Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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And Mandalore will Answer [Mandalorian Invasion of GR Alderaan]

Location: With rescue Group
Enemies - cold and snow
Allies - rescuers
[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Nick Sept"] | and everyone else
I'm on my phone it's difficult to get everyone my apologies


No NO..cause then he and she'd have to..

Without opening her eyes, "home, take me home."

Faith wanted her Tia not the hospital not that she didn't trust them but she had something to guard and she wanted no one to know how badly she was injured. It might frighten some.

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
Location: Aruza's Star (His ship)
Objective: Get the lads home
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Nick Sept"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Enemies: None
((Assuming the 3 are all on my ship, if not, pm me and I'll change it.))

As both the other two rushed towards the ship on their various modes of transport, Reen had to run. Luckily it was downhill, but that still meant that he was later getting to the ship than the others. Once he did get there, he quickly opened the door. Jumping inside, he yelled to the other two.

"Medbay is on the far side, to the right, just before the quarters. Should be enough supplies to keep her comfortable. Might I ask what the two of you call yourselves? Don't like flying with people I don't know."

Whilst speaking, he hopped into the cockpit, and fired up all the systems. Once he'd asked his question, he keyed the transmitter, broadcasting on all available frequencies, which were very few.

"This is Captain Reen Lorgon of the Aruza's Star. I have recovered [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] and the other two rescuers with her. We are making our way to New Aldera now.I'd advise that all other personnel up here find transport back. Don't want to make another trip up here."

With that, he switch the transmitter off, activating the engines, and, after rising high enough, shoots off towards New Aldera.
Location: En route to Palace
Objective: Attend Negotiations
Allies: [member="Fiore de Noir"] | [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] | [member="Alyesa Organa"] | [member="Arianna Organa"] | [member="Claire Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | Mandalorians
Potential Enemies: The Republic
Personal Gear: Unarmed

Amelia leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes and drawing in a deep breath, pressing her bosom up against the fabric of the gown. Her hands smoothed along the fabric to push away the few wrinkles that found their way over the front from her minor movement. As she sat quietly, she listened, her mind focused upon the words that the young woman next to her spoke. A soft smile tugging at the corner of her lips when it was asked as to the important of this world. Slowly her eyes opened, the deep, nearly neon blue hues fell upon Fiore as she turned her head to face the woman.

"This world is nothing, and it is everything."

Returning her view forward, she watched as the palace began to appear in the distance as the speeder slowly made its way towards the structure. Amelia kept her hands upon her gown, clasping them together softly as she took another deep breath. Her memories flooding back before she settled into the seat once more to calm herself. Her mind pulling out images she had not seen in ages, and as she looked out the window, they began to overlap with what now stood defiant upon the world.

"I was here thousands of years ago, when the Sith first struck against the Republic. House Syrush fell to Kiliks, and I remained upon this world, forged in a crucible of blood and sweat."

She paused for a moment as she thought back to the man that had brought her into the Alderaanian House. The one that she called father and later watched as he was torn apart by Kiliks. The anger began to swell within her for a moment before she repressed it, pushing it down as she took another breath. Slowly turning back to Fiore, her small smile shifting into a frown that shown sadness.

"I watched when the Empire destroyed it the first time and it galvanized a group of people to tear down a Tyrant."

Leaning back once more, her eyes slowly closed as she thought upon the answer she had given. Then her voice broke the soft silence once more.

"Alderaan is a symbol. The Republic in ages passed fought to hold it. The Rebellion destroyed an Empire when the world was destroyed. Now the Republic seeks to keep its hold upon the world. The Mandalorians seek to secure it, and the Sith watch closely for any weakness. Alderaan stands at a great many cornerstones. Though I see a day when Alderaan will stand without the Sith, the Republic or Mandalorians."

Amelia took a soft breath as she kept her eyes closed, refocusing her mind upon what was to come. She knew that without a doubt the Queen was holding her own when it came to dealing with whatever pompous jackass the Republic had sent to spew on about its values. In the recent months though those values had been thrown out completely by others that said they worked to protect the Republic. Now a Mandalorian Armada was orbiting the world on behalf of the Royal House Organa.

When the soft, quiet words; almost unheard, were spoken, Amelia's eyes opened. The blue hues falling upon Fiore, watching as she looked down into her lap. A soft smirk crossing the woman's lips. Then the thoughts returned once more on the possibility of keeping her by her side for many more years to come. It was a question she was already asking herself, if she could do it to the girl, turn her into what Amelia was born as. Carefully she chose her words, though it could have just as easily been said that they were thrown together.

"You've already gotten the promotion my dear. You need not comment on my appearance; unless perhaps you've something else on your mind. Though you've already seen more or me than many others have."

Amelia looked to her with a soft, devilish grin before she leaned back slightly. A soft sigh escaping her lips as she decided that now was the best as any to offer what she had thought of doing.

"I have a gift, though it is one that can just as easily be called a curse. Your choice though is what will matter, and it is not a choice that should be taken hastily."

She looked towards the young woman, then back towards the palace that loomed upon the horizon. They were coming to it, and soon she would hear what the Republic was speaking. For now though all that mattered was what would happen between the two in the back of the speeder. Quietly she pressed a button on the door, the partition between the back and the driver slowly coming up before it clicked into place. Privacy was what was needed in that moment.

(2) Senior Knight-Errants
(16) Knight-Errants
(4) M44/Mg Thermite Rifles
Standard Blaster Rifles
Standard Plasteel Armor
Location: On ship
Objective: Keep Faith Alive
Allies: [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Nick Sept"] [member="Reen Lorgon"]

Draco carried Faith in his arms aboard the star ship, and very carefully laid her down in the medbay, looking to equipment to give her a splint for her leg and anything else she might need. "Alor Vereen." His answer to the Nautolan off handed just answering his question while seeing to her wounds. Her whispered words squeaked through cracked and cold lips, her brow sweating from a fever as her body overcompensated from the prolonged cold she had felt, her pupils still restricted to pinpoints, "She needs to go straight to the palace. Punch the throttle and get us there."

He padded he brow and sat beside her, once again funneling his reserves of energy into her. He was not well practiced with Force Healing, and even less with Dark Transfer, two abilities he had study very shortly during his time as an Apprentice in the Obsidian Order and the Silver Sanctum. How far he had come, from Apprentice in the Silver Jedi who didn't want to know light or dark or any dogma, to Sith Lord, and now close to something new, something else.

"Its okay ner runi, I've got you. We're getting you help." He wiped the sweat off her brow with his hand and smiled, leaving the body suit on her. After all, she only had her undergarments on underneath the rest had been wet and ice forming in the fabrics, and thus he had cut them away, leaving them in the crevasse for the mountain to swallow up and take forever. His own trousers had water and snow on them and in them, and would need to be changed later, but he would have people bring him a change of something comfortable to wear later. For now, he had no plans to leave her side for any reason.
Your niece has been found.

Rianna nodded, "take the supplies I laid out and the black case to the palace, wait for me there, Dral, Maeve time to go. Edee come." Rianna was heading to the surface it was time to go home, time to see family, she wished the circumstances could be better.

But she knew she was needed, and now would do.
Location: Throne Room
[member="Jack Sparrow"]

Arianna stood up as her page entered coming to her directly "Excuse the interuption Mam," She leaned close to Arianna and told her that Faith had been found and they were bringing her in.

Arianna nodded, what a relief she thought. She looked to the group, "You will all be glad to know that Faith has been found" She looked at them all, "it would seem that a combined effort has been underway, two members of the Republic, and a number of Mandalorians. Why is it that in this endeavor the two can find equal ground, and yet not over Alderaan or in creating peace."

She stood looking to all their faces. Resources, credits. so many things brought people to conflict. Alderaan was known for peace, why could the two not find a common ground.

"Perhaps Alderaan can be your common ground, our home so close to the Sith border the common enemy shared by the Republic and the Mandalorians. Perhaps Alderaan can be neutral and provide a place for the two to meet and work together."
Objective: Negotiation
Location: Somewhere important, I'm sure
People: [member="Arianna Organa"] | [member="Nick Sept"] | [member="Jack Sparrow"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Gael bar Ammon"]
Post: Thr---wait. This isn't a dominion. Silly me.

Matthew steeled himself once more, for it was time to step up to the plate again. He stood up and, this time, he managed face his body and head directly at her. As long as he stayed still and held his cane for balance, he was able to keep steady. He opened his mouth.

"Your Highness? If you'll please forgive my seeming intrusion, I would like to say that those questions you have asked Chancellor Sparrow are what I've been preparing to answer."

He took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"My own homeworld is Coruscant. So, yes: I, at least, understand how it feels when many others want to watch it burn just to get at the One Sith. I lived under the crush of lost causes until I finally got out. However, I still very much care for my homeworld and the people therein. Someday, I hope to change all of that for the better and I believe that, in time, such change will happen. But, as you wisely pointed out, hopes and dreams do not protect from war ships. In the mean time, we all have to do what we can for the people and governments we live and work for. Traditionally, the best ways to do that are to proceed through informed decisions based on the past. Sadly, that's what's brought us here to this point."

"I understand why cutting off from the Republic seems to make the most logical sense for your world right now, Your Highness. The Republic has proved disappointing as of late. However, I wish to convince you that we are not and will not continue to be that same disappointment."

"With the addition of new leaders and supporters, myself included, we are looking to reform the Republic back towards its original purporse: serving the people. We're moving past Chazwa by rebuilding our capital on Yutan. We are refocusing our expansion protocols to scale back on frequency and only peacefully annex willing planets through diplomacy and aid. Along with that, our military stance is becoming defensively focused. Border patrols will switch over to passive monitoring through recon sats. Our efforts will be focused on securing and establishing proper protection for all the Republic worlds, be them agricultural or industrial."

"Out of all the worlds that made up the Republic, one of the worlds that truly represented the Republic's true, core ideals is Alderaan. Throughout history, you and your people's high capacity for compassion, intellect and diplomacy have greatly helped to provide the cohesive bond that allowed the Republic to hold together and even flourish. As such, if you wish to stay with us, we are happily prepared to make you and your people some offers as a sign of good will and future prosperity."

"To list a couple, we would place Republic troops under your government's control to bolster your planet's security. We would fully fund the installation of a ship yard in your planet's orbit and co-opt the operation of the ship yard with Alderaan. As far as I can tell, this would provide a great source of job opportunity for your people. Of course, these are simply plans we have that we could put into effect if you and your people wish it. It's not indicative of what will happen, should you decide to stay with us, but it's an insight as to how far we really want to go to help you, one of our staunchest and longest running allies. We are completely open to hearing what you would like from us. Thank you, Your Highness."

And that was it. His monologue was over. He bowed once more and slowly sat down. His left hand started shaking from the release of nervous energy after his important speech, so he sat on it. With his right hand, he slid his hand cautiously over the table cloth until he felt his glass of water in his hand. He turned to that girl who had called him "Cutie" (He had forgotten her name in all the excitement) and said to her,

"Water. I need more water, please..."

Arianna Organa said:
"Excuse the interuption Mam,"

Arianna Organa said:
"Perhaps Alderaan can be your common ground, our home so close to the Sith border the common enemy shared by the Republic and the Mandalorians. Perhaps Alderaan can be neutral and provide a place for the two to meet and work together."

There was nothing more that Matthew's mind and body wanted to do than rest and let someone else take the reins on the conversation. However, a quick time event had been triggered. Peace, a chance at peace was achievable between Mandos and the Republic on this contested ground. Although keeping Alderaan was the highest desired outcome, working with them as a friendly ally worked just as well and it meant that the Mandos didn't gain as much as they'd hoped for. If they showed approval for the idea of neutrality first, it might or might not force the Mandos to look reluctant. He stood back up.

"It gladdens my heart to hear that Faith is alive. I do hope that she will gain a full recovery soon. If the Mandos would agree to such a proposition and you, Your Highness, ultimately believe this to be the right way to go, then the Republic would happily consider honoring a new state of neutrality for Alderaan. Thank you, Your Highness."

He bowed and sat back down.

Nick Sept

Worst Ghost in the Galaxy
Location: A ship full of friends.
Objective: Get [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] home in one piece
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Nick simply nodded and loaded his bike onto the ship for now. "Aye, lets get you to the med-bay, double check you're alright. Then, the palace." His eyes switched form green to their normal red. Bio-scans had been pretty basic, he was hardly a medical mastermind. She had cracked his skull, but the Bacta was taking. Seemed like no major brain damage.

He politely bowed to the Nautolan. "Nick Sept, here on behalf of the people of Cartao. Well, here on behalf of my injured colleague, currently. Thank you for the medical bay and the ship's services. Rest assured, any expenses will be compensated by the senate discretioanry fund you were likely getting paid to do transport work from. If the invoice doesn't take, I'll handle it out of pocket."

The medical bay was fairly basic, and nothing fancy. Still, it would suffice. "Get her on a bed. I'm going to run a preliminary scan. AS far as I can tell, the major damage is fractured bones, but we should still do a once over with sonic sensors. This level of blunt trauma could have resulted in hemorrhaging," he said flatly. "Sorry, I don't mean to give orders, but, well, field medic mode," he siad, putting a hand behind his hand and trying not laugh. Honestly, they'd been lucky they got to her so damn soon. Another hour, and hypothermia would've likely done its work. Still, Faith was tougher than she often looked.

His voice was soft, unlike his usual drill sergeant tone. "Relax, Faith. You're safe now. Time to rest, and and Vareen will take care of you. I'm your friend, and he loves you. We'll help," he said calmly.

--Meanwhile, at Castle Greysk-, errr, the Royal Palace of House Organa--

Location: The Palace
Present: Yuri The Joker and the Poet Taizen Seft
Also present, but not written by me: [member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Matthew Rei"] [member="Arianna Organa"] [member="Isley Verd"] and I've honestly lsot track of who else to tag in this part, sorry.
Objective: Make a point.

Yuri smiled. "That's Nick for you. Always good at finding folks in trouble," she said with a nod.

Taizen smiled weakly, but simply kept transcribing. He seemed to stop for a brief moment when Lasedri's failed coup was mentioned. He had every reason to be tense there. Garter, Lasedri, and the whole lot of them made himself and countless other clones as nothing but expendable munitions, lives to be consumed. Atonement for sins. Neutrality. That was an interesting word. Neutral. Atonement and neutrality. He stood up. He stopped writing. "I apologize for speaking out of turn, but, I wish to address the throne, as it produced a question to which I must offer an answer."

He took a deep sigh, giving any the opportunity to stop him, but not much. Yuri raised one eyebrow, wondering what the soft-spoken man woudl say--would he cite some old Aderaanian history? Would he speak his usual philosophy on warrior-poets and the pursuit of enlightenment in balance with martial purity? Or maybe some long-winded diatribe on the responsibility of a leader to both her nation and the nature of man? She raised both of them as Taizen, inexplicably removed his shirt in front of the queen, now topless--he had a doctorate in classic literature, and his solution to a delicate diplomatic matter was stripping?!?! "Poet, what in the--"

"--enough, Yuri. Let me speak." He turned, facing his back to the queen, rolling his shoulders to better catch the light. "Examine me carefully, Queen Arianna. Each Scar. All of them. Of greatest importance, a single long gash of an incision along my spine, from beneath my shoulder blades to the base of my skull. That scar is not from war, nor torture. That scar, it was given to me on Cartao. A chip was placed, in my brain, to robe me of free will. To make me a puppet. As it was in millions of other clones. An entire army, " he said, "dedicated to nothing more than a sacrifice play by our creators. Garter and Lasedri. You ask what has been done to atone. My people," he said, his voice more stern than its usual bookish tone, "wear the sins as scars. You demand penance for the sins of the Republic, and ask what assures you they have changed. I assure you, as one man who wears these sins, the Republic must, and will atone." He sighed, slowly putting his shirt back on. "The people of Cartao will build a better Republic, and fallen Clones like myself will proudly stand alongside it. I wouldn't have stayed if this current leadership was the same that could scar my spine a second time. The role you wish to play in that effort is your decision, but the clones stand by the Republic, and we will both gain our rights and earn our claim to justice while doing it." He walked back to his datapad and smiled. "Oh, thank goodness, the dictation mode picked all of that up," he muttered more casually, tapping away. He'd shut up now. Hopefully, he'd given an answer the Senator would have approved of. More hopefully, his...unorthodox delivery would impress the severity of his trust--of his earnest desire for the Republic to become better--upon her. Either way, It'd make a hell of a drinking story.

Yuri simply nodded curtly. "As one of the senior staffers for Senator Sept, Taizen is indeed speaking for all of us in that respect. We wouldn't have stayed if we didn't believe we could make a better Republic than the one that made us. Whether or not you share that hope," she said dryly, "It's the truth. However, I am keeping my shirt on. It's too cold for that approach," she said with a slight smile. Always a joke, hence the name Laughingstock. Well, that and the giggling whenever she pulled off a good demolitions placement.
Location: Throne Room
Objective: Continuing Negotiations
Allies: The Republic
Potential Enemies: Unknown

"That was excellently done, Mr. Rei," said Jack with a nod. He turned his attention back to the queen. "All of that," he said, waiving a hand at [member="Matthew Rei"]. "Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, the Republic has seen fit to elect me as it's Supreme Chancellor. A move that, I'm sure you'll admit, expresses just how far the Republic is willing to go to effect a change. And, as I and others have elucidated, change I've brought, and not in a bad way. But, your majesty, change can't happen without something to actually be altered. If worlds secede, or allow themselves to be taken over, then yes, the Republic will inch toward its own inevitable death. And that would be a shame. I like the Republic. I like Kashyyyk. I like Alderaan. I like all the worlds in the Republic. I don't want to lose a-one of 'em.

"So perhaps," he asked politely, steepling his fingers, "you can tell me, Highness. What can we do to make you want to stay?"

[member="Arianna Organa"]

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
Location: His ship
Objective: Don't crash
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Nick Sept"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

Reen made a mental note of their names, before switching to the ship's intercom.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Reen Lorgon, and I'll be your captain this evening... and don't worry about pay, take this job as a sample of what I can do. As for heading to the palace, that was my plan. I'll stay with you lot as long as I can, just to see this through."

Deactivating the intercom, he now focused on flying the ship through falling snow and gale force winds. Not an easy task, but Reen was quite a good pilot. Then he remembered his droid, left on the landing pad by itself. Quickly turning on his holocommunicator, he patched into the droid's frequency.

"Gree, its Reen. I need you to meet me at these coordinates, seen you soon buddy."
The Republic had quite a bit of fight in them.

Isley was perceptive enough to see that much. While that "fight" did not equate to the militant power necessary to defeat the One Sith, it did mean that they were very good at surviving. For years, the Republic had been rent asunder by the Darkness; yet they refused to die. Despite the corporate world turning their backs, despite secessions, despite tensions with the Clans, they were determined to survive. The Mandalorian, frankly, respected their will to live...but that did not translate into being blinded by honied words. It was good to cling to ideals. Hell, the United Clans gripped the Resol'nare like it was a lifeline. But in the context of Alderaan, painting a pretty picture was not going to protect them from the One Sith.

Staying with the Republic would not either.

So, as the blind one spoke, Isley listened. He steepled his fingers and attempted to see through the honey. Peacefully annex? Of course they would. They didn't have the bark nor bite to conquer these days. Defensive emphasis? Smart, considering how Hell itself was literally on their doorstep. A...Shipyard? Oh, this was rich. Using Alderaan in order to cover a gaping weakness. Isley had observed what had transpired on Carida. As retaliation for the Sin of Roche, the complex responsible for arming the ailing nation with vessels had been literally pilfered. And now, under the guise of benevolence, the Republic was going to use Alderaan to remedy the problem.

Isley held his tongue. He continued to listen, both to the comms and the politicians. A dramatic display was made by one of the delegation: scars shown to the Queen. Isley had scars too, some that would match the ongoing "vibe" the delegation was working toward. And then, the Supreme Chancellor spoke. A cherry on top. The good news was, Faith was confirmed to be alive. That was good. The Queen would no doubt be relieved...and that meant clarity. That meant that she could look at the delegation's honied words for what they were, free of worrying over her child's fate. She could, at least, rest easy on one subject today.

The Mandalorian rose again, bowing to the Queen. Upon standing straight, he removed his helmet, revealing a smile to her Grace.

"I am so glad to hear that Faith is safe. That is excellent news!" he said. Isley took a moment to set his buy'ce down before saying: "A rebuttal, if I may your grace."

He then faced the delegation. The smile was gone.

Long gone.

"I commend your efforts to return to the old ways. The Republic that crushed the Empire held ideals that were lost; and perhaps a return will give you the strength to rise anew."

"However. My concern today is Alderaan. Purely, Alderaan."

"To begin, oblige me with a look at history. While I was but a boy, the Republic emerged from the Darkness. Alderaan was among the first of its members and was responsible for creating the first generation, Republic Fleet. I know this because a former Senator and son of the first Supreme Commander of the modern era, Ned Rostu informed me of thus."
Ah, the perks of having politicians on the payroll. "I mention light of Carida. I heard reports of the fate of that shipyard. Combine this with the Corporate World turning its back on the Republic...and we have a very interesting picture. While I am not a god, and thereby cannot attest to your intentions, I can simply say that my duty here is to protect Alderaan. That is why my people are standing here today. I do believe that, as part of that duty, I am within my bounds to speak against what I interpret as a potential threat, no?"

"From where I am sitting, to put a shipyard over Alderaan is to use the world and its people, yet again. Her Majesty has expressed concerns over history repeating itself: over this world being seen as a resource. And so the offer is made to do just that? I see the exploitation of the Royal Engineers from this, not a mutually beneficial venture. I see an attempt to remedy Carida and the withdrawal of corporate support, not an olive branch towards Alderaan."

He paused, placing his hands upon the table.

"And the issue of defense was skirted. Was her Majesty assured that, if Alderaan stayed with the Republic, that it would be protected from the One Sith? No. Was she promised an adequate defense from the threat that has rent the Republic asunder? No."

"It is not my attempt to come off as aggressive here, ladies and gentlemen, but there are so many lives that hang in the balance. It is my opinion that a return to the Republic would leave Alderaan vulnerable. Just like Coruscant and all the other dominos the One Sith have toppled. We, the United Clans, have been at war with their kind since the Sith Empire. Our people excel at facing the threat that is only a stone's throw from these hallowed halls."

He placed his attention upon the clone.

"Change in mindset is good. But it will not protect Alderaan. If the One Sith moved tomorrow, history would argue that the Republic would not be strong enough to defend it."

And to the Queen.

"Your grace, I simply ask that you consider that which we have promised. Through our might, your world will be secure. Your people, your House, your children, will be able to rest easy knowing that we will lay down our lives to protect them. You all could take heart in knowing that we would protect them, thoroughly, from the Darkness at your doorstep."

"Through Alderaan's sovereignty, prosperity will come to this world. The Corporations will gladly bring their business to a world that is not apart of the nation that spurned them. And the Clans have businesses within its borders, all of whom would gladly bring wealth to your people."

"Furthermore, the choice to take that which we have offered Dathomir could potentially be the first step towards that cooperation you spoke of. As your world would be sovereign, and truly secure, you could freely choose to facilitate communication between the Republic and the Clans. If you so chose to institute Embassies and other bridges between our worlds, you would be absolutely free to do so. We would never infringe upon your right to lead Alderaan as you so chose. We would never rob Alderaan of her freedom, nor would we ever exploit her."

"We will simply protect her; protect you, your family, and your people."

Having said his piece, the Mandalorian bowed once more and returned to his seat. Admittedly, his boot had slammed a little harder onto the ground...those eggshells would be in trouble.

[member="Arianna Organa"], [member="Matthew Rei"], [member="Jack Sparrow"], [member="Nick Sept"]
Location: Throne Room
Objective: Negotiation

"Eloquent words from both sides most definitely." Arianna rose up she thought better when she moved, or at least she felt she did.

"Alderaan has always been a world that has sought peace, arts, an equilibrium between nature and technology it is my intent to continue this tradition." She sighed gently, "If I must use military strength to ensure peace so be it."

She took a few steps looking upon each of their faces, nodding to Isley for removing his helmet to reveal his to her.

"It is a generous offer the Republic has outlined here. A shipyard, and troops all funded and paid for by the Republic. Any world would be honored to have such an offer."

She just wasn't sure what to say about [member="Nick Sept"]'s representative and his public display of...of umm, nudity? Sure why not nudity. "I can appreciate the visual provided by Taizen and his words."

Arianna took a breath, "My daughter [member="Alyesa Organa"] is a ship builder, she has owned a company that builds ships, and if I wanted to put a target on Alderaan I would put a shipyard in the space above her. As pointed out the One Sith are just across the border, right over there . If the Sith were not right there, I would do many things. I will admit to a fear that in restoring Alderaan, the Sith would once again look to invade. A space station would be just the thing encourage them to do so."

Arianna tried to smile, " @Martin Rei , Supreme Chancellor [member="Jack Sparrow"] , do you see my concern?" Arianna looked at the Field Marshall [member="Isley Verd"] , "Field Marshall you make some very valid points."

She shook her head, "I am conflicted I must admit. Perhaps not something I should do. Alderaan must maintain sovereign which both of you offer, The Republic is on a path of change I want to believe this, the Mandalorians are a force to be reckoned with and offer a sense of peace, however, a mandalorian presence on Alderaan may also invite the One Sith to come."

Arianna realized it was an offer that required consideration. "I invite all of you to enjoy a cask of Alderaan wine, while I consider all that has been said. Give me an hour and I will give my decision."

Arianna smiled.

Location: Apalis Coast
Allies: Witches | Mandos | Captain Larraq
Enemies: Captain Larraq
Gear: In sig.
Bounty Active : Review notes here

Some say the Outworlder took to the skies.

Others say he hides among the wilds of other worlds.

For Kytarra, it mattered not. Hunting parties would brave departing from Dathomir. Courage enhanced by the blessing of the Shaman. Each had been given a Totem for their quest, containing a spirit of the familiar that would aide them.

Bright Sun clan, a normally isolationist tribe even joined in the hunt. Word had it that the Clan Mother [member="Inara Ka"], would come to visit Kytarra personally. Perhaps the change that would sweep across Dathomir would finally stir life to the clans.

Perhaps by Allya's grace their days of glory would rise again.

Inara Ka


Kytarra would not wait long.

Inara Ka was a stoic, statuesque woman. Raven hair would fall to her waist, decorated with beads and bone. Her eyes were dark orbs lined with thick lashes, kohl from the ash of the Nerise tree smeared across her eyes. A proud warrior, she had excelled in her youth as a tracker and as a warrior.

Unlike the other clans, Bright Sun had long since been isolationist. In that regard, they preferred to keep to their own. Here men were treated equally, and could potentially lead with the Clan Mother as an elder. Those slaves captured by raids were merely for labor.

When the call came, Inara had already known there was a change in the air. They could not remain isolated for much longer. Much was at stake.

So when she came to the Shaman of Singing Mountain, it was with terse words and a stoic gaze; but with a willingness to lend the best trackers within Bright Sun Clan, both male and female, for the quest.
Location: Alderaan, Throne Room
Allies: Galactic Republic - [member="Jack Sparrow"], [member="Nick Sept"], [member="Matthew Rei"]
Neutral: [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Arianna Organa"]
Enemies: None
Gear/Vehicle/Ship: Nothing of note

Interesting developments indeed. [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] had been recovered as a direct result of Republic-Mandalorian cooperation. As sour of a start as he had with the queen, he agreed wholeheartedly with her words. If the two clashing factions could work together to produce such an effective result in recovering the missing senator, imagine what could flower as the result of further cooperation on a larger scale.

It seemed all that had been said, had been. Gael had one more word he wanted to interject before dispersing.

Slightly rising out of his chair with a raised hand, he spoke up quickly and courteously. "Your majesty, if I may." He sat back down.

"You said that your daughter's recovery is because of Republic and Mandalorian cooperation. If we can work together on that, how can we work together on Alderaan?" With a slight chuckle, he continued. "Your majesty, I think you just offered the best possible solution and it almost flew right over our heads. The Republic offers jobs, defense, et cetera. The Clans offer brotherhood as well as a formidable ally. Let us not dwell on what we can offer only Alderaan, but we can all offer each other."

Looking over to the Mandalorian side of the table, the faces he almost couldn't read. He knew he wasn't on the best of terms with them, but no matter the what they thought of each other, they were all Mandalorian and that made them vode. "I know not of the Clans ambitions with the Republic. I do know the Republic has been looking to repair relations with the Clans and this is the absolute best opportunity to do so. The One Sith has been brought up before. Are they not a mutual enemy of ours and is Alderaan not a mutual ally of ours? So what I propose is this."

With a deep breath, he continued. "Alderaan remains a member of the Republic. This allows Alderaan to have a direct influence on the course of future Republic activity and allows the Republic to allocate Republic resources to Alderaan and her endeavors. The Republic and Clans have had a bit of a rocky relationship as of late. The Republic will not contest Mandalorian control of Roche and we will continue with the trial of Ali Hadrix - the result WILL NOT have any outcome on our future relations, let us agree on that now. Furthermore, all parties agreeing, we'll create the first Republic-Mandalorian joint military base on Alderaan. Individually, we are but one drop. But together...together, we are an ocean. Let Alderaan not be what tears us apart, but what brings us together."

He looked to the Supreme Chancellor to see whether the Republic would agree to his terms, and then to the Mandalorian half to see their reaction to his plan, then to the queen for hers. The Republic offered resources. The Clans offered brotherhood. Alderaan offered peace. It was just up to all parties to agree to it.
Location: Throne Room
Objective: Continuing Negotiations
Allies: The Republic
Potential Enemies: Unknown

"Alderaan as a cornerstone for peace between the Republic and the Mandalorians?" he mused aloud. "Well. That could be...historic." He smiled and looked to [member="Arianna Organa"]. "I like it," he said plainly.

[member="Gael bar Ammon"]
[member="Gael bar Ammon"], [member="Arianna Organa"], [member="Jack Sparrow"], [member="Matthew Rei"]

The Queen had spoken.

An hour to decide.

To this decision, Isley rendered a low nod of acknowledgment. He had resolved not to continue to speak on the matter until her mind was made up, even when Gael rose. But then that man said something...something that caused a heat to erupt within the Mandalorian's stomach.

"What we...can offer each other..." he breathed, repeating the words in an even tone. "As I stated before, the concern of the Clans this day is Alderaan. The purpose of my being here, right now, is Alderaan." At this point, Isley had rose from his seat. His palms were again flat upon the table.

"But I will say this much, brother...The Enemy of my Enemy is simply a foe's adversary. Never once in the modern history of our nations has the Republic came to the aid of the Clans. Even at the apex of its power, when the Sith literally attempted to raze Mandalore to the ground, not a single soldier was offered. Every battle that we have fought against the Sith has been alone."

"Yet when it benefits the Republic, suddenly the offer appears. When the One Sith are knocking at your door, the possibility of Mandalorian bodies being thrown at the defense of your worlds becomes a suggestion during talks of Alderaan's future."

He paused, exhaling. There was more he wanted to say...more he wanted to yell, but this wasn't the time. Nor the place.

"You will not exploit these negotiations. You paint a beautiful picture of peace and cooperation, but at the end of the day, this is about getting the biggest profit for the Republic. You suggest wholesale peace with the Clans, even an alliance of sorts even. That benefits the Republic by miles! A literal army of support, of warriors capable of actually standing a chance against the One Sith, at your disposal. And on top of that, should Alderaan stay a member, you get the Royal Engineers too! Profit galore for the Republic."

"But Alderaan? But the Clans? What benefit is there for us, really?"

"If remaining in the Republic provided Alderaan with any real sway over its decisions, then we wouldn't be standing here today. If her majesty truly felt that her voice was being heard and that her world was not being exploited, the secession would not have occurred. Staying apart of the Republic will not fix that problem. All that you suggested will not fix that problem. This is a justifiable issue of trust, Gael."

"The Republic can shuffle its roster and change its public face, but does that mean that it's truly different? Does that mean that Alderaan should ignore history, very recent history, and remain apart of a community that only seeks to benefit from her? Thus far, the suggestions of the delegation have only been 'stay with us so we can benefit.' A Shipyard brings the Royal Engineers. Your suggestion brings my people to the front lines of your war. Republic benefit all around, yet none truly, for Alderaan. And certainly none for the Clans."

"As for the Trial, I agree to nothing. The Council has agreed to maintain the ceasefire should the Republic keep their side of Ember's demands. Thus far, you have done so commendably. However, it is not my place to speak for the whole of my people once the outcome is decided."

Isley then lowered himself to the seat and exhaled.

Alderaan offered peace and neutral ground. The Mandalorians offered to protect Alderaan and a new beginning.

The Republic offered exploitation.
Location: Alderaan, Throne Room
Allies: Galactic Republic - [member="Jack Sparrow"], [member="Nick Sept"], [member="Matthew Rei"]
Neutral: [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Arianna Organa"]
Enemies: None
Gear/Vehicle/Ship: Nothing of note

Gael was disheartened to hear such fierce resistance right out of the gates. Isley wasn't wrong though, it did appear terribly convenient for the Republic to make this offer.

"Is that the argument you want to make?", Gael asked assertively as he rose. "The Republic gets the better end of the deal? Really? There is absolutely no good reason not to cooperate. The One Sith are on both of our doorsteps. Can the Clans truly afford to stand alone against a growing One Sith army? Can Alderaan? Do you really care to take that chance?"

He breathed in before he spoke again, a fire burning in his belly. "You say Alderaan is your only interest here. Alderaan is a planet of peace, the arts, culture, no? What you desire robs it of that identity! Alderaan, the planet of a Mandalorian military occupation, sounds appealing, doesn't it?", he said with a raised voice, glancing at the queen. He was sure the idea of a prolonged military occupation was one that absolutely thrilled her.

He calmed himself and allowed his voice to revert to a normal tone. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't an opportunist. But I'm also a pragmatist. We, collectively, stand to gain the most by working together. You would shun an opportunity that would benefit Alderaan and the Clans out of pride? Because the Republic stands to gain a little more than you?" Gael's tone diminished into one of warning. "If you would rather see Mandalorian and Alderaanian blood spilled because you turned away a fruitful relationship, so be it. That blood is on your hands."

Turning to a different approach, he weighed the scales out loud.

"On one hand, we have a Republic-Mandalorian peace, brokered on and in the mutual interest of Alderaan. All of us, the Republic, the Clans, Alderaan, stand the best chance against the One Sith together. This relationship can and should extend beyond Alderaan. On the other hand, we have a neutral in theory Alderaan occupied by a Mandalorian military force standing alone between the largest threat the galaxy has known and an shunned former ally. Why should the Republic lift a finger to help a system that had shunned them to turn to the Clans, the Republic's biggest clear and present threat? Would you really make the Republic wait until the One Sith take action against Alderaan to give them a chance to prove themselves? I'm not asking you to forget the Republics mistakes, nor am I asking you to forgive them. I'm asking you to set them aside so we can work together to better protect Alderaan and make it the world we both know it to be."

He was acting on good faith here. He didn't want to paint the image of the Republic working against the Clans and Alderaan, exploiting any conflict generated by the One Sith. Isley said it himself, 'the enemy of my enemy is just my foe's adversary'. It didn't have to be that way, but he could have proved him right just the same.

He turned to face the queen. "Just imagine, your majesty. A Republic-Mandalorian peace, brokered on your planet. History, on your planet, you're responsible for. Alderaan singlehandedly repaired relations between two bitter rivals and in the process gained one of the most formidable defenses against the One Sith the galaxy has ever seen. What will the painting in the museum say of this table surrounded by us with you at the helm? Will it tell us of the historic and seemingly impossible alliance forged between two conflicting factions? Or will it tell us of the day Alderaan expelled the Republic from it in order to protect it's people?"

He sat back down. "When the Clans call, the Republic shall answer. When Alderaan calls, the Republic and Clans stand fast, stand strong, and stand together. You heard from the Chancellor himself, we're in."
Mando'a = Yellow

The Mandalorian listened as Gael said his piece. As the words flew from his mouth, Isley simply shook his head.

"How lost you've become, my brother." he began, rising.

"The answer: Yes. The United Clans can stand against the One Sith. When our capital was invaded by their ilk, we successfully repelled them. Can the Republic say the same?"

"Again. Yes. Alderaan is indeed a planet of peace. Our arrangement is one that you should be well aware of. If Alderaan chooses to maintain its secession, it will be sovereign. It will be free. The Mandalorian presence of the present was asked here by the Royal Family. The arrangement would be the same as Dathomir: no military occupation, no exploitation. Freedom. True Freedom."

"I'm not surprised to hear that a member of the delegation is an opportunist. Actually, I'm confident that label would fit many in your midst. You say that refusing to stand with the Republic against the One Sith is a foolish act...but given the course of the war, I'd say it's a smart one. The Clans have made an art of combating Sith. The Republic has done the same with being defeated by Sith and driving away all support."

"The bottom line is, the United Clans do not the help of the Republic in facing the One Sith. If Alderaan chooses to maintain its secession, then it will need not worry about the threat either. Do you think the Clans have sat idly by and watched your war? No. We have been preparing for the inevitable clash for years now. Since the fall of Coruscant, our people have been preparing for the storm that will come."

"And when it does, we will prevail. Just as we did when the Sith Empire tried to burn our home to the ground."

With that said, Isley sat down. He eyed Gael...and shook his head.

"You say you are my brother, but truly you have lost your soul."

[member="Gael bar Ammon"], [member="Arianna Organa"], [member="Jack Sparrow"], [member="Nick Sept"]
Jack Sparrow, Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, shrugged. "So it comes down to that. [member="Isley Verd"] has made it clear: enemies lurk behind every door, and only the Mandalorians are strong enough to battle them." Jack shrugged a second time. "As for the Republic, we too have armies, and manufacturing, and medicine and art. And flaws. And are trying to atone for our shortcomings. I choose not to beat the drums of war. More of a concertina man myself." Jack moved his hand in a cross between and wave and a salute as he smiled and addressed the queen. "Majesty, rumors swirl, as rumors will, that Alderaan had already made its mind up and that there was likely nothing that I could do to change her mind, but here I am regardless. We are not the Mandalorians. We can't be. We haven't the history. Or the armor. Those, you know, t-shaped visors and the rocket packs." He made gestures with his hands. "Stylish.

"I asked you directly what the Republic can do to make you stay. You've chosen not to reply, and that's within your right. Likely it's because you've already decided. It's not that it's not important, it's only that it's the most important moment of my chancellorship thusfar. So let's all enjoy each other's company and sit on tenter hooks awaiting your decision and the return of your daughter, eh? Regardless of the outcome though, I believe she owes me a dance."

[member="Gael bar Ammon"] | [member="Arianna Organa"] | [member="Nick Sept"] | [member="Matthew Rei"]

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