Beltran Rarr

Hyperspace: Enroute to Nar Kreeta
Aboard the Chariot-Class Transport Frigate "Deliverer"
Briefing room
"Your forces are most impressive, Colonel Rarr. It's quite astounding how far the Order's military capabilities have progressed since my time. There are few still alive who remember the founding of the Antarian Rangers. You have my every respect for carrying on their traditions, Colonel."
Looking up from his tablet, Beltran was somewhat surprised to see the former Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi Order

Back then, as Beltran understood things, they were a small group of talented soldiers who supported the Jedi on their operations. Over the years, as the Silver Jedi expanded their sphere of influence, the Rangers had grown into a powerful military organization. Though technically still aligned with the Silver Jedi specifically, the Rangers had participated in virtually every major military operation that the Silver Concord had undertaken since it's creation. They had worked along side the Concord military forces, particularly the Marines and Naval special operations units like Omega Squad.
Those interactions hadn't always been frictionless, but the Rangers were still considered to be one of the premier military forces in the galaxy. That was a fact that Beltran was more than a little proud of.
"Thank you, Master." Beltran replied with a quick bow of his own head. "I simply endeavor to maintain the principles and courage of those who've gone before me."
Beltran hadn't been present for the founding of the Rangers, but he had served under officers who had been. His mind flashed to his former commander Valkren Calderon. Calderon had seen something in Beltran that was more than the hired killer that he'd been. He had molded Beltran into a soldier, using his skills against the Sith, and eventually even led Beltran to pursue a career as an officer. He truly missed his friend and knew that they all could have benefitted from his leadership in the current conflict.
"My men and I stand with you. We may not have fought the Bryn before, but we're fast learners."
Beltran's expression turned grave as he regarded the Jedi master. "That is good," He said matter-of-factly. "The Bryn'adul will not allow you to survive more than a single mistake, if that. Their bloodlust outclasses even that of the Sith. And unlike the Sith, they are singularly united in their desire destroy all other lifeforms in the galaxy. Those who capitulate to them are slaughtered the same as those who resist. They know nothing of mercy or honor and showing them either simply gives them the advantage."
Beltran followed the eyes of the Jedi to the groups of Rangers and the warriors of Midvinter as they mingled between each other. There were laughs and cheers as the warriors engaged in feats of strength and prowess.
"Makes you wish for a simpler time, does it not? When all we had to worry about was the Sith."
Beltran nodded. In many ways the Sith were a far simpler threat to deal with. They could be manipulated by pride and rage, they could be goaded. The Bryn'adul were different. Beltran's attempts at goading the Tyrant

And Beltran now knew that the only way to hurt it would be to slaughter those people.
But kept those thoughts to himself. If Thurion was anything like his son, the elder Heavenshield would not understand Beltran's line of thinking.
Beltran kept silent as the Jedi Master spoke with a older officer. He returned the man's salute crisply and nodded at his words.
"Those Bryn won't know what hit 'em, Colonel,"
"No, they won't," He agreed aloud, while simultaneously resolving to ensure that before the end of this battle

Orbit of Nar Kreeta: Commencing Drop

Upon the allied fleet's arrival in the Nar Kreeta system several Chariot-Class Transport Frigates, including the Deliverer, moved into orbit over the site where the Bryn'adul Super Construct lay. Protecting these relatively fragile ships were a pair of Adamant-Class Heavy Cruisers and a single Resolute-Class Star Destroyer.
Seven squadrons of Ares Fighters descended into the atmosphere, ahead of the coming drop ships and pods. Their job was to engage and eliminate any air defenses they could find.
"Colonel Rarr," Came the calm gravelly voice of the Resolute's commander. "The Adamant Class Cruisers are reporting taking heavy fire from the surface. Their shields and reinforced armors are holding, but they cannot screen for your frigates indefinitely. Our squadron commanders report also taking defensive fire as they move into the atmosphere, but the first drop ships entering behind them seem to have not been targeted."
Beltran could hear the confusion in the naval officer's voice, but to him it made sense. "The Bryn'adul seem to have a dislike of naval combat. They much prefer a ground battle where their size, ferocity and numbers often give them an advantage. I suspect they are letting our ground forces land in anticipation of a ground-based counter attack."
"I see, do you still want to drop to go ahead as scheduled?"
"Yes, Commodore. We have no choice but to meet them on whatever field of battle they choose. Continue the drop as scheduled."
From the Chariot Frigates, several squadrons of Arch-Angel Drop Ships and LRAD-OR's would descend following the initial fighter assault. They would land the bulk of the Rangers from the Rangers 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Infantry as well as three-hundred Venom-Series Heavy Combat Droids. They would begin to advance on the super construct from the surface with the intent to engage any Bryn'adul ground force they came against. The 3rd didn't have to win, they just had to keep the Bryn'adul busy.
Following the beginning of their assault, the units of Beltran's strike force which included: Paladin Company, Hades Platoon and the surviving elements of the 666th Mechanized, as well as the warriors that

While the nuclear weapons were intended to used as a last resort, Beltran suspected that it would be very likely that they would need to employ them.
"Too bad Omega Squad isn't here," Said Captain Mrawr from the bench opposite Beltran. Beltran had decided that he would be joining the Captain's personal squad for this particular battle. "They love to blow schutta up."
Beltran gave the giant Togorian a half smirk as he donned his helmet. It was a not-to-subtle jab at the operators and their penchant for using explosives in every mission, but today it also rang true. If ever there was a need for Omega Squad to blow something up, it would be today.
Hades Platoon – 50 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
Commanded by Lieutenant Jesson Doss
Equipped with:
666[SUP]th[/SUP] Mechanized Infantry – 300 Rangers - Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct - Commanded by Lt. Colonel Higgus
Equipped with:
Paladin Company – 150 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
- Commanded by Captain Harbok Mrawr
Equipped with:
Equipped with:
Commanded by Lieutenant Jesson Doss
Equipped with:
- Katarn Mk. III Light Powered Armor
- Proteus Modular Pulse Rifles
- Fury Shielded Breaching Carbines
- Predator Assault Rifles
- 4 x Venom-Series Heavy Combat Droids
- 2 x Thermonuclear Charges
- Conventional Explosives
666[SUP]th[/SUP] Mechanized Infantry – 300 Rangers - Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct - Commanded by Lt. Colonel Higgus
Equipped with:
- Katarn Mk. III Light Powered Armor
- Proteus Modular Pulse Rifles
- Fury Shielded Breaching Carbines
- Predator Assault Rifles
- 32 x Venom-Series Heavy Combat Droids (1 per a squad)
- Conventional Explosives
Paladin Company – 150 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
- Commanded by Captain Harbok Mrawr
Equipped with:
- A.I.P.S battle suits
- "Flesh Ripper" Tactical Shotguns
- "Bone-Splitter" Assault Rifles
- 16 x Venom-Series Heavy Combat Droids (1 per a squad)
- 6 x Thermonuclear Charges
- Conventional Explosives
Equipped with:
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