Location | Coruscant, inside the Lassie's cockpit, about 100 metres away from this fun time.
Objective | If he had to listen to much more of this, he might just forget.
"So, the mousy brown haired one, he's..."
"The snobby girl's bodyguard? That is what the records indicate."
Cambry took another bite of the grey weave in his hand, and immediately scrunched his nose at the bland taste. He choked a little as it went down.
"Okay, okay. So. Like." He pauses, and then shakes his head despairingly. "Dude, this is...I have no idea what's going on here. The Princess skipped planet?" He sighed. "I'm not sure I care. At least the dark-haired...dashing...one...doesn't act like a /total/ scrub. But the big one is a bit of a dork." He observed with a small nod.
Through the console, targeted sound amplifiers fed parts of the conversation back to the Spacer and his Droid companion in their ship. Neither was particularly busy or driven; Cambry, for his part, was lounging in the pilot's chair. Verne, an Astromech droid, sat just off to the side, his top dome slowly swiveling.
"Perhaps we should record some. Sell it as a god-awful holo-vid; Lord knows it'd do well." Verne said in his clipped, dry tone.
Their ship, the Lassie, was parked discretely among a few others, keeping it non-obvious and not really standing out to any observer. Cambry himself was in more neutral, plainclothes-like garb than he normally wore, and helmet-less.
Cambry snorted down a chuckle, before turning in his chair towards the droid, generously. "
Want some greyweave? Here. Have some greyweave."
He tossed a piece of the foam-like substance at the droid. As one might expect, the droid did not eat it. The food just sat there atop it's dome, partially obscuring one of it's lenses.
"You are a child." Verne whirred briefly, using an external arm to wipe himself down, before getting back to buisness. "The ah, small one. Coruscant security has identified him as Glyph." There was a soft hum as Verne turned to peer at him from his largest lens. "Do you intend to sit here all day, throwing food at me, sir?"
Cambry winced as he swallowed another bite of grey weave. "Just waitin'. Rude of you not to accept the food, by the way." He pointed at Verne, looking somewhat hurt.
Verne sat silent, whirring briefly. He said nothing, but the frustration was almost visible in the air above him.
Cambry chose to switch topics, gesturing out the front viewscreen. "Look, they're gonna fight."
[member="Felicity Mason"] // [member="Zander Greyson"] // [member="Glyph"] // [member="Alexis Ravensclaw"] // [member="Owain"]