Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine

Objective: For Soot and Soil
Location: CC Section | Interior Defences
Allies: Osam Osam | Ostak Cl'mana | Sethrak Sethrak | Gordrak Gordrak | Galak Galak | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma |
Enemies: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion |
Axe | Gauntlet | Armour |Forces: Drones | Rhivaks | Juggernauts | Ultras | Seekers | Quilxyn Protectors | Shamans | Warlocks

His eyes lingered on Gordrak for a moment longer than necessary as the Ultra checked his Lancer. That clenched jaw, that raw focus. The rage was latent, old but it still remained and was a volatile and purposeful as ever. He'd seen that same rage turn a tactical and mentally agile warrior into something unbecoming and uncontrolled. Many Draelvasier lost themselves to that rage, an anger that festered in their bones. A burden, gifted from a father to his sons. He would not see Godrak turn to blind rage, he would have his Ultra of focused mind. Only the most focused mind could defeat an enemy worth fighting, and the Concord were bringing their best to the fray. Yet, there was no sign of them yet but no subterfuge beyond the idiocy of the other species sabotaging themselves. Whatever the Concord had planned, their progress was stifled and soon it would grind to a halt. His eyes shifted to the rock walls of the interior under-city extending outward before the Central Command Centre, walls of granite, ore and rock chaffed against the reinforced structures - dust gushing from gaps in the molecular structures binding it all together. The pressure of tunnelling instruments, on both sides.

"Anger is like magma, Gordrak. From a distance it seems less of a worry, slow. But when it's too late - you won't believe how fast it is. Magma cools. But it is still magma." It had been over a year since Nar Kreeta. His anger may have been sated or otherwise satisfied, but such things were never truly gone.

A century gave you perspective, but that didn't make the small things any less important. Galak or Gordrak may have only lived a tenth of his lifespan, but this world meant something to each of them. They'd both lost something on this planet, it symbolised unity to their species. Ten years or a hundred, it was all valid. This fight was about the future, of their own kind - the next Chieftain might've stood among them today, and he needed to know to fight for others as much as himself. They would not allow the Concord another step further into their territory, this trespass was enough. He would not see the worlds of the new species ripped out from under them, they needed to know their homes were secure under the reign of the Bryn'adûl. Above, the Divine Brutalities fleet continued to fight for that even as new Concord ships dropped out of hyperspace to supplement the already present equal force. It would be a sight longer before any Bryn'adûl reinforcements arrived, or Ver'kad thought to call upon any. Baedurin did not run, especially on their own turf.

The Concord employed strange tactics against the Bryn fleet, firing large clouds of gas sporadically between the Divine fleet and the Sentinel cannons below, a cloud littering the shield above the Sentinels rather than them themselves, seismic charges interlaced within the gas rippling against the shield as it tore apart Phedrak Fighters above, the shockwaves sending the already sporadic gas in all directions - the sensory data delayed temporarily as the Kraemonen and Mind Stones utilised essentially eyesight to target their enemies through the vast maze. Snippets of enemy fire clashed with the beams of fire emitting from the Sentinels, clashing as the pockets in the shield closed as the beam rescinded, a segment of the actually intend fire reaching the sentinels themselves as they focused fire on the Silver Tide firing upon them. Two, switching to their concentrated longer beam fire - intended to annihilate ships just like the Silver. The baradium shells from railguns made impact however, beginning to damage two of the targeted Sentinels, others caught by flak form surrounding anti-air turrets - firing in the way of their projected course and the orbiting fighters, but they wouldn't be able to withold a concentrated effort forever.
Ra'mak war beasts ascended from the beast chambers in cohesion with striker squads, backed by a maze of several Phedrak Fighter squadrons within the dome, targeting any fighters or still airborne support ships that had made it into the cities shielded-dome before the roof closed.

On the surface, the Concord's first primary engagement was against the scattered Akhenaton and Vaydralen in the covenant sector. Otherwise unprepared or off duty denizens would retrieve any rifle they could, from nearby buildings stocked with weaponry in the event of such an attack. All across the several hundred mile continental super-structure - the Concord would find their technology slowly being drained, not their people; charges, power-suits and blasters focused upon and would slowly begin to malfunction in concentrated areas pushing deeper into the Super-Construct. Reavers above ground began to already repel any bombings runs or controlled blaster fire from the air directed towards anything important or otherwise nearby anything important, using their massive pronged arms to crush anything that came underfoot. These instruments, working in tandem with the Siege Towers deployed by the Primarch to cover as much ground as possible.

"Sire, Artificer Yelda - they're looking for the Generators. Reported fighter fire nearby generator sites."

"Well done, Artificer. Keep me appraised." It was a good thing the Generators were miles below ground. Tathra replied, his grasp of the Axe tightening as the Concord's subsurface forces drew closer and closer.

If they wanted this world, they'd pay for it with droves of their own kind. The Primarch's forces were engaging them now, and soon so would Galak's. Once the combat had begun, his own forces would move to support and establish defensive lines around the central section. Warlord Galak's communique came, it was on his word.

"Do it now, Hivemind." The order was given, and the Concord would realise their mistake.

All across the battlefield above and below ground, five-hundred metre squad circumferences would be boxed in by grids of connected shield barriers all through the super-construct, passing through metal and earth and anything else in its path. Shooting corridors, suddenly locking in the enemy and potentially halting their progress. It wouldn't stop them entirely, but it would slow them down, long enough to allow the Draelvasier to give the pause until Warlord Osam unified the others. Reports from the Covenant section were unsavoury, infighting - chaos.

O B J E C T I V E: Hive Busters
He had finally gotten what he wanted, a mission to strike back against the Bryn. His master had been approved of it, which truthfully surprised him, but given his abilities she perhaps knew he could handle himself. He had brought his gear in with him, saber, armor, blasters, and vibroblades; all the good those things would do, but one never knew. The objective seemed simple enough, strike a blow against the Bryn, and hopefully live to tell the tale. Unable to travel with his master, he had gone with the Mandalorian squad instead. Something that made him uneasy. His own kin weren't his favorite people. He still hadn't fully grasped his place within the system.​
Regardless, the mission had already hit it's first hurdle, as they hit their target alright, though not in the way they had planned. Groggy and disoriented, Kadan found he struck his head against the bulkhead, probably would have shattered his skull if not for his new headpiece, and said a small bit of thanks for whatever force entity had his back. His ears were ringing, but he could hear the voice of Ki'an speaking regardless. Staggering out of his harness, he secured his gear, and fell in line behind his peers. His force senses were slow to come back, his head still dizzy from the rough landing, but they came into focus as they met their first wave of hostiles.​
He wasn't exactly a marksman with a blaster rifle, but he grabbed for it and joined in the salvo of blaster fire that ensued from his squad. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he could feel his senses coming to him now, his head clearing, as the force opened his mind to clarity, and with it he could feel his fellow jedi enroute; namely, his master.​
Keeping up with the squad, he had to wonder what was coming next, this whole operation was such a rush. If only Aayla Shan Aayla Shan was here to help out, force knew he could use practice when it came to using their force bond in combat.​

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Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


Armor - Cybernetic suit (GOLD, BLUE and RED Teams), "Dominion" armor(GREEN Team), "Apostle" armor(all, GREEN Team when needed),
Weapons (assault team)- T-73 Handgun, Combat Knife, FTB Rocket(2 FYB Rockets each, 3 with Flame Carpet warhead)
3 Grenades (each), 2 Fire Grenades (each)
(Infiltrators)- Carbine(Suppressed), T-73 Handgun(Suppressed), Vibroswords, Combat Knife
(Snipers)- M-14 Sniper Rifle, Wrist Blaster, Carbine
(Assault)- RI-17 Assault Rifle-w-LPD53 Grenade Launcher(5 FYB 40mm grenades each), T-73 Handgun
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun(if in the field), Defender-Automatic Weapon(if in CQC) Assault Rifle
GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Assault/Team leader), Castiel(Assault/Pathfinder)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Sniper 1), Samael(Heavy Weapons), Michael(Sniper 2)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Demo/EOD), Bartleby(Tech/Team Second)
GREEN TEAM: Chamuel (Infiltrator/Slicer), Zadkiel(Infiltrator/Assassin), Raziel(Infiltrator/Assassin)
PEGASUS 1- Jeremiel(Pilot), Barachiel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 2- Ariel(Pilot), Uriel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 3- - Barachiel(Pilot)*
PEGASUS 4- Uriel(Pilot)*
*When needed. Weapons Intercept officers will be assigned randomly

RONTO 1- Raguel(Driver), Selaphiel(Gunner), Jegudiel(Cover)

Ship Captain/Teams Overwatch - Metotron
Ship Engineer/Tech/Teams Overwatch - Jophiel
Ship Corpsman - Raphael
Ship Pilot(s)/Gunner(s) - Batariel,Jeremiel, Barachiel, Ariel, Uriel
ORDERS: Take out the Northern Generator
Tag: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Cadere Cadere Yula Perl Yula Perl Westenra Mina Westenra Mina Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Oleander Webb Oleander Webb Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Mig Gred Mig Gred Gir Quee Gir Quee Ostak Cl'mana Osam Osam Galak Galak Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Any text in parenthesis indicates conversation over comms

” In position.”

” In position.”

” Bravo… go.”

They were in their different sub-teams. Red Team was given the go-ahead to move into the far side of what looked to be the CEE EN CEE, or Command and Control center for the Generator itself. The place was huge and they needed time, but with Red Team committing to Overwatch as well as providing cover, they were able to make it to their next waypoint. The problem is…

… the place was not empty… not even close.

” Hold position, repeat… hold position.

” Finding cover.”

” Sitrep.”

” Heavy defenses, suggest alternate insertion points.”

” Options.”

” Combine units over the ridge to your left. Clear to move.”

Quietly both sub-teams committed to a tactical retreat to the ridge that was directed to them, silently Blue team joined the other two. They were holding perimeter as Azrael was coming up with a plan, Bartleby suddenly freaked out.

Incoming! Prone!

Each member dropping into a “prone” position, they were clear of any possible incoming weapons fire, Bartleby's system detected them on an attack vector.. Furious at the attack, regardless of what it may have done to the facility, Azrael grabbed the comm-link off of Bartleby’s back.

Whoever authorized that is getting cut.

” Gundark this is Dewback! You DID pass on our position, right?!”

” That would be affirmative!”

” Tell’em again! We just got fired on by Silver ships!”

Okay, so they weren’t EXACTLY fired upon, but they were close enough for the call. This also was a rare moment of unprofessional behavior from the Commander, even though it was justified. The problem is, every action has consequences.

A squad of drones was coming their way to find out what made all that noise.
They were prepared to fire on anything they did not recognize. The team was moving in the opposite direction, they were elite soldiers, often considered “suicidal” in some of the stunts that they pull off, but they’re not stupid.

Reaching the furthest point that they could and still have some cover, the team, all of them, turned to fight. It was a fast firefight, the Drones armor made taking them down difficult. They were also intelligent enough to use their speed and grab cover from unlikely places. The snipers were waiting for, and taking their shots when Samael just got fed up.

Screw this…

Standing up with his mini-gun nicknamed “Bertha”, Samael just opened up his weapon on them. The rapid-fire tore into the Drones that did not find cover, but he wanted their attention on him and their fire suppressed though as Sauriel, then Michael each fired bolts into the left eye of one and the right eye of another. The rest of the team took out the others, but if this was what it took to take them down, the team was in for a fight.

” Womprat… are you standing on top of the far Northern treeline ridge?”

” Negative.”

Then as if on cue, the heavy transport “Ronto” drove over the last of the response force. Selaphiel on the turret was firing the grenade launcher loaded with FYB ordinance. The carbonite grenades were pretty much solidifying everything in sight. Raguel opened up the driver’s door. Jegudiel jumped out the back and took up a cover position with a “Defender” heavy rifle.


Mount up. We’re on the move in five.

Let’s make like trees…


... and leave.

Gabriel just shook his head.

... you tried so hard to be funny.

Gabriel was busy setting an incendiary charge that would do little more than set an intense and enormous blaze to the area. It might work, it might not, but the intention was to cover their tracks as they load into the Ronto and move to a clear area to plan their attack properly with their own intel, not the crap someone else tried to pass off on them.

... yeah, we scare them.

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Sakadi ran as fast as her legs could carry her, nimbly avoiding what few drones had managed to withstand Kiara Ayres's use of the Force. Pieces of rock and plumes of dust were blown past her. For a brief moment she swore she felt the beast's breath in her neck, but hadn't dared to glance over her shoulder to find out. Instead, she dwelled on her connection to the Force. It's warmth flowed through her and invigorated her. Her tempo accelerated in the fraction of a second, until she ran up front.

Then, she saw a figure vanish from the corner of her eye. With a single glance, she confirmed her fears. One of them had fallen. The passage ahead of them was obstructed by drones, and the indiscriminate beast behind them was rapidly gaining ground.

But the Force was with them. With her.

It was the sound of blasterfire in the distance that caught her attention. It was accompanied by flashes of red in a… side tunnel? Upon seeing it, the Jedi Master did not hesitate. "There!" She pointed. "Go, before the drones reach it." It was their only means of escape. They could not allow the drones to reach it first. Now, on to a more pressing problem… She thought, as she came to a halt once again. "I'll deal with our pursuer."

Sakadi turned, her gaze focused on her fellow Jedi Master. She could sense her struggle and feel the slight rush of panic. "Focus, and breathe." Sakadi reached out, fingers curling in an invisible grip. She jerked her arm back, and the Force followed. It would pull at the body of Kiara Kiara , carrying her toward the other Sephi Jedi Master. Immediately afterwards, Sakadi's focus shifted to the tunnelling monster.

The Force was in turmoil on Nar Kreeta as the warriors of Light clashed with the alien Bryna'dûl. But around Sakadi, it was as calm as a wind still lake. Her opponent, a mass of chaotic energy. One guided by the will of another creature high above them. She felt it. And she knew she could exploit it.

She had guided the united will of the Jedi on Ossus, alongside Romi Jade. Recovered the memories of an amnesiac. Shaped illusions that could fool Nightsisters. Hell, telepathy came as natural to her as breathing. If this proved to be too much for her, was she even worthy of the rank of Master?

Sakadi raised her arm again, and opened her palm. A small ripple moved through the Force. One that grew. One that became a wave. And one which transformed in a carefully directed, crushing mental assault. It severed the connection between the beast and its surprised master almost immediately. She felt his desperate attempt to regain control over the Servitor, but the damage had already been done. Sakadi was in.

She had, however, made one miscalculation. She was still in its way. Sakadi couldn't tell if Kiara had moved to the tunnel, or if the drones had gotten there first. She was occupied with the Servitor, trying to steer its chaotic mind into the horde of drones as best she could. She was in its way. It was actually going to kill her. And yet, she managed to suppress the growing panic inside her. Because if it came to it, she would gladly lay down her life to create an opening for her allies.

Any moment now. And it will be all over.

Something rammed into her. It violently threw her aside, and she slammed against the cold stone wall of the tunnel. Not just a tunnel. The side tunnel…

Sakadi opened her eyes, gazing directly at the dark path of destruction paved by the servitor. It had torn through the army of drones and the barricades ahead of them. Realisation kicked in a mere second later. One was no longer among the strike team. The Trandoshan pilot. The one who had pushed her to safety…

  • Told everyone to move for the tunnel
  • Pulled Kiara away from the beast
  • Seized control of a Servitor and had it swoop through the drones to clear a path.
Objective: Hivebusters
Homies: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kiara Ayres Mig Gred Mig Gred Jairdain Jairdain
Lip Gloss Gang: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Yula Perl Yula Perl
Soon to Be Joining the Lip Gloss Gang?: Bernard Bernard Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
Enemones: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma Galak Galak
Gear: Lightsaber, rebreather, armor

Nimdok was, for the time being anyway, quite content to let the others do the heavy-lifting with telekinesis and other such tricks. He stuck with cutting down drones that came at the group from the tunnels, and strengthening himself and his companions with various Force-powered buffs. Nothing requiring as much effort as battle meditation, but a little boost of speed and valor or a quick healing of minor wounds was always welcome, was it not?

Kiara stumbled, but Sakadi took care of her before Nimdok even had a chance to react, pulling the elfin woman to safety. It wasn’t long before Sakadi herself was flung away, however, and Nimdok likewise received a blow to his side that knocked him bodily down the side passageway.

It hurt, but the wounds were already sealing themselves shut by the time the dust began to settle, his body regenerating itself. The armor he wore had absorbed quite a bit of the force of the impact as well, reducing the severity.

The corpse of the Trandoshan pilot had landed nearby. With nothing to be done for him, and no time to pay respects, Nimdok simply stood up and left the dead body where it lay. He approached Sakadi. “Are you seriously injured?” he asked, even as he checked her out himself. “Able to walk, at least?

They needed to keep moving. He wasn’t sure yet where Kiara or the Mandalorian Mig Gred had wound up, but he hoped they had made it as well.

Main Objective: For Soot and Soil
Side Objective: Find The Lothal Guard
Location: The Warlock Dome (Destroyed)
Post: 4

The news angered Sethrak. The Ahkenaton were allies. As were the Vaydralen. They were all useful, each one contributed to The Bryn cause and to turn them against each other was an unacceptable offense. The warlord that dared to cause dissent would die.

And Sethrak wanted to be the one to bring him his death.
What angered Sethrak more was that the Warlord chose now to cause dissent. He could be serving The Bryn'adul, he could have helped Sethrak when the chamber collapsed, but instead he chose to make the new allies fight each other. Unbelievable. The First Warlock clenched a fist in anger as Ostak gathered the data he needed.

When Ostak reported that he found what he needed, Sethrak immediately began to lead him to the rails. He wondered where The Lothal guard was. He had seen the damage to the production was moderate, but the guard was in a different sector. Who knows what the damage is outside of the production area.

The rails weren't far from this point, it would be a short walk, and once they reached them they had access to the entire structure. Sethrak wanted to find The Lothal Guard, but first he would accompany Ostak to "deal" with the warlord. Repairing the allied races' relationship was imperative, The Lothal Guard was just a keg in a much larger force. He had priorities, and the warlord was number one.

Location: The Silver Tide, entering orbit around Nar Kreeta system
Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Osam Osam

"Silver Tide this is Keros' Kad. Our hpc battery can't target planetary surfaces, but out heavy rails can. We can redirect fire on two of the surface targets with baradium shells and make sure they're not getting back up."

"Do what you can," replied the admiral slowly, "if we're not careful, those things will tear the largest of our ships apart..."

Largest and most valuable. An unsavory to dwell upon...He frowned as he continued to survey the battlefield. Chaos shells continued to plunge into the atmosphere below and among the Bryn'adul fleet and planetary defenses - clouds of nagnol rose up to suffuse the Bryn'adul fleet in a haze, partially obscuring the exploding seismic charges among them as well as the weapons fire pouring down from the Concord fleet. The Silver Jedi Concord fleet itself was starting to stratify, with the more daring commanders pushing themselves deeper into the atmosphere and closer to the Bryn'adul vessels, while more conservative commanders like Admiral Quee kept their ships higher up. He watched as a swarm of fighters from GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. 's command plunged groundward, causing the man to frown.

"That's not in the plan."

"What's not in the plan?" asked Ariela.

Gir pointed a finger at the offending ships. Irritation welled up in him and he felt the urge to switch to the private channel he stared with the man and tear him up. Cohesion and unification in tactics and command, Angellus. They still teach that at the Academy, even the Galactic Alliance one, don't they? He set his jaw tight, but Ariela pinched his the arm as a silent reminder. The admiral attempted to calm himself down before making the call to Angellus, but the Tide suddenly rocked as a massive beam of light smashed into its starboard side. The din of the commander center became a chaotic roar as the crew attempted to react to the hit. The quad layer shielding of the Tide made it exceptionally resilient against most threats, including planetary scale turbolasers or their Bryn'adul equivalents, but even the Tide was not immune to enemy fire. Light managed to tear through the Starlight Scutum shield before boring its way through shield after shield before finally lashing against the Tide's hull itself. Even as the armor attempted to superconduct and spread out the energy across the ship's entirety, viewports shattered and plating was melted off the frame. Even through the tactical holo, the admiral could see a cloud of debris and bodies flowing out the ship's side.

"Roll," demanded the man, "and let's get a fresh set of shields between us and them, stat."

"Switching on the Gulfstream," replied the shaking helmsmen, starting to turn the massive vessel and present an unbattered side of the vessel towards the planet below.

"Those long beams are going to expose them to more of our counterbattery fire," observed Perit.

"That's a risk they're apparently willing to take," growled Gir, "but we're going to cut that all short. Signal the special task force to begin their approach."

Even as the Tide rolled, a swarm of Yorik-class StarSkippers and Mantis Strategic Bombers jetted out of the command ship before plunging into the atmosphere towards the Bryn'adul fleet. A sextet of Meteor-class Frigates followed in their wake, diving headlong through both the layered Silver Jedi warships and the Bryn fleet below. Even as they did so, dozens of heavily armored Concord warships and swarms of sacrificial Zephyr Droid Starfighters and Sirocco-class Assault Fighters gathered around them, providing a screen to engage any Bryn'adul forces such as the rising Ra'maks that might attempt to engage them. As they approached the barrier of the Bryn'adul shield itself, the Yorik-class StarSkippers pulled up to skim along the top of the shield, using their dovin basals to weaken the shield barrier even as they fired Hornet Munitions through the shield itself - the missile's field disruptors activated as they passed through the shield before errupting into clouds of vibroflechettes that aimed to rip through the Phredraks and Striker flights that prowled the skies within the shield itself. The Mantis Strategic Bombers abruptly pulled up as well, unleashing Crestcrash Seismic Charges and Starfall Heavy Rockets at the undersides of the Bryn fleet above. Several of the starfighters exploded as they didn't pull up in time or fell prey into enemy fire. Yet despite the multitude of attacks above and below the shield from these intrepid fighters, the real coup de grace remained - the six frigates continued their plunge downward, seemingly oblivious towards the shield. The admiral felt his stomach tighten into a knot as the maneuver entered its most critical stage.

"Five frigates have been able to pierce through the shield and have been able to transmit sensor feeding from within the shield itself. We're analyzing now," announced an officer.

"And the sixth?" asked the man.

Silence answered him. But a quick glance at the holo screen told him everything. The Endeavoring Hunter lay shattered on the surface. Flames gouted across its body leading to rising columns of smoke. Even at this distance and despite the nagnol haze, the admiral could make out a wide debris field in its wake. There can't be many survivors after that. He felt his stomach become more queezy. No point in dwelling it now...only the future...He managed to open his mouth.

"Shield generating capabilities are still the priority of analysis?"

The rodian nodded, "We're detecting that characteristic electrical draining effect from their shield beasts on the surviving frigates overhead...we're redirecting their attack runs towards the epicenter of those effects..."

Gir nodded in understanding. Triangulation of sensor feed data was simple enough - simple enough that the massive computer banks of the Tide has little difficulty in processing the data to pinpoint locations of the super construct's shield generators. The frigates split up and surged ahead, using their boosters and low altitude to try and avoid attacks. As they did so, the rarely seen forms of basilisk war droids jetted out and coalesced around their mother ships. Ariela cleared her throat.

"Were you going to say something to Angellus?"

"Not now, it can wait until after the bombing run?"

"Isn't that going to be too late?"

He frowned, "Hopefully not..."

But it is going to be too late, isn't it? The man shook his head as if to shake the thoughts away as he watched the frigates prepare to activate their cannons and rip apart the shield generators with concentrated barrages.
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Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong.
No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first,
and is waiting for it.



"That's a lot of firsts. Got one of my own too, in a way, never been to battle without the Force before."

Ishida halted whichever thoughts had been naturally coursing in her mind and focused solely on the single admission from the Arkanian. Without...The Force…which assumed he’d had several battles before with The Force.

The concept was bewildering. To exist in a state without that which was so easily taken for granted. To be turned from a sword to a walking stick. She wanted to know more, and made a face while sorting through the implications, parted her mouth to speak, and clicked it shut. She did this twice before the chrono gave them no more grace, and she snapped the rebreather around her hair and over her face.

As soon as they were ready, the enemy was sooner. Ashamedly, the Padawan flinched an instant before she was paralyzed.

And Ishida realized the walking stick was still a weapon –– while the Arkanian may have been robbed of The Force, he still seemed able. A killer. A cane that could be used as a spear with unchanged nature.

Behind the shield of the rebreather, she grinned at the realization.

"Keep close,"

Through the rebreather, the instruction sounded modulated. She nodded once in comprehension, not wasting any of the filtered air and gave a leering, wary glance once more at the smoking husk of the Bryn’adûl. She hadn’t been able to get so close on Sev Tok. That dome had prevented interaction –– up close it was…..

There was no fitting descriptor. So she swallowed down her reaction and moved to trudge forward, activating her pearlescent glowing blade, bathing their immediate surroundings in a white glow. All the ridges, joints, gleaming teeth were lit by the sudden strip of light.

Only a few feet from them, friends of the one that Bernard had obliterated.

No warning other than a caterwaul, the massive creature and its brothers lunged at the emerged Alliance Strike team.

The blade that had been little more than a superheated flashlight quickly rotated into a medley of offensive and defensive movements. Unthinking conditioning took over, and she steeled, sharp and into action.

Smaller than the hound-like and hungry dones, Ishida went low. She ducked between the first creature to lunge and came to a pivot straight behind it, spinning out in a half-circle that carved through it’s lower back. Sparks exploded from the metal parts of their bodies, and blood from the more natural areas. She didn’t stop, she didn’t even notice how unnerving it was that the creatures didn’t even seem to scream when they slumped to the tunnel ground.

It was unholy for them to be so ignorant of the blessing Ashla might provide to them.

One lunged at her, unseen, and she was forced back on her heels on and awkward hop-skip to keep her balance. In this, she managed to get to a disadvantaged slightly under angle –– which she used to just thrust her blade up and into the gullet of the monster. Her grin was irrefutable, and she realized this might be the monster she’d make a mask from. Its charcoal cheeks over her alabaster, its jaw dropping low beneath her chin.

She'd be a terrifying sight.


Shame it wasn't red.

TEAM WHITE HAIR + BLUE HAIR I GUESS: Bernard Bernard | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
TEAM GLOSS: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Yula Perl Yula Perl |
TEAM POINTY EARS: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Kiara Ayres

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Wolfsbane | Ferrum Solus | Icebreaker | Stormafbryder
ALLIES: Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Millu Lee Millu Lee | @Vanya | Maja Fiore | Liam Liam Du’Cal | @Teyla Ee’everwest |
ENEMIES: The Brynadul

The hangar bay was full of all the sounds which accompanied preparing for battle. It was a wonder that Gerwald’s sense of hearing was not overwhelmed with the whirring of engines and machinery which was moving about. There had been a reason Gerwald had taken the Ventress with them. It took an Super Star Destroyer to launch the landing castle. Reports were reaching Gerwald’s comm as he walked closer to the team he was taking about shields being raised near the super construct.

A deep sigh left his lungs as his eyes settled on Oleander Webb Oleander Webb . Clearly the Anzat was displeased about the request to “babysit” the squire which was accompanying him. She had been behind him every step of the way so far, and when he looked over his shoulder, he could see she was still right on his heels.

“This is going to be hard. War… it’s not all glory and romance like the novels try to make it seem. Millu, you will see death.”

His words were likely not reassuring, but in the end @Vanya was most likely correct. Millu would be fine and the others were there in case Gerwald could not keep track of her. The squire was not his, and Gerwald wanted to be sure she returned alive, especially because he did not want to have to explain his actions to Beric.

Blue eyes fell on the team which had assembled. It was possible some of them were going to die. He took in another deep breath as he stepped forward to address the team.

“Alright so there are reports of shields being raised, so today, we’re trying something new. We are going to launch this thing as close to the super construct as we can without killing any of our allies. Once it launches we are going to ride the wake and land in the tunnels. The hope is simple here, we get this thing close enough that it takes out some of the shields and lets the droids inside this thing flood into the tunnels.”

Gerwald did not wait for his team to acknowledge the plan. He simply gave the order.

“To the dropship. Make sure you grab a rebreather if you haven’t already.”

It would not take long for the team to load up. The wolf fixed his helmet onto his head and ensured the seal was good. It was time to kill some bugs.

<<< “Launch the castle,” >>> his voice carried to the bridge. <<< “Take us in behind it,” >>> he said to the pilot as the loading door of the dropship closed.

The sound of the mechanism which launched the landing castle seemed to scream around them as it maneuvered the beast of a structure toward the planet. It would launch with a loud explosion and the pilot would take the dropship right into the wake.

Everything shook. Gerwald hated this part of flying the most. Re-entry was never pleasant and reminded the wolf inside the man that his feet were meant to be firmly planted on the ground. Nausea washed over his stomach. The lupine began to feel sick as the drop ship was tossed around by the planet’s atmosphere.

<<< “Break off now,” >>> Gerwald ordered as it seemed the landing castle was about to crash into the planet’s surface.

If it did make landfall the forward base would begin its work, pushing out droids to take on the Brynadul threat. What would gain everyone’s attention however would the destructive force of the landing, powerful enough to disrupt the shields which the Bryn had around the super construct if they were so lucky. Gerwald hoped his plan would work. In the meantime the dropship took them toward the tunnels.

launched landing castle
Rode wake through atmosphere
Landing near previously drilled tunnels
Hoping the Landing Castle makes landfall
In memory of our late CEO


LOCATION: Open Space
EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets.

CALLSIGNS: Captain Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Voodoo 1", Commander Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Voodoo 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Voodoo 3". Each Squadron leader makes up "Voodoo Wing", their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 4(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. Voodoo 5(Jurat Squadron) Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. Voodoo 6(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Voodoo 7(Gator Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Voodoo 8(Raguel Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Voodoo 9(Beak Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Voodoo 10(Jok Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Voodoo 11(Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 12(Jurist Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 13(Fi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 14(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 15(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 16(Alcalde Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing

  1. Voodoo 17(Kers Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  2. Voodoo 18(Requital Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Voodoo 19(Scimitar Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter

  1. Voodoo 20(Que Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 21(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 22(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 23(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 24(Bulwark Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Voodoo 25(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Voodoo 26(Ferret Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Voodoo 27(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  4. Voodoo 28(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
ORDERS: Hold position
WINGMATES: Gir Quee Gir Quee , Mig Gred Mig Gred , Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

“CONN COMMO, Annunaki reports Omega Squad successful in setting explosives to Northern Generator and preparing on to next target.”

“Acknowledged. Keep us apprised, please.” Halpern nodded.


The topographical holomap was showing constant updates of the vectored land. With the drop-pods burrowing into the ground, to a single transport backing out of a hole in the wall, to what looked to be a FOB dropping through the atmosphere it was a busy landscape. The weapon emplacements were numerous and that was a problem, not one that Angellus enjoyed the thought of them having to address, but then again, that was war, wasn’t it?

” Tactical… have the Sovereigntys begun their runs on the weapon emplacements?

“Reports should come in any time now.”

” Good, let’s hope this works. Maybe it will keep our focus in space.”

“We still have their fleet to deal with.” Halpern re-emphasized,

“Conn-Tactical, reports coming in from the attack runs. Minimal to no effect, and not a consistent pressure on the systems.”

” Acknowledged. Recall the fighters and divert them back up here for capital interception.”

“Oh well. It was a good idea.” Halpern shrugged.

” Had to try. Tactical, reroute our main guns on both emplacements and deploy the L4’s.”

As the whir of the repositioning of the guns could be heard on the bridge, the immediate surroundings were lit up by the maneuvering thrusters of several defensive satellites moving into place around the carrier itself. The purpose was to give them added defense, if not just in terms of firepower, but in giving enemy ships another target to shoot at.

“CONN TACTICAL! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!” This wasn’t the station boss calling out the issue, it was the ship’s Second Officer, Commander Tantor. Immediately, both Angellus and Halpern walked over to see for themselves what was going on as the Security Chief would not bark out like that without good reason.

” What’s the problem?”

“The Annunaki is reporting friendly fire on Omega Squad, HEAVY friendly fire.”

“What the?”

” Is it us?”

“Negative. It’s bombers coming from Silver Tide. The team barely made it out before the attack run commenced. Repeated attempts to identify themselves fell on deaf ears.”

This sort of incompetence made Liram’s blood boil. Errant shots happen, but pilots are trained to put the safety of their compatriots first. If they were “Ethereal” ships, they would be grounded and Angellus would personally rip off their wings, but they are not. And there might be some other circumstance. He needed to keep a cool head about what was going on.

” Contact the Silver Tide, let them know that there appears to be a comms issue with some of their flights. Don’t bring up Omega’s near-death experience.”

“Sir?” Halpern quizzically looked on.

” When the time is right, new ‘posterior openings’ shall be ripped. Right now we need to focus on the matter at hand. Status on any Bryn ships in the area?"

"Out of weapons range, shall we maneuver?"

"No, it will take the turrets too long to reset. Keep an eye on their position and begin re-arming fighters, not in atmo to zero-g"

    • Rerouting Sovereignty fighters back to capital ship support.
    • Repositioning main guns to fire on both claimed Sentinels
    • Deployed floating auto-turrets (in loadout)
    • Re-arming all fighters and bombers, not in atmo to capital ship combat.

Objective: For soot and soil
Location: Draelvasier Barracks
Bryn'Bois: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Gordrak Gordrak |
Adversaries: [Engaging directly:] Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | [Relevant:] Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Aien Mueller | Varn Barakis Varn Barakis |
Equipment: Armour | Syphon Beam Rifle | Lancer | Triad |
Forces: Dredge | Juggernauts | Savage Drones |

For Pavium.

The words weighed on his mind, even if the Primarch's words were sincere he felt the spasm in his neck; discomfort and irritation taking a physical form as he stalked through the length of the tunnel. Galak marched at the head of the force of Juggernauts, the Dredge shepherding the through the maze of tunnels. The earth rumbled and the creatures ground to a halt as they seemed to sniff at the air. Galak instinctively took the Lancer from his back, He didn't know what to expect from the Concord, most of the time they were playing defence but if the asteroid strikes and the fleet pelting the shield were anything to go by, it would be more of the same. One his Captains was suddenly at his side, a small diagram of tunnels presented to the Warlock's blind side. He shifted, focusing his eye on the section of diverting tunnels ahead and the mass of hostiles approaching from multiple.

"It seems the primary attack parties mean to convene on our position, Warlord!" The Captain put it plainly, Bryn Shot in hand.

They were about to be outnumbered, but once they engaged the reinforcements wouldn't be far behind. Two hundred metres behind Galak, the shimmer of the red grid appeared within the circular tunnel behind them. No doubt the Concord forces would see the very same three hundred metres ahead of him inwhichever tunnels they were in.

"Majors, assert firing lanes. Captains - divide concentration between the tunnels!" Ahead of their position they could hear the rumbling of battle, within the smaller tunnels and larger Savage Drones and advanced patrolling parties of Drones were engaging against the enemy.

The Dredge at his side would begin to burrow underneath the ground, dozens of them preparing to attack the Jedi and their forces from below as soon as they came around the adjacent corners of the tunnels ahead. Galak nearly lost his own footing as the entire tunnel system and substructures of the Super-Construct shook, something massive had breached their shielding and bulldozed through the grid shielding, crashing into the surface of the city. The kinetic shockwave, rippling against dozens of grids of shielding on the surface - completely annihilating everything within a kilometre radius of its landing zone top-side. It was fortune that the super-construct was the size of the continent and mere chance they'd thrown up grid-shielding across the city. They were picking up an electromagnetic shockwave rippling across the surface of the city, a strange offensive - given the sheer lack of energy-reliant technology on the surface. Whatever was caught in that EMP wave would've hindered the Concord and their allies far more than anything of their own.

Fate. Mere fate had saved so much of the Nar Kreeta Super-Construct. Galak steadied himself, his own forces discussing among themselves what had happened on the surface.

"Steady! The enemy approach!" The Warlord barked, sweat on his brow beneath his helmet.

It didn't matter what was going on above ground, it didn't matter what they threw at them. Galak had to hold the line, he and his Juggernauts had to hold these tunnels until the Chieftain arrived. This dirt, this rock - this was the kind of places they put the mines that killed Pavium. The very thought of his brothers in arms made his blood boil. Silence filled the empty gave, sparse breathes and the sound of metal and boots echoing through the tunnel.

"Chieftain, the enemy are on our approach. Something has struck the surface. Hivemind, grid status?" More concern for Osam bubbled to the surface, thoughts on what was occurring above ground were not his concern. His head, instinctively shaking itself to refocus on what was in front of him.

"A landing craft. Five-hundred kilometre height. Grid shields in the area are down, but the majority underground are holding." The Hivemind responded,

"Primarch, looks like you have a target."


Surface Defence, Northern Surface Command Centre -
Field Master Tuarak
Forces: 600
Drones | 200 Juggernauts | 6 Rhivaks | 6 Warlocks

Tuarak dropped to his keens, the observation viewports shattering as the kinetic wave of the landing castle reached the central command sections surface command centre. The Reaver had protected them from the fighters, but nothing could've stopped that shockwave including the new grid of shields - a large segment of which had been ripped away on the surface by the landing of the ship itself.

"Juggernauts, secure the perimeter. Drones, reinforce the defences of the centre."

Tuarak could feel it in the force, a threat was immnenet to he and his Warlock acolytes. The field master prepared with his duel Kukri's, His sole purpose on this planet was to defend this station, and would do so with his life.
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective IV.: Make friends, BYOO
Location: Nar Kreeta
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Reidun Amersis
[ Theme ]

As Dis floating closer, they tried to address the stuck creature, but in the beginning it all failed. The Shadowcat had just thought about going to use the body of one of the dead draelvasier to learn their language and make it easier to talk to this individual when they remembered something to try it all the other way. They know telepathy well enough, as they almost always used this, so they could read memories and thoughts from the other's mind.

To make it easier, they went quite close, talking all the way to the apparently female individual, who was smaller than the others who had seen them. Dis also tried to reassure her with words and the Force because she was apparently very wild and trying to break free. In this way, however, she was only much more injured. Dis saw that creature was shocked when she saw them, then tried to catch them, which of course was impossible.

They used the same methods they did when Mr. Hssiss tried to eat Val Drutin and the eggs. The battle continued around them and Dis didn’t really want to risk the draelvasier getting hurt even more because here the Shadowcat might not be able to do something about it.

Eventually, however, it seemed after long minutes that the creature was beginning to calm down, thankfully. So now they were trying another telepathic message.

~ I'm Dis, I'm here to help you, but I need your help to do that too. ~

The Sunlight Blade was shining a path forward, beams of yellow light warm and comforting to most, yet searing to beings of darkness. There was no telling whether its shine would harm the Bryn though; they were no servants of darkness, and yet their intentions appeared wholly evil just the same. In the case that elven magic should fail, cold steel would always prevail.

The specific tunnel Thurion and his men marched down appeared to be largely empty, yet they maintained their vigil. A few hundred meters down the road there were sounds of battle, prompting his force to double-time it behind their King.

Appearing on the crest of a downward slope, Thurion observed the skirmish from above. He spotted a group of soldiers along with a woman he did not recognise, but they were clearly not Bryn and so would be counted among allies.

"Unleash us, sire," one of his lieutenants requested, his voice distorted by the helmet he wore. Thurion replied by way of smirking, followed by a nod of approval. "Come lads, let us make bloody sacrifice to Helm!" As the first lines of Valkyri clad in their power armour strode down the steep slope at full charge, Thurion remained atop the crest and summoned more sunlight from the blade of his sword Anarion.

From his vantage point he doused the entire area in bright light, blinding any foes susceptible to his intent. Charging Valkyri smashed into the already engaged enemy, with those caught unawares torn into pieces by the terrible weapons wielded by the Brotherhood of Steel. Once the battle was joined Thurion leaped from his vantage point and landed amidst a group of Bryn.

Swinging his sword effortlessly with both hands, it cleaved head and limb clean from torso wherever its sharp edge connected, shedding their blood upon his own visage. It was an unfortunate and morbid side-effect of having participated in so many battles over the course of so many years that the sight, smell, and taste of his enemies' blood had become so common to his senses, regardless of who he fought.

As another wave of Bryn defenders charged from the mouth of the tunnel, Thurion sheathed his sword and pushed both palms forward, unleashing an invisible wave of telekinetic energy towards them, sending the first line crashing into their brethren, stopping their charge dead in its tracks.

"SHIELDWALL," he ordered in the wake of his telekinetic attack, promptic several Valkyri to appear in front of him with their left arms held forward, and from their vambraces sprung wide energy shields interlocking with those of the brothers standing next to them. More soon followed, filling out each flank until the entire breadth of the tunnel was cut off from enemy fire.

"Soldiers, set up a firing line here," he gestured to behind the wall of energy shields, indicating that they may fire back at the Bryn from relative safety. Mopping up the last few Bryn that remained within the shieldwall, they were given a chance to breath and help any wounded back on their feet as best they could.

"The Gods are with us, my lady," he approached the woman covered in blood, hand resting on the pommel of his sheathed sword. "Are you hurt?"

Meanwhile his men were pushing the enemy back, steadily marching forward while friendly troops fired at the defenders unmolested behind the shieldwall. They held their position once the enemy had been forced into retreat, maintaining the front line while awaiting further commands from their King.

"Master Vanagor," he called out to the Jedi as he and his group of padawans and troopers appeared as their paths joined together. It was good to see another friendly face in this grim place. "It is good to see you well, Caltin. My men will hold the line until we choose to press on; the wider the tunnel becomes, the closer to our goal. Colonel Rarr and Paladin Company should be joining us shortly if all goes well, to lend his firepower to our assault."

"We can only hope the others are faring as well."
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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Allies: Gir Quee Gir Quee GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Fleet: Keros' Kad (Damaged), 2x Tionas-class FAC (Two damaged), 2x Atin'la-class Heavy Cruisers (One damaged), 3x Shield-class Escort Cruiser (One mission killed), 5x GF-2B Super TwinTails Squadrons (Includes Talyc Squadron), 18x "Kodashi" Viper MKIIs, 20x HA-2 Pikes (Bomb Bays)s, 5x DF-1 Scarab Swarm Fighter squadrons, 3x Dinii-class Dral'tabalhar Me'sen squadrons, 6x modified freighters
Kaddie watched though the scanners as everything unfolded, and listed to comms chatter as one vessels comms seems to flicker back to life.

“.... Ke.... ‘la..... Ti.... Can anyone hear u...?” The AI looked surprised at the familiar voice, and quickly started to radio in.

“Soul! Soul was that you? What’s the status of the Soulmarcher?”

“We’re ok, tat. At least for now. They just managed to get the comms back on.... Karking frell!” That was when planetary round slammed into the side of the Atin’la-class cruiser. Malo and Kaddie both looked on the vessel took the hit, with shields and hull managing to hold out the brunt of the damage. That didn’t stop some from managing to leach though, burning into the reinforced Duraplast. The cruiser seemed to buck most of the damage, proving its nickname true. At least until a clear look at the already bleeding ship showed the extend of the damage. It looked like the ballast had managed to breach engineering, and while all the sublight drives could still function, it was clear the damage was pretty severe. Malo quickly went to the comms, calling out over the continued rain for shell fire to the surface, and particle and turbolaser fire to the Bryan’s warships.

“Soulmarcher, fallback. One more hit like that in the same spot and.... Just get behind use” Malo waited for the heavy cruiser to begin falling back, but instead the ship seemed to push all power to its sublights and begin to build up speed, beginning to aline itself off center with the Bryn’s Divine Brutality, and releasing escape pods along the way. “Soulmarcher! What is the netherworld are you doing!?” There wasn’t a response until the vessels AI came over an open channel.

This is the to any Concord ship that can get a g... shot into our... my engineering section.... We lost our ...erdrive and life support.... Targeting s... barely functional, but there’s a pretty large react... in here. Hit it right before I run this thing into the demagolka’s dreadnaught....” Kaddie was quick to open a line, shaking his head.

Soul! Eject your core n....

Lost the slip before the last jump here....” Kaddie just looked on. That stupid idiot.....

At the same time, the Tionas, Pikes, and Diniis would unleash their munition loads on the Divine Brutality, and the TwinTails, Vipers, Scarabs, and freighters continued to gun down fighters.

  • The Soulmarcher is hit hard, and charges the Divine Brutality.
  • The Keros Kad and the other Atin'la-class continue firing.
  • The attacker strike craft engage the Brutality.
  • The fighters continue fightering.

Gear: In bio
Allies: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kiara Ayres Jairdain Jairdain Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Millu Lee Millu Lee Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin Maja Fiore Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren Milya Vondar Milya Vondar Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla
Enemies: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma

Mig looked at Jairdain as he ran, nodding.

"Yeah. In a lot of ways we're still pretty fractured, but that's not quite my focus right now. There!" Mig continued running, but pointed out a side tunnel. He looked over at here the drones were, again unleashing a torrent of lightning into them in an attempt to keep them away from the others. He looked back, his eye flickering again.

"Move! Hurr.... Oh osik!" It was then that he noticed the Servitor was that close! He would dive into the tunnel, taking a breath as he looked around. Right now he didn't realize Ki'an was so close by. He was just happy to not be worm fodder.

"Is everyone ok?"
It’s just tequila and the beach

It was definitely interesting to keep up with the Jedi. She had her saber but she hadn’t even brought the thing out yet. As she landed to meet the party, the petite Witch made her way there quickly, whispering a Song to herself. She was moving to meet up with Master Caltin Vanagor and the team. As she landed, she took the time to get out and found herself a place to hide. While she did that, it was when she really called on the Force. She was reaching out, looking for the Jedi in the area. She could feel them in the Force and made her way to move to them.

Brooke knew her role was going to be support, a healer and someone to help throw up barriers. She had a number of her clan’s Songs prepared, and a big part of her was hoping she could turn the tide of battle, maybe affect the very structure they were in. It was a long shot.

Her robes were dark, and she the cloak around her, hiding the darkened metal of the songsteel chest piece she wore. Brooke’s Song was one of Concealment and would help to make her appear dim. She didn’t quite As she was moving towards the Jedi, at least the one she thought was Caltin, but then she could feel something else, something evil. Something sucking on energy. She was going to have to be careful.

Her lightsaber found itself into her hand.

Copy Vanagor. I can see what I can summon up to deal with them. The Witch had a few ideas. That was when she found herself near Heavenshield. Another friend of her Jedi Sponsor, Starchaser, she smiled. Moving her hands, she freed her cloak, and her Song ceased. She was at a different level and calling upon the Allyan Magick began throwing one, two, three blasts from her hands, each aimed for the enemy line, but nothing in particular, each designed to effect them at a molecular level, changing the mass, and causing them to fall off balance, with the intent to not gain it back.

From there she used her Magick to help descend the ledge. Forgetting she was wearing more Kattada specific colors, but with the signet of the Silver Jedi Concord displayed on her shoulder.


Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: On Board the Juventas, Moving into orbit to launch drop pods and providing ground forces with orbital support fire.
Mission: deploy a second wave of landing forces.
Allies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Mig Gred Mig Gred GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Space around the world was ablaze with fire. Energy lanced out at the besieged planet from multiple locations around its disk shape in the distance. Reshmar watched the event on one of the view screens in the command center as the 3rd fleet task force moved towards the world.
"Sir we are moving into standard weapons range." chimed one of Reshmars subordinates. Reshmar took note and continued to watch the battle on the screen. The large holographic display in the middle of the room caught his attention as enemy fire began to splash over the shields of the Juventas and its escorts.

"Message from Keros' Kad sir, They welcome us to the fight and I believe they ask for assistance," said one of the communications officers. Reshmar looked at a small icon that designated the Keros' Kad and its formation on the hologram. Reshmar fingered the commands and the display zoomed into the vessel. "She is taking a beating." said the Mon Calamari captain standing beside Reshmar. Reshmar made a gruff coughing noise then spoke. "Indeed they are captain, Break off two-line and have them given the group some assistance. Comms, thank Keros'Kad fr the welcome and inform them We are sending assistance to their location," ordered Reshmar. The comms officer did so then went about other business as the communications from around the battlefield began pouring in. The four communications officers worked to sort through the chatter listening for any important information Reshmar might need. A moment later another of the officers spoke.

"Sir, one of the Kad's escorts in reporting substantial damage and seems to be making a run on the Divine Brutality," reported the officer. Reshmar zoomed out away from the Keros'Kad and fixed the center of the display on the damaged Soulmarcher. The fool who was commanding the ship was sacrificing himself and his crew in a useless endeavor.

"Captain move us into a position thirty degrees off the Soulmarchers current course. Load all Sea Hawks with Broadfins and fire once we are in position. Bring all Terminator cannons to bear, let's soften up that thing a little. Spread the bradium warheads out over a three hundred meter area just ahead of the Soulmarcher. Focus the Terminators on a central point as close to where the souldmarcher is going to impact. Charge the Mjolnirs up and a second before the impact fire both, at the impact zone," ordered Reshmar. He turned to look at his wing CAG and spoke.

"Colonel, Get those drop pods off my ship." ordered Reshmar steernly rolling one of his eyes to make sure the wing commander knew the urgency of his order. A moment later the vessel shook as the massive fighter-sized baradium tipped heavy missiles broke free from their tubes and sped off towards the larger Brynadul vessel. the forward view screen gave reshmar a view of the warheads as they sped off past the forward prow of the Concordia-class vessel towards the enemy battlecruiser. Reshmar shook his head thinking about the Soulmarchers commander and the choice he had made. It was a futile maneuver and would produce little in the way of av advantage against the massive vessel in the distance. All he could do is take advantage of the idiocy of the commander and use it to deal as much damage as possible to the massive beast.

hundreds of projectiles fired as the massive terminator cannons fired their osmium core reactive projectiles at the enemy vessel to soften it up for what would come next. The high velocity covered the gap between the ships followed by the slower heavy missiles, their goal to give the speeding Soulmarcher as much of a chance as it could get to deal damage to the massive ship. Reshmar watched the ship in the distance moving to ram the much larger ship growing angrier by the second. Why would a commander turn to such an action. No battle, now ship, not even any world in the Concord was worth throwing away so many lives.

"Fire the Mjolnirs captain," ordered Reshmar as he closed his eyes. The two massive cannons on the prow of the vessel opened their muzzle guards as the weapon systems dedicated reactors reached full charge and transferred the energy to the corvette-sized weapon. A hI-frequency beam of light shot out from each of the two weapons. Their invisible beam traveling out across the distance at the speed of light towards the vessel in the distance. There neutron energy sorted and released as neutronic pairs instantly converting them into solid mater traveling at the speed of light. The beams explode furiously releasing the kinetic energy at the Divine Brutality. The ship vibrated from the recoil of the massive weapon systems. Reshmar looked at the hologram and watched the soulmarcher make its last run.

Moved into a position giving the Juventas a clear arc of fire on the Divine Brutality to support the Soulmarchers run.
Firing heavy baradium warheads at Divine Brutality.
Firing heavy velocity cannons at Devine Brutality
Firing Mjolnir Neutron Cannons at Devine Brutality
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Ostak Cl'mana

OBJECTIVE: Platitudes and Decisive Action
OBJECTIVE (TACHAEL-VEMNAK): Eliminate Warlord Amok-Tu
LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Super-Construct, Near Warlock Dome Central Station
EQUIPMENT: Ceremonial fireproof Shaman robes
ALLIES: BYRN | In proximity of Sethrak Sethrak | Open to interaction
HOSTILES: SJC | Open to engagement

Ostak gave up the idea of shaking off Warlock Sethrak.
The perceptive Shaman-Overseer had sensed a drastic shift in the Warlock's emotions after he had been informed of the infighting between the covenant species and the potential involvement of Warlord Amok-Tu. What had previously been curiosity edged with worry had transformed into raw anger that expressed itself in barely concealable form on his face. As Warlock Sethrak tightened his fist, Ostak realized that he most likely sought the Warlord's blood.

Ostak now had competition.

The Shaman-Overseer rapidly shut down the selfish thought, instead thinking of how Warlock Sethrak's reactions could be used to his benefit. He had developed greatly since their first meeting months prior, where Ostak's Kesh Enforcers had reported borderline treasonous behavior. The current Sethrak was a far more devoted zealot of the Great Crusade, an excellent model of leadership by example. For a brief moment, Ostak pondered recruiting the Warlock as an Enforcer directly under his own command.

His thought returned to the present as ideas welled up in his brain. By far the most appealing of such plans was to take Sethrak with him to the Warlord's command chambers and conveniently fall back as the two entered a ritual duel, afterwards taking the Warlord's head and delivering it to the hybrid commander. Ostak did not doubt that the present Sethrak could beat Warlord Amok-Tu in single combat, but it was never a bad idea to have a contingency plan. If the Warlord killed Sethrak, then Ostak would be able to press a charge of kin-slaughter that even the First Overseer could not argue around, and swiftly finish off the weakened Warlord.

Seeing that the benefits of keeping Warlock Sethrak around far outweighed their doubts, Ostak settled his active mind for the moment.

Minutes later, the pair arrived at the rail station. A large chain of traincars was parked nearby, dozens of Juggernauts rushing out to reinforce the Dome area from elsewhere in the vast Super-Construct. Ostak waited until the last Juggernaut had left before jogging over to the conductor's traincar.

"Take us to the Central Section." ordered Ostak. "We have urgent business with Warlord Amok-Tu."

The conductor, a lean Aeravalin female, nodded before gesturing to the open traincar immediately behind hers. The pair hopped in the large rectangular space, taking a seat on stone benches before the steel structure around them lurched into motion, the gates to the traincar closing behind them. At first, the railcar traveled no faster than a brisk jog, but it soon accelerated to a pace of nearly two hundred kilometers per hour, lights zooming by in flashes of white as the great vehicle sped through the tunnels.

After a ten minute ride, the railcar came to a stop, the gates of the traincar opening up to reveal a platform labeled CENTRAL STATION.



Location: Nar Kreeta Superconstruct tunnels

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music" (Both on ship at all times)
Tag: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Galak Galak Osam Osam

"Master Vanagor"

He recognized the voice. It was Heavenshield, the elder, while the big guy knew that the King had been here, but it was still a surprise to see him. True, Caltin was his own man, but he still offered a respectful bow to the Silver Elder, even if he, himself was one.


He listened to the update and nodded at the outlook of what could go down.

"Colonel"? Good for him. Hello, Brooke.

He was meeting Brooke for the first time but had read up on her, and while he had limited experience around witches of the Order, but her history seemed to be well enough and she seemed to be a good fit with the Order. As everyone else was gathering, Caltin noticed Westenra Mina Westenra Mina and offered her a nod. She didn't look like the type of girl that wanted a kiss on the hand. She looked like a warrior and the massive Jedi Master could relate. He didn't want this to be just about the fighting, they were taking back territory, yes, but the immovable object stumbled for a moment but not that they have their footing, they are pushing back the unstoppable force.

Speaking of... a large squad of Ultra Drones was attacking.

Back in a second.

Leaping at the opposition, Caltin's mind was on his Tutaminus training as several blasts hit his hand and arm only to be absorbed through the Force. The big guy, while jumping into the middle of the attacking squad was not alone though as the Young Knights and Padawans, as well as troopers with him, were backing him up. His fighting was not to kill but to draw their attention to him while the others picked their targets. Make no mistake, Eloah was made with powerful crystals and intensified focusing lenses. It could cut through more than the average lightsaber thanks to Sasori Tech and be able to do damage to the drones.

Feeling the ground below him begin to shift, a part of his elemental skills, there was something worse below him, and them all than something like a cave-in. This is why when he planted his feet after an overhead cut bifurcating a drone, then crushing the armor around another, Caltin just yelled back at the others.

While I always enjoy a good audience, I could use a little help.



Krarolk T'manu

OBJECTIVE: For Soot and Soil
LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Tunnels under the Super-Construct
EQUIPMENT: In Signature
UNITS: Zealot Elite Squad
ALLIES: Byrn | Open to interaction
HOSTILES: SJC | Anti-Terrarium | Engaging Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield 's Shieldwall| Intent to engage Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr / Brooke Waters Brooke Waters / Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Each Zealot slammed into the ground of the tunnel entrance with the force of a detonated grenade.
It was a testament to the superior physique of the Draelvasier and the Zealot Elites in particular that the trio rose up from their landing spots uninjured. They broke into a jog shortly afterwards, guns raised as they descended into the depths of the Jedi tunnels.

About ten meters down underground, natural light ceased to enter the diagonal tunnels. Instead, Krarolk called upon a small chunk of his spiritual energy to form a green orb of light that illuminated the surrounding caves in a several meter radius. The three continued to advance, the air around them turning colder and the overturned rock newer.

About thirty meters underground, the Zealots encountered the first corpse.

It was a Drone, their wounds so severe that their gender could no longer be distinguished. Its armor had been crushed by a powerful force, its organs burst like leaky pipes. Evidently, the Jedi infiltration force was no laughing matter. The corpses became more numerous the deeper they traveled, Juggernauts mixed in with the Drones. Amidst all the carnage, the anger of the Elites grew.

Krarolk refused to let his squad be humiliated and slaughtered as those before them had been. He had already failed too much to hope for forgiveness or anything less than the shadowy entity's tentacles skewering his cowardly form. If he lost Abvor in today's battle, then Krarolk would have lost all of his old comrades, and likely never again possess such an intimate bond with another Draelvasier. Even Elite Palkomin, the new addition to Krarolk's new squad, was not another name that Krarolk wished to see extinguished.

For the sake of his fragile new order, Krarolk would renew his strength or die trying.

Up ahead, a sudden noise had all three Elites alert. They eased up only slightly when the voices appeared to be Draelvasier, letting out battle cries as they engaged an unseen foe. As the Zealots came within range of a significant blue light, they realized to their shock that it came from a Jedi source.

Draelvasier corpses lay scattered near a long blue barrier blocking the entire tunnel, most survivors retreating. On the other side of the translucent boundary was a large group of Jedi infiltrators, several of whom seemed to be holding the uninterrupted barrier. If it had withstood such an earlier frontal assault, then the barrier was likely meant to be an established choke point to cover the advance of a smaller vanguard.

Fortunately, Zealot Elites specialized in penetrating the heavily fortified.

"Palkomin, you know the procedure for cases like this." exclaimed Krarolk. "Hand me a glaive, then we begin."

The Zealot Elite reached for one of the two glaives she carried on her back and tossed it into his outstretched hands before placing her own hands on Krarolk's back armor. Then, they both reached deep into the pools of their spiritual energy. Krarolk's handheld light was extinguished as his energy was pumped into his glaive, its entire form glowing bright green. Yet he was not done yet. Over the past few months, Krarolk had broken his physical and spiritual limits at record speed. The glaive was entirely engulfed in a radiant green glow that rapidly came to illuminate everything in a thirty meter radius. At the same time, a light blue glow began to emerge on Krarolk's arms, Elite Palkomin's own contribution increasing his upper body strength. After about a minute, they were ready.

Abvor, having retreated ten meters behind the two Force-sensitive Elites, was nearly blinded by the toss.

Krarolk thrust the glaive forwards in an extremely powerful throw, the Commander's Force-enhanced hands launching the blade and the shapeless radius of energy triple its size at nearly two hundred and fifty kilometers per hour directly at the center of the blue barrier.

The Pabol Offensive
Hivebusters, Objective II
Shakin' off the Rust
Allies: SJC, GA, Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Yula Perl Yula Perl , Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina [handshake], Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok
Enemies: Bryn, Galak Galak , open

He felled two more of the creatures before his feet even touched the ground, clearing a small space for himself and his team. The brutish Bryn stood around for a moment, uncertain of their directive. This was sacred and familiar ground to them, a place that came closest to an environment they were safe in, or at least one where they did not slaughter wantonly. Now foreign creatures desecrated this space. With the snap-hiss of a lightsabre, its defence commenced. The Bryn roared and descended on the strike team. They would overwhelm with numbers.

The tunnel space was larger than Bernard had first anticipated. It was wide and tall enough for a tank to roll through, and the Bryn didn't stand clustered in one singular space within it. They were dispersed in all directions, which made their chaotic charge all the more effective. More troubling was the maroon outline of something greater looming just beyond the horde. Shrill bursts of blaster fire erupted to contended with grotesque shrieks of Bryn weaponry, drowning out hectic chatter. They painted the hall in flashing shades of orange and blue.

Bernard let loose a salvo of bolts that dropped one of the savage defenders. The practiced duck and weave of gunfights had become second-nature. He still lost precious moments readjusting sights to new targets, seconds when one of the creatures came too close and demanded more immediate attention, but this was attributed more to the Bryn's chaotic advance than a lack of skill. The team stemmed the tide well enough that he risked stealing a quick glance from the battle to confirm the Padawan handled herself well enough.

Brutes lay dead at her feet, and as she wove her blade through the living she wore an expression that seemed to him almost joyful, though he didn't have the time to process the full extent of its implications in that moment.

"This got a lot more survivable now that I know you're actually good with a blade," he spoke into their internal comms.

The initial waves of the Bryn's assault didn't bear the fruit they were starved for. They let up on Bernard's side of the battle, though not for a lack of will. A shrill scream announced the massive creature that came barreling down the tunnel toward the strike team on thorn-like legs. Massive rending claws came down in staccato to propel it forward even faster, each one many times the size of Bernard. It was wide enough to easily barrel through the entire strike team in one brutal display of power.

Instinct kicked in and Bernard responded before he formed a full plan. He charged toward it, taking a handful of detonators out of a pouch on his belt, and lobbed the first towards the beast. It flew the distance, disappearing into the dark, until an explosion struck a few of the claws on the thing's side. It veered off-course momentarily but was left undeterred in its intent. Bernard continued towards it, ducking out of the way of weapon's fire to throw the next detonator. This time he aimed. It passed between the claws and struck the right side of its face.

The creature's cry dominated the cavern. Its body jerked to the side. Its dozens of legs still churned the earth beneath them without relenting, and it went on a direct crash course with the wall. The massive claws extended and flailed wildly all around it, shredding and knocking around its smaller cousins indiscriminately.

Bernard watched the carnage. It only occurred to him now how close he'd come to it without thinking. While he may have had the tactical flexibility and skill to survive most situations when he still had the Force, as he stared at the helpless drones in the creature's path the reality of his situation sank in. He was as powerless as they were. He didn't bear the invincibility of the Force as his armour anymore, and he was lucky to still breathe.

Only then the air was knocked out of his lungs. The massive creature's appendages reached farther than he'd thought. One claw, he didn't know if it was by accident or through some complex, unknowable intelligence, slammed directly into his side and carried him along its flat side toward the cavern wall. It appeared suddenly from the shadows, like a massive withered finger.

He impacted the wall at the same time as the creature, a thunderous crack echoing in the cavern. It was dazed, but it didn't let up for a moment. A pained grunt was all he could muster. The pressure seemed to force all the blood from his stomach and into his upper half. He tried to draw a breath but his windpipe was blocked. Instinctively, he glanced to where the creature stood, aiming his blaster at it, only to find it had slipped from his hands in the last few moments.

Maybe not all that survivable.

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