching out to the thick strand of the force that hovered in front of him, he decided to ignore it. His eyes glanced back to Osam Osam , the answer less reassuring than he expected. Regardless, Sylok looked to Thur'Zak, the Ankhenaton Deacon. It seemed he had far more pressing matters to address, but the orders from the Warlord were clear, he had to exercise his powers to keep them all safe. Despite what the Deacon claimed, it would be the power of the Ashaka that kept them all alive. It always had been. The force greeted him in a flurry of tantalizing tugs of the light-side. He didn't need the screens or blips to tell him what it was.


Sylok smiled, another futile attempt would only make the ignorant ideologists lose faith. After everything, they didn't quite get the message. The Bryn was forever. Yet, the Jedi continued to try to kill something they did not understand. The Draelvasier had manifested many things into reality, Strength...Comradery...Apathy...Battle...Balance...Accountability and Weakness. The seven tenants, it's what they lived by, but not controlled by, unlike that of the so called; code of the Jedi. The Bryn were different, they understood what they were...who they were.

The Jedi did not.

Sylok acknowledged Osam, his head bowing in motion as he made way for the intertwined screens and mirror-like display. Then the shudder came, creaks and wanes slipping through the crystal console before Sylok ushered the force into the area. The small Quilxyn that rested on his shoulder lifted. The tiny bright orb blinked before Sylok gripped it, a sudden electric conduit split through the orb. The tendrils split outward, funneling through the compound like a sea of tiny arcs of lightning. It was a clever tactic, not only would the practice travel faster against the metal compound it would prevent any and all unwanted guests from landing above them. Sylok's grey eyes closed, the feeling of each jump in his power searching for weakness.

Like a knot, the tiny static transformation of his powers tightened, a sharper red vibrant thread formed out of thin air. Sylok grasped onto the weakened link and a clear sheen of bright red began to cover the outer layer of Eastern Side of the Command Center. The large holes that once threatened them with potential intruders, slowly became closed off with each and every second that passed. Sylok could feel the Quilxyn, its power slowly draining. He felt sorry for the orb, but in truth, he was thankful he wasn't a Beastmaster, the agony would have been excruciating. It was the little things when it came to the Ashaka ways. Staying steadfast, Sylok looked to the crystal reflection, another signal going live.

It was the Rescript, wide gaps in the central mainframe crystal were exposed. Sylok grinned, he'd have to focus on both. Carefully, without losing too much focus on the Quilxyn and barrier, he reached out with his right hand. To the rest of the Vaydralen and Ankhenaton, he would be reaching for nothing. Instead, what greeted him was another link, a black thread coalescing into a giant circle. Finally, Sylok pressed his hand into it and a small tiny string teased his fingers. Sylok looked to the others in the room, his teeth grinding against one another as he strained controlling both actions. The thick dark circle presented itself to the rest of the room, eyes of bewilderment watching as he proceeded.

The Aeravalin had one thought...


Sylok's eyes snapped open, the slender string wrapping around his fingers before the truth presented itself. The dark circle showed him everything, as the Rescript began to fall, the floor lost all support. Sylok let out a small groan, his lengthy tongue licking the air, before he thrusted his arm backward, the Rescript jerking closer to the west side of the counterintelligence room. More impressive, the C.I room was six rooms away. The Rescript had to remain upright, but there was nothing for it to safely land on. He had to be quick.

Sylok's sharp claws folded inward, his grip on the Quilxyn becoming tighter than before. He didn't have time to think about the small orbs crying screams of torture, instead, he siphoned more from it sending a massive red wave of pure energy across the floor of the compound. It zipped under the doorway of the command room, Sylok's eyes fixated on the abnormal circle before him. The sight reassured him.

The Rescript safely landed on the red carpet of energy he created, just in time. He let out a sigh and retracted his arm from the black circle.

Sylok had forgotten to even answer Osam through it all, he glanced back at the Warlord, his hands flowing through the air to make sure they stayed protected.

"Yes Osam, yes I can."


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Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


Armor - Cybernetic suit (GOLD, BLUE and RED Teams), "Dominion" armor(GREEN Team), "Apostle" armor(all, GREEN Team when needed),
Weapons (assault team)- T-73 Handgun, Combat Knife, FTB Rocket(2 FYB Rockets each, 3 with Flame Carpet warhead)
3 Grenades (each), 2 Fire Grenadess (each)
(Infiltrators)- Carbine(Suppressed), T-73 Handgun(Suppressed), Vibroswords, Combat Knife
(Snipers)- M-14 Sniper Rifle, Wrist Blaster, Carbine
(Assault)- RI-17 Assault Rifle-w-LPD53 Grenade Launcher(5 FYB 40mm grenades each), T-73 Handgun
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun(if in the field), Defender-Automatic Weapon(if in CQC) Assault Rifle
GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Assault/Team leader), Castiel(Asault/Pathfinder)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Sniper 1), Samael(Heavy Weapons), Michael(Sniper 2)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Demo/EOD), Bartleby(Tech/Team Second)
GREEN TEAM: Chamuel (Infiltrator/Slicer), Zadkiel(Infiltrator/Assassin), Raziel(Infiltrator/Assassin)
PEGASUS 1- Jeremiel(Pilot), Barachiel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 2- Ariel(Pilot), Uriel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 3- - Barachiel(Pilot)*
PEGASUS 4- Uriel(Pilot)*
*When needed. Weapons Intercept officers will be assigned randomly

RONTO 1- Raguel(Driver), Selaphiel(Gunner), Jegudiel(Cover)

Ship Captain/Teams Overwatch - Metotron
Ship Engineer/Tech/Teams Overwatch - Jophiel
Ship Corpsman - Raphael
ORDERS: BYOO (Because we do'need no steenking' banners! Yula Perl Yula Perl
Tag: @

Oh, Omega Squad was here alright. They were just on the bridge of “The Ethereal” waiting for deployment when they decided that now was a good time as any when the analysis of the “construct” was made. The burrowers digging deep tunnels were enough to concern for the Bryn, but what Azrael now had in mind could be much worse.

What’s the plan, boss?

We’re going in. Load up for a fight.

I’m grabbing “Bertha.”

I’ll play with your “Defender” then.

Big boom?

BIG boom.

Gabriel was unbalanced, but he knew what he liked and was as giddy as a school boy.

By the holy stars, I love this man… I love this man.

I’m gay… and I think that was “gay”.

Yeah, pretty bad.

You carry my detonators?


We’re taking the Ronto and loading it up. You’ll be fine.

As the lift reached their access port to “The Annunaki” airlock, Sauriel opened it and they all made their way in rather quickly, the majority of the team went to the armory. They had to set up their web gear. Azrael and Bartleby made their way up to the ship’s “bridge” where “Metotron”, the ship’s captain waited as well as “Chamuel”, one of the Infiltrators.

What’s the word?

Down to the planet. You drop a Pegasus and we go down to the planet, then stay up and provide overwatch.

No cover?

No need, yet.

Always thinking ahead, eh Boss?

That’s why he’s the boss.

... yeah, we scare them.


Andromeda Malvern


L O C A T I O N | Drop Ship en route to the Eastern SCC
E Q U I P M E N T | Standard Lightsaber - Standard Armour Set - Rebreather
T A G S | Allies: Varn Barakis Varn Barakis - Cadere Cadere - Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Enemies: Osam Osam - Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari

The seat beneath her legs vibrated violently as the ship coursed through the inky black soup of space down toward Nar Kreeta. Turbulence threw her lithe frame left and right with each pocket of air that snapped against the hull, but it was nothing Andromeda was not accustomed to by now. Every bruise she received from the straps keeping her firmly was now almost akin to a map of her escapades. The fading yellow one on the top of her thigh had been from her first trip to Illyria. The deep purple one on her hip had been from a particularly excitable trip. There was a handful in various shades covering her shins, but not even Andromeda could list the cause of each one. As the ship hurled itself to the right, Andromeda silently remarked to herself that this just might be the last time a journey ever marked her skin in such a manner.

If misfortune favoured them today, they would be demolished by giant overgrown cockroaches with superpowers. Andromeda herself had never seen or been in contact with a member of the Brynadul herself, but all the other padawans had much to say when it came to describing them. Big, ugly, violent, powerful, scary-looking beasts. Beasts with no mercy. Beasts who would sooner devour their own than lose their foothold on the galaxy. Andromeda did not know how much truth to place in their words. There was no reason not to believe them, but then again, it seemed to be a favourite pastime of most to stir the pot where they could. Whether they were attempting to wind up the younger padawans with their wild tales or not, it was clear that they had had an effect on at least some of the others journeying with them today.

Most notably for Andromeda, was her master’s reaction. He simply sat. Quietly. Quiet was not unusual for him, but the heavy lids that fell over his vision as he inclined his head did give her pause. The silence in the ship was deafening, but Andromeda had not noticed it until she noticed the hazy outline of Varn. This would not be their first mission together, but it would be their first war. Andromeda found herself wondering if he still had the same concerns about her as he did during their first mission. She was far less nubile than she had been then, and he had given her plenty of chances to prove herself. But whether it had been enough to cement the notion that she was useful remained to be seen.

When the quiet atmosphere was broken by a few words shared between the others aboard the ship, Andromeda kept her silence. Where others sought comfort in the brief distraction of conversation, she sought solace in the corners of her mind. In every lesson Varn had taught her, every class she had attended on Silver Rest, every training session she had managed to sneak in to watch. As the ship shuddered beneath her, Andromeda reflected that they were all more valuable than they had ever been. Besides, someone had made mention of sandwiches, and even the thought of trying to eat something right now twisted her stomach into impossible knots.

Light in the dropship faded from blue to scarlet, dousing the entire thing in an even eerier atmosphere. Andromeda shuffled in her seat, casting her uncertain gaze toward Varn. When he stood, so did she, though she had no earthly idea where he was going in such a small vessel. Still, dutifully, she followed him as he made his way into the cockpit. The world waiting beyond the reinforced glass was dismal, to say the least. To Andromeda’s poor eye, it was nothing more than a blur of colourless shapes speeding by. With the occasional plume that danced across her vision erratically. Scrunching her face, she parted her lips as if to say something, but no words came. Instead, she filled the gap with her own rebreather.

It was not until Varn’s stiff tone called out a question that Andromeda finally said something. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”



Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong.
No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first,
and is waiting for it.


Anticipation was building thick in her throat, making her cheeks feel soft. Everything felt soft. Human. Vulnerable. Especially as their transport jostled and shook on approach.

Righting herself after being upset from her upright position, she drew in a sharp breath through her teeth –– savoured it –– and let it out with a hot huff. On exhale, that anticipation made a small cloud outside her mouth, condensating briefly so she could almost see it, and then dissipating.

Softness and humanity couldn’t be afforded. Steel was not soft. Steel was sharp, absolute, strong. So too, she must be. Closing her eyes, the Ashina heir ventured back to training with her father, and intermingled his instruction with the same scolding tone of Master Sardun. Neither were here with her now. This was a test on her own.

And if Michael Sardun Michael Sardun could read her thoughts now, he’d be
disappointed to know she still fully intended to walk away from the battlefield with memorabilia in the shape of a Bryn’adûl’s face for her future armour. A small, malicious grin pulled the corners of her mouth upward and she settled deeper into her seat, folding her hands delicately on her lap to further immerse herself into the pedagogies of both steadfast instructors.

"First battle?"

A single brow arched, and she opened her eyes to peer across at the other white-haired protector. The curl of amusement she’d been sporting drew into a thin line once more, expression neutralized into untelling listlessness.

“No.” She answered plainly, glancing left-right at the other soldiers who were readying themselves. Usually, Ishida would have left the conversation there –– not giving more introduction to her persona lest it be a distraction.

But –– “Nor my last.” She assured confidently, re-steeling herself with a definitive, curt not. That simple statement was a self-promise.

“Although…” humanity slipped through the steel again, but she forced her postre to remain stiff and not slump. “This is my first without my Master.

And my first time on escort or protection duty. Which –– have we heard from the coordinating teams and their locations?”

ALLIES | SJC | GA | NJO | CIS | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Bernard Bernard [PARTNER] | Jairdain Jairdain | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn

Objective: For Soot and Soil
Location: CC Section | Central Command Centre
Allies: Galak Galak | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Gordrak Gordrak | Tsud'Ul'aigh Tsud'Ul'aigh | Thak Bri'Sot Thak Bri'Sot | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Sethrak Sethrak |
Enemies: Gir Quee Gir Quee | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Aien Mueller | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr
Axe | Gauntlet | Armour |
Drones | Rhivaks | Juggernauts | Ultras | Seekers | Quilxyn Protectors | Shamans | Warlocks

The Hivemind flexed its neutral lengths, utilising the dense network of mind stones across the Super-Construct to attempt to discern a cohesive break down of the enemy forces landing in the city. Still pacing, the Titan waited as the Ultras mobilised beyond the Central Command Centre. They didn't need scans to know they'd be coming for it. They were deploying forces across the city, but that didn't mean they had to let them. The asteroids had made gaps in their shielding, but not for sake of damaging it rather than a side-effect of whatever they'd utilised to bypass it. The Concord was learning, finally - impressive. They had stood their ground long enough, outnumbered and trapped on the surface of Sev Tok. The Jedi vastly overestimated their own abilities if they believed they were going to get far here. Once the Akhenaton and the Vaydralen were corrected, all eyes would turn to the defence of Nar Kreeta. For now, they had to slow the assault of the Concord. Above ground, the Syphons would already be on the move to intercept any landed forces carrying particularly high charges of energy, above or below ground. They could sense them, smell them almost as the independent hunters made strides in the race to to various Concord areas of deployment.

The Titan's heart still raced in his chest, mind pushing at a pace quicker than his own thoughts as the Command Centre continued to simply talk over itself, abuzz with activity but little work done.

"Chieftain, city shield openings will be restored in thirty seconds." One of the attending Artificers spoke, relaying the information from his console.

Tathra nodded in return. It was no secret the Concord were a fan of bombardments. Sarka, Sev Tok, Nar Kreeta before that. The same situation would be replicated here, and if they had shield breaching technology. Their anti-air would need to focus on the enemy navy alongside the fleet.

"Have the Sentinels focus fire on the enemy fleet, ignore their fighters and dropships. All fire, focused on the fleet. Ver'kad, our localised orbital defence will focus on assisting you."

"Recognised, Sire."

The fleet of the Divine Brutality would begin to close the gap between themselves and the Concord, positioned closer than the enemy ships to the city itself, they would be in range of one and other in moments as the Bryn fleet would place themselves in defensive positions orbiting the city, commencing firing lanes against the Concord fleets in cohesion with the
Sentinels on the surface, opening fire with short blasts of incredibly powerful plasmatic beams, aiming for destroyers, cruisers and whatnot. The shield, opening for split-seconds at a time to allow their fire to pass through. Reavers began to move from the War-Beast Chambers to defensive locations around the surface elements of the city, such as the Vaydralen barracks and surface command whilst Obaliscs would be prepared to be moved into Gunboats, awaiting further instruction.

Tathra's attention returned to the Hivemind. His face stern, expecting - it was taking too long.

"Now, Hivemind."

"Enemey forces still in the process of landing. Fighters deployed from enemy fleet. Several breaches of the cities infrastructure detected, they are deploying above and below." At the same time, Warlord Galak's voice returned as his attention was diverted again.

Chieftain, I'm receiving initial scans. They're deploying underground and above. They've already breached our city shields. I can have grid shielding coordinates for you in minutes.

Tathra gave the Hivemind an almost unfavourable look, not that it could see or know why. It had only managed to retain its usefulness by a mere second before Galak's personal sensors had replaced it. His own comments quickly followed by further report from the Primarch. Utilising Al-Hadad came with consequences, unleashing such a titanic beast left no discrimination for whatever lay in its path. But holding Nar Kreeta was more important than retaining the Construct. Structures could be rebuilt, but lives and symbols faded could only be replaced. Galak's blossoming tactical intellect was showing, the three shield generators would provide three variations of pointless protection of the Concord's fire could simply bypass the shield. At the very least they could spare the northern sections shield generator. Unlike most, Quilxyn shielding was malleable, it restructured itself to fit the purpose needed, today that would be entrapment.

"The central generator seals the gaps in the sky shield. Hivemind - the northern generator is at Warlord Galak's disposal. Initiate a five-hundred square metre grid system, above and below in circumference of the city. Passable only by us."

Geographic scans began to trickle in, it was true. The representation of the hive-mind faded from view, replaced by the detailed display of the in progress deployment of the Concord forces, his instincts were right. They were on the move underground for the Command Centre. Thankfully, it would not be a pitted fight. The underground elements of the city imitated what was above, a sprawling city element surrounded the command centre, architecturally indistinguishable from a variety of other underground elements bar its placement near the middle. Beyond the command centre and buildings, the Ultras; four-thousand strong were ready for the Concord to come for them. At their side, hundreds of Rhivaks, thousands more Drones. Those were the immediate defenders, more were enroute. The entire population of the continent was ready to fight, with thousands of freshly born Drones preparing for battle in the clone facilities as the battle would progress - the Concord may have picked an inopportune time to strike, but the Draelvasier would not make it easy. The Titan descended from the Command centre, the Honour Guard gunboat taking him from a raised platform to the head of their deployment. No words were required as he moved to the head of the Ultras. War Beasts moving to facilitate covering fire above and below the ground. Ultra Godrak was at the helm, waiting with his Axe in hand. The Ultra extended the shaft of the Axe toward him. It was time to fight, not for solely the planet but the Akhenaton and Vaydralen as well.

"Nar Kreeta symbolises more than a singular system or planet. We fought here, were victorious here. To hold our world together. Now we must do the same for our adoptive brethren. We fight for them. To destroy the filth that is the Concord."

The crimson palm hovered above the golden plated Axe, brow furrowing as his fingers found strength grasping round it. It rose upward, close to the centre of his chest as the crimson-ruby beard glimmered in the dim under-glow of the Super Construct. Above the city, the gaps made by the asteroids closed in the shade of clouds. Whatever else wanted in, would have to force their way in.

Objective: Platitudes and Decisive Action
Location: Eastern Covenant Section - Surface Command Center

Friends: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Thur'Zak Thur'Zak
Foes: Cadere Cadere | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Andromeda Malvern

Another rumbling detonation outside as one of the last few asteroids battered against some distant portion of the compound, another reverberation that rattled throughout the room, causing him to pause in his assessment of the situation. He felt a secondary rumble somewhere within his intestines as he was reminded of the fact that he had not eaten lunch. It was always the most trivial things that came to mind in times of importance, wasn't it? Perhaps it was simply the speed with which Beast Master Ostak had accepted his command that had reminded him of the inadequacies being displayed by the aliens in front of him. That same inadequacy reminded him of the fact that he had yet to devour one of their kind as he had his own.

Perhaps, by day's end, he would scramble across one of the fallen insectoid Akhenaton, crack their shells open, and drink the life from their corpse.

Of course, before he'd have the satisfaction of engaging in such a meal, he needed to solve the matters at hand. His eyes settled onto the Deacon as they provided their account of events, the apparent irritation that they felt about the entire circumstance easily visible. Though he was not trained in any manner of diplomacy, it was a simple matter to tell that the insectoid was perturbed by the reports he had heard to the point of aggression. He spoke of how the Vaydralen - who had now notably lowered all of their weapons - had spoken poorly of the architectural skills of the Akhenaton.

No doubt that was a point of pride among the insectoid race. They had been brought into the Bryn'adul with an understanding that they would perform a great deal of construction. Their immense strength and the way that they collaborated so easily with one another in times of urgency meant that they could fabricate most structures in half the time of the other races. While it was an impossibility in the Warlord's mind for them to be perfect, he knew that they were talented on the whole and that their experience had made them a valuable asset.

He turned toward Gromph, the elder of the two Centurion Generals, and the one who seemed most inclined to speak for his people and their actions. "Why did the Vaydralen insult the Akhenaton? You know that they were brought into this covenant with us in part because of their architectural talents."

That last statement seemed to catch the Vaydralen off-guard. Osam could read on his face that he had expected some kind of affirmation to his thoughts, possibly a direct agreement. Instead, the Centurion General found himself being accused of poor conduct. From the Akhenaton he might have reacted violently, but from a Draelvasier he could not help but to be shamed. He bowed his head somewhat, his earlier arrogance beginning to cool off as he answered:

"We were told to inform the Deacon and his people that the barracks were being poorly constructed and maintained, that they were not meeting up to standards." The mandibles of the Vaydralen clicked.

"Whose standards? Who gave you the order?" He questioned, a suspicion beginning to grow within him the more he heard about the incident.

"Amok-Tu, the Warlord."

Osam frowned underneath his vessel's mask. Why had Amok-Tu decided to send the Vaydralen, a newcomer race, to deliver a message such as that to the Akhenaton? Didn't he recognize that it would look poorly if it came from them? Besides that, what level of standards was he expecting out of the barracks? They had appeared to be fully functional on his arrival - far better than the ones afforded to the Sraelvun Drones.

"And what about you, Gromph. What insults did your people receive from the Akhenaton?"

Gromph perked up at the idea that he might now lay forward the case of his people, recognizing that the error was not being solely placed at his feet if more information was still being gathered. "Several of them came to us while we were on the training grounds. They told us that we were taking up space and that we were to stop our efforts immediately." The Vaydralen clenched his fist, allowing the memory to flood into him. "We were told that we were too emotional for practice to make up for our shortcomings."

Osam turned to face the Deacon addressing them directly, "Were you told to pass along that order by Warlord Amok-Tu?"

It seemed that throughout the course of a simple conversation they had come to an insightful truth. Amok-Tu, who now sat within the confines of the Central SCC and who had stated that they were too busy to provide assistance had been meddling in the affairs of the two races for quite some time now. If he had any genuine grievances, they had been misconstrued by his choice of messengers. Perhaps he was not intentionally guilty of the state of affairs, but circumstances certainly seemed to point that way.

Osam needed to speak with him before he could make his decision. He needed Ostak to arrive there first, and guarantee that his message came through. Once he knew for certain he could assess what kind of action needed to be taken.

An explosion suddenly tore the Warlord away from his thoughts of peace and mending relationships and toward the ceiling above him. The missiles impacted hard against the ceiling, bursting through it with catastrophic force. Pieces of roof were cracked and dispelled by the concussive force, and a dozen Aeravalin were thrown to the feet and to their sides by the sudden explosion. Osam observed as it least one of them simply vanished in the detonation - reduced to pieces.

Overhead there was the hovering of a dropship, a ship seemingly equipped to land soldiers directly into the heart of the facility. He could not perceive its occupants, but if their sudden assault was any indication, they would soon be joining them within the confines of the SCC. The hybrid grasped onto the nearest table, sliding his finger over to one of the many crystals present even as the Ashaka Sylok worked to generate a shield above them to prevent further firepower.

"Dispatch a message to Central. Inform them to cancel Eastern SCC privileges until I speak to them again." He thought into his mindstone, the telepathic message reaching the Kraemonen Hivemind immediately. It complied, passing the message through to formal channels at his behest before providing an affirmation that it had been completed.

"Thak'zur! Gromph!" He shouted out, calling for both of the figures as his eyes maneuvered around the damaged room, trying to guarantee that they were still alive and at least mostly unharmed.

"Bring your people together. We need to protect the cloning vats underneath of the barracks, and get your men out from the rubble! Deacon, have your people dig and bring everyone out. Fortify the position as best you're able. Generals - provide security for them." He paused, recognizing the greatest problem still existed, the reason for his visit, the reason why they would fall short even in these new tasks. "Keep your mind-stones open to me. I will tell you my decision on this issue as soon as I speak to Amok-Tu." Would that be enough? "If you fail before then, you will not know if you have justice, so do not fail."

Gazing upward at the dropship once more, the hybrid shrieked a challenge, his voice rattling through the Flesh Vessel that surrounded him. How dare they intercede on such a pivotal meeting? How dare they strike at his people when they were so unprepared for battle. He unslung the T-120 launcher off of his back, feeling the weight of the device, comparing how light it felt now with how heavy it had been before. The Warlord threw himself into action, slamming his hand into the nearest wall and watching as the already weakened material detonated outward. He gripped one hand onto the closest beam for stability and kept the launcher in the other until he was certain he was properly positioned.

Then, with both hands grasping onto the launcher, and the twin barrels pointed up at the dropship, he let loose the missiles, watching as they soared upward, their acidic payload roiling about within them.
Last edited:


Sakadi held her breath as the ship made contact with the surface of Nar Kreeta, drilling deep into the planet's crust. Her tiny frame still shook heavily, despite being held tightly in place by the safety harness. That was why, when their dropship finally came to a halt, the first thing the Sephi did was sigh in relief.

"We're ssstill sslightly off coursse." The Trandoshan commented as his scaly fingers moved over the red-flashing control panel. "But we are closse enough to their central command, I think" His suspicions were confirmed by the Living Force. Sakadi felt how the Dark side churned around them, like a dense shroud filled with whispers of rage, submission, power and control.

With liquid movement, Sakadi freed herself from the restrictive safety harness. She suppressed the urge to stretch, and reached for her lightsaber instead. Her fingers curled around the white-electrum sleeve of the hilt. The conductive haysian-smelt she had incorporated in its design acted as a Faraday cage - a great fit against the Bryn's disruptive systems and weaponry. She recalled how Master Odara had reacted to her use of the expensive metal many decades ago. "Fancy, elegant and way too expensive. Exactly what I expected of you, Sakadi." At the time, she hadn't taken it as a compliment. Now, the memory just made her faintly smile.

"I suggest we start moving. The tunnels should lead us to their central command. Stick to the smaller tunnels so they don't overwhelm us with numbers." Sakadi began, sharing her thoughts with all eight passengers through the Force. They all knew the risk of this plan. Their choice of transport, a one-time only craft, already indicated that there was not going to be a way out. No one would be waiting to pick them up if they failed. It was do, or die trying.



Objective: Platitudes and Decisive Action
Location: Eastern Covenant Sector - Vaydralen Barracks
Allies: Osam Osam | Quoron Ver'dum Quoron Ver'dum | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Ostak Cl'mana
Enemies: TBD

Incessant ringing in numb ears faded into a whistling that burrowed into his mind. Eyes blinked hard, hoping to push the sound from Crald's cranium as he staggered, dropping the slab mere seconds after the Scout scrambled out from under as a puff of ash rose round the circumference of the slab. He felt it, lightness in the depths of his own mass as his right leg nearly came out from under him. Hands lingered above his waist, ready to stall any further injury to his chassis if he fell. The Akhenaton had been injured, yet he was Rattolijan - strong. This was not how it was supposed to be. The matriarch relayed the knowledge of the Drael, unity a great aspect in the dominance they purveyed. Its eyes darted across the ravaged barrack, Akehnaton did not see unity rather the opposite. The results of this migration to a green world, a strange word - coupled with the battle at Sev Tok, their merits would no doubt appear disparaging to the Bryn'adûl forefathers and the great precursor who lead them. Sucking in air, he rose to his towering stilted stature as his own kind stood with Syphon rifles in hand, aimed at the Vaydralen. Both barked in their mother tongue, no communication through the greater vernacular of the Draelvasier. Dissent in the most primitive manner.

One of their own, a Vaydralen was wounded beyond where their scouts had drew a proverbial line in the sand. Crald hobbled closer, watching as one of his own pushed a Vaydralen back with its rifle.

We not responsible for you! Akhenaton demonstrate how weak Dral are! Us show how you leave all kin for perishing!

The first of them to speak in Drael, audio blossoming from the mind stone into an comprehensible voice. Their strange grammar only furthering to infuriate the Vaydralen. A cadet, clad in cobalt blue activated his hidden blades and leapt for the foremost and most hostile of the Akehnaton. Crald reacted instinctively, catching the Vaydralen mid-air by the throat. An arm like wood and root, raised the cadet from the ground with a slow and deliberate ascendance equal to the increasing pressure applied to the throat. Crald didn't think, he simply acted to protect.

We see Vaydralen for blade. Warlord warn we of your stealth, your nature. Vaydralen all like the weapon you sheath!
Location: En-route to Nar Kreeta surface
Allies: SJC and their allies
Tagging: Mig Gred Mig Gred , Kiara Ayres Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala , Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok @Ki'an Vizla, Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Oleander Webb Oleander Webb , Millu Lee Millu Lee , Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin , Maja Fiore, Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal , Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren , Milya Vondar Milya Vondar , Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
Enemies: Bryn'Adul and their allies Tagging: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Objective: Hivebuster

Ever since she had met Jax Thio Jax Thio , she had started to see far more battles than she had in years. Jairdain was not a warrior and she wondered how much he had rubbed off on her slightly. The last battle she had been a part of, she had vowed to have a conversation with him about it...that had never happened and now it probably wouldn't. She found herself now with a small group of hand-picked warriors, mentalists, and a few others on the way to the surface of Nar Kreeta.

Her normal role wasn't actually on a field of battle but instead providing support. That wasn't going to be the case this time around. Her skills made her a weapon and one that could stand against the Bryn. A kind of weapon that could potentially put a stop to their advances. On the other hand, they were the aggressors this time. This wasn't the first time for her and her previous time engaging on the offensive, she had lost her fight. With these allies at her side, that would not happen this time. They would not allow that. No harm would come to the Jedi Master.

Mentally much for diplomacy...

Since Jaridain was not known as a warrior, she was not wearing much armor. It was most likely a poor choice but it was one she made on her own. Besides, there were people to help protect those that couldn't physically fight well and she was certainly one of them.

For a while, there was silence in the dropship...until they started hitting against some sort of orbital defenses that had been put in place. Having full confidence in the pilot, she focused on those around her.

"Recognizing your emotions is great, though you are right...don't kill in anger. Set it aside and focus on what needs to be done, then feel the anger after. The Force is always with us."

Even if one can't always feel it...There had been many days in her life when the Force couldn't be felt. Remembering them, she shivered slightly. Deciding to focus on what was happening now, those days were long in the past and she had no desire to live through them again. Growling to herself, those near to her might pick up on some of her distractions. Luckily she did too.

Listening to the pilot state they were a little off course, she nodded. Gathering up a few of the items she felt she would need, she placed the breather on her face and the things in a bag on her back. In reality, she didn't need to wear the breather but having it along did bring peace of mind.

Drawing in a deep breath, there was a chance, she would not be returning to her family. If this failed, she would die along with everybody around her.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Allies: Gir Quee Gir Quee GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Fleet: Keros' Kad (Damaged), 2x Tionas-class FAC (Two damaged), 2x Atin'la-class Heavy Cruisers (One damaged), 3x Shield-class Escort Cruiser (One damaged), 5x GF-2B Super TwinTails Squadrons (Includes Talyc Squadron), 18x "Kodashi" Viper MKIIs, 20x HA-2 Pikes (Bomb Bays)s, 5x DF-1 Scarab Swarm Fighter squadrons, 3x Dinii-class Dral'tabalhar Me'sen squadrons, 6x modified freighters

Malo looked out as Kaddie got in touch with the other Concord vessels.

"We have company! All vessels watch out for the Kad's bow. They're charging the three Echoes we have left now. And if anyone has a spare hacker that could break a cannon's built in targeting unit, we could use the big girls on the surface once we bust this fleet!" And at these words, once the front door was clear, the Kad would unleash the full brunt of her firepower that she actually had. Some of her weapons were gone, including an Echo HPC. Along with that, the Atin'las would also bring their full firepower to bear. Three Shield class vessels would also send out coordinate warnings, prepping to put up their main defensive weapon.

"Flak walls engaging, Watch your flight paths." The Tionas meanwhile had almost seemed to sneak off, using their scanners in conjunction with the Ethereal's scout flights. Any vessels they encountered, they would show the full force of their frontal firepower. At least if they could actually handle the enemy ship that was. Malo would quickly contact the other head lead ships, taking a breath.

"I hate these things. We need to take that ugly, demagolka of a ship out. She's dangerous from the reports I've seen." Malo had no idea how the others saw the Mandalorian ships there, but she was at least going to give her input on this. She looked around taking a breath.

Meanwhile, in her fighter, Vaux Gred Vaux Gred quickly flew her red painted TwinTail into the frey, flanked by her fellow Talyc Squadron pilots. The had fought hard to get here. And now they would take the Bryn in their territory!

"This is CT, tat. You all know what to do, and you heard Malo. I want TwinTails and Vipers hunting fighters while the Scarabs keep up with the overrun plan. Dinii, and Pikes aim for hitting that massive Bryn ship. And our freight jockeys out there. Just do what you do best." The strike craft would then break off on their missions.

  • Keros' Kad and the Atin'la unleash their fire on the Divine Brutality.
  • The Shields unleash their flak walls.
  • Tionas assist with scouting.
  • TwinTails and Vipers target fighters.
  • Scarabs use swarm tactics.
  • Pikes and Dinii prepare to attack the Divine Brutality.

Gear: In bio
Allies: Jax Thio Jax Thio Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kiara Ayres Jairdain Jairdain Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Millu Lee Millu Lee Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin Maja Fiore Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren Milya Vondar Milya Vondar
Enemies: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma

Mig looked over at Jairdan, nodding to her.

"Well said. When the Bryn are involved sometimes it feels like the only thing we have at times honestly." He then held tight as they landed, then noticed his vision was off. Flickering. He put a hand over the left side of his visor, noticing that it was his eye.... Karking...! Then he noticed his HUD. He nodded to Sakadi, taking a breath.

"I'd suggest you not be so quick to rely on a lightsaber either. If my eye is anything to go off of they may not be the more reliable here." He looked around, knowing that this would be a different kind of fight. He just hoped this worked.... That he could go back to his family once this was done. He'd take another breath before prepping to move out.
Objective: Hivebusters
Tags: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kiara Ayres Mig Gred Mig Gred Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Gear: Lightsaber, rebreather, armor

As the craft landed and began burrowing underground, Sakadi was the first to remove her safety harness. Nimdok did the same, moving through the confined space of the drop miner toward the doors.

Upon exiting the vehicle he stretched as much as he could. “Are we splitting up? Going in pairs? Or staying together?” he asked the others.

Main Objective: For Soot and Soil
Side Objective: Find The Lothal Guard
Location: The Warlock Dome (Destroyed)
Post: 2

The room was inescapable. As if this realization wasn't bad enough, the lights were now dimming and flickering, clearly cut off from their power source. The Warlock's back was killing him, bruised from the fall after the explosion, but internally as well. He had clearly pulled a muscle or two. Irritating.

What would Hrajlmak do? The new First Warlock thought to himself, hoping to find inspiration from the deceased Drael. He found inspiration...but no ideas. Hrajlmak would likely have some trick up his sleeve regarding The Force. Indeed, he had been much stronger in The Force than Sethrak. Sethrak knew he could possibly melt the rubble, but it'd' exhaust him, and he wasn't positive in his assessment. He couldn't risk using all of his energy on something that may not work. In fact, it could backfire and cause more of the chamber to collapse.

He stared at the rubble as the dimming lights finally flickered one last time, then went out.

Suddenly the rubble exploded toward him, causing him to flinch heavily and prepare for action.

The light made Sethrak squint, and even then he could not tell who his rescuer was until he heard the voice. It was Ostak Cl'mana . Relieved, The Warlock answered "I am unsure. What is happening, Ostak? I was taken by surprise, one moment I was planning, the next I was on the ground."

The Warlock knew they were under attack, he had heard the explosions even in the sound proof isolation chamber. However he didn't know how severe the attack was, where he was needed, where his Lothal Guard (that had been resting here before returning to Lothal) was, or, quite frankly, anything of importance. He was also without a weapon, something he needed to fix as soon as possible.

He scanned the room again, reassuring that he had everything he needed before his eventual exit from the room that moments ago felt like a grave. Sure that he had grabbed everything of importance, he looked to Ostak, ready to follow his lead.

Allies | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Bernard Bernard

While the drop miner burrowed its way through the surface of Nar Kreeta, Yula kept a steady hand on her eyeliner. As she dragged the pencil carefully along her lower lash line, the small craft jostled, bumping the tip of the pencil from her eyelid to her cheek.

“Kark, already?” Her groan of frustration, dramatic as usual, was loud enough to be heard over the incessant drill as it bored a jagged path through the planet’s noxious crust.

“Y’know, last time I was here they dropped a building on me.” She stated conversationally while rubbing at the wayward black smudge on her cheek, reddening her skin beyond its natural hue. “Don’t remember much after that.”

The spartan lighting flickered as the drill whined low, forcing its way through a stubborn layer of rock. “Wonder what weird chit they’ll throw at us today.”

The Bryn’adul may have been monsters, but they weren’t boring.

“Okay,” Yula rummaged through her bag, retrieving two small cylinders and held them up to the miniature spider droid resting in her lap. “Peach Passion or Mauve Brick?” She shook each one for emphasis, but though in the dim lighting, they would look nearly identical to anyone but Yula.

The droid responded with a series of indignant whines and beeps.

“Yes, I know no one is going to see it with the rebreather on, Emily. Make a decision.”

More beeps, and Yula shooed the droid out of her lap before singling out her mission partner.

“Dagon, which lip gloss? Peach Passion or Mauve Brick?”

Her tone carried the weight of the moment before an orbital strike.


ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: On Board the Juventas, Entering system outside weapon range.
Mission: deploy a second wave of landing forces.
Allies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Mig Gred Mig Gred GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

"Reverting sir'" said the jump officer as the small 3rd fleet task force broke free of hyperspace. Her hyperdrive motivators releasing the ship to the sunlight systems causing a momentary pause in the formations momentum. The Juventas came alive as her sunlight drives ignited pressing against the massive mass of the vessel. Beside her, her escorts too began to slowly move into the battle zone and the fight before them.

"Captain, Move us into position, Prepare the drop pods for deployment. Colonel, have your wing ready. After we release the pods we will launch your group to escort and support," said Admiral Reshmar. The large table before him came alive and began displaying a large hologram above it. Slowly the scene began to fill in as target markers were illuminated and tagged according to their type and allegiance. The IFF slowly located, tagged, and began tracking every moving and non-moving solid object in the system. Each target was scanned and given a tag by the IFF system identifying the allied units and the enemy combatants. It attempted to assign the non-moving objects by type and tag them if needed but it was had to know just what they were without visual identification.

"Sir we are moving in at nine hundred kilometers per hour, We will be in long-range weapons range in three minutes sir. said one of the navigations officers. Reshmar nodded and continued to watch the hologram fill in contacts.

"very well, Helm once we reach range marker one slow us down and bring us to a stop. Have the cruisers begin bombardment of our designated landing zone, let's soften it up a bit before we send down the troops," said Reshmar. The crew responded with a mix of yes sir and affirmative as they began to carry out the order.

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