Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine

Location: Eastern SCC
Friends: Andromeda Malvern Cadere Cadere Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
Foes: Osam Osam (Directly) Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari (less so)
Gear: Lightsaber, Silver Jedi Knight Plate, Rebreather

The world twisted and turned upside down, back again. The screech and tear of the ship striking solid ground drowned out everything else. Impact shook the ship, set the Zabrak's bones shaking. The straps holding him down dug into his shoulders, squeezed his chest. He held on for dear life, kept holding on 'til the ship stopped moving. He couldn't tell how long it took. A minute. Less. The ringing in his ears and pain in his injured leg were reassuring, at least.

It meant he was still alive.

Undoing his straps, Varn made to stand. Voices, tentative and worried, filled the small space around him. A mess, it no longer resembled the space-worthy vessel it had once been. The back end had sheared away entirely, and hung out over what Varn imagined was a yearning abyss. He didn't bother finding out whether that was the truth. He would find out soon enough, Force willing.

Looking around, he watched as the other specialists went about their business. The ruined holoprojector stuttered and died, drowning the crew bay in near darkness. Ambient light poured in through the side hatches, providing just enough by which to see. From the half-light a familiar voice called out to him. Soft, worried, it made Varn forget the terrible situation they found themselves in. For a heartbeat, he smiled.


A flair of pain in his leg made the smile fade. Taking a few steps towards the voice, Varn reached out a hand as his padawan drifted into view. "I'm here, Andromeda. I'm here." Undoing the straps holding his padawan in place, Varn offered his arm in support. Though she looked fine, he could not be certain. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask. "Are you okay?" Listening for her reply, the knight didn't notice the sudden shift in the Force until it had happened.

Twisting, Varn stared through the cockpit's cracked viewport. What he saw made his hearts beat faster.

"Get d-" Was all he managed before the splutter of carbine fire silenced him. Throwing himself flat, Varn watched as the rounds tore into- through the ship. No doubt the armor plating stopped a few, but that didn't do the pilots any good. The rest of the specialists -those still living- mimicked Varn, got low, fast. They got to watch the pilots die, too. The sight filled Varn with a sorrow he couldn't quite put into words.

Sometimes he envied Andromeda her blindness.

When the shooting stopped, the Jedi clambered to his feet. He didn't say a word to Andromeda as he stepped out through the right hatch, his lightsaber springing to life as the fated enemy Osam Osam came into view. Tall, red-scaled, the warlord had made of himself a target. A big one, perhaps one too big for Varn to handle. That didn't stop the knight as he broke into a run, the emerald fire in his hand cutting a swathe of light through the gloom.

When he called on the Force, it answered in an instant. Rubble shifted and cracked as it rose, bits and pieces of stone and metal spinning of their own accord in the air at Varn's back. Whipping his arm forward, he felt the rush of air as they passed him by, hurtling in the direction of Osam Osam in the same instant Cadere Cadere threw a grenade.

Objective: Platitudes and Decisive Action
Location: Eastern Covenant Section - Surface Command Center

Friends: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Foes: Varn Barakis Varn Barakis | Andromeda Malvern | Cadere Cadere | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion

The Warlord was preoccupied with filling the shuttlecraft full of holes, too much so to acknowledge the sudden movement of one of the Jedi who had fallen out of the vehicle before it had tumbled to its stop. With the whizz of a projectile sliding through the air near him and crashing into a wall, his attention was won over by this new threat. Osam's attention settled on the figure for about half a second before the second drill skimmed through the air, catching against the skin of his leg for a fraction of an inch before sliding off into the same resting place as its fellow.

A surge of pain shot up his thigh at the sudden cut, but it projectile had only just skinned him, its more lethal properties being applied solely to the wall behind. The Hivemind - the one attached to the Flesh Vessel - went about the instant work of plugging up the wound, spraying salve over it from within, and injecting a light hemostatic just above it. It was not as if though it would bleed a great deal regardless, but every drop of that black liquid could be vital to his survival, and there was plenty of hemostatic in supply.

While the Jedi Knight might have been incapable of recognizing Osam within the Flesh Vessel, the feeling was not at all mutual. Instantaneous hatred and fear rose in equal portions at the sight of the gallivanting Knight. He had been the first to sever Osam, the first to cause him such distress and agony, the first who had nearly claimed his life. In a decade and a half of war, this was the first who had managed to nearly bring his story to its inglorious end, and the hybrid despised him for it.

Easily the second most hated being in the galaxy made its presence known mere moments later.

The tell-tale noise of a lightsaber drew the Warlord's attention a mere instant after the second Knight leaped over the Ashaka, Sylok. The hybrid raised his carbine, ready to fill the encroaching threat with death and magma, but was met instead with the sudden throwing of a grenade in his direction. He prepared to dive out of the way when a Verikast beam - one that had been wrought into form to serve as a part of the SCC, but which had been collapsed by the shuttle's arrival - promptly slammed into him, spinning him aside with the force of the kinetic blow.

Detritus and debris swarmed around him, and the grenade too joined the whirlwind of materials. Each one jabbed and jammed against the Flesh Vessel, the hide of the ravager brute unyielding, but the kinetic force of it still managing to twist and curl him around. The Flesh revolted against the sudden attack, swinging and shaking and spasmodically lashing out at every intrusion. A beam here was twisted with the force of the blow, and a device there was crushed in the Vessel's hand - there was no command being given by the Warlord or the Kraemonen, only the lashing out of animal skin.

The Quilxyn embedded in the skin shuttered as one of these pieces of debris struck it across the front, causing it pain, but not quite wounding it. Osam tore control from the Flesh, forcing it to face the grenade a mere instant before it struck him across the cheek. The Hide reacted again, swinging with the only thing in grasp - the carbine - and cracked it into the grenade, sending it scuttling away a mere half-second before it detonated, spraying Cryoban over the Flesh. The carbine shattered with the force of the blow, crumpled into bits and chunks of metal in his hand. The frosty chill was irritating, and could be felt even within the Hide - it caused him to pause, to curl inward.

Kraemonen seized control of the Vessel, compelling the Quilxyn to stifle the chilling Cryoban, and it complied. Molten heat flashed over his body as the Cryoban was neutralized - still attached, but far far less chilling.

A new foe had presented itself with the whirlwind, but this one had torn itself from the wreckage of the crash. He would need to deal with it and any other survivors first before he could turn his malicious intent toward the two who had cost him so much, and who had ingrained their agony into his mind.

"Ensure that Ostak makes contact with Amok-Tu. Watch the Jedi - let us learn them and break them." He projected into the mind stone, the command transferring into the Kraemonen which writhed in acknowledgment.

Drawing the Zealot's Kukri into his hand, Osam charged toward the encroaching Knight, a hateful cry shrieking out from his lungs as he prepared to impale the Jedi in a fateful rush.


Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong.
No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first,
and is waiting for it.



Flesh burned and curled away from her superheated blade as she sawed through what she supposed was its throat.. thorax? It was a selfish way to spend precious seconds, but the Padawan was not leaving another battle against the Brynadûl without a trophy. With a final grunt and yank combo, Ishida snapped back and the towering body of her assailant crumpled. Its separated head dropped at her feet.

Triumphant, she stooped to quickly retrieve it and fasten it against her back. Immediately she could feel warmth from the ichor that had been unaffected by her cauterization soak through the fabric of her topmost layer. Gross.

Plasma and vibroblades from Alliance soldiers were fast at work against the drones, those that managed to evade the spikey legs of their much more brutish cousin. The air was thick with sparks, fluids, and mindless roaring.

<We’re getting through! Keep pushing to the rendezvous point!> A sergeant called an instant before the caterwaul of something much more horrible drowned out their optimism. And beheaded him.

At Bernard’s unthinking reaction, explosions and shrieks ricocheted through the tight space of the tunnel. A swarm of fire, stone and blood gushed from the detonators, flowing around the tunnel like a cloud of superheated orange, goopy flies. Silt streamlined from overhead, the cavern shaking and threatening collapse.

In a Force-imbued blur, the tiny-footed psychopath was darting from her position to a less intelligible one. In swift, well-practiced motions, the Ashina-heir maneuvered through the rising smoke from the creature’s flesh and atop it’s back.

It shrieked when she plunged her blade through the intersection of its neck and head. Violently, it shook to unsteady the footing of the impromptu rider. Ishida slipped left and right, her blade dragging through the first few layers of skin was the only thing that kept her on top of the creature. But not for long, and she fell to her back and scuttled. Her blade still plunged deep into the juncture of its composition.

The monster skittered toward her, its claws swinging like scythes, and she rolled beneath it to evade it’s wild stabbing motions.

Stretching her hand up beneath its neck with an open hand, she willed the Force.

Above the creature, her blade responded to her beckon, and penetrated deeper, deeper, deeper, left-right-left-right, forward-back-forward-back and right through. She squinted through the outpouring stream of onyx ichor. It was so thick it was almost blinding. It covered her rebreather’s visor as she continued to instruct the blade to cut.

<Shoot it!!> She cried, unable to see details now. Only the oblong shadow that thrashed above her. One of its tinier, sharp little legs pierced into her shin and she yawped.

In unison, she stretched on her back to arched to a single shoulder so she could leverage her sword from it’s containment and thrust it from the bottom.

Her lightsaber snapped back into her grip while the monster above her twitched, and separated, halved. For good measure, she drew a final X incision. This thing was basically a giant hairy pill with incredibly dangerous legs. And a lot of teeth.

Coated in blood, she rolled to an elbow, huffing and gagging out any liquid that had seeped into her mouth through the filtration system of the helpful mask.

<This is not the day for lasts…> Ishida warned through her gasps to the downed Marshal. <Only firsts.>

Once done, she rose to stand. The white armour she’d donned was now stained in blood, bile, sinew and other unidentifiable monster bits.

She lingered, observing the work done and considered separating the impressive claws from the creature to fashion a weapon.

There was no more time.

<Come on, let’s go. The others have united with The Silvers. We’re behind.> Her sleeve wiped at the liquid coating her face mask –– though it was equally unclean and just moved the coating around a bit. Pretty useless.

ALLIES | SJC | GA | NJO | CIS | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Bernard Bernard [PARTNER] | Jairdain Jairdain | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn

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Objective: For Soot and Soil
Location: Hivemind Chamber
Allies: Gordrak Gordrak | Galak Galak | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma |
Enemies: Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Bernard Bernard | Jairdain Jairdain | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn | Kiara Ayres | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla | Bright4 Bright4 |
Axe | Gauntlet | Armour |
Sword |
Forces: 21 Ultras | 7
Ashaka Weavers |

Ultra's were on the move, boarding Ungulloi railcars to move quickly through the tunnel system to support Galak's forces. They had survived Sev Tok, and now they were looking forward to an even fight against the Concord. This was no pitched battle against the odds, but it was on their home grounds. They would move to reinforce Galak's warriors. Tathra hoped his words had reached Gordrak, he hoped he understood that there was more than his own personal hate. Every warrior had individuality, they had all lost something to the Concord. There were hundreds of brothers and sisters like Keldothera and Hrajlmak who had died in the service of their species.. More than that, the other species as well. This was as much about Gordrak's vengenace as it was their future. He too felt it, hate for the defilement of a world emblematic of unity, of peace. The presence of the Concord soiled that with every step taken, but it didn't matter - what mattered was the future, the needs of every Drael, Akhenaton, Vaydralen and Ungulloi.

They needed Nar Kreeta to hold their bonds of fellowship strong.

"Put the past to rest, so the future can thrive." The Titan whispered to himself, fingers tensing round the grip of the Axe as a shockwave rippled overhead.

Rock chaffed again as the surface-levels of the Super-Construct suffered further abuse at the hands of the Concord and their allies. The shockwave forced many to stumble, the rail carts shaking as the Ultras grabbed hold of the railings, wondering if the ceiling was going to cave in on top of them. The super-construct's infrastructure was designed to withstand the movement of great beasts, serpents - it held.

Chieftain, the enemy are on our approach. Something has struck the surface. Hivemind, grid status?

A landing craft. Five-hundred kilometre height. Grid shields in the area are down, but the majority underground are holding.

Finally, it seemed the Confederates had reared their heads from their sand dunes to stand by their neighbours. Without command, the Primarch already dedicated himself to the task.

"Enemy frigates are penetrating the city-shield. Danger close to landed Confederate droid fortress and Al-Hadad." The Hivemind spoke through the Mind Stone, the massive Nar Kreera system hangar of the Super-Construct already opening as the Hivemind responded to the thoughts of the Titan.

A singular Kraemonen escort ship rose from the interior, using its protective systems to begin to project shielding. The escort ships began projecting defensive shielding around not only the Generators themselves and their respective command buildings, but projected to dozens of Ra'maks in the sky as well to provide further protection as the vibroflechettes cut through the Phedraks in the sky, their fleshy exteriors falling in shredder segments all across the battlefield. Alongside the escort ship, three Debuachers rose from the back of the hangar bay - reinforced by a rising Conquester that immediately began to open fire on the frigates. The Ra'maks began to focus on the newly arrived basilisk droids in an attempt to halt their progress. Ver'kad's fleet continued to fight, outnumbered and surrounded as they sought to protect the super-construct itself. The rest of the super-constructs system hangar bay released an entirely separate fleet group, half the size of the Divine Brutalities that began to rise from the surface of the planet toward the underbelly of Reshmar's fleet. The pressure was on as the Sentinel's focused their fire on the Silver Tide, one of their twelve nearly killed by the vicious fire of the enemies concentrated orbital barrages, unable to fire and rendered null but not quite dead yet.

The Titan placed the Axe onto his back, stepping into the railcar, nodding to the Ungulloi operating it; waiting for the others to get on board as well before the doorway began to close. The massive rail-cars were able to hold two-hundred Ultras per, several of which would deliver the majority of their force directly to Galak, he wouldn't have to hold the tunnels mid-section for long. Tathra was directly linked to the battlenet, all across the continent was rife with chaos. Krarolk's Zealots were engaging the forces in the tunnels, bold - but it would give Galak the opportunity to go on the offensive.

"Warlord Galak, Zealot Krarolk has engaged the enemy. Push, now." Tathra's own railcar would be one of the last to move, the foremost rail cars already enroute to bolster Galak's forces.

"Ultras, Juggernauts, warriors. Reinforce the lines of the Warlord - hold the Concord. No more ground is to be given!" The Titan's voice reverberated through the tunnels length, the Ultras below preparing for battle as they branded themselves.

Each Ultra was adorned in trophies, bones and armour plating that wasn't their own to supplement the damaged elements they had lost at Sev Tok. Each wore stripes on their biceps, all set with dour and determined expression. They could hear it, the faint sounds of combat pushing through the tunnel-scape, echoing the combat and the death of their kin as they waited in silence.

"Sire, Jedi are using sub-level tunnels to approach the Command Centre."

A shiver ran the length of Tathra's spine, the battle ahead was a distraction. Something to draw their attention away from the Silver Jedi's very own strike team heading for the Command Centre. A full return of his forces to the Command Centre would take too long, he'd be quicker on foot. Tathra stopped the gate before it could close permantently, stepping out from the railcar He felt shame from the pit of his stomach, a weakened expression turning to Gordrak. He did not wish to leave them to their duties, but Galak would not leave them in disarray. He had to trust his lieutenants.

"Gordrak, you have command of the Ultras until you reach Galak, I must return to the Command Centre. The Jedi mean to strike it."

Tathra leapt from the railcar, leaping onto the back of a Skag to cross the distance between the Command Centre and himself quickly. With a thought, Ashaka were alerted and directed to defend the Hivemind containment chamber directly whilst a force of Drones and Juggernauts concentrated themselves around every possible entrance to the command centre. The skag bound across the distance, arriving at the edge of the command centre. The Concord forces were drawing close, but he would arrive there first. The Ashaka would be their already, protecting the Hivemind telepathically whilst he would defend it physically. He would not allow them to reach the command centre, no matter how many of them they threw his way. He retrieved his sword from the centre, leaving with three Ultras for each of the

The Chieftain descended from the command centre, deep into the isolated chamber of the Hivemind. The circular dome-like room opened out before him, a Hivemind curled around the centre of the domes roof, like a living bee-hive. Beneath that, an immense pit that stretched deep into the earth below, beyond that a semi-circular platform that encompassed the central mind stones controls that communed with the Hivemind. Each of the Ashaka stood in equal distance between each other, surrounding the Hivemind as it hung above the empty chasm. Ultra's now stood at the flank of each Ashaka as they communed telepathically with the Hivemind. There was a singular, massive doorway into the Hivemind's chamber, but many routes to it.

"Hivemind, route them all to the path."

"What will you do, Chieftain?"

Tathra removed the Axe from his back, settling it into a reversed grip around the pommel, the flat of the Axe's head flat against the ground as he sat down on the slant of the foremost control panel.


The Pabol Offensive
Hivebusters, Objective II
(Don't Fear) The Reaper

Allies: SJC, GA, Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Yula Perl Yula Perl , Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina [handshake], Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok
Enemies: Bryn, Galak Galak , Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , open

Bernard slipped in and out of consciousness. His head felt as though it would burst at any moment, and his lower half had long gone numb. Sluggish strikes against the creature's carapace did little more than slip him closer to oblivion. Soon enough he was too weak to even keep his fists balled, reduced to raising his hand up and letting it fall palm-first onto the claw. Even the pain began to fade eventually, and darkness ushered his conscious mind into the void.

His form went limp against the claw, which, only moments later, loosed its iron hold and let up the attempt to crush the Marshal, owing to a greater threat dismantling its parent body piece by piece. Bernard didn't witness the glorious carnage, his body lay slumped unconscious against the cavern wall just below where he'd been pinned.

When he came to again he woke with a start, body still so replete with adrenaline that it meant to fight whatever threat it had to face. The creature, however, had been slain. Its bits and innards were strewn around the cavern, coating the dead bodies of drones, as well as the Padawan. Bernard made an attempt to sit up but found himself overtaken by a painful need to cough. Blood soon stained the glass inside of his rebreather, dripping and pooling along where the mask sealed against his chin.

Before he could descend into a panic, however, a medic was already fixing up a canister of bacta gas to his rebreather. The trooper steadied her patient with a firm hand that pinned Bernard's shoulder against the wall to keep him still through his coughing fits. Once the canister was hooked up, he released the safety valve and green pollen filled the space behind Bernard's visor.

The world suddenly became a colder, more comforting, place. The first breath froze his lungs, and the icy burn running down his nose and throat became enough to rattle him fully back to the present. Each subsequent breath sent cool waves through his body, easing muscles and numbing the heated pressure that made his skin feel as though the blood beneath it would burst out in boiling clouds at any moment.

His head fell to the side, eyes locking with the Padawan.

<This is not the day for lasts…> her voice came in like a distant echo. <Only firsts.>

She looked a complete mess, though Bernard figured he hadn't fared much better. At least she was the one still standing.

<Come on, let’s go. The others have united with The Silvers. We’re behind.>

Bernard nodded to the medic, who reciprocated the gesture, and together they lifted him to his feet. He wobbled, at first uncertain on his feet, but soon found rigidity returning to his muscles. Another cough overcame him as he tried to straighten himself back up to his full height, warning against the effort. He resigned himself to leaning on the medic's shoulder for support, indicating for them to move forward.

"Name's Bernard," he breathed a laborious in- and exhale, "Bernard of Arca."

The medic removed a bacta patch from a pouch and tossed it Ishida's way.

"For your wound, ma'am," she said.

Bernard threw in a handkerchief.

"Thanks for the save ... you look like a mess," he fell into a coughing laugh, carrying the joy of a man who'd seen death and slipped through his bony fingers.

A day of firsts, indeed.

Ishida had a point, however. The Bryn's ambush had already slowed them enough to fall behind schedule. Without delay, they moved to rendezvous with Kaze's crew.
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Best Friend Squad| Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze - Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina - Bernard Bernard - Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala - Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok - Kiara Ayres - Mig Gred Mig Gred - Jairdain Jairdain - Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla - Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla - Bright4 Bright4

Unfriends | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma - Galak Galak - Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Yula couldn’t help but snicker at Dagon’s startled flinch, her laugher bastardized into something more malicious through the voice synthesizer.

“I’m still the cute one.”

They managed to rendezvous with the Silver team, who’d been fighting their way through the Bryn’adul beasts in the network of tunnels. Bernard and Ishida had joined them as well, catching up to the motley group of Jedi, Mandalorians, and weirdos. There was little time to check in with the others before Dagon directed them to the side, and the crew of misfits quickly followed the Jedi’s path of instinct.

They beelined down the side tunnel, which gradually widened and grew more reinforced, signaling that they were close to their target. A marker on Yula’s HUD pinged aggressively.

“This is it.”

The Jedi team and friends spilled out onto the threshold of the Hive, the entrance to which was guarded by a horde of drones and juggernauts. They were so close, on the precipice of their target. Of course such a structure would be heavily guarded, they’d given plenty of lead time while meandering through the tunnels and hammering at the shield. It wouldn’t be easy, but they’d come this far.

“Weeeee’ll distract em—"

Adrenaline surged through Yula for the first time today, tingling the tips of her fingers and her toes with palpable electricity. It was time to do what she did best—be an obnoxious distraction.

"You brainy types take this mother down!

The two bottom legs of her exoskeleton gripped the ground, building pressure to the point of cracking the earth below before launching her into the fray. The mechanical appendages ripped, ducked, and dodged their way through the enemy fodder, receiving signals from the Zeltron’s brain through the neural integration ports in her neck. The sensors of her suit pinged and flashed warnings and readouts across her eyes, but the white noise only spurred her on further. Something was inside the Hive, something big.

Something she hadn't felt since the last time she'd been on Nar Kreeta, since the Bryn'adul destroyed the abandoned market before the Silvers could, burying their forces beneath a mountain of rubble, Yula among them. This time, things would be different.

They had to be. She had Mauve Brick.

Krarolk T'manu

OBJECTIVE: For Soot and Soil
LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Tunnels under the Super-Construct
EQUIPMENT: In Signature
UNITS: Zealot Elite Squad
ALLIES: Byrn | Open to interaction
HOSTILES: SJC | Anti-Terrarium | Engaging Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr / Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor / affiliated NPCs | Intent to engage Brooke Waters Brooke Waters / Westenra Mina Westenra Mina / affiliated NPCs

After the light of Krarolk's glaive faded, the shield remained in place unscathed.

The Zealot Commander didn't have time to consider his improbable failure before the Jedi counteroffensive began.

By Krarolk's rough estimate, over a hundred heavily armored Concord soldiers rushed into the right flank of the routed and reeling Draelvasier line, turning an orderly retreat into a mindless slaughter. It was one nightmare after another, and it was all that Krarolk could do to keep himself mentally stable. First, the Elite Squad had failed to intercept the Concord drilling machine before the Jedi could erect the seemingly invincible barrier. Then, they had failed to join their comrades in battle until their corpses lined the floor of the tunnel. Afterwards, Krarolk had failed to even dent the Jedi barrier using a technique that had pierced through entire castle walls months earlier.

Did Krarolk truly deserve to take on the mantle his Commander had left behind?


Krarolk, lost in thought, was suddenly pushed down to the ground by Abvor, a mortar shell flying by where his torso had been seconds earlier. It landed about a dozen meters away, breaking apart the already broken corpses piled on the ground.

"What happened, Commander Krarolk?" asked Abvor urgently as he pushed himself off his commander.

"I've seen almost a decade of warfare in my lifespan." stated Krarolk.
"I've seen a lot of desperate situations, a lot of missions where we thought we'd lose a comrade or even our entire unit. But all those times, the Commander got out safely. Now that she's gone, how are we going to get out of this desperate situation?"

"I think that if she were truly overwhelmed, then she wouldn't simply turn tail and flee." explained Abvor. "You know that better than any of us. What she would do is dash into the superior enemy line and cut down their commanders, leaving them just disoriented enough to allow for an easy rout. Remember the killing game? We could resume that if it helps vanquish our fears."

"Fair point, Elite Abvor." replied Krarolk approvingly. "We'll move to do that. Maybe you should have been assigned as Commander."

The two briefly chuckled before realizing that they had lost sight of Elite Palkomin. Fortunately, their fear was short-lived, as she had merely been knocked back by another explosion and returned to their side.

Krarolk suddenly saw something flying towards him through the darkness, its silhouette resembling a Drone. Surely enough, his hands found themselves catching the neck of a bleeding young Sraelvun, stopping just short of a chokehold.

"It seems as if our enemy has several powerful commanders." exclaimed Krarolk to his squad.
"Let's split up and kill them all so these comrades can get out."

The Zealot Commander casually tossed the Drone aside and the three Elites bolted in separate directions, Abvor moving to engage the right flank, Krarolk charging directly at the Jedi shield, and Palkomin rushing towards the few Jedi on the left flank.

The Killing Game would resume.
Location: On the way to a Hivemind
Allies: SJC and their allies
Tagging: Mig Gred Mig Gred , Kiara Ayres Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala , Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok @Ki'an Vizla. Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Oleander Webb Oleander Webb , Millu Lee Millu Lee , Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin , Maja Fiore, Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal , Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren , Milya Vondar Milya Vondar , Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Yula Perl Yula Perl , Jax Thio Jax Thio , Bernard Bernard , Bright4 Bright4
Enemies: Bryn'Adul and their allies Tagging: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Objective: Hivebuster

There were times when Jairdain would speak. Not while they were invading another world though. Giving Nimdok a rather harsh and irritated look, they all ran together. With him droning on, they wouldn't be able to sneak up on anything. Though his last comment did catch her attention as they ran into a different party heading in the same direction.

Soon enough there was quite a lot of action going on. Ducking to the side to take what cover she could...when the shooting stopped, she uncovered her head. While she had been huddled there, she attempted to connect with Kiara and assist with dominating the creature chasing them.

Just before the sudden attack, Mig had started answering her question. Following him into the side tunnel, she caught her breath enough to answer him. Making sure everybody else was present and accounted for...she could tell they were missing one. The pilot that had gotten them to this now stinking world.

"May the gods take him into the afterlife safely."

This was all Jairdain said about the death and turned her attention back to the situation in front of them. Reaching the Hivemind and taking care of that by busting its rear end a few times!

Hearing a voice that was new to her speak up asking if Kiara was fine, she turned to seemingly look at him. Doing this through the Force, if he was paying attention, he might notice her eyes were unfocused. Even if he didn't, he should be able to sense an aura around her. It soothed nerves and brought comfort. Perhaps it would help Kaden to relax a little.

Another rag-tag group joined up with the larger one and she couldn't help but smile just a little. To feel the united people here to help them gave her hope. Yula suggested that the brainy types of the group get to work while the others did the protecting...she agreed silently. That was why they were here.

For once, she maybe took the lead. Taking a deep breath through her breather, she advanced and just hoped their guardians were ready.

Andromeda Malvern


E Q U I P M E N T | Standard Lightsaber - Standard Armour - Rebreather
T A G S | Allies: Varn Barakis Varn Barakis - Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion - Cadere Cadere Enemies: Osam Osam - Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari

When Varn’s voice finally called out through the thick plumes of smoke, Andromeda was more relieved than she had ever been in her entire life. Force knows what she would have done if…

She could not bear to think about it.

Instead, she focused solely on the sound Varn’s boots made as he picked his way through the rubble. If her vision was a pool, then each of his footsteps were a pebble. Everyone throwing out distinctive ripples in her peripheral vision. They were even more comforting than the sound of his voice had been. It meant he was not hurt. Or at least, not badly enough to lose any mobility. When his familiar outline finally stood before her, she cracked an unmatched smile.

“It’s so good to see you.” She quipped, in a rather shaky tone.

As she stretched the tips of her toes out to touch the floor, she took a moment to ensure she answered Varn’s question honestly. There were a few cuts, and more than enough bruises to join the growing gallery on her body, but nothing serious. She did a few test bounces on her knees and gingerly rolled her neck, just to make extra sure.
“I’m fine. Just whiplash I think.”

It was more than a blessing that it had not been anything more. By all rights, she should have been nothing more than a few strips of ribbon by now. Thank kriff for seatbelts. She was just about to part her lips to ask Varn the same question when his sudden movement threw her back to reality. Rather stupidly, she had forgotten that they had crashed into the middle of a warzone. Far worse than that, even. They had crashed into the middle of enemy territory, and now they were going to pay for it dearly.

At the same time Varn did, Andromeda threw herself to the floor. As the bullets shredded mercilessly through the hull, there was only one thought on Andromeda’s mind. Just how stupid she had been. She had practically begged Varn to take her with him, and now look at them. Trapped in a death box that was being pummelled by slugs, likely surrounded by a hoard of Bryn. With lifeless shapes slumping to the floor all around her, she buried her head beneath her arms and cried out. But there were far louder things surrounding them to drown out the sounds of her terror.

The shooting finally came to a stop, but the young padawan did not move. Not even when her Master dashed toward the source of the chaos. Something vibrated violently beneath her stomach, so Andromeda rolled over to allow an eager piece of rubble to shoot through the air toward Varn.

That was when she finally willed herself to stand up.

The ship shuddered as another explosion echoed just outside the door, followed by a harrowing, unnatural cry.

Andromeda was sorely and suddenly reminded of her personal hellish nightmare. A twisting, turning maze of tunnels beneath a spire. Where a room lay waiting with horrors she had only ever dreamed of. There had been nothing but fear and death waiting for them there. This scream, dominating and deep, commanded the same.

Though everything in her screamed out against it, Andromeda rushed to the wedged open hatch to seek out the source. That was when she came face to face with her first Bryn. A giant brute standing eight foot tall with twisted features that screamed of hate. It was fortunate then, that Andromeda could not pick out these features. She knew he was tall, and ladened with thick muscle. She knew he could sweep her to the side without even noticing she was really there, but nothing more. If she could have, she likely would have slunk back into the ship and taken her chances with another round of bullets.

As the floor vibrated with each step the Bryn made toward Varn, Andromeda could think of only one thing to do. It would be pointless to rush out and try and meet him. It would likely only make Master Varn worry, and he did not need that right now. Instead, standing at the hatch, Andromeda began to pelt the beast with whatever the force would allow her to grab in the hopes that it would distract him somewhat. Thick slabs of concrete that had slid from the building, sharp shards of metal from the crumbling ship, empty shells, chunks of plasteel and reinforced glass.


Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Allies: Gir Quee Gir Quee GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Fleet: Keros' Kad (Damaged), 2x Tionas-class FAC (Two damaged), 2x Atin'la-class Heavy Cruisers (One damaged), 3x Shield-class Escort Cruiser (One mission killed), 5x GF-2B Super TwinTails Squadrons (Includes Talyc Squadron), 18x "Kodashi" Viper MKIIs, 20x HA-2 Pikes (Bomb Bays)s, 5x DF-1 Scarab Swarm Fighter squadrons, 3x Dinii-class Dral'tabalhar Me'sen squadrons, 6x modified freighters
Soul continued to push the heavy cruiser as he started to feel the effects of running an entire ship without a crew. He honestly didn't know if his core could handle everything he was having to do for much longer. Probably better that he wasn't active to watch the last part. Thankfully the not so battle damaged Concord ships were laying down a massive stream of fire. Could also see the escape pods moving towards the Kad, at least when the sensors would work. He then sent another open transmission.

"Causing instability t-t-to the reacccccccccctor now.... If the imp-pact doesn't work... the detonation should..." Soon, Atin'la would open up too while the Atin'la's cannons rang.

"You were kidding right...? You can... eject...." She didn't get a quick response, but would get one.

"I'll s-see you aga..... v-v-v-v-v-vooooo...." Finally, Soul's AI core failed, leaving the Soulmarcher to fly dead stick towards the Divine Brutality. Aboard the Anti'la, the AI that assisted in it's operation quickly cut herself from the systems for a second.... Had Soul really just.... He.... She would come back in what seemed like just a moment for everyone else, but she wouldn't focus on the sensors. She didn't want to watch her "bother".... His hull crash....

  • The Soul's core fires, but the Soulcharger is near Divine Brutality now.
  • All the other ships continue what they were doing. Bombardments, dogfighting, and firing on enemy ships.

Gear: In bio
Allies: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kiara Ayres Jairdain Jairdain Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Millu Lee Millu Lee Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin Maja Fiore Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren Milya Vondar Milya Vondar Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla
Enemies: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Mig looked at Ki’an, nodding a little before he spoke to the fellow Mando. He looked around at the others, closing his eyes and trying to just feel for a moment.

“Good to see you, vod. Been too long.” He then looked around at everything that happened. There were so many people there, all with one mission. Stop the Bryn. Remove them from this planet. Keep more people from being hurt by these demagolka. His left eye’s vision flickered again as he followed the group, looking back to Jairdain as they followed the Galactic Alliance group. Mig wasn’t... as sure about them thanks to past hiring of his clan, but would work with them here. Plus these were Jedi, not politicians. He could trust them. At least hopefully.

They continued to move quick before Mig saw the entrance of the hivemind, and was shocked to see the Bryn forces, including Ultras.

“The Zeltron’s right. You guys focus on the Hivemind. We’ll distract that... group of Bryn.... Kark it. Let’s do this.” Mig would slowly charge a crackling orb known a Kinetite. He would then hurl it into the Bryn drones before pulling his Trayc’kad. He didn’t trust the lightsaber portion right now, but he could still fight! One sense was clear though. An all to familiar darkness.....
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As a Ranger, one of Beltran's largest irritations were the Jedi habit of simply assuming that because they had access to the Force that automatically made them the best person to command in any given situation. It was true that the Force could grant seemingly supernatural powers to those beings able to control it, but even those powers didn't make up for lack of experience and training. Too often, Beltran had seen his soldiers wounded or killed because of the orders of an inexperienced Jedi leading the operation.

So when he glimpsed the sight of Master Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield leading his shield wall with Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor at his side, he felt no small about of satisfaction. Here, were warriors who had proven themselves every bit an able commander as Beltran had known. They were powerful combatants in their own right, but also cunning leaders who understood the tactics of war. They worked with their people, rather than just assuming that their people worked for them.

It was strange how the mind could wander even as one pushed their way into the throng of reeling Zealots. Considering the finer points of combat command and battlefield tactics seemed somewhat odd while he was unleashing barrages of powerful pulse shots at the enemy. Then applying those ideals to the commanders fighting alongside him while simultaneously ducking under a swipe that would have likely taken his head off and then coming up and smashing the butt of his rifle into the Bryn'adul's face to stagger him back while he emptied what remained of his magazine into the stunned being's torso.

The mind was truly a weird and wonderful place.

But, alas, reality did not take kindly to being ignored for too long.

"INCOMING!" Lynda yelled

The words seemed to cut through the din of battle, forcing Beltran to look up. He could barely see the form of the glaive that Krarolk T'manu had thrown, it moved that fast toward the Valkyries. It's crackling energy pulsed while it moved through the air before smashing into the barrier created by Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield 's...well shield.

"Guess that's why they call him Heavenshield..." Beltran heard the growling remark from Captain Mrawr just as the glaive struck and the cavern rumbled with the ensuing explosion. "EVERYONE, GET DOWN!"

Beltran reacted to the order given by Paladin's commander as he were a new recruit being shouted at by a grizzled Drill Instructor, taking a knee and covering up his helmeted head with his rifle even as his mind reeled from what he was seeing. The resulting explosion caught Paladin Company square, as they were heavily entangled with the enemy. Paladins and Bryn'adul both were knocked from their feet and a few were even send crashing into the wall.

As soon as the shockwave cleared, Beltran was once more on his feet. He shouted aloud as well as through the comms. "Paladins forward! Push while they're off balance. We need to get passed them and into the structure!" Dropping his rifle, Beltran pulled his Lightsaber Pike from his back. He ignited it's twin yellow blades as he ran into the recovering Bryn'adul force.

Already, Beltran could see that the Bryn'adul were working to regroup. He spied their commander speaking with several underlings, apparently issuing orders. Seconds later, these underlings moved to away from him to engage the left flank and toward him to engage the right respectively. Behind him, the Paladins quickly regrouped and charged forward with Captain Mrawr loping only a few paces behind Beltran. The sound of blaster bolts, shotgun shells and chainsaws ripping into flesh mixed with the yowls of pain and shouts of rage that were common in battle.

While Mrawr led his men in a large wedge formation toward the opposite end of the tunnel, Beltran moved to the side of the formation. His blades whirled as he danced between the newly attacking Bryn, delivering a dance of death to any who tried to hamper the Paladins. As the Zealot Elite that Krarolk T'manu had dispatched to the right grew closer, Beltran stood in his path.

He twirled his pike gracefully and waited for his adversary to make the first move, speaking in a menacing voice. "Come creature, show me the vaunted strength of the Bryn'adul and I will show you death!"

Hades Platoon42/50 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
Commanded by Lieutenant Jesson Doss
Current Disposition: One drop pod destroyed before landing. All remaining have landed successfully and are enroute to tunnel system.
Equipped with:

666[SUP]th[/SUP] Mechanized Infantry200/300 Rangers - Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct - Commanded by Lt. Colonel Higgus (Killed in Action), Major Stown now commanding
Current Disposition: Approximately 100 Rangers killed in Drop Pod Malfunctions. Others landed successfully and beginning to move toward objectives.
Equipped with:

Paladin Company145/150 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
- Commanded by Captain Harbok Mrawr
Current Disposition: Moving to Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield 's position, engaging Bryn forces from Right flank. This is Beltran Rarr's location.
Equipped with:
Rangers 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Infantry1450/1800 Rangers – Landing on Surface to engage defending Bryn'adul Forces and provide cover for burrowing units - Commanded by Major Ecks
Current Disposition: Assaulting Super Construct on surface, enemy shields stalling advance, ARES FIGHTERS attempting to bring down shields. Advance halted by enemy counter attacks. Continuing to pepper shields with indirect fire and CAS.
Equipped with:
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Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong.
No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first,
and is waiting for it.


Humming a centimetre from her visor, her white blade accelerated the hardening process of the blood obscuring her vision. Within seconds it was firm enough to scrape away and she thinned the off switch - the white flow swallowed cleanly by the hilt.

"Name's Bernard," "Bernard of Arca."

<I know.> Ishida responded plainly. Her demeanour was as complacent as though she’d just finished looking outside and was now explaining the weather to the Arkanian. Not slain a beast and drenched in its fluids.

Though, there was a vindictive glitter to her eyes — sparkling with satisfaction at slaying the Bogan’s beasts and claiming a trophy. Everything unsaid danced in her irises.

<I saw what you did on Devaron.> She explained and shrugged, re-sheathing her sword to the strap on her back. Now she was discussing that sunshine was in the forecast, and her tone lifted. She’d been in the control room at the time, with a Shadowracer. And deleted the incriminating footage. <Pretty cool.

I'm Ishida Ashina.>

"Thanks for the save ... you look like a mess,"

She didn’t respond to his appreciation straightaway, instead went about administering the bacta patch against the torn flesh. Through the residual crimson sheen of her visor at his modulated statement and laughter, she gave him a perplexed look, but ended up mirroring the smile. Feeling relief in the grin she was allowed to flash ––– even if it was still celebrating from the earlier kills.

No further words were exchanged – and with only a slight hobble in her step they charged through the rest of the tunnelways. And it felt...strangely easy. As if a Bryn’adûl red carpet was being rolled out to them, inviting them to their destination. The drones abated, and the Dredges didn’t persist.

By the time she, Bernard, and the rest of their company arrived with the other strike teams, the bacta had done its diligence and her steps were smoothed.

"You brainy types take this mother down!

The anthro-arachnid bellowed out a command, breaking the groups into rather large identifiers. Brawn and brains. Or maybe she meant the mentalists they’d been charged to protect.

Feeling some level of responsibility, given she’d just saved his life, Ishida turned to the Arkanian by her side.

<You’re probably in the brains category.>

She might have been as well, but her lust for hide was far stronger than her ability to strategize. The spider girl with impressive limbs (ones that she could have used the Dredge appendages for) leaped in first, and Ishida zig-zagged after her like a cat. Nimble and agile, darting, bobbing, dodging and weaving, slicing. cutting, hacking. That weird, lingering sensation of a harrowing welcome still prickled at the back of her neck.

“The Zeltron’s right. You guys focus on the Hivemind. We’ll distract that... army of Bryn.... Kark it. Let’s do this.”

<We should blow something up.> Ishida suggested over the din of activity, to the mutual comms of the strike teams. <Like a network of drones.>

ALLIES | SJC | GA | NJO | CIS | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Bernard Bernard [PARTNER] | Jairdain Jairdain | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Jairdain Jairdain | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Kiara Ayres | Maja Fiore et all
ENEMIES | THE BRYNADUL | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus



Her pace slowed as the group neared the final intersection. All tunnels seemed to lead to the same entry point. A massive doorway, one that in turn lead to their goal. The Kraemonen Hivemind.

"Spare your energy and armament. The real battle will be happening in there." In one elegant motion, Sakadi ignited her white blade and pointed it at the massive doorway that gave access to the whispering hivemind. She felt it. Throbbing and beating in the Force, like a gargantuan heart.

Energy roiled within the Sephi as she strode forward, shamelessly making use of the distraction and protection provided by Yula Perl Yula Perl and Mig Gred Mig Gred . Her presence in the Force was nothing short of a sleeping volcano. One that was about to spew out the sun itself.

And yet, despite her building power, Sakadi was wary of what stood between her and the hivemind. A cold presence that reeked of pride, death and destruction. She had never encountered him. Never met him. But she instantaneously knew what monster this was. There was no one else she could imagine being in their way.

The Titan of Draedimus Prime…

Tathra Khaeus

Determination washed over the Sephi's features. "Dagon. Kranak. And any others who can keep up. With me." She brandished her lightsaber, assuming a high guard as her pace began to pick up. She had no words for the Titan. No arguments to make. Merely a white blade to thrust deep between his ribs.

Thus, Sakadi Sinvala charged at the Titan.

"Kiara. Jairdain. Nimdok. You know what to do."

Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective IV.: Make friends, BYOO
Location: Nar Kreeta
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Reidun Amersis
[ Theme ]

The reassurance seemed to work because she was finally able to talk to Draelvasier trapped under the ruins. Dis managed to find out it was really a female and her name was Reidun. She was on reconnaissance when a rocket crashed into the building and it collapsed. She was injured and could not get out of there. Because of this, Dis offered to look around to see if the girl could somehow dig herself out, just that she had promised not to try to catch them.

When Reidun agreed to this, they “flew” closer. Although it was immaterial, it was not pleasant for someone to hack after them. But in the end, she didn't, and the Shadowcat could look around thoroughly under the ruins. The situation wasn’t the best, the girl was really badly injured by one of the falling blocks, and if she kept trying alone, she might cut her leg off and bleed. They didn't know if she could bleed out, so they asked instead; received confirmation.

So they also functioned in a similar way to the rest of the mortal and organic. Dis also knew they wouldn't be able to ask anyone here to heal the girl. The Jedi certainly wouldn’t help and Bryn’adûl’s members may not be in a position or capable of it. But then they can only do one thing. They have to heal Reidun so the girl certainly doesn't die. But they had to do something about it.

~ I can save you, but you have to allow something. ~


O B J E C T I V E: Hive Busters
He didn't take the lead, nor would he dare to. This enemy, while not unknown, was not to his level of comfort. So many unknowns were at play at current, and he was only a mere padawan. No, let the masters take the lead and follow their example. Kadan felt himself reinvigorated, though from who or what he wasn't entire certain. But he felt more sure of himself now than before.​
All routes seemed to converge on one point, the hivemind that was their target. Yet as the group continued down the route, Kadan felt a tension growing in the air. The force spoke to him, a quiet warning loomed on the air, and the anticipation built in his muscles. The voice of Sakadi entered his mind, and for a moment, Kadan felt a sense of clarity wash over him. In Mando'a, they called it the Battlemind, or something like that; sorta lost meaning in translation. It meant when a warrior and their goal became one, where the blade was not merely a tool, but an extension of themselves. Either from the proximity of such potent force users, or perhaps the right mix of honed in focus and adrenaline, he felt keen in this moment. Hopefully it continued to last.​
His violet blade burned alongside the weapons of his peers, but as the doors parted, he found himself looking upon a group of foes he had only heard be whispered about. It wasn't fear that struck at his heart however, rather determination. The wash of cold reminded him of the tomb he and Aayla had wandered into, the same one that had nearly destructed them. But where that had felt old and decrepit, this felt fleshly, new, pulsating. It was like standing in the midst of a parasite. It felt wrong.​
The titan loomed before them now, a foe that the padawan had never encountered before, and hoped would never encounter again. Sakadi gave forth a command, uttering to those who had the strength to make the charge, to make the effort to break the line. Kadan took up the call. He stepped forth, falling into the familiarity of Ataru as his starting form, and drank deeply into the force, calling upon the strength of his allies, rather than the crushing depths that was this hellish place.​
Many people were riding on this, far more than just the ones in this room.​
He wouldn't let them down, he couldn't. He took in a deep breath, held it, then let it go.​
Then he charged. Perhaps not his brightest decision, but it had to be done.​
Aayla. If this backfires, please, forgive me.

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Objective: For soot and soil
Location: Draelvasier Barracks
Bryn'Bois: Gordrak Gordrak | Krarolk T'manu
Adversaries: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Westenra Mina Westenra Mina |
Equipment: Armour | Syphon Beam Rifle | Lancer | Triad |
Forces: Dredge | Juggernauts |
Heavies | Grenadiers | Majors | Captains | Savage Drones |

Warlord Galak, Zealot Krarolk has engaged the enemy. Push, now.

A spur of energy drove Galak to his knees, they couldn't wait for the Ultras or the Chieftain. They had made a mistake with a focus on patience, Krarolk had been braver than he - focused on the annihilation of their enemies. He would follow that example, his force of Juggernauts would have to do. It didn't matter if they were going to be outnumbered, there was no time to waste whilst Krarolk and the Drones would be facing even worse odds if they didn't come running. The other Juggernauts at his side broke from formation, their strategic holding of the tunnel by the end of the railway station all but scattered to the wind as their warriors broke into a sprint behind the Warlord. The Dredge began to move underground as well, ahead of them to attack the enemy from below whilst they focused on the attack at the front.

Galak hugged the Lancer to his chest, heart striking against his rib-cage like a drum as heavy feet carried him through the tunnels corridor. The sound of the battle growing with every second as they passed through the grid-shield between them and their foe. Ahead, the Drones and Krarolk's own forces were fighting to stem the tide of the large Concord force. The Dredge moved underground upon command, directly tearing out the earth from under the oppressive shield bearing Valkyri forces, using their arms and teeth to burst from the earth and pull the soldiers down to be drowned in dirt and rock. Others simply burst through the ground, using their physical mass in an attempt to completely disrupt the enemy lines. Behind that, the Primarch's Excavators would soon approach.

"Primarch, bury them in the back! We'll hold them!"

Galak would lead the push of his own Juggernauts, not to break the lines of the enemy but to reinforce their own defences and to keep the Concord contained at their foothold. He saw the Jedi, he saw the very same troopers who had cowered in the tower on Sarka as Keldothera was cut down and drowned. The same who hid behind a wall of trip mines that had blown Pavium halfway to hell, left to rot on the pavement as they fought into the early hours just like Sev Tok. His fingers curled, white knuckled beneath sharpened plate as he let loose with the Lancer into everything he could see that wasn't his own flesh and blood. The enemy had nearly entirely encompassed their own. Now the Juggernauts would do what they did best, rend the flesh of the weak like meat of cattle for supper.

"Juggernaut Minors, Carbines at the ready. Open fire!"

The minors, most plentiful of their number moved to bolster their Drones. Clad in grey steel, imprinted with war bands of red. They moved to form the bulk, the muscle as the Valkry, the Rangers and the Jedi fought against the Drones and Zealots. The Carbine carrying Minors would focus fire on their enemies infantry.

"Puncture! Supress!"

The Grenadiers needed no heralding call, their movement to action was the purpose implied by their Warlord's command. Focused fire of explosive variety would punctuate any breach in the rank of their enemy created by either the warriors or beasts, firing into the lines of the enemy to cause disarray. The same could be said for the Heavies, opening fire with their radesh automatcis - explosive molten fire rippling as with the ferocity of chainguns as the slower, larger Baedurin relayed blaring, deafening streams of fire into any enemy who dared to pose a threat of flanking their allies, Zealot or Drone. The Majors reinforced, protecting their kin as Rippers tore into the forces of the enemy, flak of automatic high-powered shotgun fire would blast a singular man apart with one blast as the Captains ensured Galak's orders were carried through.

They moved in cohesion with the Drones, moved in cohesion with the Zealots as the Juggernauts of the Warlord put themselves in the line of fire - suffering the brunt of plasma as it cracked harmlessly against verikast steel and Drael carapace. The Warlord roared, a terrifying cry no man could be capable of as he charged with Lancer in hand; opening fire with the weapons attached grenade launcher as dozens of small concentrated EMP's would attempt to throw their foe into dissaray.

"Flay the Midvinter swine!"

Galak thrust his shoulder into one of the Valkyri soldiers, chest concaving as his body was flung back, limp and frail on the floor.

"Gunboats on my position! Deploy Ravager Gunboats now!"

Ostak Cl'mana

OBJECTIVE: Platitudes and Decisive Action
OBJECTIVE (TACHAEL-VEMNAK): Eliminate Warlord Amok-Tu
LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Super-Construct,
Central Command Center Hivemind Chamber
EQUIPMENT: Ceremonial fireproof Shaman robes
ALLIES: BRYN | In proximity of
Sethrak Sethrak Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Open to interaction
HOSTILES: SJC | Anti-Hivebusters | Intent to engage Jedi telepaths (mentally)

The two Aeravalin bolted a flight of stairs, swiftly leaving the central station behind.
They were now within the Central Command Center, the brain from which the entire Super-Construct was run. So far, the exterior of the vast building had not been notably breached, and soldiers ran to and fro unmolested while Aeravalin engineers tended to repairs and combat data. Warlord Amok-Tu had last been sighted in his office forty floors above, seemingly unaware of the fate that awaited him for his injustice. Regardless of whether he willed it or not, his heresy would be resolved through lethal force to ensure the continued purity of the evolving Bryn'adul covenant.

Suddenly, Ostak froze in place.

The tremor was barely legible, with hardly more impact than a slight breeze. However, Ostak knew far too well what it meant. There was a disturbance underneath the lobby of the Command Center, perhaps near the Hivemind. If the conflict was to move up to the Command Chamber, then Warlord Amok-Tu would be the least of Ostak's concern. Once again, the Shaman-Overseer found himself making a difficult choice. Would he fulfill his duties as a senior commander and protect the valuable command apparatus from assault, or would he entrust his comrades with defense and pursue his Tachael-Vemnak goal of eliminating the Warlord before he could become a liability? Suddenly, a caveat appeared in Ostak's brain.

If Warlock Sethrak could take Ostak's report up and occupy Warlord Amok-Tu with reading the useless tablet, then he could rush up and kill the Warlord after he completed his defense of the Command Center.

The Shaman-Overseer cleared his throat.

"Warlock Sethrak, I must leave swiftly, as I have sensed a disturbance on the lower floors." stated Ostak. "Please take my war beast report up to the Warlord, he'll need it soon."

Without another word, Ostak placed his tablet in Warlock Sethrak's hands and bolted to the nearest elevator.

Minutes later, he was inside the steel box of the elevator, soaring downwards to the Hivemind chamber. With a faint hiss, the doors opened, revealing a vast but undamaged chamber. Ostak let out a sigh of relief before he noticed the immense figure of the Chieftain, his focus locked on the hallway in front of him and his crimson axe in his hands. Further down the hall, Ostak sensed foreign presences, hostile figures fast approaching. Their power hinted at the presence of a large group of Jedi, likely outnumbering Ostak, the Chieftain, the Ultras, and the Ashaka combined. Recognizing the benefits and downsides of the situation ahead, Ostak introduced a new proposition.

"My Chieftain, I can likely provide complete protection for our ranks from the telepaths among the Jedi." exclaimed Ostak.
"However, I will be immobile I do so. I have some artificial defenses, but they may not be enough to withstand a concentrated assault while I am meditating and unmoving. Just as the Ultras protect the Ashaka, I will need your physical protection to ensure the success of my mental defense, if you agree to this proposition."

Concluding his proclamation, Ostak sat down on the floor, folding his legs atop eachother and entering a deep artificial meditative trance. A thin, translucent purple dome wrapped neatly around the Shaman-Overseer's body while a pink projected ring glowed brightly atop the ground around him.
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The Pabol Offensive
Hivebusters, Objective II
A Good Look

GA, Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina [handshake], Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Mauve Brick, Yula Perl Yula Perl
Enemies: Bryn, Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

He'd wondered why there hadn't been any charges after Devaron. The execution of a defenceless prisoner usually ruffled a whole flock of feathers, but he hadn't heard so much as a whistle about it in the days since. He'd have to find a way to pay that back, lest he owe a favour. A second one, he supposed.

"You brainy types take this mother down! He recognized the voice as that of Dagon's team mate.

Though before he could act Ishida gained his attention.

<You’re probably in the brains category.> She said, dashing off to join the fray before Bernard could make any serious attempt to argue the point.

"I can assure you I do not fall under the brains category!" he yelled after her, the annoyance in his voice almost hidden by the rebreather's distortion.

Behind Ishida and Perl, two more Jedi moved ahead, both unfamiliar to him. One proceeded without words, the other called for Dagon and any others to join her advance. The rest of the group each soon found their path towards battle, leaving Bernard behind with six rangers.

"Might as well be useful for something," he sighed, shrugging.

He'd crawl his way to victory if he had to. There was no way he'd sit idle not lending a hand because he was wounded.

He took a moment to survey his surroundings. Directly ahead stood a massive titan of the Bryn, maybe four feet taller than most Jedi here assembled. It waited, patient and certain that its prey would flock toward it. It chose to stare down the Jedi, standing there with something like calm even as it stared down four Jedi Strike Teams. Its gaze burned like molten gold set into a carapace that held a red hue that evoked Corellia's hells. The sight made the Marshal's skin crawl and he glanced away, moving on to the next details.

On either side of the titan stood gatherings of smaller Bryn, arrayed along the crescent platform. Seven groups in total, each one made up of four. Three of the creatures, encased in thick metal, stood guard for stranger Bryn which looked to Bernard almost like evangelists. They remained turned away from the entrance, arms wide open facing directly towards the large growth at the semi-sphere's ceiling. He wondered briefly if the Bryn even knew what holy scripture might be, but dismissed the thought as quickly. The crescent platform that would be their battlefield had, at least, provided some partial cover in the form of console panels and waist-high walls. Bernard thought it awfully convenient.

<Blue one through three, left flank. Blue four through six, right flank. We'll keep those things off our Jedi's backs, how about it?>

He received a hoorah in unison from the Alliance soldiers and they advanced to take positions. The six were no match for all the Ultras in direct combat, and splitting up the already outnumbered rangers did their chances no favours. The manoeuvre fell squarely into the category of not only a strategic but also a tactical blunder. But Bernard had a plan.

He just hoped it worked out for once. Else circumstances could become rather unpleasant for the Jedi strike teams.

<Two, Five, prep a smokescreen! The rest, suppressive fire. Keep them covered.>

The rangers were huddled against short metal walls that stood on either side of the spot where cavern entrance met the metal platform. Two rangers each opened up with hails of blue bolts at the larger, armoured Bryn, spreading their salvos evenly throughout the groups.

<Alright, I need a smoke wall between us and whatever those things are. Separate them from the big guy in the centre! Now!>

<We should blow something up. Like a network of drones.> Ishida's voice came in over the comms.

<Working on it,> Bernard replied. At least they agreed on one thing.

The remaining ranger in each team tossed the smoke grenades onto the platform. The orbs flew in a wide arc, one after the other, three in total. They would roll for a few moments if left undisturbed, then burst violently and emit a continuous cloud of black smoke. It would cut the Bryn guards off from the platform's centre, and thus the Jedi and their titanic leader.

<Get those glops ready. I want them sticking to that metal the moment they poke their ugly faces through the smoke. And prime some detonators!> Bernard yelled, pointing sternly at one group to emphasize his point.

If the strategic situation was aligned against you, then you flipped the table and created a new one. That was the key.

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Location: Nar Kreeta Tunnels

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music" (Both on ship at all times)
Tag: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Westenra Mina Westenra Mina Galak Galak Krarolk T'manu


One of the things about combat is that you must enter the arena with a clear and focused mind. It is a childish, if not erroneous belief that you cannot enter without attachment as everyone has something to lose. What is important is that you expect more than you are going to get. If you go into simple fisticuffs expecting to be fired on by a Star Destroyer, you will be prepared for whatever is in front of you without having to try.

Exaggerating? Sure. Ridiculous? Maybe. Effective? Why wouldn’t it be?

When more Bryn’a’dul forces appeared, it was not something that Caltin was surprised about, he didn’t plan for anything, he simply adapted. This was his game, not making plans, not coordinating attacks, facing an obstacle, finding a way to overcome it, and doing so but from a completely different angle.

… a Vanguard thinks three steps ahead… a Conservator lets you think you are three steps ahead…

Everyone behind me, trust in yourselves, trust in your instincts, and trust in each other, the bond you share is the strength you have. The code you follow is the power you hold.

Palkomin, the Zealot Elite that Krarolk T'manu had sent to attack him was moving with a ferocity that most of the galaxy had never seen, and Caltin wished none of them would. He held no ill will towards his would-be assassin, but it was either Palkomin, or him, and it was not going to be him, not today. No, Caltin was long past the vision he had of how his life ended, he was here to make a difference, not here to follow anything or anyone. This attacker before him was a warrior, no doubt, and deserved the prayer:

“The brave do not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all...”

As the Zealot’s ax swung, Caltin ducked, and with the Force enhancing his natural strength he straight kicked the Ultra in the leg. Then Caltin grabbed him by the neck and threw him back to the ground. Palkomin was not alone though as he had hordes of followers, but so did Caltin. His actions seemed to inspire the younger Jedi Guardians to attack, and provide openings for Brooke Waters and other Jedi who prefer to battle from range. The big guy was not hampered whatsoever as he pushed harder with each move, with each punch, with each kick, with each swing he fought with more impact.

Palkomin was a warrior in his own right, he had fought off Rangers, Marines, and Jedi. The two combatants ended up face to face again as the Bryn crushed the skull of a Marine. That brought some level of anger from the big guy as he reached out, not because he had to, but because he wanted the others to see what he was doing. The Ultra was frozen (though fighting) in place. Slowly the massive Jedi Master’s hand closed and slowly the armor of the Bryn warrior began to close in on itself. Palkomin was being crushed in his own armor.

It was only when the big guy completely closed his hand into a fist did Palkomin, who had every chance to ditch his armor, fall. He may be alive, he may not, but he was immobile and just in time for the next horde of attacking occupiers. Oh, he was capable of breaking free, more than capable, but that was not Caltin's concern as he was moving past him. The people of Nar Kreeta did not want them here, and they would be gone soon enough. Caltin was just about to run at the next horde when something shifted below his feet. Some “digger” for the lack of a better term

The thing had pincers, lancers, tentacles, whatever, and teeth, a lot of teeth. It was trying to eat him, which meant that Caltin was going to make sure that he tasted terrible and jammed his lightsaber “Eloah”’s blade into the mouth and pulled upwards cutting the beast open. Two teeth were embedded into his ankle and those served to stir up his motivation further. He was angry and this was only making things worse, they were not fighting with the honor he thought that they had, this was cheap and tawdry and made him want to hit them that much harder.

If you think that Caltin is falling to the Dark Side, you have not been paying attention. To him, there are no sides, only codes, and ideals, the Force is the Force. Where one would fear the double-talk of emotions and the Dark Side, he knew from the original tenets that Jedi do indeed get angry, it’s letting it consume you that is the problem. He was not power-hungry, he never was, if the Sith felt this way he may very well be one of them, but they didn’t and he isn’t and that is a conversation for another time.

He had more Bryn to fight.

HEY UGLY! He yelled glaring at Galak Galak . Pick on someone who isn’t out cold!

Of course Palkomin sans armor was behind him.

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Objective: Hivebusters
Homies: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kiara Ayres Mig Gred Mig Gred Jairdain Jairdain
Lip Gloss Gang: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Yula Perl Yula Perl [/B] Bernard Bernard Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
Enemones: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma Galak Galak
Gear: Lightsaber, rebreather, armor

Nimdok joined the others as they made their way down the corridor, emerging in a chamber wherein the NJO team had already found themselves. Strike teams surrounded them, ready to protect the telepaths while they worked to bring down the Kraemonen.

The problem? Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus himself was standing over them, clearly waiting for them to strike. To Nimdok’s surprise, Sakadi rushed to engage him, leaving the rest of her team to carry out the mission. The professor opened his mouth to call out to her, but quickly realized there was no stopping the Sephi.

Feth it,” he muttered under his breath, uncharacteristically using profanity. “Well, time to bust the hive.

He hooked his lightsaber to his belt, found a clear spot on the floor, and laid down, resting his head on his arm.

Good night to you all.

He promptly fell asleep. There was no mistaking it—his vitals had abruptly fallen, but he was obviously not dead, merely unconscious. He even snored faintly.

While he slept, he dreamed—and in dreams, he walked.

More accurately, his consciousness seemed to float out of his body, phasing easily through rock and metal until he found what he was looking for. The Kraemonen slept too, eternally dreaming of the hive and the technology they controlled.

Nimdok patiently observed them, knowing that time didn’t pass the same way in dreams as it did in reality. He learned the ins and outs of the system, watching electrical impulses pass through the spindly wormlike bodies of the Brynspawn until he could see the threads of the Force by which all life, all energy, must travel. When he was ready, he reached for one of the astral cords connecting to just one of the Kraenomen, and began to overload it.

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