Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine

The men under Heavenshield's command knew how to fight. Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield was no slouch either, though she was impressed that he took a moment of his time to ask if she was injured.

Lynda found herself instantly impressed by him. She understood why he commanded such loyalty.

She looked at the trail of dead Bryn'adul she had left in her wake. Uncomfortably, she saw the frightened looks she got from her own team, who weren't sure if they should be more scared of the Bryn'adul, or her.

"Me? Oh, I'll be fine..." She said "You should ask the Lobsters that question."

She spotted Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , the absolutely jacked guy that had fought alongside Laertia at Sarka. Holy chit was that guy jacked. What the hell did he do, inject spinach into his veins since he was a baby? His biceps had biceps of their own.

Why can't I meet a man that jacked?
Lynda silently complained in her mind.

Lynda then noticed one soldier was heavily injured in Thurion's group. A nasty, brutal gash on his arm.

She went over, taking a knife out, and cutting her arm open, which immediately began to leak glowing red blood on the ground.

"Hold still." She told him, letting the glowing red blood drip onto the severe wound. It immediately began to heal faster, enough that the wounded man hissed in pain, but in about thirty seconds all he had was a scar. Nearby soldier's looked at her with open looks of "What the hell are you?"

She turned back to Thurion. "I go where the fight is. We must be utterly relentless. They must not be allowed to breathe for even a moment.

The fighting intensified again as more Bryn'adul squads came, and Lynda was soon charging into the fray, trying to take the heat off Caltin and Thurion's men, demonstrating how she had survived so far by eviscerating a charging Juggernaut, her elegant yet ruthless blade patterns evading the heavy chops from his sword, slicing off his arms and legs and shoving the sword directly down his throat, causing it to freeze before she brutally yanked it out, slicing his head in half.

A molten bullet tore off half her head but she kept charging at the surprised Juggernaut, blocking his next bullets with her dented and scorched shield, getting into his inner defensive space and ripping him apart with focused sword and shield slices, spraying his freezing blood everywhere as her head quickly repaired itself, growing back black hair.

Her enhanced hearing detected movement. It was the forces of Krarolk T'manu and his zealots.

As she decapitated another ultra, she saw him fling a terrible ball of energy at the Shield Wall.

"INCOMING!" Lynda yelled
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Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force

Objective: Structural Defence
Location: Grounds beyond the Super-Construct, directly ahead of the War-Beast Chambers
Enemies: Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok |
Stave | Cuirass
Forces: Al-Hadad | Shamans | Servitor Excavators | Siege Towers |

The battle raged on all around them, the city engulfed in flame and combat for stretches of dozens of miles. Death, an immense debt of blood wept from wounds as both Concord and their allies and the Bryn'adûl warriors clashed in magnitudes greater than many of their battles that had came before. That would change soon enough, Al-Haded had reached the outter walls of the Super-Construct, beginning to move through unoccupied segments of the super-city directly in the face of the approaching forces on the surface. The earth trembled as black blades tore through the surface in a myriad of directions. The Concord were attacking in full force, more than they even devoted to the protection of their own worlds and he intended to respond in kind. They wanted Nar Kreeta, perhaps even more than the Bryn'adûl wished to keep it. But what it meant to their species, it carried weight. Something humans could not comprehend.

But it was clear they were willing to do whatever it took to take back the world, he just hoped their own were willing to fight for it. In particular, Warlord Osam and his compatriots. Much relied on his efforts to turn their own weapons outward rather than faced inward as they were now.

"Sire, the Jedi are disrupting our command of the beasts." One Shaman spoke from a distance, the Mind Stone delivering his message.

"Work with the Warlocks, find the Jedi. Halt their progress."

When Drek'ma had heard the call in the citadel, he was as much a doubter of the Chieftain's new plan as any traditionalist. But he had seen what the other species were capable of, how they had advanced Draelvasier technologies and built upon their foundations. They needed them, as much as many older Drael would hate to admit it - the Ungulloi's ionic technology far surpassed their own, the Akhenaton were genius or architecture and the Vaydralen were equal warriors. This world and this battle was about them more than the Drael themselves - regardless of strategic galactic significance, that was the heart of this conflict. The Primarch held his focus, reinforcing the cohesion of the Shamans on the ground as the Excavators would begin to terrorise the enemies pushing through the tunnels against their Drone patrols in coordinated attacks from all sides, their drills shattering everything in their path including flesh. Drek'ma would provide the initial distraction, and he hoped Warlord Galak would see it through.

The safety of the battlements upon the high walls came into question as enemy frigates began to push through the shields. An unfortunate development, capitalised by the arrival of something magnitudes more dangerous to his immediate vicinity. A massive spearheaded ship, cut through the shield, Al-Hadad already on the move to greet it, moving deep underground toward its projected landing zone as the landing castle struck into the centre-mass of the super-construct's outer city with a terrifying shockwave, rippling for a kilometre as it tore down the grid shields in its path - the shockwave continued onward, bypassing the shields as the waves struck out like whips of hardened wind - crashing against the buildings and the walls themselves. Drek'ma hunched low, protecting himself from the shockwave by use of the battlements.

The Warlord Galak chided in response to the landing of the fortress, but he was not mistaken. Drek'ma could feel the churning metal within - hundreds of thousands of droids awaiting deployment. The mere implications disgusted him. A mirror image to the events on Sev Tok and a sour reminder of the artificial intelligence lead fleet they had encountered nearly eight years ago. The fortress was a beast of a ship, yet it appeared defenceless in that moment, a vulnerable target.

Al-Hadad. Great serpent, I set you on the path of a foe. A shallow foe, made of metal. Destroy it. Tear it down atop the enemy who dare to crush us.

Al-Hadad moved through the kilometre length blast zone, a fourth of its total length as hundreds of black spines four-hundred metres tall began to surface, encircling the massive fortress as Al-Hadad surfaced, rising with its own physical momentum as the ground beneath the landing castle began uneven, hollowed and crumbling underneath its own weight as the massive serpent began to wrap itself around the fortress - its physical strength tightening its body round the metal monstrosity with the intent of rending its plating apart with its spines, equally attempting to pull the fortress down, deeper into the earth or on its side.

This technological terror is insignificant compared to the power of the force.

Siege Towers on the surface would begin to concentrate their fire, using their ballista's to fire at the castle as well. Roaring with their battle horns to quicken the no doubt rattled surface defenders into a frenzy of vigour. The battle for Nar Kreeta had just truly begun.

"Solid copy. I believe this tunnel runs parallel to yours, Colonel. They may convene as we get closer to the Super Construct, be on the lookout for friendlies down the road. Gods go with you, friend. Heavenshield, out."

Beltran was in the midst of the fighting now. His Paladins were pushing through the tunnels, assaulting the defenders with terrible efficiency. The Lorrdian let loose with several bursts of this pulse cannon, taking down one of the Bryn before backing off from the front of the group. It was difficult to get a pulse on the situation down here. As far as he could tell, most-if not all-of the attackers were now beginning to meet heavy resistance.

"Understood," Beltran replied to Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield , going to a knee. Originally, the plan had been to spit up. But plans seldom survived initial contact with the enemy. Meeting up with Master Heavenshield and his troops made sense. Both men would need the added firepower of the other's forces to have a hope of breaking through the Bryn'adul lines and gaining entry into the Super Construct.

Returning his mind once more to the fight, Beltran led his troopers through the tunnels towards the point of convergence. It seemed that in the fighting, the Paladins were going to be the last to arrive to the party, and that just annoyed him. Ever since Sev Tok, he had heard the rumors of Omega Squad's insulting comments toward the Rangers, and Paladins specifically. He hadn't seen hide nor hair of their commander Aien Mueller, so he hadn't had a chance to address the issue-but the last thing he wanted was prove those beings right.

"It is good to see you well, Caltin. My men will hold the line until we choose to press on; the wider the tunnel becomes, the closer to our goal. Colonel Rarr and Paladin Company should be joining us shortly if all goes well, to lend his firepower to our assault."

Beltran endeavored to make the Master's words prophetic as he once more entered the fray. He drew upon the Force to strengthen himself and moved like lightening, finding the cracks and seems in the enemy's defense and leading them through. In the tunnels, Paladin Company moved like water. Where needed they used their jump jets to hop over obstacles. Wherever possible, they brought the battle as close to the enemy as they could get, using the chainsaw bayonets on their Flesh Rippers and Bone Splitters to deadly effect.

The Bryn'adul held their lines. They were too disciplined of warriors to crack in the face of such violence, but Beltran thought he could sense a growing sense of unease in some of the weaker beings among them. The rhetoric had always been that the Jedi were weak, and soft. Yet today, they were attacking like beasts unleashed from the void.

Eventually, Paladin would find their way to the intersection where Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor and Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield were engaged. Like demons fresh from hell, the Paladins converged on the enemy's right flank, pushing into Krarolk T'manu forces from the side while they pushed against the Valkyries' shield wall. Their shoulder mounted cannons worked independently of their firing systems, finding targets and dispatching them while the soldiers themselves became butchers of wrath.

"Kill them all!" Beltran shouted aloud, his voice dripping with venom and power. "They wanted war? Let us SHOW THEM WAR!"

Hades Platoon42/50 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
Commanded by Lieutenant Jesson Doss
Current Disposition: One drop pod destroyed before landing. All remaining have landed successfully and are enroute to tunnel system.
Equipped with:

666[SUP]th[/SUP] Mechanized Infantry200/300 Rangers - Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct - Commanded by Lt. Colonel Higgus (Killed in Action), Major Stown now commanding
Current Disposition: Approximately 100 Rangers killed in Drop Pod Malfunctions. Others landed successfully and beginning to move toward objectives.
Equipped with:

Paladin Company145/150 Rangers – Landing via Kreetle-Class Drop Miner Pods, burrowing beneath surface toward Super Construct
- Commanded by Captain Harbok Mrawr
Current Disposition: Moving to Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield 's position, engaging Bryn forces from Right flank. This is Beltran Rarr's location.
Equipped with:
Rangers 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Infantry1450/1800 Rangers – Landing on Surface to engage defending Bryn'adul Forces and provide cover for burrowing units - Commanded by Major Ecks
Current Disposition: Assaulting Super Construct on surface, enemy shields stalling advance, ARES FIGHTERS attempting to bring down shields. Advance halted by enemy counter attacks. Continuing to pepper shields with indirect fire and CAS.
Equipped with:

Sorry for taking so long to post. Work decided to explode over the weekend. I'm sure I missed something, so if I haven't addressed something in this post that anyone feels I should have, please let me know in the discussion thread and I will edit. Thanks!


Deacon of the Matriarch



Post # 3
Location: Planet's Surface, Nar Kreeta | Surface Command Center, Eastern Covenant Section - Upper Level - Command Room.
Objective: Platitudes and Decisive Action
Allies: The Bryn'adûl | Osam Osam
Enemies: Vaydralen Generals | TBD


Thur'Zak clicked his pincers together, the sound of a light hiss spreading through the room. He knew that Gromph was going to use any angle to tell the Warlord Osam of their treachery, a false treachery at that. He hoped that the Risen representative of the Draelvasier would side with his people. Only, the questioning portion of the heated discussion became more clear, there was something far more amiss than it seemed. Thur'Zak had heard of how they handled their own kind when it came to betrayal. Heretical behavior from the strong and proud race of the Draelvasier, would never be tolerated.

In sequences of numbing sensations, more coded messages flooded the Deacon. The Matriarch displaying more truth to the words of the Vaydralen. The blistering realization forcing his mandibles to spread wide, stuck in a motion of awe. The queen had given him the answer Osam Osam sought.

"Were you told to pass along that order by Warlord Amok-Tu?"

"Yes, but you have to understand." Thru'Zak stopped, looking to the Vaydralen. He understood now. "Us and Vaydralen follow Draelvasier. We made promise. They made Promise. You made promise." It was time to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, they were being manipulated by a power hungry Warlord, the Matriarch's words flowing through him. "Not our mess, your duty to clean this mess up, Warlord."

If the queen's suspicion was as sharp as the Warlord's, Amok Tu would have to be dealt with. In many ways, Thur'Zak felt a slight discomfort. If the Draelvasier were divided among their own, what would they gain from a chaotic overlord? Still, they would comply for now, plus, in truth they had little qualms with the Draelvasier protecting them. In time, the Matriarch would be able to assess and lead a stronger Ankhenaton. The Deacon, however, would remain skeptical. It was his job to question everything, to protect his people and queen.

In a wave of hurtling screams of pain, his mind became clouded. Thick flames of an explosion ripping through the top end of the SCC. The window gave him guidance, but the voices in his mind plagued his concentration. Cries of his people in the barracks, vanquished all sensible thought. Thur'Zak struggled to regain control and before he could move, the women and children of his people cried out to him.

"Bring your people together. We need to protect the cloning vats underneath of the barracks, and get your men out from the rubble! Deacon, have your people dig and bring everyone out. Fortify the position as best you're able. Generals - provide security for them."

Thur'Zak acted in a blindingly fast motion, the wings on the Amariatu's back splayed outward. The motion of their continuous assault of the air lifted Thur'Zak. Each of the four wings speeding up before the rest of the room lost track of the translucent effort. His eyes left the Warlord Osam Osam and he took to the sky. The large heaping hole provided him with just enough space as he zipped and twisted through the beams that became destroyed. Thick smoke covered him, but his body swayed right and the heavy mist dissipated from his body.

His eyes scanned for the barracks below, his wings folding inward before rocketing his limber body toward the ground. Just before touching the rubble below, his hands lifted, his fingers pressing on to the sides of his temple. The message had been sent...


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<"Copy, Dagon. Contact in 30. Good hunting."> He spoke into his comlink, loud enough for the room to hear.

Dagon nodded to himself at Bernard's response - so they weren't running bad on time. Yet. For a moment his mind trailed on Bernard's latter comment. 'Good hunting'. It resounded with the tone of change. The gruesome change that molded every single Jedi of the NJO after their unholy trials and experiences through the Stygian Campaign. The New Jedi's baptism of fire. Their crucible. And here they were again. Relentless. Steadfast in complete defiance against another existential threat, ready to give their lives so evil could not prevail.

He glanced at Yula beside him and nearly jumped, "By the Force, Yula, what the hell of tech is this?!" the arachnid battle suite left no trace of the Zeltron's natural appeal and frankly looked almost as obnoxious as the Bryn'adul creatures they faced. "Never mind," Dagon shook his head, "let's go!"

“You’re taking me shopping for a new lip gloss once this all blows over.”

"Let's make it out alive first and I'll think about it." he sharply grumbled. Humor was all fine and well, and Yula always seemed to have the knack for it despite any circumstances. Dagon? Not so much. At least, not when they were miles beneath the ground in the maw of evil itself.

They left behind the drones on their trail a gift of stun grenades and a telekinetic blast as they hurried towards the rendezvous. His presence in the Force extended across the tunnels seeking that familiar existence of the Kraemonen. It pulsated like a heart, breathing life to a machine that had sown death to countless stars. A heart they were to rip off. It was when the duo finally converged on the Silver Jedi teams that Dagon hit the brakes seeing the scene unfold. He shook off the sudden bolt of fear, frowned, and called out to the rest, "Over here, this way!" Dagon beckoned urgently with his hands, pointing to a side tunnel through which the Force indicated was the way to the Hivemind.

Time was running out.

ALLIES | SJC | GA | NJO | CIS | Yula Perl Yula Perl [PARTNER] | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Bernard Bernard | Jairdain Jairdain | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Kiara Ayres | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | @Ki'an Vizla | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin | Maja Fiore | Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren | Milya Vondar Milya Vondar

ENEMIES | THE BRYNADUL | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Galak Galak | OPEN
Life Weaver of Ashaka



Post #3
Planet's Surface, Nar Kreeta | Surface Command Center, Eastern Covenant Section - Lower Level

Objective: Platitudes and Decisive Action
Allies: Osam Osam | The Bryn'adûl
Enemies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Cadere Cadere | Varn Barakis Varn Barakis | Andromeda Malvern
Intent to Engage: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Cadere Cadere


The force wove into a congealed clot of immeasurable weight. The haphazard funnel that slit through the strands of pure energetic pressure left him with a moment of respite. The sheen of red remained, even as his hand released the tiny thread. It would hold, keeping the Rescript upright for the remainder of the combat. If he focused too much on the final outcome of the Anti-teleportation chamber, the shield wouldn't hold against the massive ship mere feet from colliding with it. Regardless of the tiny spaces between the ship and the Command Center, Sylok felt the heaviness in the force. It was the contact that worried him.

"Sylok. Once the ship falls, try to separate them! Stop the Jedi! I'll join you once I've cleaned the stragglers on my side up! Khaeus guides us!"

Sylok's eyes lifted, the grey swirls of determination following the dropship. His mind cleared and right before the ship made contact the Weaver reacted in kind. A wave of his, now free palm, sent a shock wave of pure red power outward, the beams and inner walls covered in tiny crimson arcs of static shielding. The impact sent a stinging shudder through his body. The loud scraping skipping along the top half of his makeshift shield. He considered for a moment reinforcing the top end, but it would take too much effort and time. Sylok glanced away, looking through the Warlord and others exiting the room. His decision to keep the building from breaking under the new weight of the ship was a correct one. Only, it came at a price.

Like everything else in the universe, cause and effect continued to remain. It was a constant reminder that equivalent exchange came in many forms, that decisions; always had repercussions in war. For the Ashaka Mage, it came in the mere seconds the Jedi dropship made contact with the shielding of the command center. His breath left him, the weakened threads of the force slowly snapping one by one. The core hold remained though, if not only, for the briefest of moments. His voice left him as he tried to scream and warn Osam Osam . To no avail, the final rope that held the slim shielding together frayed. Tiny strings split, sparks of tiny electric arcs parting ways as the ship slipped through the cracks. Sylok could feel it, the crackle of the metal roof being torn asunder making it a reality. The nose to the ship slipped through, crashing its way into the compound as the floating crystals around him shattered.

Thankfully, the Aeravalin could move and hold the shielding for the inside beams at the same time. The Weaver jumped, sliding against the floor. The thick strewn bolts lifting as he did. The Aeravlin's mass forming dents before he reached the overhang. His body twisted around, his eyes watching the devastation take hold. Wings of the dropship slammed into the area he once stood, losing all sight of Osam. Sylok knew the Warlord wouldn't be out done by foolish Jedi, in fact, if Sev Tok proved anything, Sylok needed to worry about everything else. With confidence, the Ashaka Mage activated the mind stone.

May Khaeus Guide You...

The vibration of the final stop, finally forced Sylok through the unde-rails, dis-wedging the mage from a more complicated outcome. Even so, the static sheen on the walls remained, the beams of the structure only bending slightly as his crafty magic held. When his feet hit the lower leveled ground, the busted windows before him presented a new threat...Jedi. ( Cadere Cadere )

Sylok knew it would eventually come down to this, in fact, he yearned for it. His hands met, the toned muscle on his arms tightening. He called upon more of his power, only this time in a form of calming reservations. His mind and body, becoming one before he spotted a second Jedi, running amok over head. ( Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion ) So, it would be two of them. To Sylok it would be two more thick white bones to be wittled into ornaments of scripted memories, memories of each kill. He let out a roar, his right foot stomping into the thick metallic floor. Flashes of brutal images caressed his mind. A painting formed in his psyche, that of rivers filled with Jedi blood. Sylok's teeth began to grind, each jagged tooth clicking into place.

There would be many rivers...



Maja Fiore




ALLIES: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren | Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal | Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin | Milya Vondar Milya Vondar | Jairdain Jairdain | Kiara Ayres | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Bernard Bernard | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn | @whoever else I missed
ENEMIES: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | The rest of dem Crustaceans singing Under The Sea
Strike Armour (included rebreather in the helmet)
Phrik dagger
Various emergency medical supplies

There was an ominous feel in the air.

Maja closed her eyes for a second in dread as the mechanisms churned out a screech as the Landing Castle was launched, the Ventress shuddering ever so slightly at the force of it.

The utter destruction such a siege weapon can bring.

But it had to be done.

As the dropship took off in the wake of the Castle, Maja drew in a breath and pushed herself to find that center before they entered into chaos down on the surface.

To be prepared to die on foreign soil.

She was quiet as she locked her helmet in place, paying little attention to the chatter around her as the dropship shuddered through the atmosphere. She took no pleasure in bloodshed. Very little was ever accomplished through it - other than more bloodshed. But as the enormous siege engine drove into the ground, obliterating the shield generators, she finally raised her head.
"So it begins." she stated simply, drawing the warrior within her from the depths. Although she dreaded it, today was not a day to be a passive voice among warmongers. Today asked for resilience.

The great horde had to be stopped somehow.

What the Lotus Knight was not prepared for, was when the loading door opened to allow them to drop to the surface. Below them, the ground was churning as enormous spines broke through the crust and started wrapping around the Castle. A great maw could be seen at times trying to latch onto the greatly armoured construct.

Icy fingers ran down Maja's spine and into her legs as horror drove itself into her heart. What was this thing? But duty called. Duty to free the Galaxy of abominations like these.
"I'll see you on the ground!" she said over the comms before drawing another calming breath and launching herself to the shuddering ground below, drawing both lightsabers as she went.

Touching down, she made a beeline for the writhing mess until the ground became too unstable. Stopping and balancing, she waited for her opening. When it came around again, she launched a trio of missiles from her one vambrace and towards the great maw that was trying to latch onto the armoured Castle once more.

Not waiting to see if they had hit, she moved once more towards more stable ground to regroup with her team. But as she had fired the missiles, she had sensed it. That connection.
"This thing is Force Sensitive!" she cried over the CIS comms as she ran. That little tidbit could be quite useful to all of them.




Are you seriously injured? Able to walk, at least?” Her eyes were still locked on the body of the Trandoshan as she shook her head. All of them had known the risks involved in this mission. But that did, as always, not make losing people any easier. When her gaze finally shifted from the fallen Trandoshan to the newly appointed Grandmaster, her lilac eyes showed no regret or sign of mourning. She would honour their pilot's sacrifice afterwards. Right now, they had a Kraemonen hivemind to break.

Sakadi pushed herself up. "Thankfully, I can still stand. And you? Are you fine?" She returned the question, turning to watch the devastating path carved by the excavator Servitor. "Do you think we can -" Footsteps echoed through the corridor. Her head immediately snapped in the direction of the sound, ready to intercept the next wave of drones. Luckily, the opposite turned out to be true.

The Mandalorians came first. A small group of Beskar-clad warriors in different colours. She faintly recognised two of them (@ki'an, @kranak), from the battle practice on Taris. Shortly after, two others joined them. She would've mistaken one of them for a droid (@yula), had she not sensed the presence within. Before she could reach out, however, the Jedi - who she presumed was part of the New Jedi Order - spoke up.

"Over here, this way!"

Without any further ado, Sakadi followed. It was time to put an end to this. Time to enter the Bryn'adûl's command center.


Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


Armor - Cybernetic suit (GOLD, BLUE and RED Teams), "Dominion" armor(GREEN Team), "Apostle" armor(all, GREEN Team when needed),
Weapons (assault team)- T-73 Handgun, Combat Knife, FTB Rocket(2 FYB Rockets each, 3 with Flame Carpet warhead)
3 Grenades (each), 2 Fire Grenades (each)
(Infiltrators)- Carbine(Suppressed), T-73 Handgun(Suppressed), Vibroswords, Combat Knife
(Snipers)- M-14 Sniper Rifle, Wrist Blaster, Carbine
(Assault)- RI-17 Assault Rifle-w-LPD53 Grenade Launcher(5 FYB 40mm grenades each), T-73 Handgun
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun(if in the field), Defender-Automatic Weapon(if in CQC) Assault Rifle
GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Assault/Team leader), Castiel(Assault/Pathfinder)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Sniper 1), Samael(Heavy Weapons), Michael(Sniper 2)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Demo/EOD), Bartleby(Tech/Team Second)
GREEN TEAM: Chamuel (Infiltrator/Slicer), Zadkiel(Infiltrator/Assassin), Raziel(Infiltrator/Assassin)
PEGASUS 1- Jeremiel(Pilot), Barachiel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 2- Ariel(Pilot), Uriel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 3- - Barachiel(Pilot)*
PEGASUS 4- Uriel(Pilot)*
*When needed. Weapons Intercept officers will be assigned randomly

RONTO 1- Raguel(Driver), Selaphiel(Gunner), Jegudiel(Cover)

Ship Captain/Teams Overwatch - Metotron
Ship Engineer/Tech/Teams Overwatch - Jophiel
Ship Corpsman - Raphael
Ship Pilot(s)/Gunner(s) - Batariel,Jeremiel, Barachiel, Ariel, Uriel
ORDERS: Blowing the Northern shield
Tag: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Gir Quee Gir Quee Mig Gred Mig Gred Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Galak Galak Osam Osam

Any text in parenthesis indicates conversation over comms

” Birdie birdie in the sky...”

” Shall we do that in your eye?”

” There are no raindrops or any sap...”

” … then let me bring the birdie crap.”

Realizing they needed a different approach to this, the Special Forces team commander called in an airstrike. ‘Pegasus 1, piloted by Jeremiel flew in with mag cannons firing. The purpose was to pick up the team, Pegasus 2, piloted by Ariel was coming faster, also weapons firing, but to take out anything and everything, not Silver, or allies.

Deciding to load in the Ronto, they needed the entire team for this, as it was going to be a fight to get in and to get out. As ‘2 was unloading its weaponry, ‘1 took off, went into a looping dive, and fired its own missiles down what looked to be a cavern. Pulling up to “hover” they kept firing mag cannons and from the turret, as they brought the team (now loaded for bear) down as far as possible. This place was enormous. The responding forces made a silent entry impossible, so they were going to fight their way in. They had to, and the flame carpet rockets they fired from their FTB launchers were going to run out sooner or later.

Hold level here.

Ummm, you know, they are shooting back at us, right?

Gabriel just looked at Azrael with all seriousness.

I have an idea, but it will cost us the Ronto.

Selaphiel, Jegudiel! We’re pulling gear from our ride!

Without another word, everyone stripped the Ronto of their gear and tech as Gabriel set two charges in the vehicle. Once the loading ramp was clear of people, they pushed it off and let the heavy ground transport fall to its “death”. The charges were the added “boom” that did a high level of damage to the facility.

The damage done to both ‘1 and ‘2 were nominal but they still had to get out of there, a quick rope drop of the entire team, including Raguel, Selaphiel, and Jegudiel, and they were out of there.

” It’s the three R’s for us” (Repair, re-arm, and refuel)

” Bring us back some nerf burgers.”

They were in and were already making progress, but they were loaded down and moving slowly. Plenty of FYB ordinance was their saving grace. The fact that the shield generator was so far below the surface was an obstacle. Hopefully, the fire from the explosives holds up.

Firing four carbonite rockets down at a large force of Bryn had an effect on them but not quite the desired one. They did “freeze” a bunch of them, but they did not scatter as expected. This was going to be a fight, and the bigger fight the lower they go.

Just like the damn Epitaph, but then again, they managed to meet their goals on that monstrosity, and they will here as well. The three Ground assault guys were fitting in perfectly, this was expected as they were all trained equally, with no exceptions. While they would have gladly accepted an assignment to the Rangers, the Antarian group was well trained, fast, and highly efficient. No, they don’t have a problem with the Rangers as a whole.

In truth, none of them even have problems with a certain “company” of Rangers, they were tough as nails as well. Truthfully, they don’t even really have an issue with their boss, they don’t even think about him, whatever hissy fit he is having about them is on him and him alone. No, they had no issue with the Rangers and would have taken an assignment with them when they came over from the NIO if offered, but this was what they were meant to do. None of them would have been able to follow a Jedi. This was not to say that they did not respect the Force wielding, Lightsaber swinging badasses, they did, Jedi had a code of honor. They were all friends with a Master and his Padawan, you know him, the big guy, the size of the Ronto, they simply preferred to do actual work on their own.

It was funny, really, Jedi don’t seek glory and celebrity but get it in spades, they do the work like this that is unsung and just go about their business. The team being this big right now was a bit of a hassle as it gave them a big target on their backs, but Gabriel was busy emptying out the two huge duffels he and Bartleby were carrying, they were all explosive charges.

One way or another, whether they made it out or not, the shield, at least in this section, was going down.

  1. Each Member except Bartleby and Gabriel (Raguel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel included) carrying FTB launchers with duffels slung over their shoulders carrying a mix of 10 total rockets between "Flame Carpet" and FYB.
  2. Bartleby and Gabriel carrying duffels full of explosives.
  3. Jegudiel carrying "Defender" heavy rifle
  4. Selaphiel carrying "Mini-gun"
... yeah, we scare them.


Watching Westenra seemingly heal one of his kinsmen by means unheard of even to an experienced healer such as himself, Thurion helped the man back on his feet. Though his power armour had been breached when he'd received what should have been a mortal injury, it was still intact. The Valkyri warrior simply spat some blood upon the ground before climbing back inside, rejoining the rear of the frontline.

"I go where the fight is. We must be utterly relentless. They must not be allowed to breathe for even a moment."

Thurion nodded in response, realising that this woman was clearly something more than what his eyes had informed him upon meeting her.

Now with the aid of Caltin and the Jedi under his leadership, Thurion assumed position at the head of the shieldwall withstanding the waves of enemies crashing into it. The ancient formation of their forefathers still reigned true; working as a well-oiled machine, each line of warriors held the frontline for only a minute or so, before stepping aside and falling back to the rear of the formation, letting the second line take over. In effect, this continuous cycle meant that each warrior had only to fight for one minute, make their way to the rear, and then rest up for as many minutes as there were rows, keeping them fresh throughout even prolonged battles.

Except for their inexhaustible King, who remained where he stood. He had by now equipped his shield -- the eponymous Heavenshield -- to stand with his battle-brothers as part of the shieldwall. No leader should ever ask of his men to do for him what he is not prepared to do himself.

Even as more Bryn, bigger and badder than the ones that had come before, charged their lines, the Valkyri held firm. The front of their shields would deny objects both physical and immaterial, yet allow friendly fire to pass through unhindered from the back. Any enemies who managed to break through or otherwise pass by would instead be met by the cleaving of heavy axes and swords, or ground into dust by giant hammers.

Finally, with the timely arrival of Paladin Company striking from the right flank, the time had come.

"PUSH," their King shouted, and as he did his Valkyri warriors each took a step forward into the enemy lines. "PUSH," he called out again, prompting another such advance. The ordered formation meant that those not at the front could lend their strength to these pushes, physically pushing those at the front forward in the case the enemy proved especially stubborn. Having found their rythm, the whole army started chanting with each step they took. In some cases especially unlucky foes were even trampled underneath the slow-moving tons of steel.

This was the Valkyri war machine in action, executed to perfection for the whole galaxy to bear witness.


Thurion had but a moment to act. With a powerful bash of his shield knocking any nearby Bryn off their feet, he freed himself enough to step forth from the safety of the shieldwall. The four focus crystals embedded into the Shield of Heaven glowed bright blue, engulfing the entire surface with the power of the Force.

Entrusting his fate to this relic of his own making, Thurion braced himself. His feet planted themselves into the ground so firmly that they left imprints into the sturdy rock. Through gritted teeth he roared in defiance, watching the vast projectile bearing down on him with incredible speed.


The moment the tip of Krarolk's glaive struck his shield, there was a massive explosion and shockwave rocking the entire tunnel network. Having absorbed the full force of the attack, Thurion was thrown clear of the battlefield and sent crashing into the cave ceiling, rendering him unconscious as he then fell towards the hard ground without means to break his fall.

And yet the shield had held firm with nary a scratch upon its pristine surface.

  • The Valkyri shieldwall is slowly pushing back against Bryn forces.
  • Thurion intercepted the glaive thrown by Krarolk T'manu before it could do harm to his allies, but is currently knocked out from the sheer force of the attack.

Location: Dropship en route to the construct's eastern SCC
Equipment: Ashlas wristguard | Espresso Revolver | 6 2 L'Escargots with Cryoban charges and 6 with incendiary charges | Stun baton | Two Lightsabres | Brion Substance Regulator | Electromagnetic pulse emitter | Covert Jedi Robes on top of Gundark II-class Power Armor | 5 LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenade | LPD-40 Icejet Miniaturized Cryoban Projector | Commlink | Rebreather
Enemy Tag: Osam Osam Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Allied Tag: Cadere Cadere Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Andromeda Malvern


Not long after Mathieu jumped, Cassie did the same. The two friends had trained together extensively and been on countless missions together too. Perhaps this was when all of that shared experience and cohesion would pay off as they landed relatively close. The Knight was undoubtedly a better force practitioner than Mathieu in general and his grace was far superior. Still recovering from the fall as his friend arrived, Mathieu produced an expression of amused disbelief as the other Jedi gave him a friendly punch to the shoulder "I'm surprised you could withstand the fall" he shot back whilst taking an overly firm hold of his friend's arm for support as he got back up to his feet. Still, it was not quite possible to celebrate fully quite yet as he never saw neither Varn nor his Padawan Andromeda jump. Mathieu looked to the crashed drop ship with a concerned expression - he could still feel their presence, but their shape was unknown and the area was hardly a good one to be injured in.

Something felt off as the power armour he wore didn't seem to provide quite as much power as it usually did. Something which the Padawan dismissed at battle nerves. For now, they had far more immediate threats to contend with. Three, in fact. It was a figure who reminded the young Morellian of Osam whom he encountered on Sarka - his appearance had some similarities but the new 'skin' in form of the living armour, made him look quite different. Then there was an unknown foe whom he had yet to meet before, appearing way closer than Osam. And finally, there was the inbound airstrike against their position by the shield generator located in the SCC which would be far more tricky to contend with now that the drop ship had been shot down.

Quickly turning to the Kiffar Knight after getting back up on his feet, the large Padawan spoke "We've got to help those at the ship. But we need to contact the fleet first." Of course, Mathieu was merely stating what was obvious. Still, it was important to ensure that they were working towards the same goal in such a complex and dangerous situation. Something which would be made all the more tricky by Sylok who was nearby, roaring and appearing to have all the intents in the world to engage with the two Jedi.

The feeling of being overwhelmed and overextended was kicking in as waves of regret started to wash over the Morellian. They had really got into quite the mess of a battle now. Bringing out his comms unit with the left hand and his slug thrower with the other, Mathieu started to establish contact with the fleet whilst firing two L'Escargot slugs with Cryoban charges at Osam Osam in the distance. Poorly aimed and from afar, there was never much hope of them hitting their target but at the moment, Mathieu's mind was frantically trying to get all the threats to become a tad less pressing. If nothing else, maybe the shots could at least prevent the foe from Sarka from reaching the drop ship too soon.

As contact with the fleet was established ( Gir Quee Gir Quee ), Mathieu spoke with an urgent voice ::Our drop ship got shot down. We're at the eastern SCC:: whilst simultaneously firing two poorly aimed shots of the same type at Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari - although this was at a closer range. The idea was similar as before - it was to keep their foe at bay to buy more time. Combined with the background noise from the small fires started by the drop ship missiles and the acidic bite onto the ship, the blaster noises made the message exceptionally hard to hear but Mathieu kept hollering at the comms unit regardless ::I don't think we can get away in time::
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O B J E C T I V E: Hive Busters
There quite a bit going on, and truth be told, Kadan felt a bit overwhelmed by the abundance of force energies gathering around him. Clad in Mandalorian armor, he finally laid eyes on the infamous Master Sakadi that he had been told of, as well as his own master; who he unknowingly moved towards within the group up. There was a fervor he felt, standing in the presence of so many, a confidence that affirmed within him. Perhaps it was the force uniting them into a spearhead against the Bryn offensive, or perhaps it was just the adrenaline getting into his head. "Master Kiara, are you alright?" He inquired, stowing the blaster rifle that he held nothing for disdain for, and gripping his saber tightly in his hand.​
There was so much death being brought out during this operation, not only for the Concord, but for the Bryn as well. The Trandoshan that had fought so hard to being them here faded away, his life flickering out like an expended candle. It would never light again. It was senseless, almost suicidal zealotry that drove these creatures onward. It was a desecration of life. It was the role of a commander, at least from Kadan's studies, that there was a difference between spending lives, and wasting them. He couldn't fathom what the goal the Bryn hoped to achieve, other than perpetuate a cycle of violence and destruction. Perhaps that was why they left the Sith alone.​
Surrounded by many faces and presences he didn't know, they had all come together for a single cause. Though he was but a mere padawan, be that as it may, he would do his part to see the battle here end. Even if it cost him dearly. The snapping hiss of his saber flared to life, bringing the violet glow of his saber, as he would join in the breaching of the Bryn command center.​
This battle would come to an end, one way or another.​

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Location: Tunnels

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music" (Both on ship at all times)
Tag: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Westenra Mina Westenra Mina Krarolk T'manu


As he was tackling the Zealots, the Drones, Ultra Zealots, Super Drones, Super Awesome Uber Ama… as he was tackling the Bryn, Caltin had a look about him. It was a weird one as he was thinking about something completely irrelevant to the task at hand. Don’t misunderstand, he was paying attention to those trying to bifurcate him, but there was something else on his mind.

Did she have eyes on me?


You know. “Eyes”?

Yes, I know, and she did, but how did you figure it out? You’re normally oblivious.

You’re asking ME?

Moving on, one of the Zealots grabbed him and another punched him. Now, these monsters were bigger than he is and strong? The big guy spat blood, but all it did was make him angry. Especially since he was hearing the Valkryie push their shieldwall.

That’s it?

He didn’t have to think about it, he didn’t have to center the Force, it just enhanced his strength almost naturally as he used the attacking Ultra like a wall and ran up him to flip over the back of his captor. Landing on his feet he lifted the right one and planted it square in the back of the Ultra who lost grip of him, pushing the Bryn into the other. Once they turned around, one would be met by an overhead lightsaber slash, the other would receive a “hook” punch and then lose his head.

The Paladins were a welcome sight, they were a highly efficient bunch, each with a sense of ethics. They were also ones who know how to ruthlessly defend those who needed to be protected. This, along with Caltin’s words of encouragement and example has inspired the young knights and Padawans under his charge to fight on. He knew Deklyn would thrive, he was born to be a Guardian, but Yoni, she was inspired, maybe it was because she had Deklyn fighting beside her.

When Thurion fell, due to Krarolk T'manu’s attack, Caltin turned to protect his fellow Jedi. This was not weakness, this was the strength that the Jedi held. Their bonds with each other, their desire to see everyone endure. Sure, maybe there was some argument to “survival of the fittest”, but in what arena? No, Caltin may be in his element where others may not, but they may enter their specialty and it would take Jedi like him to ensure they get there.

Did that Br… did she just get half her head shot off and keep going?

If he wasn’t in the middle of a fight, he would stop and talk to this woman, she was worth knowing. Of course, the ax in his side suddenly from a Juggernaut who had a lucky shot limited his movement. It didn’t stop him though, not even close.

His free hand slowly lifting stopped his would-be killer cold in “his” tracks”, and he lifted the monster off of his feet into the air and hard into the ceiling, and then the far wall, then the near wall, then the ceiling again before dropping the lifeless body to the floor. If one was to wonder how that would have killed a Juggernaut, just look at the craters in the walls and ceiling.

He grabbed and threw a drone at Krarolk T'manu the effect would be minimal, no doubt, but it should divert his attention away from the Midivinter noble in front of him and the Valkryes to one side the the the fighting MACHINE to his approaching right, or the massive Jedi Master staring a hole through him directly behind.

He would have to make a choice.



Main Objective: For Soot and Soil
Side Objective: Find The Lothal Guard
Location: The Central Section
Post: 5

The train was lightning-fast, taking the duo to The Central Section without delay. During the ride Sethrak let his rage boil, never allowing it a moment to cool. This didn't take much effort, he didn't need to force the rage to stay. In fact, the more he waited, the stronger the rage became. He hated thinking that scum like this warlord were causing dissent in the middle of a battle. Rarely did the Warlock look forward to punishing someone as much as he did now.

He departed ahead of Ostak, though stopped once he was off the train as he had no idea where the warlord was.

As he waited for Ostak he considered how to go about killing the warlord. He couldn't kill him, Ostak was assigned with dealing with the man. He also would not ask Ostak, it would come off as foolish, unnecessary, and overly bloodthirsty. But what could he do? Maybe he would hold the man down while Ostak killed him, or perhaps he would land a few blows?

He anticipated the moment as Ostak again took the lead.

But in the back of his mind he still worried for his troops. This worry could be seen as anger as it just increased his rage regarding the warlord, but it was truly worry. He knew his troops, he had trained them and they respected him, and the warlord was putting them in danger by turning the allied races against each other.

How would Hrajlmak handle this situation?
Lynda savagely attacked the Bryn'adul, astonishing a Brute as she seemingly predicted where his sword blows would go before he did as she quickly shredded through his armor. Level three Vibration Cells are no fething joke.

Few managed to last longer than thirty seconds, but Lynda learned even then as she methodically, logically whittled down their defense before hitting them.

Such savagery! Such fervent belief! It made many Sith pale in comparison.

Lynda began to get a terrible feeling in the back of her artificial mind that she had judged Laertia too quickly for her reaction to not uniting.

Make no mistake, Lynda could never have brought herself to attack a Jedi (Unless she needed an emergency snack and the Jedi wouldn't remember.) But seeing how utterly intractable and imposing the Bryn'adul were, it was getting harder and harder to fault Laertia for saying all focus needed to be directed on them now to crush them while they could still be crushed. But Lynda could never bring herself to take that sentiment as far as Laertia did.

When she saw Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield get yeeted backward by the Force of the blast, Lynda wasted no time gutting the next swarm of drones deflecting bullets with her gauntlets as she went to aid Thurion. Apparently Meatcake ( Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor ) had the same idea, because he was desperately trying to distract @Kralrok T'manu .

Lynda knew Thurion was in danger as she shredded through the Bryn'adul in her way, sword and shield freezing and cutting in equal measure. But she was absolutely determined to kill whatever dared threaten a man who had the presence of mind to ask a complete stranger if she was alright, even when fighting for his life and the lives of his people.

Lynda knew, as she hacked violently into the Bryn'adul hoard bearing down on him, that she could follow such a man to the gates of Hell itself.

She was fighting two or three at a time, her combat algorithms providing her the best defensive strategy possible against so many. She needed to buy time for Heavenshield to revive himself, or Caltin to revive him.

Either way, as long as she stood between him and his would be killers, pinballing from victim to victim, Thurion wouldn't fall this day. Not whilst a Princess of House Li-Ves grasped a blade to challenge his foes when he couldn't do it yet himself...
Post Two

Objective: For Soot and Soil

Location: Moving to reinforce Galak

Allies: Bryn'adul / Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Galak Galak

Enemies: Everyone ( Open to interaction )


The time for action was soon. As they prepared to make their move, Gordrak couldn't help but think back to the Chieftains words. They weren't unlike the wise words of a "father" trying to reach out to a "son". Had he allowed his hate to overcome him? Gordrak banished the possibility from his mind as he stood there. No, he still had control of himself. It was true that the defiling of this world had made him angry but who wouldn't think that? A pack of vermin were dancing on the graves of their betters. They defiled something that should have been left alone. His mind would be focused when the killing and carnage began. The enemy needed to be punished and he wouldn't be able to do so in a blind fury. Despite his anger and his rage, Gordrak was still a warrior of the Bryn'adul. He was a tool that faithfully served its wielder no matter what. Though he had suffered and frayed somewhat along the way, he still persisted. He would give up his life without struggle if it was what his master asked of him. So, while hatred and rage burnt within him, he would harness and master it. Never would he allow it to compromise or hinder his service to the Chieftain.


They were on the move now. Something massive had struck the super construct. It took an effort to keep himself from falling to his knees. Whatever it was, Gordrak had a feeling that it had or would complicate things. Now moving with a purpose, Gordrak wondered what they would be running into. Would there be more cold and poison? Perhaps they would choose the more entertaining option and get stuck in. Regardless of what they did, Gordrak felt confident that they would meet their enemy and find them wanting. His eyes lowered to his lancer and he performed a final, cursory check of the weapon. It was ready just like the rest of his equipment was. These moments before the fighting were torture to him. Battle brought with it a flow that, while fickle at times, was oddly comforting. Something about a time of reaction, action, and instinct made him feel at ease despite the chaos it created. His brothers had thought the same when it came to battle. It was something they had bonded over. A shared love for the chaos of war and battle. They were now gone and this world had become their tomb.

He would fight on in their stead. He would honor them the only way he knew how: by tearing the enemy limb from limb.

Kiara Ayres


Nearby allies: @Pointed Ear Gang Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Jairdain Jairdain Mig Gred Mig Gred Yula Perl Yula Perl Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Kranak Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Bright4 Bright4
Joining Soon: Bernard Bernard Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
Anti-allies: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma Galak Galak
Equipment: Lightsaber, rebreather, armour


Aided by her fellow Jedi Master, Kiara stumbled into the side tunnel with the rest of their allies and was met with the hard embrace of one of the Rangers who caught and steadied her. She hurriedly apologised before whipping back around to see what had become of Sakadi but thankfully she seemed to emerge unscathed... this time. However, the same couldn't be said for the pilot.

Each loss was a tragedy. A mark on the Force snuffed out. But there was a time and a place for mourning. The Trandoshan's sacrifice would be honoured, for he was righteous, but it wouldn't be here. Remaining focused and steadfast would afford them the lives of many soldiers stationed here today, among many millions on nearby planets yet to feel the choke of the Bryn'adul.

The sound of footsteps accompanied by a familiar voice drew her attention to the group behind the Ranger who caught her. She was relieved to see her Padawan in some sense but not so pleased that he had to be in such circumstances. She didn't want to fail to protect him and have him lose his life.

"I'm fine." She nodded and gave a reassuring smile to her student. She was wary about Kadan being placed with the group of Mandalorians and hoped the warriors treated their former kin well.

Kiara peered around Kadan and the group of Mandalorians when a new voice was thrown into the mix, beckoning the group to follow him. No one needed any more explanation than that so she shared a look with those around her momentarily before running towards the unknown Jedi.

They needed to finish this once and for all.

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Location: Eastern SCC
Equipment: Lightsaber | Personal Light Armor | Mantellian Vambraces | FF-CAR1 | 6x LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenade | Commlink | Rebreather
Allies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Varn Barakis Varn Barakis | Andromeda Malvern
Opposition: Osam Osam | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Engaging: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari

The Kiffar's voyage toward the drop ship was suddenly halted when he felt a tremor in the Force, warning him of impending danger. Of course, there was danger all around him, but focusing on it he felt that this was different. Cas was in immediate danger, his senses warning him of the incoming airstrike. He couldn't dwell on it now though, especially with even more pressing matters as his eyes laid sight on two familiar Bryn.

The Knight's insides churned at the sight of Osam Osam , who was now headed toward the dropship, the sight of the Bryn sparked a wildfire of fury within Cas as images of Zephyr's smouldering body, his pained expression, and a subsequent deafening blaster shot echoed in his mind. The Jedi Knight would make sure to do more than bisect the warrior's arm this time. So distracted in his contempt for the Bryn, he neglected to notice the two shots fired at the Risen-Sraelvun by Mathieu. Then there was the other one Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari he recognised the Force-sensitive Bryn's unique signature within the Force following their brief encounter on Sev Tok.

He stood inbetween Cas and stopping Osam Osam from reaching the dropship, so now the Jedi Knight was forced to get through him in order to reach the others. His left hand reached for his lightsaber, removing the hilt from his belt and ignited the plasmatic blade. The two shots Mathieu had sent off in direction of the Force-sensitive Bryn, whether the slugs injured or merely served to distract the Drael, Cas would utilise the time he had to rush toward him.

Cas channelled the Force through him, surging through his body like electricity, the Kiffar used the bodiless energy to increase the speed of his movement as he charged. Appearing somewhat as a blur to the naked eye, as he neared his foe Cas extended his left arm outward and would strike toward his foe's hip in a horizonal motion. Whether the attack landed or was blocked, the Jedi would use his smaller stature and Force enhanced speed to pull his lightsaber away and launch himself over the Aeravallin's head.

Transitioning into a forward somersault, Cas quickly removed one of the Cryoban grenades from his belt and yelled "Hey, Shelly! Got something for ya!" promptly hurling the spherical object in the direction of Osam Osam once the Kiffar had landed behind Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari , in hopes of slowing down the Bryn's advance toward the drop ship. Returning his attention to the current Bryn he faced, the Jedi Knight spun around and prepared for any counter attacks coming his way.

Location: Nar Kreeta
Equipment: Linked in bio
Tags: @Literally everyone

The sound of blaster fire continued for another minute before the bolts ceased after meeting their targets. The Mandalorians who had carved through the wall of drones were greeted with the sight of another task force further down the tunnel, compromised primarily of Jedi, though Mig was among them. The tunnel would've fallen silent again had it not been for the shuddering of the ground as the excavator continued to drill through the ground past them, not following their direction.

With their convergence, they could serve their purpose: protect the Jedi once they were in the Hivemind. The labyrinth of tunnels had been a nightmare to navigate but now together they could stop this once and for all. There was no time to lose. The native population of Nar Kreeta was long gone but they owed it to every planet that lay in the path of future Bryn'adul destruction to prevent their fate from being sealed.

The group was quickly directed to another tunnel by yet another Jedi. The urgency in his actions suggested they were nearing the end of their journey and so they set in action towards their final destination, boots pounding against the ground.


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