Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Incredible Journey

Flinx sat back in the booth not having a care in the world.

"Ra is there an empty compartment I can use for a meditation chamber?"

Flinx really wanted to start progressing his training, even if he was teaching himself.
Ra brought the ship out of hyperspace and started an approach to the planet below. It was just some small in the middle of nowhere planet and they didn't have any huge cities.

Gaining landing clearance from the spaceport, she brought the ship in for landing. Their stop here wouldn't take long, but if Flinx needed anything, she could go pick it up for him.

When he spoke, Ra did not hear him as she was off in the cockpit landing the ship.

Finishing shutting down, Ra stood up and went to find her friend still sitting in the small gally's booth.

"Do you need anything? We're at the first stop and I can go pick up something if you need me to."
"Yeah sure, let me get your measurements."

With saying that Ra went to find her measuring tape and came back to find Flinx.

"While I'm gone you can look around the ship, but leave my galley alone!"

She gave him a wink.

"Stand up, let me measure you."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"Aww I was just listning to a recipie about a spicy fish soup that hails from Mandalor. I was going to surprise you"

Flinx stood and let her measure his new stature and felt of his long silver hair.

" while you are gone, I'm going to relax in the refresher."
"A recipe huh? What are the ingredients?"

Ra didn't normally have fish on her ship, but was willing to try something new and would pick up whatever was needed while on the planet.

Moving around him, she quickly got his measurements, recorded them into her datapad and stood up.

"Want to fix you up something for later? I shouldn't be gone that long, but in case there's a tie up and I can't get back when I plan."

She loved the feel of his hair and it looked wonderful.

"Do you ever wear you hair back like I do?"

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"It can wait till we can shop together."

He nuzzled her hand lovingly as she moved around him.

"No, but I'm willing to let you try some styling when you get back."

Flinx had a thought when she finished his measurements.

"Are we going close to Illum anytime soon?"
"Ok, I'll wait to pick up whatever goes into that recipie."

Ra felt him nuzzling her hand as she measured him and it made her smile a little, though he wouldn't be able see that. He might be able to pick up on the emotion that it conveyed.

His offer to let her play with his hair made her giggle slightly.

"You realize you may wind up looking like something crazy. I promise I won't cut it though. It's too pretty like my own to do that."

He asked about Ilum and she shook her head forgetting once again he couldn't see.

"No, not this trip. We can make a stop after I'm done with these runs though."

She had expected him to be in that bed a lot longer than a single night and the other deliveries would only be a couple of extra days.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"Ok I'll wait." Flinx sat back in bed ready to meditate while she was gone. He felt the presence of someone like himself in the force. It was some distance away but he felt drawn to it.
"Ok I'll wait." Flinx sat back in bed ready to meditate while she was gone. He felt the presence of someone like himself in the force. It was some distance away but he felt drawn to it.
Ra went about her business as quickly as she could and returned to the ship after about half the day had passed. Hoping he had stayed out of her galley, she unlocked the ramp and climbed aboard.

"I come bearing gifts!"

Her voice was full of humor and she found Flinx in her bed where she left him that morning.

"Want to try these on while I go to the next stop?"

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx just nodded and tried the new lighter robes, they fit perfectly and he felt he was going to need it where he is going in the near future.

"Thanks, Ra, they fit well. I need to learn all I can about Togrutas. Do you have any info I can use?"

Flinx came in to the cockpit as they were suddenly caught in a tractor beam.
Ra turned her back to Flinx while he changed so to prevent another embarrassing incident like before and listened to his question. When he was done trying them on, she faced him again and moved to get her datapad.

"Since I can see, I'm not sure what good it'll do, but there's the whole holonet to look on."

Turning her pad over in her hands, she searches for a speaker to see if there was one. While doing that, her ship while still in its place on the planet was suddenly lifted and pulled into a tractor beam.

"What in kark is going on?"

Tossing the datapad on the bed, she ran to her cockpit to see if there was a way to break free.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
"Let me see what I can do."

Flinx climbed into the dorsal turrent of the YT and felt with the force. Taking careful aim he called out.

"When I fire make the jump to hyper space. Let bb-3 make the calcs just be ready to immediately punch it. Jump to a nearby system then make your long range jump!"
Trusting in the ability of her friend and his droid, Ra allowed the little robot to make the calculations and prepared to launch her ship when he started firing. This jumping to hyperspace while inside the atmosphere of a planet was quite dangerous, she just hoped her ship could handle it.

Once BB-3 had the coordinates and she heard the sound of Flinx firing the turret, she punched the hyperspace level and prayed to whatever deity there was that this worked.

The blue of hyperspace filled the viewscreen in front of her and she laid back in her seat letting out a sigh of relief.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
An alarm went blaring through the cockpit. Letting out a growl and turned to Flinx.

"This going to get rough. Buckle up."

Taking her own advice, Ra hooked her belt and brought the ship out of hyperspace.

Not sure of where they were, she piloted the ship through the rough space and once they were through, ran a hand across the top of her hair.

"Alright, let me see where we are. You can get a shuttle back to your ship?"

Finding a system nearby wasn't difficult and Ra punched in new coordinates into the navicomputer. Within a short amount of time, the alarm for arrival went off and she brought the ship out of hyperspace.

"It's not much Flinx, but you can catch a shuttle back to your ship and continue onto Ilum. I'll see you soon."

Letting him off her ship, Ra left again to avoid whatever dark was chasing after him.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]

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