Failure Is Not Fatal
[member="Nubica Felidae"]
"Par for..." Jacen replied with the hint of a shrug and a cock of the head. He was becoming quite fond of the spirited...well... Knight now, he supposed. She'd earned the title, that was for sure. "Alive and all in one piece would be nice for a change," he added as he slung a bag over his shoulder and led her towards an LAAT. It would drop them off in the rainforest a kilometre or so from the target outpost west of the main base. "You know the military has spend fortunes trying to keep weight off the man. You've always got a few kilos of weapon system, more for power packs and gas cannisters. Radio systems are another few kilos, more for the man who carries the long range units. Body armour is generally another five to ten. You can't condense water, so seven litres for a day is another seven kilos. It's why power armour is generally more practically seen as extending the range of the dismounted infantry than giving people the dubious benefit of punching things," he mused as they took off.
"After that life it almost seems easy now. I spend almost all my time fighting instead of walking places or digging holes. On the plus side I get to swan in with the bare minimum of kit to carry, and get flown back out again when the job is done. If you ever see resentment in the eyes of a soldier, you might start to understand why. Hardly any of them see the Jedi in action. We come on in for the short term, then we're gone whilst they do the long slog."
The trees zipped underneath them with increasing speed, yet the tactical air speeder made barely a whine as it accelerated. For once Jacen hadn't brought a reliable CC-13 rifle. Instead he had a silenced slug thrower. It worked on magnetic acceleration, rather than black powder, so it emitted barely any excess noise or light.
"Par for..." Jacen replied with the hint of a shrug and a cock of the head. He was becoming quite fond of the spirited...well... Knight now, he supposed. She'd earned the title, that was for sure. "Alive and all in one piece would be nice for a change," he added as he slung a bag over his shoulder and led her towards an LAAT. It would drop them off in the rainforest a kilometre or so from the target outpost west of the main base. "You know the military has spend fortunes trying to keep weight off the man. You've always got a few kilos of weapon system, more for power packs and gas cannisters. Radio systems are another few kilos, more for the man who carries the long range units. Body armour is generally another five to ten. You can't condense water, so seven litres for a day is another seven kilos. It's why power armour is generally more practically seen as extending the range of the dismounted infantry than giving people the dubious benefit of punching things," he mused as they took off.
"After that life it almost seems easy now. I spend almost all my time fighting instead of walking places or digging holes. On the plus side I get to swan in with the bare minimum of kit to carry, and get flown back out again when the job is done. If you ever see resentment in the eyes of a soldier, you might start to understand why. Hardly any of them see the Jedi in action. We come on in for the short term, then we're gone whilst they do the long slog."
The trees zipped underneath them with increasing speed, yet the tactical air speeder made barely a whine as it accelerated. For once Jacen hadn't brought a reliable CC-13 rifle. Instead he had a silenced slug thrower. It worked on magnetic acceleration, rather than black powder, so it emitted barely any excess noise or light.