Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Always Reuniting with Family


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
"Oh, that's nice," he replied before what she said actually registered. "Wait, what?!" She'd already been found? Damn that was fast! Her uncle? Who was that? Uncle Elliot hadn't mentioned anything about an uncle...and a space wizard too. Wonderful. Good think he hadn't had time to truly unpack. He leaped up from the bed, pocketing the book and grabbing his duffel bag. "Alright, what's your plan?"

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Plan. He was asking for a plan? She was the queen of not ever having a plan! She never knew what she was doing. Had she actually planned anything, she might not have lost half her ear in the invasion of Naboo!

"Run," she answered simply, "Just... run."

Stupid plan. Didn't matter. If they got off world, then she would call it a victory, no matter what.



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
"Now that I can do," he admitted with a grin, glancing down at her feet to make sure she was wearing comfortable and suitable shoes. "Gonna need to dirty you up a tad, but for now we're hitting the streets and working our way down?" he offered as an idea, stepping past her into the corridor, half expecting to come face to face with a lightsaber. This whole trip was turning out way too stressful.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
When the duo would finally emerge outside, a hidden figure would follow from a higher point of view. When it became 'obvious they had lost him', the man leapt hard and true to land behind the younger one who guided Felicity..

With a preternatural silence, he crept closer until he could murmur, "I expected more." His hand instinctively went to his saber at his hip, but with the way his body was turned it couldn't be seen by the two, "No stealthy escape, no aggresive demeanor or anything. You basically left with a guy that is new to the world of running.

"Wonderful." He sighed, extending his free hand, "Count Zander Greyson, used to go by Zaiden James-Greyson." He hoped the significant title he revealed would be enough for the young man to know the once intensely powerful man he was. He was a prophesied god, a demon, Lord of the Undead, Master of Stealth...

How the mighty fall...

[member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Owain"]

The girl just could not catch a break. Uncle Z was fast. She stomped her foot when she knew they were caught, just outside.She reached over to grab Owains hand, holding it protectively, staring down her much taller Uncle.

"This is Owain. He's been... protecting me."

Kind of a lie. Truthfully, he was just keeping her company. But a little white lie couldn;t hurt here.

[member="Zander Greyson"] [member="Owain"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
The words right behind him made him yelp and jump forwards into a roll, drawing his knife as he spun to face the threat. Only to be confronted by a weary and expaserated looking man shaking his head at him. A flash of annoyance stabbed Owain in the gut. How dare the git judge him! BUt Felicity recognised him, so this had to be the uncle she had spoken about. Another space wizard. Great. The raven haired boy glanced at the blonde girl before laughing. "Yeah, sure, let's go with that," he said, keeping to his defensive stance. If it came to a fight, Owain knew he would lose. He lacked all the elements a mundane needed to beat a Force user. But he couldn't just run and leave Felicity.

"I take it you're here for Songbird?" he asked curtly, indicating the girl with his head.

[member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Zander Greyson"]
"On the contrary, I'm here for you." Zander yelled, igniting his saber as it drew, swinging towards [member="Owain"]'s neck-

Cutting his imagination down with an upward twitch of his lips he shrugged, "Here to see her yes. Other than that its up to her. Whatever you two are doing I dont feel it need be brought to my attention, but I would like it if I may accompany you for a while?" He murmured, "Consider my millions at your disposal if you agree. To an extent of course."

He glanced at his niece to say, see? I'm not complete poodoo! with a look.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Wait. Wait. Wait.
The blonde girl blinked at the older man, feeling entirely like the biggest idiot in the black of space.

"You mean you're.. not going to drag me back to mom? "

Well. This was her lucky day. Her and Owain both.

[member="Zander Greyson"] [member="Owain"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
There was a flash of killing intent so powerful, it nearly brought Owain to his knees. He swalloed slightly, grip tightening on his weapon before it vanished as swiftly as it had appeared. He slowly straigthened, looking at the man...this...Zander. "How...nice," Owain replied politely, before sheathing his blade. The man would kill him easily if he wanted to, no point tiring out his hands holding useless things. "Hm? That'll be down to blondie over there," the boy shrugged, indicating Felicity with a nod of his head. "It's her little trip after all."

Which it was. She was leading them around on a pointless little adventure. At least she could have raided Naboo's library for some treasure maps before setting off. And now he was offering to fund them. This smelt of...ah. The raven haired boy nodded slowly. "Ah...don't see her much do you?" he asked the man, Felicity's uncle. "Well, far be it from me to meddle in a family's bonding time," he explained, taking a step back, preparing to elave. A safe way out! Technically, Felicity had been kidnapped after all, so best he just vanish for now before Zander remembered that...

[member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Zander Greyson"]
[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Zander Greyson"]

Glyph scratched the back of his neck and looked around him down each street. It had been a day or two on the planet and he had searched a good several levels, not by foot, oh no. No instead he sat under the street, tapping into lines that ran the wide network of droids and cameras on Coruscant. Even then it was taking forever, but now he was following their path as he had found their ship's docking platform. So slowly he had watched the last few days they had been here and now watched real time what was going on and he sighed. "Great, not just one of them now, she doesn't seem to be fighting back though so im going to guess that she was not kidnapped."
Alexis now owned the blood red ruby she held it in the palm of her hand looking at the way the light still played across the facets within. Alexis waved her hand over it and spoke some words that all who would look upon it would see it as precious, but yet unable to touch it. This way no one would ever steal it.

She slid the chain around her neck and closed the clasp. It sat perfectly at the hollow of her throat. Wonderful.

Now what mischief could she get into she walked along looking at the faces of those she passed until she could hear softly spoken words the kind that floated toward you when you least expected them. And now she was was watching a very interesting encounter one which she was not sure of. Not that if someone were being kidnapped that she would insert herself into the but to watch and see the reactions of everyone involved now that..that was worth watching.

[member="Glyph"] [member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Zander Greyson"]
(Jeez I took days to get back didnt I. So sorry guys.)

Zander smiled at the man, "Of course its her decision. But it is yours as well." He wondered if his imagination hadn't actually been broadcasted to the youth, as he seemed to hesitate, "But of course Felicity I would like you to contact your mother, but in regards to forcing you back? You are like me: rebellious, stubborn, independent and lonely. No I wont take you back. I couldnt." He was honest in that end as well, for why would he be angry with one whom was so like he?

Slowly releasing his saber he brought the now free hand up, and crossed both arms against his burly chest plate, "So, who feels it a good idea? Having money to buy what you need, ships to travel, and an ally whom is good with any weapon nearly. As well, one whom would die for his family." His eyes cast towards the young man again, his eyes flaring to signal he hadn't forgotten the child was removed from her mothers care - against her wishes as well.

He paused for a long moment, his senses - physical not Force related - warning against someone watching them. Possibly more than a single entity as well.

"You guys expecting company? I feel eyes on our backs..." He murmured. To many assassinations and hunts had led him to trust his gut instinct. It could be simply he felt to many people nearby, or there were to many cameras..

But he was rarely wrong about this sort of thing...

How he missed his full powers...

[member="Alexis Ravensclaw"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
"Owain! Not another step!"

He wasn't ditching her now! He was the only reason she had enough courage to run away like this. If she hadn't convinced him to 'kidnap' her, she'd be right where she'd always been, under the thumb of her parents. Never going anywhere. Never doing anything. Quiet, polite, obedient... The perfect daughter or the Queen.
It wasn't her. It never was. Never could be.

"Uncle Z, I-"
But then she sensed it too. Someone. Watching. Waiting. An assassin? Maybe after her to get even with her Mother? Maybe here to kidnap her? Hold her for ransom? Percy taught her what to do in the event of a kidnapping. Told her to leave a trail if she could, leave clues. Breadcrumbs, like in a childrens story. Was she going to be needing that knowledge any time soon? She'd rather die. She knew what happened to girls her age when they were taken...
She was reaching for Owains hand before she knew it.

[member="Zander Greyson"] [member="Alexis Ravensclaw"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Owain"]
[member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Zander Greyson"] [member="Alexis Ravensclaw"] [member="Owain"]

"Hello, i do believe you mean me, mind if i pop up from my hole." At first the noise seemed to just sound, then coming from an actual maintence hatch was the body of a 16 year old boy with deep sapphire eyes that stared at them, his face holding a smile and his entire body covered in dirt or grime. He stretched his thin body and rolled his neck as he stood there and gave felicity a bow. "By the way, i got to say that this is the most... unusual kidnapping i have ever seen, i have a feeling that he didn't actually kidnap you, now did he Fel?" His eyes drifted to each of them before smiling and speaking. "By the way, Nauren Oricion, call me Glyph, im her boyfriend in a way."


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Felicity's sharp tone made him freeze, wncing involuntarily. The girl was a space wizard after all, so it paid to be careful when she was paying attention to him. THe youth chose to stand silenlty as the blonde turned back to her uncle, saying something before cutting herself off. Urgh, jedi. Always sensing things and being damn cryptic. Hello? Little heads up would be useful here! Of course, he stayed silent. Best not draw any further attention to himself. And then he heard a voice that just made the day perfect.

"Ah...Glyph. I've heard so...little about you," he said, plastering a fake smile over his face as he turned to face the other man. Owain blinked as he took in Glyph's appearance. "Wow, you look terrible. Landed in a trash can on the way here?" the raven haired boy asked with a cocked eyebrow. Of course, Glyph ignored him, making Owain grimace before throwing his arms up in the air. "Oh come on! I got her off-world! Now I have to deal with an over-protective space wizard and a whipped boy toy in addition to Songbird?!" Owain exclaimed, visibly annoyed. Then he stopped and ooked down to where Felicity had grabbed his hand. When had that happened?

"AH!" he yelped and sprung away from her. Oh yeah, this was going brilliantly.

[member="Zander Greyson"] [member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Glyph"]
Zander chuckled, "Overprotective? I dont see anything 'over' about it. But whatever." Zander wanted to comment on [member="Glyph"] having called himself his nieces Boyfriend, but he retained his sensibilities and said mothing, "Pleasure." The note of proud sarcasm likely was confusing but it was simple: he had been right, was proud of it, and didnt like the new comer, "Call me Zander."

Then, he turned, moved closer to Felicity and murmured, "Who is he? I thought you only knew one guy here..."

[member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Alexis Ravensclaw"]
Alexis stood back watching getting quite the chuckle out of this drama before her. It was very close to watching those daytime soap operas that are so entertaining. She wondered though if she should not reveal herself it was already noted that they felt uncomfortable eyes being on them and all.

She was no assassin she was merely observing and listening to conversation. It did seem though that she would not be able to stand in the shadows much longer Alexis decided rather than risk a misunderstanding she would take a step forward. When she heard the word kidnapping though it gave her pause. Was this a kidnapping gone wrong for it seemed that this was a family matter that was drawing her attention.

The dathomiri witch took a breath listening to the sounds around her, she stepped from the shadows looking upon the group that stood...talking. She smiled her best smile trying very hard not to seem dangerous. "I apologize for intruding but I could not help myself. It was a very impolite thing for me to do" she looked at each of their faces, "This clearly seems to be a family matter with additional outside concerns" She kept her voice even as she spoke she referred to kidnappers, and assassins.

"It seems there is concern for safety. Since none of you know me, perhaps I could offer you use of my suite to work out these concerns. I assure you I am no assassin, but talking out here in the open could draw more than the curious to your discussion."

Mistrust, yes there was mistrust she was popping out from no where and now offering them help. "I am Alexis Ravensclaw you can check me out on the galactic network I am" she tried not to laugh for the words made her want to, "known on Dagro, a farming world I sell sargheet." She did not say I am a dathomir witch, that tended to get bad reactions.

[member="Zander Greyson"] [member="Owain"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
As if this little meeting was not a mess to begin with, now some lady that nobody knew was butting her big head into business that just wasn;t hers.

"OKAY! Everyone not family, leave the conversation. Owain, you stay put. Glyph... I'll ask you why you're stalking me later."

She was her Mothers daughter for certain. She turned her attention to her uncle.

"A girls allowed to explore her options, Uncle," she answered shrugging her shoulders as if this were the logical response.

Zander Greyson Alexis Ravensclaw Glyph Owain
[member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Alexis Ravensclaw"] [member="Zander Greyson"] [member="Owain"]

"Err... i..." He blinked looked around and started to back away before simply turning and leaving the area as he turned the corner and found a bench to sit on. He was very very confused now. He had thought she was kidnapped at first... but not he was being accused of stalking her... was he not suppose to come after her...
[member="Felicity Mason"]

"Not a problem" Alexis turned away. "Offer still stands" Humming to herself she walked away. She knew she should not have revealed herself but they were already suspecting someone of watching. If someone really wanted to kidnap the girl this kind of distraction would do it.

But she had done what she felt was right and had no remorse over it.


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