Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ancient Acquisitions and Antagonist Annihilation [GA Domininon of Ord Vaug]

[member="Nubica Felidae"]

"Par for..." Jacen replied with the hint of a shrug and a cock of the head. He was becoming quite fond of the spirited...well... Knight now, he supposed. She'd earned the title, that was for sure. "Alive and all in one piece would be nice for a change," he added as he slung a bag over his shoulder and led her towards an LAAT. It would drop them off in the rainforest a kilometre or so from the target outpost west of the main base. "You know the military has spend fortunes trying to keep weight off the man. You've always got a few kilos of weapon system, more for power packs and gas cannisters. Radio systems are another few kilos, more for the man who carries the long range units. Body armour is generally another five to ten. You can't condense water, so seven litres for a day is another seven kilos. It's why power armour is generally more practically seen as extending the range of the dismounted infantry than giving people the dubious benefit of punching things," he mused as they took off.

"After that life it almost seems easy now. I spend almost all my time fighting instead of walking places or digging holes. On the plus side I get to swan in with the bare minimum of kit to carry, and get flown back out again when the job is done. If you ever see resentment in the eyes of a soldier, you might start to understand why. Hardly any of them see the Jedi in action. We come on in for the short term, then we're gone whilst they do the long slog."

The trees zipped underneath them with increasing speed, yet the tactical air speeder made barely a whine as it accelerated. For once Jacen hadn't brought a reliable CC-13 rifle. Instead he had a silenced slug thrower. It worked on magnetic acceleration, rather than black powder, so it emitted barely any excess noise or light.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Nubica listened. She’d reflected recently that her life was cosseted. Not necessarily easy, and certainly no less dangerous — Jedi were invariably operating at the front line. Putting their lives on the line was commonplace - and whereas senior soldiers tended to spend less time at the front, for Jedi it was invariably the opposite.

But Jacen was right. They didn’t dig in and defend inhospitable sites for months on end. They didn’t endure terrible conditions for weeks — or in some cases years at a time. The were in and out very quickly and the majority of soldiers probably never saw their worth. It was a quite sobering perspective.

And there were good, maybe even great reasons why that was the way it was. But she had no desire to explain it to the guys in the trenches.

So she sat in silence — for once her cheeky retorts stowed. And she looked down at the trees below. If things went well, they’d do their job and be on a ship to the next mission and their input would be invisible to the average soldier. Not that she blamed them for that.

But she did see them in a different light.

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Objective 1
Allies: [member="Chevu Visz"]
Enemies: [member="Kira Corsai"] and [member="Xavka Duquo"]
Starhawk Armor
Power Nine Blaster
Orange bladed lightsaber

Apparently Coren’s order was a little too short for comfort. Blast. He looked at the enemy, trying to push the idea of an injured Chevu out of his mind. He was focusing on the battle to come, the origin of the lightning, and that was when he saw the discblades. She was operational, that was good. Right, operational, for his student. Coren was clearly turning into a bit of soldier mode right now, and that never was a cause for conern of him. With others? Well, who knew? Starchaser was, at one time, and recently as well, trained in the Imperial arts of war, as opposed to the traditional Alliance/Republic styles.

He fought fire with more fire.

There were others in the area, yes, evident by the discblades’ course being altered by the other weapon, but he was quantifying the battle. Lightning first, other darksiders second, Chevu could handle herself, getting to her aid was third. He tossed a look around, feeling the other lightsiders in the area.

Coren didn’t quantify anyone as a Jedi, for him it was a light versus dark sort of war. And right now? There were dark siders coming at him.

The lightning was his current focus. Coren was pulling it in and focusing, charging himself up. The longer a battle went on, the more intense Coren Starchaser would get, especially with such and addicting power supply as a dark side blast. Such a delicious, if not completely unfamiliar, flavor for the Starchaser.

When the woman came at him, though, he, like the Aing-Tii who had instructed him, was going to rely on his dexterity and movement ability. Holding the energy in him, he manually rolled to his right, away from the movement, and strike, she was making. The Force Journeyman had altered his roll so that he could catch his foe’s ankle and trip her to the ground.
[member="Nubica Felidae"]

The canopy opened up beneath them and the LAAT dipped suddenly. Now it ran through the ravine, just metres from the ground. Water sprayed up into the air in its wake. Jacen flashed Nubica a quick look, raising both his eyebrows. He knew the pilot was exceptional, but it was still slightly terrifying how fast they were going to be twisting and turning through this narrow channel. His stomach was thrown around his insides once more as the shuttle came to a halt. His rather white knuckles relaxed as he let go of the straps and he jumped down to the bank of the stream below.

The ground was soft underfoot. The air close, without the faintest hint of a breeze. Even a one kilometre walk was going to be draining in these conditions on energy sapping terrain. Once they were down the shuttle turned one hundred and eighty on the spot and darted back down between the trees.

"People would probably pay for a ride like that," he reflected. "Right, we'll keep to the stream for half the distance, then head into the undergrowth I think?" he asked. "We'll have to do this nice and quiet."

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Like almost every pilot, Nubica had nerves of steel when she was performing any manner of acrobatics.

But like so many, she liked to be in charge. So she was a restless passenger. Not that she was scared of how close she was to the water — she trusted the pilot — just like she’d allow a wing-man to be centimetres away from her in space. It was unwritten and simply accepted.

So the proximity to the water didn't work her. She didn’t think she was at risk. But she would have much preferred to have been in control.

“Nice and quiet,” she echoed. She was not a Jedi that meditated — or remained calm to help her focus. She needed to be active. She was best when under pressure and against the odds. Quite simply, she wanted to kick some butt.

"Anything special I should know?"

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Location: The Sky- Pirate Stronghold
Objective: Spearhead Assault on Pirate Stronghold
Unit: Unidentified


Flak shells still exploding in the air all around them pinged the shields of her beloved craft. The air was now thicker and denser, ladden with steel fragments and acrid smoke. Some of the smoke thrust it's way into her nostrils, reminding her of campfires on Alderaan. Her hands grasped the yoke as they rode straight through the fire.

"On target standbye."


The back ramp hissed open, sloping down and the chaos of the hellish defensive barrage could now be heard full scale. Engines screaming like banshees, canyon alight with thunder. Vassara grinned, snagging her cup of stimcaf off the dash and nonchalantly slamming the contents back. She tossed the cup haphazrdly and turned to nod.

Fifteen black armored mercenaries descended upon the top of the building. The fast ropes snagged tight against the anchor cable as they simply fell one by one, walking off the ramp.

"All units away ma'am."

"Good keep em busy."

She turned the vessel now, streaking off towards the south end of the anyon. She had to get low, lower than the defenses or be blown to bits.
[member="Nubica Felidae"]

Looking rather abashed, Jacen looked in the opposite direction. "Err...yes actually one quite essential bit of information I should have divulged before you stepped on the ground really. They like their traps. Mostly wires rigged up to mines, nothing we shouldn't be able to pick up on. Sorry about that," he said, before biting his top lip. How did you get the young Knight killed again Master Voidstalker...? he imagined the formal inquest in his head.

Fortunately the rest of the slog was uneventful, with no signs of any traps. They headed off the main clearing around the stream and moved through the undergrowth. They didn't travel far, but they still paused for water several times. By the time he sensed danger - and several lifeforms - up ahead he was coated in sweat and regretting his choice of armour. Then again, at least he wasn't being bitten. Using only hand signals and the Force to communicate, they moved into a position that overlooked a tall, metal watchtower.

There were two at the top of the tower armed with rifles, several mulling around around thirty metres away around a table under a temporary shelter.

Need to deal with these quietly, there's one more watchtower closer to the motor pool, he communicated.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

She smiled. "Glad I asked." They were coming in hot and so she braced herself for the landing but the craft set them down as smoothly as a senatorial shuttle. She made a note to try flying one of these things. They looked like fun.

The walk was uneventful but humid and of the things she'd packed, water was by far the most beneficial. She'd left her cloak on the transport, so had just her Jedi robes and at least the layers helped to regulate temperature and the material allowed her skin to breathe - unlike most armour she'd encountered, that puddled sweat behind it.

They travelled wordlessly and quietly. They were able to communicate without speaking and with their senses were able to see farther ahead than the average trooper, which made life a lot easier and their progress quicker.

Finally they encountered a watchtower. His intel was good. This watchtower was no doubt visible to the next - standard tactics, so they'd have to work quickly and stealthily not to set off the alarm.

So she nodded her understanding and waited for his lead. He wasn't just the Master, he was the more senior officer and the one with all the experience. Fighting she was good at. Tactics, she most definitely left to him.

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
[member="Nubica Felidae"]

Jacen took a few moments to peer through macrobinoculars at the group. The Force guided his sweep as he counted three in the shelter, one scouting and two on the tower. That was definitely all of them. Taking a moment to check his rifle, he set the sights on the scout. He was no top marksman, but he was reasonable with a precision rifle. He was about to kill people. Perhaps he shouldn't have brought her along on this escapade. Would she think worse of him? He found that this mattered to him. With a sigh he steadied his nerves. Every time a lightsaber was ignited there was a chance someone was going to die. Emotion had to be put aside at that point and cold logic put in its stead.

See if you can get up that tower. Bring those two down but leave them sat up. Might buy us time.

A long slow breath out. The back of his hand wiped the sweat away. He settled into position, lining up the sights. There was only a 2cm drop between the scout and the three in the shelter. He'd bring the scout down, then deal with the other three as she climbed the tower.
[member="The Revenant"]

Objective -- treasure hunting and meeting people.


As light footed as Micah Draith Shamalain Talith was, there was only so much one can do when dropping down from a roof-top entrance into a derelict prison.

Small dustdevils of dust rose from under his boots as the Talith gave a stretch.

“Not too shabby.” he mused aloud, looking around through the tinted visor of his helm. Data ran through streams across it, gathering information.

[ As light as a Nexu. As loud as thermal. ]

A small hovering robot with a large optical eye followed suit. The dry commentary came from the E-Y3 droid. Her name was Alex, and she had a rather honeyed robotic voice that made one wonder if they were calling a one-nine-hundred Cafarel line. He blamed it on Kai’s sense of humor. Likely because of the time Micah had teased her unmercifully about finally getting kissed.

“You are always so cheery, Alex.” Micah quipped out with notable amusement, turning on the low vision optics of his helm. From head to toe, Micah was armed in his specially crafted armor and had his usual gear. A special resin satchel at his back would keep things secure, sabers at his hip, and then all the rest of the interesting trinkets and do-dads he collected. There was more here and there, but that didn’t really mean much when all he was doing was investigating.

From behind the helm, Micah’s lips gave a crooked upward quirk. He gave a roll of his shoulders, then stepped out into the barely lit chamber.
“... now I heard there was something about pirate caches here…”
Objective 2
[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Nubica Felidae"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Vassara Raxis"]

Marcello paused near where the forest ran up against the outer perimeter of the base as he heard a very distinctive noise overhead. In a matter of moments, glacier-blue eyes watched as armored forms fast-roped rapidly to the roof of the main building in the compound. As the transport sped away just over the tree-tops, Marcello's senses ignited with the perception of a great deal of movement. Whatever defenses the Pirates had in and around this particular compound, they would undoubtedly be on an even higher alert in rather short order.

Sensing numerous groups of Pirates darting around the opposite side of the compound wall, the Jedi Master inhaled deeply as he briefly closed his eyes. The Force swiftly replaced his vision, a level of focus that he'd most definitely had to practice to quite a considerable extent. As his ethereal presence merged with the continuously changing aura of the Force around him, Marcello opened his eyes.

Bending his knees slightly, the Jedi Master jumped high into the air, propelling his body with extra velocity through use of the Force. Clearing the wall of the outer perimeter, Marcello managed his descent just prior to landing back on the ground in order to keep from breaking his legs. As his feet touched the ground, the Naboo native bent his knees to absorb the shock of impact as he quickly lowered himself into a kneeling position. Fingers from both hands sank into the soil as a powerful, concussive blast of Force energy radiated outwards from the very core of his body in a three hundred and sixty degree arc.

Standing, Marcello turned his gaze to those a few hundred meters away that had been unaffected by the blast. Reaching to his side, the Jedi Master withdrew the worn cylindrical hilt of his lightsaber and activated the dark blue blade. "Do you wish to surrender?"

A hail of blaster fire was his answer.

Objective: 1
Location: Looking for booty
Enemies: Pirates, obviously
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Micah Talith"]

He looked out through the transport vessel window, the enforcer craft sputtering across the horizon. Rolling the gray sleeve of the long sleeve shirt, a weary thumb rubbed the crystalline face of the time keeper. Blinking, opening his eyes widely as if trying to stay awake, he walked to the front of the transport ship.

"Hover about 10 meters above the penitentiary, I'll drop in."
"I brought...umm...rope?" He raised his eyebrow as thought back to [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] and that kidnapping on Sullust. He did actually bring rope this time. That and the ship came standard with a drop winch. Turning, he gave a nod. "I'll comm back when I need a pick up. Assuming it's not hot."
"Scanners aren't picking up much activity."
He turned and tilted his head. "Well, that's good for your sensors."

With a smirk and a dart of his eyes to the shield, a boot stepped on the pedal that opened the sliding door to the outside world. With a swoosh of air running through the cabin, he knelt down and grabbed the wire and set the lock to 6 meters. Clipping it to the back of his vest, he leaped out of the vehicle and flew down to the rooftop. Within meters, the recoil activated and he bounced against his inertia. Reaching up, he unclipped the wire and descended the rest of the distance, landing in a thud and puff of dust.

Yanking the firelance from his back, he pulled the slide back and released it, activating the flashlight. Turning his arm over, he tapped on the datapad and pinpointed his location. Then he highlighted the portion of the schematics where the cache should be. Spotting a large hole to jump into, he exhaled and took the emergency access door. It was a bit rusted but with no time, he was moving down the stairs.
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Quinn Michaels"]
Enemies: [member="Kira Corsai"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
Gear: Armor, Lightsaber, Zeison Sha Discblades, BTI-WB "Woebringer" Heavy Blaster Pistol

Chevu's discblades sang through the air, headed right for the masked female Sith, but were unceremoniously batted out of the sky with another's thrown weapon. A round disk of unknown origin, flew from the middle of the trees, its wielder hidden in the tangled branches high above. With a clang, her discblades were knocked off course, and did not reach their intended target, instead spinning out sideways. Chevu left them for now, choosing to conserve her energy. They were under a dark side ambush and Coren still might need her help. She planted her hands into the earth and jumped to her feet. That was when the Mirialan felt a light tugging at her torso.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the Chiss apprentice and smiled. He meant well, but she wasn't about to leave Coren's side. Chevu absorbed his pull, letting the energy inside her body, just the way Starchaser taught her. She tossed the Chiss a wink, then using the added power, the Mirialan Knight targeted Coren's attacker, the powerful, shock-happy female. She branched out with a tentacles of a power called Malacia, an attack that, if successful, would wreak havoc on the Sith's digestive system, making the woman feel extremely dizzy, nauseated. If she were hit with the full strength of Chevu's Malacia, she might even faint.
@Folks at Objective 1 and anyone in orbit

Let it never be said that pirates were not a crafty lot.

When the Galactic Alliance came into the system, runners immediately aligned to exit vectors and shot out before anything could be done to them. What, exactly, they were burning out for none could say. Perhaps they were just tucking tail and running, or perhaps they were going to sell off info on the Alliance's movements. Regardless, the orbital pirate presence was less than what might have otherwise been expected.

Of course, pirates were a rather endemic problem in the region with the collapse of the Protectorate. The larger groups were considerably more organized than others, and as often as not came to pick up dirty tricks and nasty surprises. That is what befell the Alliance today as several enemy contacts appeared on sensors. The heart of the enemy fleet was a pair of large, flat freighters. Those in-the-know among trading groups might recognize them as Vanir Technologies' Gundark-class heavy freighter. They were exceptionally well-defended bulk freighters. But their cargo wasn't material goods today. Instead they began to disgorge several dozen Abattoir-class gunships and twice as many more Narra-class interceptors. Some of the fighters looked haggard with smoke trailing from stressed engine ports. Others were pristine save for savage iconography painted onto their hulls. A half dozen assault frigates rounded out the pirate fleet.

Over the open com came a ratty laugh from presumably the man in charge of the pirate fleet. "We don't take too kindly to you nosin' in on our business. Why don't you just drag your sorry selves on home before we decide to collect your scrap from your cold, dead hands." They waited just out of engagement ranges while they waited for a response, but the moment an Alliance ship fired or they began launching fighters as well the pirates would immediately begin engaging. A few of the gunships escorted several dropships down towards the planet, likely to reinforce the beleaguered pirate base.
Location: The Sky
Objective: Intercept Reinforcements
Unit: Unidentified


"All units, new incoming vessels. Looks like it could be pirates headed your way."

Vassara cursed, flipping the L-19 up and over taking an angle straight towards the atmosphere. Incoming wasn’t good for anyone, and she was in a bad position to land and fight. There was nothing else to do on the ground but in the air plenty.

"Captain Raxis, headed to intercept, request backup from Alliance Fighter Squadrons."

They were coming up on the radar now, pings flying in perfect formation. The Freighter wasn't meant for a fight, but then again neither were transports specifically. With a twitch of her thumb the dual laser cannons lit up splitting the sky in streams of green. Criss-crossing beams erupted, flak shells still booming down below her altitude.

"Engaging target!"


Unidentified unit
Pirate base.

The commandos boots slammed the top of the building in the mad fire fight. Each charge was detached and in short order their satchels were placed in a ring. Shaped charges, each designed to blow directly through any manner of obstacles.

"Rally up center point, check loads!"

They all stood in the center, facing out. Captain Rex Carver was in command. The grizzly merc spit a gob of tobacco on the deck and nodded.

"Alright boys, blow this can!"

The explosions ripped through the roof in a chain reaction, each peeling back section of the ring, wrenching steel like a wilting lotus. There was groan and slowly and then with a sudden jolt the roof gave way, the piece they stood on falling straight through. Screams rang out as pirates were crushed to pulp under the saucer like section.

"Open up, clear the room!"
Objective: 1
Location: Looking for booty
Enemies: Pirates, obviously
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="The Revenant"]

[ Pirates that would not be pleased at our trespassing. ]

Micah could not help the broadening of his grin under his helm. "Maybe... maybe not." he gave a shrug of a shoulder, scanning the chamber as he ambled deeper. "I think I might be able to give a persuasive argument for my life."

[ Not if they shoot you first. ]

"But you would miss me, Alex!" he chuckled, just as he heard a noise down the distance. "Well... maybe not so abandoned afterall."

Alex gave a slight hum as she came to hover and bob beside his head. The large cerulean ocular cybernetic zooming in and out as she processed information.

"Let's find out, shall we?" Micah would quip, just as a surge of the Force would shift his armor towards activating stealth mode. It was always best to keep a low profile, better still if no one knew you were there at all!
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Kira Corsai"]
Enemies: [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Quinn Michaels"] | [member="Harmon Taldan"]
Gear: See first post.

Xavka grunted as his senses alerted him to new enemies, two extra, easily outnumbering him and the Sith he now recognised as Lord Sinistra, Kira Corsai. Grunting slightly, his mind sped through as many situations and their consequences as he could managed within less than a second, trying to come up with the best course of action. Sighing he watched as Kira charged at Stormchaser, the weak Lightsider he felt try to pull the Mirialan to him and the other presence exude a minor threat to him. He closed his eyes for a second, acknowledging that his next action would place him in danger, even as the green female bellow pushed herself to her feet.

Surging forwards, Xavka leapt from the cover of the tree line, black cloak hiding all but his face from view as he dropped towards the ground. The hand holding the Chakram he had just thrown lashed out again, sending the disk cutting through the air towards the Mirialan's legs, even as he felt her extend the Force towards his ally.

As soon as the disk left his hand, Xavka's form flickered before disappearing from view. He had cloaked himself in a modified Force Illusion that had aspects of Sorcery tied in, strengthening it, something that he was quite proud of. The Illusion played on the subconscious of the the targets, if they expected to see a tree when he passed in front of it, they would see a tree exactly as it normally would as the Sith Sorcery pulled the image from the subconscious. Normally, such an action would alert Force Sensitives, but, Xavka mix of Force Camouflage and his minor skill with Art of the Small, erased both his own Presence and the Presence of the Illusion. As such, and after a year of testing and perfecting, Xavka had come to the conclusion that only those extremely skilled in the arts of Illusions could detect his subterfuge.

Sprinting across the ground in an alternating course towards the three Force Users before him, his senses alert for signs of attack from the other two, Xavka removed his Wakazashi from his robes, the Force flowing through it before it was even freed from its sheath, a sign of its limited resistance to Lightsabers and Blaster Bolts.

Drawing closer, and targeting the Mirialan with his blade, Xavka copied her actions. Lashing out through the Force in a quick burst of power that, for a single and brief moment gave away his position before he changed course, Xavka implanted a seed of Dark corruption within Starchaser's Force Presence. From there, unless purged, the seed would corrupt the signals of the Lightsider's nervous signal, slowing him slightly and increasing the time taken to react as Force Slow was want to do. However, due to the fact that this was a quick burst and not a steady stream of the ability, the change would be small, but hopefully enough to counter the disadvantage the Mirialan's actions would have given his ally.

A reversed form of Force Slow was constantly flowing through Xavka, increasing his speed and reflexes beyond even Force Valour and Rage could for a practitioner of the arts that would be ranked as average in skill. This was helping Xavka accomplish more than he normally would, though he knew that he could only hold it for a short while before he would have to stop or face damage to his nerves.

Ord Vaug Capital City - CatCo Media Headquarters

"Oy, miss. You're not allowed in there."

Spark whirled around, thin-digits fingering the black-rim of her glasses. "But they told all interns to go to the waiting room, near the servers. I thought..." Converse-clad feet shifted awkwardly as she looked at the mustached-man with wide-blue eyes.

Awkward intern she could do. #duh

"Oh, ahmmm." The barrel-bellied man adjusted his belt gave the blonde a critical up and down gaze. "Very well. You gotta have a security badge. Chuck'll set you up. Three doors down that hall. And get me a caf while you're down there." He smacked his lips, mustache twitching. "You'll be doing that a lot 'round here even with that fancy-smancy degree. Just so y'know."

Spark nodded numbly. "Yes sir." And scurried down the hall to Chuck's office. That mustache dude was named Berry Seedmore and she'd be sure to liquidate his accounts first. After all the Galactic Alliance stuff first. Of course.

#hadtobeprofessional #missionfirst
Objective: 1
Location: Arriving at the prison proper
Enemies: [member="Chevu Visz"] / [member="Coren Starchaser"] / [member="Quinn Michaels"] / [member="Harmon Taldan"]
Allies: The Dark Side and [member="Xavka Duquo"].
Silver and red bladed sabers.
Post: 4/20

Rolling to his right put him in closest proximity to her left ankle, and she was pulled forward by his counter as her full weight wasn't on her left foot at the time. Her stance widened as a prize for his efforts, as she forced to bend her right knee to regain her center of balance. There was a moment of feeling woozy, either from the sudden shift in her position or from an external force such as, oh, a Mirialan trying to use Malacia on her, and she blinked hard inside the HUD as she tried to maintain her attention. Her right knee well and truly hit the ground, but her silver saber passed from a two handed grip to her left hand as it swiped out in a wide flat arc, her arm moving from being fully extended in front of her to slightly downward directly behind her.

It would force the tripper to either get really low or get back as she bit back the urge to put out a hand to steady herself. The sensation was clearing. Was she getting too old for this?

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Nubica nodded her agreement. She left her bad behind and swiftly and yet cautiously hurried from the shadows and planted herself under the tower. Sicking to the inside of the structure and working her way up the far side from the other guards she’d been made aware of, she clambered up silently to wedge herself between the floor joists of the platform above.

She heard the men talking and worked out where they were standing and also which direction they were facing. Picking her moment, she climbed out to peek over the railing. Using the Force she picked the one closest to her and splaying her hand, she connected with him, stunning his senses. He would suffer no lasting effects but would be unconscious for an hour or two.

Before his comrade could react, Nubica repeated the process then quickly slipped over the top of the sentry post flopping to the floor and grabbing the first man — propping him against the rail to appear alert.

She cuffed him and his fellow guard and left them appearing standing and still on watch as she slipped back over the edge, and quickly climbed back down before seeing where Jacen wanted her now.

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

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