Objective: For Soot and Soil
Location: CC Section | Interior Defences
| Ostak Cl'mana |
Primarch Drek'ma
GAL Ltd.
Mig Gred
Gir Quee
Thirdas Heavenshield
Beltran Rarr
Sakadi Marathi Sinvala
Caltin Vanagor
Mathieu Brion
Axe | Gauntlet | Armour |Forces: Drones | Rhivaks | Juggernauts | Ultras | Seekers | Quilxyn Protectors | Shamans | Warlocks
His eyes lingered on Gordrak for a moment longer than necessary as the Ultra checked his Lancer. That clenched jaw, that raw focus. The rage was latent, old but it still remained and was a volatile and purposeful as ever. He'd seen that same rage turn a tactical and mentally agile warrior into something unbecoming and uncontrolled. Many Draelvasier lost themselves to that rage, an anger that festered in their bones. A burden, gifted from a father to his sons. He would not see Godrak turn to blind rage, he would have his Ultra of focused mind. Only the most focused mind could defeat an enemy worth fighting, and the Concord were bringing their best to the fray. Yet, there was no sign of them yet but no subterfuge beyond the idiocy of the other species sabotaging themselves. Whatever the Concord had planned, their progress was stifled and soon it would grind to a halt. His eyes shifted to the rock walls of the interior under-city extending outward before the Central Command Centre, walls of granite, ore and rock chaffed against the reinforced structures - dust gushing from gaps in the molecular structures binding it all together. The pressure of tunnelling instruments, on both sides.
"Anger is like magma, Gordrak. From a distance it seems less of a worry, slow. But when it's too late - you won't believe how fast it is. Magma cools. But it is still magma." It had been over a year since Nar Kreeta. His anger may have been sated or otherwise satisfied, but such things were never truly gone.
A century gave you perspective, but that didn't make the small things any less important. Galak or Gordrak may have only lived a tenth of his lifespan, but this world meant something to each of them. They'd both lost something on this planet, it symbolised unity to their species. Ten years or a hundred, it was all valid. This fight was about the future, of their own kind - the next Chieftain might've stood among them today, and he needed to know to fight for others as much as himself. They would not allow the Concord another step further into their territory, this trespass was enough. He would not see the worlds of the new species ripped out from under them, they needed to know their homes were secure under the reign of the Bryn'adûl. Above, the Divine Brutalities fleet continued to fight for that even as new Concord ships dropped out of hyperspace to supplement the already present equal force. It would be a sight longer before any Bryn'adûl reinforcements arrived, or Ver'kad thought to call upon any. Baedurin did not run, especially on their own turf.
The Concord employed strange tactics against the Bryn fleet, firing large clouds of gas sporadically between the Divine fleet and the Sentinel cannons below, a cloud littering the shield above the Sentinels rather than them themselves, seismic charges interlaced within the gas rippling against the shield as it tore apart Phedrak Fighters above, the shockwaves sending the already sporadic gas in all directions - the sensory data delayed temporarily as the Kraemonen and Mind Stones utilised essentially eyesight to target their enemies through the vast maze. Snippets of enemy fire clashed with the beams of fire emitting from the Sentinels, clashing as the pockets in the shield closed as the beam rescinded, a segment of the actually intend fire reaching the sentinels themselves as they focused fire on the Silver Tide firing upon them. Two, switching to their concentrated longer beam fire - intended to annihilate ships just like the Silver. The baradium shells from railguns made impact however, beginning to damage two of the targeted Sentinels, others caught by flak form surrounding anti-air turrets - firing in the way of their projected course and the orbiting fighters, but they wouldn't be able to withold a concentrated effort forever. Ra'mak war beasts ascended from the beast chambers in cohesion with striker squads, backed by a maze of several Phedrak Fighter squadrons within the dome, targeting any fighters or still airborne support ships that had made it into the cities shielded-dome before the roof closed.
On the surface, the Concord's first primary engagement was against the scattered Akhenaton and Vaydralen in the covenant sector. Otherwise unprepared or off duty denizens would retrieve any rifle they could, from nearby buildings stocked with weaponry in the event of such an attack. All across the several hundred mile continental super-structure - the Concord would find their technology slowly being drained, not their people; charges, power-suits and blasters focused upon and would slowly begin to malfunction in concentrated areas pushing deeper into the Super-Construct. Reavers above ground began to already repel any bombings runs or controlled blaster fire from the air directed towards anything important or otherwise nearby anything important, using their massive pronged arms to crush anything that came underfoot. These instruments, working in tandem with the Siege Towers deployed by the Primarch to cover as much ground as possible.
"Sire, Artificer Yelda - they're looking for the Generators. Reported fighter fire nearby generator sites."
"Well done, Artificer. Keep me appraised." It was a good thing the Generators were miles below ground. Tathra replied, his grasp of the Axe tightening as the Concord's subsurface forces drew closer and closer.
If they wanted this world, they'd pay for it with droves of their own kind. The Primarch's forces were engaging them now, and soon so would Galak's. Once the combat had begun, his own forces would move to support and establish defensive lines around the central section. Warlord Galak's communique came, it was on his word.
"Do it now, Hivemind." The order was given, and the Concord would realise their mistake.
All across the battlefield above and below ground, five-hundred metre squad circumferences would be boxed in by grids of connected shield barriers all through the super-construct, passing through metal and earth and anything else in its path. Shooting corridors, suddenly locking in the enemy and potentially halting their progress. It wouldn't stop them entirely, but it would slow them down, long enough to allow the Draelvasier to give the pause until Warlord Osam unified the others. Reports from the Covenant section were unsavoury, infighting - chaos.
Location: CC Section | Interior Defences


Axe | Gauntlet | Armour |Forces: Drones | Rhivaks | Juggernauts | Ultras | Seekers | Quilxyn Protectors | Shamans | Warlocks
His eyes lingered on Gordrak for a moment longer than necessary as the Ultra checked his Lancer. That clenched jaw, that raw focus. The rage was latent, old but it still remained and was a volatile and purposeful as ever. He'd seen that same rage turn a tactical and mentally agile warrior into something unbecoming and uncontrolled. Many Draelvasier lost themselves to that rage, an anger that festered in their bones. A burden, gifted from a father to his sons. He would not see Godrak turn to blind rage, he would have his Ultra of focused mind. Only the most focused mind could defeat an enemy worth fighting, and the Concord were bringing their best to the fray. Yet, there was no sign of them yet but no subterfuge beyond the idiocy of the other species sabotaging themselves. Whatever the Concord had planned, their progress was stifled and soon it would grind to a halt. His eyes shifted to the rock walls of the interior under-city extending outward before the Central Command Centre, walls of granite, ore and rock chaffed against the reinforced structures - dust gushing from gaps in the molecular structures binding it all together. The pressure of tunnelling instruments, on both sides.
"Anger is like magma, Gordrak. From a distance it seems less of a worry, slow. But when it's too late - you won't believe how fast it is. Magma cools. But it is still magma." It had been over a year since Nar Kreeta. His anger may have been sated or otherwise satisfied, but such things were never truly gone.
A century gave you perspective, but that didn't make the small things any less important. Galak or Gordrak may have only lived a tenth of his lifespan, but this world meant something to each of them. They'd both lost something on this planet, it symbolised unity to their species. Ten years or a hundred, it was all valid. This fight was about the future, of their own kind - the next Chieftain might've stood among them today, and he needed to know to fight for others as much as himself. They would not allow the Concord another step further into their territory, this trespass was enough. He would not see the worlds of the new species ripped out from under them, they needed to know their homes were secure under the reign of the Bryn'adûl. Above, the Divine Brutalities fleet continued to fight for that even as new Concord ships dropped out of hyperspace to supplement the already present equal force. It would be a sight longer before any Bryn'adûl reinforcements arrived, or Ver'kad thought to call upon any. Baedurin did not run, especially on their own turf.
The Concord employed strange tactics against the Bryn fleet, firing large clouds of gas sporadically between the Divine fleet and the Sentinel cannons below, a cloud littering the shield above the Sentinels rather than them themselves, seismic charges interlaced within the gas rippling against the shield as it tore apart Phedrak Fighters above, the shockwaves sending the already sporadic gas in all directions - the sensory data delayed temporarily as the Kraemonen and Mind Stones utilised essentially eyesight to target their enemies through the vast maze. Snippets of enemy fire clashed with the beams of fire emitting from the Sentinels, clashing as the pockets in the shield closed as the beam rescinded, a segment of the actually intend fire reaching the sentinels themselves as they focused fire on the Silver Tide firing upon them. Two, switching to their concentrated longer beam fire - intended to annihilate ships just like the Silver. The baradium shells from railguns made impact however, beginning to damage two of the targeted Sentinels, others caught by flak form surrounding anti-air turrets - firing in the way of their projected course and the orbiting fighters, but they wouldn't be able to withold a concentrated effort forever. Ra'mak war beasts ascended from the beast chambers in cohesion with striker squads, backed by a maze of several Phedrak Fighter squadrons within the dome, targeting any fighters or still airborne support ships that had made it into the cities shielded-dome before the roof closed.
On the surface, the Concord's first primary engagement was against the scattered Akhenaton and Vaydralen in the covenant sector. Otherwise unprepared or off duty denizens would retrieve any rifle they could, from nearby buildings stocked with weaponry in the event of such an attack. All across the several hundred mile continental super-structure - the Concord would find their technology slowly being drained, not their people; charges, power-suits and blasters focused upon and would slowly begin to malfunction in concentrated areas pushing deeper into the Super-Construct. Reavers above ground began to already repel any bombings runs or controlled blaster fire from the air directed towards anything important or otherwise nearby anything important, using their massive pronged arms to crush anything that came underfoot. These instruments, working in tandem with the Siege Towers deployed by the Primarch to cover as much ground as possible.
"Sire, Artificer Yelda - they're looking for the Generators. Reported fighter fire nearby generator sites."
"Well done, Artificer. Keep me appraised." It was a good thing the Generators were miles below ground. Tathra replied, his grasp of the Axe tightening as the Concord's subsurface forces drew closer and closer.
If they wanted this world, they'd pay for it with droves of their own kind. The Primarch's forces were engaging them now, and soon so would Galak's. Once the combat had begun, his own forces would move to support and establish defensive lines around the central section. Warlord Galak's communique came, it was on his word.
"Do it now, Hivemind." The order was given, and the Concord would realise their mistake.
All across the battlefield above and below ground, five-hundred metre squad circumferences would be boxed in by grids of connected shield barriers all through the super-construct, passing through metal and earth and anything else in its path. Shooting corridors, suddenly locking in the enemy and potentially halting their progress. It wouldn't stop them entirely, but it would slow them down, long enough to allow the Draelvasier to give the pause until Warlord Osam unified the others. Reports from the Covenant section were unsavoury, infighting - chaos.