(Jeez I took days to get back didnt I. So sorry guys.)
Zander smiled at the man, "Of course its her decision. But it is yours as well." He wondered if his imagination hadn't actually been broadcasted to the youth, as he seemed to hesitate, "But of course Felicity I would like you to contact your mother, but in regards to forcing you back? You are like me: rebellious, stubborn, independent and lonely. No I wont take you back. I couldnt." He was honest in that end as well, for why would he be angry with one whom was so like he?
Slowly releasing his saber he brought the now free hand up, and crossed both arms against his burly chest plate, "So, who feels it a good idea? Having money to buy what you need, ships to travel, and an ally whom is good with any weapon nearly. As well, one whom would die for his family." His eyes cast towards the young man again, his eyes flaring to signal he hadn't forgotten the child was removed from her mothers care - against her wishes as well.
He paused for a long moment, his senses - physical not Force related - warning against someone watching them. Possibly more than a single entity as well.
"You guys expecting company? I feel eyes on our backs..." He murmured. To many assassinations and hunts had led him to trust his gut instinct. It could be simply he felt to many people nearby, or there were to many cameras..
But he was rarely wrong about this sort of thing...
How he missed his full powers...
[member="Alexis Ravensclaw"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]